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The evaluation, selection, or justification of business process improvements, or business process reengineering efforts, is similar to many strategic initiatives and their justification methodologies. This similarity arises from the fact that there are multiple factors that need to be considered, many of which have long-term and broad implications for an organization. There are many intangible measures and qualitative concerns when evaluating business process improvements. These improvements necessarily have to link to the strategic objectives of the organization. The proposed methodological framework will involve the synthesis of the analytical network process and data envelopment analysis. These two techniques, when used together, can provide subjective and objective evaluations for managerial decision makers. An illustrative example provides some insights into the application of this methodology. Additional issues and research questions are also identified.  相似文献   

Environmental management issues are becoming ever more prominent in business, and their focus is broadening from process orientation toward product orientation. Until now, little attention has been paid to an organizational focus on the environmental performance of products. This article therefore considers product-oriented environmental management (POEM), an approach to organizing and operating a firm in such a way that improving the environmental performance of its products and processes becomes an integrated part of operations and strategy. First, the POEM concept is introduced. Because this concept addresses some issues similar to those of quality management, the possibilities of using insights from total quality management (TQM) in developing POEM are investigated. Based on an overview of the literature and conceptual studies of TQM, a coherent set of several elements are described that can contribute to the organization of POEM. These elements are grouped in a framework, the POEM matrix, which can be used to guide research within this emerging area of organizing for the environmental characteristics of products. This matrix could also provide guidance to practitioners by delivering an integrated perspective on the organizational elements that are conducive to organizing POEM. An example from case study research in the chemical industry illustrates such an application of the matrix.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics -- a patenting view   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of bioinformatics in the biological sciences has brought about a change in the way that biological inventions can be protected by patent laws. Using approaches developed in the fields of computer science and business, patent applicants now seek to protect certain aspects of their inventions, which include software, methods of doing business and uses of information as well as more traditional biotechnological products and processes. These approaches are useful in resolving some of the difficulties now faced in prosecuting patent applications directed to biological inventions that are claimed in more conventional terms.  相似文献   

Whether ethnic minority enterprise is a distinctive phenomenon markedly different from the general small firm population continues to be a major point of interest. However, there are two curious omissions within existing debates. First, the management of social relations within the workplace is rarely an explicit focus for research. Second, the increasingly significant small professional or business service sector remains neglected despite its growing importance. This article addresses these issues through an ethnographic study of two firms from different ethnic groups (African-Caribbean and Pakistani) engaged in the provision of specialist business and computer services. Despite the prevalence of a discourse predicated on notions of 'professionalism', ethnic ties were found to be a significant consideration upon issues relating to recruitment, workforce composition and community linkages. To some extent, ethnic identity predicated on religion was an important influence on business outlook for the Pakistani firm. And the African-Caribbean firm also appeared cognizant of the position of the wider co-ethnic community. However, ethnic considerations were not decisive influences within the workplace. Rather, they interacted with market and employment-related issues, thus creating a 'relatively autonomous' labour process.  相似文献   

Nutritional advice has mainly focused on population-level recommendations. Recent developments in nutrition, communication, and marketing sciences have enabled potential deviations from this dominant business model in the direction of personalisation of nutrition advice. Such personalisation efforts can take on many forms, but these have in common that they can only be effective if they are supported by a viable business model. The present paper takes an inventory of approaches to personalised nutrition currently available in the market place as its starting point to arrive at an identification of their underlying business models. This analysis is presented as a unifying framework against which the potential of nutrigenomics-based personalised advice can be assessed. It has uncovered nine archetypical approaches to personalised nutrition advice in terms of their dominant underlying business models. Differentiating features among such business models are the type of information that is used as a basis for personalisation, the definition of the target group, the communication channels that are being adopted, and the partnerships that are built as a part of the business model. Future research should explore the consumer responses to the diversity of “archetypical” business models for personalised nutrition advice as a source of market information on which the delivery of nutrigenomics-based personalised nutrition advice may further build.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2014,9(5)
Public policy requires public support, which in turn implies a need to enable the public not just to understand policy but also to be engaged in its development. Where complex science and technology issues are involved in policy making, this takes time, so it is important to identify emerging issues of this type and prepare engagement plans. In our horizon scanning exercise, we used a modified Delphi technique [1]. A wide group of people with interests in the science and policy interface (drawn from policy makers, policy adviser, practitioners, the private sector and academics) elicited a long list of emergent policy issues in which science and technology would feature strongly and which would also necessitate public engagement as policies are developed. This was then refined to a short list of top priorities for policy makers. Thirty issues were identified within broad areas of business and technology; energy and environment; government, politics and education; health, healthcare, population and aging; information, communication, infrastructure and transport; and public safety and national security.  相似文献   

B. New 《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1996,312(7046):1593-1601
The Rationing Agenda Group has been founded to deepen the British debate on rationing health care. It believes that rationing in health care is inevitable and that the public must be involved in the debate about issues relating to rationing. The group comprises people from all parts of health care, none of whom represent either their group or their institutions. RAG has begun by producing this document, which attempts to set an agenda of all the issues that need to be considered when debating the rationing of health care. We hope for responses to the document. The next stage will be to incorporate the responses into the agenda. Then RAG will divide the agenda into manageable chunks and commission expert, detailed commentaries. From this material a final paper will be published and used to prompt public debate. This stage should be reached early in 1997. While these papers are being prepared RAG is developing ways to involve the public in the debate and evaluate the whole process. We present as neutrally as possible all the issues related to rationing and priority setting in the NHS. We focus on the NHS for two reasons. Firstly, for those of us resident in the United Kingdom the NHS is the health care system with which we are most familiar and most concerned. Secondly, focusing on one system alone allows more coherent analysis than would be possible if issues in other systems were included as well. Our concern is with the delivery of health care, not its finance, though we discuss the possible effects of changing the financing system of the NHS. Finally, though our position is neutral, we hold two substantive views--namely, that rationing is unavoidable and that there should be more explicit debate about the principles and issues concerned. We consider the issues under four headings: preliminaries, ethics, democracy, and empirical questions. Preliminaries deal with the semantics of rationing, whether rationing is necessary, and with the range of services to which rationing relates. Under ethics and democracy are the substantive issues of principle and theory. The final section deals with empirical questions and those relating to the practicality of various strategies.  相似文献   


All animal-assisted therapy programs raise ethical issues. These ethical issues are even more important when non-domesticated animals are used to help humans with disabilities. In their 1991 review, Iannuzzi and Rowan mentioned programs which use capuchin monkeys to help quadriplegics. The lack of technical or scientific information concerning these programs leads to misinformation. This paper describes the French Project (P.A.S.T. - Programme d'Aide Simienne aux personnes Tétraplégiques) which evaluates whether trained capuchin monkeys could be efficient helpers and companions to quadriplegic persons.  相似文献   

As advanced reproductive technologies become more efficient and repeatable in livestock and laboratory species, new opportunities will evolve to apply these techniques to alternative and non-traditional species. This will result in new markets requiring unique business models that address issues of animal welfare and consumer acceptance on a much different level than the livestock sector. Advanced reproductive technologies and genetic engineering will be applied to each species in innovative ways to provide breeders more alternatives for the preservation and propagation of elite animals in each sector. The commercialization of advanced reproductive techniques in these niche markets should be considered a useful tool for conservation of genetic material from endangered or unique animals as well as production of biomedical models of human disease.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background To enhance the use of life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool in business decision-making, a methodology for Social life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) is being developed. Social LCA aims at facilitating companies to conduct business in a socially responsible manner by providing information about the potential social impacts on people caused by the activities in the life cycle of their product. The development of the methodology has been guided by a business perspective accepting that companies, on the one hand, have responsibility for the people affected by their business activities, but, on the other hand, must also be able to compete and make profit in order to survive in the marketplace. Methods A combined, bottom-up and top-down approach has been taken in the development of the Social LCIA. Universal consensus documents regarding social issues as well as consideration for the specific business context of companies has guided the determination of damage categories, impact categories and category indicators. Results Discussion, and Conclusion. The main results are the following: (1) Impacts on people are naturally related to the conduct of the companies engaged in the life cycle rather than to the individual industrial processes, as is the case in Environmental LCA. Inventory analysis is therefore focused on the conduct of the companies engaged in the life cycle. A consequence of this view is that a key must be determined for relating the social profiles of the companies along the life cycle to the product. This need is not present in Environmental LCA, where we base the connection on the physical link which exists between process and product. (2) Boundaries of the product system are determined with respect to the influence that the product manufacturer exerts over the activities in the product chain. (3) A two-layer Social LCA method with an optional and an obligatory set of impact categories is suggested to ensure both societal and company relevance of the method. The obligatory set of impact categories encompasses the minimum expectations to a company conducting responsible business. (4) A new area of protection, Human dignity and Well-being, is defined and used to guide the modelling of impact chains. (5) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights serves as normative basis for Social LCA, together with local or country norms based on socio-economic development goals of individual countries. The International Labour Organisation's Conventions and Recommendations, and the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, support development of the impact pathway top-down, starting from the normative basis. (6) The obligatory part of Social LCA addresses the main stakeholder groups, employees, local community and society. Recommendations and Outlook Social LCA is still in its infancy and a number of further research tasks within this new area are identified.  相似文献   

Political candidates often believe they must focus their campaign efforts on a small number of swing voters open for ideological change. Based on the wisdom of opinion polls, this might seem like a good idea. But do most voters really hold their political attitudes so firmly that they are unreceptive to persuasion? We tested this premise during the most recent general election in Sweden, in which a left- and a right-wing coalition were locked in a close race. We asked our participants to state their voter intention, and presented them with a political survey of wedge issues between the two coalitions. Using a sleight-of-hand we then altered their replies to place them in the opposite political camp, and invited them to reason about their attitudes on the manipulated issues. Finally, we summarized their survey score, and asked for their voter intention again. The results showed that no more than 22% of the manipulated replies were detected, and that a full 92% of the participants accepted and endorsed our altered political survey score. Furthermore, the final voter intention question indicated that as many as 48% (±9.2%) were willing to consider a left-right coalition shift. This can be contrasted with the established polls tracking the Swedish election, which registered maximally 10% voters open for a swing. Our results indicate that political attitudes and partisan divisions can be far more flexible than what is assumed by the polls, and that people can reason about the factual issues of the campaign with considerable openness to change.  相似文献   

Major real-estate developers of business parks around the world have made environmental responsibility a priority in building design, construction, and operation. We review the green real-estate development movement occurring globally, and synthesize applicable concepts into a framework called the expanded business operations model (EBOM) to help companies gauge their goal of environmental stewardship. In contrast to the typical flow diagram of a typical business operations model, the EBOM indicates cycling behavior that synergistically enhances each of the four identified categories—Environment, Facilities, Business Synergism, and Green Image. The ultimate goal of these Eco-smart Corporate Communities is to positively impact the local and larger community, while increasing the economic success of property developers and their tenants. We review governmental policies that drive developers toward environmentally friendly techniques, outline tools and programs that assist in the implementation and evaluation of green design plans, and summarize other drivers (i.e., environmental and social issues) that encourage green building and synthesize them into an indicator system for practitioners’ reference. Using four independently operated eco-smart corporate communities as case studies, we identify the measures taken to enhance each of the four categories within the framework, and analyze the cascade of impacts. With this framework, it will be possible to set achievable goals that mark reasonable progress in corporate environmental policies.  相似文献   

The concept of industrial symbiosis (IS) was introduced decades ago and its environmental and economic benefits are well established, but the broad acceptance of IS still faces significant barriers. This article provides a new approach to capture synergies within industrial parks by suggesting a new business model. Building on findings from a survey conducted by the authors and on literature, we first identify potential barriers to low‐carbon synergistic projects. Economic concerns of technically feasible synergies and financial issues turn out to be the largest barriers, because of long payback periods and fluctuating raw material and by‐product market prices. Existing business models do not offer easy ways to overcome or relax these barriers. We therefore introduce the concept of a synergy management services company (SMSCO), a synergy contractor and third‐party financing model, to overcome these barriers. This model shifts the financial risk of the synergistic project from collaborating firms to the SMSCO. We posit that this attribute of the SMSCO model makes it attractive for industrial park operators who seek long‐term solutions to secure future viability of their park.  相似文献   

Teo B 《Bioethics》1992,6(2):113-139
[I]s persistent organ shortage the major obstacle to the performance of more procedures as often popularly portrayed? Does the answer therefore lie in the adoption of more efficient strategies of organ procurement? While the measures taken to improve the efficiency of organ procurement may be inspired by the laudable motive of saving lives, they may ultimately prove to be myopic if the larger ethical issues raised by organ transplant programs for the allocation of national and organ resources are not given their due consideration. For any society that desires to include organ transplantation in its health delivery system, it must consider the social and ethical issues that transplant programs raise for the macroallocation of available national resources and the manner by which organ resources are procured, and distributed. The failure to resolve these issues in an ethically acceptable manner at any of these levels would render any transplant program ethically indefensible. This essay therefore argues that before a society decides on its policy of organ procurement it ought to make prior assessments of: a) its social priorities; b) the policies for ensuring fair access to organ resources; and c) the extent to which it is willing to support transplants.  相似文献   

The growth of Korean immigrant entrepreneurship in Chicago is a product of three interacting factors: employment opportunities in the general labour market, resource mobilization, and business opportunity structures. Because of their language barrier and less transferable education and occupational skills in the American labour market, many Korean immigrants could not find white‐collar occupations for which they had been trained. Disadvantaged, but still strongly motivated for upward economic mobility in the United States, many of them became self‐employed business owners. Korean immigrants’ middle‐class backgrounds and their stable family structures and strong family ties helped them to realize their goal of business ownership. In addition, social networks based on kinship, friendship, church membership, and school ties provided prospective business owners with financial assistance, training, business advice, and information about business opportunities. The first business opportunities for Korean immigrants of Chicago opened in Korean ethnic markets and non‐ethnic minority markets almost simultaneously in the early 1970s. While the demand of Koreans for their cultural products created an economic niche for Korean‐oriented businesses, the export‐import trade linkage between South Korea and the United States has paved the way for the entrance of Korean businesses into minority areas. Because of different economic niches, the two types of Korean businesses developed independently. The interethnic succession of residence, which had occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s also produced vacated business opportunities in Koreatown and black neighbourhoods, enabling Korean immigrants to enter these areas without great resistance from local businesses. After Korean immigrants had accumulated capital and experience in Korean ethnic markets and minority markets, they advanced into more capital‐intensive businesses like garment manufacturing. Korean immigrant professionals began to enter the Korean ethnic economy in the early 1980s when the foundation of the Korean ethnic economy was already established.  相似文献   

《生物多样性公约》(以下简称《公约》)是三大环境国际公约之一。随着《公约》谈判的不断推进, 企业与生物多样性(Business and Biodiversity)逐渐由《公约》中的一个概念发展成为《公约》谈判中的一个重要议题。1996年召开的《公约》缔约方大会第三次会议(COP-3)首次提出企业(私营部门)参与生物多样性的概念后, COP-5将企业参与列入《公约》议题, COP-6正式将企业参与纳入《公约》全球战略, COP-8首次将企业参与生物多样性单独纳入《公约》决定, 并提出下一步开展推动企业参与生物多样性的做法, COP-9拟定了《企业优先行动框架(2008-2010年)》, COP-10决定开展企业参与生物多样性对话论坛。迄今为止, 《公约》秘书处共组织了4次全球企业界与生物多样性伙伴关系(Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity, GPBB)论坛, 就这一议题进行专题交流和探讨。企业与生物多样性也是当前我国生物多样性管理工作中的一个新课题, 中国对此十分重视, 并派代表团参加了GPBB-3和GPBB-4两次会议。鉴于目前中国经济发展状况与生物多样性保护面临的形势, 作者提出以下建议: (1)积极参与国际合作, 利用GPBB国际平台适时宣传我国生物多样性和生态文明建设成果; (2)加强技术研究, 制定我国企业参与生物多样性的相关标准、规范或指南; (3)深化平台建设, 搭建企业参与的中国生物多样性伙伴关系; (4)建立跨部门的企业参与生物多样性协调机制。  相似文献   

South Africa's heterogenous society offers many opportunities for cross-cultural psychiatric research, but researchers in the country are subject to a number of restraints. Apart from legally enforced segregation, there are strict censorship laws and restricted access to certain types of information. The issues surrounding categorization of cultures and factors affecting publishing research from South Africa have important implications for the type of work that is done. It is a central argument of this article that the issues affecting research in South Africa are relevant to other countries as well, and parallels between the local and international context are drawn. The South African experience suggests that analysis of the research enterprise itself is a useful part of the business of cross-cultural psychiatric research.I am grateful to Beverley Jo Dickman, Terry Dowdall, Ronith Elk, Alan Flisher, Don Foster, Jane Steere and Sally Swartz for their comments on this article. Emile Boonzaaier provided a useful critique on an earlier draft. The arguments presented in this article are, however, my responsibility alone.  相似文献   

The dependency on carbon‐based materials and energy sources and the emission of greenhouse gases have been recognized as major problems of the 21st century. Companies are central to the effort to grapple with these issues due to the large material flows they process and their capabilities for technological innovation. It is important, on the one hand, to determine the individual stake companies have in these issues and, on the other, to measure companies' performance. Since the results of studies thus far have been ambiguous, we define four comprehensive and systematic corporate carbon performance indicators: (1) Carbon intensity is physically oriented and represents a company's carbon use in relation to a business metric. (2) Carbon dependency illustrates the change in physical carbon performance within a given time period. (3) Carbon exposure reveals the financial implications of using and emitting carbon. (4) Carbon risk estimates the change in financial implications of carbon usage within a given time period. On the basis of these general definitions, we specify the indicators for a standardized application that can support two important stakeholders in their decision making: policy makers, who can include such information when evaluating current climate policies and formulating future ones, and investors and financial institutions, which can compare companies with respect to their carbon performance and corresponding financial effects.  相似文献   

The journal provides comprehensive literature searches which will be published in most issues. The literature appears under the following section: 1. BIOLUMINESCENCE 2. CHEMILUMINESCENCE 3. APPLICATIONS—BIOLUMINESCENCE 4. APPLICATIONS—CHEMILUMINESCENCE 5. CELLULAR LUMINESCENCE 6. INSTRUMENTATION AND LIGHT MEASUREMENT 7. PATIENTS INVOLVING BIOLUMINESCENCE AND CHEMILUMINESCENCE Databases searched include Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Index Medicus, and World Patents Index. The lists of papers are divided by sub-sections and papers are given sequential unique numbers commencing at the beginning of the list and continuing at the top of the list in the next and subsequent issues of the Journal. Papers which fall into more than one sub-section are quoted in full in the first relevant sub-sections they are referred to by their unique numbers. These lists have been produced regularly since 1986 and in excess of 4500 references have been cited — some by year and some by specialized topic. The compilers would be pleased to receive any comments from the readership. Contact by email:  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies involving human subjects raise a range of ethics issues. Many of these issues are heightened in the context of neuroimaging research involving persons with mental health disorders. There has been growing interest in these issues among legal scholars, philosophers, social scientists, and as well as neuroimagers over the last decade. Less clear, however, is the extent to which members of the neuroimaging community are engaged with these issues when they undertake their research and report results. In this study, we analyze the peer-reviewed review literature involving fMRI as applied to the study of mental health disorders. Our hypothesis is that, due to the critical orientation of reviews, and the vulnerability of mental health population, the penetrance of neuroethics will be higher in the review literature in this area than it is in the primary fMRI research literature more generally. We find that while authors of reviews do focus a great deal of attention on the methodological limitations of the studies they discussed, contrary to our hypothesis, they do not frame concerns in ethical terms despite their ethical significance. We argue that an ethics lens on such discussion would increase the knowledge-value of this scholarly work.  相似文献   

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