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Summary The distribution of putative cholinergic neurons in the lamina of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala was studied by immunocytochemical and histochemical methods. Three different antibodies directed against the AChsynthesizing enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), revealed a cholinergic population of fibres running parallel to the laminar cartridges, which have branch-like structures at the distal lamina border. Cell bodies in the chiasma next to the lamina border were also labelled by the anti-ChAT antibodies. Monopolar cell bodies in the nuclear layer were faintly labelled. The distribution of the acetylcholine hydrolyzing enzyme, acetylcholine esterase (AChE), was revealed by histochemical staining and was similar to the ChAT immunocytochemistry. The arrangement of ChAT positive fibres in transverse and longitudinal sections and the distribution of AChE stained fibres indicate that the amacrine cells of the lamina are cholinergic cells.We dedicate this work to Prof. F. Zettler who passed away in fall 1988: K.-H. Datum, I. Rambold  相似文献   

Summary The postembryonic development of serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HTi) neurons was studied in the optic lobe of the blowfly. In the adult fly there are 24 5-HTi neurons invading each optic lobe. The perikarya of two of these neurons are situated in the dorso-caudal part of the protocerebrum (LBO-5HT neurons; large bilateral optic lobe 5-HTi neurons). The cell bodies of the remaining 22 neurons are located anteriorly at the medial base of the medulla (2 innervating the lobula, LO-5HT neurons; and 20 neurons innervating the medulla, ME-5HT neurons). The two central neurons (LBO-5HT neurons) are derived from metamorphosing larval neurons, while the ME- and LO-5HT neurons are imaginai optic lobe neurons differentiating during pupal development.The 5-HTi neurons of the optic lobe seem to have different ancestors. The LBO-5HT neurons are probably derived from segmental protocerebral neuroblasts, whereas the ME-and LO-5HT neurons are most likely derived from the inner optic anlage. The first 5-HTi fibers to reach the imaginal optic lobes are seen in the late third instar larva and are derived from the LBO-5HT neurons. The first ME- and LO-5HT neurons become immunoreactive at 24 h (10%) pupal development. At about 96 h (40%) of pupal development all the 5-HTi neurons of the optic lobes have differentiated and attained their basic adult morphology. The further development mainly entails increase in volume of arborizations and number of finer processes. The differentiation and outgrowth of 5-HTi processes follows that of, e.g., columnar neurons in the optic lobe neuropils. Hence, 5-HTi processes invade neuropil relatively late in the differentiation of the optic lobe.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology and central projections of first-order ocellar interneurones were analysed in the blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala after cobalt and horseradish-peroxidase labelling. Three classes of interneurones can be distinguished on the basis of axon diameters: large, medium and small neurones. In total there are 12 large, 10 medium and an unknown number of small interneurones. These interneurones connect the fused first-order ocellar neuropil (underlying the three ocelli) with various areas of the central nervous system. The large neurones terminate in three subregions of the posterior slope (ocellar foci); the medium neurones arborise in several regions of the lateral protocerebrum, in the posterior slope, the lobula, the ventral medulla, and in the pro- and mesothoracic ganglia. The thin fibers arborise in all the above regions (except in the thoracic ganglia), and in addition in the neuropil dorsal to the oesophagus and antero-ventral to posterior slope (tritocerebrum). The anatomy of the ocellar pathway in C. erythrocephala is compared with those in other studied insects. Possible interactions between ocellar interneurones and other pathways are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and morphology of neurons reacting with antisera against dopamine (DA), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and histamine (HA) were analyzed in the blowflies Calliphora erythrocephala and Phormia terraenovae. TH-immunoreactive (THIR) and HA-immunoreactive (HAIR) neurons were also mapped in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. The antisera against DA and TH specifically labeled the same neurons in the blowflies. About 300 neurons displayed DA immunoreactivity (DAIR) and THIR in the brain and subesophageal ganglion of the blowflies. Most of these neurons were located in bilateral clusters; some were distributed as bilateral pairs, and two ventral unpaired median (VUM) neurons were seen in the subesophageal ganglion. Immunoreactive processes were found in all compartments of the mushroom bodies except the calyces, in all divisions of the central body complex, in the medulla, lobula and lobula plate of the optic lobe, and in non-glomerular neuropil of protocerebrum, tritocerebrum and the subesophageal ganglion. No DA or TH immunoreactivity was seen in the antennal lobes. In Drosophila, neurons homologous to the blowfly neurons were detected with the TH antiserum. In Phormia and Drosophila, 18 HA-immunoreactive neurons were located in the protocerebrum and 2 in the subesophageal ganglion. The HAIR neurons arborized extensively, but except for processes in the lobula, all HAIR processes were seen in non-glomerular neuropil. The deuto- and tritocerebrum was devoid of HAIR processes. Double labeling experiments demonstrated that TH and HA immunoreactivity was not colocalized in any neuron. In some regions there wasm however, substantial superposition between the two systems. The morphology of the extensively arborizing aminergic neurons described suggests that they have modulatory functions in the brain and subesophageal ganglion.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HTi) neurons were mapped in the larval central nervous system (CNS) of the dipterous flies Calliphora erythrocephala and Sarcophaga bullata. Immunocytochemistry was performed on cryostat sections, paraffin sections, and on the entire CNS (whole mounts).The CNS of larvae displays 96–98 5-HTi cell bodies. The location of the cell bodies within the segmental cerebral and ventral ganglia is consistent among individuals. The pattern of immunoreactive fibers in tracts and within neuropil regions of the CNS was resolved in detail. Some 5-HTi neurons in the CNS possess axons that run through peripheral nerves (antenno-labro-frontal nerves).The suboesophagealand thoracico-abdominal ganglia of the adult blowflies were studied for a comparison with the larval ventral ganglia. In the thoracico-abdominal ganglia of adults the same number of 5-HTi cell bodies was found as in the larvae except in the metathoracic ganglion, which in the adult contains two cell bodies less than in the larva. The immunoreactive processes within the neuropil of the adult thoracico-abdominal ganglia form more elaborate patterns than those of the larvae, but the basic organization of major fiber tracts was similar in larval and adult ganglia. Some aspects of postembryonic development are discussed in relation to the transformation of the distribution of 5-HTi neurons and their processes into the adult pattern.  相似文献   

Summary Specific antisera against protein-conjugated -aminobutyric acid (GABA) were used in immunocytochemical staining procedures to study the distribution of the putative GABA-like immunoreactive neurons in the optic lobes of Periplaneta. GABA-like immunoreactive structures are evident in all three optic neuropil regions. Six different populations of GABAergic neurons, whose perikarya are grouped around the medulla, are found within the optic lobe. The number of these immunoreactive cells varies greatly and corresponds to the number of ommatidia of the eye. In the proximal part of the lamina, a coarse network of GABA-positive fibres is recognizable. These are the processes of large field tangential cells whose fibres pass through the distal surface of the medulla. A second fibre population of the lamina is made up of the processes of the centrifugal columnar neurons whose perikarya lie proximally to the medulla. The medulla contains 9 layers with GABAergic elements of variable immunoreactivity. Layers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 exhibit strong labelling, as a result of partial overlapping of the processes of centrifugal and centripetal columnar neurons, tangential fibres and/or lateral processes of perpendicular fibres and (possibly) processes of amacrines. A strong immunoreactivity is found in the proximal and distal layers of the lobula.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies to histamine were used for immunocytochemical studies of the visual system in the flies Calliphora erythrocephala and Musca domestica. Specific immunolabeling of photoreceptors was found both in the compound eyes and ocelli of both species. In the compound eyes histamine-like immunoreactivity (HA-IR) was found in all the short visual fibers (photoreceptors R1–6) and one type of long visual fiber (photoreceptor R8). In addition, the ocellar photoreceptors also show HA-IR. In view of earlier biochemical and pharmacological/physiological findings by Elias and Evans (1983) and Hardie (1987) it thus seems likely that histamine is a neurotransmitter in insect photoreceptors. Interestingly, the second type of long visual fiber (photoreceptor R7) has recently been found to be GABA-immunoreactive (Datum et al. 1986). The two types of long visual fibers may hence use different transmitters which act on different receptors of the postsynaptic neurons in the second visual neuropil, the medulla. In addition to the photoreceptors in the retina and ocelli, we found processes of HA-IR neurons in one of the optic lobe neuropils, the lobula. This finding indicates that histamine may also be a transmitter in certain interneurons in the visual system.Abbreviations HA histamine - GABA -amino butyric acid - GAD glutamic acid decarboxylase - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) - HA-IR histamine-like immunoreactivity - R1-R6 class of short-axoned photoreceptors - R7 and R8 long-axoned photoreceptors - LMC large monopolar neuron of lamina - HSA human serum albumin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - DEPC diethylpyrocarbonate  相似文献   

Summary The brain of the blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala, has been studied by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method, with the use of antibodies to bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP). A number of immunoreactive neurones have been localised, some corresponding to neurones previously identified tentatively as neurosecretory. This finding is further evidence that biologically active peptides, previously considered to be vertebrate, also exist in invertebrates. It also supports the concept of their evolutionary origin in nervous tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Neurons immunoreactive with antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) were mapped in the thoracico-abdominal ganglia of the blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala, during postembryonic development. Reconstructions from serial sections of tissue processed with a preincubation PAP-method permitted a detailed analysis of the morphological changes occurring in 5-HT-immunoreactive (5-HTi) neurons.All the 5-HTi cell bodies in the thoracico-abdominal ganglia of the 3rd instar larva, except two in the metathoracic ganglion, retain their immunochemical phenotype throughout pupal development. Hence, all the adult 5-HTi neurons in these ganglia differentiate during embryonic development. The finer processes of the larval 5-HTi neurons undergo a substantial regression during the first 24 h of pupal development, and thereafter new branches form on the primary processes of the same cell bodies. The slight change in relative position of 5-HTi cell bodies and the reorganization of the neuropil into an adult pattern occur during the first half of pupal development. The neuropil mass and extent of 5-HTi processes continue to increase during the following days and appear to be fully developed two days (80% of pupal development) before hatching.On the basis of the presented data, some of the basic processes are discussed that lead to the transformation of the larval nervous system into its adult form.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase (sodium pump) plays a central role in the physiology of arthropod photoreceptors as it re-establishes gradients for Na+ and K+ after light stimulation. We have mapped the distribution of the Na,K-ATPase in the photoreceptors of the blowfly (Calliphora erythrocephala) by immunofluorescent and immunogold cytochemistry, and demonstrate that the distribution pattern is more complex than previously presumed. High levels of sodium pumps have been detected consistently in all photoreceptors R1-8 on the nonreceptive surface, but no sodium pumps are found on the microvillar rhabdomere. Within the nonreceptive surface of the cells R1-6, however, the sodium pumps are confined to sites juxtaposed to neighboring photoreceptor or glial cells; no sodium pumps have been detected on the parts of the nonreceptive surface exposed to the intra-ommatidial space. In R7 and R8, the sodium pumps are found over the entire nonreceptive surface. The cytoskeletal protein spectrin colocalizes with the sodium pumps suggesting that linkage of the pump molecules to the spectrin-based submembrane cytoskeleton contributes to the maintenance of the complex pattern of pump distribution.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of neurons immunoreactive against antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) and gastrin/cholecystokinin (gastrin/CCK) has been studied in the larval retrocerebral complex of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala, a composite structure which consists of the corpus cardiacum, the corpus allatum, the thoracic gland and a portion of the cephalic aorta. Immunoreactive material was found in all these elements except in the corpus allatum. Six to eight cell bodies in the corpus cardiacum and four to eight cell bodies in the thoracic gland were 5-HT immunoreactive (5-HTi). These 5-HTi cell bodies send processes to the neuropil of the corpus cardiacum and to neurohemal sites in the cephalic aorta, corpus cardiacum and ventral part of the thoracic gland. Six to eight cell bodies in the corpus cardiacum and four to six cell bodies in the thoracic gland reacted with antibodies against gastrin/CCK. These cell bodies send processes to the neuropil of the corpus cardiacum and to neurohemal sites in the corpus cardiacum and the cephalic aorta in a pattern resembling that of the 5-HTi fibers. Additional gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactive fibers were shown to come from the central nervous system via the two nervi corporis cardiaci. An electron-microscopical analysis was performed to analyze further the morphological features revealed by the light-microscopic immunocytochemical technique. This confirmed the existence of neurosecretory-like terminals among the gland cells of the thoracic glands and the existence of neurohemal sites in several regions of the larval retrocerebral complex. Some functional aspects of the retrocerebral complex are discussed on the basis of the presented data.  相似文献   

Summary The pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) family of neuropeptides comprises a series of closely related octadecapeptides, isolated from different species of crustaceans and insects, which can be demonstrated immunocytochemically in neurons in the central nervous system and optic lobes of some representatives of these groups (Rao and Riehm 1989). In this investigation we have extended these immunocytochemical studies to include the blowfly Phormia terraenovae and the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. In the former species tissue extracts were also tested in a bioassay: extracts of blowfly brains exhibited PDH-like biological activity, causing melanophore pigment dispersion in destalked (eyestalkless) specimens of the fiddler crab Uca pugilator. Using standard immunocytochemical techniques, we could demonstrate a small number of pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive (PDH-IR) neurons innervating optic lobe neuropil in the blowfly and the cockroach. In the blowfly the cell bodies of these neurons are located at the anterior base of the medulla. At least eight PDH-IR cell bodies of two size classes can be distinguished: 4 larger and 4 smaller. Branching immunoreactive fibers invade three layers in the medulla neuropil, and one stratum distal and one proximal to the lamina synaptic layer. A few fibers can also be seen invading the basal lobula and the lobula plate. The fibers distal to the lamina appear to be derived from two of the large PDH-IR cell bodies which also send processes into the medulla. These neurons share many features in their laminamedulla morphology with the serotonin immunoreactive neurons LBO-5HT described earlier (see Nässel 1988). It could be demonstrated by immunocytochemical double labeling that the serotonin and PDH immunoreactivities are located in two separate sets of neurons. In the cockroach optic lobe PDH-IR processes were found to invade the lamina synaptic region and form a diffuse distribution in the medulla. The numerous cell bodies of the lamina-medulla cells in the cockroach are located basal to the lamina in two clusters. Additional PDH-IR cell bodies could be found at the anterior base of the medulla. The distribution and morphology of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the cockroach lamina was found to be very similar to the PDH-IR ones. It is hence tempting to speculate that in both species the PDH-and serotonin-immunoreactive neurons are functionally coupled with common follower neurons. These neurons may be candidates for regulating large numbers of units in the visual system. In the flies photoreceptor properties may be regulated by action of the two set of neurons at sites peripheral to the lamina synaptic layer, possibly by paracrine release of messengers.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antiserum against the tetrapeptide FMRFamide, we have studied the distribution of FMRFamide-like substances in the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of the sphinx mothManduca sexta. More than 2000 neurons per hemisphere exhibit FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity. Most of these cells reside within the optic lobe. Particular types of FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons can be identified. Among these are neurosecretory cells, putatively centrifugal neurons of the optic lobe, local interneurons of the antennal lobe, mushroom-body Kenyon cells, and small-field neurons of the central complex. In the suboesophageal ganglion, groups of ventral midline neurons exhibit FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity. Some of these cells have axons in the maxillary nerves and apparently give rise to FMRFamide-immunoreactive terminals in the sheath of the suboesophageal ganglion and the maxillary nerves. In local interneurons of the antennal lobe and a particular group of protocerebral neurons, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity is colocalized with GABA-like immunoreactivity. This suggests that FMRFamide-like peptides may be cotransmitters of these putatively GABAergic interneurons. All FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons are, furthermore, immunoreactive with an antiserum against bovine pancreatic polypeptide, and the vast majority is also immunoreactive with an antibody against the molluscan small cardioactive peptide SCPB. Therefore, it is possible that more than one peptide is localized within many FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons. The results suggest that FMRFamide-related peptides are widespread within the nervous system ofM. sexta and might function as neurohormones and neurotransmitters in a variety of neuronal cell types.Abbreviations AL antennal lobe - BPPLI bovine pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity - FLI FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity - GLI GABA-like immunoreactivity - NSC neurosecretory cell - SCP B LI small cardioactive peptideB-like immunoreactivity - SLI serotonin-like immunoreactivity - SOG suboesophageal ganglion  相似文献   

S-Antigen (arrestin)-immunoreaction can be considered as a marker for retinal and extraretinal photoreceptors in both vertebrate and invertebrate species. The present immunocytochemical study with the blowfly Calliphora vicina revealed S-antigen immunoreaction in retinal photoreceptors and various groups of neurons bilaterally distributed in the optic lobes and in the proto-, deuto- and tritocerebrum. S-Antigen-immunoreactive processes and terminal formations were found in the lower division of the central body complex and in the neuropil of the mushroom body. Also neuropil regions of the optic lobe, the lamina, medulla and lobula displayed S-antigen-immunoreactive fibers which were arranged in different patterns. These immunocytochemical data suggest that extraocular photoreceptors may be located in various parts of the blowfly brain. They provide a structural basis for further experiments which are needed to identify definitely these elements as extraretinal photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Summary Calliphora erythrocephala has cross-striated cardiac muscle cells with A, I and Z-bands. The diameters of the myosin and actin filaments are 200–250 Å and 85 Å respectively and the length of the myosin filaments (A-band) is approximately 1.5 . Usually 8–10 actin filaments surround each myosin filament.The myocardial cells show a well-developed membrane system and interior couplings. A perforated sheet of SR envelopes the myofibrils at the A-band, dilates into flattened cisternae at both A-I band levels before it merges into a three-dimensional net-work between the actin filaments of the I-bands and between the dense bodies of the discontinuous Z-discs. The T-system consists of broad flattened tubules running between the myofibrils at the A-I band levels forming dyads with the SR-cisternae. Longitudinal connections between the transverse (T-) tubules often occur.It is suggested that this well-developed SR may be an adaptation to facilitate a rapid contraction/relaxation frequency by an effective Ca2+ uptake.  相似文献   

Summary Ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells (VTNCs) of the blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala and C. vomitoria, innervating thoracic neuropil and the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion have been shown to be immunoreactive to a variety of mammalian peptide antisera. In the neural sheath the VTNC terminals form an extensive neurohaemal network that is especially dense over the abdominal ganglia. The same areas are invaded by separate, ut overlapping serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-IR) projections derived from neuronal cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunocytochemical studies with different antisera, applied to adjacent sections at the lightmicroscopic level, combined with extensive cross-absorption tests, suggest that the perikarya of the VTNCs contain co-localized peptides related to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP), Met- and Leuenkephalin and Met-enk-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-enk-RF). Electron-microscopic immunogold-labeling shows that some of the terminals in the dorsal sheath react with several of the individual peptide antisera, whilst others with similar cytology are non-immunoreactive. In the same region, separate terminals with different cytological characteristics contain 5-HT-IR. Both 5-HT-IR and peptidergic terminals are localized outside the cellular perineurium beneath the acellular permeable sheath adjacent to the haemocoel. Hence, we propose that various bioactive substances may be released from thoracic neurosecretory neurons into the circulating haemolymph to act on peripheral targets. The same neurons may also interact by synaptic or modulatory action in the CNS in different neuropil regions of the thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactive (FLI) neurons and their morphological characteristics have been investigated in the central nervous system of the snail, Helix pomatia L. Approximately phageal ganglion complex. More than 50% of the FLI neurons were located in the cerebral ganglia. The FLI neurons could be divided into four groups according to size: (i) giant neurons (over 100 m); (ii) large neurons (80–100 m); (iii) medium-sized neurons (40–70 m); (iv) small neurons (12–30 m). They were distributed i) in groups or clusters, typical of small neurons and ii) in solitary form or in groups comprising 2–3 cells, typical of large and giant neurons. Giant and large neurons revealed only limited arborizations in the neuropil, but rich branching towards and in the peripheral nerves. Some of the small neurons had extensive arborizations of varicose fibers in the neuropil. They may therefore play some role in integratory processes. Varicose FLI fibers were visualized in the cell body layer of the different ganglia, and in the neural sheath of both the ganglia and the peripheral nerves. We propose a multifunctional involvement of FLI neurons and FMRFamide-like neuropeptides in the Helix nervous system: (i) a synaptic or modulatory role in axo-axonic interactions in the neuropil; (ii) a direct influence on neuronal cell bodies in the cortical layer, (iii) innervation of different peripheral organs; and (iv) remote neurohormonal control of peripheral events through the neural sheath.  相似文献   

The distribution of neurones immunoreactive to antisera raised against the undecapeptide C-terminal fragment of drosulfakinin II (DrmSKII), Asp-Gln-Phe-Asp-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Gly-His-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2, has been studied in the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. Antisera were preabsorbed with combinations of the parent antigen, the tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 and cholecystokinin, the vertebrate sulfated octapeptide (CCK-8), Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2, in order to ensure specificity for the sulfakinin peptides of C. vomitoria (the nonapeptide callisulfakinin I is identical to drosulfakinin I and callisulfakinin II differs from DrmSK II only by the presence of -Glu3-Glu4- in place of -Asp3-Asp4-). Only four pairs of sulfakinin-immunoreactive neurones have been visualised in the entire nervous system. These occur in the brain: two pairs of cells situated medially in the caudo-dorsal region close to the roots of the ocellar nerve and two other pairs at the same level but positioned more laterally. Despite the small number of sulfakinin-immunoreactive cells, there are extensive projections to many areas of neuropile in the brain and the thoracic ganglion. The pathway of the medial sulfakinin cells extends into each of the three thoracic ganglia and a metameric arrangement of sulfakinin neuronal projections is also seen in the abdominal ganglia. Neither the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracic ganglion, nor the abdominal nerves contain sulfakinin-immunoreactive material. These observations suggest that the sulfakinins of the blowfly function as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. They do not appear to have a direct role in gut physiology, as has been shown by in vitro bioassays for the sulfakinins of orthopterans and blattodeans. In addition to the neurones that display specific sulfakinin immunoreactivity, other cells within the brain and thoracic ganglion are immunoreactive to cholecystokinin/gastrin antisera. There are, therefore, at least two types of dipteran neuropeptides with amino acid sequences that are similar to the vertebrate molecules cholecystokinin and gastrin.  相似文献   

The Leu-callatostatins are a series of four neuropeptides isolated from nervous tissues of the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria that show C-terminal sequence homology to the allatostatins of cockroaches. The allatostatins have an important role in the reproductive processes of insects as inhibitors of the synthesis and release of juvenile hormone from the corpus allatum. In this study, the distribution of the Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive neurones and endocrine cells has been mapped in C. vomitoria and, in contrast to the cockroach allatostatins, it has been shown that there is no cytological basis to suggest that the dipteran peptides act as regulators of juvenile hormone. Although occurring in various neurones in the brain and thoracico-abdominal ganglion, there is no evidence of Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive pathways linking the brain to the corpus allatum, or of immunoreactive terminals in this gland. Three different types of functions for the Leu-callatostatins are suggested by the occurrence of immunoreactive material in cells and by the pathways that have been identified. (1) A role in neurotransmission or neuromodulation appears evident from immunoreactive neurones in the medulla of the optic lobes, and from immunoreactive material in the central body and in descending interneurones in the suboesophageal ganglion that project to the neuropile of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. (2) Leu-callatostatin neurones directly innervate muscles of the hindgut and the heart. Immunoreactive fibres from neurones of the abdominal ganglion pass by way of the median abdominal nerve to ramify extensively over several areas of the hindgut. Physiological experiments with synthetic peptides show that the Leu-callatostatins are potent inhibitors of peristaltic movements of the ileum. Leu-callatostatin 3 is active at 10-16 to 10-13 M. This form or regulatory control over gut motility appears to be highly specific since the patterns of contraction in other regions are unaffected by these peptides. (3) Evidence that the Leu-callatostatins act as neurohormones comes from the presence of varicosities in axons passing through the corpus cardiacum (but not the corpus allatum) and also from material in extraganglionic neurosecretory cells in the thorax. Fibres from these peripheral neurones are especially prominent over the large nerve bundles supplying the legs. There are also a considerable number of Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive endocrine cells in a specific region of the midgut. The conclusion from this study is that although conservation of the structure of the allatostatin-type of peptides is evident through a long period of evolution it cannot be assumed that all of their functions have also been conserved. Several different types of functions for the Leu-callatostatins of the blowfly are proposed in this study, but there is no evidence to suggest a role in the regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis and release.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the median protocerebrum and suboesophageal ganglion of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta were individually reconstructed. Serotonin immunoreactivity was detected in 19–20 bilaterally symmetrical pairs of interneurons in the midbrain and 10 pairs in the suboesophageal ganglion. These neurons were also immunoreactive with antisera against DOPA decarboxylase. All major neuropil regions except the protocerebral bridge are innervated by these neurons. In addition, efferent cells are serotonin-immunoreactive in the frontal ganglion (5 neurons) and the suboesophageal ganglion (2 pairs of neurons). The latter cells probably give rise to an extensive network of immunoreactive terminals on the surface of the suboesophageal ganglion and suboesophageal nerves. Most of the serotonin-immunoreactive neurons show a gradient in the intensity of immunoreactive staining, suggesting low levels of serotonin in cell bodies and dendritic arbors and highest concentrations in axonal terminals. Serotonin-immunoreactive cells often occur in pairs with similar morphological features. With one exception, all serotonin-immunoreactive neurons have bilateral projections with at least some arborizations in identical neuropil areas in both hemispheres. The morphology of several neurons suggests that they are part of neuronal feedback circuits. The similarity in the arborization patterns of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons raises the possibility that their outgrowing neurites experienced similar forces during embryonic development. The morphological similarities further suggest that serotonin-immunoreactive interneurons in the midbrain and suboesophageal ganglion share physiological characteristics.Abbreviations CNS central nervous system - DDC DOPA decarboxylase - LAL lateral accessory lobe - SLI serotonin-like immunoreactivity - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - VLP ventro-lateral protocerebrum  相似文献   

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