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Acriflavine inhibits the growth of a double stranded DNA mycoplasmavirus, but stimulates the growth of a single stranded DNA mycoplasmavirus. Maximal stimulation occurs when acriflavine is added late during infection and reflects an increased synthesis of viral relative to cellular DNA.  相似文献   

The size and molecular configuration of mycoplasmavirus MVL2 DNA are presented. The DNA was shown to be a covalently closed circular duplex molecule with a molecular weight of 7.4 X 10(6). In sucrose gradients at neutral pH, the form I and form II DNA molecules have sedimentation values of approximately 29S and 23S, respectively. Under alkaline conditions, the form I and form II have S values of 70 and 20, respectively.  相似文献   

The intracellular replication of MVL51, a group L1 mycoplasmavirus, was investigated. The single-stranded parental DNA was found to enter the cell and become converted to double-stranded DNA. This replicated to yield additional double-stranded DNA molecules. The parental viral DNA was found to leave the replication complex and become associated with large molecular weight DNA not involved with viral replication. Progeny viral DNA formed from the double-stranded DNA and an intracellular accumulation of virus chromosome size DNA was observed. The interpretation of this data and a suggested model for the viral replication are discussed and compared to viral DNA replication models for other single-stranded DNA viruses.  相似文献   

The kinetics of adsorption and growth of mycoplasmavirus MVL3 in Acholeplasma laidlawii 1305/68 host cells have been studied with one-step growth, premature lysis, and single-burst experiments. The virus was found to kill infected host cells. Virus release starts 90 min after infection and continues for about 10 to 15 h. Hence, virus production is unlike the classical lytic bacteriophages and instead resembles nonlytic cytocidal animal viruses. Structural details of the virus are described, and the molecular weight of the viral linear DNA has beenfound to be 26 x 10(6).  相似文献   

MVL2 virus was purified from culture supernatants of infected Acholeplasma laidlawii cells by differential centrifugation, followed by velocity centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The purified virus contained 0.08 to 0.1 mumol of lipid phosphorous per ml of viral protein. Thin-layer chromatography of viral lipids revealed the presence of phospho-, glyco-, and phosphoglycolipids identical with those found in the host cell membrane, but the relative amount of phosphatidylglycerol was much lower than that in the virus. The fatty acid composition of lipids incorporated into the virus included lipids synthesized before and after infection. The freedom of motion of spin-labeled fatty acids in MVL2 depended markedly on temperature and on the position of the nitroxide group on the hydrocarbon chain of the probe, suggesting that the local environment of the probe has the properties of a lipid bilayer. Nevertheless, the lipid hydrocarbon chains in MVL2 appear to be less mobile than those in membranes of the host cells. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified MVL2 revealed four major and about five minor polypeptide bands. None of the polypeptide bands gave a positive periodic acid-Schiff reaction. Lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination, followed by proteolytic digestion of intact MVL2 particles, revealed that at least two major polypeptides are localized on the external surface of the viral envelope.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for the study of rapidly labeled intermediates in plasmid replication in normally growing bacteria. Pulse-labeled cells are enzymatically lysed on top of a neutral sucrose gradient and centrifuged so that the chromosomal DNA forms a pellet and the plasmids (and other smaller DNA molecules) form bands in the gradient. Analysis of penicillinase plasmid replication in Staphylococcus aureus has revealed that although pulse-labeled intermediates sediment faster than the 60 S circular duplex monomeric plasmid molecules, they do not have stable superhelical structure. The conversion of partially polymerized molecules, having a sedimentation coefficient of about 58 S, to fully polymerized terminal forms appears to involve a progressive change in sedimentation rate from 58 S to 67 S. Conversion of the presumably dimeric terminal forms to mature closed circular monomers is a slow and rate-limiting multi-step process (taking some 3 to 4 min at 37 °C).  相似文献   

The replication of mycoplasmavirus MVL3 in Acholeplasma laidlawii K2 host cells was studied by analysis of infected-cell lysates using sedimentation in sucrose gradients and DNA-DNA hybridization. Viral DNA replication was found to involve intermediates sedimenting faster than free viral DNA, which is a linear, double-stranded molecule of about 26 x 10(6) daltons. After the shutdown of cellular DNA synthesis, viral DNA synthesis continued for many hours. The fate of cellular and parental viral DNAs was examined.  相似文献   

Chloramphenicol affects several steps in the DNA replication of mycoplasma virus L51, a noncytocidal, naked, bullet-shaped virion containing circular single-stranded (SS) DNA of 1.5 X 10(6) daltons (4.5 kilobases). In the presence of chloramphenicol, adsorption was normal and parental SS DNA was converted to double-stranded replicative forms (RF), but subsequent RF leads to RF replication was inhibited. Chloramphenicol added late in infection, when most viral nascent DNA is in progeny SS molecules, inhibited SS synthesis, but nascent RF molecules were formed. However, a chase experiment showed that these RF molecules could not be converted to SS DNA. Therefore, viral RF molecules made in the presence of chloramphenicol are not functional as SS DNA precursors.  相似文献   

DNA chain growing during semiconservative replication was studied using both in vitro systems described in the preceding paper (preceding paper, ref 1) 3H-Labeled, 4-S Okazaki fragments synthesized in vivo just prior to permeabilization or lysis with Brij-58 were metabolically stable and quantitatively chased into high molecular weight DNA (20--100 S) during a subsequent incubation in vitro. Thus, DNA replication continued in vitro at the same growing points that were active in vivo. After a 20-s pulse at 30 degress C in vitro, more than 50% of incorporated radioactivity was found in the 4 S region of alkaline sucrose gradients suggesting a totally discontinuous mode of DNA chain growth. If the pulse were followed by a 1-min chase, 4-S molecules were converted into 6--12-S intermediates which upon continued incubation were joined with growing 20--100-S molecules (replicon-sized chains). Formation of all three classes of replicative intermediates, Okazaki fragments, 6--12-S intermediates, and 20--100-S molecules, occurred in vitro at least during the first 20 min. During this time, average rates of DNA chain growth and overall DNA synthesis were reduced to about the same extent, if compared to rates of intact cells. Thus, reduced chain growth rates appear to reflect primary deficiences of our in vitro systems, while initiation of replicative intermediates still occurs.  相似文献   

A detailed qualitative and quantitative comparison was made of the ultrastructure of single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) from bacteriophage R17 and double-stranded replicative form (RF) and replicative intermediate (RI) from cells infected with this bacteriophage. The nucleic acids were prepared for electron microscopy by the protein monolayer spreading technique of Kleinschmidt. Single-stranded RNA aggregated during spreading in the absence of urea, whereas RF and RI did not. On the other hand, RF and RI appeared to be susceptible to shear during spreading, whereas R17 RNA was not. From the maximal length of RF, a base translation of 3.14 A was calculated. This value favors a 10-fold helix model of double-stranded RNA. The same base translation was found for R17 RNA, indicating a stacked base structure for single-stranded RNA spread in the presence of urea. RI is a branched structure and the branches are removed by ribonuclease treatment. The branches are believed to be nascent single-stranded viral RNA. The contour length of the branch was equal to the contour length of the main chain up to the branch point, as predicted from theoretical analysis of the replication of viral RNA. The structure of RF and the main chain of RI was also analyzed by plotting the log (end-to-end distance squared) versus log (contour length). This demonstrated structures intermediate in stiffness between a random coil and a rigid rod.  相似文献   

Purified replicative form (RF) and replicative intermediate (RI) prepared from Escherichia coli cells infected with the ribonucleic acid (RNA) bacteriophage R17 were denatured with dimethyl sulfoxide at 37 C or in aqueous solvents of low ionic strength at 97 C. Denaturation was demonstrated for RF and RI by an increase in specific infectivity and a striking change in the hyperchromicity curves after treatment. RI denaturation was also demonstrated by a shift in the buoyant density in Cs(2)SO(4) from 1.619 to the buoyant density of single-stranded R17 RNA (1.627). Analysis of the denatured RI hyperchromicity curves and the equilibrium distributions of denatured RI in Cs(2)SO(4) gradients revealed, however, a residual double-stranded component. Velocity sedimentation of denatured RI was performed, and the weight distribution of S values was calculated. From the known relation between molecular weight and S values, it was possible to transform the weight distribution into a number distribution of chain lengths. This distribution was compared with that predicted from the steady-state hypothesis for RI. Deviations from the predicted distribution may be due to the residual double-stranded component.  相似文献   

Clonal cells derived from HepG2 cells transfected with a plasmid containing hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA secrete hepatitis B surface antigen particles, nucleocapsids, and virions (M. A. Sells, M.-L. Chen, and G. Acs, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:1005-1009, 1987) which elicit acute hepatitis in chimpanzees (G. Acs, M. A. Sells, R. H. Purcell, P. Price, R. Engle, M. Shapiro, and H. Popper, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:4641-4644, 1987). We report here the initial characterization of the viral nucleic acids produced in this culture system. Kinetic analyses of nuclear, cytoplasmic, and extracellular HBV DNAs were performed by Southern blotting with radiolabeled HBV strand-specific probes. The results from these analyses indicate that at the stationary cellular growth phase, there is a dramatic increase in the rate at which HBV DNA accumulates. Incomplete double- and single-stranded forms of the HBV genome were detected in the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions as well as in the extracellular medium. In addition, the nuclear DNA apparently includes multiple complete copies of the HBV genome chromosomally integrated and full-length covalently closed circular HBV DNA. Multiple HBV-specific polyadenylated RNAs with lengths of 3.5, 2.5, and 2.1 kilobases were identified by Northern (RNA) blot analysis. S1 nuclease mapping and primer extension identified a single 3' end and multiple unique initiation sites corresponding to nucleotides just 5' to the pre-S1 region, as well as upstream and within the pre-S2 and precore regions. The nucleic acid profile obtained from these analyses is essentially a facsimile of that obtained by studying liver tissue from HBV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

The enzymic processes involved in glycoprotein synthesis have been studied using crude extracts obtained from developing cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris harvested at the time of active deposition of vicilin. Radioactivity from GDP-[14C]mannose can be incorporated by crude extracts into a single chloroform-methanol-soluble product as well as into insoluble product(s). Mannose is the sole 14C-labeled constituent of the lipid. The kinetics of incorporation of 14C, as determined by pulse and pulse-chase experiments using GDP-[14C]mannose, as well as direct incorporation from added [14C]mannolipid, shows that the mannolipid is an intermediate in the synthesis of the insoluble product(s). The characteristics of the mannolipid are consistent with it being a mannosyl phosphoryl polyprenol. The mannose is apparently attached to the lipid via a monophosphate linkage. Of the radioactivity in the insoluble product(s), about 20% is pronase-digestible during a “pulse experiment.” After a chase with unlabeled GDP-mannose, about 40% is pronase-digestible; the other 60% is as yet uncharacterized. A radioactive product soluble in a mixture of chloroform-methanol-H2O can be extracted from the insoluble residue obtained during a pulse, but is no longer present after a chase. This product may be a lipid oligosaccharide, the final intermediate in glycoprotein synthesis. Data are presented on incorporation from UDP-N-[14C]acetylglucosamine into both chloroform-methanol-soluble and -insoluble product(s). The results are consistent with an involvement of lipid intermediates in the glycosylation of protein in this system, and support the concept that the mechanisms of glycoprotein synthesis in higher plants are similar to those which have been reported for mammalian systems.  相似文献   

The Parvovirus H-1 replicates autonomously in hamster embryo cells. A DNA synthetic event, called HA-DNA synthesis, upon which subsequent viral RNA and viral hemagglutinin synthesis is dependent, is initiated in late S phase of the infected cell (18). It was postulated that HA-DNA represents parental viral replicative form DNA (RF DNA). This study describes the isolation and characterization of H-1 RF DNA as part of the continuing study of the mechanisms and control of DNA replication in the eukaryotic cell. The H-1 RF DNA is a linear duplex molecule containing the viral strand and its complement. The complementary strands of the RF DNA have been separated by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. The RF DNA has a buoyant density of 1.705 in neutral CsCl and an estimated guanine plus cytosine (GC) content of 45.9%. It has a sedimentation coefficient of 17S. The calculated molecular weight of 3.7 x 10(6) is twice that of the single-stranded virion DNA. H-1 virions contain DNA that is homogeneous and free of complementary strands.  相似文献   

Two classes of DNA have been distinguished on the basis of their reaction to heating in cesium chloride. DNA from proliferating sources is cleaved in half by such treatment, whereas DNA from non-proliferating sources is unaffected in molecular weight. This has been shown by two independent techniques. The relationship between the molecular units produced by cesium chloride treatment and the units conserved during DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

The replication of the 11 kb conjugative multicopy Streptomyces plasmid pSN22 was analyzed. Mutation and complementation analyses indicated that the minimal region essential for plasmid replication was located on a 1.9 kb fragment of pSN22, containing a trans-acting element encoding a replication protein and a cis-acting sequence acting as a replication origin. Southern hybridization showed that minimal replicon plasmids accumulated much more single-stranded plasmid molecules than did wild-type pSN22. Only one strand was accumulated. A 500 by fragment from the pSN22 transfer region was identified which reduced the relative amount of single-stranded DNA, when added in the native orientation to minimal replicon plasmids. This 500 by DNA sequence may be an origin for second-strand synthesis. It had no effect on the efficiency of co-transformation, plasmid incompatibility, or stability. The results indicate that pSN22 replicates via single-stranded intermediates by a rolling circle mechanism.  相似文献   

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