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This article is essentially a critical reflection on the transnational concept of Indigeneity, drawing from my long-standing involvement as a scholar-activist with indigenous peoples in Malaysia. With its multiple interpretations, configurations, and local inflections, the concept of Indigeneity has attracted much debate and contestation. It has become a significant political strategy in the counter-hegemonic indigenous social movements against exploitative, oppressive and repressive regimes throughout the world. In some contexts, Indigeneity is complicated by its conflation with racialised identities. While there is an implicit understanding that Indigeneity and marginality are closely linked, this is not always the case for certain claimants of indigenous status. In this article, I address these issues in the context of Malaysia and India, focusing on some of the conundrums and contradictions associated with the transnational concept of Indigeneity. I also reflect on some of my experiences with indigenous peoples in Hawaii and Australia and at international conferences. The article concludes with the viewpoint that anthropology requires continued engagement in a politics of critical solidarity with indigenous peoples, one that focuses on enablement rather than endless deconstruction.  相似文献   

Vegetation was assessed in plots sited at varying distances along two line transects radiating from each of nine artificial water points. Environmental variables such as distance from water point, soil type and ground cover were related to grass species composition. Grass species composition in calcrete soils differed significantly from that found in sandy soils. On calcrete soils, distance from water point did not have a significant effect on species composition. On sandy soils, distance from water point had a significant effect on species composition at two of the nine water points sampled. At these two water points, grass species that are usually associated with disturbed areas dominated close to the water points while those that dominated far from the water points were those that are usually associated with undisturbed sites. The results therefore indicate that there was no severe degradation of habitat around water points.  相似文献   

The white Batswana of the Okavango identify as African, are strongly nationalistic and express deep senses of belonging to the social and physical environments of their birth and upbringing. Yet, claims to belonging by white people to extra-European territories are often perceived as inauthentic at best and neocolonial at worst. This raises the question of how the empirical realities of such connections can be analytically rendered without threatening or appropriating indigenous identities. Through making a case for the heuristic utility of the concept of experiential autochthony, I argue that emplacement and belonging can be fruitfully explored for migrant and settler groups.  相似文献   

Despite rapid socio-economic development in Kalahari drylands, contemporary research suggests that biodiversity remains important as a component of the complex portfolio of livelihood strategies, as a real and perceived safety net in times of stress, and a key factor of cultural identity. The degree to which the spatially and temporally dynamic nature of biodiversity in drylands influences livelihoods is, however, little studied, particularly in socially complex contemporary rural settlements. Greater understanding in this area is required to allow better-informed design and implementation of rural development, poverty alleviation and conservation initiatives. This is particularly true in the light of predicted increases in environmental dynamism with climate change. An interdisciplinary approach was used in two environmentally and socially distinct dryland settlements in Botswana, to investigate the extent to which the dynamic biodiverse setting influences contemporary rural livelihoods. Results illustrate that biodiversity, particularly its dynamics, is of critical contemporary importance to rural settlement livelihoods, particularly in times of inner settlement scarcity. Entitlements to biodiversity dynamics were, however, bound up by complex settlement-specific social, economic and political factors. Unless such contextual within-settlement dynamics are understood, the relative importance of biodiversity in rural development and poverty alleviation strategies in contemporary Kalahari drylands may be undermined.  相似文献   

Méadhbh McIvor 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):323-343
Although human rights are often framed as the result of centuries of Western Christian thought, many English evangelicals are wary of the U.K.’s recent embrace of rights-based law. Yet this wariness does not preclude their use of human rights instruments in the courts. Drawing upon fieldwork with Christian lobbyists and lawyers in London, I argue that evangelical activists instrumentalise rights-based law so as to undermine the universalist claims on which they rest. By constructing themselves as a marginalised counterpublic whose rights are frequently ‘trumped’ by the competing claims of others, they hope to convince their fellow Britons that a society built upon the logic of equal rights cannot hope to deliver the human flourishing it promises. Given the salience of contemporary political conservatism, I call for further ethnographic research into counterpublic movements, and offer my interlocutors’ instrumentalisation of human rights as a critique of the inconsistencies of secular law.  相似文献   

The existing biocultural links are analyzed among ancient inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys (Bolivia) from the Formative and Tiwanaku periods, coastal and inland Azapa region (Chile) from the Late Archaic to the Late periods, and the Atacama Desert oases (Chile) from the Formative period to the time of European contact. Craniometric information obtained from a sample of 565 individuals from different sites of the studied regions was evaluated using methods derived from quantitative genetics and multivariate statistical analysis techniques. It is shown that during the Formative and Tiwanaku periods inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys maintained contact with the population of northern Chile. This contact was more fluid with the people from the interior valley of Azapa than it was with the settlers of San Pedro Atacama (SPA). An important biological affinity in the Late Period between the inhabitants of the Azapa valley and the late SPA groups is also examined. The Late‐Inca Catarpe SPA sample shows a broad genetic variability shared with the majority of the groups studied. The results reaffirm the differences between the coastal and interior Azapa valley groups and strengthen the hypothesis of two pathways to populating the south central Andean area. The divergence observed among subpopulations can be explained by the spatiotemporal dispersion between them, genetic drift dispersion compensated by the action of gene flow, and cultural norms that regulate within group mating. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:591–599, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Wildlife populations in semi‐arid regions require unrestricted mobility along ecological gradients and across large landscapes to enable adaptive responses to seasonal variability and patchy resources. In the Kalahari region of Botswana, herbivore populations historically depended on seasonal access to the nutrient‐rich Schwelle area in the wet season and to water from the Boteti River during drought periods. Blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) have lost access to these key habitats due to fences and encroachment of livestock and humans. We deployed satellite collars onto 10 female wildebeest in the CKGR to examine seasonal movements and habitat selection in relation to the environmental conditions and fragmented ecosystem. Wildebeest favoured open, short‐grass pan habitats in all seasons, probably in response to better forage quality and lower predation risk. The ability to remain in pan habitats during the dry season was a result of artificial water provision. A wildebeest herd that had no artificial water in its home range survived the dry season, whereas those wildebeest that were accustomed to water provision died when their water points failed in the dry season. Thus, water provision altered adaptive behaviour and reduced resilience of the population to the arid environment.  相似文献   

Natives Making Nation: Gender, Indigeneity, and the State in the Andes. Andrew Canessa, ed. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2005. 201 pp.  相似文献   

The distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) molecular forms and their solubility characteristics were examined, using density gradient centrifugation, in various regions of the postmortem human CNS. Total AChE activity varied extensively (50-fold) among the regions investigated, being highest in the telencephalic subcortical structures (caudate nucleus and nucleus of Meynert); intermediate in the substantia nigra, cerebellum, and spinal cord; and least in the fornix and cortical regions (hippocampus and temporal and parietal cortex). Total BChE activity was, in contrast, much more evenly distributed, with only a threefold variation between the regions studied. Although the patterns of molecular forms of each enzyme were broadly similar among the different areas, regional variations in the distribution and abundance of the various forms of AChE were much greater than those of BChE. Thus, although the tetrameric G4 form of AChE constituted the majority of the total AChE activity in all regions examined, the ratio of the G4 form to the monomeric G1 form, the latter of which constituted the majority of the remaining activity, varied markedly, ranging from 21 in the caudate nucleus to 1.7 in the temporal cortex. In addition to the G4 and G1 forms of AChE, the dimeric G2 form was observed in the nucleus of Meynert and a fast-sedimenting (16S) species was found in samples of both the parietal cortex and spinal cord. In contrast, the G4 and G1 forms of BChE were the only molecular species observed in the different areas and the G4:G1 ratio varied from 3.3 in the substantia nigra to 0.9 in the temporal cortex. Regarding the solubility characteristics of the individual AChE and BChE molecular forms, the majority of the G4 form of AChE was extractable only in the presence of detergent, indicating a predominantly membrane-bound localization of this species. The smaller AChE forms (G1 and G2) and both the G1 and G4 forms of BChE were all relatively evenly distributed between soluble and membrane-bound species. These findings are discussed in relation to neurochemical and neuroanatomical, particularly cholinergic, features of the regions examined.  相似文献   

人体内部各器官的健康状态可以在脉搏信息中反映出来,要使脉诊技术客观化,除了获取准确的脉搏信息外,还必须对大量不同人群的脉搏信息进行对比分析,提取有关的特征参量。利用PVDF压力传感器并垫一水囊间接接触法拾取脉搏信息,通过调理放大硬件电路和数据采集处理系统实现人体脉搏的测量,给出了不同年龄段人群的脉图及对应的频谱图,并进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

Sixteen vegetation types were described from a north-south transect in the western Kalahari. Pronounced differences were found between communities on the nutrient poor red Kalahari sand, covering most of the area and those on fine soils and white calcareous sand. Syntaxa resulting from severe overgrazing by livestock were in most cases clearly distinguished from the less disturbed vegetation. The communities on red sand consisted mainly of shrub savanna dominated by perennial tufted grasses, whereas in the vegetation on calcareous material and on overgrazed land, forbs, dwarf shrubs and shrubs played a more important role. The major communities on red sand showed a clear geographical zonation roughly corresponding to the gradient in mean annual rainfall and its interannual variation. In the northern and central Kalahari these syntaxa were dominated by species of Sudano-Zambezian origin and in the southern Kalahari by species showing Karoo-Namib affinities.  相似文献   

It is assumed that the transition from the Late Eneolithic to the Early Bronze Age in Central Europe was associated with substantial changes in subsistence and the perception of gender differences. However, the archeological record itself does not entirely support this model. Alternatively, this transition may be interpreted as a continuous process. We used asymmetry in external dimensions, and asymmetry in size and distribution of cortical tissue of humeri to elucidate the nature of this transition with respect to differences in manipulative behavior. The total sample of 67 individuals representing five archaeological cultures was used. The results indicate that the pattern of asymmetry of the humeral external measurements and the cross-sectional parameters taken at 35% of humeral biomechanical length remain stable during the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age. However, females of both periods show fluctuating asymmetry for all of the cross-sectional parameters, but directional asymmetry for biomechanical length. Males are nonsignificantly shifted from the line of equivalence for biomechanical length, but exhibit directional asymmetry for the cortical area and polar moment of area. Only distal articular breadth yields fluctuating asymmetry for both females and males in both periods. Thus, the transition from the Late Eneolithic to the Early Bronze Age can be seen as a continuous process that probably affected only a limited part of human activities. We interpret the differences between females and males of both periods as evidence of gender-specific activities; males might have been associated with extra-domestic agricultural labor that resulted in asymmetrical manipulative loading and females with domestic labor with symmetrical manipulative loading in both periods.  相似文献   

Essentialism has become a fundament of Aboriginal activism in modern Australia, with the result that informed, first-hand empirical observations of anthropologists who chronicle the deterioration of life in many Australian Aboriginal communities tend not to be taken seriously simply because their authors are not ethnically ‘Aboriginal’. This problem has contributed to a relative absence of analysis of the economic history of Aboriginal Australians, fostering instead an approach that prioritises the political and cultural rights of indigenous people above the kinds of life-enhancing circumstances that are necessary for them to participate in the economy and create wealth. This kind of essentialism has also resulted in a disregard for the rights of indigenous people as individuals, rather than as communities seeking self-determination, especially with regard to the rights of women and children. The work of Professor Ronald M. Berndt and Dr Catherine Berndt should serve as an example for today's anthropologists in encouraging broader expert participation in debates on indigenous disadvantage, despite the threat of admonishment or criticism by Aboriginal rights activists wielding the weapon of racial priority or essentialism.  相似文献   

Among the most popular media images of Australia are the outback heroes: the explorer, pioneer and pastoralist. However, there is insufficient attention paid to the role that pastoralists and their management strategies have played in the dispossession and degradation of arid Australia. A historical overview of ecology and land management suggests that the fragility of Australia's arid ecosystems was identified over 100 years ago, and despite repeated calls for reform, effective regional management schemes are still vehemently opposed by pastoralists. I argue that, until the role played by pastoralists and their management strategies in the degradation of arid Australia has been adequately communicated, pastoralists will remain a powerful political lobby capable of thwarting the implementation of sustainable land management practises.  相似文献   

In vitro quantitative autoradiography of high-affinity [3H]imipramine binding sites was performed on 16 human brains postmortem. The densities of binding sites were highest in the hypothalamus. Next, in descending order, were the basal and lateral nuclei of the amygdala; substantia innominata; insular cortex; the central nucleus of the amygdala; the anterior nucleus of the thalamus; the head of the caudate nucleus; portions of the frontal, parietal, and temporal cortex; claustrum; the granular layer of the dentate gyrus; substantia nigra; the pyramidal layer of CA fields; globus pallidus; red nucleus; and white matter. Imipramine binding was found to increase with age in a region-specific manner. The presence of alcohol had a similar effect, which was most pronounced in the hippocampus. Sex and time from death to autopsy did not affect imipramine binding, in our sample.  相似文献   

Restricting a person’s liberty presents society with many inherent ethical challenges. The historical purposes of confinement have included punishment, penitence, containment, rehabilitation, and habilitation. While the purposes are indeed complex, multifaceted, and at times ambiguous or contradictory, the fact of incarceration intrinsically creates many ethical challenges for psychiatrists working in correctional settings. Role definition of a psychiatrist may be ambiguous, with potential tensions between forensic and therapeutic demands. Privacy may be limited or absent and confidentiality may be compromised. Patient autonomy may be threatened to address real or perceived security concerns. Care delivery may actually have harmful consequences in court cases for pretrial detainees or lethal consequences for those under a death sentence. An absence of data and targeted research hampers the development of evidence-based care delivery for the disenfranchised, understudied, and disproportionately ill prisoner population. In this review paper, I discuss a few of the challenges and dilemmas routinely faced and present a series of questions. Where feasible, proposed resolutions are offered.  相似文献   

Video is increasingly utilized by human rights groups as a component in their advocacy strategies. This article looks at how video is used for a range of local, national, and transnational human rights audiences—both traditional and alternative. Drawing on a case study from the Philippines, it considers the challenges and issues faced by WITNESS (www.witness.org), its locally based human rights partners, and other similar organizations as they create and use video as visual evidence, testimony, and moral story before local, international, and transnational human rights audiences. These challenges include the contextualization of stories and sight bites, dilemmas of moving testimony between advocacy and media arenas, and the difficulties of establishing an ethical relationship, a community of witness, at a distance. This article is written in a personal capacity, although it draws on my experiences working as Program Manager at WITNESS.  相似文献   

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