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Summary Neomycin/bovine serum albumin/gold was used as a probe to detect the binding sites of aminoglycosides on the thin sections of the cochlea embedded in Spurr. The binding sites were mainly located on the stereocilia, the cuticular plate of hair cells, the head plates of Deiters' cells, fibrous structures in pillar cells, in the spiral limbus and tectorial membrane and basilar membrane, plasma membranes, mitochondria and the chromatin of various kinds of cells. Triphosphoinositide, acidic glycosaminoglycans, and RNA were considered to be responsible for the binding activity.  相似文献   

Neomycin/bovine serum albumin/gold was used as a probe to detect the binding sites of aminoglycosides on the thin sections of the cochlea embedded in Spurr. The binding sites were mainly located on the stereocilia, the cuticular plate of hair cells, the head plates of Deiters' cells, fibrous structures in pillar cells, in the spiral limbus and tectorial membrane and basilar membrane, plasma membranes, mitochondria and the chromatin of various kinds of cells. Triphosphoinositide, acidic glycosaminoglycans, and RNA were considered to be responsible for the binding activity.  相似文献   

A complex of polymyxin B, bovine serum albumin, and colloidal gold was prepared and used for the ultrastructural localization of polymyxin B binding sites on thin sections of Epon-embedded Escherichia coli cells. Gold particles were found on the outer membrane of E. coli, which is consistent with reported biochemical findings. We concluded that gold labeling with polymyxin B is useful in localizing the binding sites of polymyxin.  相似文献   

During translational initiation in prokaryotes, the 3' end of the 16S rRNA binds to a region just upstream of the initiation codon. The relationship between this Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region and the binding of ribosomes to translation start-points has been well studied, but a unified mathematical connection between the SD, the initiation codon and the spacing between them has been lacking. Using information theory, we constructed a model that treats these three components uniformly by assigning to the SD and the initiation region (IR) conservations in bits of information, and by assigning to the spacing an uncertainty, also in bits. To build the model, we first aligned the SD region by maximizing the information content there. The ease of this process confirmed the existence of the SD pattern within a set of 4122 reviewed and revised Escherichia coli gene starts. This large data set allowed us to show graphically, by sequence logos, that the spacing between the SD and the initiation region affects both the SD site conservation and its pattern. We used the aligned SD, the spacing, and the initiation region to model ribosome binding and to identify gene starts that do not conform to the ribosome binding site model. A total of 569 experimentally proven starts are more conserved (have higher information content) than the full set of revised starts, which probably reflects an experimental bias against the detection of gene products that have inefficient ribosome binding sites. Models were refined cyclically by removing non-conforming weak sites. After this procedure, models derived from either the original or the revised gene start annotation were similar. Therefore, this information theory-based technique provides a method for easily constructing biologically sensible ribosome binding site models. Such models should be useful for refining gene-start predictions of any sequenced bacterial genome.  相似文献   

tRNA binding sites of ribosomes from Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
70S tight-couple ribosomes from Escherichia coli were studied with respect to activity and number of tRNA binding sites. The nitrocellulose filtration and puromycin assays were used both in a direct manner and in the form of a competition binding assay, the latter allowing an unambiguous determination of the fraction of ribosomes being active in tRNA binding. It was found that, in the presence of poly(U), the active ribosomes bound two molecules of N-AcPhe-tRNAPhe, one in the P and the other in the A site, at Mg2+ concentrations between 6 and 20 mM. A third binding site in addition to P and A sites was observed for deacylated tRNAPhe. At Mg2+ concentrations of 10 mM and below, the occupancy of the additional site was very low. Dissociation of tRNA from this site was found to be rather fast, as compared to both P and A sites. These results suggest that the additional site during translocation functions as an exit site, to which deacylated tRNA is transiently bound before leaving the ribosome. Since tRNA binding to this site did not require the presence of poly(U), a function of exit site bound tRNA in the fixation of the mRNA appears unlikely. Both the affinity and stability of binding to the additional site were found lower for the heterologous tRNAPhe from yeast as compared to the homologous one. This difference possibly indicates some specificity of the E. coli ribosome for tRNAs from the same organism.  相似文献   

Most organisms use glutathione to regulate intracellular thiol redox balance and protect against oxidative stress; protozoa, however, utilize trypanothione for this purpose. Trypanothione biosynthesis requires ATP-dependent conjugation of glutathione (GSH) to the two terminal amino groups of spermidine by glutathionylspermidine synthetase (GspS) and trypanothione synthetase (TryS), which are considered as drug targets. GspS catalyzes the penultimate step of the biosynthesis-amide bond formation between spermidine and the glycine carboxylate of GSH. We report herein five crystal structures of Escherichia coli GspS in complex with substrate, product or inhibitor. The C-terminal of GspS belongs to the ATP-grasp superfamily with a similar fold to the human glutathione synthetase. GSH is likely phosphorylated at one of two GSH-binding sites to form an acylphosphate intermediate that then translocates to the other site for subsequent nucleophilic addition of spermidine. We also identify essential amino acids involved in the catalysis. Our results constitute the first structural information on the biochemical features of parasite homologs (including TryS) that underlie their broad specificity for polyamines.  相似文献   

A systematic study of protein environment of tRNA in ribosomes in model complexes representing different translation steps was carried out using the affinity labelling of the ribosomes with tRNA derivatives bearing aryl azide groups scattered statistically over tRNA guanine residues. Analysis of the proteins crosslinked to tRNA derivatives showed that the location of the derivatives in the aminoacyl (A) site led to the labelling of the proteins S5 and S7 in all complexes studied, whereas the labelling of the proteins S2, S8, S9, S11, S14, S16, S17, S18, S19, S21 as well as L9, L11, L14, L15, L21, L23, L24, L29 depended on the state of tRNA in A site. Similarly, the location of tRNA derivatives in the peptidyl (P) site resulted in the labelling of the proteins L27, S11, S13 and S19 in all states, whereas the labelling of the proteins S5, S7, S9, S12, S14, S20, S21 as well as L2, L13, L14, L17, L24, L27, L31, L32, L33 depended on the type of complex. The derivatives of tRNA(fMet) were found to crosslink to S1, S3, S5, S7, S9, S14 and L1, L2, L7/L12, L27. Based on the data obtained, a general principle of the dynamic functioning of ribosomes has been proposed: (i) the formation of each type of ribosomal complex is accompanied by changes in mutual arrangement of proteins - 'conformational adjustment' of the ribosome - and (ii) a ribosome can dynamically change its internal structure at each step of initiation and elongation; on the 70 S ribosome there are no rigidly fixed structures forming tRNA-binding sites (primarily A and P sites).  相似文献   

Summary For the precise histochemical detection of lectin binding sites of glycoproteins, the results obtained by lectin-gold-silver (LT-G-S) staining methods have been systematicaly compared with those revealed by alternative techniques of lectin-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine (LT-PO-DAB) reactions in a series of organs from different mammalian species.Ricinus communis agglutinin-I and concanavalin A were the lectins used in the present study. In the tissues subjected to the LT-G-S procedures, reactive tissue structures exhibited positive reactions of varying intensities of black. The results of control staining for the LT-G-S methods substantiated the view that the reaction products demonstrated the precise lectin binding sites of glycoproteins. The staining images obtained by the LT-PO-DAB techniques were not necessarily correlated precisely with those revealed by the LT-G-S procedures, and unavoidable background staining in pale brownish shades was noted in the majority of LT-G-S negative tissue structures. In view of these results, the LT-G-S staining methods employed in the present study are believed to be a reliable technique for the precise localization of saccharide residues of glycoproteins in light microscopy.  相似文献   

R-factor strains which are streptomycin-resistant and spectinomycin-sensitive have been found to inactivate streptomycin by a new mechanism. The 3'-OH group of the 2-deoxy-2-methylamino-l-glucopyranosyl moiety is phosphorylated.  相似文献   

tRNA binding sites on the subunits of Escherichia coli ribosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Programmed 30 S subunits expose only one binding site, to which the different classes of tRNA (deacylated tRNAPhe, Phe-tRNAPhe, and N-acetylphenylalanyl (AcPhe)-tRNAPhe) bind with about the same affinity. Elongation factor Tu within the ternary complex does not contribute to the binding of Phe-tRNA. Binding of acylated or deacylated tRNA to 30 S depends on the cognate codon; nonprogrammed 30 S subunits do not bind tRNA to any significant extent. The existence of only one binding site/30 S subunit (and not, for example, two sites in 50% of the subunits) could be shown with Phe-tRNAPhe as well as deacylated tRNAPhe pursuing different strategies. Upon 50 S association the 30 S-bound tRNA appears in the P site (except the ternary complex which is found at the A site). Inhibition experiments with tetracycline demonstrated that the 30 S inhibition pattern is identical to that of the P site but differs from that of the A site of 70 S ribosomes. In contrast to 30 S subunits the 50 S subunit exclusively binds up to 0.2 and 0.4 molecules of deacylated tRNAPhe/50 S subunit in the absence and presence of poly(U), respectively, but neither Phe-tRNA nor AcPhe-tRNA. Noncognate poly(A) did not stimulate the binding indicating codon-anticodon interaction at the 50 S site. The exclusive binding of deacylated tRNA and its dependence on the presence of cognate mRNA is reminiscent of the characteristics of the E site on 70 S ribosomes. 30 and 50 S subunits in one test tube expose one binding site more than the sum of binding capacities of the individual subunits. The results suggest that the small subunit contains the prospective P site and the large subunit the prospective E site, thus implying that the A site is generated upon 30 S-50 S association.  相似文献   

Affinities of tRNA binding sites of ribosomes from Escherichia coli   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The binding affinities of tRNAPhe, Phe-tRNAPhe, and N-AcPhe-tRNAPhe from either Escherichia coli or yeast to the P, A, and E sites of E. coli 70S ribosomes were determined at various ionic conditions. For the titrations, both equilibrium (fluorescence) and nonequilibrium (filtration) techniques were used. Site-specific rather than stoichiometric binding constants were determined by taking advantage of the varying affinities, stabilities, and specificities of the three binding sites. The P site of poly(U)-programmed ribosomes binds tRNAPhe and N-AcPhe-tRNAPhe with binding constants in the range of 10(8) M-1 and 5 X 10(9) M-1, respectively. Binding to the A site is 10-200 times weaker, depending on the Mg2+ concentration. Phe-tRNAPhe binds to the A site with a similar affinity. Coupling A site binding of Phe-tRNAPhe to GTP hydrolysis, by the addition of elongation factor Tu and GTP, leads to an apparent increase of the equilibrium constant by at least a factor of 10(4). Upon omission of poly(U), the affinity of the P site is lowered by 2-4 orders of magnitude, depending on the ionic conditions, while A site binding is not detectable anymore. The affinity of the E site, which specifically binds deacylated tRNAPhe, is comparable to that of the A site. In contrast to P and A sites, binding to the E site is labile and insensitive to changes of the ionic strength. Omission of the mRNA lowers the affinity at most by a factor of 4, suggesting that there is no efficient codon-anticodon interaction in the E site. On the basis of the equilibrium constants, the displacement step of translocation, to be exergonic, requires that the tRNA leaving the P site is bound to the E site. Under in vivo conditions, the functional role of transient binding of the leaving tRNA to the E site, or a related site, most likely is to enhance the rate of translocation.  相似文献   

Using a previously described vector (pKL203) we fused several heterologous ribosomal binding sites (RBSs) to the lacZ gene of E. coli and then studied the variation in expression of the fusions. The RBSs originated from bacteriophage Q beta and MS2 genes and the E. coli genes for elongation factor EF-Tu A and B and ribosomal protein L11 (rplK). The synthesis of the lacZ fusion proteins was measured by an immuno precipitation method and found to vary at least 100-fold. Lac-specific mRNA synthesis follows the variation in protein production. It appears that there is a correlation between the efficiency of an RBS to function in the expression of the fused gene and the lack of secondary structure, involving the Shine and Dalgarno nucleotides (SDnts) and/or the initiation codon. This efficiency is context dependent. The sequence of the SD nts and the length and sequence of the spacer region up to the initiation codon alone are not able to explain our results. Deletion mutations, created in the phage Q beta replicase RBS, reveal a complex pattern of control of expression, probably involving the use of a "false" initiation site.  相似文献   

Plasmodia of the acellular slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, were treated with an osmium tetroxide fixative containing potassium pyroantimonate to precipitate calcium and thereby localize calcium binding sites and sites of increased calcium concentration. Dense calcium pyroantimonate precipitates were detected within the nucleoli. The distribution of these precipitates during interphase and mitosis coincides with the distribution of the unique minichromosomes in Physarum, i.e., the numerous short pieces of extrachromosomal nucleolar chromatin containing segments of amplified DNA coding for ribosomal RNA. Calcium pyroantimonate precipitates were present as frequent dense granules in the mitochondrial matrix and as fine precipitates in the mitochondrial nucleoid. Large calcium-containing precipitates were seen within cytoplasmic vacuoles, confirming reports by others. In addition, we have identified calcium binding sites along the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane. The distribution of calcium within the plasmodium is discussed in relation to the assembly of the mitotic spindle and the regulation of cell motility.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of the Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase catalyzes the reversible aldolytic reaction: Indole-3-glycerol phosphate in equilibrium indole + glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The use of 5-azidoindole as a photoaffinity label has made the generation of a number of enzyme-substrate complexes possible, each with a given degree of saturation of the two postulated indole sites. When assayed in the reverse reaction (indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthesis), samples of alpha subunit treated at concentrations of 5-azidoindole less than or equal to 2 mM show a progressive 30-40% activation. A gradual inactivation occurs only in samples irradiated at concentrations in excess of 2 mM 5-azidoindole, and this inactivation is complete at 8-10 mM. A quantitatively similar activation occurs in the forward reaction (indole synthesis), however inactivation in this case is incomplete, with complexes treated at 8-12 mM 5-azidoindole retaining 30-40% relative activity in this reaction. When treated alpha subunits were assayed for their abilities to complement the beta 2-subunit in the reactions indole + L-serine leads to L-tryptophan + H2O and indole-3-glycerol phosphate + L-serine leads to L-tryptophan + glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, quantitatively lesser amounts of activation followed by total inactivation are observed over a similar range of 5-azidoindole concentrations.  相似文献   

Magnesium binding by Escherichia coli ribosomes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

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