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Sex allocation theory predicts that parents bias the offspring sex ratio strategically. In avian species, the offspring sex ratio can be biased at multiple growth stages, although the mechanisms are not well known. It is crucial to reveal a cause and timing of biased offspring sex ratio. We investigated (i) offspring sex ratio at multiple growth stages, from laying to fledging; and (ii) the stage at which offspring sex ratio became biased; and (iii) the cause of biased offspring sex ratio in Eurasian tree sparrows Passer montanus. Sex determination of 218 offspring, including hatchlings and unhatched eggs from 41 clutches, suggested that the offspring sex ratio was not biased at the egg‐laying stage but was significantly female‐biased after the laying stage due to higher mortality of male embryos. Half of the unhatched eggs showed no sign of embryo development (37/74, 50.00%), and most undeveloped eggs were male (36/37, 97.30%). Additional experiments using an incubator suggested that the cause of embryo developmental failure was a lack of developmental ability within the egg, rather than a failure of incubation. This study highlights the importance of clarifying offspring sex ratio at multiple stages and suggests that offspring sex ratio is adjusted after fertilization.  相似文献   

Field surveys were carried out to assess the effects of intra‐tree variation in developing shoot length within and among crown levels on the density and abundance of the balsam shoot‐boring sawfly, Pleroneura brunneicornis Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Xyelidae), in young balsam fir, Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. (Pinaceae). Overall, cardinal direction had no influence on shoot‐borer density or abundance; however, the highest percentage and abundance of bored shoots occurred on intermediate‐sized shoots within the crown (i.e., in the mid‐crown and on the distal‐lateral and medial‐lateral shoots). Comparatively, few shoot borers occurred in the upper or lower crown levels, or on the relatively large terminal shoots within branches. This distribution appears indicative of the higher suitability of intermediate‐sized shoots within hosts for either egg lay or larval performance. Results of this study are most consistent with predictions of the ‘optimal module size’ hypothesis, which posits that herbivore responses to plant module size should reflect the balance of tradeoffs between utilizing relatively large, nutritious shoots vs. small, more easily exploited shoots.  相似文献   

Forests respond to increasing intensities and frequencies of drought by reducing growth and with higher tree mortality rates. Little is known, however, about the long‐term consequences of generally drier conditions and more frequent extreme droughts. A Holm oak forest was exposed to experimental rainfall manipulation for 13 years to study the effect of increasing drought on growth and mortality of the dominant species Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia, and Arbutus unedo. The drought treatment reduced stem growth of A. unedo (?66.5%) and Q. ilex (?17.5%), whereas P. latifolia remained unaffected. Higher stem mortality rates were noticeable in Q. ilex (+42.3%), but not in the other two species. Stem growth was a function of the drought index of early spring in the three species. Stem mortality rates depended on the drought index of winter and spring for Q. ilex and in spring and summer for P. latifolia, but showed no relation to climate in A. unedo. Following a long and intense drought (2005–2006), stem growth of Q. ilex and P. latifolia increased, whereas it decreased in A. unedo. Q. ilex also enhanced its survival after this period. Furthermore, the effect of drought treatment on stem growth in Q. ilex and A. unedo was attenuated as the study progressed. These results highlight the different vulnerabilities of Mediterranean species to more frequent and intense droughts, which may lead to partial species substitution and changes in forest structure and thus in carbon uptake. The response to drought, however, changed over time. Decreased intra‐ and interspecific competition after extreme events with high mortality, together with probable morphological and physiological acclimation to drought during the study period, may, at least in the short term, buffer forests against drier conditions. The long‐term effects of drought consequently deserve more attention, because the ecosystemic responses are unlikely to be stable over time.Nontechnical summaryIn this study, we evaluate the effect of long‐term (13 years) experimental drought on growth and mortality rates of three forest Mediterranean species, and their response to the different intensities and durations of natural drought. We provide evidence for species‐specific responses to drought, what may eventually lead to a partial community shift favoring the more drought‐resistant species. However, we also report a dampening of the treatment effect on the two drought‐sensitive species, which may indicate a potential adaptation to drier conditions at the ecosystem or population level. These results are thus relevant to account for the stabilizing processes that would alter the initial response of ecosystem to drought through changes in plant physiology, morphology, and demography compensation.  相似文献   

Investigations focusing on host–ectoparasite interactions in animals have revealed asymptomatic to severe health and fitness consequences suggesting that species mobilize different interspecific response mechanisms. Fewer studies, however, have examined intraspecific responses to ectoparasitic burdens. In this study, we analyzed host health and fitness responses to increasing ectoparasite burdens along with the presence/absence of hemoparasites of free‐ranging insular rock iguanas (Cyclura cychlura) in The Bahamas. Using hematology, plasma biochemistry, as well as body condition and growth rate comparisons, we failed to find significant associations of tick burdens with annual growth rate, corticosterone, packed cell volume, total white blood cell, and heterophil, monocyte, eosinophil or hemoglobin measures. We did, however, find mixed and significant associations of tick burdens with lymphocyte and basophil counts, heterophil‐to‐lymphocyte ratios, and body condition indices. These associations varied by sex, size, and hemoparasite infection status suggesting that different life stages of iguanas may invest differently in immune responses, and impacts may be modulated based on size and sex of hosts, and coinfection status.  相似文献   

The frequency of extreme events, such as cold spells, is expected to increase under global warming. Therefore, the ability of insects to survive rapid changes in temperature is an important aspect to investigate in current population ecology. The hemlock looper (HL), Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), a defoliator of boreal balsam fir forests in eastern Canada, overwinters at the egg stage on tree trunks and branches where eggs can be exposed to very low subzero air temperatures. Using eggs from the island of Newfoundland (NL) and Quebec mainland (QC), we undertook field and laboratory experiments to determine: (1) their supercooling point (SCP) in mid‐January and mid‐February; (2) overwintering mortality; (3) cold tolerance to various combinations of subzero temperatures (?25, ?30, ?33, ?35, or ?37 °C) and exposure durations (2, 4, 8, 12, or 16 h); and (4) potential causes of death at subzero temperatures above the SCP. Regardless of population or sampling date, eggs supercooled on average at ?40.1 °C. In the field, 59% of eggs from either population that overwintered in Sainte‐Foy (QC) and Corner Brook (NL) hatched successfully, whereas none did in Armagh (QC) or Epaule (QC). In the laboratory, 50% of eggs survived after 4 h at ?34.4 °C or after 14 h at ?32.9 °C. In contrast, regardless of exposure duration, >50% of eggs hatched at temperatures ≥?33 °C, but <50% did so at ≤?35 °C, suggesting high pre‐freeze mortality. However, when eggs were attached to thermocouples and exposed to temperatures ranging from ?25 to ?37 °C for 16 h, 69% froze at temperatures of ?35 to ?37 °C, but only 2% did at ?25 or ?30 °C. Time to freeze decreased as subzero temperatures declined, and this was more evident in island eggs than in mainland eggs. Overall, eggs can freeze after a brief exposure to subzero temperatures higher than the standard SCP, and are thus highly vulnerable to cold spells.  相似文献   

Individual variability in animal movement behaviour is well documented for many species. However, it remains unclear whether this variability reflects genetic variation, environmental variation or a combination of the two. Here, we conduct a cross‐fostering experiment with the aim of investigating the role of these two components in movement patterns during the post‐fledging dependence period and early natal dispersal of 21 eagle owls Bubo bubo. Our experiment showed that cross‐fostering did not influence any of the movement parameters considered. Movement parameters were, however, affected by the age and sex of the owlets. We therefore suggest that individual variability and family resemblance in movement behaviour during the post‐fledging dependence period and early natal dispersal might not be due to the common genetic origin of siblings, but rather that it originates from factors related to the rearing environment.  相似文献   

Parental care is highly variable, reflecting that parents make flexible decisions in response to variation in the cost of care to themselves and the benefit to their offspring. Much of the evidence that parents respond to such variation derives from handicapping and brood size manipulations, the separate effects of which are well understood. However, little is known about their joint effects. Here, we fill this gap by conducting a joint handicapping and brood size manipulation in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We handicapped half of the females by attaching a lead weight to their pronotum, leaving the remaining females as controls. We also manipulated brood size by providing each female with 5, 20 or 40 larvae. In contrast to what we predicted, handicapped females spent more time provisioning food than controls. We also found that handicapped females spent more time consuming carrion. Furthermore, handicapped females spent a similar amount of time consuming carrion regardless of brood size, whereas controls spent more time consuming carrion as brood increased. Females spent more time provisioning food towards larger broods, and females were more likely to engage in carrion consumption when caring for larger broods. We conclude that females respond to both handicapping and brood size manipulations, but these responses are largely independent of each other. Overall, our results suggest that handicapping might lead to a higher investment into current reproduction and that it might be associated with compensatory responses that negate the detrimental impact of higher cost of care in handicapped parents.  相似文献   

Willow biomass produced in short rotation coppice systems can potentially be used as biomass feedstock in Europe, the United States and Canada. However, most researchers focus on data from the first harvest rotation only, whereas multiple rotations have been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cultivar (5), planting density (12,000–96,000 cuttings/ha) and harvest rotation (annual, biennial, triennial) on willow biomass yields during 12 consecutive years in northern Poland. Every experimental factor and the interactions between factors significantly impacted willow yields. Biomass yield was highest in the triennial harvest rotation (13.3 Mg ha?1 year?1), 15.9% lower in the biennial rotation and 26.9% lower in the annual rotation. The highest average yield (14.6 Mg ha?1 year?1) was noted at a planting density of 24,000 cuttings/ha, and yields were 9.3%–46.0% lower at the remaining densities. Cultivar UWM 095 had the highest average yield (13.0 Mg ha?1 year?1), whereas the yield of the remaining cultivars was 4.6%–32.4% lower. During the 12‐year period, yields were higher after the first harvest in annual, biennial and triennial harvest rotations. This above implies that high biomass yields can be obtained after the first harvest rotation if willows are cultivated on fertile soils at higher planting density, well managed and coppiced after the first year. However, yields are unlikely to be higher in successive harvest rotations, and they can even be lower, but more stable than in the first harvest rotation.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclones are renowned for their destructive nature and are an important feature of marine and coastal tropical ecosystems. Over the last 40 years, their intensity, frequency and tracks have changed, partly in response to ocean warming, and future predictions indicate that these trends are likely to continue with potential consequences for human populations and coastal ecosystems. However, our understanding of how tropical cyclones currently affect marine biodiversity, and pelagic species in particular, is limited. For seabirds, the impacts of cyclones are known to be detrimental at breeding colonies, but impacts on the annual survival of pelagic adults and juveniles remain largely unexplored and no study has simultaneously explored the direct impacts of cyclones on different life‐history stages across the annual life cycle. We used a 20‐year data set on tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean, tracking data from 122 Round Island petrels and long‐term capture–mark–recapture data to explore the impacts of tropical cyclones on the survival of adult and juvenile (first year) petrels during both the breeding and migration periods. The tracking data showed that juvenile and adult Round Island petrels utilize the three cyclone regions of the Indian Ocean and were potentially exposed to cyclones for a substantial part of their annual cycle. However, only juvenile petrel survival was affected by cyclone activity; negatively by a strong cyclone in the vicinity of the breeding colony and positively by increasing cyclone activity in the Northern Indian Ocean where they spend the majority of their first year at sea. These contrasting effects raise the intriguing prospect that the projected changes in cyclones under current climate change scenarios may have positive as well as the more commonly perceived negative impacts on marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

Climate warming affects plant physiology through genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity, but little is known about how these mechanisms influence ecosystem processes. We used three elevation gradients and a reciprocal transplant experiment to show that temperature causes genetic change in the sedge Eriophorum vaginatum. We demonstrate that plants originating from warmer climate produce fewer secondary compounds, grow faster and accelerate carbon dioxide (CO2) release to the atmosphere. However, warmer climate also caused plasticity in E. vaginatum, inhibiting nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis and growth and slowing CO2 release into the atmosphere. Genetic differentiation and plasticity in E. vaginatum thus had opposing effects on CO2 fluxes, suggesting that warming over many generations may buffer, or reverse, the short‐term influence of this species over carbon cycle processes. Our findings demonstrate the capacity for plant evolution to impact ecosystem processes, and reveal a further mechanism through which plants will shape ecosystem responses to climate change.  相似文献   

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