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Anatomy of a homeoprotein revealed by the analysis of human MODY3 mutations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha) is an atypical dimeric homeodomain-containing protein that is expressed in liver, intestine, stomach, kidney, and pancreas. Mutations in the HNF1alpha gene are associated with an autosomal dominant form of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus called maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY3). More than 80 different mutations have been identified so far, many of which involve highly conserved amino acid residues among vertebrate HNF1alpha. In the present work, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which MODY3 mutations could affect HNF1alpha function. For this purpose, we analyzed the properties of 10 mutants resulting in amino acid substitutions or protein truncation. Some mutants have a reduced protein stability, whereas others are either defective in the DNA binding or impaired in their intrinsic trans-activation potential. Three mutants, characterized by a complete loss of trans-activation, behave as dominant negatives when transfected with the wild-type protein. These data define a clear causative relationship between MODY3 mutations and functional defects in HNF1alpha trans-activation. In addition, our analysis sheds new light on the structure of a homeoprotein playing a key role in pancreatic beta cell function.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the nuclear receptor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (HNF4alpha) generates isoforms HNF4alpha1 and HNF4alpha7 from usage of alternative promoters. In particular, HNF4alpha7 is expressed in the pancreas whereas HNF4alpha1 is found in liver, and mutations affecting HNF4alpha function cause impaired insulin secretion and/or hepatic defects in humans and in tissue-specific 'knockout' mice. HNF4alpha1 and alpha7 isoforms differ exclusively by amino acids encoded by the first exon which, in HNF4alpha1 but not in HNF4alpha7, includes the activating function (AF)-1 transactivation domain. To investigate the roles of HNF4alpha1 and HNF4alpha7 in vivo, we generated mice expressing only one isoform under control of both promoters, via reciprocal swapping of the isoform-specific first exons. Unlike Hnf4alpha gene disruption which causes embryonic lethality, these 'alpha7-only' and 'alpha1-only' mice are viable, indicating functional redundancy of the isoforms. However, the former show dyslipidemia and preliminary results indicate impaired glucose tolerance for the latter, revealing functional specificities of the isoforms. These 'knock-in' mice provide the first test in vivo of the HNF4alpha AF-1 function and have permitted identification of AF-1-dependent target genes.  相似文献   

The hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)4alpha, a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, regulates genes that play a critical role in embryogenesis and metabolism. Recent studies have shown that mutations in the human HNF4alpha gene cause a rare form of type 2 diabetes, maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY1). To investigate the properties of these naturally occurring HNF4alpha mutations we analysed five MODY1 mutations (R154X, R127W, V255M, Q268X and E276Q) and one other mutation (D69A), which we found in HepG2 hepatoma cells. Activation of reporter genes in transfection assays and DNA binding studies showed that the MODY1-associated mutations result in a variable reduction in function, whereas the D69A mutation showed an increased activity on some promoters. None of the MODY mutants acted in a dominant negative manner, thus excluding inactivation of the wild-type factor as a critical event in MODY development. A MODY3-associated mutation in the HNF1alpha gene, a well-known target gene of HNF4alpha, results in a dramatic loss of the HNF4 binding site in the promoter, indicating that mutations in the HNF4alpha gene might cause MODY through impaired HNF1alpha gene function. Based on these data we propose a two-hit model for MODY development.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha)-null mice have enlarged fatty livers and alterations in the expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in the synthesis, catabolism, and transport of fatty acids. Elevations in the expression of genes encoding fatty acid synthetic enzymes (fatty acid synthase and acyl-CoA carboxylase) and peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes (CYP4A3, bifunctional enzyme, and thiolase) were observed in the livers of HNF1alpha-null mice, whereas hepatic mitochondrial beta-oxidation gene (medium and short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase) expression levels remain unchanged relative to HNF1alpha-heterozygous controls. An elevation in the levels of fatty acid transporter gene expression was also observed. In contrast, there was a marked reduction of liver fatty acid-binding protein (l-FABP) gene expression in the livers of HNF1alpha-null mice. Isolation and sequence analysis of the 5'-flanking region of the mouse l-FABP gene revealed the presence of two HNF1alpha regulatory elements. The results of transient transfection studies indicate that HNF1alpha is required to trans-activate the expression of the l-FABP promoter. Taken together, these data define a critical role for HNF1alpha in the pathogenesis of a phenotype marked by fatty infiltration of the liver and in the regulation of the l-FABP gene, the expression of which may have a direct impact on the maintenance of fatty acid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP-IV) is a well-documented drug target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNF)-1alpha and HNF-1beta, known as the causal genes of MODY3 and MODY5, respectively, have been reported to be involved in regulation of DPP-IV gene expression. But, it is not completely clear (i) that they play roles in regulation of DPP-IV gene expression, and (ii) whether DPP-IV gene activity is changed by mutant HNF-1alpha and mutant HNF-1beta in MODY3 and MODY5. To explore these questions, we investigated transactivation effects of wild HNF-1alpha and 13 mutant HNF-1alpha, as well as wild HNF-1beta and 2 mutant HNF-1beta, on DPP-IV promoter luciferase gene in Caco-2 cells by means of a transient experiment. Both wild HNF-1alpha and wild HNF-1beta significantly transactivated DPP-IV promoter, but mutant HNF-1alpha and mutant HNF-1beta exhibited low transactivation activity. Moreover, to study whether mutant HNF-1alpha and mutant HNF-1beta change endogenous DPP-IV enzyme activity, we produced four stable cell lines from Caco-2 cells, in which wild HNF-1alpha or wild HNF-1beta, or else respective dominant-negative mutant HNF-1alphaT539fsdelC or dominant-negative mutant HNF-1betaR177X, was stably expressed. We found that DPP-IV gene expression and enzyme activity were significantly increased in wild HNF-1alpha cells and wild HNF-1beta cells, whereas they decreased in HNF-1alphaT539fsdelC cells and HNF-1betaR177X cells, compared with DPP-IV gene expression and enzyme activity in Caco-2 cells. These results suggest that both wild HNF-1alpha and wild HNF-1beta have a stimulatory effect on DPP-IV gene expression, but that mutant HNF-1alpha and mutant HNF-1beta attenuate the stimulatory effect.  相似文献   

Extracellular calcium is crucial for functioning of the epithelial barrier. Compounds that bind calcium, reducing its extracellular levels, have therefore been investigated as mucosal absorption enhancers. However, the conditions under which calcium reduction sufficiently modulates the epithelial barrier to result in meaningful improvements in mucosal drug absorption are unclear. Present work investigated the settings in which calcium depletion leads to optimal epithelial barrier-modulating effects. Using Calu-3 and Caco-2 cell layers and inducing calcium depletion site-specifically (apically, basolaterally or on both sides) we demonstrate that apical calcium removal produces a modest effect on the tight junctions (the extent of the effect being dependent on the duration of apical calcium unavailability), whilst basolateral calcium exhaustion leads to a prominent effect on the epithelial barrier. However, using polyacrylic acid as an example, we show that polymeric calcium-binding agents proposed as mucosal absorption-enhancing excipients alter calcium levels exclusively on the apical side of the epithelium, which explains their modest effect on epithelial barrier modulation (also demonstrated in our work). Therefore the use of calcium-depleting agents, especially those based on macromolecular polymers, is a relatively inefficacious strategy to promote mucosal absorption of macromolecules.  相似文献   

The reverse tetracycline-dependent transactivator system was employed in insulinoma INS-1 cells to achieve controlled inducible expression of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha (HNF1 alpha)-P291fsinsC, the most common mutation associated with subtype 3 of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY3). Nuclear localized HNF1 alpha-P291fsinsC protein exerts its dominant-negative effects by competing with endogenous HNF1 alpha for the cognate DNA-binding site. HNF1 alpha controls multiple genes implicated in pancreatic beta-cell function and notably in metabolism- secretion coupling. In addition to reduced expression of the genes encoding insulin, glucose transporter-2, L-pyruvate kinase, aldolase B and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, induction of HNF1 alpha-P291fsinsC also significantly inhibits expression of mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH) E1 subunit mRNA and protein. OGDH enzyme activity and [(14)C]pyruvate oxidation were also reduced. In contrast, the mRNA and protein levels of mitochondrial uncoupling protein-2 were dramatically increased by HNF1 alpha-P291fsinsC induction. As predicted from this altered gene expression profile, HNF1 alpha-P291fsinsC also inhibits insulin secretory responses to glucose and leucine, correlated with impaired nutrient-evoked mitochondrial ATP production and mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization. These unprecedented results suggest the molecular mechanism of HNF1 alpha-P291fsinsC causing beta-cell dysfunction.  相似文献   

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