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Growth and oxygen consumption was measured in developing herring Clupea harengus (L.) embryos. By considering the variations in oxygen consumption with embryonic size and growth rate, an attempt was made to partition oxygen consumption between growth related and growth unrelated (i.e., “maintenance”) processes. The metabolic cost of growth was estimated as ≈ 150 ng O2 · μg dry wt tissue formed−1. This estimate compares favourably with the biochemical estimate of the costs of transport and net biosynthesis. The “maintenance” component was proportional to embryonic mass (77 ng O2 · μg−1· d−1). Over the entire embryonic period, growth processes were responsible for ≈ 25% of the cumulated oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Otoliths are calcium carbonate concretions laid down in the inner ear of fish and used in fish age estimation. Otoliths precipitate in the form of aragonite but aberrant precipitation may result in vaterite formation instead of aragonite. Vaterite otoliths are more translucent than aragonite. The quantity of HCl-soluble proteins (SP) was measured in the vaterite otoliths and their aragonite pairs of one year old reared herring Clupea harengus to assess the changes induced by the precipitation of vaterite in the amount of soluble proteins in the otolith. Results showed that vaterite otoliths had as much soluble proteins as their aragonite pairs (p>0.05). Due to the lower density of the vaterite, vaterite otoliths were lighter than their aragonite pairs (p<0.05) which explained that protein concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in aragonite otoliths. These results indicate that the precipitation of vaterite in otoliths did not affect the inclusion of soluble proteins. Furthermore, they suggest that soluble proteins do not affect the translucent or opaque appearance of otoliths. Differences in translucency may instead be caused by the amounts of insoluble proteins or by differences in the physical properties of proteins. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the otolith proteins revealed two bands at 50 and 62 kDa in both aragonite and vaterite otoliths suggesting that the precipitation of vaterite in the otolith is not controlled by either of these two proteins present in the otolith.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 3 Abbildungen im Text.  相似文献   

Outbreak densities of autumnal moth, Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), lead to high larval crowding. Phenotypic responses of E. autumnata to larval crowding and to food quality were studied by measuring growth and consumption as well as pupal weight and fecundity. Crowding may trigger increased consumption and faster development to avoid impending food shortage on good quality food. This is suggested by the result that on a good‐quality diet, the growth of crowded larvae was better than that of solitary larvae, though they did not consume more food than solitary larvae. Crowded larvae also completed the last instar earlier than solitary larvae. The fecundity of crowded autumnal moths was not lower than the fecundity of solitarily grown autumnal moths. This may provide conditions for extra rapid population build‐up of E. autumnata. During the population increase phase the crowding effect may facilitate larval performance; however, at peak density the crowding starts to have negative effects on the performance of larvae. On a poor‐quality diet, the performance of crowded and solitary larvae did not differ. The growth of larvae was better on a good‐quality diet than on a poor‐quality diet, due to higher efficiency in food utilization. Larvae feeding on low‐quality diet did not prolong their development time, but pupated at smaller size; this resulted in lower fecundity. A decrease in food quality can be seen as a cue of oncoming food shortage and resource depletion; it may be advantageous to pupate at a smaller size and ensure survival till reproduction, rather than risk prolonging development to achieve larger size and higher fecundity.  相似文献   

Our aim was to test whether or not climate influence the northern distributional limit of eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) by affecting its radial growth and regeneration. Twenty-two sites were selected along the bioclimatic gradient in Northwestern Québec, Canada. The gradient was divided into three zones based on the abundance of white cedar stands: continuous, discontinuous, and marginal zones. Radial growth and regeneration (numbers of sedds, saplings) were determined for each zone. Results showed that basal area increment (b.a.i.) was the same along the gradient. Seed production and germination did not differ between zones. One-year-old seedlings and small individuals (<30 cm) were less abundant in the northern sites than in stands from the continuous and discontinuous zones. More saplings were found in the northernmost sites (389/400 m2 in the marginal and 354.7/400 m2 in the discontinuous zones) than in the south (130.6/400 m2). Layering seemed to compensate for the low recruitment observed in the marginal sites. Recruitment of seedlings originating from sexual reproduction in the discontinuous zone was not different from the stands in the southern areas. Thus, a climatically driven decrease in recruitment cannot explain the observed decrease in white cedar abundance, which occurred at this latitude. Although seedlings were less abundant in isolated northern marginal stands, sexually based regeneration was still possible. Therefore, the direct effect of climate seems to only have a minor influence on white cedar northern distributional limit and other factors, such as natural disturbances, might better explain its actual boundary.  相似文献   

The ovaries of anadromous arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), captured during 1973 from four high arctic rivers on Baffin Island started to increase in weight early in July and were at their heaviest in mid-September just before spawning. At this time, 40 cm (615 g) char from two rivers contained ovaries weighing 17.0 g (dry) which differed significantly from the 22.5 g gonads of comparable char from the other two areas. Gonadal development in male fish began in June and the diameter of testes at full maturity (3.0–4.0 cm) was similar regardless of river system. Fecundity of comparable fish varied significantly among the rivers with char 40 cm in length containing 1400–2400 eggs while the corresponding values for 60 cm (i.e. 2050 g) char ranged from 4000–5500. The diameter of both immature and mature eggs was similar regardless of system. Values for immature eggs averaged 0.64 mm in 40 cm fish and 1.60 mm in 60 cm specimens. Diameter of mature eggs, on the other hand, was considerably greater (3.2 and 4.3 mm, respectively). Maturity was first reached at age 10 (i.e. 35 cm) in both males and females and maturing fish of both sexes were not always restricted to fresh water. Redd construction occurred at a depth of one to at least 11 m at a temperature of 0.5–4.0° C. The percentage of eggs retained in the body cavity after spawning varied from 0.22–1.50 and the mortality rate of spawned eggs was extremely low.  相似文献   

Triploidy interferes with gametogenesis in all fish species tested so far. In fish it results in complete female sterility however, males are still able to develop testis. The reason why sterility levels in triploid fishes differ among species and between sexes is unclear. In the present study the reproductive capacity of triploid males of tench was studied. Flow cytometry revealed sperm cells of triploids to be largely aneuploid with high mosaic DNA, oscillating from haploid DNA to diploid DNA content. Analysis of variance showed an insignificant influence of ploidy level on the percentage of motile spermatozoa, as well as on spermatozoa velocity. Experimental crosses between normal diploid female and triploid males resulted in the appearance of triploid progeny, which exhibited genotypes composed of microsatellite alleles inherited from the founder female and additional allele derived from the donor male. We can conclude that the triploid males analysed in the present study were capable to fertilize eggs derived from diploid females.  相似文献   

Urbanization, one of the most extreme land‐use alterations, is currently spreading, and the number of species confronting these changes is increasing. However, contradictory results of previous studies impede a clear interpretation of which selective pressure (nest predation or food limitation) is more important in urban habitats compared with natural situations, and whether birds can confront them by adjusting their life‐history strategies. We investigated life‐history syndromes of three common blackbird (Turdus merula) populations differing in their human influence (urban, rural, and woodland). We analysed daily nest predation and nestling starvation rates to assess the relative importance of these selection pressures in each habitat. Simultaneously, several life‐history traits were investigated to determine if T. merula seem adapted to their main source of selection. Food limitation was more important in the city, whereas nest predation was the most important selective force in the forest. The rural habitat was characterized by an intermediate influence of these two factors. Life‐history syndromes, as the covariation of a suite of traits, confirmed these results because T. merula seem well adapted to the main cause of selection in each habitat. Our results are consistent with urbanization imposing new challenges on birds, and that they adaptively respond to them. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 759–766.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the tissue-specific response of isotope δ15N to changes in isotopic signature of diet in an adult Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, and to examine the importance of growth and metabolism in this shift. This was accomplished by placing wild adult Pacific herring in captivity and monitoring isotopic shift in tissues with a corresponding isotopic shift in diet, and the application of a metabolism/growth mixing model. Tissues examined were blood, eye, heart, liver, and white muscle. One group of herring was given a δ15N diet depleted by approximately 5.4‰, and another given a 15N-enriched diet labeled with 98 atom% l-phenylalanine. This study showed that (i) isotopic response of individual tissues following an isotopic shift in diet varied in both rate of change and fractionation level, (ii) most of this isotopic shift is due to growth, and (iii) white muscle and liver tissue appeared the most responsive to isotopic shift in diet, reaching isotopic equilibrium with diet in a matter of months (not years). For trophic studies using δ15N, these results indicate that field measurement of Pacific herring should be done after much of summer growth has occurred.  相似文献   

The effects of cytokinins on somatic embryogenesis in pepper were studied using a Murashige and Skoog-based medium supplemented with 2 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 10% sucrose. Compared to the medium without cytokinins, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)-adenine and kinetin had no significant effect, whereas benzylaminopurine and zeatin significantly reduced somatic embryogenesis. Coconut water (10%) either had no significant effect or it reduced embryogenesis as well. Induction of somatic embryogenesis was also dependent on genotype. Appearance of somatic embryos continued after removal of the embryos that developed first, especially on cultivars with a lower initial induction rate. Although somatic embryos germinated, the apical meristem did not elongate.  相似文献   

The differentiation of the ectodermal, entodermal, and mesodermal cell lines in developing plutei of the ophiuroid Amphipholis kochii was examined using electron microscopy and the immunochemical staining technique. The ectodermal cells form the pseudostratified epithelium of the ciliary band, the flattened epithelium of the body wall, and the esophageal epithelium. The epithelium of the ciliary band consists of ciliated and mucous cells; at its base is an axonal tract formed of the processes of neurons. The serotoninergic neurons form two lateral ganglia located along the paraoral ciliary band and the posterolateral arms’ ciliary band. The prominent features of the neurons are large size, the presence of a cilium, an electron-light cytoplasm filled with microvesicles with neurotransmitters, and a large nucleus with a predominant euchromatin. The ectoderm cells (except mucous cells) are characterized by the presence of a cilium surrounded by a collar of microvilli and a thin layer of apical extracellular matrix. The entodermal cells form the digestive tract epithelium and differentiate into four cell types: type I and II cells probably function in the nutrient uptake and assimilation; type III cells perhaps secrete digestive enzymes; and myoepithelial cells that constitute the cardiac and pyloric sphincters and the anus. Sclerenchymatous cells, which are the descendants of the primary mesenchyme, form a syncytium around the developing spicules. The biomineralization process is intrasyncytial, the ophioplutei spicules retain the cytoplasmic covering throughout the period of larval development. The secondary mesenchyme gives rise to smooth muscle cells and amebocytes. Muscle cells compose the circumesophageal musculature, the cell processes of each “muscle band” seem to fuse together. At the base of the preoral band are two symmetrically located groups of muscles, viz., the anterior dilators. Amebocytes function in excretion either near the epidermis or are able to penetrate through the epidermis and excrete wastes into the external environment. The mesoderm formed by the enterocoely gives rise to three pairs of coeloms; their cells remain unspecialized during the entire period of larval development. Results of this study are compared with the micro- and neuroanatomy of the larvae of other echinoderms.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of stemmata (larval eyes), stemmatal nerves, and the optic neuropils of 5th-instar larvae of cotton bollworm, Heliothis armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae), were examined with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Six stemmata are on each side of the head. Each stemma consists of 7 retinula cells arranged into 2 tiers. Stemmata I and II have 4 distal retinula cells and 3 proximal cells, the other 4 stemmata (III–IV) have 3 distal cells and 4 proximal cells. Stemmata I and IV have a short proximal rhabdom and the rhabdomere of each proximal cell has its microvilli projecting in only one direction. On the other hand, each stemma (in stemmata II–V) has a long proximal rhabdom and the rhabdomere of each proximal cell has microvilli pitched in several different directions relative to the horizontal plane. An axon projects proximally from each retinula cell body. The stemmatal nerve is composed of the 42 retinular axons from all of the 6 stemmata on the same side of the head. Each stemmatal nerve projects to the ipsilateral optic neuropil. Axons from each stemma are in a fasicle (within the stemmatal nerve), which consists of 7 axons, 3–4 of them are thick and terminate synaptically in the proximal neuropil; the others are thinner and terminate in the distal neuropil. Organelles, particularly lysosomes, undergo ultrastructural transformations relative to ambient light levels. The functional significance of abovementioned structures are discussed in light of current knowledge.  相似文献   

The parasite Ichthyophonus is enzootic in many marine fish populations of the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Forage fishes are a likely source of infection for higher trophic level predators; however, the processes that maintain Ichthyophonus in forage fish populations (primarily clupeids) are not well understood. Lack of an identified intermediate host has led to the convenient hypothesis that the parasite can be maintained within populations of schooling fishes by waterborne fish-to-fish transmission. To test this hypothesis we established Ichthyophonus infections in Age-1 and young-of-the-year (YOY) Pacific herring Clupea pallasii (Valenciennes) via intraperitoneal (IP) injection and cohabitated these donors with na?ve conspecifics (sentinels) in the laboratory. IP injections established infection in 75 to 84% of donor herring, and this exposure led to clinical disease and mortality in the YOY cohort. However, after cohabitation for 113 d no infections were detected in na?ve sentinels. These data do not preclude the possibility of fish-to-fish transmission, but they do suggest that other transmission processes are necessary to maintain Ichthyophonus in wild Pacific herring populations.  相似文献   

Marginal otolith increment width analysis was performed on field‐collected larval and juvenile spring‐spawned herring Clupea harengus that experienced variable feeding conditions and high temperatures that were above the optimum for growth. Although drastic zooplankton biomass reduction had a significant effect on increment width, a delay of a few days in the otolith response was observed. More importantly, a very clear, positive temperature effect on marginal increment width was demonstrated in fish characterized by temperature independent somatic growth. These results indicate that under natural conditions it may be impossible to distinguish increment width changes related to variation in feeding conditions from changes caused by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it was concluded that marginal otolith increment width analysis could not be used as a recent growth index ( I G) for herring larvae and juveniles exposed to drastic temperature fluctuations. The implication of these results is significant not only for the use of marginal increments as a recent growth index, but also if growth rate backcalculation is to be used as a research method.  相似文献   

In this study, we documented the breeding system of a wild population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) by genetically sampling every returning adult and assessed the determinants of individual fitness. We then quantified the impacts of catch and release (C&R) on mating and reproductive success. Both sexes showed high variance in individual reproductive success, and the estimated standardized variance was higher for males (2.86) than for females (0.73). We found a weak positive relationship between body size and fitness and observed that fitness was positively correlated with the number of mates, especially in males. Mature male parr sired 44% of the analysed offspring. The impact of C&R on the number of offspring was size dependent, as the reproductive success of larger fish was more impaired than smaller ones. Also, there was an interactive negative effect of water temperature and air exposure time on reproductive success of C&R salmon. This study improves our understanding of the complex reproductive biology of the Atlantic salmon and is the first to investigate the impact of C&R on reproductive success. Our study expands the management toolbox of appropriate C&R practices that promote conservation of salmon populations and limit negative impacts on mating and reproductive success.  相似文献   

The length–age distributions and genetic variation of ten microsatellite loci were examined in samples of herring from the Chupa Inlet of the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea. The samples were collected on the same spawning grounds over a period of 13 years and during the same spawning season. The obtained data demonstrate stability of the length structure and genetic characteristics (allele and genotype frequencies, allelic richness, and heterozygosity). The degree of temporal genetic differentiation was not statistically significant, θ = 0.0038 (CI,–0.0006 to 0.006). Spatial differentiation of the White Sea herring far outweighs the level of temporal variability, which makes it possible to suggest the important role of reproductive isolation in the formation of the population genetic structure of herring.  相似文献   

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