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The MR (Mre11 nuclease and Rad50 ABC ATPase) complex is an evolutionarily conserved sensor for DNA double-strand breaks, highly genotoxic lesions linked to cancer development. MR can recognize and process DNA ends even if they are blocked and misfolded. To reveal its mechanism, we determined the crystal structure of the catalytic head of Thermotoga maritima MR and analyzed ATP-dependent conformational changes. MR adopts an open form with a central Mre11 nuclease dimer and two peripheral Rad50 molecules, a form suited for sensing obstructed breaks. The Mre11 C-terminal helix-loop-helix domain binds Rad50 and attaches flexibly to the nuclease domain, enabling large conformational changes. ATP binding to the two Rad50 subunits induces a rotation of the Mre11 helix-loop-helix and Rad50 coiled-coil domains, creating a clamp conformation with increased DNA-binding activity. The results suggest that MR is an ATP-controlled transient molecular clamp at DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) repair of programmed meiotic double-strand breaks (DSBs) requires endonucleolytic clipping of Rec12Spo11-oligonucleotides from 5′ DNA ends followed by resection to generate invasive 3′ single-stranded DNA tails. The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) endonuclease and Ctp1 (CtIP and Sae2 ortholog) are required for both activities in fission yeast but whether they are genetically separable is controversial. Here, we investigate the mitotic DSB repair properties of Ctp1 C-terminal domain (ctp1-CD) mutants that were reported to be specifically clipping deficient. These mutants are sensitive to many clastogens, including those that create DSBs devoid of covalently bound proteins. These sensitivities are suppressed by genetically eliminating Ku nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) protein, indicating that Ctp1-dependent clipping by MRN is required for Ku removal from DNA ends. However, this rescue requires Exo1 resection activity, implying that Ctp1-dependent resection by MRN is defective in ctp1-CD mutants. The ctp1-CD mutants tolerate one but not multiple broken replication forks, and they are highly reliant on the Chk1-mediated cell cycle checkpoint arrest, indicating that HR repair is inefficient. We conclude that the C-terminal domain of Ctp1 is required for both efficient clipping and resection of DSBs by MRN and these activities are mechanistically similar.  相似文献   

Hopfner KP  Karcher A  Craig L  Woo TT  Carney JP  Tainer JA 《Cell》2001,105(4):473-485
To clarify functions of the Mre11/Rad50 (MR) complex in DNA double-strand break repair, we report Pyrococcus furiosus Mre11 crystal structures, revealing a protein phosphatase-like, dimanganese binding domain capped by a unique domain controlling active site access. These structures unify Mre11's multiple nuclease activities in a single endo/exonuclease mechanism and reveal eukaryotic macromolecular interaction sites by mapping human and yeast Mre11 mutations. Furthermore, the structure of the P. furiosus Rad50 ABC-ATPase with its adjacent coiled-coil defines a compact Mre11/Rad50-ATPase complex and suggests that Rad50-ATP-driven conformational switching directly controls the Mre11 exonuclease. Electron microscopy, small angle X-ray scattering, and ultracentrifugation data of human and P. furiosus MR reveal a dual functional complex consisting of a (Mre11)2/(Rad50)2 heterotetrameric DNA processing head and a double coiled-coil linker.  相似文献   

We report evidence for the existence of a putative ABC transporter for corrinoid utilization in the extremely halophilic archaeon Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1. Results from genetic and nutritional analyses of Halobacterium showed that mutants with lesions in open reading frames (ORFs) Vng1370G, Vng1371Gm, and Vng1369G required a 10(5)-fold higher concentration of cobalamin for growth than the wild-type or parent strain. The data support the conclusion that these ORFs encode orthologs of the bacterial cobalamin ABC transporter permease (btuC; Vng1370G), ATPase (btuD; Vng1371Gm), and substrate-binding protein (btuF; Vng1369G) components. Mutations in the Vng1370G, Vng1371Gm, and Vng1369G genes were epistatic, consistent with the hypothesis that their products work together to accomplish the same function. Extracts of btuF mutant strains grown in the presence of cobalamin did not contain any cobalamin molecules detectable by a sensitive bioassay, whereas btuCD mutant strain extracts did. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the BtuF protein is exported to the extracellular side of the cell membrane, where it can bind cobalamin in the absence of BtuC and BtuD. Our data also provide evidence for the regulation of corrinoid transport and biosynthesis. Halobacterium synthesized cobalamin in a chemically defined medium lacking corrinoid precursors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first genetic analysis of an archaeal corrinoid transport system.  相似文献   

Studies of human Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) cells have led to the proposal that the Mre11/Rad50/ NBS1 complex, which is involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), might also function in activating the DNA damage checkpoint pathways after DSBs occur. We have studied the role of the homologous budding yeast complex, Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2, in checkpoint activation in response to DSB-inducing agents. Here we show that this complex is required for phosphorylation and activation of the Rad53 and Chk1 checkpoint kinases specifically in response to DSBs. Consistent with defective Rad53 activation, we observed defective cell-cycle delays after induction of DSBs in the absence of Mre11. Furthermore, after gamma-irradiation phosphorylation of Rad9, which is an early event in checkpoint activation, is also dependent on Mre11. All three components of the Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 complex are required for activation of Rad53, however, the Ku80, Rad51 or Rad52 proteins, which are also involved in DSB repair, are not. Thus, the integrity of the Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 complex is specifically required for checkpoint activation after the formation of DSBs.  相似文献   

End joining of double-strand breaks (DSBs) requires Ku proteins and frequently involves base pairing between complementary terminal sequences. To define the role of terminal base pairing in end joining, two oppositely oriented HO endonuclease cleavage sites separated by 2.0 kb were integrated into yeast chromosome III, where constitutive expression of HO endonuclease creates two simultaneous DSBs with no complementary end sequence. Lack of complementary sequence in their 3' single-strand overhangs facilitates efficient repair events distinctly different from when the 3' ends have a 4-bp sequence base paired in various ways to create 2- to 3-bp insertions. Repair of noncomplementary ends results in a set of nonrandom deletions of up to 302 bp, annealed by imperfect microhomology of about 8 to 10 bp at the junctions. This microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) is Ku independent, but strongly dependent on Mre11, Rad50, and Rad1 proteins and partially dependent on Dnl4 protein. The MMEJ also occurs when Rad52 is absent, but the extent of deletions becomes more limited. The increased gamma ray sensitivity of rad1Delta rad52Delta yku70Delta strains compared to rad52Delta yku70Delta strains suggests that MMEJ also contributes to the repair of DSBs induced by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Rad51 paralogs belong to the Rad52 epistasis group of proteins and are involved in homologous recombination (HR), especially the assembly and stabilization of Rad51, which is a homolog of RecA in eukaryotes. We previously cloned and characterized two RAD51 paralogous genes in Arabidopsis, named AtRAD51C and AtXRCC3, which are considered the counterparts of human RAD51C and XRCC3, respectively. Here we describe the identification of RAD51B homologue in Arabidopsis, AtRAD51B. We found a higher expression of AtRAD51B in flower buds and roots. Expression of AtRAD51B was induced by genotoxic stresses such as ionizing irradiation and treatment with a cross-linking reagent, cisplatin. Yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that AtRad51B interacted with AtRad51C. We also found and characterized T-DNA insertion mutant lines. The mutant lines were devoid of AtRAD51B expression, viable and fertile. The mutants were moderately sensitive to γ-ray and hypersensitive to cisplatin. Our results suggest that AtRAD51B gene product is involved in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) via HRAccession numbers: AB194809 (AtRAD51Bα), AB194810 (AtRAD51Bβ), AB194811 (AtRAD51D).  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be processed by the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex, which is essential to promote ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) activation. However, the molecular mechanisms linking MRN activity to ATM are not fully understood. Here, using Xenopus laevis egg extract we show that MRN-dependent processing of DSBs leads to the accumulation of short single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (ssDNA oligos). The MRN complex isolated from the extract containing DSBs is bound to ssDNA oligos and stimulates ATM activity. Elimination of ssDNA oligos results in rapid extinction of ATM activity. Significantly, ssDNA oligos can be isolated from human cells damaged with ionizing radiation and injection of small synthetic ssDNA oligos into undamaged cells also induces ATM activation. These results suggest that MRN-dependent generation of ssDNA oligos, which constitute a unique signal of ongoing DSB repair not encountered in normal DNA metabolism, stimulates ATM activity.  相似文献   

Lobachev KS  Gordenin DA  Resnick MA 《Cell》2002,108(2):183-193
Inverted repeats (IRs) that can form a hairpin or cruciform structure are common in the human genome and may be sources of instability. An IR involving the human Alu sequence (Alu-IR) has been studied as a model of such structures in yeast. We found that an Alu-IR is a mitotic recombination hotspot requiring MRE11/RAD50/XRS2 and SAE2. Using a newly developed approach for mapping rare double-strand breaks (DSBs), we established that induction of recombination results from breaks that are terminated by hairpins. Failure of the mre11, rad50, xrs2, and sae2 mutants to process the hairpins blocks recombinational repair of the DSBs and leads to generation of chromosome inverted duplications. Our results suggest an additional role for the Mre11 complex in maintaining genome stability.  相似文献   

The Rad50, Mre11 and Nbs1 complex is involved in many essential chromosomal organization processes dealing with DNA ends, including two major pathways of DNA double-strand break repair, homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining. Previous data on the structure of the human Rad50 and Mre11 (R/M) complex suggest that a common role for the protein complex in these processes is to provide a physical link between DNA ends such that they can be processed in an organized and coordinated manner. Here we describe the DNA binding properties of the R/M complex. The complex bound to both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA. Scanning force microscopy analysis of DNA binding by R/M showed the requirement for an end to form oligomeric R/M complexes, which could then migrate or transfer away from the end. The R/M complex had a lower preference for DNA substrates with 3′-overhangs compared with blunt ends or 5′-overhangs. Interestingly, ATP binding, but not hydrolysis, increased the preference of R/M binding to DNA substrates with 3′-overhangs relative to substrates with blunt ends and 5′-overhangs.  相似文献   

Lewis LK  Storici F  Van Komen S  Calero S  Sung P  Resnick MA 《Genetics》2004,166(4):1701-1713
The Rad50:Mre11:Xrs2 (RMX) complex functions in repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by recombination and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and is also required for telomere stability. The Mre11 subunit exhibits nuclease activities in vitro, but the role of these activities in repair in mitotic cells has not been established. In this study we have performed a comparative study of three mutants (mre11-D16A, -D56N, and -H125N) previously shown to have reduced nuclease activities in vitro. In ends-in and ends-out chromosome recombination assays using defined plasmid and oligonucleotide DNA substrates, mre11-D16A cells were as deficient as mre11 null strains, but defects were small in mre11-D56N and -H125N mutants. mre11-D16A cells, but not the other mutants, also displayed strong sensitivity to ionizing radiation, with residual resistance largely dependent on the presence of the partially redundant nuclease Exo1. mre11-D16A mutants were also most sensitive to the S-phase-dependent clastogens hydroxyurea and methyl methanesulfonate but, as previously observed for D56N and H125N mutants, were not defective in NHEJ. Importantly, the affinity of purified Mre11-D16A protein for Rad50 and Xrs2 was indistinguishable from wild type and the mutant protein formed complexes with equivalent stoichiometry. Although the role of the nuclease activity has been questioned in previous studies, the comparative data presented here suggest that the nuclease function of Mre11 is required for RMX-mediated recombinational repair and telomere stabilization in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Genetic and nutritional analyses of mutants of the extremely halophilic archaeon Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 showed that open reading frame (ORF) Vng1581C encodes a protein with nucleoside triphosphate:adenosylcobinamide-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase enzyme activity. This activity was previously associated with the cobY gene of the methanogenic archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum strain DeltaH, but no evidence was obtained to demonstrate the direct involvement of this protein in cobamide biosynthesis in archaea. Computer analysis of the Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 ORF Vng1581C gene and the cobY gene of M. thermoautotrophicum strain DeltaH showed the primary amino acid sequence of the proteins encoded by these two genes to be 35% identical and 48% similar. A strain of Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 carrying a null allele of the cobY gene was auxotrophic for cobinamide-GDP, a known intermediate of the late steps of cobamide biosynthesis. The auxotrophic requirement for cobinamide-GDP was corrected when a wild-type allele of cobY was introduced into the mutant strain, demonstrating that the lack of cobY function was solely responsible for the observed block in cobamide biosynthesis in this archaeon. The data also show that Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 possesses a high-affinity transport system for corrinoids and that this archaeon can synthesize cobamides de novo under aerobic growth conditions. To the best of our knowledge this is the first genetic and nutritional analysis of cobalamin biosynthetic mutants in archaea.  相似文献   

Human Rad50/Mre11 is a flexible complex that can tether DNA ends.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human Rad50 protein, classified as a structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family member, is complexed with Mre11 (R/M) and has important functions in at least two distinct double-strand break repair pathways. To find out what the common function of R/M in these pathways might be, we investigated its architecture. Scanning force microscopy showed that the complex architecture is distinct from the described SMC family members. R/M consisted of two highly flexible intramolecular coiled coils emanating from a central globular DNA binding domain. DNA end-bound R/M oligomers could tether linear DNA molecules. These observations suggest that a unified role for R/M in multiple aspects of DNA repair and chromosome metabolism is to provide a flexible, possibly dynamic, link between DNA ends.  相似文献   

The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex is providing paradigm-shifting results of exceptional biomedical interest. MRN is among the earliest respondents to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), and MRN mutations cause the human cancer predisposition diseases Nijmegen breakage syndrome and ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder (ATLD). MRN's 3-protein multidomain composition promotes its central architectural, structural, enzymatic, sensing, and signaling functions in DSB responses. To organize the MRN complex, the Mre11 exonuclease directly binds Nbs1, DNA, and Rad50. Rad50, a structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) related protein, employs its ATP-binding cassette (ABC) ATPase, Zn hook, and coiled coils to bridge DSBs and facilitate DNA end processing by Mre11. Contributing to MRN regulatory roles, Nbs1 harbors N-terminal phosphopeptide interacting FHA and BRCT domains, as well as C-terminal ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase and Mre11 interaction domains. Current emerging structural and biological evidence suggests that MRN has 3 coupled critical roles in DSB sensing, stabilization, signaling, and effector scaffolding: (1) expeditious establishment of protein--nucleic acid tethering scaffolds for the recognition and stabilization of DSBs; (2) initiation of DSB sensing, cell-cycle checkpoint signaling cascades, and establishment of epigenetic marks via the ATM kinase; and (3) functional regulation of chromatin remodeling in the vicinity of a DSB.  相似文献   

The RAD50 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of several genes required for recombinational repair of double-strand DNA breaks during vegetative growth and for initiation of meiotic recombination. Rad50 forms a complex with two other proteins, Mre11 and Xrs2, and this complex is involved in double-strand break formation and processing. Rad50 has limited sequence homology to the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family of proteins and shares the same domain structure as SMCs: N- and C-terminal globular domains separated by two long coiled-coils. However, a notable difference is the much smaller non-coil hinge region between the two coiled-coils. We report here a structural analysis of full-length S. cerevisiae Rad50, alone and in a complex with yeast Mre11 by electron microscopy. Our results confirm that yeast Rad50 does have the same antiparallel coiled-coil structure as SMC proteins, but with no detectable globular hinge domain. However, the molecule is still able to bend sharply in the middle to bring the two catalytic domains together, indicating that the small hinge domain is flexible. We also demonstrate that Mre11 binds as a dimer between the catalytic domains of Rad50, bringing the nuclease activities of Mre11 in close proximity to the ATPase and DNA binding activities of Rad50.  相似文献   

The multifunctional Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) protein complex recruits ATM/Tel1 checkpoint kinase and CtIP/Ctp1 homologous recombination (HR) repair factor to double-strand breaks (DSBs). HR repair commences with the 5'-to-3' resection of DNA ends, generating 3' single-strand DNA (ssDNA) overhangs that bind Replication Protein A (RPA) complex, followed by Rad51 recombinase. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) complex is critical for DSB resection, although the enigmatic ssDNA endonuclease activity of Mre11 and the DNA-end processing factor Sae2 (CtIP/Ctp1 ortholog) are largely unnecessary unless the resection activities of Exo1 and Sgs1-Dna2 are also eliminated. Mre11 nuclease activity and Ctp1/CtIP are essential for DSB repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and mammals. To investigate DNA end resection in Schizo. pombe, we adapted an assay that directly measures ssDNA formation at a defined DSB. We found that Mre11 and Ctp1 are essential for the efficient initiation of resection, consistent with their equally crucial roles in DSB repair. Exo1 is largely responsible for extended resection up to 3.1 kb from a DSB, with an activity dependent on Rqh1 (Sgs1) DNA helicase having a minor role. Despite its critical function in DSB repair, Mre11 nuclease activity is not required for resection in fission yeast. However, Mre11 nuclease and Ctp1 are required to disassociate the MRN complex and the Ku70-Ku80 nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) complex from DSBs, which is required for efficient RPA localization. Eliminating Ku makes Mre11 nuclease activity dispensable for MRN disassociation and RPA localization, while improving repair of a one-ended DSB formed by replication fork collapse. From these data we propose that release of the MRN complex and Ku from DNA ends by Mre11 nuclease activity and Ctp1 is a critical step required to expose ssDNA for RPA localization and ensuing HR repair.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD50 and MRE11 genes are required for the nucleolytic processing of DNA double-strand breaks. We have overexpressed Rad50 and Mre11 in yeast cells and purified them to near homogeneity. Consistent with the genetic data, we show that the purified Rad50 and Mre11 proteins form a stable complex. In the Rad50.Mre11 complex, the protein components exist in equimolar amounts. Mre11 has a 3' to 5' exonuclease activity that results in the release of mononucleotides. The addition of Rad50 does not significantly alter the exonucleolytic function of Mre11. Using homopolymeric oligonucleotide-based substrates, we show that the exonuclease activity of Mre11 and Rad50.Mre11 is enhanced for substrates with duplex DNA ends. We have examined the endonucleolytic function of Mre11 on defined, radiolabeled hairpin structures that also contain 3' and 5' single-stranded DNA overhangs. Mre11 is capable of cleaving hairpins and the 3' single-stranded DNA tail. These endonuclease activities of Mre11 are enhanced markedly by Rad50 but only in the presence of ATP. Based on these results, we speculate that the Mre11 nuclease complex may mediate the nucleolytic digestion of the 5' strand at secondary structures formed upon DNA strand separation.  相似文献   



Sodium/proton-antiporters (Nha) are known to play an important role in pH- and Na+-homeostasis. In microorganisms several types with different capacity, affinity and selectivity for Na+ and Li+ exist. The homeostasis system of E. coli, NhaA and NhaB, is well researched, but the function of other types of Na+/H+-antiporters like NhaD is yet to be fully understood. Since several antiporters play an important role at various points in the physiology of higher organisms, one can speculate that the main functions of some of those procaryotic antiporters differ from pH- and Na+-homeostasis.


This study investigates the function and regulation of a gene encoding for a NhaD type antiporter which was discovered in the halophilic eubacterium Halomonas elongata. The deduced primary amino acid sequence of the abovementioned gene showed more than 60% identity to known antiporters of the NhaD type from Alkalimonas amylolytica, Shewanella oneidensis and several other marine organisms of the γ-Proteobacteria. Evidence was found for a dual regulation of H. elongata NhaD expression. The gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Antiporter deficient NaCl and LiCl sensitive E. coli mutants EP432 and KNabc were partially complemented by a plasmid carrying the H. elongata nhaD gene. Surprisingly the LiCl sensitivity of E. coli strain DH5α having a complete homeostasis system was increased when NhaD was co-expressed.


Since NhaD is an antiporter known so far only from halophilic or haloalcaliphilic Proteobacteria one can speculate that this type of antiporter provides a special mechanism for adaptation to marine habitats. As was already speculated – though without supporting data – and substantiated in this study this might be active Na+-import for osmoregulatory purposes.  相似文献   

Repair and integrity of DNA ends at breaks, replication forks and telomeres are essential for life; yet, paradoxically, these responses are, in many cases, controlled by a single protein complex, Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN). The MRN complex consists of dimers of each subunit and this heterohexamer controls key sensing, signaling, regulation, and effector responses to DNA double-strand breaks including ATM activation, homologous recombinational repair, microhomology-mediated end joining and, in some organisms, non-homologous end joining. We propose that this is possible because each MRN subunit can exist in three or more distinct states; thus, the trimer of MRN dimers can exist in a stunning 6(3) or 216 states, a number that can be expanded further when post-translational modifications are taken into account. MRN can therefore be considered as a molecular computer that effectively assesses optimal responses and pathway choice based upon its states as set by cell status and the nature of the DNA damage. This extreme multi-state concept demands a paradigm shift from striving to understand DNA damage responses in separate terms of signaling, checkpoint, and effector proteins: we must now endeavor to characterize conformational and assembly states of MRN and other DNA repair machines that couple, coordinate, and control biological outcomes. Addressing the emerging challenge of gaining a detailed molecular understanding of MRN and other multi-state dynamic DNA repair machines promises to provide opportunities to develop master keys for controlling cell biology with probable impacts on therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

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