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The gene expression profiles of Escherichia coli strains grown anaerobically with or without Acacia mearnsii (black wattle) extract were compared to identify tannin resistance strategies. The cell envelope stress protein gene spy and the multidrug transporter-encoding operon mdtABCD, both under the control of the BaeSR two-component regulatory system, were significantly up-regulated in the presence of tannins. BaeSR mutants were more tannin sensitive than their wild-type counterparts.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli zupT (ygiE), encoding a ZIP family member, mediated zinc uptake. Growth of cells disrupted in both zupT and the znuABC operon was inhibited by EDTA at a much lower concentration than a single mutant or the wild type. Cells expressing ZupT from a plasmid exhibited increased uptake of (65)Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Bioprocesses conducted under conditions with restricted O2 supply are increasingly exploited for the synthesis of reduced biochemicals using different biocatalysts. The model facultative anaerobe Escherichia coli has elaborate sensing and signal transduction mechanisms for redox control in response to the availability of O2 and other electron acceptors. The ArcBA two-component system consists of ArcB, a membrane-associated sensor kinase, and ArcA, the cognate response regulator. The tripartite hybrid kinase ArcB possesses a transmembrane, a PAS, a primary transmitter (H1), a receiver (D1), and a phosphotransfer (H2) domain. Metabolic fluxes were compared under anoxic conditions in a wild-type E. coli strain, its ΔarcB derivative, and two partial arcB deletion mutants in which ArcB lacked either the H1 domain or the PAS-H1-D1 domains. These analyses revealed that elimination of different segments in ArcB determines a distinctive distribution of d-glucose catabolic fluxes, different from that observed in the ΔarcB background. Metabolite profiles, enzyme activity levels, and gene expression patterns were also investigated in these strains. Relevant alterations were observed at the P-enol-pyruvate/pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A metabolic nodes, and the formation of reduced fermentation metabolites, such as succinate, d-lactate, and ethanol, was favored in the mutant strains to different extents compared to the wild-type strain. These phenotypic traits were associated with altered levels of the enzymatic activities operating at these nodes, as well as with elevated NADH/NAD+ ratios. Thus, targeted modification of global regulators to obtain different metabolic flux distributions under anoxic conditions is emerging as an attractive tool for metabolic engineering purposes.  相似文献   

Preliminary observations in a large-scale fermentation process suggested that the lipase expression of Pseudomonas alcaligenes can be switched on by the addition of certain medium components, such as soybean oil. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of induction of lipase expression, we have set up a search method for genes controlling lipase expression by use of a cosmid library containing fragments of P. alcaligenes genomic DNA. A screen for lipase hyperproduction resulted in the selection of multiple transformants, of which the best-producing strains comprised cosmids that shared an overlapping genomic fragment. Within this fragment, two previously unidentified genes were found and named lipQ and lipR. Their encoded proteins belong to the NtrBC family of regulators that regulate gene expression via binding to a specific upstream activator sequence (UAS). Such an NtrC-like UAS was identified in a previous study in the P. alcaligenes lipase promoter, strongly suggesting that LipR acts as a positive regulator of lipase expression. The regulating role could be confirmed by down-regulated lipase expression in a strain with an inactivated lipR gene and a threefold increase in lipase yield in a large-scale fermentation when expressing the lipQR operon from the multicopy plasmid pLAFR3. Finally, cell extracts of a LipR-overexpressing strain caused a retardation of the lipase promoter fragment in a band shift assay. Our results indicate that lipase expression in Pseudomonas alcaligenes is under the control of the LipQR two-component system.  相似文献   

Recoding a stop codon to an amino acid may afford orthogonal genetic systems for biosynthesizing new protein and organism properties. Although reassignment of stop codons has been found in extant organisms, a model organism is lacking to investigate the reassignment process and to direct code evolution. Complete reassignment of a stop codon is precluded by release factors (RFs), which recognize stop codons to terminate translation. Here we discovered that RF1 could be unconditionally knocked out from various Escherichia coli stains, demonstrating that the reportedly essential RF1 is generally dispensable for the E. coli species. The apparent essentiality of RF1 was found to be caused by the inefficiency of a mutant RF2 in terminating all UAA stop codons; a wild type RF2 was sufficient for RF1 knockout. The RF1-knockout strains were autonomous and unambiguously reassigned UAG to encode natural or unnatural amino acids (Uaas) at multiple sites, affording a previously unavailable model for studying code evolution and a unique host for exploiting Uaas to evolve new biological functions.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a prominent bacterial pathogen that is known to agglutinate in the presence of human plasma to form stable clumps. There is increasing evidence that agglutination aids S. aureus pathogenesis, but the mechanisms of this process remain to be fully elucidated. To better define this process, we developed both tube based and flow cytometry methods to monitor clumping in the presence of extracellular matrix proteins. We discovered that the ArlRS two-component system regulates the agglutination mechanism during exposure to human plasma or fibrinogen. Using divergent S. aureus strains, we demonstrated that arlRS mutants are unable to agglutinate, and this phenotype can be complemented. We found that the ebh gene, encoding the Giant Staphylococcal Surface Protein (GSSP), was up-regulated in an arlRS mutant. By introducing an ebh complete deletion into an arlRS mutant, agglutination was restored. To assess whether GSSP is the primary effector, a constitutive promoter was inserted upstream of the ebh gene on the chromosome in a wildtype strain, which prevented clump formation and demonstrated that GSSP has a negative impact on the agglutination mechanism. Due to the parallels of agglutination with infective endocarditis development, we assessed the phenotype of an arlRS mutant in a rabbit combined model of sepsis and endocarditis. In this model the arlRS mutant displayed a large defect in vegetation formation and pathogenesis, and this phenotype was partially restored by removing GSSP. Altogether, we have discovered that the ArlRS system controls a novel mechanism through which S. aureus regulates agglutination and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The dcuB gene of Escherichia coli encodes an anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter that is induced anaerobically by FNR, activated by the cyclic AMP receptor protein, and repressed in the presence of nitrate by NarL. In addition, dcuB expression is strongly induced by C4-dicarboxylates, suggesting the presence of a novel C4-dicarboxylate-responsive regulator in E. coli. This paper describes the isolation of a Tn10 mutant in which the 160-fold induction of dcuB expression by C4-dicarboxylates is absent. The corresponding Tn10 mutation resides in the yjdH gene, which is adjacent to the yjdG gene and close to the dcuB gene at ~93.5 min in the E. coli chromosome. The yjdHG genes (redesignated dcuSR) appear to constitute an operon encoding a two-component sensor-regulator system (DcuS-DcuR). A plasmid carrying the dcuSR operon restored the C4-dicarboxylate inducibility of dcuB expression in the dcuS mutant to levels exceeding those of the dcuS+ strain by approximately 1.8-fold. The dcuS mutation affected the expression of other genes with roles in C4-dicarboxylate transport or metabolism. Expression of the fumarate reductase (frdABCD) operon and the aerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter (dctA) gene were induced 22- and 4-fold, respectively, by the DcuS-DcuR system in the presence of C4-dicarboxylates. Surprisingly, anaerobic fumarate respiratory growth of the dcuS mutant was normal. However, under aerobic conditions with C4-dicarboxylates as sole carbon sources, the mutant exhibited a growth defect resembling that of a dctA mutant. Studies employing a dcuA dcuB dcuC triple mutant unable to transport C4-dicarboxylates anaerobically revealed that C4-dicarboxylate transport is not required for C4-dicarboxylate-responsive gene regulation. This suggests that the DcuS-DcuR system responds to external substrates. Accordingly, topology studies using 14 DcuS-BlaM fusions showed that DcuS contains two putative transmembrane helices flanking a ~140-residue N-terminal domain apparently located in the periplasm. This topology strongly suggests that the periplasmic loop of DcuS serves as a C4-dicarboxylate sensor. The cytosolic region of DcuS (residues 203 to 543) contains two domains: a central PAS domain possibly acting as a second sensory domain and a C-terminal transmitter domain. Database searches showed that DcuS and DcuR are closely related to a subgroup of two-component sensor-regulators that includes the citrate-responsive CitA-CitB system of Klebsiella pneumoniae. DcuS is not closely related to the C4-dicarboxylate-sensing DctS or DctB protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus or rhizobial species, respectively. Although all three proteins have similar topologies and functions, and all are members of the two-component sensor-kinase family, their periplasmic domains appear to have evolved independently.  相似文献   


Background / Aims

ClO2, the so-called “ideal biocide”, could also be applied as an antiseptic if it was understood why the solution killing microbes rapidly does not cause any harm to humans or to animals. Our aim was to find the source of that selectivity by studying its reaction-diffusion mechanism both theoretically and experimentally.


ClO2 permeation measurements through protein membranes were performed and the time delay of ClO2 transport due to reaction and diffusion was determined. To calculate ClO2 penetration depths and estimate bacterial killing times, approximate solutions of the reaction-diffusion equation were derived. In these calculations evaporation rates of ClO2 were also measured and taken into account.


The rate law of the reaction-diffusion model predicts that the killing time is proportional to the square of the characteristic size (e.g. diameter) of a body, thus, small ones will be killed extremely fast. For example, the killing time for a bacterium is on the order of milliseconds in a 300 ppm ClO2 solution. Thus, a few minutes of contact time (limited by the volatility of ClO2) is quite enough to kill all bacteria, but short enough to keep ClO2 penetration into the living tissues of a greater organism safely below 0.1 mm, minimizing cytotoxic effects when applying it as an antiseptic. Additional properties of ClO2, advantageous for an antiseptic, are also discussed. Most importantly, that bacteria are not able to develop resistance against ClO2 as it reacts with biological thiols which play a vital role in all living organisms.


Selectivity of ClO2 between humans and bacteria is based not on their different biochemistry, but on their different size. We hope initiating clinical applications of this promising local antiseptic.  相似文献   

Elongation factor G (EF-G), a key protein in translational elongation, is known to be particularly susceptible to oxidation in Escherichia coli. However, neither the mechanism of the oxidation of EF-G nor the influence of its oxidation on translation is fully understood. In the present study, we investigated the effects of oxidants on the chemical properties and function of EF-G using a translation system in vitro derived from E. coli. Treatment of EF-G with 0.5 mm H(2)O(2) resulted in the complete loss of translational activity. The inactivation of EF-G by H(2)O(2) was attributable to the oxidation of two specific cysteine residues, namely, Cys(114) and Cys(266), and subsequent formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond. Replacement of Cys(114) by serine rendered EF-G insensitive to oxidation and inactivation by H(2)O(2). Furthermore, generation of the translation system in vitro with the mutated EF-G protected the entire translation system from oxidation, suggesting that EF-G might be a primary target of oxidation within the translation system. Oxidized EF-G was reactivated via reduction of the disulfide bond by thioredoxin, a ubiquitous protein that mediates dithiol-disulfide exchange. Our observations indicate that the translational machinery in E. coli is regulated, in part, by the redox state of EF-G, which might depend on the balance between the supply of reducing power and the degree of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Two bacteriophages for Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus were isolated. One of the phages (VL-1) was isolated on a host-independent Bdellovibrio strain, and the other (VL-2) was isolated on a host-dependent strain. Both phages grew on host-dependent as well as on host-independent Bdellovibrio strains. The development of the phages in host-dependent bdellovibrios occurred only when the phage-infected bdellovibrios parasitized cells of other bacteria. In the absence of other bacteria, the phages adsorbed to the bdellovibrios and killed them and in the process lost their own plaque-forming ability.  相似文献   

The mqsR gene has been shown to be positively regulated by the quorum-sensing autoinducer AI-2, which in turn activates a two-component system, the qseB-qseC operon. This operon plays an important role in biofilm formation in Escherichia coli. However, its cellular function has remained unknown. Here, we found that 1 base downstream of mqsR there is a gene, ygiT, that is co-transcribed with mqsR. Induction of mqsR caused cell growth arrest, whereas ygiT co-induction recovered cell growth. We demonstrate that MqsR (98 amino acid residues), which has no homology to the well characterized mRNA interferase MazF, is a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis that functions by degrading cellular mRNAs. In vivo and in vitro primer extension experiments showed that MqsR is an mRNA interferase specifically cleaving mRNAs at GCU. The mRNA interferase activity of purified MqsR was inhibited by purified YgiT (131 residues). MqsR forms a stable 2:1 complex with YgiT, and the complex likely functions as a repressor for the mqsR-ygiT operon by specifically binding to two different palindromic sequences present in the 5′-untranslated region of this operon.It has been reported that quorum sensing is involved in biofilm formation (14). mqsR expression was found to be induced by 8-fold in biofilms (5) and also by the quorum-sensing signal autoinducer AI-2, which is a species-nonspecific signaling molecule produced by both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including Escherichia coli (6). It has been reported that induction of mqsR activates a two-component system, the qseB-qseC operon, which is known to play an important role in biofilm formation (6). Thus, it has been proposed that MqsR (98 amino acid residues) is a regulator of biofilm formation because it activates qseB, which controls the flhDC expression required for motility and biofilm formation in E. coli (6). However, the cellular function of MqsR has remained unknown.Interestingly, all free-living bacteria examined to date contain a number of suicide or toxin genes in their genomes (7, 8). Many of these toxins are co-transcribed with their cognate antitoxins in an operon (termed toxin-antitoxin (TA)2 operon) and form a stable complex in the cell, so their toxicity is subdued under normal growth conditions (911). However, the stability of antitoxins is substantially lower than that of their cognate toxins, so any stress causing cellular damage or growth inhibition that induces proteases alters the balance between toxin and antitoxin, leading to toxin release in the cell.To date, 16 (12) TA systems have been reported on the E. coli genome, including relB-relE (13, 14), chpBI-chpBK (15), mazEF (1618), yefM-yoeB (19, 20), dinJ-yafQ (21, 22), hipBA and hicAB (23, 24), prlF-yhaV (25), and ybaJ-hha (26). Interestingly, all of these TA operons appear to use similar modes of regulation: the formation of complexes between antitoxins and their cognate toxins to neutralize toxin activity and the ability of TA complexes to autoregulate their expression. The cellular targets of some toxins have been identified. CcdB directly interacts with gyrase A and blocks DNA replication (27, 28). RelE, which by itself has no endoribonuclease activity, appears to act as a ribosome-associating factor that promotes mRNA cleavage at the ribosome A-site (13, 29, 30). PemK (31), ChpBK (15), and MazF (32) are unique among toxins because they target cellular mRNAs for degradation by functioning as sequence-specific endoribonucleases to effectively inhibit protein synthesis and thereby cell growth.MazF, ChpBK, and PemK have been characterized as sequence-specific endoribonucleases that cleave mRNA at the ACA, ACY (Y is U, A, or G), and UAH (H is C, A, or U) sequences, respectively. They are completely different from other known endoribonucleases such as RNases E, A, and T1, as these toxins function as protein synthesis inhibitors by interfering with the function of cellular mRNAs. It is well known that small RNAs, such as mRNA-interfering cRNA (33), microRNA (34), and small interfering RNA (35), interfere with the function of specific RNAs. These small RNAs bind to specific mRNAs to inhibit their expression. Ribozymes also act on their target RNAs specifically and interfere with their function (36). Therefore, MazF, ChpBK, and PemK homologs form a novel endoribonuclease family that exhibits a new mRNA-interfering mechanism by cleaving mRNAs at specific sequences. Thus, they have been termed “mRNA interferases” (2).During our search for TA systems on the E. coli genome, we found that the mqsR gene is co-transcribed with a downstream gene, ygiT. These two genes appear to function as a TA system, as their size is small (98 residues for MqsR and 131 residues for YgiT) and their respective open reading frames are separated by 1 bp. In this study, we demonstrate that MqsR-YgiT is a new E. coli TA system consisting of a toxin, MqsR, and an antitoxin, YgiT. Moreover, we identify MqsR as a novel mRNA interferase that does not exhibit homology to MazF. This toxin cleaves RNA at GCU sequences in vivo and in vitro. The implication of this finding as to how this mRNA interferase is involved in cell physiology and biofilm formation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone or Q) is a redox-active lipid found in organisms ranging from bacteria to mammals in which it plays a crucial role in energy-generating processes. Q biosynthesis is a complex pathway that involves multiple proteins. In this work, we show that the uncharacterized conserved visC gene is involved in Q biosynthesis in Escherichia coli, and we have renamed it ubiI. Based on genetic and biochemical experiments, we establish that the UbiI protein functions in the C5-hydroxylation reaction. A strain deficient in ubiI has a low level of Q and accumulates a compound derived from the Q biosynthetic pathway, which we purified and characterized. We also demonstrate that UbiI is only implicated in aerobic Q biosynthesis and that an alternative enzyme catalyzes the C5-hydroxylation reaction in the absence of oxygen. We have solved the crystal structure of a truncated form of UbiI. This structure shares many features with the canonical FAD-dependent para-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase and represents the first structural characterization of a monooxygenase involved in Q biosynthesis. Site-directed mutagenesis confirms that residues of the flavin binding pocket of UbiI are important for activity. With our identification of UbiI, the three monooxygenases necessary for aerobic Q biosynthesis in E. coli are known.  相似文献   

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