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During their staging at stopover sites, migrants may compete with resident species over food resources (“resource competition hypothesis”), or migrants feed on surplus that is not utilised by the residents. Here, I studied foraging behaviour of the Cyprus Wheatear, Oenanthe cypriaca, a ubiquitous and common species with a broad niche range, on Cyprus, which is an important stopover site during intercontinental spring migration. During adverse weather conditions, perch height and aerial sallying were lower and perch/pounce activity was higher. Average perch height and sallying increased over the season, while perch-pounce foraging decreased. There was no influence of clock time. Bivariate correlations suggested an influence of migrants on perch height but not on other variables. Using a series of regression analyses with sex, time of day, date, weather conditions and number of migrants as independent variables revealed no influence of the number of migrants on the foraging behaviour of the Cyprus Wheatear. This suggests that the abundance of migrants does not lead to a change in the behaviour of the Cyprus Wheatear.  相似文献   

Capsule We found closely related Cyprus Wheatears Oenanthe cypriaca and Pied Wheatears Oenanthe pleschanka to differ significantly from each other in 14 external morphometric characters, supporting the independent taxonomic status of both forms. An additionally measured old specimen from Helgoland unexpectedly turned out to be a Cyprus Wheatear, the first record for Germany.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic mosaics, in which various phenotypes and different genomic regions show discordant patterns of species or population divergence, offer unique opportunities to study the role of ancestral and introgressed genetic variation in phenotypic evolution. Here, we investigated the evolution of discordant phenotypic and genetic divergence in a monophyletic clade of four songbird taxa—pied wheatear (O. pleschanka), Cyprus wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca), and western and eastern subspecies of black‐eared wheatear (O. h. hispanica and O. h. melanoleuca). Phenotypically, black back and neck sides distinguish pied and Cyprus wheatears from the white‐backed/necked black‐eared wheatears. Meanwhile, mitochondrial variation only distinguishes western black‐eared wheatear. In the absence of nuclear genetic data, and given frequent hybridization among eastern black‐eared and pied wheatear, it remains unclear whether introgression is responsible for discordance between mitochondrial divergence patterns and phenotypic similarities, or whether plumage coloration evolved in parallel. Multispecies coalescent analyses of about 20,000 SNPs obtained from RAD data mapped to a draft genome assembly resolve the species tree, provide evidence for the parallel evolution of colour phenotypes and establish western and eastern black‐eared wheatears as independent taxa that should be recognized as full species. The presence of the entire admixture spectrum in the Iranian hybrid zone and the detection of footprints of introgression from pied into eastern black‐eared wheatear beyond the hybrid zone despite strong geographic structure of ancestry proportions furthermore suggest a potential role for introgression in parallel plumage colour evolution. Our results support the importance of standing heterospecific and/or ancestral variation in phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

Capsule We analysed habitat preferences of Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica of the eastern subspecies (O. hispanica melanoleuca) in South Italy, considering 1-ha (coinciding with territory size) square plots (49 occupied and 49 unoccupied). We used multi-adaptive regression splines to model habitat preferences. Black-eared Wheatear occurrence was positively associated with three factors: aspect (a SE orientation was preferred), cover of grazed grassland and cover of bare ground. Species conservation should be based on the maintenance of grazed grasslands, especially on SE-facing slopes, and including at least 2500 m2 of bare ground per ha.  相似文献   

Capsule We report large declines among summer populations between 1968–80 and 2000.

Aim To assess changes in the status of breeding populations of birds in pastoral uplands.

Methods Volunteer observers revisited 13 areas of marginal upland in Britain where Common Birds Census data were collected during 1968–80. This allowed the status of 35 bird species to be examined over about 20 years and to make a comparison between grassland-based and woodland-based species.

Results For 12 species the decline in abundance was significant, particularly among passerines, such as Skylark Alauda arvensis, Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, each of which declined by over 80%. Redshank Tringa totanus, Yellow Wagtail, Dipper Cinclus cinclus, Whinchat, Wheatear, Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus and Yellowhammer were found on less than half the number of plots on which they were originally recorded. Most declining species were associated with grassland for nesting and foraging, compared to those species that increased (Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus, Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba, Carrion Crow Corvus corone, Jackdaw C. monedula and Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis) that were less specialized in their habitat requirements. Woodland or woodland edge species showed no significant change in status, suggesting that population declines among grassland species were not due to lower observer effort between recording periods.

Conclusion Long-term changes to grassland ecosystems in marginal upland areas of Britain may have influenced the status of bird populations.  相似文献   

Shade coffee has been identified as an important habitat for Nearctic‐Neotropical migrants during the non‐breeding season, including species of conservation concern such as Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea). To better understand habitat features important for migrants in shade coffee, we studied the foraging behavior of migrants in mixed‐species flocks at six shade‐coffee farms in the Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela, in 2008–2009 and the El Niño drought year of 2009–2010. We examined interspecific differences in foraging behavior and tree species selection of three foliage‐gleaning migrants, Blackburnian (Setophaga fusca), Cerulean, and Tennessee (Oreothlypis peregrina) warblers, and aerial‐foraging American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). For morphologically similar Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers, we also examined factors influencing foraging rates (attack and movement rates), capture of large prey, and maneuver/substrate type. We found that aerial‐foraging American Redstarts foraged lower, used more aerial maneuvers, showed no tree species selection, and were less likely to forage in flocks than foliage‐gleaners. Although foraging rates were similar for Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers, the three foliage‐gleaners differed in foraging height and use of maneuvers. Cerulean Warblers foraged lower than the other two species, whereas Blackburnian Warblers used the greatest proportion of woody gleans. All three foliage‐gleaners selected Inga spp. (a commonly planted shade tree in shade‐coffee farms) for foraging, and Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers captured a greater proportion of large prey in Inga spp. than in other tree species. During the drought year, Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers captured half as many large prey and used a greater proportion of woody‐gleans. We found that interactions among behavioral, floristic, and environmental drivers influenced the foraging behavior of migrants wintering in shade coffee. Our results support those of previous studies suggesting that migrants partition resources behaviorally during the non‐breeding season, that foliage‐gleaners may benefit from the presence of shade trees, especially Inga spp., in agroforestry systems, and that drought may influence the foraging behavior of foliage‐gleaning migrants, presumably due to reduced prey availability.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Cyprus the pollinator —Ophrys (Orchidaceae) relationships and its specifity have been investigated from the end of February until the middle of March 1986. 12Ophrys spp. were found. To date, only a single pollinator reference has been reported from this island. We found the following pollinators:Melecta tuberculata (Ophrys kotschyi),Eucera dimidiata (Ophrys flavomarginata),Eucera gaullei (Ophrys umbilicata),Eucera paulusi (Ophrys bornmuelleri),Anthophora erschowi (Ophrys elegans),Andrena torda (Ophrys sicula =O. lutea subsp.minor),Andrena cinereophila (Ophrys fusca, small-flowered),Andrena flavipes (Ophrys israelitica),Andrena morio (Ophrys iricolor andOphrys transhyrcana),Andrena bimaculata (Ophrys sphegodes aggr., probably formerly confused withO. transhyrcana). Most interestingly, it could be verified thatO. flavomarginata/O. umbilicata, O. bornmuelleri/O. levantina andO. transhyrcana/O. sphegodes aggr. (possiblyO. sintenisii) are different biospecies. This is a result of genetic isolation due to varying pollinators, and of differences in flower morphology.  相似文献   

Alarm calling has been interpreted from the viewpoint of parental investment and nest defence. Calling should increase with an increasing value of the brood to the caller or with increasing vulnerability of the brood. Parental alarm calling might also be viewed from assessment–management with callers using vocalisations to elicit affective responses in others, e.g. in silencing offspring. I examined parental alarm calling in the Cyprus Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) at different developmental stages. The Cyprus Wheatear produces two alarm calls, but one is emitted only during a short period of the year (type II alarm call). The commoner alarm call (type I alarm call), however, is used year-round. Predation was simulated using consistent approach by human observers. The brood cycle was divided into (I) incubation, (II) nestling, (III) early fledging, and (IV) late fledging. Type I calls increased from phases I to III, and decreased afterwards. Type II calls were absent during incubating and occurred during nestling and early fledging stages. As a conclusion, I suggest that the type I alarm call might be used to alert the mate, deter the predator and signal strength of nest defence, while the type II alarm call is addressed to offspring.  相似文献   

Three new species ofOcotea (O. disjuncta, O. iridescens, andO. rovirosae) from southern Mexico are described and illustrated.Ocotea disjuncta is related to theO. effusa group, whileO. iridescens seems to be related to theO. heydeana group. The relationships ofO. rovirosae are not clear.   相似文献   

We investigated the habitat selected by two Palaearctic migrants (Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus) in a patchy landscape in Ivory Coast and compared it with the habitat selection of Afrotropical species in the same foraging guilds. Transect counts were used to test the hypothesis that migrants use more open and more seasonal habitats and have a broader use of habitats compared with resident species. Habitats compared were, in order of decreasing tree density, gallery forest, an isolated forest and bush/tree savanna. The isolated forest had the most pronounced seasonal changes (deciduous trees) and was the one with the most diverse vegetation structure. The habitat where both migrants were most frequent was the isolated forest, and thus occurred in the habitat with the most pronounced seasonal change. Diversity of habitats selected was highest in migrants but in the Pied Flycatcher this was possibly an artefact due to subdominant individuals being excluded from the preferred habitat by territorial birds. Potential competition for habitat with Afrotropical species was found to be low.  相似文献   

Differential learning and memory by co-occurring ant species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Foragers of the antsMessor pergandei andPogonomyrmex rugosus experience differing levels of variability in the distribution of seeds they harvest due to species-specific differences in foraging behavior.Messor pergandei foragers experience more variable seed distributions and densities, learn to recognize a novel seed faster but forget this information faster thanP. rugosus, which experiences more constant seed distributions even in the same habitat. Rate of learning to recognize a novel seed species was negatively associated with measures of seed species diversity for both ants.Messor pergandei foragers respond to variation in seed density by varying number of seeds handled per seed harvested, whileP. rugosus foragers do not. Memory of a novel seed exceeds forager longevity, due perhaps to use of seed caches as a type of information center.  相似文献   

The mouflon population of Cyprus (Ovis orientalis ophion) comprises historically preserved feral descendants of sheep domesticated during the Neolithic. We determined genetic identity of this taxon in order to elucidate its systematic placement and enforce its protection. We used 12 loci of microsatellite DNA to infer genetic relationships between the Cypriot mouflon and either long-time isolated (Corsica, Sardinia) or recently introduced (central Italy) European mouflons (O. o. musimon). We also sequenced the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Cytochrome-b gene to infer the origin of the Cypriot mouflon including many National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) entries of European and Near Eastern conspecifics. Microsatellites disclosed net divergence between Western Mediterranean and Cypriot mouflon. The latter was included in the highly heterogeneous Near Eastern O. orientalis mtDNA group, Iran representing the most credited region as the source for its ancient introduction to Cyprus. Both international and national legislation protect the mouflon of Cyprus as a wild taxon (O. o. ophion). However, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and NCBI include the Cypriot mouflon as subspecies of its respective domestic species, the sheep (O. aries). Unfortunately, people charged with crime against protected mouflon may benefit from such taxonomic inconsistency between legislation and databases, as the latter can frustrate molecular DNA forensic outcomes. Until a definitive light can be shed on Near Eastern O. orientalis systematics, we suggest that the Cypriot mouflon should be unvaryingly referred to as O. o. ophion in order not to impair conservation in the country where it resides.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in numbers and biomass and breeding of 28 species ofScarabaeidae-Scarabaeinae andGeotrupidae were studied at 2 temperate sites and 2 mediterranean sites in southern France in 1978 and 1979, using cattle-dung baited pitfall traps. Maximum dung burial occurred when females were parous and ovipositiong (i.e. during spring at the mediterranean sites and summer at the temperate sites). Using biomass as a measure of dung burial the most important spring active beetles at the mediterranean sites were:Budas bison, B. bubalus, Scarabaeus laticollis, Onthophagus lemur andCopris hispanus, and at the temperate sites:C. lunaris, O. vacca, andO. ovatus. These results confirmed the previous choice ofC. hispanus, C. lunaris, B. bison andO. vacca for introduction into Australia. In addition it is suggested thatB. bubalus, S. laticollis andO. lemur be considered for introduction into mediterranean areas of south western Australia to complement those species already introduced for bush fly control.   相似文献   

The effect of five constant temperatures (16, 22, 26, 31 and 36°C) on biological (survival and duration of developmental stages, fecundity and longevity of females, sex-ratio) and demographic parameters (R o , G, r m and λ) of the two main phytophagous mites that attack cassava in Africa,Mononychellus progresivus Doreste andOligonychus gossypii (Zacher), was studied in the laboratory. Experiments were performed simultaneously on the two mite species reared on the same cassava variety (1M20) under controlled conditions: 70±10% r.h. and 12L∶12D. The lower thermal threshold was 13°C forM. progresivus and 11°C forO. gossypii. Both species developed in the range from 22 to 36°C. The shortest development time was obtained at 31°C for both species; it was 7.2 days forM. progresivus and 8.2 days forO. gossypii. Maximum fecundity of both species was recorded at 26°C with 42.1 eggs forM. progresivus and 36.3 eggs forO. gossypii The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) was obtained at 31°C for both species with 0.289 and 0.214 forM. progresivus andO. gossypii, respectively.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat change and assisted colonization are promoting range expansions of some widespread species with potential consequences for endemic fauna. The recent colonization of Cyprus by breeding Sardinian Warblers Sylvia melanocephala has raised concerns that it might be displacing the closely related and endemic Cyprus Warbler Sylvia melanothorax. Habitat associations of both species were examined using models of abundance within the 95% density kernel of the Sardinian Warbler’s range and also outside this range for Cyprus Warbler. Within the Sardinian Warbler’s range, the two species were associated with subtly different scrub habitats. Outside the Sardinian Warbler’s range, the Cyprus Warbler differed again in its habitat association, but this probably resulted from marked differences in habitat extent and availability in different parts of the island rather than from competitive displacement, as none of the habitat or land‐use elements differentially associated with Cyprus Warblers was positively associated with Sardinian Warbler occurrence. This suggests that the Sardinian Warbler has exploited a different niche, rather than displacing the endemic species, and has perhaps benefitted from changing land‐use patterns, particularly recent fallows and abandoned agriculture, in contrast to the stronger association of Cyprus Warblers with semi‐natural scrub.  相似文献   

The Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) is a vulnerable and poorly studied bird in the sub-antarctic deciduous and evergreen beech (Nothofagus) forests of South America. On Tierra del Fuego island (Chile), we compared Magellanic woodpecker abundance and its foraging habitat in two forest types: pure N. pumilio and mixed forests composed by N. pumilio and N. betuloides, including managed and non managed stands. At a regional scale, abundance of woodpeckers was greater in landscapes including both forest types than in pure N. pumilio landscapes. When both forest types occurred together, woodpecker abundance did not differ between them. The number of trees with foraging signs was correlated with Magellanic woodpecker abundance and was also associated with N. betuloides and snag densities, but was not affected by forest management. Occurrence of pecking on foraging trees was greater in mixed Nothofagus than pure N. pumilio stands. Woodpeckers foraged disproportionately more on larger diameter and more decayed trees. Moreover, trees used for foraging were positively correlated with canopy cover and snag density and were negatively correlated with distance to nearby peatlands and beaver ponds. Direct observation revealed that the flying distance between trees was negatively correlated with proportion of trees with foraging signs. Woodpeckers chose trees that were visited before, suggesting a pattern of tree recognition within foraging territories.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Our study of the distribution of benthic foraminifers in surface sediment samples from the Norwegian Channel has shown that eight species and five different assemblages are important. The assemblages are dominated byUvigerina peregrina, Bolivina skagerrakensis, Cassidulina laevigata, Elphidium excavatum andBulimina marginata, respectively.Hyalinea balthica, Melonis barleeanum andTrifarina angulosa are also abundant. The first four assemblages and their dominant species can be related to certain water masses with known characteristics. Two species are related to certain types of substrate;M. barleeanum seems to prefer a fine-grained substrate, whileT. angulosa occurs most abundantly where the content of silt and clay is low.B. skagerrakensis andH. balthica occur most abundantly in sediments with a high content of organic carbon, whileT. angulosa shows inverse correlation to the organic carbon content.  相似文献   

Three species which contain both gyrophoric and lecanoric acids and possess perithecioid ascomata are recognized in the genusDiploschistes. D. badius andD. gyrophoricus are described as new, whileD. subcupreus is reduced to synonymy withD. sticticus. Two species occur in the southern hemisphere, whileD. badius is found in N. America.  相似文献   

Tyrant flycatchers constitute a substantial component of the land bird fauna in all South American habitats. Past interpretations of the morphological and ecological evolution in the group have been hampered by the lack of a well‐resolved hypothesis of their phylogenetic interrelationships. Here, we present a well‐resolved phylogeny based on DNA sequences from three nuclear introns for 128 taxa. Our results confirm much of the overall picture of Tyrannidae relationships, and also identify several novel relationships. The genera Onychorhynchus, Myiobius and Terenotriccus are placed outside Tyrannidae and may be more closely related to Tityridae. Tyrannidae consists of two main lineages. An expanded pipromorphine clade includes flatbills, tody‐tyrants and antpipits, and also Phylloscartes and Pogonotriccus. The spadebills, Neopipo and Tachuris are their closest relatives. The remainder of the tyrant flycatchers forms a well‐supported clade, subdivided in two large subclades, which differ consistently in foraging behaviour, the perch‐gleaning elaeniines and the sallying myiarchines, tyrannines and fluvicolines. A third clade is formed by the genera Myiotriccus, Pyrrhomyias, Hirundinea and three species currently placed in Myiophobus. Ancestral habitat reconstruction and divergence date estimation suggest that early divergence events in Tyrannida took place in a humid forest environment during the Oligocene. Large‐scale diversification in open habitats is confined to the clade consisting of the elaeniines, myiarchines, tyrannines and fluvicolines. This radiation correlates in time to the expansion of semi‐open and open habitats from the mid‐Miocene (c. 15 Mya) onwards. The pipromorphine, elaeniine and myiarchine–tyrannine–fluvicoline clades each employ distinct foraging strategies (upward striking, perch‐gleaning and sallying, respectively), but the degree of diversity in morphology and microhabitat exploitation is markedly different between these clades. While the pipromorphines and elaeniines each are remarkably homogenous in morphology and exploit a restricted range of microhabitats, the myiarchine–tyrannine–fluvicoline clade is more diverse in these respects. This greater ecological diversity, especially as manifested in their success in colonizing a wider spectrum of open habitats, appears to be connected to a greater adaptive flexibility of the search‐and‐sally foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

The diurnal pattern of foraging behaviour in birds is commonly linked to the risk of starvation and predation. During the breeding season, when offspring place additional demands on the quantity of food adults need to collect, diurnal foraging patterns may be influenced to a greater extent by food availability because adults need to balance starvation–predation risks not only for themselves but also their offspring. We used data-loggers to measure diurnal variation in rates of nest visits to 7- to 10-day-old nestlings of the insectivorous Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe in Swedish farmland habitat. Adults provisioned the nestlings with food for an average 19.5 h each day (= 11 pairs), with visitation rates sharply increasing during the morning, remaining relatively stable between 0800 and 1700 hours, and then declining in the evening. This pattern is similar to daily temperature fluctuations and is consistent with the hypothesis that nest visit rates are a function of temperature-dependent prey availability. Higher rates of nest visits on warm days support this correlation between temperature and offspring feeding. However, without data on the rate of self-feeding by adults it is difficult to distinguish between patterns of nest visits being driven by food availability, or starvation–predation constraints being imposed on the parents; thus, future studies of patterns of offspring feeding should collect data on the self-feeding behaviour of the adults.  相似文献   

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