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The catalytic activity and the inhibition of a new coral carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, from the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata, STPCA-2, has been investigated. STPCA-2 has high catalytic activity for the physiological reaction being less sensitive to anion and sulfonamide inhibitors compared to STPCA, a coral enzyme previously described. The best STPCA-2 anion inhibitors were sulfamide, sulfamic acid, phenylboronic acid, and phenylarsonic acid (KIs of 5.7-67.2 μM) whereas the best sulfonamide inhibitors were acetazolamide and dichlorophenamide (KIs of 74-79 nM). Because this discriminatory effect between these two coral CAs, sulfonamides may be useful to better understand the physiological role of STPCA and STPCA-2 in corals and biomineralization processes.  相似文献   

The spatial heterogeneity of photosynthesis and calcification of single polyps of the coral Galaxea fascicularis was investigated. Photosynthesis was investigated with oxygen microsensors. The highest rates of gross photosynthesis (Pg) were found on the tissue covering the septa, the tentacles, and the tissues surrounding the mouth opening of the polyp. Lower rates were found on the tissues of the wall and the coenosarc. Calcification was investigated by radioactive tracers. The incorporation pattern of 45Ca and 14C in the corallites was imaged with use of a Micro-Imager. The -images obtained showed that the incorporation of the radioactive tracers coincided with the Pg distribution pattern with the highest incorporation rates found in the corallite septa. Thus, the high growth rate of the septa is supported by the high rates of Pg by the symbiont in the adjacent tissues. The total incorporation rates were higher in light than in dark, however, the distribution pattern of the radioisotope incorporation was not affected by illumination. This further emphasizes the close relation between calcification and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The rate of calcification in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis was followed during the daytime using 45Ca tracer. The coral began the day with a low calcification rate, which increased over time to a maximum in the afternoon. Since the experiments were carried out under a fixed light intensity, these results suggest that an intrinsic rhythm exists in the coral such that the calcification rate is regulated during the daytime. When corals were incubated for an extended period in the dark, the calcification rate was constant for the first 4 h of incubation and then declined, until after one day of dark incubation, calcification ceased, possibly as a result of the depletion of coral energy reserves. The addition of glucose and Artemia reduced the dark calcification rate for the short duration of the experiment, indicating an expenditure of oxygen in respiration. Artificial hypoxia reduced the rate of dark calcification to about 25% compared to aerated coral samples. It is suggested that G. fascicularis obtains its oxygen needs from the surrounding seawater during the nighttime, whereas during the day time the coral exports oxygen to the seawater.  相似文献   

Although the use of molecular markers in population genetics of marine organisms is increasingly employed, methodologic limitations still hampered the research for some taxa, such as symbiotic cnidarians, including scleractinian corals. The development of molecular tools in scleractinian corals' studies is faced with a list of obstacles, such as high cost, labor, time consuming, contamination with foreign DNA, and markers with low resolution. The AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) method, overcomes most of the obstacles listed above except of the difficulty of contamination by algal symbiont DNA. We compared the implication of two pre-DNA extraction treatments to obtain coral DNA free of algal contaminations, termed as CPEM, cell population enriched method, and TTEM, total tissue extraction method. The CPEM process result in pure coral DNA for all samples, but is time consuming, whereas in the TTEM process, approximately 25% to 18% of the samples are still contaminated by algal DNA. However, algal DNA contaminations in the PCR at 2.5 x 10(-1) ng level (approximately 100 algal cells) and below, did not amplify any new AFLP band or peak for neither radioactive nor florescence analyses. Therefore, even the TTEM process may be used because it is faster, easier to handle, and easily employed on a large amount of samples, with minimal contamination artifacts. When correctly employed, both methods are applicable to wide experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

Spicules of the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata possess an insoluble matrix fraction that is predominantly collagenous in summer months. This collagenous component is largely absent in winter months. Using an antibody directed against the 140 kD collagenous protein (CP) of the insoluble matrix, immuno-gold labelling was employed to localized this protein at the transmission electron-microscopy level throughout the year, and in different areas of the gorgonian colonies. Within the tip regions, the 140 kD CP varied throughout the year in the spicules, electron-dense bodies (EDBs) of scleroblasts, polyp vesicles, desmocytes and axes. In the mid and base regions, the 140 kD CP varied throughout the year in the spicules, EDBs and lysosomes of scleroblasts, desmocytes and axes. This variation in the location and density of the label suggests a dynamic annual cycling of the collagenous component of the insoluble matrix. EDBs may transport a collagenous component of the matrix to the spicule-forming vacuole. A component of the 140 kD CP may be transported and/or degraded by polyp vesicles and lysosomes, respectively. The pattern of labelling of the axial region suggests that translocation and storage of a component of the collagenous protein may occur. Environmental factors may be responsible for the triggering of matrix cycling.  相似文献   

Calcification-associated peptide (CAP)-1 isolated from the exoskeleton of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has anti-calcification activity and chitin-binding ability and is, therefore, considered to be associated with calcification. In this study, a cDNA encoding CAP-1 was cloned and characterized. An open reading frame encoded a pre-propeptide of 99 amino acid residues, which was composed of a signal peptide, a CAP-1 precursor and two-basic amino acid residues at the C-terminus. The dibasic residues were not observed in the natural CAP-1. Expression analyses using Northern blot and RT-PCR revealed that the mRNA encoding CAP-1 was strongly expressed in the epidermal tissue during the postmolt stage, where and when the calcification takes place. These results support that CAP-1 may play an important role in the calcification of the exoskeleton. Based on the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA encoding CAP-1, a recombinant CAP-1 and that carrying the basic residues at the C-terminus were expressed in Escherichia coli. Anti-calcification assay showed that these recombinant peptides were less active than natural CAP-1, indicating that the phosphate group at the 70th residue, Ser, in natural CAP-1 is important for inhibitory activity and that the paired basic residues have some contribution to the elevation of inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Summary Calcification inRhodogorgon carriebowensis J. Norris et Bucher was associated with a particular cell type in the cortex. Calciferous cells were 4–6 times the length of cortical assimilatory cells. The distal two-thirds of the calcifying cell was invested with a thick wall that stained with periodic acid Schiff. Thick fibrils formed a reticulum and surrounded grains of calcium carbonate that ranged in shape from rhombohedral to subspherical and were up to 200 nm in greatest dimension. The proximal third of the cell was a tapering uncalcified stalk. The narrow base of the cell was attached to the subtending cell of the fascicle by a normal septum with a pit plug. The cell within the calcified wall matrix was usually flattened and had a very small volume. Cellular contents were dense; even when organelles could be discerned, they could not be identified. X-ray microanalysis revealed that other elements commonly found mixed with calcium carbonate are virtually absent from mineral deposits inR. carriebowensis, but electron diffraction study showed d-spacings that varied from those of pure calcite. Current models of red algal calcification are discussed in light of the findings on this alga.Abbreviations CaCO3 calcium carbonate - DIG differential interference contrast - PAS periodic acid Schiff - SEM scanning electron microscopy - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

In adult cnidarians, symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium are usually located in the gastrodermis. However, the onset of this endosymbiotic association and its regulation during larval development are unclear. This study examined the distribution of the Symbiodinium population in tissue layers of planula larvae released from the stony coral Euphyllia glabrescens. Symbiodinium were redistributed from the epidermis to the gastrodermis, at a rate that was fastest during early planulation and then decreased prior to metamorphosis. This process indicates that the endosymbiotic activity of coral tissues is developmentally regulated. During the early larval stage, both the epidermis and gastrodermis contained Symbiodinium; then, as the larvae developed toward metamorphosis, the numbers in the epidermis gradually diminished until they were only found in the gastrodermis. The mechanism of redistribution remains unknown, but may be due to a direct translocation and/or change in the proliferation of symbionts in different tissue layers.  相似文献   

Summary An orthorhombic structure -chitin, probably in the form of a chitin-protein complex, was identified in the matrix of the shell of Anodonta cygnea by X-ray diffraction. Aragonite crystals of pseudohexagonal symmetry were also found by a Lauegram on the nacreous layer of the shell. The orthorhombic structure of these two compounds together with the identical reticular spacing d110 corroborate, in Anodonta cygnea, the indirect chitin-aragonite relationships already suggested for molluscan shells.Observations with SEM in the inner surface of the shell showed CaCO3 crystals with irregular geometrical shapes in spring and summer and regular geometrical shapes in autumn and winter. The more elaborate aspect appearing in winter corresponds to an accurate hexagonal shape. This suggests that the observed variability may depend on the balance between calcium and hydrogen ions in the extrapallial fluid.Abbreviations OME outer mantle epithelium - SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), with electrochemical detection, is an analytical method sensitive enough to permit quantification of dopamine, dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and 5-S-cysteinyl DOPA in single or hemisected specimens ofHydra attenuata. Dopamine and 5-S-cysteinylDOPA appear to be the quantitatively predominant catechol compounds inH. attenuata, whereas DOPA is present in minor amounts. The presence of DOPA and 5-S-cysteinylDOPA, and the quantitative correlation between dopamine and these compounds in many specimens, suggests that dopamine inH. attenuata, as in higher animals, is formed through decarboxylation of DOPA. Contrary to the dopaminergic nerves in higher animals, DOPA inHydra seems to be oxidized and 5-S-cysteinyl DOPA is formed as a by-product. The oxidation of DOPA indicates that the hydroxylation of tyrosine into DOPA in the tissues ofH. attenuata is mediated by a tyrosinase rather than a tyrosine hydroxylase. Immunocytochemical methods demonstrate a highly variable distribution of dopamine in the tissues of different specimens ofH. attenuata. Dopamine immunoreactivity is confined to ectodermal tissue and can be found in several different cell types including nerve cells, battery cells, nematocytes, epithelial cells and interstitial undifferentiated cells. The large amounts of dopamine found in some specimens ofH. attenuata indicate some biological function, although its sporadic occurrence in neurites makes it less plausible as a generally utilized neurotransmitter in this animal.  相似文献   

Fifteen laboratory-born Japanese macaques,Macaca fuscata (Blyth, 1875), were examined radiographically for the timing of initial crown calcification of the permanent upper first incisors. The mean age of initial calcification was 199.8 days in females and 204.7 days in males; the sexual difference was significant (p<.05). Precocious incisor calcification in females inM. fuscata resembles that inM. nemestrina andHomo sapiens.  相似文献   

Summary In the testis of the trout, while no changes are apparent in myoid cells at any stage of maturation, Leydig cells display striking structural alterations when observed at different periods of the reproductive cycle. Spermiating testes contain fully differentiated Leydig cells. In regressed testes and those involved in spermatogenesis, poorly differentiated Leydig cells are mixed with cells ranging structurally from normal Leydig cells to fibroblast-like elements. After 3–4 days in culture the myoid cells/fibroblasts progressively acquire the ability to proliferate and then show a positive reaction for 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. During the same period they undergo structural changes reflecting the emergence of a steroidogenic activity. These changes occur concomitantly with an increase in progestagen secretion. These data suggest that, in vivo, Leydig cells degenerate at the end of a cycle, being then replaced by fibroblastic precursor cells capable of division and differentiation into steroidogenic cells.  相似文献   

The gorgonian coral Leptogorgia virgulata contains thyroxine, or a thyroxine-like substance, referred to here as G-T4. The G-T4 levels were significantly higher in colonies collected in the summer vs. winter months. Using immunocytochemical techniques, G-T4 was localized in the axis, polyp epithelium, and within the electron dense bodies of scleroblasts (spicule-forming cells), as well as on the periphery of spicules. G-T4 was also localized in the mesoglea between closely adjacent scleroblasts. The effects of exogenous T4 on the uptake of Ca45 was determined in spicule, tissue and axis fractions of L. virgulata. The uptake of Ca45 increased in T4 treated spicules but decreased in the tissue fraction for all time periods tested. The uptake of Ca45 into axes was not affected by exogenous T4 until day 10 of the study. These data suggest that G-T4 may function in the process of spicule formation. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D apparently is synthesized via ultraviolet radiation. Colonies deprived of ultraviolet radiation had significantly more ‘irregular’ spicules than colonies maintained in ultraviolet radiation. Exposure to sunlight therefore may be associated with the process of normal spicule formation.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical evidence for multiple photosystems in box jellyfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cubomedusae (box jellyfish) possess a remarkable visual system with 24 eyes distributed in four sensory structures termed rhopalia. Each rhopalium is equipped with six eyes: two pairs of pigment cup eyes and two unpaired lens eyes. Each eye type probably captures specific features of the visual environment. To investigate whether multiple types of photoreceptor cells are present in the rhopalium, and whether the different eye types possess different types of photoreceptors, we have used immunohistochemistry with a range of vertebrate opsin antibodies to label the photoreceptors, and electroretinograms (ERG) to determine their spectral sensitivity. All photoreceptor cells of the two lens eyes of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora and Carybdea marsupialis displayed immunoreactivity for an antibody directed against the zebrafish ultraviolet (UV) opsin, but not against any of eight other rhodopsin or cone opsin antibodies tested. In neither of the two species were the pigment cup eyes immunoreactive for any of the opsin antibodies. ERG analysis of the Carybdea lower lens eyes demonstrated a single spectral sensitivity maximum at 485 nm suggesting the presence of a single opsin type. Our data demonstrate that the lens eyes of box jellyfish utilize a single opsin and are thus color-blind, and that there is probably a different photopigment in the pigment cup eyes. The results support our hypothesis that the lens eyes and the pigment cup eyes of box jellyfish are involved in different and specific visual tasks.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum lindemuthianum isolated from soybean in Saudi Arabia produced polygalacturonase, pectin methylesterase, pectin trans-eliminase and carboxymethylcellulasein vitro. Polygalacturonase showed maximaum activity at 30 to 35°C and pH 4.0 to 5.0. The absorption maximum for pectin trans-eliminase reaction products was at approximately 548 nm. The polygalacturonase and pectin trans-eliminase activities increased with culture age. The degradation of carboxymethylcellulose was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The fringing reef off southern Molokai, Hawaii, is currently being studied as part of a multi-disciplinary project led by the US Geological Survey. As part of this study, modeling and field observations were utilized to help understand the physical controls on reef morphology and the distribution of different coral species. A model was developed that calculates wave-induced hydrodynamic forces on corals of a specific form and mechanical strength. From these calculations, the wave conditions under which specific species of corals would either be stable or would break due to the imposed wave-induced forces were determined. By combining this hydrodynamic force-balance model with various wave model output for different oceanographic conditions experienced in the study area, we were able to map the locations where specific coral species should be stable (not subject to frequent breakage) in the study area. The combined model output was then compared with data on coral species distribution and coral cover at 12 sites along Molokais south shore. Observations and modeling suggest that the transition from one coral species to another may occur when the ratio of the coral colonys mechanical strengths to the applied (wave-induced) forces may be as great as 5:1, and not less than 1:1 when corals would break. This implies that coral colonys mechanical strength and wave-induced forces may be important in defining gross coral community structure over large (orders of 10s of meters) spatial scales.  相似文献   

Summary In Drosophila melanogaster, the gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) controls the processes of sex determination, dosage compensation, oogenesis and sexual behaviour. The control of Sxl is by alternative splicing of its primary RNA. We have identified a gene, female-lethal-2-d (fl(2)d), which is needed for the female-specific splicing of Sxl RNA and which also has a vital function independent of Sxl. Here we analyse other aspects of the gene fl(2)d. Specifically, we have analysed the effect of the temperature-sensitive mutation fl(2)d 1 on the viability of adult flies homozygous for this mutation. We have found that the viability of the mutant females is reduced, while that of the mutant males is not affected. In addition, the capacity of the mutant females to be inseminated is considerably reduced, whilst all the mutant males are able to inseminate females. These effects on females are suppressed by Sxl M1. However, the fat body cells of fl(2)d 1 homozygous females are able to synthesize yolk proteins at the restrictive temperature. We have also carried out, in males, a clonal analysis of fl(2)d 2, a mutation lethal in both sexes. We have found that the clones are fully viable. We conclude that the gene fl(2)d seems to be necessary during the adult life of females for the processes that require Sxl + activity. Moreover, the Sxl-independent vital function of fl(2)d seems to be required in both sexes only during larval development. Offprint requests to: L. Sánchez  相似文献   

Sources of inorganic carbon (Ci) for photosynthesis and calcification and the mechanisms involved in their uptake in scleractinian corals were investigated in microcolonies of Galaxea fascicularis. Direct measurements of Ca2+, pH and O2 on the surface and inside the polyp's coelenteron were made with microsensors. Gross photosynthesis (Pg) and net photosynthesis (Pn) were measured on the surface. Light respiration (LR) was calculated from Pg and Pn. The effect of light/dark and dark/light switches on Ca2+ and pH dynamics on the surface and inside the coelenteron were followed. To evaluate the different sources of Ci for photosynthesis and calcification, Ci-free seawater and 6-Ethoxyzolamide and Acetazolamide, inhibitors for carbonic anhydrase (CA) were used.In normal seawater, Pg was about seven times higher than Pn, the LR was ca. 80-90% of the Pg. Thus, most of the O2 produced in Pg are immediately consumed in respiration, indicating the presence of a highly active internal C-cycle. As the internal C-cycle is highly active, a large part of the Ci for calcification will have passed through the metabolism of the symbiont. The high LR provides ATP for energy requiring processes in light.Ci for photosynthesis and calcification can come from seawater in the form of free Ci, respiration of photosynthates (internal C-cycle) or respiration of the ingested plankton. These sources form a common carbon pool (C-pool) that is used for the different processes.In Ci-free seawater, Pg decreased by about 12.5%, indicating that most of the photosynthetically fixed Ci can temporarily be supplied from internal sources. The initial decalcification, observed directly upon the switch to Ci-free seawater, showed that the Ca-pools in the coral are exchangeable. Part of the Pg in Ci-free seawater may depend on this decalcification for its Ci supply.Three localities of CA were defined. One on the surface facing seawater and one on endodermal cells facing the coelenteron, while the third is intracellular. The inhibition of CA decreased Pg by about 30%, while it increased the concentration of Ca2+ as a result of a decrease in its precipitation. The reduction of photosynthesis and calcification by CA inhibition demonstrated that both processes need the enzyme for the supply of Ci. The pH on the surface and inside the coelenteron decreased upon 6-Ethoxyzolamide addition indicating a role of CA in pH control.  相似文献   

The extra-thecal epithelia of cryofixed undecalcified, freeze-substituted polyps of the scleractinian corals Galaxea fascicularis and Tubastrea faulkneri and axial and basal polyps of Acropora formosa have been examined, in anhydrously prepared thick slices, by confocal laser scanning light microscopy. The avoidance of chemical fixation and decalcification makes it possible to determine whether previously seen structures are real or artefactual products of swelling, shrinkage and distortion. All of the epithelia of all the corals examined are characterised by well defined intercellular spaces. Mucocytes are present in all cell layers in Galaxea and Tubastrea but are not present in any cell layers in the axial polyp of Acropora although they are abundant in the oral ectoderm of the basal polyps in this coral. Zooxanthellae are absent in Tubastrea, the epithelia of the exert septa of Galaxea and the axial polyp of Acropora. The calicoblastic ectoderm is generally composed of thin squamous cells with large intercellular spaces. At rapidly calcifying regions such as the tips of the exert septa of Galaxea, the calicoblastic cells are elongated with extensive arborisation of the basal regions of the cells. They are separated by large intercellular spaces and contain numerous fluorescent granules. The apical regions of these cells appear to be closely applied to the surface of the skeleton. There is no evidence of a space between the apical region of the calicoblastic cells and the skeleton.  相似文献   

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