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1. Freshwater fish can affect aquatic vegetation directly by consuming macrophytes or indirectly by changing water quality. However, most fish in the temperate climate zone have an omnivorous diet. The impact of fish as aquatic herbivores in temperate climates therefore remains unclear and depends on their dietary flexibility. 2. We tested the effects of a flexible omnivore and an herbivore on aquatic vegetation by comparing the effects of rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus, the most herbivorous fish in temperate climates) with grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in a mesocosm pond study. Exclosures distinguished herbivorous effects of fish on submerged macrophytes from indirect effects through changes in water quality, whereas stable isotope food‐web analysis provided information on fish diets. 3. We hypothesised that rudd, with its flexible diet and preference for animal food items, would only indirectly affect macrophytes, whereas grass carp, with its inflexible herbivorous diet, would directly affect macrophyte biomass. 4. Only grass carp significantly reduced macrophyte biomass through consumption. Rudd had no effect. Food‐web analysis indicated that rudd predominantly consumed animal prey, whereas grass carp included more plants in their diet, although they also consumed animal prey. Grass carp significantly affected water quality, resulting in lowered pH and increased N‐NH4 concentrations, whereas more periphyton growth was observed in the presence of rudd. However, the indirect non‐herbivorous effects of both fish species had no effect on macrophyte biomass. 5. Both fish species should be considered as omnivores. Despite the fact that rudd is the most herbivorous fish in the western European climate zone, its effect on submerged macrophyte biomass is not substantial at natural densities and current temperatures.  相似文献   

  • 1 Planktivorous fish were hypothesised to influence the abundance of algal biomass in lakes by changing zooplankton grazing, affecting zooplankton nutrient recycling and by direct recycling of nutrients to phytoplankton. The relative roles of direct fish effects vs. zooplankton grazing were tested in mesocosm experiments by adding to natural communities large grazing zooplankton (Daphnia carinata) and small planktivorous fish (mosquitofish or juveniles of Australian golden perch).
  • 2 The addition of Daphnia to natural communities reduced the numbers of all phytoplankton less than 30 µm in size, but did not affect total biomass of phytoplankton as large Volvox colonies predominated.
  • 3 The addition of Daphnia also reduced the abundance of some small (Moina, Bosmina, Keratella) and large (adult Boeckella) zooplankton, suggesting competitive interactions within zooplankton.
  • 4 The addition of mosquitofish to communities containing Daphnia further reduced the abundance of some small zooplankton (Moina, Keratella), but increased the numbers of Daphnia and adult Boeckella. In spite of the likely increase in grazing due to Daphnia, the abundance of total phytoplankton and dominant alga Volvox did not decline in the presence of mosquitofish but was maintained at a significantly higher level than in control.
  • 5 The addition of juveniles of golden perch to communities containing Daphnia reduced the abundance of small zooplankton (Moina), increased the abundance of large zooplankton (adult Boeckella) but had no significant effect on Daphnia and total phytoplankton abundance.
  • 6 The results of the present study suggest that some planktivorous fish can promote the growth of phytoplankton in a direct way, probably by recycling nutrients, and even in the presence of large grazers. However, the manifestation of the direct effect of fish can vary with fish species.

Studies on the effect of eutrophication on the ecology of shallow lakes, usually pay scant attention to changes within the epiphytic algal community, though the contribution of this to the ecosystem dynamics is transcendental. In order to test the influence of nutrient loadings and fish densities in the structure of algal epiphyton in a shallow lake, an experiment was performed using in situ mesocosms. Nutrient additions were related to significant decreases in the total epiphyton biovolume and that of bacillariophyceans and zygnematophyceans, but with increases in the abundance of cyanobacteria. The different response of algal groups at the higher nutrient concentrations (increases or decreases in their abundance and/or biovolume) can be related to their ecophysiological constraints such as different resistance to toxicant ammonium accumulation. Plant-associated macroinvertebrates numbers were positively correlated with total numbers of epiphyton. The presence of planktivorous fish enhanced the abundance and biovolume of all algal groups, except cyanobacteria. Fishes enhanced the abundance of plant-associated animals and of total epiphyton. Fish indirect effects (e.g., nutrients release) and their dietary particularities were among the factors that together with nutrients influenced epiphyton growth. The role of indirect effects of fishes and the importance of their dietary particularities are stressed as key factors to understand the processes controlling epiphyton ecology and the food web structure of shallow lakes. Handling editor: D. Ryder.  相似文献   

Long‐term biodiversity experiments have shown increasing strengths of biodiversity effects on plant productivity over time. However, little is known about rapid evolutionary processes in response to plant community diversity, which could contribute to explaining the strengthening positive relationship. To address this issue, we performed a transplant experiment with offspring of seeds collected from four grass species in a 14‐year‐old biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment). We used two‐ and six‐species communities and removed the vegetation of the study plots to exclude plant–plant interactions. In a reciprocal design, we transplanted five “home” phytometers (same origin and actual environment), five “away‐same” phytometers (same species richness of origin and actual environment, but different plant composition), and five “away‐different” phytometers (different species richness of origin and actual environment) of the same species in the study plots. In the establishment year, plants transplanted in home soil produced more shoots than plants in away soil indicating that plant populations at low and high diversity developed differently over time depending on their associated soil community and/or conditions. In the second year, offspring of individuals selected at high diversity generally had a higher performance (biomass production and fitness) than offspring of individuals selected at low diversity, regardless of the transplant environment. This suggests that plants at low and high diversity showed rapid evolutionary responses measurable in their phenotype. Our findings provide first empirical evidence that loss of productivity at low diversity is not only caused by changes in abiotic and biotic conditions but also that plants respond to this by a change in their micro‐evolution. Thus, we conclude that eco‐evolutionary feedbacks of plants at low and high diversity are critical to fully understand why the positive influence of diversity on plant productivity is strengthening through time.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long studied the temporal dynamics of plant and animal communities with much less attention paid to the temporal dynamics exhibited by microbial communities. As a result, we do not know if overarching temporal trends exist for microbial communities or if changes in microbial communities are generally predictable with time. Using microbial time series assessed via high-throughput sequencing, we conducted a meta-analysis of temporal dynamics in microbial communities, including 76 sites representing air, aquatic, soil, brewery wastewater treatment, human- and plant-associated microbial biomes. We found that temporal variability in both within- and between-community diversity was consistent among microbial communities from similar environments. Community structure changed systematically with time in less than half of the cases, and the highest rates of change were observed within ranges of 1 day to 1 month for all communities examined. Microbial communities exhibited species–time relationships (STRs), which describe the accumulation of new taxa to a community, similar to those observed previously for plant and animal communities, suggesting that STRs are remarkably consistent across a broad range of taxa. These results highlight that a continued integration of microbial ecology into the broader field of ecology will provide new insight into the temporal patterns of microbial and ‘macro''-bial communities alike.  相似文献   

1. Water‐level fluctuations are typical of lakes located in the semi‐arid Mediterranean region, which is characterised by warm rainy winters and hot dry summers. Ongoing climate change may exacerbate fluctuations and lead to more severe episodes of drought, so information on the effects of water level on the functioning of lake ecosystems in such regions is crucial. 2. In eutrophic Lake Eymir, Turkey, we conducted a 4‐month (summer) field experiment using cylindrical 0.8‐m‐ (low‐water‐level) and 1.6‐m‐deep (high‐water‐level) mesocosms (kept open to the sediment and atmosphere). Fish (tench, Tinca tinca, and bleak, Alburnus escherichii) were added to half of the mesocosms, while the rest were kept fishless. Ten shoots of Potamogeton pectinatus were transplanted to each mesocosm. 3. Sampling for physicochemical variables, chlorophyll a (chl‐a), zooplankton and per cent plant volume inhabited (PVI%) by macrophytes was conducted weekly during the first 5 weeks, and subsequently biweekly. Macrophytes were harvested on the last sampling date. During the course of the experiment, the water level decreased by 0.41 ± 0.06 m. 4. Throughout the experiment, fish affected zooplankton abundance (?), nutrient concentrations (+), chl‐a (+) and water clarity (?) most strongly in the low‐water‐level mesocosms and the zooplankton community shifted towards dominance of small‐sized forms. The fishless mesocosms had a higher zooplankton/phytoplankton ratio, suggesting higher grazing. 5. Greatest macrophyte growth was observed in the low‐water‐level fishless mesocosms. However, despite high nutrient concentrations and low water clarity, macrophytes were also abundant in the fish mesocosms and particularly increased following a water‐level decrease from midsummer onwards. Macrophyte growth was poor in the high‐water‐level mesocosms, even in the fishless ones with high water clarity. This was ascribed to extensive periphyton development reducing light availability for the macrophytes. 6. Our results indicate that a reduction in water level during summer may help maintain the growth of macrophytes in Mediterranean eutrophic shallow lakes, despite a strong negative effect of fish predation on water clarity. It is therefore probable that an expected negative effect of global climate change on water clarity because of eutrophication and enhanced top‐down control of fish may be, at least partly, counteracted by reduced water level, provided that physical disturbance is not severe.  相似文献   

Domestic livestock grazing has caused dramatic changes in plant community composition across the globe. However, the response of plant species abundance in communities subject to grazing has not often been investigated through a functional lens, especially for belowground traits. Grazing directly impacts aboveground plant tissues, but the relationships between above‐ and belowground traits, and their influence on species abundance are also not well known. We collected plant trait and species relative abundance data in the grazed and nongrazed meadow plant communities in a species‐rich subalpine ecosystem of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. We measured three aboveground traits (leaf photosynthesis rate, specific leaf area, and maximum height) and five belowground traits (root average diameter, root biomass, specific root length, root tissue density, and specific root area). We tested for shifts in the relationship between species relative abundance and among all measured traits under grazing compared with the nongrazed meadow. We also compared the power of above‐ and belowground traits to predict species relative abundance. We observed a significant shift from a resource conservation strategy to a resource acquisition strategy. Moreover, this resource conservation versus resource acquisition trade‐off can also determine species relative abundance in the grazed and nongrazed plant communities. Specifically, abundant species in the nongrazed meadow had aboveground and belowground traits that are associated with high resource conservation, whereas aboveground and belowground traits that are correlated with high resource acquisition determined species relative abundance in the grazed meadow. However, belowground traits were found to explain more variances in species relative abundance than aboveground traits in the nongrazed meadow, while aboveground and belowground traits had comparable predictive power in the grazed meadow. We show that species relative abundance in both the grazed and the nongrazed meadows can be predicted by both aboveground traits and belowground traits associated with a resource acquisition versus conservation trade‐off. More importantly, we show that belowground traits have higher predictive power of species relative abundance than aboveground traits in the nongrazed meadow, whereas in the grazed meadows, above‐ and belowground traits had comparable high predictive power.  相似文献   

Time-series are critical to understanding long-term natural variability in the oceans. Bacterial communities in the euphotic zone were investigated for over a decade at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series station (SPOT) off southern California. Community composition was assessed by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) and coupled with measurements of oceanographic parameters for the surface ocean (0–5 m) and deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM, average depth ∼30 m). SAR11 and cyanobacterial ecotypes comprised typically more than one-third of the measured community; diversity within both was temporally variable, although a few operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were consistently more abundant. Persistent OTUs, mostly Alphaproteobacteria (SAR11 clade), Actinobacteria and Flavobacteria, tended to be abundant, in contrast to many rarer yet intermittent and ephemeral OTUs. Association networks revealed potential niches for key OTUs from SAR11, cyanobacteria, SAR86 and other common clades on the basis of robust correlations. Resilience was evident by the average communities drifting only slightly as years passed. Average Bray-Curtis similarity between any pair of dates was ∼40%, with a slight decrease over the decade and obvious near-surface seasonality; communities 8–10 years apart were slightly more different than those 1–4 years apart with the highest rate of change at 0–5 m between communities <4 years apart. The surface exhibited more pronounced seasonality than the DCM. Inter-depth Bray-Curtis similarities repeatedly decreased as the water column stratified each summer. Environmental factors were better predictors of shifts in community composition than months or elapsed time alone; yet, the best predictor was community composition at the other depth (that is, 0–5 m versus DCM).  相似文献   

In brood-caring species, family members are faced with a conflict over resource distribution. While parents are selected to adapt the amount of care according to their offspring''s needs, offspring might be selected to demand more care than optimal for parents. Recent studies on birds have shown that the social network structure of offspring affects the amount of care and thus the fitness of families. Such a network structure of repeated interactions is probably influenced by within-brood relatedness. We experimentally manipulated the group composition in a brood-caring spider to test how the presence of unrelated spiderlings affects the dynamics between female and brood as well as within broods. Broods consisting of siblings grew better and had a lower mortality compared with mixed broods, no matter whether the caring female was a genetic or foster mother. Interestingly, we found that foster mothers lost weight when caring for sibling broods, whereas females caring for mixed broods gained weight. This indicates that females may be willing to share more prey when the brood contains exclusively siblings even if the entire brood is unrelated to the female. Resource distribution may thus be negotiated by offspring dynamics that could have a signalling function to females.  相似文献   

The epiphytic algae on surfaces of the macrophyte Ranunculus penicillatus (Dumort.) Bab. var. calcareus (R. W. Butcher) C. D. K. Cook and on Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kütz growing in the River Itchen at Otterbourne near Southampton were studied between February 1984 and June 1985. The river at this site has a mean flow rate of 0.33 m s–1, and is about 16 m wide and on average 20 cm deep, with a discharge ranging through the year between 0.34 and 2.46 m3 s–1. The pH of the river varies little around 8.2, with a mean alkalinity of 236 mg HCO inf3 sup1 l–1, because of its origin from chalk springs. Ranunculus grows throughout the year, with peaks of biomass in spring and autumn. It forms a very large surface for attachment of epiphytes, and covers on average 40% of the stream bed. Numbers of epiphyte cells removed from Ranunculus ranged through the year between 52 × 103 and 271 × 103 cells mm–2 stream floor, with maximum numbers in April, and a secondary peak in October. This pattern partly reflects fluctuations in the biomass of Ranunculus; the number of cells per unit area of plant surface showed a broader spring peak and lower fluctuations in other seasons. Diatoms formed 65 to 98% of these epiphyte cells, with chlorophytes reaching their peak (10%) in summer and cyanophytes (25%) in autumn. Estimates of biomass of these epiphytic forms, derived from measurements of chlorophyll c, indicate a range between 30 and 100 g dry weight m–2 of weed bed. Colonisation studies showed that the algae grow and reproduce throughout the year, with a mean generation time of about 5 days, suggesting an annual production of about 3 kg dry weight m–2 of weed bed, which makes epiphytic algae the principal primary producers in the stream. The numbers and biomass of epiphytic algae on Cladophora are considerably less.The species of epiphytic algae found on Ranunculus were generally similar to those growing on Cladophora, and to epilithic algae on pebbles of the stream bed, but different species were dominant on the different substrata. Algal cells in the water column were all derived from benthic habitats, although their relative abundance was very different.  相似文献   

Estimates of demographic rates for animal populations and individuals have many applications for ecological and conservation research. In many animals, survival is size‐dependent, but estimating the form of the size–survival relationship presents challenges. For elusive species with low recapture rates, individuals’ size will be unknown at many points in time. Integrating growth and capture–mark–recapture models in a Bayesian framework empowers researchers to impute missing size data, with uncertainty, and include size as a covariate of survival, capture probability, and presence on‐site. If there is no theoretical expectation for the shape of the size–survival relationship, spline functions can allow for fitting flexible, data‐driven estimates. We use long‐term capture–mark–recapture data from the endangered San Francisco gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) to fit an integrated growth–survival model. Growth models showed that females reach longer asymptotic lengths than males and that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism differed among populations. The capture probability and availability of San Francisco gartersnakes for capture increased with snout–vent length. The survival rate of female snakes exhibits a nonlinear relationship with snout–vent length (SVL), with survival flat between 300 mm and 550 mm SVL before decreasing for females between 550 mm and 700 mm SVL. For male snakes, survival decreased for adult males >550 mm SVL. The survival rates of the smallest and largest San Francisco gartersnakes were highly uncertain because recapture rates were very low for these sizes. By integrating growth and survival models and using penalized splines, we found support for size‐dependent survival in San Francisco gartersnakes. Our results have applications for devising management activities for this endangered subspecies, and our methods could be applied broadly to the study of size‐dependent demography among animals.  相似文献   

Falkner  Gernot  Strasser  Peter  Graffius  Dietmar 《Hydrobiologia》1984,108(3):265-271
A bioenergetic model, developed by M. Thellier, was applied to the 32P-phosphate uptake data obtained with blue green algae and allowed the determination of a threshold concentration for the absorption of phosphate. Data obtained during an algal bloom of Oscillatoria rubescens showed that algal growth ceased when the phosphate concentration in the lake dropped below this threshold value. The resulting starvation led to an increase in the permeability of the membrane for phosphate.  相似文献   

Rising sea surface temperatures are expected to lead to the loss of phytoplankton biodiversity. However, we currently understand very little about the interactions between warming, loss of phytoplankton diversity and its impact on the oceans' primary production. We experimentally manipulated the species richness of marine phytoplankton communities under a range of warming scenarios, and found that ecosystem production declined more abruptly with species loss in communities exposed to higher temperatures. Species contributing positively to ecosystem production in the warmed treatments were those that had the highest optimal temperatures for photosynthesis, implying that the synergistic impacts of warming and biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning were mediated by thermal trait variability. As species were lost from the communities, the probability of taxa remaining that could tolerate warming diminished, resulting in abrupt declines in ecosystem production. Our results highlight the potential for synergistic effects of warming and biodiversity loss on marine primary production.  相似文献   

Assessing the relative importance of different processes that determine the spatial distribution of species and the dynamics in highly diverse plant communities remains a challenging question in ecology. Previous modelling approaches often focused on single aggregated forest diversity patterns that convey limited information on the underlying dynamic processes. Here, we use recent advances in inference for stochastic simulation models to evaluate the ability of a spatially explicit and spatially continuous neutral model to quantitatively predict six spatial and non-spatial patterns observed at the 50 ha tropical forest plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The patterns capture different aspects of forest dynamics and biodiversity structure, such as annual mortality rate, species richness, species abundance distribution, beta-diversity and the species–area relationship (SAR). The model correctly predicted each pattern independently and up to five patterns simultaneously. However, the model was unable to match the SAR and beta-diversity simultaneously. Our study moves previous theory towards a dynamic spatial theory of biodiversity and demonstrates the value of spatial data to identify ecological processes. This opens up new avenues to evaluate the consequences of additional process for community assembly and dynamics.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Globally, conifer dominance is restricted to nutient-poor habitats in colder, drier or waterlogged environments, probably due to competition with angiosperms. Analysis of canopy structure is important for understanding the mechanism of plant coexistence in relation to competition for light. Most conifers are shade intolerant, and often have narrow, deep, conical crowns. In this study it is predicted that conifer-admixed forests have less distinct upper canopies and more undulating canopy surfaces than angiosperm-dominated forests.


By using a ground-based, portable light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system, canopy structure was quantified for old-growth evergreen rainforests with varying dominance of conifers along altitudinal gradients (200–3100 m a.s.l.) on tropical and sub-tropical mountains (Mount Kinabalu, Malaysian Borneo and Yakushima Island, Japan) that have different conifer floras.

Key Results

Conifers dominated at higher elevations on both mountains (Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae on Kinabalu and Cupressaceae and Pinaceae on Yakushima), but conifer dominance also varied with soil/substrate conditions on Kinabalu. Conifer dominance was associated with the existence of large-diameter conifers. Forests with higher conifer dominance showed a canopy height profile (CHP) more skewed towards the understorey on both Kinabalu and Yakushima. In contrast, angiosperm-dominated forests had a CHP skewed towards upper canopy, except for lowland dipterocarp forests and a sub-alpine scrub dominated by small-leaved Leptospermum recurvum (Myrtaceae) on Kinabalu. Forests with a less dense upper canopy had more undulating outer canopy surfaces. Mixed conifer–angiosperm forests on Yakushima and dipterocarp forests on Kinabalu showed similar canopy structures.


The results generally supported the prediction, suggesting that lower growth of angiosperm trees (except L. recurvum on Kinabalu) in cold and nutrient-poor environments results in a sparser upper canopy, which allows shade-intolerant conifers to co-occur with angiosperm trees either as emergents or as codominants in the open canopy.  相似文献   

Midwest crop production is dominated by two summer annual crops grown in rotation, viz., corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.). Winter oilseed crops, such as pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.), can provide ecosystem and economic benefits when added to the corn–soybean rotation. However, adding a new crop adds risks, such as increased pest pressure. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate population development of three soybean cyst nematode (SCN; Heterodera glycines) biotypes on three pennycress genotypes and susceptible soybean and (ii) determine whether SCN inoculation level influenced plant biomass. SCN population density and biomass were determined after 60 d in the greenhouse. At the inoculation level of 2,000 eggs/100 cm3 soil, the average egg density for the three pennycress genotypes was 1,959 eggs/100 cm3 soil, lower than that for the susceptible soybean ‘Sturdy’ (9,601 eggs/100 cm3 soil). At the inoculation level of 20,000 eggs/100 cm3 soil, the average egg density for the three pennycress genotypes was 6,668 eggs/100 cm3 soil, lower than that for ‘Sturdy’ (40,740 eggs/100 cm3 soil). The inoculation level did not affect plant biomass. Pennycress is an alternative host to SCN under greenhouse conditions but is a less suitable host than soybean.  相似文献   

Being sessile in soil, plant cells rely on cell‐surface receptors to sense and transduce environmental stimulus signals into intracellular responses. FERONIA (FER), a Catharanthus roseus receptor‐like kinase 1‐like protein, has emerged as a versatile regulator of plant growth, development, and stress responses. In recent years, accumulating studies have witnessed rapid advances in dissecting the mechanisms underlying the interaction between FER and its partners in response to pathogen invasion, particularly regulation of immune complex formation and signalling. Moreover, hormonal signalling, rhizosphere microbiota and other constituents are also extensively involved in these processes.  相似文献   

Much of our knowledge of protein binding pathways is derived from extremely stable complexes that interact very tightly, with lifetimes of hours to days. Much less is known about weaker interactions and transient complexes because these are challenging to characterize experimentally. Nevertheless, these types of interactions are ubiquitous in living systems. The combination of NMR relaxation dispersion Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) experiments and isothermal titration calorimetry allows the quantification of rapid binding kinetics for complexes with submillisecond lifetimes that are difficult to study using conventional techniques. We have used this approach to investigate the binding pathway of the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain from the Fyn tyrosine kinase, which forms complexes with peptide targets whose lifetimes are on the order of about a millisecond. Long range electrostatic interactions have been shown to play a critical role in the binding pathways of tightly binding complexes. The role of electrostatics in the binding pathways of transient complexes is less well understood. Similarly to previously studied tight complexes, we find that SH3 domain association rates are enhanced by long range electrostatics, whereas short range interactions are formed late in the docking process. However, the extent of electrostatic association rate enhancement is several orders of magnitudes less, whereas the electrostatic-free basal association rate is significantly greater. Thus, the SH3 domain is far less reliant on electrostatic enhancement to achieve rapid association kinetics than are previously studied systems. This suggests that there may be overall differences in the role played by electrostatics in the binding pathways of extremely stable versus transient complexes.  相似文献   

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