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The protective effect of dietary l-glutamine against the hepatotoxic action of d-galactosamine (GalN) was investigated by model experiments with rats. Rats fed with 20% casein diets containing 10% free amino acids were injected with GalN, and the serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase activities and the hepatic glycogen content were assayed 20 hours after the injection. These enzyme activities in the group fed with the 10% l-glutamine diet for 8 days were lower than those in the groups fed with the control, 10% l-glutamic acid and 10% l-alanine diets for 8 days. The more prolonged the feeding period with the 10% l-glutamine diet was, the more the serum activity levels of such enzymes were decreased. Although neomycin also lowered these enzyme activities, its simultaneous ingestion with neomycin did not show any additive or synergistic effect. The hepatic glycogen content in the 10% glutamine group still remained high after the GalN treatment. It is therefore assumed that the effectiveness of glutamine intake would have been mediated by glycogen metabolism rather than by uridine metabolism.  相似文献   

A Glu141Asn mutant Paracoccus sp. 12-A formate dehydrogenase catalyzes marked glyoxylate reduction. Additional replacement of the His332-Gln313 pair with His-Glu, which is a consensus acid/base catalyst in D-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases, further improved the catalytic activity of the enzyme as to glyoxylate reduction through enhancement of the hydrogen transfer step in the catalytic process, slightly shifting the optimal pH for the reaction. On the other hand, the replacement induced no marked activity toward other 2-ketoacid substrates, and diminished the enzyme activity as to formate oxidation. Consequently, the formate dehydrogenase was converted to a highly specific and active glyoxylate reductase through only the two amino acid replacements.  相似文献   

D-Glucosone 6-phosphate (D-arabino-hexos-2-ulose 6-(dihydrogen phosphate)) was prepared from D-glucosone (D-arabino-hexos-2-ulose) by enzymatic conversion with hexokinase. The isomeric composition of D-glucosone 6-phosphate in aqueous solution was quantitatively determined by NMR spectroscopy and compared to D-glucosone. The main isomers are the alpha-anomer (58%) and the beta-anomer (28%) of the hydrated pyranose form, and the beta-D-fructofuranose form (14%).  相似文献   

Melting behaviour of D-sucrose, D-glucose and D-fructose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The melting behaviour of d-sucrose, d-glucose and d-fructose was studied. The melting peaks were determined with DSC and the start of decomposition was studied with TG at different rates of heating. In addition, melting points were determined with a melting point apparatus. The samples were identified as d-sucrose, alpha-d-glucopyranose and beta-d-fructopyranose by powder diffraction measurements. There were differences in melting between the different samples of the same sugar and the rate of heating had a remarkable effect on the melting behaviour. For example, T(o), DeltaH(f) and T(i) (initial temperature of decomposition) at a 1 degrees Cmin(-1) rate of heating were 184.5 degrees C, 126.6Jg(-1) and 171.3 degrees C for d-sucrose, 146.5 degrees C, 185.4Jg(-1) and 152.0 degrees C for d-glucose and 112.7 degrees C, 154.1Jg(-1) and 113.9 degrees C for d-fructose. The same parameters at 10 degrees Cmin(-1) rate of heating were 188.9 degrees C, 134.4Jg(-1) and 189.2 degrees C for d-sucrose, 155.2 degrees C, 194.3Jg(-1) and 170.3 degrees C for d-glucose and 125.7 degrees C, 176.7Jg(-1) and 136.8 degrees C d-fructose. At slow rates of heating, there were substantial differences between the different samples of the same sugar. The melting point determination is a sensitive method for the characterization of crystal quality but it cannot be used alone for the identification of sugar samples in all cases. Therefore, the melting point method should be validated for different sugars.  相似文献   

2,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl-D-glucono-1,6-lactone has been prepared as a crystalline compound in acceptable yield by two different routes. An initial assay of copolymerization with L-lactide by ring-opening polymerization was carried out. The incorporation of the carbohydrate monomer into the polymer chain was about 2%.  相似文献   

D-amino acid amidase (DAA) from Ochrobactrum anthropi SV3, which catalyzes the stereospecific hydrolysis of D-amino acid amides to yield the D-amino acid and ammonia, has attracted increasing attention as a catalyst for the stereospecific production of D-amino acids. In order to clarify the structure-function relationships of DAA, the crystal structures of native DAA, and of the D-phenylalanine/DAA complex, were determined at 2.1 and at 2.4 A resolution, respectively. Both crystals contain six subunits (A-F) in the asymmetric unit. The fold of DAA is similar to that of the penicillin-recognizing proteins, especially D-alanyl-D-alanine-carboxypeptidase from Streptomyces R61, and class C beta-lactamase from Enterobacter cloacae strain GC1. The catalytic residues of DAA and the nucleophilic water molecule for deacylation were assigned based on these structures. DAA has a flexible Omega-loop, similar to class C beta-lactamase. DAA forms a pseudo acyl-enzyme intermediate between Ser60 O(gamma) and the carbonyl moiety of d-phenylalanine in subunits A, B, C, D, and E, but not in subunit F. The difference between subunit F and the other subunits (A, B, C, D and E) might be attributed to the order/disorder structure of the Omega-loop: the structure of this loop cannot assigned in subunit F. Deacylation of subunit F may be facilitated by the relative movement of deprotonated His307 toward Tyr149. His307 N(epsilon2) extracts the proton from Tyr149 O(eta), then Tyr149 O(eta) attacks a nucleophilic water molecule as a general base. Gln214 on the Omega-loop is essential for forming a network of water molecules that contains the nucleophilic water needed for deacylation. Although peptidase activity is found in almost all penicillin-recognizing proteins, DAA lacks peptidase activity. The lack of transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities may be attributed to steric hindrance of the substrate-binding pocket by a loop comprised of residues 278-290 and the Omega-loop.  相似文献   

The transport of l-leucine, l-phenylalanine and l-alanine by the perfused lactating rat mammary gland has been examined using a rapid, paired-tracer dilution technique. The clearances of all three amino acids by the mammary gland consisted of a rising phase followed by a rapid fall-off, respectively, reflecting influx and efflux of the radiotracers. The peak clearance of l-leucine was inhibited by BCH (65%) and d-leucine (58%) but not by l-proline. The inhibition of l-leucine clearance by BCH and d-leucine was not additive. l-leucine inhibited the peak clearance of radiolabelled l-leucine by 78%. BCH also inhibited the peak clearance of l-phenylalanine (66%) and l-alanine (33%) by the perfused mammary gland. Lactating rat mammary tissue was found to express both LAT1 and LAT2 mRNA. The results suggest that system L is situated in the basolateral aspect of the lactating rat mammary epithelium and thus probably plays a central role in neutral amino acid uptake from blood. The finding that l-alanine uptake by the gland was inhibited by BCH suggests that LAT2 may make a significant contribution to neutral amino acid uptake by the mammary epithelium.  相似文献   

The lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA-IIL) is involved in host recognition and biofilm formation. Lectin not only displays an unusually high affinity for fucose but also binds to L-fucose, L-galactose and D-arabinose that differ only by the group at position 5 of the sugar ring. Isothermal calorimetry experiments provided precise determination of affinity for the three methyl-glycosides and revealed a large enthalpy contribution. The crystal structures of the complexes of PA-IIL with L-galactose and Met-beta-D-arabinoside have been determined and compared with the PA-IIL/fucose complex described previously. A combination of the structures and thermodynamics provided clues for the role of the hydrophobic group in affinity.  相似文献   

Erythroascorbic acid (eAsA) is a five-carbon analog of ascorbic acid, and it is synthesized from D-arabinose by D-arabinose dehydrogenase (ARA) and D-arabinono-gamma-lactone oxidase. We found an NAD+-specific ARA activity which is operative under submillimolar level of d-arabinose in the extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The hypothetical protein encoded by YMR041c showed a significant homology to a l-galactose dehydrogenase which plays in plant ascorbic acid biosynthesis, and we named it as Ara2p. Recombinant Ara2p showed NAD+-specific ARA activity with Km=0.78 mM to d-arabinose, which is 200-fold lower than that for the conventional NADP+-specific ARA, Ara1p. Gene disruptant of ARA2 lost entire NAD+-specific ARA activity and the conspicuous increase in intracellular eAsA by exogenous d-arabinose feeding, while the double knockout mutant of ARA1 and ARA2 still retained measurable amount of eAsA. It demonstrates that Ara2p, not Ara1p, mainly contributes to the production of eAsA from d-arabinose in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion molecules have important adhesion and signaling functions. They also play a central role in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases. Over the past few years we have described a T cell adoptive transfer model to investigate the role of T cell integrin adhesion molecules in the development of autoimmunity. This report summarizes the methods we used in establishing this murine model. By treating murine CD4+ T cells with DNA hypomethylating agents and by transfection we were able to test thein vitro effects of integrin overexpression on T cell autoreactive proliferation, cytotoxicity, adhesion and trafficking. Furthermore, we showed that the ability to inducein vivo autoimmunity may be unique to the integrin lymphocyte function associated antigen-1 (LFA-1). Published: October 24, 2003  相似文献   

Polylactic acid is receiving increasing attention as a renewable alternative for conventional petroleum-based plastics. In the present study, we constructed a metabolically-engineered Candida utilis strain that produces L-lactic acid with the highest efficiency yet reported in yeasts. Initially, the gene encoding pyruvate decarboxylase (CuPDC1) was identified, followed by four CuPDC1 disruption events in order to obtain a null mutant that produced little ethanol (a by-product of L-lactic acid). Two copies of the L-lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) gene derived from Bos taurus under the control of the CuPDC1 promoter were then integrated into the genome of the CuPdc1-null deletant. The resulting strain produced 103.3 g/l of L-lactic acid from 108.7 g/l of glucose in 33 h, representing a 95.1% conversion. The maximum production rate of L-lactic acid was 4.9 g/l/h. The optical purity of the L-lactic acid was found to be more than 99.9% e.e.  相似文献   

Base-catalysed isomerisation of aldoses of the arabino and lyxo series in aluminate solution has been investigated. L-Arabinose and D-galactose give L-erythro-2-pentulose (L-ribulose) and D-lyxo-2-hexulose (D-tagatose), respectively, in good yields, whereas lower reactivity is observed for 6-deoxy-D-galactose (D-fucose). From D-lyxose, D-mannose and 6-deoxy-L-mannose (L-rhamnose) are obtained mixtures of ketoses and C-2 epimeric aldoses. Small amounts of the 3-epimers of the ketoses were also formed. 6-Deoxy-L-arabino-2-hexulose (6-deoxy-L-fructose) and 6-deoxy-L-glucose (L-quinovose) were formed in low yields from 6-deoxy-L-mannose and isolated as their O-isopropylidene derivatives. Explanations of the differences in reactivity and course of the reaction have been suggested on the basis of steric effects.  相似文献   

We have studied the regulatory function of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax2 phenylalanine hydroxylase (dicPAH) via characterization of domain structures. Including the full-length protein, partial proteins truncated in regulatory, tetramerization, or both, were prepared from Escherichia coli as his-tag proteins and examined for oligomeric status and catalytic parameters for phenylalanine. The proteins were also expressed extrachromosomally in the dicPAH knockout strain to examine their in vivo compatibility. The results suggest that phenylalanine activates dicPAH, which is functional in vivo as a tetramer, although cooperativity was not observed. In addition, the results of kinetic study suggest that the regulatory domain of dicPAH may play a role different from that of the domain in mammalian PAH.

Structured summary of protein interactions

dicPAH and dicPAHbind by molecular sieving (View Interaction: 1, 2, 3, 4)  相似文献   

D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) has been proposed to be involved in the oxidation of D-serine, an allosteric activator of the NMDA-type glutamate receptor in the brain, and to be associated with the onset of schizophrenia. The recombinant human DAAO was expressed in Escherichia coli and was isolated as an active homodimeric flavoenzyme. It shows the properties of the dehydrogenase-oxidase class of flavoproteins, possesses a low kinetic efficiency, and follows a ternary complex (sequential) kinetic mechanism. In contrast to the other known DAAOs, the human enzyme is a stable homodimer even in the apoprotein form and weakly binds the cofactor in the free form.  相似文献   

l-Xylulose was used as a raw material for the production of l-xylose with a recombinantly produced Escherichia colil-fucose isomerase as the catalyst. The enzyme had a very alkaline pH optimum (over 10.5) and displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics for l-xylulose with a Km of 41 mM and a Vmax of 0.23 μmol/(mg min). The half-lives determined for the enzyme at 35 °C and at 45 °C were 6 h 50 min and 1 h 31 min, respectively. The reaction equilibrium between l-xylulose and l-xylose was 15:85 at 35 °C and thus favored the formation of l-xylose. Contrary to the l-rhamnose isomerase catalyzed reaction described previously [14]l-lyxose was not detected in the reaction mixture with l-fucose isomerase. Although xylitol acted as an inhibitor of the reaction, even at a high ratio of xylitol to l-xylulose the inhibition did not reach 50%.  相似文献   

Seed oil bodies (OBs) are intracellular particles that store lipids. In maize embryos, the oil bodies are accumulated mainly in the scutellum. Oil bodies were purified from the scutellum of germinating maize seeds and the associated proteins were extracted and subjected to 2-DE analysis followed by LC-MS/MS for protein identification. In addition to the previously known oil body proteins oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin, new proteins were identified.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cichoriiid-tagatose 3-epimerase (P. cichoriid-TE) can efficiently catalyze the epimerization of not only d-tagatose to d-sorbose, but also d-fructose to d-psicose, and is used for the production of d-psicose from d-fructose. The crystal structures of P. cichoriid-TE alone and in complexes with d-tagatose and d-fructose were determined at resolutions of 1.79, 2.28, and 2.06 Å, respectively. A subunit of P. cichoriid-TE adopts a (β/α)8 barrel structure, and a metal ion (Mn2+) found in the active site is coordinated by Glu152, Asp185, His211, and Glu246 at the end of the β-barrel. P. cichoriid-TE forms a stable dimer to give a favorable accessible surface for substrate binding on the front side of the dimer. The simulated omit map indicates that O2 and O3 of d-tagatose and/or d-fructose coordinate Mn2+, and that C3-O3 is located between carboxyl groups of Glu152 and Glu246, supporting the previously proposed mechanism of deprotonation/protonation at C3 by two Glu residues. Although the electron density is poor at the 4-, 5-, and 6-positions of the substrates, substrate-enzyme interactions can be deduced from the significant electron density at O6. The O6 possibly interacts with Cys66 via hydrogen bonding, whereas O4 and O5 in d-tagatose and O4 in d-fructose do not undergo hydrogen bonding to the enzyme and are in a hydrophobic environment created by Phe7, Trp15, Trp113, and Phe248. Due to the lack of specific interactions between the enzyme and its substrates at the 4- and 5-positions, P. cichoriid-TE loosely recognizes substrates in this region, allowing it to efficiently catalyze the epimerization of d-tagatose and d-fructose (C4 epimer of d-tagatose) as well. Furthermore, a C3-O3 proton-exchange mechanism for P. cichoriid-TE is suggested by X-ray structural analysis, providing a clear explanation for the regulation of the ionization state of Glu152 and Glu246.  相似文献   

Auricyanide [Au(CN)4] interaction with biologically important thiols, thioether and selenoether were carried out and monitored using 1H, 13C NMR and UV spectroscopy. These ligands include l-cysteine, glutathione, captopril, l-methionine and dl-seleno-methionine. Thiols show very strong affinity to be oxidized into the disulfide by auricyanide, which gets reduced to aurocyanide [Au(CN)2]. l-cysteine reaction mechanism with [Au(CN)4] was found to be dependent on reactants mole ratio. While l-methionine was completely inert toward auricyanide, dl-Se-methionine showed some reactivity with [Au(CN)4] after raising solution pH to 12 that facilitated cyanide exchange.  相似文献   

Liew HC  Khoo HE  Moore PK  Bhatia M  Lu J  Moochhala SM 《Life sciences》2007,80(18):1664-1668
Stonustoxin (SNTX) is a 148 kDa, dimeric, hypotensive and lethal protein factor isolated from the venom of the stonefish Synanceja horrida. SNTX (10-320 ng/ml) progressively causes relaxation of endothelium-intact, phenylephrine (PE)-precontracted rat thoracic aortic rings. The SNTX-induced vasorelaxation was inhibited by L-N(G)-nitro arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), suggesting that nitric oxide (NO) contributes to the SNTX-induced response. Interestingly, D, L-proparglyglycine (PAG) and beta-cyano-L-alanine (BCA), irreversible and competitive inhibitors of cystathionine-gamma-lyase (CSE) respectively, also inhibited SNTX-induced vasorelaxation, indicating that H(2)S may also play a part in the effect of SNTX. The combined use of L-NAME with PAG or BCA showed that H(2)S and NO act synergistically in effecting SNTX-induced vasorelaxation.  相似文献   

1,6-Anhydro-3,4-O-isopropylidene-1-thio-D-mannitol was converted into its sulfoxide which after hydrolysis, acetylation and subsequent Pummerer rearrangement gave the penta-O-acetyl-1-thio-D-mannoseptanose anomers in excellent yield. This anomeric mixture was used as donor for the glycosylation of 4-nitro- and 4-cyanobenzenethiol in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate and trimethylsilyl triflate, respectively, to yield the corresponding thioseptanosides in high yield. The same strategy was applied for the synthesis of the corresponding L-idothioseptanosides using 1,6-anhydro-3,4-O-isopropylidene-1-thio-L-iditol as starting material. The penta-O-acetyl-D-glucothioseptanose donors could not be synthesised the same way, as the Pummerer reaction of the corresponding tetra-O-acetyl-1,6-thioanhydro-1-thio-D-glucitol sulfoxides led to an inseparable mixture of the corresponding L-gulo- and D-glucothioseptanose anomers. Therefore, D-glucose diethyl dithioacetal was converted via its 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-6-S-acetyl derivative into an anomeric mixture of its 6-thio-septanose and -furanose peracetates which could be separated by column chromatography. Condensation of the 6-thio-glucoseptanose peracetates with 4-cyano- and 4-nitrobenezenethiol in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate afforded anomeric mixtures of the corresponding thioseptanosides. The D-manno-, L-ido- and D-glucothioseptanosides obtained after Zemplén deacetylation of these mixtures were tested for their oral antithrombotic activity.  相似文献   

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