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The molecules encoded by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes play an essential role in the adaptive immune response among vertebrates. We investigated the molecular evolution of MHC class I genes in the sable Martes zibellina. We isolated 26 MHC class I sequences, including 12 putatively functional sequences and 14 pseudogene sequences, from 24 individuals from two geographic areas of northeast China. The number of putatively functional sequences found in a single individual ranged from one to five, which might be at least 1–3 loci. We found that both balancing selection and recombination contribute to evolution of MHC class I genes in M. zibellina. In addition, we identified a candidate nonclassical MHC class I lineage in Carnivora, which may have preceded the divergence (about 5257 Mya) of Caniformia and Feliformia. This may contribute to further understanding of the origin and evolution of nonclassical MHC class I genes. Our study provides important immune information of MHC for M. zibellina, as well as other carnivores.  相似文献   

Genetic individualization based on non-invasive sampling is crucial for estimating the numbers of individuals in endangered mammalian populations. In sable (Martes zibellina)-poaching cases, identifying the number of animals involved is critical for determining the penalty. In addition, investigating animal numbers for wild sable populations requires genetic individualization when collecting several samples in neighboring regions. Microsatellites have been demonstrated to be reliable markers for individual identification. Thirty-three microsatellite loci derived from Mustelidae were selected to develop a genetic individualization method for sable. Three reference populations containing 54 unrelated sables were used to calculate allele number, allelic frequencies, and the polymorphic information content of each locus. The data were subsequently used to assess the validity of a combination of twelve loci for sable individualization. We defined twelve polymorphic loci that were easy to be amplified and genotyped. Four significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed among the 12?loci in the three populations. The match probability of an individual from the reference populations with a random individual based on the 12?loci was 1.37?×?10?13. Using the combination of the twelve loci provides sufficient power to individualize sables considering the levels of microsatellite polymorphism observed. These loci were successfully applied to a case of sable poaching and provided valid evidence to determine the penalty. The genetic individualization of sable based on these loci might also be useful to investigate the numbers of animals in wild populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the actively wintering Palearctic sable Martes zibellina has evolved physiological adaptations to tolerate nutritional scarcity. Sixteen farm-bred male sables were divided into a fed control group and an experimental group fasted for 4 days. The rate of weight loss in the sable was similar to other medium-sized mustelids. Fasting led to hypoglycaemia and to a decreased lymphocyte percentage. The sable derived metabolic energy from both subcutaneous and intraabdominal white adipose tissues and the relative decrease in fat mass was the largest for the retroperitoneal and subcutaneous depots. Metabolic energy derived partly from body proteins indicated by the increased plasma levels of urea, uric acid and total essential amino acids. Triacylglycerols accumulated in the livers of the fasted sables and the increased plasma aminotransferase activities suggested hepatic dysfunction. The decreased plasma insulin concentrations and the elevated cortisol levels probably contributed to stimulated lipolysis and protein catabolism. Moreover, fasting increased the plasma ghrelin concentrations of the sables and down-regulated the thyroid activity.  相似文献   

紫貂秋季生境选择的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张洪海  马建章 《生态学报》2000,20(1):150-154
采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统(GPS)对大兴安岭地区紫貂(Martes zibellina)秋季的生境选择进行研究。秋季紫貂对优势树种(以落叶松为主,72%)、中下坡位(90%)、小树密度(P=0.0004)、大树密度(P=0001)、大树胸径(P=0.0001)、倒木长度(P=0.0006)及密度(P=0.0001)都有一定的选择性,对坡向,灌丛盖度的选择性不明显,对中等盖度的林地有一定的选  相似文献   

大兴安岭紫貂食物组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大兴安岭地区, 从1995 年12 月至1996 年11 月在颈环遥测的4 只紫貂活动的范围内共收集紫貂粪样295个, 采用频率法和剩余物相对干重法进行分析, 得出紫貂全年食物组成及比例: 哺乳类(出现率72.09 % , 剩余物干重百分比84.06 %) , 植物浆果及种子(14.51 % , 11.09 %) , 鸟类(7.69 % , 4.24 %) 和昆虫(5.71 % , 0.96 %) 。其中红背 和棕背 构成紫貂食物的主要部分, 其次为松籽、越桔果和花尾榛鸡。紫貂食物组成季节性变化明显, 夏季食物种类丰富, 且比例较均衡; 冬季食物多样性低。文中还对两种粪样分析方法所得结果进行了比较,证明这两种方法在对主要食物种( 出现次数≥5) 的分析评述上是一致的, 无显著差异。  相似文献   

大兴安岭呼中区紫貂生境格局变化及采伐的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据紫貂(Martes zibellina)行为生态学特征,利用景观生态学的原理和技术,将大兴安岭呼中区紫貂生境划分成最适、一般适宜和非适宜三种类型。以其紧邻的呼中自然保护区核心区1989年的生境格局代表呼中区1970年开发前的原始生境,揭示原始生境、1989年、2000年3个时期紫貂生境格局及变化。结果表明,1970-2000年紫貂生境格局持续恶化,已极不利于紫貂的生存。适宜生境向非适宜生境呈单一方向转变,且适宜生境由沟谷两侧向远离河谷的森林腹地大幅度萎缩。生境格局变化与经营时问长短关系密切,原始状态是以适宜生境为基质的均质状态,开发至一定时期,生境格局的异质化程度增大,继续开发则异质化程度又减小,形成以非适宜生境为基质的相对均质状态。大于巢区最小面积f4km0)的生境斑块的面积百分比、斑块密度明显下降,斑块间距离显著增大。进而对导致生境格局变化的要素进行分析后发现,持续采伐是紫貂生境格局变化的主要驱动因子,采伐改变了植被条件,而植被条件的非适宜性造成了紫貂非适宜生境。1989-2000年的采伐格局也并不合理,各年伐区在研究区内均匀分布,采伐设计时没有考虑动物生境保护。但可以推断,1999年后开始逐步实施的“天然林保护工程”有利于紫貂生境的恢复,本研究强调森林采伐经营的空间格局与动物生境保护之间的关系,旨在促进决策部门将生物保护作为采伐经营政策制定的重要决策因子。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity provides insight into heterogeneous demographic and adaptive history across organisms’ distribution ranges. For this reason, decomposing single species into genetic units may represent a powerful tool to better understand biogeographical patterns as well as improve predictions of the effects of GCC (global climate change) on biodiversity loss. Using 279 georeferenced Iberian accessions, we used classes of three intraspecific genetic units of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana obtained from the genetic analyses of nuclear SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), chloroplast SNPs, and the vernalization requirement for flowering. We used SDM (species distribution models), including climate, vegetation, and soil data, at the whole‐species and genetic‐unit levels. We compared model outputs for present environmental conditions and with a particularly severe GCC scenario. SDM accuracy was high for genetic units with smaller distribution ranges. Kernel density plots identified the environmental variables underpinning potential distribution ranges of genetic units. Combinations of environmental variables accounted for potential distribution ranges of genetic units, which shrank dramatically with GCC at almost all levels. Only two genetic clusters increased their potential distribution ranges with GCC. The application of SDM to intraspecific genetic units provides a detailed picture on the biogeographical patterns of distinct genetic groups based on different genetic criteria. Our approach also allowed us to pinpoint the genetic changes, in terms of genetic background and physiological requirements for flowering, that Iberian A. thaliana may experience with a GCC scenario applying SDM to intraspecific genetic units.  相似文献   

The bean leaf beetle, Cerotoma trifurcata, has become a major pest of soybean throughout its North American range. With a changing climate, there is the potential for this pest to further expand its distribution and become an increasingly severe pest in certain regions. To examine this possibility, we developed bioclimatic envelope models for both the bean leaf beetle, and its most important agronomic host plant, soybean (Glycine max). These two models were combined to examine the potential future pest status of the beetle using climate change projections from multiple general circulation models (GCMs) and climate change scenarios. Despite the broad tolerances of soybean, incorporation of host plant availability substantially decreased the suitable and favourable areas for the bean leaf beetle as compared to an evaluation based solely on the climate envelope of the beetle, demonstrating the importance of incorporating biotic interactions in these predictions. The use of multiple GCM–scenario combinations also revealed differences in predictions depending on the choice of GCM, with scenario choice having less of an impact. While the Norwegian model predicted little northward expansion of the beetle from its current northern range limit of southern Ontario and overall decreases in suitable and favourable areas over time, the Canadian and Russian models predict that much of Ontario and Quebec will become suitable for the beetle in the future, as well as Manitoba under the Russian model. The Russian model also predicts expansion of the suitable and favourable areas for the beetle over time. Two predictions that do not depend on our choice of GCM include a decrease in suitability of the Mississippi Delta region and continued favourability of the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

The ecosystem engineer onuphid polychaete Diopatra biscayensis has a continuous population in the Bay of Biscay from the Cantabria coast in Spain to southern Brittany in France. A group of disjunct populations also are found in the English Channel, separated from the Biscay population by more than 400 coastal kilometers. It remains unclear whether D. biscayensis is native to the Bay of Biscay; it is also debated whether the disjunct populations in the English Channel are relics of a formerly continuous population, or the product of recent introductions through aquaculture. Here, we use climate hindcasts to explore hypotheses about the D. biscayensis historical distribution in Europe. If D. biscayensis is native, its range would have been restricted to southern Iberia and the Mediterranean during the Last Glacial Maximum (21,000 BP). However, the species is completely absent from both regions today, further supporting its interpretation as a non‐native species. If it was historically present in Europe, the climate hindcasts are congruent with range contraction in the Last Glacial Maximum (21,000 BP), expansion in the Mid‐Holocene Warm Period (6000 BP), and contraction again in the past 1000 years (850–1850), prior to the first reports of D. biscayensis on the Spanish and French Atlantic coasts. However, the simulations do not support there being climatic refugia along the English Channel coast that would account for the existence of relic populations. Taken together, the evidence suggests that D. biscayensis has been introduced to the Bay of Biscay, and that disjunct populations in the English Channel are the result of recent transport through human activities, perhaps aquaculture.  相似文献   

中国植物分布模拟研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在过去的20年里, 物种分布模型已广泛应用于动植物地理分布的模拟研究。该文以植物物种分布模拟为例, 利用中国知网、维普网以及Web of Science文献数据库的检索与统计, 分析了2000-2018年间, 中国研究人员利用各种物种分布模型对植物物种分布模拟研究的发文量、模拟模型、物种类型、数据来源、研究目的等信息。最终共收集到366篇有效文献, 分析表明2011年以来中国的物种分布模型应用发展迅速, 且以最近5年最为迅猛, 在生态学、中草药业、农业和林业等行业部门应用广泛。在使用的33种模型中, 应用最广的为最大熵模型(MaxEnt)。有一半研究的环境数据仅包含气候数据, 另一半研究不仅包含气候数据还包括地形与土壤等数据; 环境及物种数据的来源多样, 国际及本土数据库均得到使用。模拟涉及有明确清单的562个植物种, 既有木本植物(52.7%), 也有草本植物(41.8%), 其中中草药、果树、园林植物、农作物等占比较高。研究目的主要集中在过去、现在和未来气候变化对植物种分布的影响及预测, 以及物种分布评估与生物多样性评价(包括入侵植物风险评估)两大方面。预测物种潜在分布范围与气候变化影响等基础研究, 与模拟物种适生区与推广种植等应用研究并重, 物种分布模型在生态学与农业、林业和中草药业等多学科、多行业开展多种应用, 多物种、多模型和多来源数据共同参与模拟与比较, 开发新的机理性物种分布模型, 拓展新的物种分布模拟应用领域, 是今后研究的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

The current spatial distribution of genetic lineages across a region should reflect the complex interplay of both historical and contemporary processes. Postglacial expansion and recolonization in the distant past, in combination with more recent events with anthropogenic effects such as habitat fragmentation and overexploitation, can help shape the pattern of genetic structure observed in contemporary populations. In this study, we characterize the spatial distribution of mtDNA lineages for fisher (Martes pennanti) in north‐eastern North America. The history of fishers in this region is well understood and thus provides an opportunity to interpret patterns of genetic structure in the light of known historical (e.g. recolonization from glacial refugia) and contemporary events (e.g. reintroductions, fragmentation and natural recolonization). Our results indicate that fishers likely recolonized north‐eastern North America from a single Pleistocene refugium. Three genetically distinct remnant populations persisted through the population declines of the 1800s and served as sources for multiple reintroductions and natural recolonizations that have restored the fisher throughout north‐eastern North America. However, the spatial genetic structure of genetic lineages across the region still reflects the three remnant populations.  相似文献   

基于单类别支持向量机方法的物种分布模型, 利用政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)气候情景模式和联合国粮食与农业组织(FAO)的全球土壤数据, 模拟1981-2099年我国毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)的潜在空间分布及变化趋势, 比较考虑土壤因子前后模拟结果的差异, 旨在探究土壤因子对毛竹潜在空间分布模拟结果的影响。结果表明, 仅以气候因子为模拟变量和同时考虑气候与土壤因子为模拟变量的毛竹潜在空间分布模拟均具有较高精度, 毛竹潜在分布区表现为面积增加并向北扩张。模拟因子重要性分析表明表征温暖程度的气候因子在毛竹潜在分布模拟中起主导作用, 而表征土壤质地和酸碱性的土壤因子以限制性作用为主。同时考虑气候与土壤因子的模拟结果具有较高的模拟效率, 且在未来气候变化情景模式下毛竹潜在分布区面积增幅与向北迁移幅度均小于仅使用气候因子的模拟, 表明土壤要素对毛竹潜在分布具有明显的限制作用, 该结果对现在的毛竹潜在分布模拟研究具有重要的补充作用。  相似文献   

Translocation of animals to re-establish extirpated populations or to maintain declining ones has often been carried out without genetic information on source or target populations, or adequate consideration of the potential effects of mixing genetic stocks. We consider the conservation status of the fisher (Martes pennanti) and evaluate the potential genetic consequences of past and future translocations on this medium-sized carnivore by examining population variation in mitochondrial control-region sequences. We sampled populations throughout the fisher's range in North America including five populations unaffected by translocations and two western populations that had received long-distance translocations. Twelve haplotypes showed little sequence divergence. Haplotype frequencies differed significantly among subspecies and between populations within subspecies. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) and neighbour-joining analyses of haplotype relationships revealed population subdivision similar to current subspecies designations, but which may reflect an isolation-by-distance pattern. Populations in Oregon and in Montana and Idaho received several translocations and each showed greater similarity to the populations where translocations originated than to adjacent populations. Additional sequences obtained from museum specimens collected prior to any translocations suggest historical gene flow among populations in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California. Anthropogenic impacts in that region have greatly reduced and isolated extant populations in Oregon and California. Future translocations may be necessary to recover populations in Washington and portions of Oregon and California; our results indicate that British Columbia would be the most appropriate source population.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity (MP) increases offspring's genetic variability, which could be linked to invasive species' evolvability in novel distribution ranges. Shifts in MP can be adaptive, with greater MP in harsher/colder environments or towards the end of the reproductive season, but climate could also affect MP indirectly via its effect on reproductive life histories. We tested these hypotheses by genotyping N = 2,903 offspring from N = 306 broods of two closely related livebearing fishes, Gambusia holbrooki and Gambusia affinis. We sampled pregnant females across latitudinal gradients in their invasive ranges in Europe and China, and found more sires per brood and a greater reproductive skew towards northern sampling sites. Moreover, examining monthly sampling from two G. affinis populations, we found MP rates to vary across the reproductive season in a northern Chinese, but not in a southern Chinese population. While our results confirm an increase of MP in harsher/more unpredictable environments, path analysis indicated that, in both cases, the effects of climate are likely to be indirect, mediated by altered life histories. In both species, which rank amongst the 100 most invasive species worldwide, higher MP at the northern edge of their distribution probably increases their invasive potential and favours range expansions, especially in light of the predicted temperature increases due to global climate changes.  相似文献   

杨蕾  杨立  李婧昕  张超  霍兆敏  栾晓峰 《生态学报》2019,39(3):1082-1094
气候变化广泛影响着物种多样性及其分布变迁。优化模型模拟结果,获取气候变化影响下的优先保护区域将为制定应对气候变化的物种保护政策或行动提供理论依据,提升保护绩效。选取东北地区五种代表性动物,包括黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)、驼鹿(Alces alces)、水獭(Lutra lutra)、紫貂(Martes zibellina)及黑嘴松鸡(Tetrao parvirostris);结合最大熵模型(Maxent)模拟在不同RCP情景下未来3个年代(2030s,2050s,2070s)的物种潜在栖息地。根据九个常用气候模式的评价结果,获取东北地区合适的气候模式,了解气候变化对物种潜在栖息地的影响,同时开展物种保护规划,识别保护空缺,为应对气候变化、保持生物多样性提供支持。结果显示,在气候变化背景下物种潜在栖息地面积整体呈现下降趋势,但不同气候模式之间存在差异;评价结果推荐CCSM4、Nor ESM1-M、Had GEM2-AO及GFDL-CM3气候模式,推荐在东北地区使用以上气候模式进行物种未来潜在分布的研究。5个物种潜在栖息地平均面积变化率分别为-62.16%,-73.93%,-78.46%(2030s,2050s,2070s)。综合5个重点保护物种的保护优先区,大兴安岭的呼中、汗马与额尔古纳国家级自然保护区,延边地区的天佛指山、老爷岭东北虎、珲春东北虎与汪清原麝国家级自然保护区,长白山国家级自然保护区是气候变化下物种保护的热点区域。  相似文献   

The relationship between the response to artificial selection for darker coat color and fitness in a farm population of the sable (Martes zibellina L.) from the Pushkinskoe Fur Farm (Moscow oblast) was studied. The selection was performed during 41 years. By the moment of the study, a response to the selection for this character had been obtained: the coat color in the selected population had become darker, and the proportion of black animals in it increased. In addition, sables with black heads, which were absent in the original population, had appeared. Artificial selection was accompanied by a decrease in the fitness of the selected population, which was expressed in decreased female reproductive capacity parameters (the fertility, maturation rate, and duration of the reproductive period). A selection technique consisting in the use of only highly fertile animals in the selection originally made it possible to restore the fitness parameters to the initial level almost without a decrease in the dark shade of the fur. However, further selection led to a drastic decrease in fitness that could not be precluded by any selection method used. The possible ways to overcome this unfavorable effect of artificial selection are discussed.  相似文献   

气候变化对东北主要地带性植被类型分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丹  于成龙 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6511-6522
准确地划分地带性主要植被类型分布的适宜区域,可为区域植被恢复与重建、生物多样性保护等工作提供有益的理论参考。在检验1961—2013年东北地区气候变化突变点的基础上,基于东北地区主要植被类型热量指标,研究气候变化对该区域主要植被类型适宜分布区域的影响,并利用2000年和2013年土地类型覆盖数据(MCD12Q1),对推算的适宜分布区域进行验证,结果表明:大兴安岭气温突变点为1982年,其它地区为1988年,东北地区各生态地理区年降水量没有明显的突变点。气温突变点后适宜在东北地区生长的主要植被种类没有变化,但各植被类型的分布区域均有所改变,其中高山冻原、亚高山矮曲林、寒温带针叶林和温带针阔叶混交林适宜分布区域面积减小,暖温带落叶阔叶林和温带草原面积增大。气温突变点前后各植被类型适宜分布区的地理中心均发生了不同程度的移动,其中移动距离最大的是南部地区的亚高山矮曲林,向东北方向移动了135.44km。与主要植被类型实际分布相对比,证明气候变化对研究区植被类型分布可能已经产生了影响。  相似文献   

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