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Given the heterogeneous oceanographic conditions observed in the continental shelf and slope off Rio de Janeiro, the phytoplankton community is expected to adapt to the diverse trophic conditions using distinct strategies. Considering the C-S-R triangle, distinct phytoplankton taxa are expected to occur in Tropical Water (TW), in South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) and in Coastal Water (CW). The study area extends from Paraíba do Sul River mouth to the region of Cabo Frio. Samples were collected on 28 stations, in 2011 austral summer. 209 phytoplankton taxa were observed, mainly dinoflagellates (93), diatoms (71), and coccolitophores (30). TW dominated the surface waters of the continental shelf and slope, and a typical tropical phytoplankton community, composed by stress-tolerant taxa, was observed. The rise in nitrate concentration caused by SACW uplift in the shelf and in the continental slope, at subsurface waters, and in silicate, associated with the Paraíba do Sul riverine plume, led to shifts in the phytoplankton community, increasing the contribution of ruderal taxa. The grouping of phytoplankton assemblages only in traditional groups would result in loss of information about the factors that determine community dynamics since the different species in each of these groups frequently share specific traits.  相似文献   

Following the report of triatomine nymphs in a house in Arcadia, Miguel Pereira, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the infested dwelling was checked. Several eggs and 46 specimens of Triatoma vitticeps (Stal, 1859) were collected. Among them, adults and nymphal instars accounted for 43.5% and 56.5%, respectively. Analysis of blood meals showed the ecletism of this species; 24 (52.2%) were single feeds, 18 insects (39.1%) fed on two hosts and 4 (8.7%) on three hosts. Trypanosoma cruzi infection rate of examined specimens was 13%. Finally one of the residents of the house was positive for anti-T. cruzi antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and to evaluate its association with age, sex as well as other demographic and behavioural factors in 150 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive adults patients attending the general medical outpatient ward for routine care of Niterói, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Serum samples were screened for HSV-2 antibodies using an indirect ELISA. Eighty-three patients were men (mean age: 38.8) and 67 were women (mean age: 35.4). The estimated prevalence of HSV-2 was 52% (95% CI: 44-60%) and it was higher among men (53%) than among women (50.7%). Overall, the age of first sexual intercourse and past history of genital herpes were associated with HSV-2 seropositivity. Analysis by gender disclosed significant association of number of lifetime sex partners only among men. Although HSV-2 antibodies were frequent in the study group, genital herpes was reported by 21.8% of the HSV-2 positive subjects, indicating low awareness of the HSV-2 infection. These results may have public health importance for Brazil as the high rate of HSV-2 infection may act as a cofactor of HIV transmission.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the Counties of Montenegro and Pareci Novo located in the region of the Vale do Rio Cai, Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, aiming to determine the fruit fly species of Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae that occur in organic orchards of sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.] cultivar Céu, and Murcott tangor (Citrus reticulata Blanco x C. sinensis), during the fruit ripening stages in 2003 and 2004. Eight McPhail traps baited with integral grape juice diluted to 25% were installed in four orchards, two in each citrus species. The traps were checked weekly, when the baits were changed, the flies separated and preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol. Fruits were also sampled from the orchards, placed in containers with damp soil and closed with a mesh. The tephritid flies represented 86.2% of all captured flies in the four orchards during both years. Five Tephritidae species were captured from traps: Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann), Anastrepha grandis (Macquart), Anastrepha pseudoparallela (Loew), Anastrepha dissimilis Stone and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). The captured species of Lonchaeidae were: Neosilba zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal, Neosilba n.sp.3, Neosilba sp. and Lonchaea sp. Anastrepha fraterculus was found in 99% of the fruit samples, both in 'Céu' orange and 'Murcott' tangor, and Neosilba n.sp.3 were only obtained from 'Murcott' tangor fruits.  相似文献   

Synopsis Genidens genidens was sampled at the Jacarepaguá Lagoon system (23° S, 43° W), Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using cast nets and beach seines, to study its reproductive biology. Spawning period extended from October to February, but was more intense from December to January, coinciding with high surface water temperature and low salinity in the area. After spawning, males mouthbrood the eggs for two to three months until development is completed. Mean length at first maturity for females was approximately 180 mm TL, and at 250 mm TL, all females were mature. Batch fecundity was very low, ranging from 7 to 30 eggs for fish with 170 mm TL (37.0 g TW) to 228 mm TL (104.0 g TW), respectively, and was linearly related to fish total length and total weight. Sexual dimorphism starts after sexual maturity, with females having relatively longer pelvic fins than males. Both sexes exhibited very low condition during the spawning season, probably due to changes in feeding activity related to the reproductive cycle. A strong predominance of males during the main spawning/brooding period suggests that females migrate from the area after spawning is completed.Present address: Virginia Institute of Marine Science, School of Marine Science, The College of William and MaryGloucester Point, VA 23062, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Wild golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) - endangered primates that are native to the Brazilian Atlantic coastal forest - were surveyed for the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi with the use of Giemsa-stained blood smears, hemocultures and an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFAT). Positive IFAT with titers ranging from 1:20 to 1:1280 were observed in 52% of the 118 wild tamarins examined and the parasite was isolated from 38 tamarins. No patent parasitemia was observed among the tamarins from which T. cruzi was isolated. Serum conversion and positive hemoculture was observed for three animals that had yielded negative results some months earlier, which indicates that T. cruzi is actively transmitted among tamarins. In contrast to observations with other sylvatic isolates, those from the tamarins were significantly more virulent and most of them produced mortality in experimentally infected Swiss mice. Some variation in the kDNA restriction profiles among the isolates was observed. Electrophoresis with GPI, G6PDH, IDH, MDH and ME enzymes showed a Z2 profile.  相似文献   

Eleven species of fleas were collected from 601 small rodents, from November 1995 to October 1997, in areas of natural focus of bubonic plague, including the municipalities of Nova Friburgo, Sumidouro and Teresópolis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Among 924 fleas collected, Polygenis (Polygenis) rimatus (Rhopalopsyllidae) was the predominant species regarding the frequency, representing 41.3% (N:382), followed by P. (Neopolygenis) pradoi, representing 20% (N:185) and Craneopsylla minerva minerva (Stephanocircidae), representing 18.9% (N:175). The host Akodon cursor harbored 47.9% of these fleas. Other six host species were infested by 52.1% of the remaining fleas. Fleas were found on hosts and in places within the focus not previously reported by the literature.  相似文献   

A new small species of Eocaiman is described on the basis of three anterior left mandibular rami and one isolated tooth. The specimens came from the middle-upper Paleocene Itaboraí Basin (Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil; Itaboraian South American Land Mammal Age). The new taxon differs from the other two Eocaiman species, such as its small size, likely participation of the splenial in the mandibular symphysis, a reduced angle between the longitudinal axis of the symphysis and the mandibular ramus, and enlarged ninth and tenth dentary teeth (in addition to the large first and fourth dentary teeth). The participation of the splenial in the mandibular symphysis is a unique character among caimanines (with the only possible exception being Tsoabichi greenriverensis). The new taxon provides new information on the taxonomic and anatomical diversity of the genus Eocaiman, a taxon of prime importance to understand the evolutionary origins of caimans given its position as the basalmost member of Caimaninae. Furthermore, the new taxon has a relatively small body size in comparison with other species of Eocaiman, a case paralleled by other Itaboraian reptilian groups (e.g. snakes), suggesting that this ecosystem provides critical data to test the relationship between reptilian body size and climate.

http://zoobank.org/83636F22-D121-4A77-9141-BE68987B6CBF  相似文献   

This study was designed to analyse the clinical and epidemiological data from human parvovirus B19 cases in a six-year study of rash diseases conduct in an urban area in Brazil (Niterói city area, State of Rio de Janeiro). A total of 673 patients with acute rash diseases were seen at two primary health care units and at a general hospital. A clotted blood sample was collected from all subjects at the time of consultation. Forty-nine per cent (330 cases) of the patients were negative for dengue, rubella and measles IgM or for low avidity IgG to HHV-6. Of these 330, 105 (31.8%) were identified as IgM positive to parvovirus B19 by using an antibody capture EIA. During the study period, three distinct peaks of parvovirus infection were detected, suggesting that the disease appears to cycle in approximately 4-5 years. B19 infection was characterized by variable combinations of fever, flu-like symptoms, arthropathy, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Frequency of fever and arthropathy was substantially higher in adults, 75% [chi2 (1 D.F.) = 11.39, p = 0.0007] and 62.5% [chi2 (1 D.F.) = 29.89, p = 0.0000], respectively. "Slapped-cheek" appearance and reticular or lace-like rash were seen in only 30.1% of the children. No adult presented this typical rash. The lack of the typical rash pattern in a large proportion of parvovirus B19 and the similarity of clinical manifestations to other rash diseases, specially to rubella, highlight the difficulty of diagnosing B19 infection on clinical grounds alone.  相似文献   

β(S) haplotypes were studied in 47 non-related patients with sickle-cell anemia from the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Molecular analysis was conducted by PCR/RFLP using restriction endonucleases XmnI, HindIII, HincII and HinfI to analyze six polymorphic sites from the beta cluster. Twenty-seven patients (57.5%) were identified with genotype CAR/CAR, 9 (19.1%) CAR/BEN, 6 (12.8%) CAR/CAM, 1 (2.1%) BEN/BEN, 2 (4.3%) CAR/Atp, 1 (2.1%) BEN/Atp and 1 (2.1%) with genotype Atp/Atp. The greater frequency of Cameroon haplotypes compared to other Brazilian states suggests the existence of a peculiarity of African origin in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.  相似文献   

A new γ-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC was cloned and characterized kinetically in the genome of the bacterial pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei, the etiological agent of melioidosis, an endemic disease of tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. The catalytic activity of this new enzyme, BpsCAγ, is significant with a kcat of 5.3 × 105 s?1 and kcat/Km of 2.5 × 107 M?1 × s?1 for the physiologic CO2 hydration reaction. The inhibition constant value for this enzyme for 39 sulfonamide inhibitors was obtained. Acetazolamide, benzolamide and metanilamide were the most effective (KIs of 149–653 nM) inhibitors of BpsCAγ activity, whereas other sulfonamides/sulfamates such as ethoxzolamide, topiramate, sulpiride, indisulam, sulthiame and saccharin were active in the micromolar range (KIs of 1.27–9.56 μM). As Burkholderia pseudomallei is resistant to many classical antibiotics, identifying compounds that interfere with crucial enzymes in the B. pseudomallei life cycle may lead to antibiotics with novel mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

The results of microbiological vaginal secretions samples obtained from 749 women (from July 2001 to July 2002) were studied in the Bacteriology Unit of the Francisco Javier Mu?iz Hospital from Buenos Aires. All patients suffered acute vulvovaginitis were child bearing and sexually active women, 334 of them were HIV-positive. The following are the results of the microbiological studies: Lactobacillus spp 50.6%, Gardnerella vaginalis 25.6%, Candida spp 17.4%, Trichomonas vaginalis 5.3%, Neisseria gonorrhoeae 0.3% and B group Streptococcus 0.8%. Candida vaginitis was significantly more frequent in HIV-positive patients, (21.6% vs 14%; p = 0.0086); meanwhile, trichomoniasis was less common although the difference was not statistically significant (3.6 vs 6.7%, p = 0.0810). The following Candida species were isolated in this study: Candida albicans 76.8%, Candida glabrata 15.6%, Candida parapsilosis 2.9%, Candida tropicalis 1.5% and Candida krusei 0.7%. Eight cases (6.2%) of vaginitis were produced by two Candida species (C. albicans and C. glabrata), and in three cases (2.17%) Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated. Five women suffering acute vaginitis with Candida spp presented another etiologic agent of vaginal infection, three cases T. vaginalis and two cases G. vaginalis. The following are some of the most important findings of this study: 1) Half of the patients presented a normal microbial biota; 2) Candida spp vaginitis was significantly more frequent among HIV-positive women; 3) we observed a high incidence of Candida glabrata infections (15.9%), 4) 6.2% of vaginal candidiasis were caused by more than one Candida species and, 5) the susceptibility pattern of C. albicans and C. glabrata isolates against fluconazole was similar to the one observed in other studies. The majority of C. albicans isolates were susceptible to fluconazole (MIC90 = 0.5 microg/ml) meanwhile C. glabrata strains were much less susceptible to this drug (MIC50 and MIC90 = 32 microg/ml).  相似文献   

The potential use of epilithic diatoms as indicators of organic pollution was evaluated in Gravataí River, RS, (latitude 29°45′–30°12′ S; longitude 50°27′–51°12′ W). The river suffers agricultural impacts in its upper course and urban and industrial organic pollution in its lower course. Epilithic diatoms were sampled eight times from September 2000 to August 2002, at six sites. Species were identified and densities and relative abundances of populations were determined. Simultaneously, physical, chemical and microbiological variables were measured (water temperature, conductivity, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand, ammonium, organic nitrogen, total nitrogen, ortho-phosphate, total phosphate, chloride and faecal coliforms). In order to interpret the environmental and biological variables, discriminant analysis and the TWINSPAN methods (Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis) were applied. The results indicated that the concentrations of ortho-phosphate, ammonium, total organic nitrogen, BOD5 and faecal coliforms characterized a pollution gradient along the river, where changes in the abundance or species composition were observed. Species were classified into three groups: Group A, including species more tolerant to heavy organic pollution and eutrophication, represented by Luticola goeppertiana, L. mutica, Eolimna subminuscula, Nitzschia palea and Sellaphora pupula; Group B, comprised of tolerant and widely distributed species such as Eunotia bilunaris, Frustulia crassinervia, F. saxonica, Navicula cryptocephala, N. cryptotenella, Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris, Surirella angusta, Pinnularia microstauron and Ulnaria ulna and Group C, with less pollution tolerant species represented by Eunotia sp. and Gomphonema parvulum.  相似文献   

The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (sub-phylum Glomeromycotina) in two contrasting coastal ecosystems (dunes and restinga) at Peró Beach, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil was evaluated at the end of the rainy (May) and dry (November) seasons, in 2014. A total of 22 species belonging to ten genera and five families were recorded. Glomus macrocarpum and Rhizoglomus microaggregatum had large biomass and frequencies of glomerospores at both sites. Glomerospore abundance was higher in the dry season in dunes and in the rainy season in restinga. Redundancy analysis revealed significant relationships between AMF-physical and chemical soil parameters. Shannon's index and Pielou's evenness indicated greater AMF diversity in dunes than restinga, despite the lower number of glomerospores in dunes. These results highlight the importance of knowing the AMF communities in different coastal ecosystems, especially in dunes, which due to the low vegetation cover are most frequently impacted by anthropic actions.  相似文献   

Due to its highly metalliferous waters and low pH, the Rio Tinto has shown its potential for modelling both acid mine drainage systems and biohydrometallurgical operations. Most geomicrobiological studies of these systems have focused on the oxic water column. A sequence-based approach in combination with in situ detection techniques enabled us to examine the composition and structure of the microbial communities associated with the suboxic and anoxic sediments along the river course and to compare them with the planktonic communities inhabiting the water column. The results obtained with the different approaches were consistent and revealed some major patterns: higher cell density and higher richness (75 vs. 48 operational taxonomic units) in the sediments than in the water column. The microbial communities were related but the river sediments appear to be enriched in certain populations, some of which have not previously been reported in the Rio Tinto basin. The differences detected between sampling stations along the river correlate with certain environmental parameters (e.g. iron concentration gradient). The biological and geochemical data show the importance of the sediments as representing a phase of particular high diversity, probably related to key metabolic processes within both the iron and the sulfur cycles.  相似文献   

The infestation indices by fruit flies were determined for six cultivars of Coffea arabica L. in shaded and unshaded systems under organic management. The experiment was set in a completely randomized design with a split-split-plot arrangement and four replicates. A 250g-sample of maturing fruits per plot was harvested in May 2005. The cultivars Icatu Amarelo and Catucaí Amarelo were the least susceptible to attack by tephritids in both systems. As for lonchaeids, Oeiras, Catucaí Amarelo and Catuaí Vermelho were the least susceptible cultivars in the shaded system, and there was no difference among the cultivars in the unshaded system. The following tephritid species were obtained: Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) and A. sororcula Zucchi (Tephritidae). Lonchaeids were represented by Neosilba bifida Strikis & Prado, N. certa (Walker), N. glaberrima (Wiedemann), N. pendula (Bezzi), N. pseudopendula (Korytkowski and Ojeda), Dasiops rugifrons Hennig, Neosilba n.sp.10 and Neosilba n.sp.14.  相似文献   

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