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Impact of solar ultraviolet-B radiation (290-320 nm) upon marine microalgae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For years scientists and laymen alike have casually noted the impact of solar ultraviolet radiation upon the non-human component of the biosphere. It was not until recently, when human activities were thought to threaten the protective stratospheric ozone shield, that researchers undertook intensive studies into the biological stress caused by the previously neglected short-wavelength edge of the global solar spectrum. Stratospheric ozone functions effectively as an ultraviolet screen by filtering out solar radiation in the 220–320 nm waveband as it penetrates through the atmosphere, thus allowing only small amounts of the longer wavelengths of radiation in this waveband to leak through to the surface of the earth. Although this ultraviolet radiation (UV-B radiation, 290–320 nm) comprises only a small fraction (less than 1%) of the total solar spectrum, it can have a major impact on biological systems due to its actinic nature. Many organic molecules, most notably DNA and proteins, absorb UV-B radiation which can initiate photochemical reactions. It is life's ability, or lack thereof, to cope with enhanced levels of solar UV-B radiation that has generated the concern over the potential depletion of stratospheric ozone. The defense mechanisms that serve to protect both plants and animals from current levels of UV-B radiation are quite varied. Whether these mechanisms will suffice for marine microalgae under conditions of enhanced levels of UV-B radiation is the subject of this review.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is a plant pathogen whose pathogenicity and host specificity are thought to be determined by Hop/Avr effector proteins injected into plant cells by a type III secretion system. P. syringae pv. syringae B728a, which causes brown spot of bean, is a particularly well-studied strain. The type III secretion system in P. syringae is encoded by hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity) and hrc (hrp conserved) genes, which are clustered in a pathogenicity island with a tripartite structure such that the hrp/hrc genes are flanked by a conserved effector locus and an exchangeable effector locus (EEL). The EELs of P. syringae pv. syringae B728a, P. syringae strain 61, and P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 differ in size and effector gene composition; the EEL of P. syringae pv. syringae B728a is the largest and most complex. The three putative effector proteins encoded by the P. syringae pv. syringae B728a EEL--HopPsyC, HopPsyE, and HopPsyV--were demonstrated to be secreted in an Hrp-dependent manner in culture. Heterologous expression of hopPsyC, hopPsyE, and hopPsyV in P. syringae pv. tabaci induced the hypersensitive response in tobacco leaves, demonstrating avirulence activity in a nonhost plant. Deletion of the P. syringae pv. syringae B728a EEL strongly reduced virulence in host bean leaves. EELs from nine additional strains representing nine P. syringae pathovars were isolated and sequenced. Homologs of avrPphE (e.g., hopPsyE) and hopPsyA were particularly common. Comparative analyses of these effector genes and hrpK (which flanks the EEL) suggest that the EEL effector genes were acquired by horizontal transfer after the acquisition of the hrp/hrc gene cluster but before the divergence of modern pathovars and that some EELs underwent transpositions yielding effector exchanges or point mutations producing effector pseudogenes after their acquisition.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the development of metabolism of estuarine bacterial populations in laboratory microecosystems were studied. When compared with bacterial populations developing under an ultraviolet-deficient condition, the heterotrophic populations from microecosystems exposed to an ultraviolet-supplemented sprectrum displayed an overall decrease in total numbers, an increase in the proportion of pigmented cells, a decrease in the number of cellulolytic microorganisms and an increase in heterotrophic respiration. Ultraviolet radiation in the 290–320 nm waveband was the apparent stressful environmental parameter.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of the representatives of strains of serogroup VI Pseudomonas syringae (P. syringae pv. atrofaciens 2399, pv. phaseolicola 120a, 7842 and P. holci 8299) possessing virulence and confinement to the host-plant are characterized by high serological activity in direct and cross reactions of the binary diffusion in agar, immunoelectrophoresis, passive hemagglutination and inhibition of passive hemagglutination. A supernatant and a sediment obtained after ultracentrifugation of LPS preparations possessed O-antigenic activity. O-specific polysaccharide (PS) is serologically less active than the LPS preparations. Problems of the intergroup and intragroup serological affinity in connection with the structure of O-specific PS. It is proved that the basic chain of O-specific polysaccharide (D-rhamnane) plays definite (but not a single) part in displaying antigenic properties of the whole LPS macromolecule.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments utilizing ecologically relevant irradiances of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) known to occur in shallow Gulf of Maine waters were conducted on the planktonic embryos and larvae of two common benthic echinoids; the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma. Significant decreases in survivorship were observed in freshly fertilized embryos of both species with greater mortality in E. parma that was associated with the absence of UVR-absorbing compounds, the mycosporine-like amino acids. Experiments on blastula, gastrula, and prism larval stages of S. droebachiensis also showed significant decreases in survivorship, delays in development, and abnormal embryos and larvae associated with exposure to UVR. Additionally, all developmental stages of S. droebachiensis experimentally exposed to UVR resulted in significant increases in DNA damage, measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photoproducts. The observed delays in early cleavage and subsequent developmental stages for S. droebachiensis are correlated with DNA damage. It is postulated that cell cycle arrest at critical checkpoints after DNA damage, mediated by a suite of cell cycle genes, is a component of the observed UVR induced developmental delays.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola, a gram-negative bacterial plant pathogen, is the causal agent of halo blight of bean. In this study, we report on the genome sequence of P. syringae pv. phaseolicola isolate 1448A, which encodes 5,353 open reading frames (ORFs) on one circular chromosome (5,928,787 bp) and two plasmids (131,950 bp and 51,711 bp). Comparative analyses with a phylogenetically divergent pathovar, P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000, revealed a strong degree of conservation at the gene and genome levels. In total, 4,133 ORFs were identified as putative orthologs in these two pathovars using a reciprocal best-hit method, with 3,941 ORFs present in conserved, syntenic blocks. Although these two pathovars are highly similar at the physiological level, they have distinct host ranges; 1448A causes disease in beans, and DC3000 is pathogenic on tomato and Arabidopsis. Examination of the complement of ORFs encoding virulence, fitness, and survival factors revealed a substantial, but not complete, overlap between these two pathovars. Another distinguishing feature between the two pathovars is their distinctive sets of transposable elements. With access to a fifth complete pseudomonad genome sequence, we were able to identify 3,567 ORFs that likely comprise the core Pseudomonas genome and 365 ORFs that are P. syringae specific.  相似文献   

Production of the chlorosis-inducing phytotoxin coronatine in the Pseudomonas syringae pathovars atropurpurea, glycinea, maculicola, morsprunorum, and tomato has been previously reported. DNA hybridization studies previously indicated that the coronatine biosynthetic gene cluster is highly conserved among P. syringae strains which produce the toxin. In the present study, two 17-bp oligonucleotide primers derived from the coronatine biosynthetic gene cluster of P. syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 were investigated for their ability to detect coronatine-producing P. syringae strains by PCR analysis. The primer set amplified diagnostic 0.65-kb PCR products from genomic DNAs of five different coronatine-producing pathovars of P. syringae. The 0.65-kb products were not detected when PCR experiments utilized nucleic acids of nonproducers of coronatine or those of bacteria not previously investigated for coronatine production. When the 0.65-kb PCR products were digested with ClaI, PstI, and SmaI, fragments of identical size were obtained for the five different pathovars of P. syringae. A restriction fragment length polymorphism was detected in the amplified region of P. syringae pv. atropurpurea, since this pathovar lacked a conserved PvuI site which was detected in the PCR products of the other four pathovars. The 0.65-kb PCR products from six strains comprising five different pathovars of P. syringae were cloned and sequenced. The PCR products from two different P. syringae pv. glycinea strains contained identical DNA sequences, and these showed relatedness to the sequence obtained for the pathovar morsprunorum. The PCR products obtained from the pathovars maculicola and tomato were the most similar to each other, which supports the hypothesis that these two pathovars are closely related.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Furocoumarins (psoralens) are potent skin photosensitizing agents that are used in combination with long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation (320-400 nm) in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. Twelve linear and angular psoralens, capable of forming monofunctional and bifunctional adducts with DNA, were examined with a view to elucidate the role of 1O2 and O2-. in evoking skin photosensitization reactions and skin carcinogenesis. The results showed that both linear psoralens (capable of forming interstrand cross-links) and isopsoralens (angular, monofunctional type) and 3-carbethoxypsoralen (a linear and monofunctional type) produced 1O2 and O2-., although at varying degrees. Psoralen and 3-carbethoxypsoralen produced 1O2 greater than isopsoralens (angelicins). However, nonphotosensitizing angelicin, 5-methylangelicin, and 4,8-dimethyl-5'-carboxypsoralen produced 1O2 greater than 8-methoxypsoralen and 5-methoxypsoralen. The three monofunctional angelicin derivatives (isopsoralens) produced more O2-. than 8-methoxypsoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen, and 3,4'-dimethyl-8-methoxypsoralen. 3-Carbethoxypsoralen, a potent generator of 1O2 and a moderate producer of O2-., was highly photolabile. Until recently, skin photosensitization reactions (erythema, edema, damage to DNA or the membrane of cutaneous cells, the inhibition of scheduled DNA synthesis and skin carcinogenesis, etc.) were believed to involve photocyclo-addition of psoralens to DNA mediated by a type-I or anoxic reaction (a sensitizer-substrate interaction through the transfer of hydrogen atoms or electrons, but no direct involvement of molecular oxygen). Oxygen-dependent sensitized photodynamic reactions of type-II, involving the production of reactive oxygen (1O2 and O2-.), were believed not to mediate psoralen photosensitization reactions. We suggest that 1O2 and O2-. may also participate in skin photosensitization and cell membrane-damaging reactions. The fact that certain monofunctional isopsoralens produce 1O2 and O2-. at rates comparable to or better than bifunctional psoralens suggests that these reactive moieties of oxygen could play a major role in explaining their recently observed carcinogenic property and cell membrane-damaging reactions (e.g., edema or inflammation, etc.).  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the effects of solar UV-B radiation on phyllosphere bacteria of tea leaves in relation to blister blight disease in the field. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of UV-B radiation on the phyllosphere microbiology of tea (Camellia sinensis) were studied in contrasting wet and dry seasons at a tropical site. Wavelength-selective filters were used to separate the effects of UV-B from those of other factors. Bacterial populations were quantified in relation to the incidence of blister blight disease. Attenuation of UV-B increased the survival of Xanthomonas sp. when populations were not water limited, and increased the incidence of blister blight, but had no effect on Corynebacterium aquaticum. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of solar UV-B on phyllosphere bacteria were substantial but depended on both species and interactions with other environmental variables. Xanthomonas sp. was more sensitive to UV-B than C. aquaticum, but this did not result in differences in population density under high radiation conditions (dry season), but only in the wet season when other factors were not limiting. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The role of UV-B on leaf surface microbiology in the tropics is marked but depends on other conditions, and the contrasting UV-B responses of different organisms can be masked by other limiting factors.  相似文献   

To study the role of type III-secreted effectors in the host adaptation of the tobacco ( Nicotiana sp.) pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci , a selection of seven strains was first characterized by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to determine their phylogenetic affinity. MLST revealed that all strains represented a tight phylogenetic group and that the most closely related strain with a completely sequenced genome was the bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) pathogen P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A. Using primers designed to 21 P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A effector genes, it was determined that P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A shared at least 10 effectors with all tested P. syringae pv. tabaci strains. Six of the 11 effectors that failed to amplify from P. syringae pv. tabaci strains were individually expressed in one P. syringae pv. tabaci strain. Although five effectors had no effect on phenotype, growth in planta and disease severity of the transgenic P. syringae pv. tabaci expressing hopQ1-1 Pph1448A were significantly increased in bean, but reduced in tobacco. We conclude that hopQ1-1 has been retained in P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A, as this effector suppresses immunity in bean, whereas hopQ1-1 is missing from P. syringae pv. tabaci strains because it triggers defences in Nicotiana spp. This provides evidence that fine-tuning effector repertoires during host adaptation lead to a concomitant reduction in virulence in non-host species.  相似文献   

Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Natsusairaku 3) seedlings were grown in a growth cabinet under UV-B (290–320 nm) irradiation (equivalent to the UV-B radiation normally incident at Tokyo, 36°N latitude, during clear sky conditions in mid-april on a weighted daily fluence basis) and a UV-B-free control condition. UV-B irradiation inhibited the growth of the cotyledons, i.e. the increase in area, and increase in fresh and dry weights of the cotyledons. The greatest inhibition rate was observed in the increase in area, causing a significant increase in specific leaf weight (the ratio of weight to area). UV-B irradiation had no significant effect on DNA and RNA contents in the cotyledons, but decreased protein content slightly. In contrast, the irradiation reduced the amounts of organic acids and soluble sugars, indicating that primary carbon metabolism was very sensitive to UV-B radiation. UV-B irradiation lowered the photosynthetic activity in the cotyledons without any effect on chlorophyll content and respiratory activity. These results indicate that UV-B radiation at the ambient level may act as a physiological stress in some UV-sensitive plants.  相似文献   

The ability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae to use nitrate as a nitrogen source in culture and on leaves was assessed. Substantial amounts of leaf surface nitrate were detected directly and by use of a bioreporter of nitrate on bean plants grown with a variety of nitrogen sources. While a nitrate reductase mutant, P. syringae ΔnasB, exhibited greatly reduced growth in culture with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source, it exhibited population sizes similar to those of the wild-type strain on leaves. However, the growth of the ΔnasB mutant was much less than that of the wild-type strain when cultured in bean leaf washings supplemented with glucose, suggesting that P. syringae experiences primarily carbon-limited and only secondarily nitrogen-limited growth on bean leaves. Only a small proportion of the cells of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based P. syringae nitrate reductase bioreporter, LK2(pOTNas4), exhibited fluorescence on leaves. This suggests that only a subset of cells experience high nitrate levels or that nitrate assimilation is repressed by the presence of ammonium or other nitrogenous compounds in many leaf locations. While only a subpopulation of P. syringae consumes nitrate at a given time on the leaves, the ability of those cells to consume this resource would be strongly beneficial to those cells, especially in environments in which nitrate is the most abundant form of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae resistant to copper, streptomycin, or both compounds were recovered from symptomless and diseased tissue of four woody hosts in three nurseries in Oklahoma. In strains resistant to copper and streptomycin (Cur Smr), resistance to both compounds was cotransferred with a single plasmid which was either 68, 190, or 220 kilobase pairs (kb). All Cus Smr strains contained a 68-kb conjugative plasmid. Cur Sms strains contained one plasmid which varied in size from 60 to 73 kb. All conjugative plasmids which transferred streptomycin resistance contained sequences homologous to the strA and strB Smr genes from the broad-host-range plasmid RSF1010. The Smr determinant was subsequently cloned from a 68-kb Cur Smr plasmid designated pPSR1. A restriction map detailing the organization of the homologous Smr genes from pPSR1 and RSF1010 and cloned Smr genes from P. syringae pv. papulans and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria revealed the conservation of all sites studied. The Cur genes cloned from P. syringae pv. tomato PT23 and X. campestris pv. vesicatoria XV10 did not hybridize to the Cur plasmids identified in the present study, indicating that copper resistance in these P. syringae pv. syringae strains may be conferred by a distinct genetic determinant.  相似文献   

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