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Interspecific competition for shared resources should select for evolutionary divergence in resource use between competing species, termed character displacement. Many purported examples of character displacement exist, but few completely rule out alternative explanations. We reared genetically diverse populations of two species of bean beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus and Callosobruchus chinensis, in allopatry and sympatry on a mixture of adzuki beans and lentils, and assayed oviposition preference and other phenotypic traits after four, eight, and twelve generations of (co)evolution. C. maculatus specializes on adzuki beans; the generalist C. chinensis uses both beans. C. chinensis growing in allopatry emerged equally from both bean species. In sympatry, the two species competing strongly and coexisted via strong realized resource partitioning, with C. chinensis emerging almost exclusively from lentils and C. maculatus emerging almost exclusively from adzuki beans. However, oviposition preferences, larval survival traits, and larval development rates in both beetle species did not vary consistently between allopatric versus sympatric treatments. Rather, traits evolved in treatment‐independent fashion, with several traits exhibiting reversals in their evolutionary trajectories. For example, C. chinensis initially evolved a slower egg‐to‐adult development rate on adzuki beans in both allopatry and sympatry, then subsequently evolved back toward the faster ancestral development rate. Lack of character displacement is consistent with a previous similar experiment in bean beetles and may reflect lack of evolutionary trade‐offs in resource use. However, evolutionary reversals were unexpected and remain unexplained. Together with other empirical and theoretical work, our results illustrate the stringency of the conditions for character displacement.  相似文献   

Rapid adaptation can prevent extinction when populations are exposed to extremely marginal or stressful environments. Factors that affect the likelihood of evolutionary rescue from extinction have been identified, but much less is known about the evolutionary dynamics (e.g., rates and patterns of allele frequency change) and genomic basis of successful rescue, particularly in multicellular organisms. We conducted an evolve‐and‐resequence experiment to investigate the dynamics of evolutionary rescue at the genetic level in the cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, when it is experimentally shifted to a stressful host plant, lentil. Low survival (~1%) at the onset of the experiment caused population decline. But adaptive evolution quickly rescued the population, with survival rates climbing to 69% by the F5 generation and 90% by the F10 generation. Population genomic data showed that rescue likely was caused by rapid evolutionary change at multiple loci, with many alleles fixing or nearly fixing within five generations of selection on lentil. Selection on these loci was only moderately consistent in time, but parallel evolutionary changes were evident in sublines formed after the lentil line had passed through a bottleneck. By comparing estimates of selection and genomic change on lentil across five independent C. maculatus lines (the new lentil‐adapted line, three long‐established lines and one case of failed evolutionary rescue), we found that adaptation on lentil occurred via somewhat idiosyncratic evolutionary changes. Overall, our results suggest that evolutionary rescue in this system can be caused by very strong selection on multiple loci driving rapid and pronounced genomic change.  相似文献   

In intraspecific competition, the sex of competing individuals is likely to be important in determining the outcome of competitive interactions and the way exposure to conspecifics during development influences adult fitness traits. Previous studies have explored differences between males and females in their response to intraspecific competition. However, few have tested how the sex of the competitors, or any interactions between focal and competitor sex, influences the nature and intensity of competition. We set up larval seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus to develop either alone or in the presence of a male or female competitor and measured a suite of traits: development time, emergence weight; male ejaculate mass, copulation duration, and lifespan; and female lifetime fecundity, offspring egg–adult survival, and lifespan. We found effects of competition and competitor sex on the development time and emergence weight of both males and females, and also of an interaction between focal and competitor sex: Females emerged lighter when competing with another female, while males did not. There was little effect of larval competition on male and female adult fitness traits, with the exception of the effect of a female competitor on a focal female's offspring survival rate. Our results highlight the importance of directly measuring the effects of competition on fitness traits, rather than distant proxies for fitness, and suggest that competition with the sex with the greater resource requirements (here females) might play a role in driving trait evolution. We also found that male–male competition during development resulted in shorter copulation times than male–female competition, a result that remained when controlling for the weight of competitors. Although it is difficult to definitively tease apart the effects of social environment and access to resources, this result suggests that something about the sex of competitors other than their size is driving this pattern.  相似文献   

Extending the storage life of legumes by protecting it from the Callosobruchus maculatus infestation is a major concern for the producers, processors and exporters. Legume processing industry requires “greener” alternatives to the conventional fumigants. Gaseous ozone has a great potential as an insect management strategy that is suited for this niche. Nevertheless, the efficacy of ozone against C. maculatus is yet unknown. A laboratory study was conducted to test the insecticidal effect of ozone in controlling the infestation of C. maculatus in green gram. We have determined the concentration of ozone exposure time–mortality relationship for all the stages of C. maculatus that were exposed to 500–1,500 ppmv ozone. The percentages of mortality for different stages of C. maculatus increased with the increase in ozone concentration and exposure time. It was documented that adult stage is least tolerant to ozone (500 ppmv for 274.40 min exposure required to kill 90%), whereas the most tolerant stage is pupa (500 ppmv for 1816.54 min is required to kill 90%). The results indicate that gaseous ozone is the attractive alternative to the synthetic fumigants.  相似文献   

Resource competition is frequently strong among parasites that feed within small discrete resource patches, such as seeds or fruits. The properties of a host can influence the behavioural, morphological and life‐history traits of associated parasites, including traits that mediate competition within the host. For seed parasites, host size may be an especially important determinant of competitive ability. Using the seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, we performed replicated, reciprocal host shifts to examine the role of seed size in determining larval competitiveness and associated traits. Populations ancestrally associated with either a small host (mung bean) or a large one (cowpea) were switched to each other's host for 36 generations. Compared to control lines (those remaining on the ancestral host), lines switched from the small host to the large host evolved greater tolerance of co‐occurring larvae within seeds (indicated by an increase in the frequency of small seeds yielding two adults), smaller egg size and higher fecundity. Each change occurred in the direction predicted by the traits of populations already adapted to cowpea. However, we did not observe the expected decline in adult mass following the shift to the larger host. Moreover, lines switched from the large host (cowpea) to the small host (mung bean) did not evolve the predicted increase in larval competitiveness or egg size, but did exhibit the predicted increase in body mass. Our results thus provide mixed support for the hypothesis that host size determines the evolution of competition‐related traits of seed beetles. Evolutionary responses to the two host shifts were consistent among replicate lines, but the evolution of larval competition was asymmetric, with larval competitiveness evolving as predicted in one direction of host shift, but not the reverse. Nevertheless, our results indicate that switching hosts is sufficient to produce repeatable and rapid changes in the competition strategy and fitness‐related traits of insect populations.  相似文献   

We study a series of spatially implicit lottery models in which two competing plant species, with and without defensive traits, are grazed by a herbivore in a homogeneous habitat. One species (palatable) has no defensive traits, while the other (defended) has defensive traits but suffers reduced reproduction as the result of an assumed trade-off. Not surprisingly, coexistence of these plants cannot occur when the herbivore density is very low (the palatable plant always wins) or very high (the defended plant wins). At intermediate densities, however, herbivory can mediate plant coexistence, even in a homogeneous environment. If the herbivore eats several plants per bite, and its forage-selection depends on the average palatability of the plants it eats, then palatable species in the immediate neighbourhood of defended plants may be more likely to persist (associational resistance) even at higher grazing pressure. If the herbivore shows a positive numerical response to the average palatability of the habitat as a whole, then both plant populations are stabilized and coexistence is promoted, because both species obtain a minority advantage through the negative feedback caused by herbivory. If the herbivore exhibits both of these traits, the system may have at most two non-trivial equilibria, one of which is stable and the other unstable. This means that coexistence in such a system is vulnerable to large fluctuations in herbivore density and identity, and this has implications for conservation in systems where large herbivores are managed to promote plant diversity.  相似文献   

We give the first mathematically rigorous proof that disturbances allow competing species to coexist. This work provides a mathematical framework to explain the existence of fugitive species and the role played by disturbances in increasing or decreasing the biodiversity of ecosystems. We study modifications of the metapopulation model for patchy environments proposed by Caswell and Cohen (1990, 1991). For the one- and two-species models we give necessary and sufficient conditions on the parameters for the existence of a non-trivial equilibrium solution, which is shown to be always globally stable.  相似文献   

The outcome of sexual conflict can depend on the social environment, as males respond to changes in the inclusive fitness payoffs of harmfulness and harm females less when they compete with familiar relatives. Theoretical models also predict that if limited male dispersal predictably enhances local relatedness while maintaining global competition, kin selection can produce evolutionary divergences in male harmfulness among populations. Experimental tests of these predictions, however, are rare. We assessed rates of dispersal in female and male seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus, a model species for studies of sexual conflict, in an experimental setting. Females dispersed significantly more often than males, but dispersing males travelled just as far as dispersing females. Next, we used experimental evolution to test whether limiting dispersal allowed the action of kin selection to affect divergence in male harmfulness and female resistance. Populations of C. maculatus were evolved for 20 and 25 generations under one of three dispersal regimens: completely free dispersal, limited dispersal and no dispersal. There was no divergence among treatments in female reproductive tract scarring, ejaculate size, mating behaviour, fitness of experimental females mated to stock males or fitness of stock females mated to experimental males. We suggest that this is likely due to insufficient strength of kin selection rather than a lack of genetic variation or time for selection. Limited dispersal alone is therefore not sufficient for kin selection to reduce male harmfulness in this species, consistent with general predictions that limited dispersal will only allow kin selection if local relatedness is independent of the intensity of competition among kin.  相似文献   

Environmental variability can structure species coexistence by enhancing niche partitioning. Modern coexistence theory highlights two fluctuation‐dependent temporal coexistence mechanisms —the storage effect and relative nonlinearity – but empirical tests are rare. Here, we experimentally test if environmental fluctuations enhance coexistence in a California annual grassland. We manipulate rainfall timing and relative densities of the grass Avena barbata and forb Erodium botrys, parameterise a demographic model, and partition coexistence mechanisms. Rainfall variability was integral to grass–forb coexistence. Variability enhanced growth rates of both species, and early‐season drought was essential for Erodium persistence. While theoretical developments have focused on the storage effect, it was not critical for coexistence. In comparison, relative nonlinearity strongly stabilised coexistence, where Erodium experienced disproportionately high growth under early‐season drought due to competitive release from Avena. Our results underscore the importance of environmental variability and suggest that relative nonlinearity is a critical if underappreciated coexistence mechanism.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that costly secondary sexual traits will evolve heightened condition dependence, and many studies have reported strong condition dependence of signal and weapon traits in a variety of species. However, although genital structures often play key roles in intersexual interactions and appear to be subject to sexual or sexually antagonistic selection, few studies have examined the condition dependence of genital structures, especially in both sexes simultaneously. We investigated the responses of male and female genital structures to manipulation of larval diet quality (new versus once‐used mung beans) in the bruchid seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. We quantified effects on mean relative size and static allometry of the male aedeagus, aedeagal spines, flap and paramere and the female reproductive tract and bursal spines. None of the male traits showed a significant effect of diet quality. In females, we found that longer bursal spines (relative to body size) were expressed on low‐quality diet. Although the function of bursal spines is poorly understood, we suggest that greater bursal spine length in low‐condition females may represent a sexually antagonistic adaptation. Overall, we found no evidence that genital traits in C. maculatus are expressed to a greater extent when nutrients are more abundant. This suggests that, even though some genital traits appear to function as secondary sexual traits, genital traits do not exhibit heightened condition dependence in this species. We discuss possible reasons for this finding.  相似文献   

Resource partitioning is an important process driving habitat use and foraging strategies in sympatric species that potentially compete. Differences in foraging behavior are hypothesized to contribute to species coexistence by facilitating resource partitioning, but little is known on the multiple mechanisms for partitioning that may occur simultaneously. Studies are further limited in the marine environment, where the spatial and temporal distribution of resources is highly dynamic and subsequently difficult to quantify. We investigated potential pathways by which foraging behavior may facilitate resource partitioning in two of the largest co‐occurring and closely related species on Earth, blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) whales. We integrated multiple long‐term datasets (line‐transect surveys, whale‐watching records, net sampling, stable isotope analysis, and remote‐sensing of oceanographic parameters) to compare the diet, phenology, and distribution of the two species during their foraging periods in the highly productive waters of Monterey Bay, California, USA within the California Current Ecosystem. Our long‐term study reveals that blue and humpback whales likely facilitate sympatry by partitioning their foraging along three axes: trophic, temporal, and spatial. Blue whales were specialists foraging on krill, predictably targeting a seasonal peak in krill abundance, were present in the bay for an average of 4.7 months, and were spatially restricted at the continental shelf break. In contrast, humpback whales were generalists apparently feeding on a mixed diet of krill and fishes depending on relative abundances, were present in the bay for a more extended period (average of 6.6 months), and had a broader spatial distribution at the shelf break and inshore. Ultimately, competition for common resources can lead to behavioral, morphological, and physiological character displacement between sympatric species. Understanding the mechanisms for species coexistence is both fundamental to maintaining biodiverse ecosystems, and provides insight into the evolutionary drivers of morphological differences in closely related species.  相似文献   

The Acacia drepanolobium (also known as Vachellia drepanolobium) ant‐plant symbiosis is considered a classic case of species coexistence, in which four species of tree‐defending ants compete for nesting space in a single host tree species. Coexistence in this system has been explained by trade‐offs in the ability of the ant associates to compete with each other for occupied trees versus the ability to colonize unoccupied trees. We seek to understand the proximal reasons for how and why the ant species vary in competitive or colonizing abilities, which are largely unknown. In this study, we use RADseq‐derived SNPs to identify relatedness of workers in colonies to test the hypothesis that competitively dominant ants reach large colony sizes due to polygyny, that is, the presence of multiple egg‐laying queens in a single colony. We find that variation in polygyny is not associated with competitive ability; in fact, the most dominant species, unexpectedly, showed little evidence of polygyny. We also use these markers to investigate variation in mating behavior among the ant species and find that different species vary in the number of males fathering the offspring of each colony. Finally, we show that the nature of polygyny varies between the two commonly polygynous species, Crematogaster mimosae and Tetraponera penzigi: in C. mimosae, queens in the same colony are often related, while this is not the case for T. penzigi. These results shed light on factors influencing the evolution of species coexistence in an ant‐plant mutualism, as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of RADseq‐derived SNPs for parentage analysis.  相似文献   

Soils are known to support a great bacterial diversity down to the millimeter scale, but the mechanisms by which such a large diversity is sustained are largely unknown. A feature of unsaturated soils is that water usually forms thin, poorly-connected films, which limit solute diffusive fluxes. It has been proposed, but never unambiguously experimentally tested, that a low substrate diffusive flux would impact bacterial diversity, by promoting the coexistence between slow-growing bacteria and their potentially faster-growing competitors. We used a simple experimental system, based on a Petri dish and a perforated Teflon membrane to control diffusive fluxes of substrate (benzoate) whilst permitting direct observation of bacterial colonies. The system was inoculated with prescribed strains of Pseudomonas, whose growth was quantified by microscopic monitoring of the fluorescent proteins they produced. We observed that substrate diffusion limitation reduced the growth rate of the otherwise fast-growing Pseudomonas putida KT2440 strain. This strain out-competed Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 in liquid culture, but its competitive advantage was less marked on solid media, and even disappeared under conditions of low substrate diffusion. Low diffusive fluxes of substrate, characteristic of many unsaturated media (e.g. soils, food products), can thus promote bacterial coexistence in a competitive situation between two strains. This mechanism might therefore contribute to maintaining the noncompetitive diversity pattern observed in unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

Theories involving niche diversification to explain high levels of tropical diversity propose that species are more likely to co‐occur if they partition at least one dimension of their ecological niche space. Yet, numerous species appear to have widely overlapping niches based upon broad categorizations of resource use or functional traits. In particular, the extent to which food partitioning contributes to species coexistence in hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems remains unresolved. Here, we use a molecular approach to investigate inter‐ and intraspecific dietary partitioning between two species of damselfish (Dascyllus flavicaudus, Chromis viridis) that commonly co‐occur in branching corals. Species‐level identification of their diverse zooplankton prey revealed significant differences in diet composition between species despite their seemingly similar feeding strategies. Dascyllus exhibited a more diverse diet than Chromis, whereas Chromis tended to select larger prey items. A large calanoid copepod, Labidocera sp., found in low density and higher in the water column during the day, explained more than 19% of the variation in dietary composition between Dascyllus and Chromis. Dascyllus did not significantly shift its diet in the presence of Chromis, which suggests intrinsic differences in feeding behaviour. Finally, prey composition significantly shifted during the ontogeny of both fish species. Our findings show that levels of dietary specialization among coral reef associated species have likely been underestimated, and they underscore the importance of characterizing trophic webs in tropical ecosystems at higher levels of taxonomic resolution. They also suggest that niche redundancy may not be as common as previously thought.  相似文献   

Comparative studies documenting a relationship between male gonadal investment and the degree of sperm competition (SC) have usually considered the association between these traits to be driven by qualitative differences in the mating system, such as whether spawning occurs in pairs or groups. However, ecological and demographic differences between conspecific populations may also generate variation in the importance of SC that can drive the evolution of male gonadal investment. In this study, we examined whether variation in population density, which is predicted to influence the level of SC in many animals, is correlated with male gonadal investment among populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, a species with internal fertilization in which multiple mating is common. We complemented this field study by testing whether males respond plastically to experimentally increased levels of SC by increasing investment in testis. This experiment involved two treatments. In the first, we eliminated the potential for sperm competition (NSC) by housing a single male with a single female. In the second, we created a high risk of SC by housing five males with two females. In the field survey, we found significant differences among populations in density and relative testis mass. However, there was no evidence for a correlation between population density and relative testis mass. In our lab experiment, males did not adjust their gonadal investment in response to experiencing different levels of SC for 4 weeks. Our combined results indicate that gonadal investment in male H. formosa is not related to variation in population density.  相似文献   

The coexistence of numerous tree species in tropical forests is commonly explained by negative dependence of recruitment on the conspecific seed and tree density due to specialist natural enemies that attack seeds and seedlings (‘Janzen–Connell’ effects). Less known is whether guilds of shared seed predators can induce a negative dependence of recruitment on the density of different species of the same plant functional group. We studied 54 plots in tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, with contrasting mature tree densities of three coexisting large seeded tree species with shared seed predators. Levels of seed predation were far better explained by incorporating seed densities of all three focal species than by conspecific seed density alone. Both positive and negative density dependencies were observed for different species combinations. Thus, indirect interactions via shared seed predators can either promote or reduce the coexistence of different plant functional groups in tropical forest.  相似文献   

What factors determine the distribution of a species is a central question in ecology and conservation biology. In general, the distribution of plant species is assumed to be controlled by dispersal or environmentally controlled recruitment. For plant species which are critically dependent on mycorrhizal symbionts for germination and seedling establishment, specificity in mycorrhizal associations and availability of suitable mycorrhizal fungi can be expected to have a major impact on successful colonization and establishment and thus ultimately on a species distribution. We combined seed germination experiments with soil analyses and fungal assessments using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing to test the relative importance of dispersal limitation, mycorrhizal availability and local growth conditions on the distribution of the orchid species Liparis loeselii, which, despite being widely distributed, is rare and endangered in Europe. We compared local soil conditions, seed germination and mycorrhizal availability in the soil between locations in northern Belgium and France where L. loeselii occurs naturally and locations where conditions appear suitable, but where adults of the species are absent. Our results indicated that mycorrhizal communities associating with L. loeselii varied among sites and plant life cycle stages, but the observed variations did not affect seed germination, which occurred regardless of current L. loeselii presence and was significantly affected by soil moisture content. These results indicate that L. loeselii is a mycorrhizal generalist capable of opportunistically associating with a variety of fungal partners to induce seed germination. They also indicate that availability of fungal associates is not necessarily the determining factor driving the distribution of mycorrhizal plant species.  相似文献   

Invasive species frequently differentiate phenotypically in novel environments within a few generations, often even with limited genetic variation. For the invasive plants Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea, we tested whether such differentiation might have occurred through heritable epigenetic changes in cytosine methylation. In a 2‐year common‐garden experiment, we grew plants from seeds collected along a latitudinal gradient in their non‐native Central European range to test for trait differentiation and whether differentiation disappeared when seeds were treated with the demethylation agent zebularine. Microsatellite markers revealed no population structure along the latitudinal gradient in S. canadensis, but three genetic clusters in S. gigantea. Solidago canadensis showed latitudinal clines in flowering phenology and growth. In S. gigantea, the number of clonal offspring decreased with latitude. Although zebularine had a significant effect on early growth, probably through effects on cytosine methylation, latitudinal clines remained (or even got stronger) in plants raised from seeds treated with zebularine. Thus, our experiment provides no evidence that epigenetic mechanisms by selective cytosine methylation contribute to the observed phenotypic differentiation in invasive goldenrods in Central Europe.  相似文献   

We show the existence of a periodic solution in which four species coexist in competition for three essential resources in the standard model of resource competition. By assuming that species i is limited by resource i for each i near the positive equilibrium, and that the matrix of contents of resources in species is a combination of cyclic matrix and a symmetric matrix, we obtain an asymptotically stable periodic solution of three species on three resources via Hopf bifurcation. A simple bifurcation argument is then employed which allows us to add a fourth species. In principle, the argument can be continued to obtain a periodic solution adding one new species at a time so long as asymptotic stability can be assured at each step. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate our analytical results. The results of this paper suggest that competition can generate coexistence of species in the form of periodic cycles, and that the number of coexisting species can exceed the number of resources in a constant and homogeneous environment.  相似文献   

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