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The common notion that the septa in the carnivoran auditory bulla are formed by the growth of bone edges inwards the bullar cavity is a mistaken assumption based on the data of the late 19th century. Intrabullar partitions are in fact a result of the differential resorption of the bulla internal surface during the growth of the external surface. A septum develops at the boundary between local, relatively independent, ‘inflations’ of the bulla wall. This explanation, given by Van Kampen in 1905 for the case of the Canidae and some Mustelidae, can be applied to the whole order, including the aeluroid families with their ‘bilaminar’ septum bullae. Such an approach seems to solve the problem of homology of the intrabullar septa throughout the Carnivora, a question which has long been confused because of insufficient knowledge of septum morphogenesis. The partitions can really be considered as indicators of independent attempts to increase the size of a middle‐ear cavity among the infraorders. This conclusion follows immediately from the difference between major carnivoran taxa in the arrangement of separate inflations on the bulla wall, which can be considered as additional sinuses enlarging the hypotympanic space. It is precisely this difference that conditions the relative contribution of several bones (mainly of the ectotympanic and caudal entotympanic) to the intrabullar septa. Thus, the initial topographies of the above sinuses – whichever subsequent bone modelling of septa occurs – represent unique patterns useful in the higher‐level systematics of the Carnivora.  相似文献   

S Tyler 《Tissue & cell》1979,11(3):385-400
A comparative study of epidermal cilia in the Turbellaria and Nemertea has revealed features in these organelles that are specific to certain taxonomic groups. Turbellarians of the order Acoela, in particular, have a characteristic pattern of axonemal filament termination in the distal tips of their cilia and a characteristic ciliary rootlet system that is not seen in other turbellarian orders nor in other metazoans. Each epidermal cilium in acoels has a typical 9 + 2 axonemal pattern through the main part of its length, but near its distal tip there is an abrupt shelf-life narrowing at which filaments 4-7 terminate; filaments 1, 2, 8 and 9 continue into the thinner distal-most part of the shaft along with singlet microtubules from the axonemal center. The rootlet system in acoel cilia involves an interconnecting pattern with lateral connectives. The unique structure of these cilia has systematic and phylogenetic significance for the Acoela, and it is argued that ultrastructural characters in general, including characters of organelles, can be validly applied to the phylogeny and systematics of the Metazoa.  相似文献   

Nine muscles were found in the genital complex of Megalopygidae: the paired m1, m2(10), m4, m5(7), m6(5), m7(6), the unpaired m20, m21, and the phallobase muscles. This arrangement corresponds to the ground plan of Zygaenoidea with some reductions. The archaic muscles of the “musculi phallici internus” system, located inside the phallotheca and aedeagus, were revealed for the first time in representatives of the entire superfamily Zygaenoidea. We suggest that the traditional interpretation of m21 as the inner longitudinal muscle of the aedeagus should be preserved, while the inner muscles of the phallotheca should be designated as musculi phallobasi interni m36. Division of the family into two subfamilies, Megalopyginae and the more archaic Trosiinae, is supported by our results, and the homology of the modified appendages of the tergal complex and vinculum is refined. A list of autapomorphies of the family is given.  相似文献   

Brown MW  Silberman JD  Spiegel FW 《Protist》2011,162(2):277-287
Copromyxa protea is a dung-inhabiting amoeboid organism that aggregates to form simple macroscopic fruiting structures, sorocarps, which are composed of a single cell type. In a recent effort to find the phylogenetic positions of the less well-known sorocarpic protists considered to be "cellular slime molds," or aggregatively fruiting amoebae, we isolated C. protea and sequenced the nuclear-encoded small subunit ribosomal RNA gene from four samples collected from cattle farms in the central USA. Phylogenetic analyses of these data place C. protea in the eukaryotic supergroup Amoebozoa together with the Tubulinea, in which there has been no previous report of an aggregative fruiting habit. This is consistent with the morphology of the trophozoites. In fact, Copromyxa protea is found to be very closely related to Hartmannella cantabrigiensis and to a since lost amoeba isolate, Hartmannella sp. 4/3Da/10. This new grouping of Copromyxa+H. cantabrigiensis is sister to Glaeseria, which together are sister to the Amoebidae (Amoeba+Chaos). We suggest renaming, H. cantabrigiensis as C. cantabrigiensis and designate isolate 4/3Da/10 as C. protea. Future work is needed to see if these newly assigned members of the genus Copromyxa also show evidence of an ability to fruit.  相似文献   

Relationships among microarthropods,fungi, and their environment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Temporal and spatial relationships in a maple-forest soil among mycophagous microarthropods, total hyphal length, vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus spores, microfungus diversity, root biomass and some abiotic variables (temperature, water content, pH, organic matter content) were investigated. Samples were obtained from spring 1991 to winter 1992 at four soil depths. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to analyze the data. Four species of sporulating VAM fungi were identified, along with 23 species of mites and springtails, 9 of which were common. Hyphal length, VAM fungus spores, and soil animals peaked in spring and autumn. Canonical correspondence analysis suggests that animal abundance and success in the soil is dependent on a number of environmental variables. The most important variables that influence microarthropod community structure are: (i) temperature, (ii) water content, (iii) pH, (iv) total length of fungal hyphae, and (v) diversity of darkly-pigmented fungi. However, the relative importance of these variables changes with increasing soil depth. We have also shown a relationship between arthropod populations and their food supply under field conditions, a phenomenon that has been demonstrated previously under controlled laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Rejecting "the given" in systematics   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
How morphology and systematics come together through morphological analysis, homology hypotheses and phylogenetic analysis is a topic of continuing debate. Some contemporary approaches reject biological evaluation of morphological characters and fall back on an atheoretical and putatively objective (but, in fact, phenetic) approach that defers to the test of congruence for homology assessment. We note persistent trends toward an uncritical empiricism (where evidence is believed to be immediately “given” in putatively theory‐free observation) and instrumentalism (where hypotheses of primary homology become mere instruments with little or no empirical foundation for choosing among competing phylogenetic hypotheses). We suggest that this situation is partly a consequence of the fact that the test of congruence and the related concept of total evidence have been inappropriately tied to a Popperian philosophy in modern systematics. Total evidence is a classical principle of inductive inference and does not imply a deductive test of homology. The test of congruence by itself is based philosophically on a coherence theory of truth (coherentism in epistemology), which is unconcerned with empirical foundation. We therefore argue that coherence of character statements (congruence of characters) is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition to support or refute hypotheses of homology or phylogenetic relationship. There should be at least some causal grounding for homology hypotheses beyond mere congruence. Such causal grounding may be achieved, for example, through empirical investigations of comparative anatomy, developmental biology, functional morphology and secondary structure. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the nine major autotrophic stramenopile taxa were inferred in a combined analysis of the rbcL, SSU rDNA, partial LSU rRNA, carotenoid, and ultrastructural data sets. The structure of the shortest combined tree is: (Outgroup, ((((Bacillariophyceae, (Pelagophyceae, Dictyochophyceae)),((Phaeophyceae, Xanthophyceae), Raphidophyceae)), Eustigmatophyceae),(Chrysophyceae, Synurophyceae))). The Synurophyceae/Chrysophyceae is the best supported group followed by the Phaeophyceae/Xanthophyceae and the Pelagophyceae/Dictyochophyceae clades. The monophyletic groups composed of Bacillariophyceae/Pelagophyceae/Dictyochophyceae and Phaeophyceae/Xanthophyceae/Raphidophyceae received the lowest Bremer support values. The optimal combined tree suggests that the diatom frustule is derived from the siliceous "skeleton" in Dictyochophyceae, that the reduced flagellar apparatus arose once in the Bacillariophyceae/Dictyochophyceae/Pelagophyceae clade, and that the specific photoreceptor-eyespot apparatus in Chrysophyceae and the Phaeophyceae/Xantophyceae clade originated independently within the autotrophic stramenopiles. Despite conflicts in tree structure between the most-parsimonious combined phylogeny and the optimal tree(s) of each data partition, it cannot be concluded that extensive incongruence exists between the data sets.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies based on different types and treatment of data provide substantially conflicting hypotheses of relationships among seed plants. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of sequences of two highly conserved chloroplast genes, psaA and psbB, for a comprehensive taxonomic sample of seed plants and land plants. Parsimony analyses of two different codon position partitions resulted in well-supported, but significantly conflicting, phylogenetic trees. First and second codon positions place angiosperms and gymnosperms as sister clades and Gnetales as sister to Pinaceae. Third positions place Gnetales as sister to all other seed plants. Maximum likelihood trees for the two partitions are also in conflict. Relationships among the main seed plant clades according to first and second positions are similar to those found in parsimony analysis for the same data, but the third position maximum likelihood tree is substantially different from the corresponding parsimony tree, although it agrees partially with the first and second position trees in placing Gnetales as the sister group of Pinaceae. Our results document high rate heterogeneity among lineages, which, together with the greater average rate of substitution for third positions, may reduce phylogenetic signal due to long-branch attraction in parsimony reconstructions. Whereas resolution of relationships among major seed plant clades remains pending, this study provides increased support for relationships within major seed plant clades.  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the potential of Cladocera from mountain lakes for climate reconstruction. We related Cladocera from surface sediments of Alpine lakes (1,502–2,309 m asl) to 29 abiotic environmental variables using statistical methods. The environmental dataset included water chemistry, lake depth, and bi-hourly water-temperature logs, which were used to assess mean monthly water temperatures, dates of freezing and breakup, spring and autumn mixing. We found 14 different Cladocera of the families Bosminidae, Daphniidae, and Chydoridae. Lakes without Cladocera (eight lakes) were cold and/or ultra-oligotrophic, whereas lakes with planktonic and littoral Cladocera (19 lakes) were warmer and/or less oligotrophic. Lakes with only littoral Cladocera (18 lakes) had intermediate water temperatures/trophy. Changes in Cladocera assemblages were related to changes in climate, nutrients, and/or alkalinity. We found a climate threshold at which Bosminidae disappeared in 95% of the lakes. For climate-change research, we propose studying Cladocera along transects that include climatic thresholds. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   

The Essential Oils (EOs) present numerous chemophenetic applications, mostly at infrageneric rank. EOs utilization for this purpose has been questioned because of the external stimulations that control their chemodiversity and quantitative composition. Therefore, they are considered as a class of natural products with questionable systematic significance. Present study exploiting the recent advances on plant volatile biogenesis aims to reestablish and expand the EOs chemophenetic significance. The presented methodology translates EO composition in a biochemical profile, through the chemical structure classification of EOs compounds that links their presence with the activation of endogenous biochemical procedures. The Apiaceae supra-generic classification was utilized to test the proposed methodology. In specific, 44 Greek indigenous Apiaceae taxa, representing all 10 tribes of Apioideae subfamily were collected, distilled and analyzed. The herein applied approach was focused in tribal rank and revealed 10 biochemical entities established on the diversification of their fundamental metabolic routes and biosynthetic pathways activation. The generated biochemical profiles were proven compatible with phenotypic and phylogenetic approaches, but also separated all tribes of Apioideae. Therefore, the proposed methodology can be considered as a promising new systematic tool, which is able to exploit the vast availability of EOs composition data.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that in humans epidermal ridge patterns are in regression relative to nonhuman primates, and they play no role in adaptive processes. In contrast with this we have found relationships between anthropometric and dermatoglyphic measurements in a sample of 61 normal males. Anthropometric variables included limb, trunk, head, and face measures. Dermatoglyphic variables included finger ridge counts and pattern intensities and ridge breadth in the palmar interdigital area II. The strongest relationship is between the type and size of pattern on the thumb and the breadth of ridges, and wrist width, which accounts for nearly 30% of the total variance in these traits. These findings identify previously unknown sources of variation in dermatoglyphic patterns and indicate that the dermatoglyphic-anthropometric relationships might have resulted from selection pressures in evolution of modern man.  相似文献   

Plasmid-encoded alpha-galactosidase served as a marker enzyme for the recognition and comparison of raffinose (Raf) plasmids present in strains of Escherichia coli. Immunochemical relationships were established among Raf plasmids of 39 independent isolates from man and domestic animals (from three continents) by using antiserum against alpha-galactosidase. Immunodiffusion revealed three serological subclasses of alpha-galactosidase, which are correlated with the biological and geographical origin of the host strains. It is concluded that the raf determinants of all Raf plasmids tested have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics of aphids and their primary endosymbionts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aphids constitute a monophyletic group within the order Homoptera (i.e., superfamily Aphidoidea). The Aphidoidea originated in the Jurassic about 150 my ago from some aphidiform ancestor whose origin can be traced back to about 250 my ago. They exhibit a mutualistic association with intracellular bacteria (Buchnera sp.) related to Escherichia coli. Buchnera is usually considered the aphids' primary endosymbiont. The association is obligate for both partners. The 16S rDNA-based phylogeny of Buchnera from four aphid families showed complete concordance with the morphology-based phylogeny of their aphid hosts, which pointed to a single original infection in a common ancestor of aphids some 100-250 my ago followed by cospeciation of aphids and Buchnera. This study concentrated on the molecular phylogeny of both the aphids and their primary endosymbionts of five aphid families including for the first time representatives of the family Lachnidae. We discuss results based on two Buchnera genes (16S rDNA and the beta subunit of the F-ATPase complex) and on one host mitochondrial gene (the subunit 6 of the F-ATPase complex). Although our data do not allow definitive evolutionary relationships to be established among the different aphid families, some traditionally accepted groupings are put into question from both bacterial and insect data. In particular, the Lachnidae and the Aphididae, which from morphological data are considered recently evolved sister groups, do not seem to be as closely related as is usually accepted. Finally, we discuss our results in the light of the proposed parallel evolution of aphids and their endosymbionts.  相似文献   

We examined phylogenetic relationships among Daphnia using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from the small subunit ribosomal RNA (12S), cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nuclear DNA sequences from the first and second internal transcribed spacer representing 1612 base positions. Phylogenetic analyses using several species of the three main Daphnia subgenera, Ctenodaphnia, Hyalodaphnia and Daphnia, revealed that the Hyalodaphnia are a monophyletic sister group of the Daphnia. Most Hyalodaphnia species occur on one continent, whereas only three are found in North America and Europe. Endemicity of species is associated with variation in thermal tolerance and habitat differentiation. Although many species of the Hyalodaphnia are known to hybridize in nature, mtDNA divergence is relatively high ca. 9%) compared to other hybridizing arthropods (ca. 3%). Reproductive isolation in Daphnia seems to evolve significantly slower than genetic isolation. We related these findings to what is known about the ecology and genetics of Daphnia in order to better understand the evolutionary diversification of lineages. The relationship of these data to phylogenetic patterns is discussed in the context of speciation processes in Daphnia.  相似文献   

Morphological inversions during the ontogenesis of the ixodid ticks consist in the deranges of species-specific tendencies in the development of some external structures by the female line. The inversions, which included a wide range of organs and their fine structures, have been described for the first time in 14 species of 4 from 7 Palearctic ixodid genera. Emphasis is placed on the study of the structures, which serve as differential characters for closely related species. It is shown, that the using of the structures subjected to inversions is unavoidable in systematics because of the great similarity of closely related species, especially in immature stages. It is established by the data on the variability of all active stages in the species distribution ranges, that the degree of the inversions manifestation may somewhat fluctuate in different subspecies or geographic morphotypes of the same species, but the peculiarity of the inversions always remains a species-specific character. The cause of inversions origin is the evolution of the Ixodidae by the way of morpho-ecological specialization, namely hypertrophic, giantism, the growth of teguments in the period of nutrition act by pasture ambushing, which led to the derange of the development coordination of the organs during ontogenesis. Biological implication of the inversions is a guarantee of the adaptive potential of species during the process of microevolution. Even though the inversions make identification of closely related species difficult, their substantial importance is that they form integral species-specific character for the whole active part of the species ontogenesis.  相似文献   

壳斗科的地质历史及其系统学和植物地理学意义   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
在收集整理现有壳斗科化石资料的基础上,讨论了壳斗科及其各属的起源时间、地史分布和地史 演替过程以及这些化石资料在系统学和植物地理学上的意义。白垩纪尚无壳斗科可靠的大化石记录, 微化石需要进一步研究才能确定亲缘关系以及古新世壳斗科已经分化出两个类群。从以上这些事实推 论壳斗科起源于白垩纪晚期,而壳斗科现代各属出现的时间应不晚于古新世。最早发现的壳斗科化石和现代栗亚科和水青冈亚科在形态结构上非常相似,这一事实表明,壳斗科分为两个亚科的观点更接近客观事实。在水青冈亚科中,三棱栎类的化石最早出现;在栎属中,青冈亚属更接近祖先类群;在地史中全缘栎类较具齿栎类出现早,粗齿的落叶栎类出现最晚。三棱栎属、栲属和石栎属的化石在老第三纪出现于北美和欧洲的事实说明,北美、欧洲和东亚在老第三纪时有一个相通的壳斗科植物区系。南美的三棱栎是通过北美进入南美的。中国横断山、欧洲地中海沿岸和北美西北部有一类形态特征相似、亲缘关系相近的硬叶栎类,它们之间有相同的地质演替历史,它们现代分布边界可能就是古地中海的边界。美洲的栎类有两个来源,常绿硬叶栎类是通过古地中海沿岸而经北美-欧洲陆桥到达的,落叶栎类则是在中新世以后通过白令海峡到达的。  相似文献   

The fossil history of the Fagaceae from China and its systematic and biogeographic implications are discussed based on revisionary studies of the fossil records. No creditable macrofossil record of the Fagaceae exists in the Cretaceous deposits and all the Cretaceous microfossil reports remain equivocal and require further study. The Paleocene fossils show the appearance and diversification of the two groups corresponding to the subfamilies Fagoideae and Castaneoideae sensu Nixon. By the Eocene, all modern genera had been present. The oldest fagaceous fossils represent subfamily Fagoideae with affinities to the extant genus Trigonobalanus. The leaf fossil genus Berryophyllum, with affinities to Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis, has been documented by the early Eocene and might have occurred earlier than other fossils assignable to Quercus. The appearance of evergreen sclerophyllous Ouercus with entire leaves might have occurred earlier than those with toothed leaves. Deciduous, urticoid-leaved oak fossils (Quercus subg. Quercus sect. Quercus) had not appeared until the Miocene. Fossil equivalents of Trigonobalanus, Castanopsis and Lithocarpus had occurred in Europe and North America by the early Tertiary, suggesting that continuous distributions were achieved via the northern hemisphere land bridges. Three groups of evergreen sclerophyllous oaks of apparent close phylogenetic relationships occurred in the Hengduan mountains, the Mediterranean area and northwestern North America. Their fossil forms have become dominant elements of those vegetation zones since the Miocene. A shared fossil history indicates a possible biogeographic boundary formed by the ancient Mediterranean. The evidence suggests that the oaks might arrive in North America during two distinct geologic periods: evergreen sclerophyllous entire-leaved oaks appeared by the Early Tertiary, whereas thedeciduous oaks with urticoid leaves appeared in the Late Tertiary.  相似文献   

1. Polyp and medusa of the scyphozoans Aurelia aurita and Pelagia colorata (phylum Cnidaria) are indistinguishable by radioimmunoassay of whole animals, yet differ from other cnidarians against which they were tested. 2. We infer that proteins distinguishing species swamp those that differentiate the two (very distinct) life history phases. 3. Thus, at least for some taxa and some systematic techniques analyzing proteins, using organisms at the same developmental phase may be unnecessary, contrary to conventional wisdom.  相似文献   

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