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The distinction between “bitter” and “sweet” (toxic and non-toxic) varieties of the cyanide-containing food crop manioc (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) has a long tradition in the tropical forest areas of South and Central America where it was first cultivated. Yet this distinction has no taxonomic basis. The levels of cyanogenic glucosides found in manioc varieties not only vary widely, but do not correspond with any other known morphological or ecological feature. Nonetheless, these two “varieties” are commonly reported to have distinct geographical and cultural distributions and each is associated with a particular traditional food complex. This paper reviews the literature regarding the nature, distribution, and traditional uses of manioc varieties and concludes that (1) the geographical and cultural distribution of bitter and sweet varieties of manioc may not be as distinct as has been thought; (2) traditional categories of bitter and sweet manioc may stem more from culturally derived belief systems than from actual known levels of toxicity; and (3) the choice of complex and labor intensive processing methods usually associated with bitter manioc may not be required for detoxification but rather for the derived food products, particularly manioc flour.  相似文献   

Urbanization has destroyed and fragmented previously large areas of habitat. Small remnants that still exist in numerous cities will be unable to sustain many viable wild plant populations if they do not expand into the surrounding urban matrix. Residential gardens form a significant component of urban green space in many cities and therefore could play a role in redressing this problem. Our ecological and social scientific study examined factors influencing the dispersal and regeneration of 12 bird-dispersed native woody species from Riccarton Bush, a 7.8 ha urban forest remnant, into surrounding residential properties in Christchurch, New Zealand. Over 125 years, the reported number of native vascular plant species in the Bush has declined by a third. Some species, particularly Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, the dominant woody species in the Bush, are being dispersed by birds and establishing in residential gardens predominantly within 250 m of the forest margin. These juveniles are not reaching maturity as most gardeners tend to remove all non-planted woody species. This suggests natural potential for regeneration exists but is insufficient without active human intervention. Our survey results show people are supportive of native plants in general but lack knowledge of the species. They are willing to plant locally appropriate woody species if provided with plants, information, and, most importantly, control over the location of plantings. Residential gardens consequently have the potential to play a major role in the conservation of urban biodiversity especially for species suited to the functions and size of gardens.  相似文献   

Manioc is the most important food crop that originated in Amazonia. Many studies have increased our understanding of its evolutionary dynamics under cultivation. However, most of them focused on manioc cultivation in environments with low soil fertility, generally Oxisols. Recent ethnobotanical observations showed that bitter manioc also performs well in high fertility soils, such as Amazonian dark earths (ADE) and the floodplain. We used 10 microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic diversity and structure of bitter manioc varieties grown in different soil types in communities of smallholder farmers along the middle Madeira River in Central Amazonia. The genetic diversity of some sweet varieties and seedlings was also evaluated. Adult individuals showed higher levels of genetic diversity and smaller inbreeding coefficients (A ( R ) = 5.52, H ( O ) = 0.576, f = 0.086) than seedlings (A ( R ) = 4.39, H ( O ) = 0.421, f = 0.242). Bitter manioc varieties from the floodplain showed higher levels of genetic diversity (A ( R ) = 5.19, H ( O ) = 0.606) than those from ADE (A ( R ) = 4.45, H ( O ) = 0.538) and from Oxisols (A ( R ) = 4.15, H ( O ) = 0.559). The varieties grown in the floodplain were strongly differentiated from the varieties grown in Oxisols (F ( ST ) = 0.093) and ADE (F ( ST ) = 0.108), suggesting important genetic structuring among varieties grown in the floodplain and upland soils (ADE and Oxisols). This is the first time that genetic divergence of bitter manioc varieties in cultivation in different Amazonian soils in a small geographic area is reported.  相似文献   

The Mussau Islanders of the Bismarck Archipelago in northeastern Papua New Guinea cultivate 26 indigenous tree species both for food and non-food uses in tree gardens surrounding the villages. Several trees which volunteer in these arboriculture zones are also tended and encouraged. I present ethnobotanical information on methods of cultivation, how and when the trees are harvested, preparation and use. The tree crop zone has a random spatial distribution overall, but some species within the zone are aggregated spatially. This clumping is related to the restricted habitat requirements of certain species, as well as individual species ’ reproductive traits. Coconut is the most frequent species in the arboriculture zone and is randomly distributed. Vertical stratification is attributable to the presence of a distinct herb layer and a subcanopy stratum of maturePandanus spp. The stratification of some species pairs results from the deliberate planting of subcanopy trees next to canopy trees. The introduction of exotic garden species and the increasing availability of western packaged foods is changing the composition of traditional Mussau Islands tree gardens.  相似文献   

The investigation of crop and soil-crop conditions among Andoke and Witoto cultivators in southeast Colombia is used as a basis for assessing Geertz' (1963) model of swidden cultivation. In this respect, the extent to which maniocdominated swiddens in the study area simulate the structure and composition of the forest climax community is questioned. As Geertz (1963) indicates, an initial nutrient boost for crop cultivation results from the preliminary burning of forest debris, but weed competition, rather than progressive loss of soil fertility, is reported to be the primary cause of abandoning manioc cultivation after 2–3 years. While the Andoke and Witoto crop system remains adaptive at the individual field level, particularly in its constituent species, its fundamental adaptation is considered to be its integration into the broader field and fallow system that juxtaposes crop production with extended periods of forest regeneration.  相似文献   

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is the staple food crop in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Declining crop productivity, however, appears to be threatening the sustainability of sweet potato-based farming systems within the region, a probable cause being the exhaustion of soil nutrient reserves in continuously cultivated sweet potato gardens. To assess the extent of the problem, a survey of sweet potato gardens was conducted across four of the highlands provinces and information on soil and crop variables was obtained for old gardens (cultivated over many seasons) and new gardens (newly brought into cultivation) on soils of volcanic and non-volcanic origin. Crop leaf nutrient data collected in the survey were interpreted using the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), to try to identify the main nutritional constraints on tuber production in different garden types on soils of volcanic or non-volcanic origin. The results suggested that K deficiency was the primary cause of poor crop production in almost a third of sweet potato gardens, but was more of a problem in old gardens than in new. Phosphorus deficiency was also a problem on volcanic soils, and S deficiency on non-volcanic soils. These latter deficiencies, however, were at least as prevalent in new gardens as in old. Important factors contributing to K and S depletion from garden systems were the removal of K and S-rich vines from cultivation areas, the shortening of fallow periods and the burning of weed and crop residues, the latter releasing S (SO2) to the atmosphere. Correction of K and S deficiencies may require the recycling of old vines back to sweet potato cultivation areas and the adoption of a zero-burn policy for fallow management. Correction of P deficiency may necessitate the use of P-accumulating fallow species, e.g. wild Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia), to extract the P fixed by sesquioxide and allophanic minerals  相似文献   

The proposition that tropical forest swidden gardens mimic the extraordinary species diversity of the forest by the use of extensive intercropping is examined in the light of the field architecture of the Barí, a people of the Maracaibo basin. Barí fields manifest annular zonation rather than intercropping. It is concluded that Barí horticulture is an inversion of the jungle rather than an imitation of it.  相似文献   

Urbanization is considered as a major driver for biotic homogenization. Urbanization also promotes the dispersal of non-native species. This study examined the roles of suburban settlements and of the surrounding landscape composition for the spread of non-native plant species into adjacent mixed deciduous forests in Southern and Northwestern Switzerland. The number and abundance of native and non-native vascular plant species in both the ground vegetation and shrub layer were recorded in 15 forest sites situated adjacent to settlements and 15 control sites far from settlements. Various site and landscape characteristics were assessed in the surroundings (100 m radius) of the study sites. In both regions we found a higher number and larger abundance of non-native plant species in forest sites adjacent to settlements than in control forest sites. Furthermore, non-native plants were more frequently recorded close to roads and in sites surrounded by a large percentage cover of garden. All these effects were more pronounced in Southern Switzerland, a region with milder winter climate, than in Northwestern Switzerland. Our study showed that settlements are a source for the spread of non-native plant species into Central European suburban forests, and that the composition of the surrounding landscape matrix (e.g. traffic infrastructure, percentage cover of gardens) also affects the establishment of non-native plants.  相似文献   

Archaeological studies of plant remains have indicated that an increase in seed size is frequently correlated with both intensive cultivation and domestication of seed crop plants. To test if starch granules of domesticated root crops are significantly larger than those of wild or less intensively cultivated plants, archaeological and modern specimens of manioc and sweet potato were sampled for starch granules, and granule size was compared across a temporal sequence. The results indicate that a gross generalization can be made that modern specimens of both manioc and sweet potato yield larger starch granules than some archaeological specimens. It does appear, however, that modern domesticated manioc roots produce significantly larger-sized starch granules than those of its purported wild ancestor. Additionally, there exist two lines of evidence that the coastal Peruvian and lowland Neotropical regional types of manioc differ from one another and have been separate for several millennia. These findings indicate that manioc may have been domesticated more than once.  相似文献   

Maintaining agricultural diversity is important for the conservation of rare species and for preserving underlying ecosystem processes on which smallholder farmers rely. The positive effects of crop diversity are well documented in tropical systems, but the conservation potential of arid agricultural systems is less clear. This study assesses the impact of three arid agroforestry systems on plant diversity and functional richness in South Sinai, Egypt: (1) mountain orchard gardens, (2) modern town gardens and (3) low desert date-palm gardens. We surveyed plants (cultivated and wild) within gardens and control plots of natural habitat and allocated each plant eight biological traits that are recognised as being linked with major ecosystem processes. Species diversity was quantified using three measures (Hill's numbers) and total species diversity was significantly higher within gardens than in the surrounding habitat at all three levels of diversity and across the three agroforestry systems. Species similarity was high between gardens and the surrounding habitat, and there was a strong overlap in the functional traits of wild plants and cultivated non-tree species. Despite the clear presence of trees within the gardens, the community weighted trait means (CWMs) showed that chamaephyte perennials were the dominant life-forms in both the gardens and the natural habitat. Functional richness differed between the three agroforestry systems, but was significantly higher within the gardens. Functional richness has been linked to increased productivity and CWMs showed that plants within the gardens were considerably taller than outside, suggesting higher biomass accumulation. These findings suggest that Bedouin agricultural practices are not having a negative effect on the flora of the region and that the continuation of these indigenous farming practices can actively benefit rare wild plants in the region. On a wider scale, this study supports the view that smallholder farms and homegardens can be valuable tools in conservation, preserving local species and maintaining ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

We estimated densities of parrot and hornbill species in primary and selectively logged forest and forest gardens at two lowland sites on New Britain, PNG. We related differences in abundance to food and nest-site availability in the different habitats and determined whether nest-site availability might limit local breeding populations. Blue-eyed Cockatoo Cacatua ophthalmica and Blyth's Hornbill Rhyticeros plicatus were usually rarer in forest gardens than in primary forest, but both fared well in logged forest. Eclectus Parrot Eclectus roratus was more common in all human-altered forests than in primary forest, and Eastern Black-capped Lory Lorius hypoinochrous was reasonably common throughout but extremely abundant in forest gardens at one site. Parrots and hornbills were recorded eating fruits of 15 tree species and flowers of nine species. Densities of these fruiting and flowering trees were highest in logged forest and forest gardens, respectively, indicating the importance of these anthropogenic habitats as feeding grounds for the assemblage. Active nest cavities were found in large individuals of 12 tree species. Densities of potential nest cavities were highest in primary forest and lowest in forest gardens. At both sites, estimates of potential nest-site density were significantly lower than estimates of the density of pairs of all species of parrots and hornbills: there may be 10–20 parrot/hornbill individuals per nest-hole. Continuing forest alteration, whilst further reducing nest-site availability, may allow large populations of parrots and hornbills to persist due to increased availability of food in some anthropogenic habitats. However, current abundance of such bird species may be a poor correlate of future extinction risk as long-lived taxa may remain common for some period even when annual recruitment has declined to critically low levels.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that indigenous tropical forest agriculture, in contrast with other agricultural systems, is characterized by a high degree of polyculture, and, being similar in diversity to the forest itself, has little disturbing effect on the generalized ecosystem that surrounds native gardens. Our comparative study of four Central Brazilian Indian groups shows, however, that while each of these groups practices polyculture to some extent, the crop mix found in their swidden plots is highly patterned, and includes single crop stands at certain stages of garden life. Different crops are planted in the same swidden plot from year to year, in accordance with variation in soil fertility within the swidden cycle. None of the swiddens we observed compares in complexity to the surrounding forest. We suggest that polyculture, rather than being regarded as the distinguishing characteristic of swidden cultivation, should be considered as a varying dimension—along with other variables such as use of wild plants, soil fertility and exhaustion, tillage practices, the introduction of novel crops, and production for the market—within the overall subsistence strategy of a group.  相似文献   

Forty‐seven property owners in Entebbe, Uganda were questioned about vervet monkey activities on their property. Our main objective was to investigate the interactions between humans and vervet monkeys in an agricultural area adjacent to a forest zone. Other studies have reported that farms located within 300 m of a forested boundary probably incur the greatest risk of crop‐raiding. Two other factors that may influence susceptibility to vervet crop‐raiding were also examined: the types of crops grown and the types of direct preventative measures used. The effect of these two factors on vervet crop‐raiding is not straightforward. However, the distance a property is located from the forest edge is an important factor influencing vervet crop‐raiding. Surveyed gardens 200 m from the forest edge received significantly less crop‐raiding than farms located 100 m or 50 m (P = 0.040, < α = 0.05). We suggest that the development of nonagricultural activities on land directly adjacent to forested areas may reduce vervet crop‐raiding by deterring vervets from travelling greater distances from the forest edge due to increased obstacles or risks.  相似文献   

Our research involves of how Paraguayan migrants who are living in Misiones, Argentina, manage medicinal plants in home gardens, and how this practice can be related to the landscape. We examine the relationship between the richness of home garden medicinal plants and landscape variables (e.g., distance to the forest) by applying PLS analysis, which combines principal component analysis with linear regression. We surveyed 60 home gardens localized in a rural area, and we characterized the surrounding landscape with geospatial tools. Paraguayans’ home gardens are extremely diverse sites (total of 136 medicinal species), where both native (82) and introduced species (50) are managed. People who live close to the native forest or mixed use areas (e.g., farms, secondary vegetation) tend to possess less native plants in their gardens because they are available nearby. While gardeners, who live in proximity to tree crops (e.g., pine plantations), have reduced access to wild medicinal resources; therefore, their effort is concentrated on maintaining native plants. These results reflect a relationship between accessibility to medicinal plants in the landscape and the management practices in the home gardens, a neglected driver in explaining the richness and composition of the medicinal plants in home gardens so far. Thus, we contributed evidence in support of the environmental scarcity compensation hypothesis. Finally, our study supports the idea that home gardens appear to function as a springboard for plant domestication.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) and Caboclo horticultural knowledge and practice along the middle Madeira River (the biggest whitewater tributary of the Amazon) in the municipality of Manicoré, Amazonas State, Brazil. ADE are fertile anthropogenic (human-made) soils that are found in many areas of the Amazon region. The formation of ADE is a legacy of Amerindian settlement patterns, mostly during the late pre-Columbian period (2000–500 bp). The primary users of ADE in the Central Amazon today are Caboclos, traditional Amazonian people of heterogeneous origins. The multi-sited ethnography presented here demonstrates that Caboclos have developed a repertoire of local knowledge surrounding the cultivation of their staple crop, bitter manioc, in these soils. This revolves around a local theory of “weakness” and “strength” used to describe different sets of bitter manioc landrace traits and their responses to planting in different kinds of soil and fallow ages. This local theory has developed in the context of a regional historical ecology that has enabled the conservation and generation of such horticultural knowledge. I conclude that these notions of strength and weakness shape divergent loci of bitter manioc genetic traits and co-evolutionary dynamics between people and plants in the cultivation of bitter manioc in different soil types.  相似文献   

Forest destruction and disturbance can have long-term consequences for species diversity and ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. Understanding these consequences is a crucial component of conserving vulnerable ecosystems. In the heavily fragmented and disturbed Kakamega Forest, western Kenya, we studied seed dispersal of Prunus africana (Rosaceae). In the main forest, five forest fragments, and differently disturbed sites, we quantified the overall frugivore community as an indicator for species diversity. Furthermore, we determined the frugivores on 28 fruiting P. africana trees, estimated seed dispersal, crop size and the general fruit availability of surrounding trees. During the overall frugivore census we recorded 49 frugivorous species; 36 of them were observed visiting P. africana trees and feeding on their fruits. Although overall frugivore species richness was 1.1 times lower in fragments than in main forest sites and 1.02 times higher in highly disturbed than in less disturbed sites, P. africana experienced 1.1 times higher numbers of frugivores in fragments than in main forest sites and 1.5 times higher numbers of frugivores in highly disturbed than in less disturbed sites. Correspondingly, seed dispersal was 1.5 times higher in fragments than in main forest sites and 1.5 times higher in more disturbed than less disturbed sites. Fruit availability of surrounding trees and crop size influenced the number of visitors to some degree. Thus, the number of dispersed seeds seemed to be slightly higher in fragmented and highly disturbed sites. This indicates that loss of single species does not necessarily lead to a decrease of ecosystem services. However, loss of diversity could be a problem in the long term, as a multitude of species might act as buffer against future environmental change.  相似文献   

Home gardens are defined as a system of production of diverse crop plant species, which can be adjacent to household or slightly further away and is easily accessible. Species composition and management systems of Nepalese home gardens are poorly known. The study was conducted to develop an inventory on composition of crop species and varietal diversity to characterise the home gardens of Rupandehi and Gulmi of western Nepal, and to observe the species change over the time for last 10–15 years. Semi-structured Interviews, Direct Observation and Focus Group Discussions were employed to collect primary data. Shannon–Weaver index (SWI) was used to determine the species richness. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed to characterise the home gardens. Mid-hill SWI (H′ = 4.41) revealed the higher species diversity (131 species) as compared to terai (123 species). This species richness was significantly higher (p = 0.001) in the mid-hill area. The vegetable species constitute the major component followed by fruits and fodder species that also contributed to the species diversity. The size of home gardens and species richness was positively correlated (r s = 0.29, p = 0.001). Twenty crop species have been lost during the last 10–15 years and eleven species were threatened in the studied home gardens. Inaccessibility of local seed crops and deforestation were the major causes reported accounting for this trend. Self-saved seed was the major source of planting material in home gardens. There is a need to study the seed supply system for these home gardens. Therefore, a challenge is to make these home gardens self-supporting through creating a mechanism on strengthening local seed supply systems for long term sustainability of home garden in agrobiodiversity management.  相似文献   

  • 1. The establishment of new botanic gardens in tropical regions highlights a need for weed risk assessment tools suitable for tropical ecosystems. The relevance of plant traits for invasion into tropical rainforests has not been well studied.
  • 2. Working in and around four botanic gardens in Indonesia where 590 alien species have been planted, we estimated the effect of four plant traits, plus time since species introduction, on: (a) the naturalization probability and (b) abundance (density) of naturalized species in adjacent native tropical rainforests; and (c) the distance that naturalized alien plants have spread from the botanic gardens.
  • 3. We found that specific leaf area (SLA) strongly differentiated 23 naturalized from 78 non‐naturalized alien species (randomly selected from 577 non‐naturalized species) in our study. These trends may indicate that aliens with high SLA, which had a higher probability of naturalization, benefit from at least two factors when establishing in tropical forests: high growth rates and occupation of forest gaps. Naturalized aliens had high SLA and tended to be short. However, plant height was not significantly related to species'' naturalization probability when considered alongside other traits.
  • 4. Alien species that were present in the gardens for over 30 years and those with small seeds also had higher probabilities of becoming naturalized, indicating that garden plants can invade the understorey of closed canopy tropical rainforests, especially when invading species are shade tolerant and have sufficient time to establish.
  • 5. On average, alien species that were not animal dispersed spread 78 m further into the forests and were more likely to naturalize than animal‐dispersed species. We did not detect relationships between the measured traits and estimated density of naturalized aliens in the adjacent forests.
  • 6. Synthesis: Traits were able to differentiate alien species from botanic gardens that naturalized in native forest from those that did not; this is promising for developing trait‐based risk assessment in the tropics. To limit the risk of invasion and spread into adjacent native forests, we suggest tropical botanic gardens avoid planting alien species with fast carbon capture strategies and those that are shade tolerant.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a cyanide-containing root crop used by many indigenous groups in Amazonia. Despite the availability of low-cyanogenic potential (CNP) cassava, the Tukanoans of the Colombian Amazon region and many other indigenous groups in lowland Amazonia cultivate primarily high-CNP cassava as their staple crop. Based on the assumption that the Tukanoan preference for high-CNP cultivars is due, in part, to the ability of these cultivars to consistently produce higher yields, we tested the null hypothesis that low-CNP cassava has yields that are greater than or equal to the yields of high-CNP cultivars in Tukanoan gardens. To do so we compared the yields of low- and high-CNP cassava in 10 Tukanoan gardens and in one control garden. We reject the null hypothesis: high-CNP cultivars yielded more than low-CNP cultivars in both traditional Tukanoan Indian gardens and a control garden. Although there are several possible explanations for the differences in yields, the most plausible inference is that the high-CNP plants are more likely to be disease and/or insect resistant.  相似文献   

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