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The Gréen Toad reaches its southern limit in the Israeli desert. Its coloration, green blotches on lighter background, may become pale in one or more of four ways: lighter hues, reduced number of blotches, reduced size of blotches, and reduced dark area of ring-shaped blotches.  相似文献   

In the premetamorphic larval green toad, B. viridis viridis, as in other anurans, the skin is made up of a fibrous dermis and an epidermis of stratified epithelium. The effects of bromocriptine, an antiprolactin drug, on the premetamorphic skin of B. viridis viridis was examined. Bromocriptine, dissolved in rearing water at four different concentrations, induced a number of changes in the skin of treated tadpoles. In rough sequence of appearance, these changes include: retraction ofthe melanocyte dendrites, synchronous burst ofthe apical vesicles of the superficial epithelial cells, gradual disappearance of the melanosomes from the epithelial cells and widening of the intercellular spaces. In addition, macrophages appeared in the superficial dermis amongst the retracted melanocytes. White crystals were observed on the skin surface and similar crystals were ingested by the macrophages. Prolonged treatment with bromocriptine resulted in hypertrophy and extraction of some epidermal cells. Deep melanocytes of the mesenteries were not affected by bromocriptine-treatment indicating that the drug did not penetrate deep into the tadpole tissue. Whether the macrophages observed in the dermis were recruited from deeper tissues or were converted melanocytes is another issue in need of study.  相似文献   

Examination of the stomach contents of 93 Bufo asper from Templer Park and Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia, shows that it feeds upon a wide range of invertebrates. Little or no marked seasonal variation in the diet was found. The relationship between predator and prey size and the interspecific variations in the diet of B. asper, B. melanostictus and other Bufo species are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of hyperosmotic solution of NaCl, urea and mannitol on Bufo viridis red blood cells were studied. The percentage of water content in B. viridis red blood cells decreased significantly in NaCl and mannitol hypertonic solutions compared to urea hypertonic solution. The urea concentration found in red blood cells in a urea hypertonic solution was significantly higher than in red blood cells acclimated to NaCl and mannitol hypertonic solutions. The Na+ concentration was significantly lower in red blood cells immersed in urea hypertonic solution than in red blood cells immersed in hypertonic NaCl and mannitol solutions. However, the K+ concentration increased at a similar rate in three different hypertonic solutions.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the Bufo viridis complex, which is distributed broadly across Iran, are incomplete and restricted to a few regions or a few samples. In this paper a new detailed study on the B. viridis complex in southern of Iran (from West to East) is presented. The analysis of 18 morphometric characters with univariate and multivariate methods reveals significant differences between three members of the B. viridis complex namely B. variabilis, B. luristanicus, and B. surdus distributed in southern part of Iran. Our result help to resolve an old taxonomic problem about B. surdus subgroup (taxa closely related to B. surdus) confirming that B. luristanicus and B. surdus are distinct species. Moreover, for the first time we report and describe karyotype details of B. luristanicus and B. surdus which confirmed that they are diploid. Karyological studies demonstrate that all toads from three mentioned species have 2n = 22 chromosomes. These chromosomes are arranged into two groups. First group has six large chromosomes and the second group is composed of five small chromosomes. These chromosomes are metacentric or submetacentric. The number of submetacentric chromosomes is different in three mentioned species of B. viridis complex. Neither sexual heteromorphism, nor secondary constriction was observed in any pairs of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Heat resistance of muscles and actomyosin proteins was determined at damaging temperatures of 41, 42, and 43°C in three green toad (Bufo viridis complex) populations from different climatic zones of Uzbekistan. The highest muscle and model resistance to these temperatures was revealed in toads living in the warmest plain regions of the country, while the lowest resistance was specific for animals from the piedmont and mountain regions. The variability of heat resistance of the muscle and models was also the highest in toads of the first group. Divergence going in this animal species is proposed.__________Translated from Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No. 3, 2005, pp. 380–384.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Pashkova, Korotneva, Pasynkova.  相似文献   

The cardiotonic effect of the secretion of the toads Bufo viridis Laur. skin glands and discharged bufadienolidines has been studied in the experiments on dogs under anaesthesia. It has been shown that the toad poison and bufadienolidines administered intravenously produce a marked cardiotonic and vasotonic effect, increasing the intraventricular and aortal pressure, the rate of pressure growth in the ventricles and the contraction index of the myocardium. The cardiotonic effect of poisons has also been noted in the model study of cardiac insufficiency caused by the bandaging of the coronary artery, it has greater effect than that of the cardiac glycoside corglycon.  相似文献   

We present a modified protocol for the immunocytochemical identification of 5-bromo-2'4eoxyuridine (BrdU) as an indicator of cell replication in different tissues of the toad, Bufo arenarum Hensel. Animals were sacrificed 60 min after BrdU (5 mg/100 g body weight) was injected into the dorsal lymph sac. The tissues were fixed in Carnoy's fluid and stained by the immunoperoxidase method using an anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody. This protocol can be used safely for the study of cell replication in toads and other Anura amphibia.  相似文献   


The concept of mitochondrial targeting for chemo- and photochemotherapy of neoplastic diseases has its origin in the observation that enhanced mitochondrial transmembrane potential is a common tumor cell phenotype. As a result of this enhanced transmembrane potential, a number of cationic dyes accumulate in larger amounts and are retained for longer periods in the mitochondria of tumor cells than in normal cells. Only a relatively small number of (photo)toxic dyes known to localize in energized cell mitochondria are capable of inducing the destruction of tumor cells with desirable degrees of selectivity, however. We investigated how lipophilic character may affect the degree of specificity with which cationic dyes localize in energized cell mitochondria and how mitochondrial specificity may affect tumor cell selectivity. To this end, we used fluorescence microscopy to characterize the subcellular localization of ethyl violet and seven analogs of the prototypical mitochondria-specific dye, rhodamine 123. All cationic rhodamines studied here (?0.62 < log Dow < 1.60, where Dow represents the n-octanol/water distribution coefficient) were found to show considerable mitochondrial specificity, while the more lipophilic ethyl violet (log Dow = 2.37) did not. Ethyl violet was found to localize not only in mitochondria, but also in lysosomes. We also compared the degree of selective tumor cell killing induced by ethyl violet and two phototoxic rhodamines, i.e., the dibromo derivatives of rhodamine 123 and its n-octyl ester analog. While ethyl violet induces the destruction of human uterine sarcoma (MES-SA) cells and normal green monkey kidney cells (CV-1) with comparable efficiency, the mitochondria-specific dibromorhodamines were found to induce the destruction of MES-SA cells with considerable selectivity. Our findings are consistent with the premise that mitochondrial localization per se does not provide successful selective tumor cell killing using mitochondrial targeting. Our results reinforce the hypothesis that while most cationic dyes can be expected to localize at least to some extent in energized cell mitochondria, only those showing virtually absolute mitochondrial specificity can actually mediate the destruction of tumor cells with desirable selectivity. These findings also support the hypothesis that the probability of success of mitochondrial targeting in photochemotherapy of neoplastic diseases is bound to be higher when the Dow associated with the drug candidate falls within approximately two orders of magnitude of that of rhodamine 123.  相似文献   

The patterns of production and growth of oocytes were studied in female toads brought into the laboratory after hibernation and kept at 20°C. The oogenic state of the ovaries was determined from the number and size frequency distribution of the oocytes, and change in oogenic state was followed by comparing ovarian biopsies with the ovaries at autopsy one month later. New oocytes grew within one month to sizes up to 0.16 mm or more in diameter, and were integrated in the existing pool of small oocytes. Production of new oocytes continued for more than one month, perhaps 2–3 months, to increase the pool of oocytes by about 50%. An episode of oogenesis sensu stricto is followed by a resting period, probably lasting for about 1–2 years. Oogenesis was not coordinated with ovulation or recruitment of oocytes to vitellogenic growth and it occurred also in the ovaries of sexually immature toads. Exogenous gonadotropin (hCG) and/or fasting for one month of toads in a good nutritional condition did not affect oogenesis, but no oogenic episodes were observed in the ovaries of starving toads that were depleted of energy reserves. It is concluded that oogenesis and growth of oocytes constitute a dynamic system that is only inadequately described by the widely accepted linear, sequential model of production of eggs in amphibians and teleosts.  相似文献   

We used Q-banding and analyzed nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) to study the cytogenetic evolution of tetraploids within the Palearctic Bufo viridis subgroup, the only known amphibian complex comprising di-, tri- and tetraploid bisexually reproducing taxa. We examined three diploid (2n) nominal taxa (Bufo viridis viridis, B. v. turanensis, B. v. kermanensis) from five Eurasian localities and six tetraploid (4n) nominal taxa (B. oblongus, B. o. danatensis, B. pewzowi pewzowi, B. p. taxkorensis, B. p. unicolor, B. p. strauchi) from eight Central Asian localities. Homeologous chromosomes of 2n and 4n toads exhibit a similar morphology. Silver-staining and in situ hybridization revealed terminal NORs in the long arms of chromosomes 6 in all 2n but in only two out of four chromosomes 6 in all 4n taxa. Q-banding and a rapidly evolving mitochondrial marker suggest at least two origination events for Asian 4n toads: “Western Central Asian tetraploids’’ (B. oblongus Nikolsky, 1896) exhibit distinct differences within some chromosome quartets, which are divisible into pairs of chromosomes and may be allopolyploid. In contrast, “Central Asian tetraploids” (B. pewzowi Bedriaga, 1898) showed homogenous Q-banding patterns within each quartet, suggesting autopolyploidy. In Northeastern Iran, we discovered a zone of either common ancestry or hybridization of 2n and Western Central Asian 4n toads. This raises intriguing questions about how diploid and tetraploid taxa may evolve by exchanging genetic material.  相似文献   

The jelly coat surrounding the eggs of amphibia is composed of oviducal mucins and plays an important role in the fertilization process. From a structural and chemical point of view, these jellies are very different from one species to another. Bufo viridis is the 13th amphibia species studied in term of carbohydrate structural analysis. The oligosaccharides have been released from the oviducal mucins by reductive beta elimination, purified by various chromatography procedures and analyzed by (1)H and (13)C 1D-2D NMR spectroscopy. Among the 15 compounds, ten have novel structures, although they possess some well-known structural patterns as blood group epitopes (Le(x), Le(y)) or other sequences already observed in other amphibia species. These results reinforce our hypothesis about the strict species-specificity of these carbohydrate chains. It must be noted that such species-specificity does not depend on one particular monosaccharide but it is rather due to a set of particular tri- or tetrasaccharide sequences. Hence, B. viridis species could be characterized by the simultaneous presence of a 2,3,6-trisubstituted galactosyl residue, the GlcNAc(beta 1-3)[Fuc(alpha 1-4)]GlcNAc beta sequence and the Le(x), Le(y) or Cad determinants. The anionic charge of the oligosaccharides is carried only by sialic acid alpha-(2-->6)-linked to GalNAc-ol residue as in Bufo bufo or in Bufo arenarum.  相似文献   

Joy  Hoffman    Uri  Katz 《Journal of Zoology》1994,233(4):591-603
The toad, Bufo viridis , can live for several months without access to free water, absorbing soil-bound water down a water-potential gradient created, mainly, by accumulating urea in its body fluids. We investigated if the retention of urine was sufficient to account for the rate of accumulation or if an increased rate of urea production was needed in order to do so. The basal rate of urea production in unfed animals in the absence of osmotic stress was estimated by two methods; first, analysis of the bathing medium and, secondly, collection and analysis of urine at two-hourly intervals. This was then repeated with animals fed a weight-maintaining diet. Generally similar results were obtained by either method in both fed and unfed animals, although higher urea production rates were found in the former. Although it had been planned to apply the short interval method to toads with free access to water, the control condition for toads transferred to soil, it proved to be impracticable. Some animals did not bathe for almost a day, during which time minute quantities of urine were obtained. Larger volumes were only produced during or after bathing. Consequently, animals which were partially immersed in water were substituted as controls. Total urea content was determined in these and in toads after a week on soil. The calculated increase was compared to that which could be expected from urine retention. It was found that urea accumulated at more than twice the predicted rate. When rates of accumulation were calculated over longer periods, urine retention alone was sufficient to account for them within three weeks on soil, the usual period required for acclimation. We concluded that B. viridis increased its rate of urea production only for a short period, until a favourable water potential gradient was achieved.  相似文献   

夏敏  杜瑞卿  赵田田  张斐  刘婷婷 《四川动物》2012,31(4):623-625,629
利用斯氏蛙心灌流方法,以心率和心搏幅度为评价指标,研究了5%、10%、20%、25%、30%、40%6个浓度梯度的绿茶浸出液对蟾蜍离体心脏活动的影响。结果表明,25%~30%的绿茶浸出液对蟾蜍的心率和心肌收缩力都有显著增强作用(P<0.05),低于25%和为40%时,虽有影响,但不显著(P>0.05)。因此25%~30%的绿茶浸出液具有一定的强心效应。  相似文献   

A complete phylogeographic analysis of anyspecies requires sampling throughout its biogeographicalrange. In the case of the natterjack toad Bufocalamita in Britain, recent local extinctions haveleft substantial areas of its historical rangewithout extant populations. We therefore obtained tissuesamples of archived Bufo calamita from fourmuseums in the United Kingdom. A range of tissues(tongue, liver, skin, lung, and larval tail) was sampledfrom a total of 33 individual animals. DNA was extractedand eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were scored.One or more loci were amplified successfully from 27 individuals, and sufficient data wereobtained from regions with few or no survivingpopulations to supplement a phylogeographic analysisbased on extant populations.  相似文献   

花背蟾蜍蝌蚪胃的发育形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用大体解剖、组织切片和扫描电镜3种形态学方法对花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddei)蝌蚪在生长发育和变态过程中胃的形态结构变化进行了观察。结果显示,在蝌蚪发育24期(即G24)消化道呈简单的管状结构,胃与小肠等区分不明显,胃壁由内层矮柱状黏膜上皮细胞和其外的扁平上皮细胞层构成;直到26期胃略膨大,呈短粗管状,与小肠和食道可明显区分,胃壁内层的黏膜上皮细胞呈高柱状,上皮细胞间出现少量杯状细胞;36期的胃管明显膨大,其壁已具有胃的4层基本组织结构,杯状细胞数量增加,黏膜上皮细胞游离面有细长的微绒毛交织成网状覆盖;42期胃发育呈"C"字形,胃壁具备了消化道典型的4层结构,有胃腺芽出现,黏膜细胞的微绒毛短而直立,仅极少数细胞有长的微绒毛;蝌蚪发育到46期,肠道缩短,胃呈"J"字状,占消化道大部分,胃体中胃腺发达。在临近肝一侧,黏膜上皮细胞的微绒毛较短,胃腺少而小;而在相反一侧,微绒毛较长,胃腺多而大。基于上述结果说明,花背蟾蜍蝌蚪胃在36期已经基本完成了组织结构的分化,在变态发育期间结构和功能得到进一步完善,以适应变态后陆地生活的食性变化。  相似文献   

The Common Toad Bufo bufo is a wide‐ranging species, with a distribution encompassing much of Europe and Asia. Few molecular studies have been undertaken on this species, and only one polymorphic microsatellite locus has been identified. Therefore, little is known about the genetic variability within and between B. bufo populations. The value of such information is essential for monitoring the species and its environment. This paper reports the characterization of 15 B. bufo microsatellite loci using individuals from a Spanish and UK sample.  相似文献   

几种化学物质对蟾蜍蝌蚪生存及生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内条件下,采用单因子急性和慢性毒性实验法,分别研究了水环境中的pH、洗涤剂、除草剂、重金属离子(Pb2 、Cu2 、Hg )对黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪的毒性效应.结果表明,这些水体污染物不但对蝌蚪的生存造成危害,还对蝌蚪的红细胞有致畸作用;而其慢性毒害表现为蝌蚪身体畸形,肤色变浅,生长发育迟缓等.据此,可以利用黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪对水体污染进行监测.  相似文献   

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