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Germinal cells in the goldfish retina that produce rod photoreceptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dividing cells and their progeny in retinae of young goldfish were labeled with [3H]thymidine, and selected cells were reconstructed from serial sections processed for electron microscopic autoradiography. Our goals were to characterize the cells that were identified as rod precursors in previous light microscopic autoradiographical studies and to determine their origin and fate. (In fish the population of rods increases several-fold postembryonically by proliferation of rod precursor cells scattered across the retina). Over 200 labeled cells taken from 11 retinas were examined, and 20 of these were reconstructed in their entirety. Some retinas were examined at short intervals (1 to 48 hr) after [3H]thymidine injection in order to study mitotically active cells, and others were examined after longer intervals (9 or 14 days) to discover the nature of the progeny of labeled dividing cells. Previous evidence from thymidine studies in larval goldfish suggested that proliferating cells destined to produce rods appear first in the inner nuclear layer and later in the outer nuclear layer, where they continue to divide and generate new rods (P.R. Johns, (1982) J. Neurosci. 2, 179). The present results provide morphological evidence in support of the suggestion that rod precursors migrate from inner to outer nuclear layer and, furthermore, show that the precursors are closely associated with, and perhaps guided by, the radial processes of Müller glial cells. Examination of EM autoradiographs of labeled cells at 9 and 14 days after a pulse label with thymidine confirms that the differentiated progeny of dividing precursor cells are exclusively rods. To our knowledge, rod precursors are the first example of a neuronal germinal cell in the vertebrate central nervous system that under normal conditions produces only one type of neuron.  相似文献   

The conditions necessary to trigger regeneration of dopaminergic neurons were investigated in the goldfish retina. Intraocular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) was used to destroy dopaminergic neurons, and neuronal regeneration was monitored by injections of the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). Regenerated dopaminergic neurons, (identified by double-labeling with anti-tyrosine hydroxylase and anti-BUdR antibodies) were found within 3 weeks after 2 injections of 0.6 mg/ml 6-OHDA (estimated intraocular concentration), but not after injection of lower doses. All retinas with regenerated dopaminergic neurons also contained other types of regenerated neurons, including cones and ganglion cells, consistent with nuclear counts which revealed non-selective cell loss (34-36%) in both the outer and inner nuclear layers after exposure to the high dose, but not lower doses of 6-OHDA. Regenerated neurons were produced by clusters of dividing neuroepithelial cells probably derived from rod precursors in the outer nuclear layer. These results demonstrate that dopaminergic neurons will not regenerate after they are selectively ablated but only as part of a developmental process that involves generation of multiple cell types.  相似文献   

The retinas of teleost fish grow continuously, in part, by neuronal hyperplasia and when lesioned will regenerate. Within the differentiated retina, the growth-associated hyperplasia results in the generation of new rod photoreceptors only, whereas injury-induced neurogenesis results in the regeneration of all retinal cell types. It is believed, however, that both new rod photoreceptors and regenerated neurons originate from the same populations of intrinsic progenitors. Experiments are described here that attempt to identify in the normal retina of goldfish neuronal progenitors intrinsic to the retina, particularly those which have remained cryptic because they divide infrequently. Long-term, systemic exposure to bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to label these cells. Five populations of proliferative cells were labeled: microglia, which are briefly described but not studied further; retinal progenitors in the circumferential germinal zone (CGZ); and rod precursors in the outer nuclear layer (ONL), both of which have been well characterized previously; and two populations of slowly-dividing cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL). The majority of these cells have a fusiform morphology, whereas the remaining ones are spherical. Longitudinal BrdU labeling suggests that the fusiform cells migrate to the ONL to replenish the pool of rod precursors. A subset of the spherical cells express pax6, although none are stained with markers of differentiated amacrine or bipolar cells. It is hypothesized that these rare, pax6-expressing cells are retinal stem cells, which give rise to the pax6-negative fusiform cells. Based on these data, two models are proposed: the first describes the lineage of rod photoreceptors in goldfish; the second is a consensus model of neurogenesis in the retinas of all teleosts.  相似文献   

Pax6 is a developmental regulatory gene that plays a key role in the development of the embryonic brain, eye, and retina. This gene is also expressed in discrete groups of neurons within the adult brain. In this study, antibodies raised against a fusion protein from a zebra fish pax6 cDNA were used to investigate the expression of the pax6 gene in the mature, growing, and regenerating retina of the goldfish. On western blots of retinal proteins, the pax6 antibodies recognize a single band at the approximate size of the zebra fish pax6 protein. In retinal sections, the antibodies label the nuclei of mature amacrine and some ganglion cells. At the retinal margin, where neurogenesis and cellular differentiation continually occur in goldfish, the antibodies label neuronal progenitors and the newly postmitotic neurons. Following injury and during neuronal regeneration, the antibodies label mitotically active progenitors of regenerating neurons. Rod precursors, proliferating cells that normally give rise solely to rod photoreceptors and are the presumed antecedents of the injury-stimulated neuronal progenitors, are not immunostained by antibodies to the pax6 protein. The results of this study document the identity of pax6-expressing cells in the mature retina and demonstrate that in the goldfish pax6 is expressed in neuronal progenitors during both retinal growth and regeneration. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary After ouabain-induced degeneration, the retina of the goldfish shows a remarkable regeneration capacity. The extent of the damage depends on the dose of ouabain used in the experiment. After intraocular injection of 7l 10–5 M ouabain, the ganglion cells and the cells of the inner nuclear layer (INL) become necrotic except for most of the outer horizontal cells, some bipolar cells, and Müller cells. The outer nuclear layer (ONL) and the marginal growth zone at the ora serrata remain intact; the plexiform layers become spongy. The degenerated material is removed by the proliferated reactive macroglial cells and invading macrophages. The degenerated cellular elements of the retina are replaced by mitosis of neuroblasts in the marginal growth zone and of cells in the ONL.After intraocular injection of a 5-fold higher dose of ouabain (7 l 5·10–5M), the degeneration of the retina proceeds more rapidly and completely. In this experiment, the ONL is destroyed and the receptor outer segments are phagocytosed by cells of the pigment epithelium. In contrast to the regeneration of the amphibian retina, in the goldfish cells of the pigment epithelium do not participate by metaplastic transformation in the regeneration of the retina. The only source of cellular regeneration of the retina after complete destruction of its differentiated neural elements is the marginal growth zone, which is highly resistant to ouabain. The rate of mitoses in this region is strongly increased. The derivatives of these cells spread out tangentially over the entire fundus of the eye in a concentric manner. In this regenerate, mitotic processes continue in a radial direction, resulting in thickening and layering of the new retinal formation.  相似文献   

When herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA replication is blocked by viral polymerase inhibitors, such as phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) or acyclovir (ACV), UL29 (ICP8) localizes to numerous punctate nuclear foci which are called prereplicative sites. Since this pattern can form in cells infected with mutants which are defective in UL5, UL8, UL9, or UL52 in the presence of polymerase inhibitors (C. J. Lukonis and S. K. Weller, J. Virol. 70:1751-1758, 1996; L. M. Liptak, S. L. Uprichard, and D. M. Knipe, J. Virol. 70:1759-1767, 1996), we previously proposed that it is unlikely that these numerous UL29 foci actually represent a functional subassembly of viral replication proteins that could lead to the formation of replication compartments (C. J. Lukonis and S. K. Weller, J. Virol. 70:1751-1758, 1996). In this paper, we have investigated the requirement for formation of the prereplicative site pattern by using double mutants of HSV. From the analysis of mutants lacking both UL5 and UL9, we conclude that neither viral helicase is required for the prereplicative site pattern to form as long as a polymerase inhibitor is present. From the analysis of mutants defective in both UL30 and UL5, we suggest that the prereplicative site pattern can form under conditions in which viral and/or cellular polymerases are inhibited. Furthermore, reexamination of the UL29 staining pattern in cells infected with wild-type virus in the presence of PAA reveals that at least two different UL29 staining patterns can be detected in these cells. One population of cells contains numerous (greater than 20) punctate UL29 foci which are sites of cellular DNA synthesis. In another population of cells, fewer punctate foci (less than 15) are detected, and these structures do not colocalize with sites of cellular DNA synthesis. Instead, they colocalize with PML, a component of nuclear matrix structures known as ND10. We propose that ND10-associated UL29 sites represent domains at which replication compartments form.  相似文献   

N J Philp  W Chang  K Long 《FEBS letters》1987,225(1-2):127-132
We examined the intracellular distribution of three proteins involved in the cyclic GMP cascade of visual transduction; cGMP phosphodiesterase, the alpha-subunit of G-protein and arrestin. In adult rats, light-induced changes in the amounts of G and arrestin in the photoreceptor cell outer segments were observed both by polyacrylamide gel analysis of purified ROS and by immunocytochemical localization on retinal sections. In dark conditions, G was concentrated in the outer segments of photoreceptor cells while in the light G alpha was seen in the inner segments and the outer nuclear layer. Arrestin had the opposite distribution, appearing in the inner segments and outer nuclear layer under dark conditions and in the ROS under light conditions. In contrast, PDE, the enzyme which is activated by G and inhibited by arrestin showed no light-stimulated movement. In both light- and dark-adapted retinas, PDE was localized primarily in the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

GABAergic neurons in the vertebrate retina have received intensive study. Yet there are several notable examples of a mismatch among the cytochemical markers used to identify GABAergic neurons. The mismatch between [3H]GABA uptake autoradiography and all other indicators of GABAergic neurons as they pertain to amacrine cells in goldfish retina is examined in this overview. The discrepancies can be accounted for largely by barriers to diffusion presented by significant GABA uptake sinks at the inner and outer margins of the retina and by the differential subcellular distribution of the various markers for GABAergic neurons. Also, conditions producing a redistribution of [3H]-GABA and endogenous GABA stores within the retina are described and discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical studies were conducted on goldfish to determine whether a retinal efferent fiber system, immunoreactive to the tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRFamide), might contain instead a substance similar to one of the 36-amino acid pancreatic polypeptides, the C-terminus of which is similar to FMRFamide.Our results demonstrate the presence of two separate peptidergic systems, one containing FMRFamide-like, and the other pancreatic polypeptide-like peptides. Antisera to FMRFamide reveal the efferent fibers, whose axons exit the optic nerve and terminate in layer 1 of the inner plexiform layer, as previously described. Antisera to porcine neuropeptide Y, and to avian and bovine pancreatic polypeptides label a sparse population of putative amacrine cell bodies and a dense fiber plexus in layers 1, 3, and 5 of the inner plexiform layer. Based on intensity of staining, this amacrine cell peptide appears to be most similar to neuropeptide-Y.Radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemical staining of retinas in which the efferent fiber peptide was depleted by optic nerve crush confirm in large part the observation that the two peptide systems are distinct. However, there is some cross-recognition of the FMRFamide-like tissue antigen by pancreatic polypeptide antibodies.Double-label studies with antisera to tyrosine hydroxylase and neuropeptide-Y indicate that the pancreatic polypeptide antigen is not co-localized with catecholamines.  相似文献   

Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) arises from neuroectoderm and plays a key role in support of photoreceptor functions. Several degenerative eye diseases, such as macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa, are associated with impaired RPE function that may lead to photoreceptor loss and blindness. RPE cell culture derived from adult human eyes autopsy could be an important source for transplantation to cure such retinal degenerative diseases. RPE cells subsequent isolation and maintenance in culture are described. Besides the results of immunocytochemical analysis that characterizes dedifferentiated state of cultured adult human RPE cells are given. Our findings demonstrate that mature human RPE cells have the capacity to express neural markers in response to conditions that promote dedifferentiation.  相似文献   

The synaptic connectivity between rod bipolar cells and GABAergic neurons in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) of the rat retina was studied using two immunocytochemical markers. Rod bipolar cells were stained with an antibody specific for protein kinase C (PKC, α isoenzyme), and GABAergic neurons were stained with an antiserum specific for glutamic-acid decarboxylase (GAD). Some amacrine cells were also labeled with the anti-PKC antiserum. All PKC-labeled amacrine cells examined showed GABA immunoreactivity, indicating that PKC-labeled amacrine cells constitute a subpopulation of GABAergic amacrine cells in the rat retina. A total of 150 ribbon synapses established by rod bipolar cells were observed in the IPL. One member of the postsynaptic dyads was always an unlabeled AII amacrine cell process, and the other belonged to an amacrine-cell process showing GAD immunoreactivity. The majority (n=92) (61.3%) of these processes made reciprocal synapses back to the axon terminals of rod bipolar cells. In addition, 78 conventional synapses onto rod bipolar axons were observed, and among them 52 (66.7%) were GAD-immunoreactive. Thus GABA provides the major inhibitory input to rod bipolar cells.  相似文献   

We have studied regeneration of the retina in the goldfish as a model of regenerative neurogenesis in the central nervous system. Using a transsclearal surgical approach, we excised small patches of retina that were replaced over several weeks by regeneration. Lesioned retinas from three groups of animals were studied to characterize, respectively, the qualitative changes of the retina and surrounding tissues during regeneration, the concomitant cellular proliferation, and the quantitative relationship between regenerated and intact retina. The qualitative and quantitative analyses were done on retinas prepared using standard methods for light microscopy. The planimetric density of regenerated and intact retinal neurons was computed in a group of animals in which the normal planimetric density ranged from high to low. Cell proliferation was investigated by making intraocular injections of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BUdr) at various survival times to label proliferating cells and processing retinal sections for BUdr immunocytochemistry. The qualitative analysis showed that the surgery created a gap in the existing retina that was replaced with new retina over the subsequent weeks. The BUdr-labeling experiments demonstrated that the excised retina was replaced by regeneration of new neurons. Neuroepithiallike cells clustered on the wound margin and migrated centripetally, appositionally adding new retina to the old. The quantitative analysis showed that the planimetric density of the regenerated neurons approximated that of the intact ones.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi, isolated from a number of different species of tropical plants, were investigated for lipid biodiesel precursor production. The extracts produced from liquid cultures of these fungi were subjected to acidcatalyzed transesterification reactions with methanol producing methyl esters and then analyzed through chromatographic (GC-FID) and spectrometric techniques (MS, NMR 1H). The European Standard Method, EN 14103, was used for the quantification of methyl esters extracted from the fungi of the species and genera studied. Xylariaceous fungi exhibited the highest concentrations of methyl esters (91%), and hence may be a promising source for biofuel.  相似文献   

Peritoneal cavity B-1 cells are believed to produce IgM natural Abs. We have used alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase-deficient (GalT(-/-)) mice, which, like humans, produce IgM natural Abs against the carbohydrate epitope Galalpha1,3Gal (Gal), to demonstrate that peritoneal cavity B-1b cells with anti-Gal receptors produce anti-Gal IgM Abs only after LPS stimulation. Likewise, peritoneal cavity cells of GalT(-/-) and wild-type mice do not produce IgM Abs of other specificities without LPS stimulation. Development of Ab-secreting capacity is associated with loss of CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1) expression. In contrast, there are large numbers of cells producing anti-Gal and other IgM Abs in fresh splenocyte preparations from GalT(-/-) and (for non-Gal specificities) wild-type mice. These cells are Mac-1(-) but otherwise B-1b-like in their phenotype. We therefore hypothesized a pathway wherein peritoneal cavity B cells migrate into the spleen after activation in vivo and lose Mac-1 expression to become IgM Ab-producing cells. Consistent with this possibility, splenectomy reduced anti-Gal Ab production after immunization of GalT(-/-) mice with Gal-positive rabbit RBC. Furthermore, splenectomized B6 GalT(-/-), Ig micro -chain mutant ( micro (-/-)) (both Gal- and B cell-deficient) mice produced less anti-Gal IgM than nonsplenectomized controls after adoptive transfer of peritoneal cavity cells from B6 GalT(-/-) mice. When sorted GalT(-/-) Mac-1(+) peritoneal cavity B cells were adoptively transferred to B6 GalT(-/-), micro (-/-) mice, IgM Abs including anti-Gal appeared, and IgM-producing and Mac1(-) B cells were present in the spleen 5 wk after transfer. These findings demonstrate that peritoneal cavity Mac-1(+) B-1 cells are precursors of Mac-1(-) splenic IgM Ab-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Feuser K  Thon KP  Bischoff SC  Lorentz A 《Cytokine》2012,58(2):178-185
Mast cells are key effector cells of immediate type allergic reactions. Upon activation they release a broad array of pre-stored and de novo synthesized mediators including immunoregulatory cytokines and chemokines. Here, we analyzed the chemokine profile expressed by mature human mast cells. Human mast cells were isolated from intestinal tissue and cultured with stem cell factor (SCF) in the presence or absence of IL-4 for 10d. Cells were stimulated by cross-linking of the high affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) and/or by SCF. Chemokine and chemokine receptor mRNA expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR and chemokine release was measured by multiplex bead immunoassay. Out of 43 chemokines and 19 chemokine receptors human intestinal mast cells express 27 chemokines and nine chemokine receptors. Twelve chemokines (CCL1, CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CCL7, CCL18, CCL20, CXCL2, CXCL3, CXCL8, and XCL1) were more than four-fold up-regulated in response to FcεRI cross-linking. Combination of pre-culture with IL-4 and/or stimulation with SCF in addition to FcεRI cross-linking further increased the antigen-dependent expression of mRNA for most chemokines. In contrast, the expression of CCL20, CXCL2, and CXCL3 was strongly inhibited by IL-4 treatment. In conclusion, human intestinal mast cells express a broad spectrum of different chemokines underlining their important role as immunoregulatory cells. Furthermore, combined treatment with IL-4 and SCF increases the antigen-mediated expression and release of multiple chemokines, but IL-4 priming inhibits the expression of CCL20, CXCL2, and CXCL3.  相似文献   

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