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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common bacterial infections and are predominantly caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC). While UTIs are typically considered extracellular infections, it has been recently demonstrated that UPEC bind to, invade, and replicate within the murine bladder urothelium to form intracellular bacterial communities (IBCs). These IBCs dissociate and bacteria flux out of bladder facet cells, some with filamentous morphology, and ultimately establish quiescent intracellular reservoirs that can seed recurrent infection. This IBC pathogenic cycle has not yet been investigated in humans. In this study we sought to determine whether evidence of an IBC pathway could be found in urine specimens from women with acute UTI.

Methods and Findings

We collected midstream, clean-catch urine specimens from 80 young healthy women with acute uncomplicated cystitis and 20 asymptomatic women with a history of UTI. Investigators were blinded to culture results and clinical history. Samples were analyzed by light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy for evidence of exfoliated IBCs and filamentous bacteria. Evidence of IBCs was found in 14 of 80 (18%) urines from women with UTI. Filamentous bacteria were found in 33 of 80 (41%) urines from women with UTI. None of the 20 urines from the asymptomatic comparative group showed evidence of IBCs or filaments. Filamentous bacteria were present in all 14 of the urines with IBCs compared to 19 (29%) of 66 samples with no evidence of IBCs (p < 0.001). Of 65 urines from patients with E. coli infections, 14 (22%) had evidence of IBCs and 29 (45%) had filamentous bacteria, while none of the gram-positive infections had IBCs or filamentous bacteria.


The presence of exfoliated IBCs and filamentous bacteria in the urines of women with acute cystitis suggests that the IBC pathogenic pathway characterized in the murine model may occur in humans. The findings support the occurrence of an intracellular bacterial niche in some women with cystitis that may have important implications for UTI recurrence and treatment.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infections in young, healthy women frequently recur, despite their traditional classification as acute infections. Conventional wisdom dictates that uropathogens causing recurrent infections in such individuals come from the fecal or vaginal flora, in the same manner as the initial infection. However, recent studies of uropathogenic Escherichia coli have found that it can carry out a complex developmental program within the superficial epithelial cells of the mouse bladder, forming intracellular bacterial communities with many biofilm-like properties. These intracellular biofilms allow the bacteria to outlast a strong host immune response to establish a dormant reservoir of pathogens inside the bladder cells. Re-emergence of bacteria from this reservoir might be the source of recurrent infection.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular bulk degradation system in which double‐membrane vesicles, called autophagosomes, engulf cytoplasmic components and later fuse with lysosomes to degrade the autophagosome content. Although autophagy was initially thought a non‐selective process, recent studies have clarified that it can selectively target intracellular bacteria and function as an intracellular innate immune system that suppresses bacterial survival. A key mechanism for the recognition of cytosol‐invading bacteria is ubiquitination, and the recognition of the ubiquitinated target by the autophagy machinery can be accomplished multiple ways. In this review, we discuss recent findings regarding the induction of autophagosome formation in response to intracellular bacterial invasion.  相似文献   

Systemic infections in avian species caused by avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) are economically devastating to poultry industries worldwide. To unravel factors possibly involved in APEC pathogenicity, suppression subtractive hybridization was applied, leading to the identification of a putative APEC autotransporter adhesin gene aatA in our previous study. In this study, pathogenic mechanism of AatA was further determined. A deletion mutant of aatA was constructed in the APEC DE205B, which results in the reduced capacity to adhere to DF-1 cells, defective virulence in vivo, and decreased colonization capacity in lung during the systemic infection compared with the wild-type strain. Furthermore, these capacities were restored in the complementation strains. These results indicated that AatA makes a significant contribution to APEC virulence through bacterial adherence to host tissues in vivo and in vitro. In addition, aggregation assays for strain AAEC189 expressing aatA indicated that AatA mediates cell aggregation and settling of cells. However, this cell aggregation is blocked by Type I fimbriae. This study illustrates the first examination of the role of AatA in aggregation and systemic infection.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) in humans. In contrast to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) that cause symptomatic urinary tract infection, very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the urinary tract. Here, we have investigated the biofilm-forming capacity on abiotic surfaces of groups of ABU strains and UPEC strains in human urine. We found that there is a strong bias; ABU strains were significantly better biofilm formers than UPEC strains. Our data suggest that biofilm formation in urinary tract infectious E. coli seems to be associated with ABU strains and appears to be an important strategy used by these strains for persistence in this high-flow environment.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular degradation process that can?capture and eliminate intracellular microbes by delivering them to lysosomes for destruction. However, pathogens have evolved mechanisms to subvert this process. The intracellular bacterium Brucella abortus ensures its survival by forming the Brucella-containing vacuole (BCV), which traffics from the endocytic compartment to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where the bacterium proliferates. We?show that Brucella replication in the ER is followed by BCV conversion into a compartment with autophagic features (aBCV). While Brucella trafficking to the ER was unaffected in autophagy-deficient cells, aBCV formation required the autophagy-initiation proteins ULK1, Beclin 1, and ATG14L and PI3-kinase activity. However, aBCV formation was independent of the autophagy-elongation proteins ATG5, ATG16L1, ATG4B, ATG7, and LC3B. Furthermore, aBCVs were required to complete the intracellular Brucella lifecycle and for cell-to-cell spreading, demonstrating that Brucella selectively co-opts autophagy-initiation complexes to subvert host clearance and promote infection.  相似文献   

More than 40% of nosocomial infections are those of the urinary tract, most of these occurring in catheterized patients. Bacterial colonization of the urinary tract and catheters results not only in infection, but also various complications, such as blockage of catheters with crystalline deposits of bacterial origin, generation of gravels and pyelonephritis. The diversity of the biofilm microbial community increases with duration of catheter emplacement. One of the most important pathogens in this regard is Proteus mirabilis. The aims of this study were to identify and assess particular virulence factors present in catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) isolates, their correlation and linkages: three types of motility (swarming, swimming and twitching), the ability to swarm over urinary catheters, biofilm production in two types of media, urease production and adherence of bacterial cells to various types of urinary tract catheters. We examined 102 CAUTI isolates and 50 isolates taken from stool samples of healthy people. Among the microorganisms isolated from urinary catheters, significant differences were found in biofilm-forming ability and the swarming motility. In comparison with the control group, the microorganisms isolated from urinary catheters showed a wider spectrum of virulence factors. The virulence factors (twitching motility, swimming motility, swarming over various types of catheters and biofilm formation) were also more intensively expressed.  相似文献   

The urinary tract functions in close proximity to the outside environment, yet must remain free of microbial colonization to avoid disease. The mechanisms for establishing an antimicrobial barrier in this area are not completely understood. Here, we describe the production and function of the cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides LL-37, its precursor hCAP-18 and its ortholog CRAMP in epithelial cells of human and mouse urinary tract, respectively. Bacterial contact with epithelial cells resulted in rapid production and secretion of the respective peptides, and in humans LL-37/hCAP-18 was released into urine. Epithelium-derived cathelicidin substantially contributed to the protection of the urinary tract against infection, as shown using CRAMP-deficient and neutrophil-depleted mice. In addition, clinical E. coli strains that were more resistant to LL-37 caused more severe urinary tract infections than did susceptible strains. Thus, cathelicidin seems to be a key factor in mucosal immunity of the urinary tract.  相似文献   

The ecological success of giant celled, siphonous green algae in coastal habitats has repeatedly been linked to endophytic bacteria living within the cytoplasm of the hosts. Yet, very little is known about the relative importance of evolutionary and ecological factors controlling the intracellular bacterial flora of these seaweeds. Using the marine alga Bryopsis (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) as a model, we explore the diversity of the intracellular bacterial communities and investigate whether their composition is controlled by ecological and biogeographic factors rather than the evolutionary history of the host. Using a combination of 16S rDNA clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses, we show that Bryopsis harbours a mixture of relatively few but phylogenetically diverse bacterial species. Variation partitioning analyses show a strong impact of local environmental factors on the presence of Rickettsia and Mycoplasma in their association with Bryopsis. The presence of Flavobacteriaceae and Bacteroidetes, on the other hand, reflects a predominant imprint of host evolutionary history, suggesting that these bacteria are more specialized in their association. The results highlight the importance of interpreting the presence of individual bacterial phylotypes in the light of ecological and evolutionary principles such as phylogenetic niche conservatism to understand complex endobiotic communities and the parameters shaping them.  相似文献   

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli, the predominant causative agent of urinary tract infections, use type 1 pili to bind and invade bladder epithelial cells. Upon entry, the bacteria rapidly replicate and enter a complex developmental pathway ultimately forming intracellular bacterial communities (IBCs), a niche with biofilm-like properties protected from innate defences and antibiotics. Paradoxically, bacteria within IBCs produce type 1 pili, an organelle thought only to be an extracellular colonization factor. Thus, we investigated the function of type 1 pili in IBC development. The cystitis isolate, UTI89, was genetically manipulated for conditional fim expression under control of the tet promoter. In this strain, UTI89-tetR/P(tet) fim, piliation is constitutively inhibited by the tetracycline repressor, TetR. Repression is relieved by anhydrotetracycline (AHT) treatment. UTI89-tetR/P(tet) fim and the isogenic control strain, UTI89-tetR, grown in the presence of AHT, colonized the bladder and invaded the superficial umbrella cells at similar levels at early times in a murine model of infection. However, after invasion UTI89-tetR/P(tet) fim became non-piliated and was unable to form typical IBCs comprised of tightly packed, coccoid-shaped bacteria in contrast to the control strain, UTI89-tetR. Thus, this work changes the extracellular colonization functional paradigm of pili by demonstrating their intracellular role in biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Numerous bacterial pathogens “confine” themselves within host cells with an intracellular localization as main or exclusive niche. Many of them switch dynamically between a membrane-bound or cytosolic lifestyle. This requires either membrane damage and/or repair of the bacterial-containing compartment. Niche switching has profound consequences on how the host cell recognizes the pathogens in time and space for elimination. Moreover, niche switching impacts how bacteria communicate with host cells to obtain nutrients, and it affects the accessibility to antibiotics. Understanding the local environments and cellular phenotypes that lead to niche switching is critical for developing new host-targeted antimicrobial strategies, and has the potential to shed light into fundamental cellular processes.  相似文献   

Host race formation generates diversity within species and may even lead to speciation. This phenomenon could be particularly prevalent in the Acari due to the often intimate interaction these species have with their hosts. In this review, we explore the process of host race formation, whether it is likely to occur in this group and what features may favour its evolution. Although few studies are currently available and tend to be biased toward two model species, results suggest that host races are indeed common in this group, and more likely to occur when hosts are long-lived. We discuss future directions for research on host-associated adaptations in this group of organisms and the potential relevance of host race formation for the biodiversity of mites and ticks.  相似文献   

The in vitro adherence of nine strains of Gram-negative bacteria to uroepithelial cells from 24 women patients (>65 years) was significantly higher than to cells from 24 premenopausal women (18–40 years). Uroepithelial cells from patients with a history of previous urinary tract infection (UTI) were marginally more receptive to attachment of uropathogens than cells from women without a history of UTI, but this was not statistically significant. Serum from four elderly women with asymptomatic bacteriuria was used to stabilize samples for electron-microscopic examination, which showed the presence of fibrous glycocalyx material surrounding the bacteria and attached to the uroepithelial cells. Eighty uropathogenic isolates from elderly and premenopausal women were found to express adhesins, to produce urease and hemolysins, and to ferment sucrose, salicin, and dulcitol. These results suggest that the increased receptivity of uroepithelial cells to bacterial attachment may be a predisposing factor in the onset of UTI in the hospitalized and domiciliary elderly population.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides are short-lived lipids, whose production at specific membrane locations in the cell enables the tightly controlled recruitment or activation of diverse cellular effectors involved in processes such as cell motility or phagocytosis. Bacterial pathogens have evolved molecular mechanisms to subvert phosphoinositide metabolism in host cells, promoting (or blocking) their internalization into target tissues, and/or modifying the maturation fate of their proliferating compartments within the intracellular environment.  相似文献   

动物肠道细菌群落在联系宿主与生态系统功能中发挥着至关重要的作用。【目的】本研究旨在评估绿肥翻压和水稻生长不同时期对土壤细菌和线虫肠道细菌群落组成和结构的影响,并探究土壤细菌和线虫肠道细菌群落间的潜在关联关系。【方法】基于盆栽试验,结合16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术,分析黑麦草翻压和对照处理下水稻生长的前期(返青期)和后期(收获期)土壤细菌和线虫肠道细菌群落,结合网络分析研究土壤细菌网络互作对线虫肠道细菌群落的潜在影响。【结果】黑麦草翻压对土壤细菌和线虫肠道细菌群落组成和结构没有显著影响(P>0.05);水稻生长后期样品比前期样品具有更高的α多样性。基于随机森林机器学习法获得的土壤细菌和线虫肠道细菌生物标志物之间存在广泛的显著相关关系,为土壤细菌群落变化调控线虫肠道细菌群落组成提供了有力的证据。共现网络分析表明土壤细菌之间的正相互作用显著促进了土壤细菌和线虫肠道细菌之间的正相互作用(P<0.01),进而影响了线虫肠道细菌之间的网络互作。结构方程模型进一步表明土壤养分含量的降低主要通过降低土壤细菌之间正相互作用,从而间接影响线虫肠道细菌之间的互作。【结论】土壤细菌互作可能在...  相似文献   

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