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Maturation of vaccinia virus (VV) core proteins is required for the production of infectious virions. The VV G1L and I7L gene products are the leading candidates for the viral core protein proteinase (vCPP). Using transient-expression assays, data were obtained to demonstrate that the I7L gene product and its encoded cysteine proteinase activity are responsible for vCPP activity.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus (VV) I3L gene product is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein made early in infection that localizes to the cytoplasmic sites of viral DNA replication (S. C. Rochester and P. Traktman, J. Virol. 72:2917-2926, 1998). Surprisingly, when replication was blocked, the protein localized to distinct cytoplasmic spots (A. Domi and G. Beaud, J. Gen. Virol. 81:1231-1235, 2000). Here these I3L-positive spots were characterized in more detail. By using an anti-I3L peptide antibody we confirmed that the protein localized to the cytoplasmic sites of viral DNA replication by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopy (EM). Before replication had started or when replication was inhibited with hydroxyurea or cytosine arabinoside, I3L localized to distinct cytoplasmic punctate structures of homogeneous size. We show that these structures are not incoming cores or cytoplasmic sites of VV early mRNA accumulation. Instead, morphological and quantitative data indicate that they are specialized sites where the parental DNA accumulates after its release from incoming viral cores. By EM, these sites appeared as complex, electron-dense structures that were intimately associated with the cellular endoplasmic reticulum (ER). By double labeling of cryosections we show that they contain DNA and a viral early protein, the gene product of E8R. Since E8R is a membrane protein that is able to bind to DNA, the localization of this protein to the I3L puncta suggests that they are composed of membranes. The results are discussed in relation to our previous data showing that the process of viral DNA replication also occurs in close association with the ER.  相似文献   

Specific DNA cleavage and binding by vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase I   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cleavage of a defined linear duplex DNA by vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase I was found to occur nonrandomly and infrequently. Approximately 12 sites of strand scission were detected within the 5372 nucleotides of pUC19 DNA. These sites could be classified as having higher or lower affinity for topoisomerase based on the following criteria. Higher affinity sites were cleaved at low enzyme concentration, were less sensitive to competition, and were most refractory to religation promoted by salt, divalent cations, and elevated temperature. Cleavage at lower affinity sites required higher enzyme concentration and was more sensitive to competition and induced religation. Cleavage site selection correlated with a pentameric sequence motif (C/T)CCTT immediately preceding the site of strand scission. Noncovalent DNA binding by topoisomerase predominated over covalent adduct formation, as revealed by nitrocellulose filter-binding studies. The noncovalent binding affinity of vaccinia topoisomerase for particular subsegments of pUC19 DNA correlated with the strength and/or the number of DNA cleavage sites contained therein. Thus, cleavage site selection is likely to be dictated by specific noncovalent DNA-protein interactions. This was supported by the demonstration that a mutant vaccinia topoisomerase (containing a Tyr----Phe substitution at the active site) that was catalytically inert and did not form the covalent intermediate, nevertheless bound DNA with similar affinity and site selectivity as the wild-type enzyme. Noncovalent binding is therefore independent of competence in transesterification. It is construed that the vaccinia topoisomerase is considerably more stringent in its cleavage and binding specificity for duplex DNA than are the cellular type I enzymes.  相似文献   

The DAT1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a DNA binding protein (Dat1p) that specifically recognizes the minor groove of non-alternating oligo(A).oligo(T) tracts. Sequence-specific recognition requires arginine residues found within three perfectly repeated pentads (G-R-K-P-G) of the Dat1p DNA binding domain [Reardon, B. J., Winters, R. S., Gordon, D., and Winter, E. (1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 11327-1131]. This report describes a rapid and simple method for purifying the Dat1p DNA binding domain and the biochemical characterization of its interaction with oligo(A).oligo(T) tracts. Oligonucleotide binding experiments and the characterization of yeast genomic Dat1p binding sites show that Dat1p specifically binds to any 11 base sequence in which 10 bases conform to an oligo(A).oligo(T) tract. Binding studies of different sized Dat1p derivatives show that the Dat1p DNA binding domain can function as a monomer. Competition DNA binding assays using poly(I).poly(C), demonstrate that the minor groove oligo(A).oligo(T) constituents are not sufficient for high specificity DNA binding. These data constrain the possible models for Dat1p/oligo(A).oligo(T) complexes, suggest that the DNA binding domain is in an extended structure when complexed to its cognate DNA, and show that Dat1p binding sites are more prevalent than previously thought.  相似文献   

Rescue of vaccinia virus lacking the E3L gene by mutants of E3L.   总被引:12,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
H W Chang  L H Uribe    B L Jacobs 《Journal of virology》1995,69(10):6605-6608
Vaccinia virus with the E3L gene deleted was able to replicate in RK-13 but not HeLa cells. This host range phenotype could be complemented by an E3L gene expressed transiently from a plasmid. Analysis of mutants of E3L indicates that the ability to complement deletion of E3L correlates with the ability of mutated proteins to bind double-stranded RNA but not with their ability to migrate to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus, the prototypic poxvirus, efficiently and faithfully replicates its ~200-kb DNA genome within the cytoplasm of infected cells. This intracellular localization dictates that vaccinia virus encodes most, if not all, of its own DNA replication machinery. Included in the repertoire of viral replication proteins is the I3 protein, which binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with great specificity and stability and has been presumed to be the replicative ssDNA binding protein (SSB). We substantiate here that I3 colocalizes with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled nascent viral genomes and that these genomes accumulate in cytoplasmic factories that are delimited by membranes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, we report on a structure/function analysis of I3 involving the isolation and characterization of 10 clustered charge-to-alanine mutants. These mutants were analyzed for their biochemical properties (self-interaction and DNA binding) and biological competence. Three of the mutant proteins, encoded by the I3 alleles I3-4, -5, and -7, were deficient in self-interaction and unable to support virus viability, strongly suggesting that the multimerization of I3 is biologically significant. Mutant I3-5 was also deficient in DNA binding. Additionally, we demonstrate that small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated depletion of I3 causes a significant decrease in the accumulation of progeny genomes and that this reduction diminishes the yield of infectious virus.  相似文献   

We previously showed that infection with vaccinia virus (VV) induces cell motility, characterized by contractility and directed migration. Motility is temporally regulated because cells are motile immediately after infection, whereas late in infection motility ceases and cells resettle. Motility and its cessation are accompanied by temporal rearrangements of both the microtubule and the actin networks. Because the F11L gene has previously been implicated in VV-induced migration, we now explore the role of F11L in contractility, migration, the cessation of motility and the cytoskeletal rearrangements. By live cell imaging using a VV that lacks an intact F11L gene, we show that F11L facilitates cell detachment and is required for migration but not for contractility. By light microscopy, F11L expression induces a remodeling of the actin, but not the microtubule, network. The lack of migration correlates with smaller plaques, indicating that this process facilitates cell-to-cell spreading of VV. Late in infection, when motility ceases, cells re-establish cell-to-cell contacts in an F11L-independent manner. We finally show that VV-induced motility and its cessation correlate with a temporal regulation of the guanosine triphosphatase RhoA as well as the expression levels of F11L during the infectious cycle.  相似文献   

Analysis of vaccinia topoisomerase mutants that are impaired in DNA relaxation has allowed the identification of amino acid residues required for the transesterification step of catalysis. Missense mutations of wild-type residues Gly-132----Asp and Arg-223----Gln rendered the protein inert in formation of the covalent enzyme-DNA complex and hence completely inactive in DNA relaxation. Mutations of Thr-147----Ile and Gly-132----Ser caused severe defects in covalent adduct formation that correlated with the extent of inhibition of relaxation. None of these point mutations had an effect on noncovalent DNA binding sufficient to account for the defect in relaxation. Deletion of amino- or carboxyl-terminal portions of the polypeptide abrogated noncovalent DNA binding. Two distinct topoisomerase-DNA complexes were resolved by native gel electrophoresis. One complex, which was unique to those proteins competent in covalent adduct formation, contained topoisomerase bound to the 5'-portion of the incised DNA strand. The 3'-segment of the cleaved strand had dissociated spontaneously. This complex was isolated and shown to catalyze transfer of the covalently bound DNA to a heterologous acceptor oligonucleotide, thereby proving that the covalent adduct between protein and duplex DNA is a true intermediate in strand breakage and reunion. The role of the active site region of eukaryotic topoisomerase in determining sensitivity or resistance to camptothecin was examined by converting the active site region of the resistant vaccinia enzyme (SKRAY274) to that of the drug-sensitive yeast enzyme (SKINY). The SKINY mutation did not alter the resistance of the vaccinia enzyme to the cleavage-enhancing effects of camptothecin.  相似文献   

The HindIII DNA fragments of vaccinia virus strain L-IVP were cloned in pBR322 bacterial plasmid. A hybrid plasmids collection of pVHn series contains all fragments of virus genome except terminal HindIII-B and HindIII-G, and also a large HindIII-A. The latter was cloned in cosmid pHC79. The obtained collection of hybrid DNA molecules allows to carry out a wide range of molecular biological experiments on the vaccinia virus genome.  相似文献   

Transcriptional mapping of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase gene   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Vaccinia DNA topoisomerase binds duplex DNA and forms a covalent adduct at sites containing a conserved sequence element 5'(C/T)CCTT decreases in the scissile strand. Distinctive aspects of noncovalent versus covalent interaction emerge from analysis of the binding properties of Topo(Phe-274), a mutated protein which is unable to cleave DNA, but which binds DNA noncovalently. Whereas DNA cleavage by wild type enzyme is most efficient with 'suicide' substrates containing fewer than 10 base pairs distal to the scissile bond, optimal noncovalent binding by Topo(Phe-274) requires at least 10-bp of DNA 3' of the cleavage site. Thus, the region of DNA flanking the pentamer motif serves to stabilize the noncovalent topoisomerase-DNA complex. This result is consistent with the downstream dimensions of the DNA binding site deduced from nuclease footprinting. Topo(Phe-274) binds to duplex DNA lacking the consensus pentamer with 7-10-fold lower affinity than to CCCTT-containing DNA.  相似文献   

The E3L gene of vaccinia virus (VACV) encodes the E3 protein that in cultured cells inhibits the activation of interferon (IFN)-induced proteins, double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), 2′-5′-oligoadenylate synthetase/RNase L (2-5A system) and adenosine deaminase (ADAR-1), thus helping the virus to evade host responses. Here, we have characterized the in vivo E3 functions in a murine inducible cell culture system (E3L-TetOFF) and in transgenic mice (TgE3L). Inducible E3 expression in cultured cells conferred on cells resistance to the antiviral action of IFN against different viruses, while expression of the E3L gene in TgE3L mice triggered enhanced sensitivity of the animals to pathogens. Virus infection monitored in TgE3L mice by different inoculation routes (intraperitoneal and tail scarification) showed that transgenic mice became more susceptible to VACV infection than control mice. TgE3L mice were also more susceptible to Leishmania major infection, leading to an increase in parasitemia compared to control mice. The enhanced sensitivity of TgE3L mice to VACV and L. major infections occurred together with alterations in the host immune system, as revealed by decreased T-cell responses to viral antigens in the spleen and lymph nodes and by differences in the levels of specific innate cell populations. These results demonstrate that expression of the E3L gene in transgenic mice partly reverses the resistance of the host to viral and parasitic infections and that these effects are associated with immune alterations.  相似文献   

As a first step in the analysis of the molecular function of the nuclear c-fos proto-oncogene product we have studied its subnuclear localization in serum-stimulated mouse fibroblasts where it forms a non-covalent, apparently monodisperse complex with another nuclear protein, p39. The c-fos/p39 complex is almost quantitatively released from intact nuclei by DNasel or micrococcus nuclease treatment under conditions where only a minor fraction of DNA and nuclear proteins is released. In gel filtration experiments, c-fos/p39 comigrates with chromatin and seems to be associated with regions of increased DNasel accessibility. c-fos/p39 is bound to chromatin by electrostatic forces of moderate strength since greater than 90% of the complex can be eluted from nuclei at 0.4 M NaCl. In vitro, the c-fos/p39 complex in nuclear extracts binds to double- and single-stranded calf thymus DNA, suggesting that the association of c-fos/p39 with chromatin is at least in part due to its interaction with DNA. In agreement with this conclusion, c-fos/p39 is released from nuclei by incubation with tRNA, presumably due to competition for binding sites. Our observations are compatible with the hypothesis that c-fos may play a role in the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

Vaccinia DNA topoisomerase catalyzes the cleavage and re-joining of DNA strands through a DNA-(3'-phosphotyrosyl)-enzyme intermediate formed at a specific target sequence, 5'-(C/T)CCTT downward arrow. The 314 aa protein consists of three protease-resistant structural domains demarcated by protease-sensitive interdomain segments referred to as the bridge and the hinge. The bridge is defined by trypsin-accessible sites at Arg80, Lys83 and Arg84. Photocrosslinking and proteolytic footprinting experiments suggest that residues near the interdomain bridge interact with DNA. To assess the contributions of specific amino acids to DNA binding and transesterification chemistry, we introduced alanine substitutions at 16 positions within a 24 aa segment from residues 63 to 86(DSKGRRQYFYGKMHVQNRNAKRDR). Assays of the rates of DNA relaxation under conditions optimal for the wild-type topoisomerase revealed significant mutational effects at six positions; Arg67, Tyr70, Tyr72, Arg80, Arg84 and Asp85. The mutated proteins displayed normal or near-normal rates of single-turnover transesterification to DNA. The effects of amino acid substitutions on DNA binding were evinced by inhibition of covalent adduct formation in the presence of salt and magnesium. The mutant enzymes also displayed diminished affinity for a subset of cleavage sites in pUC19 DNA. Tyr70 and Tyr72 were subjected to further analysis by replacement with Phe, His, Gln and Arg. At both positions, the aromatic moiety was important for DNA binding.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus gene encoding 36K protein was cloned in pUR290 bacterial expressing vector and resulted in the synthesis of a chimeric protein in E. coli. The chimeric protein consists of beta-galactosidase and virus protein in C-termini. It has virus antigen specificity. By monospecific antibody 36K protein of vaccinia virus was determined to be non-virion. It is localized in the cytoplasm of infected cells.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved elaborate mechanisms to counteract the onslaught of viral infections. To activate these defenses, the viral threat must be recognized. Danger signals, or pathogen-associated molecular patterns, that are induced by pathogens include double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), viral single-stranded RNA, glycolipids, and CpG DNA. Understanding the signal transduction pathways activated and host gene expression induced by these danger signals is vital to understanding virus-host interactions. The vaccinia virus E3L protein is involved in blocking the host antiviral response and increasing pathogenesis, functions that map to separate C-terminal dsRNA- and N-terminal Z-DNA-binding domains. Viruses containing mutations in these domains allow modeling of the role of dsRNA and Z-form nucleic acid in the host response to virus infection. Deletions in the Z-DNA- or dsRNA-binding domains led to activation of signal transduction cascades and up-regulation of host gene expression, with many genes involved in the inflammatory response. These data suggest that poxviruses actively inhibit cellular recognition of viral danger signals and the subsequent cellular response to the viral threat.  相似文献   

Cleavage of linear duplex DNA by purified vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase I occurs at a conserved sequence element (5'-C/T)CCTT decreases) in the incised DNA strand. Oligonucleotides spanning the high affinity cleavage site CCCTT at nucleotide 2457 in pUC19 DNA are cleaved efficiently in vitro, but only when hybridized to a complementary DNA molecule. As few as 6 nucleotides proximal to the cleavage site and 6 nucleotides downstream of the site are sufficient to support exclusive cleavage at the high affinity site (position +1). Single nucleotide substitutions within the consensus pentamer have deleterious effects on the equilibria of the topoisomerase binding and DNA cleavage reactions. The effects of base mismatch within the pentamer are more dramatic than are the effects of mutations that preserve base complementarity. Competition experiments indicate that topoisomerase binds preferentially to DNA sites containing the wild-type pentamer element. Single-stranded DNA containing the sequence CCCTT in the cleaved stand is a more effective competitor than is single-stranded DNA containing the complementary sequence in the noncleaved strand.  相似文献   

Interferon resistance of vaccinia virus is mediated by specific inhibition of phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2 alpha) by the double-stranded-RNA-activated (DAI) protein kinase. Vaccinia virus encodes a homolog of eIF-2 alpha, K3L, the deletion of which renders the virus sensitive to interferon treatment. We have studied the mechanism by which this protein product elicits interferon resistance in a transient DNA transfection system designed to evaluate regulators of eIF-2 alpha phosphorylation. In this system, translation of a reporter gene mRNA is inefficient because of eIF-2 phosphorylation mediated by the DAI protein kinase. Cotransfection of the K3L gene enhances translation of the reporter mRNA in this system. The K3L protein inhibits eIF-2 alpha phosphorylation and DAI kinase activation, apparently without being phosphorylated itself. Inhibition of protein synthesis, elicited by expression of a mutant Ser-51----Asp eIF-2 alpha designed to mimic a phosphorylated serine, is not relieved by the presence of K3L, suggesting that K3L cannot bypass a block imposed by eIF-2 alpha phosphorylation. The results suggest that K3L acts as a decoy of eIF-2 alpha to inhibit DAI kinase autophosphorylation and activation. Another vaccinia virus gene product, K1L, which is required for growth of vaccinia virus on human cells, does not enhance translation in this assay.  相似文献   

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