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Fibrillar inclusions are a characteristic feature of the neuropathology found in the alpha-synucleinopathies such as Parkinson's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and multiple system atrophy. Familial forms of alpha-synucleinopathies have also been linked with missense mutations or gene multiplications that result in higher protein expression levels. In order to form these fibrils, the protein, alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn), must undergo a process of self-assembly in which its native state is converted from a disordered conformer into a beta-sheet-dominated form. Here, we have developed a novel polypeptide property calculator to locate and quantify relative propensities for beta-strand structure in the sequence of alpha-syn. The output of the algorithm, in the form of a simple x-y plot, was found to correlate very well with the location of the beta-sheet core in alpha-syn fibrils. In particular, the plot features three peaks, the largest of which is completely absent for the nonfibrillogenic protein, beta-syn. We also report similar significant correlations for the Alzheimer's disease-related proteins, Abeta and tau. A substantial region of alpha-syn is capable [corrected] of converting from its disordered conformation into a long [corrected] alpha-helical protein. We have developed the aforementioned algorithm to locate and quantify the alpha-helical hydrophobic moment in the amino acid sequence of alpha-syn. As before, the output of the algorithm, in the form of a simple x-y plot, was found to correlate very well with the location of alpha-helical structure in membrane bilayer-associated alpha-syn.  相似文献   

Human alpha-synuclein is a small soluble protein abundantly expressed in neurons. It represents the principal constituent of Lewy bodies, the main neuropathological characteristic of Parkinson's disease. The fragment corresponding to the region 61-95 of the protein, originally termed NAC (non-amyloid-beta component), has been found in amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease, and several reports suggest that this region represents the critical determinant of the fibrillation process of alpha-synuclein. To better understand the aggregation process of alpha-synuclein and the role exerted by the biological membranes, we studied the structure and the topology of the NAC region in the presence of SDS micelles, as membrane-mimetic environment. To overcome the low solubility of this fragment, we analyzed a recombinant polypeptide corresponding to the sequence 57-102 of alpha-synuclein, which includes some charged amino acids flanking the NAC region. Three distinct helices are present, separated by two flexible stretches. The first two helices are located closer to the micelle surface, whereas the last one seems to penetrate more deeply into the micelle. On the basis of the structural and topological results presented, a possible pathway for the aggregation process is suggested. The structural information described in this work may help to identify the appropriate target to reduce the formation of pathological alpha-synuclein aggregation.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein filaments are the major component of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies characteristic of Parkinson's disease and related disorders. The process of alpha-synuclein filament formation proceeds via intermediate or protofibrillar species, each of which may be cytotoxic. Because high levels of calcium(II) and other metal ions may play a role in disease pathogenesis, we investigated the influence of calcium and other metals on alpha-synuclein speciation. Here we report that calcium(II) and cobalt(II) selectively induce the rapid formation of discrete annular alpha-synuclein oligomeric species. We used atomic force microscopy to monitor the aggregation state of alpha-synuclein after 1 d at 4 degrees C in the presence of a range of metal ions compared with the filament formation pathway in the absence of metal ions. Three classes of effect were observed with different groups of metal ions: (1) Copper(II), iron(III), and nickel(II) yielded 0.8-4 nm spherical particles, similar to alpha-synuclein incubated without metal ions; (2) magnesium(II), cadmium(II), and zinc(II) gave larger, 5-8 nm spherical oligomers; and, (3) cobalt(II) and calcium(II) gave frequent annular oligomers, 70-90 nm in diameter with calcium(II) and 22-30 nm in diameter with cobalt(II). In the absence of metal ions, annular oligomers ranging 45-90 nm in diameter were observed after 10 d incubation, short branched structures appeared after a further 3 wk and extended filaments after 2-3 mo. Previous studies have shown that alpha-synuclein calcium binding is mediated by the acidic C terminus. We found that truncated alpha-synuclein (1-125), lacking the C-terminal 15 amino acids, did not form annular oligomers upon calcium addition, indicating the involvement of the calcium-binding domain.  相似文献   

The aggregation and fibrillation of alpha-synuclein has been implicated as a causative factor in Parkinson's disease and several other neurodegenerative disorders known as synucleinopathies. The effect of different factors on the process of fibril formation has been intensively studied in vitro. We show here that alpha-synuclein interacts with different unstructured polycations (spermine, polylysine, polyarginine, and polyethyleneimine) to form specific complexes. In addition, the polycations catalyze alpha-synuclein oligomerization. The formation of alpha-synuclein-polycation complexes was not accompanied by significant structural changes in alpha-synuclein. However, alpha-synuclein fibrillation was dramatically accelerated in the presence of polycations. The magnitude of the accelerating effect depended on the nature of the polymer, its length, and concentration. The results illustrate the potential critical role of electrostatic interactions in protein aggregation, and the potential role of naturally occurring polycations in modulating alpha-synuclein aggregation.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein is the main component of the intracellular protein aggregates in neurons of patients with Parkinson's disease. The occurrence of the disease is associated with oxidative damage. Although it is known that peroxidative chemistry leads to the aggregation of alpha-synuclein in vitro, the specific amino acid types of alpha-synuclein involved in this type of aggregation have not been identified. We show, using human cytochrome c plus H(2)O(2) as the source oxidative stress, that the tyrosines of alpha-synuclein are required for aggregation. The studies reveal the chemical basis for a crucial step in the aggregation process.  相似文献   

Classically, Parkinson's disease (PD) is linked to dopamine neuron death in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Intracytoplasmic protein inclusions named Lewy bodies, and corresponding Lewy neurites found in neuronal processes, are also key features of the degenerative process in the substantia nigra. The molecular mechanisms by which substantia nigra dopamine neurons die and whether the Lewy pathology is directly involved in the cell death pathway are open questions. More recently, it has become apparent that Lewy pathology gradually involves greater parts of the PD brain and is widespread in late stages. In this review, we first discuss the role of misfolded α-synuclein protein, which is the main constituent of Lewy bodies, in the pathogenesis of PD. We then describe recent evidence that α-synuclein might transfer between cells in PD brains. We discuss in detail the possible molecular mechanisms underlying the proposed propagation and the likely consequences for cells that take up α-synuclein. Finally, we focus on aspects of the pathogenic process that could be targeted with new pharmaceutical therapies or used to develop biomarkers for early PD detection.  相似文献   

Glycation is a nonenzymatic posttranslational modification (PTM) known to be increased in the brains of hyperglycemic patients. Alpha-synuclein (αSN), a central player in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease, can be glycated at lysine residues, thereby reducing αSN fibril formation in vitro and modulating αSN aggregation in cells. However, the molecular basis for these effects is unclear. To elucidate this, we investigated the aggregation of αSN modified by eight glycating agents, namely the dicarbonyl compound methylglyoxal (MGO) and the sugars ribose, fructose, mannose, glucose, galactose, sucrose, and lactose. We found that MGO and ribose modify αSN to the greatest extent, and these glycation products are the most efficient inhibitors of fibril formation. We show glycation primarily inhibits elongation rather than nucleation of αSN and has only a modest effect on the level of oligomerization. Furthermore, glycated αSN is not significantly incorporated into fibrils. For both MGO and ribose, we discovered that a level of ∼5 modifications per αSN is optimal for inhibition of elongation. The remaining sugars showed a weak but optimal inhibition at ∼2 modifications per αSN. We propose that this optimal level balances the affinity for the growing ends of the fibril (which decreases with the extent of modification) with the ability to block incorporation of subsequent αSN subunits (which increases with modification). Our results are not only relevant for other αSN PTMs but also for understanding PTMs affecting other fibrillogenic proteins and may thus open novel avenues for therapeutic intervention in protein aggregation disorders.  相似文献   

In the mammary gland, epithelial cells are embedded in a ‘soft' environment and become functionally differentiated in culture when exposed to a laminin-rich extracellular matrix gel. Here, we define the processes by which mammary epithelial cells integrate biochemical and mechanical extracellular cues to maintain their differentiated phenotype. We used single cells cultured on top of gels in conditions permissive for β-casein expression using atomic force microscopy to measure the elasticity of the cells and their underlying substrata. We found that maintenance of β-casein expression required both laminin signalling and a ‘soft' extracellular matrix, as is the case in normal tissues in vivo, and biomimetic intracellular elasticity, as is the case in primary mammary epithelial organoids. Conversely, two hallmarks of breast cancer development, stiffening of the extracellular matrix and loss of laminin signalling, led to the loss of β-casein expression and non-biomimetic intracellular elasticity. Our data indicate that tissue-specific gene expression is controlled by both the tissues' unique biochemical milieu and mechanical properties, processes involved in maintenance of tissue integrity and protection against tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

14-3-3 proteins are important negative regulators of cell death pathways. Recent studies have revealed alterations in 14-3-3s in Parkinson''s disease (PD) and the ability of 14-3-3s to interact with α-synuclein (α-syn), a protein central to PD pathophysiology. In a transgenic α-syn mouse model, we found reduced expression of 14-3-3θ, -ɛ, and -γ. These same isoforms prevent α-syn inclusion formation in an H4 neuroglioma cell model. Using dopaminergic cell lines stably overexpressing each 14-3-3 isoform, we found that overexpression of 14-3-3θ, -ɛ, or -γ led to resistance to both rotenone and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, whereas other isoforms were not protective against both toxins. Inhibition of a single protective isoform, 14-3-3θ, by shRNA did not increase vulnerability to neurotoxic injury, but toxicity was enhanced by broad-based inhibition of 14-3-3 action with the peptide inhibitor difopein. Using a transgenic C. elegans model of PD, we confirmed the ability of both human 14-3-3θ and a C. elegans 14-3-3 homologue (ftt-2) to protect dopaminergic neurons from α-syn toxicity. Collectively, these data show a strong neuroprotective effect of enhanced 14-3-3 expression – particularly of the 14-3-3θ, -ɛ, and -γ isoforms – in multiple cellular and animal models of PD, and point to the potential value of these proteins in the development of neuroprotective therapies for human PD.  相似文献   

The presence of α-synuclein aggregates in the characteristic Lewy body pathology seen in idiopathic Parkinson''s disease (PD), together with α-synuclein gene mutations in familial PD, places α-synuclein at the center of PD pathogenesis. Decreased levels of the chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) proteins LAMP-2A and hsc70 in PD brain samples suggests compromised α-synuclein degradation by CMA may underpin the Lewy body pathology. Decreased CMA protein levels were not secondary to the various pathological changes associated with PD, including mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction, increased oxidative stress and proteasomal inhibition. However, decreased hsc70 and LAMP-2A protein levels in PD brains were associated with decreases in their respective mRNA levels. MicroRNA (miRNA) deregulation has been reported in PD brains and we have identified eight miRNAs predicted to regulate LAMP-2A or hsc70 expression that were reported to be increased in PD. Using a luciferase reporter assay in SH-SY5Y cells, four and three of these miRNAs significantly decreased luciferase activity expressed upstream of the lamp-2a and hsc70 3′UTR sequences respectively. We confirmed that transfection of these miRNAs also decreased endogenous LAMP-2A and hsc70 protein levels respectively and resulted in significant α-synuclein accumulation. The analysis of PD brains confirmed that six and two of these miRNAs were significantly increased in substantia nigra compacta and amygdala respectively. These data support the hypothesis that decreased CMA caused by miRNA-induced downregulation of CMA proteins plays an important role in the α-synuclein pathology associated with PD, and opens up a new avenue to investigate PD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The cause of Huntington's disease (HD) is a pathological expansion of the polyglutamine domain within the NH(2)-terminal region of huntingtin. Neuronal intranuclear inclusions and cytoplasmic aggregates composed of the mutant huntingtin within certain neuronal populations are a characteristic hallmark of HD. Because in vitro expanded polyglutamine repeats are glutaminyl-donor substrates of tissue transglutaminase (tTG), it has been hypothesized that tTG may contribute to the formation of these aggregates in HD. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to establish whether tTG plays a significant role in the formation of mutant huntingtin aggregates in the cell. Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells were stably transfected with truncated NH(2)-terminal huntingtin constructs containing 18 (wild type) or 82 (mutant) glutamines. In the cells expressing the mutant truncated huntingtin construct, numerous SDS-resistant aggregates were present in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Even though numerous aggregates were present in the mutant huntingtin-expressing cells, tTG did not coprecipitate with mutant truncated huntingtin. Further, tTG was totally excluded from the aggregates, and significantly increasing tTG expression had no effect on the number of aggregates or their intracellular localization (cytoplasm or nucleus). When a YFP-tagged mutant truncated huntingtin construct was transiently transfected into cells that express no detectable tTG due to stable transfection with a tTG antisense construct, there was extensive aggregate formation. These findings clearly demonstrate that tTG is not required for aggregate formation, and does not facilitate the process of aggregate formation. Therefore, in HD, as well as in other polyglutamine diseases, tTG is unlikely to play a role in the formation of aggregates.  相似文献   

The Parkinson''s disease (PD) gene, PARK6, encodes the PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) mitochondrial kinase, which provides protection against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Given the link between glucose metabolism, mitochondrial function and insulin secretion in β-cells, and the reported association of PD with type 2 diabetes, we investigated the response of PINK1-deficient β-cells to glucose stimuli to determine whether loss of PINK1 affected their function. We find that loss of PINK1 significantly impairs the ability of mouse pancreatic β-cells (MIN6 cells) and primary intact islets to take up glucose. This was accompanied by higher basal levels of intracellular calcium leading to increased basal levels of insulin secretion under low glucose conditions. Finally, we investigated the effect of PINK1 deficiency in vivo and find that PINK1 knockout mice have improved glucose tolerance. For the first time, these combined results demonstrate that loss of PINK1 function appears to disrupt glucose-sensing leading to enhanced insulin release, which is uncoupled from glucose uptake, and suggest a key role for PINK1 in β-cell function.  相似文献   

The deposition of α-syn (α-synuclein) as amyloid fibrils and the selective loss of DA (dopamine) containing neurons in the substantia nigra are two key features of PD (Parkinson''s disease). α-syn is a natively unfolded protein and adopts an α-helical conformation upon binding to lipid membrane. Oligomeric species of α-syn have been proposed to be the pathogenic species associated with PD because they can bind lipid membranes and disrupt membrane integrity. DA is readily oxidized to generate reactive intermediates and ROS (reactive oxygen species) and in the presence of DA, α-syn form of SDS-resistant soluble oligomers. It is postulated that the formation of the α-syn:DA oligomers involves the cross-linking of DA-melanin with α-syn, via covalent linkage, hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions. We investigate the effect of lipids on DA-induced α-syn oligomerization and studied the ability of α-syn:DA oligomers to interact with lipids vesicles. Our results show that the interaction of α-syn with lipids inhibits the formation of DA-induced α-syn oligomers. Moreover, the α-syn:DA oligomer cannot interact with lipid vesicles or cause membrane permeability. Thus, the formation of α-syn:DA oligomers may alter the actions of α-syn which require membrane association, leading to disruption of its normal cellular function.  相似文献   

Haass C 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(3):483-488
In 1959, Dave Brubeck and Paul Desmond revolutionized modern jazz music by composing their unforgettable Take Five in 5/4, one of the most defiant time signatures in all music. Of similar revolutionary importance for biomedical and basic biochemical research is the identification of the minimal set of genes required to obtain a deadly time bomb ticking in all of us: Alzheimer's disease. It now appears that one needs to Take Five genes to produce a deadly peptide by a proteolytic mechanism, which paradoxically is otherwise of pivotal importance for development and cell fate decisions.  相似文献   

To through light on the mechanisms underlying the stimulation and persistence of glial cell activation in Parkinsonism, we investigate the function of IFN-γ and TNF-α in experimental models of Parkinson''s disease and analyze their relation with local glial cell activation. It was found that IFN-γ and TNF-α remained higher over the years in the serum and CNS of chronic Parkinsonian macaques than in untreated animals, accompanied by sustained glial activation (microglia and astroglia) in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Importantly, Parkinsonian monkeys showed persistent and increasing levels of IFN-γR signaling in both microglial and astroglial cells. In addition, experiments performed in IFN-γ and TNF-α KO mice treated with MPTP revealed that, even before dopaminergic cell death can be observed, the presence of IFN-γ and TNF-α is crucial for microglial and astroglial activation, and, together, they have an important synergistic role. Both cytokines were necessary for the full level of activation to be attained in both microglial and astroglial cells. These results demonstrate that IFN-γ signaling, together with the contribution of TNF-α, have a critical and cell-specific role in stimulating and maintaining glial cell activation in Parkinsonism.  相似文献   

Aberrant protein glycosylation plays major roles in neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). Glycoproteomics showed that the glycosylation of sodium channel β4 was significantly increased in human brain tissue. β4-specific antibodies reacted in immunoblot assays with the 35- and 38-kDa bands from the membrane fractions isolated from neonatal PD transgenic mice but only with the 35-kDa band of the neonatal wild-type mice. The size of the 38-kDa immunoreactive protein is in close agreement with previously reported, suggesting heavy glycosylation of this protein in adult wild-type and neonatal PD transgenic brain tissues. However, the neonatal wild-type mice membrane fractions only contained the 35-kDa immunoreactive protein, and the additional 38-kDa band was not shown until postnatal day 7. Enzymatic deglycosylation of the membrane preparations only converted the 38-kDa band into a faster migrating protein, which was consistent with heavy glycosylation of this protein. The glycosylated state of β4 was developmentally regulated and was altered in disease state. Neurite outgrowth assay demonstrated that overexpression of deglycosylated mutant β4-MUT accelerated neurite extension and increased the number of filopodia-like protrusions, when compared with β4-WT and the vector. These results suggest that extensive glycosylation of β4 subunit play roles in morphological changes, and the altered glycosylation may be involved in the pathogenesis of PD.  相似文献   

The formation of cerebral senile plaques composed of amyloid β peptide (Aβ) is a fundamental feature of Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Glial cells and more specifically microglia become reactive in the presence of Aβ. In a triple transgenic model of AD (3 × Tg-AD), we found a significant increase in activated microglia at 12 (by 111%) and 18 (by 88%) months of age when compared with non-transgenic (non-Tg) controls. This microglial activation correlated with Aβ plaque formation, and the activation in microglia was closely associated with Aβ plaques and smaller Aβ deposits. We also found a significant increase in the area density of resting microglia in 3 × Tg-AD animals both at plaque-free stage (at 9 months by 105%) and after the development of A plaques (at 12 months by 54% and at 18 months by 131%). Our results show for the first time that the increase in the density of resting microglia precedes both plaque formation and activation of microglia by extracellular Aβ accumulation. We suggest that AD pathology triggers a complex microglial reaction: at the initial stages of the disease the number of resting microglia increases, as if in preparation for the ensuing activation in an attempt to fight the extracellular Aβ load that is characteristic of the terminal stages of the disease.  相似文献   

TDP-43 and α-synuclein are two disease proteins involved in a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases. While TDP-43 proteinopathy is considered a pathologic hallmark of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal lobe degeneration, α-synuclein is a major component of Lewy body characteristic of Parkinson's disease. Intriguingly, TDP-43 proteinopathy also coexists with Lewy body and with synucleinopathy in certain disease conditions. Here we reported the effects of TDP-43 on α-synuclein neurotoxicity in transgenic mice. Overexpression of mutant TDP-43 (M337V substitution) in mice caused early death in transgenic founders, but overexpression of normal TDP-43 only induced a moderate loss of cortical neurons in the transgenic mice at advanced ages. Interestingly, concomitant overexpression of normal TDP-43 and mutant α-synuclein caused a more severe loss of dopaminergic neurons in the double transgenic mice as compared to single-gene transgenic mice. TDP-43 potentiated α-synuclein toxicity to dopaminergic neurons in living animals. Our finding provides in vivo evidence suggesting that disease proteins such as TDP-43 and α-synuclein may play a synergistic role in disease induction in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

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