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对青藏高原东缘玛曲高寒沼泽湿地分属于15科的47种主要植物进行光合测定, 结合对不同退化类型植物群落的样方调查, 分析了各种植物之间以及不同功能群之间的净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率等光合参数的差异。结果表明: 1)玛曲高寒湿地的主要物种在净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率4个光合特性参数上的差异显著, 表明各植物种以各自独特的方式适应高寒湿地环境; 在功能群水平上, 各功能群之间的差异亦显著。光合速率从大到小依次为禾草>莎草>豆科和其他双子叶类杂草, 水分利用效率则是莎草>禾草>豆科和其他双子叶类杂草; 2)湿地退化导致其群落组成发生明显改变, 其中最明显的特点是双子叶类杂草的比例大大增加; 而双子叶类杂草普遍较低的水分利用效率将会增大土壤水分通过光合作用的蒸腾散失, 在大气降水对水分补充变化不大的条件下, 这将会进一步加剧群落生境的干旱化, 不利于退化湿地的恢复和附近湿地的保护。研究结果表明, 在湿地保护和退化湿地恢复过程中, 典型湿地土著物种的保存和补充具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物叶片水分利用效率研究综述   总被引:35,自引:7,他引:35  
植物能否适应当地的极限环境条件,最主要的看它们能否很好地协调碳同化和水分耗散之间的关系,即植物水分利用效率(WUE)是其生存的关键因子.就近来研究最多的叶片水平上的WUE,从叶片WUE的定义,方法,进展等方面对其进行总结概括,并就今后植物叶片水分利用效率的研究提出了几点看法:方法上,叶片碳同位素方法是目前植物叶片长期水分利用效率研究的最佳方法,而δ13C的替代指标将继续是方法研究中的一个方向,前景乐观;研究内容上,要加强极端干旱区河岸林木的δ13C和WUE的研究;结合植物生理生态学,生物学和稳定同位素技术,探究植物叶片长期水分利用效率的机理,特别是要加强运用双重同位素模型加深和理解植物叶片长期水分利用效率变化规律和内在机制的研究;要结合多种方法,加强多时空尺度植物叶片WUE及其之间的转换研究.  相似文献   

Plants adopt a variety of life history strategies to succeed in the Earth's diverse environments. Using functional traits which are defined as “morphological, biochemical, physiological, or phonological” characteristics measurable at the individual level, plants are classified according to their species’ adaptative strategies, more than their taxonomy, from fast growing plant species to slower‐growing conservative species. These different strategies probably influence the input and output of carbon (C)‐resources, from the assimilation of carbon by photosynthesis to its release in the rhizosphere soil via root exudation. However, while root exudation was known to mediate plant‐microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, it was not used as functional trait until recently. Here, we assess whether root exudate levels are useful plant functional traits in the classification of plant nutrient‐use strategies and classical trait syndromes? For this purpose, we conducted an experiment with six grass species representing along a gradient of plant resource‐use strategies, from conservative species, characterized by low biomass nitrogen (N) concentrations and a long lifespans, to exploitative species, characterized by high rates of photosynthesis and rapid rates of N acquisition. Leaf and root traits were measured for each grass and root exudate rate for each planted soil sample. Classical trait syndromes in plant ecology were found for leaf and root traits, with negative relationships observed between specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content or between specific root length and root dry matter content. However, a new root trait syndrome was also found with root exudation levels correlating with plant resource‐use strategy patterns, specifically, between root exudation rate and root dry matter content. We therefore propose root exudation rate can be used as a key functional trait in plant ecology studies and plant strategy classification.  相似文献   

放牧对草原植物功能性状影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物功能性状的表达和植被环境适应性相关,植物功能性状之间的权衡变化体现了植物在放牧胁迫下资源的重新整合和获取.本文总结了放牧干扰下植物功能性状表达的差异性,着重将放牧干扰与植物功能性状相结合,介绍了植物功能性状的变异来源是植物遗传特征与环境过滤相互协调的结果,归纳了放牧对植物营养性状、繁殖性状的影响,以及植物可以通过调...  相似文献   

侯东杰  陆帅志  王静  郭柯 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6522-6531
植物功能性状反映植物适应环境变化过程中在不同器官形态与功能间的资源权衡与分配策略。典型草原围封后枯落物累积导致群落光照、热量和水分的重新分配并改变微环境特征。在此过程中植物地上功能性状将通过怎样的变化来适应新的环境,目前尚不清楚。2015—2017年每年8月对内蒙古地区3种典型草原共有物种羊草(Leymus chinensis)的植株、叶片和茎干功能性状进行了测量与分析。结果表明:枯落物累积显著增加了羊草的植株高度、单株重量、茎叶比和总叶面积;枯落物累积显著增加了羊草的叶片长度、叶片重量、单叶面积、节间长度和茎干重量,这些性状属于敏感性状;枯落物累积对羊草的叶片数量和节间数量无显著影响,相对而言,这些性状属于惰性性状;羊草的单株重量与植株高度、叶片重量呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.0001);羊草的植株高度与节间数量、节间长度呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.0001)。本研究结果从植物地上功能性状的角度阐明了典型草原植物对环境变化的适应方式,可为围封草原的合理管理提供基础数据与理论依据。  相似文献   

To answer the long‐standing question if we can predict plant invader success based on characteristics of the environment (invasibility) or the invasive species (invasiveness), or the combination of both, there is a need for detailed observational studies in which habitat properties, non‐native plant traits, and the resulting invader success are locally measured. In this study, we assess the interaction of gradients in the environmental and trait space on non‐native species fitness, expressed as seed production, for a set of 10 invasive and noninvasive non‐native species along a wide range of invaded sites in Flanders. In our multidimensional approach, most of the single environmental gradients (temperature, light availability, native plant species diversity, and soil fertility) and sets of non‐native plant traits (plant size, photosynthesis, and foliar chemical attributes) related positively with invader seed production. Yet correlation with seed production was much stronger when several environmental gradients were assessed in interaction, and even more so when we combined plant traits and habitat properties. The latter increased explanatory power of the models on average by 25% for invasive and by 7% for noninvasive species. Additionally, we report a 70‐fold higher seed production in invasive than in noninvasive species and fundamentally different correlations of seed production with plant traits and habitat properties in noninvasive versus invasive species. We conclude that locally measured traits and properties deserve much more attention than they currently get in invasion literature and thus encourage further studies combining this level of detail with the generality of a multiregion and multispecies approach across different stages of invasion.  相似文献   

研究表型可塑性和遗传变异在植物表型分化中的相对作用,有助于预测全球环境变化下的植物群落组成和生态系统功能的变化。芦苇(Phragmites australis)是全球性广布的草本植物,种内变异丰富,在我国西北和东部均存在多个分化稳定的生态型,但中国芦苇在更大尺度上的表型研究还非常匮乏。将位于黄河上游的宁夏平原和黄河下游的黄河三角洲作为研究区域,通过野外调查和同质种植园实验对芦苇自然种群的植物功能性状变异进行观测。结果表明,无论在野外还是同质种植园,黄河三角洲芦苇的基径、叶长和叶宽均显著大于宁夏平原芦苇,说明两个地区的芦苇种群之间存在着受遗传决定的表型分化,这可能与两个地区间的降水等气候差异有关。在野外,宁夏芦苇的株高和叶厚显著大于黄河三角洲芦苇,但在同质园中差异消失或相反,说明株高、叶厚受环境影响较大,表型可塑性也是芦苇适应环境变化的重要机制。在同质种植园中,宁夏平原芦苇的叶片氮磷含量较低,但株数却显著多于黄河三角洲芦苇,反映了不同地区芦苇之间存在不同的适应策略,宁夏平原芦苇更偏向于高扩散率的杂草策略,而黄河三角洲芦苇更偏向于竞争策略。此外,宁夏平原芦苇的株高、叶长两个性状以及基径-比叶面积相关性在野外和同质园两个环境中存在一致性,表明了性状变异和权衡策略的遗传稳定性。综上,位于黄河上下游的芦苇种群间存在着适应性分化,这是表型可塑性和遗传变异共同作用的结果,不同来源芦苇对全球变化下的多重环境因子的响应还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Breeding economically important C4 crops for enhanced whole‐plant water‐use efficiency (WUEplant) is needed for sustainable agriculture. WUEplant is a complex trait and an efficient phenotyping method that reports on components of WUEplant, such as intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi, the rate of leaf CO2 assimilation relative to water loss via stomatal conductance), is needed. In C4 plants, theoretical models suggest that leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C), when the efficiency of the CO2‐concentrating mechanism (leakiness, ?) remains constant, can be used to screen for WUEi. The limited information about how ? responds to water limitations confines the application of δ13C for WUEi screening of C4 crops. The current research aimed to test the response of ? to short‐ or long‐term moderate water limitations, and the relationship of δ13C with WUEi and WUEplant, by addressing potential mesophyll CO2 conductance (gm) and biochemical limitations in the C4 plant Sorghum bicolor. We demonstrate that gm and ? are not responsive to short‐ or long‐term water limitations. Additionally, δ13C was not correlated with gas‐exchange estimates of WUEi under short‐ and long‐term water limitations, but showed a significant negative relationship with WUEplant. The observed association between the δ13C and WUEplant suggests an intrinsic link of δ13C with WUEi in this C4 plant, and can potentially be used as a screening tool for WUEplant in sorghum.  相似文献   

叶片功能性状能反映植物对环境的高度适应能力和复杂生境下的自我调控能力,同时也能反映植物的基本特征和对资源的有效利用率。以木论国家级自然保护区喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林144种优势木本植物为研究对象,测定其叶厚(LT)、叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶长宽比(L/W)、叶组织密度(LTD)叶片形态性状和12种叶元素性状特征及变异程度,并探讨植物对喀斯特生境的适应策略。结果表明:17个性状变异程度不同,其中叶面积变异系数最大,达到133.31%,叶片碳变异系数最小,为7.73%,叶元素变异程度普遍高于叶形态性状变异程度。不同叶习性物种间叶厚、比叶面积、叶长宽比、叶氮含量性状差异达到显著水平。部分叶性状呈显著相关,得到一系列最佳功能性状组合,体现植物对喀斯特地区特殊生境的适应性。沿着性状贡献率较高的PC1轴,能够定义出叶经济谱,大部分常绿植物采取经济保守策略,而大部分落叶植物则聚集在资源获取的一侧。相较于邻近非喀斯特地区,喀斯特地区植物有较小的LA、SLA。这些结果体现了喀斯特地区植物叶片形成的不同叶性状特征,以及分布于经济谱两端的常绿和落叶植物的不同资源获取策略,揭示了植物对生境的适应策略...  相似文献   

植物功能性状与森林生态系统服务的关系研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑华  潘权  文志  杨延征 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7901-7912
植物功能性状途径是揭示生物多样性与生态系统服务关系的重要视角,尽管植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系在单一地点的研究取得突出进展,但对于植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系仍缺乏整体认识。以森林生态系统为对象,通过系统文献检索及筛选,收集了216篇文献,应用整合分析和二分网络分析等方法,探讨了植物功能性状对森林生态系统服务及其权衡与协同关系的影响。结果表明:植物叶片功能性状关注最多,占研究性状数量的48%,生态系统服务中关注最多是生物量、土壤肥力、病虫害控制和固碳服务;81.1%的植物功能性状与生态系统服务关系组表现为稳定的正向或负向关系,而关联植物功能性状多的生态系统服务(生物量、固碳服务、土壤水分、土壤肥力和病虫害控制)往往与植物功能性状表现为不稳定关系;森林生态系统中存在6组"植物功能性状-生态系统服务簇(简称"性状-服务簇"):水循环相关的性状-服务簇、土壤保持相关的性状-服务簇、物质生产相关的性状-服务簇、灾害控制相关的性状-服务簇、养分循环相关的性状-服务簇和授粉相关的性状-服务簇,揭示了各性状-服务簇内生态系统服务的权衡或协同关系以及与各性状-服务簇关系密切的植物功能性状。该研究从总体上阐明了植物功能性状与森林生态系统服务关系的研究重点和进展、揭示了植物功能性状对森林生态系统服务影响效应的方向和强度,可为深化森林生态系统服务形成机制认识以及协调生态系统服务权衡关系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Spatial variation in mean annual precipitation is the principal driver of plant water and nitrogen status in drylands. The natural abundance of carbon stable isotopes (δ13C) in photosynthetic tissues of C3 plants is an indicator of time‐integrated behaviour of stomatal conductance; while that of nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N) is an indicator of the main source of plant N (soil N vs. atmospheric N2). Previous studies in drylands have documented that plant δ13C and δ15N values increase with decreasing mean annual precipitation due to reductions in stomatal conductance, and soil enriched in 15N, respectively. However, evidence for this comes from studies focused on stable isotopes measurements integrated at the plant community level or on dominant plants at the site level, but little effort has been made to study C and N isotope variations within a species growing along rainfall gradients. We analysed plant δ13C, δ15N and C/N values of three woody species having different phenological leaf traits (deciduous, perennial and aphyllous) along a regional mean annual precipitation gradient from the central‐western Argentinian drylands. Noticeably, plant δ13C and δ15N values in the three woody species did not increase towards sites with low precipitation or at the start of the growing season (drier period), as we expected. These results suggest that environmental factors other than mean annual precipitation may be affecting plant δ13C and δ15N. The short‐term environmental conditions may interact with species‐specific plant traits related to water and nitrogen use strategies and override the predictive influence of the mean annual precipitation on plant δ13C and δ15N widely reported in drylands.  相似文献   

Variations in foliar stable carbon isotope signatures (δ13C) of different plant functional groups (PFGs) and their relationships with environmental factors in China were investigated in this meta‐analysis. There were some significant, but small differences in δ13C among PFGs categorised by life form (<1‰). Trees (?26.78‰) and shrubs (?26.89‰) had similar mean δ13C that were significantly higher than those of herbs (?27.49‰). Evergreen shrubs (?25.82‰) had significantly higher mean δ13C than deciduous shrubs (?26.92‰). Perennial herbs (?26.83‰) had significantly higher mean δ13C than annual herbs (?27.10‰). Grasses (?26.46‰) had significantly higher mean δ13C than forbs (?26.96‰). For pooled data, δ13C was significantly and negatively correlated with mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature (MAT), while it was significantly and positively correlated with latitude and altitude. There was a threshold value of MAP along the gradients, and δ13C did not change significantly with higher rainfall. The δ13C of PFGs changed with altitude, suggesting that increases in δ13C with altitude cannot be generalised. Differences in δ13C between PFGs were generally much <1‰ and therefore insignificant. In contrast, MAP and MAT had relatively large effects on δ13C (more than 4‰ between extremes). The δ13C of some PFGs responded to environmental gradients in the same manner, while their ‘rates’ of change were significantly different in some cases. This information could help predict potential changes in the distribution of PFGs in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

延河流域植物群落功能性状对环境梯度的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龚时慧  温仲明  施宇 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6088-6097
研究群落水平上的植物功能性状特征及其随环境梯度的变化规律,对认识不同环境梯度下植物群落的形成及其对环境的适应机制具有重要意义。以延河流域不同环境梯度下的稳定的自然植物群落为对象,测量了植物群落组成物种的叶厚度、比叶面积、叶组织密度、比根长、根组织密度、单位质量叶氮含量、单位质量根氮含量、种子质量、种子体积等9个性状,然后以物种重要值为基础加权平均得到各个性状在群落水平上的平均值(即群落性状值);以现有的环境因子栅格图为基础,利用ArcGIS提出各群落对应的环境因子值,同时测定各个群落的土壤水分,分析群落各性状值与环境因子的关系,并建立关系模型。结果表明:在群落水平上,9个植物功能性状分别与13个环境因子存在不同程度的相关性,同时这9个植物功能性状对8个环境因子梯度(土壤水分、年4-10月平均气温、年7-9月总降雨量、降雨季节变化、年平均降雨量、年平均蒸发量、坡度、坡向)的响应特征较好,不同植物功能性状间具有较好相关性。群落水平上植物功能性状及其组合随环境梯度的规律性变化,反映了延河流域植被群落构建过程中环境对功能性状的筛选效应。该研究结果对该区的植被恢复重建的物种选择及植被布局规划具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

Plant phenotypic plasticity in response to antagonists can affect other community members such as mutualists, conferring potential ecological costs associated with inducible plant defence. For flowering plants, induction of defences to deal with herbivores can lead to disruption of plant–pollinator interactions. Current knowledge on the full extent of herbivore‐induced changes in flower traits is limited, and we know little about specificity of induction of flower traits and specificity of effect on flower visitors. We exposed flowering Brassica nigra plants to six insect herbivore species and recorded changes in flower traits (flower abundance, morphology, colour, volatile emission, nectar quantity, and pollen quantity and size) and the behaviour of two pollinating insects. Our results show that herbivory can affect multiple flower traits and pollinator behaviour. Most plastic floral traits were flower morphology, colour, the composition of the volatile blend, and nectar production. Herbivore‐induced changes in flower traits resulted in positive, negative, or neutral effects on pollinator behaviour. Effects on flower traits and pollinator behaviour were herbivore species‐specific. Flowers show extensive plasticity in response to antagonist herbivores, with contrasting effects on mutualist pollinators. Antagonists can potentially act as agents of selection on flower traits and plant reproduction via plant‐mediated interactions with mutualists.  相似文献   

分析水分与养分添加对植物功能性状的影响, 对揭示植物对环境变化的响应和适应规律至关重要。该文通过施氮与增水(包括增雨、增雪)共6种处理(对照(N0W0)、雨添加(N0W1)、雪添加(N0W2)、氮添加(N1W0)、氮雨添加(N1W1)、氮雪添加(N1W2)), 对荒漠草地进行氮肥添加、水分添加的实验。实验持续了3年, 第4年以荒漠草地建群种植物钠猪毛菜(Salsola nitraria)植物功能性状为研究对象, 量化分析了钠猪毛菜10种植物功能性状对氮素和水分添加的不同响应。得出以下结论: (1)双因素方差分析结果表明, 施氮、增水的交互作用对钠猪毛菜的茎鲜质量、叶鲜质量、叶面积、比叶面积、叶饱和含水量、叶干物质含量存在显著影响(p < 0.05), 而施氮主效应对钠猪毛菜各植物功能性状指标不存在显著影响、增水主效应对钠猪毛菜各植物功能性状指标不存在显著影响。(2)在钠猪毛菜10种植物功能性状指标中, 株高、茎鲜质量、茎干质量、叶饱和鲜质量、叶干质量、叶面积、比叶面积的最大值均出现于N1W2处理中(p < 0.05), 其次为N0W0处理。叶饱和含水量的最大值出现于N0W0中, 其次为N1W2处理中。N1W0处理显著降低了叶饱和含水量(p < 0.05); 叶干物质含量值在各处理下均高于N0W0, 其中N0W1处理的叶干物质含量显著高于N0W0 (p < 0.05)。(3)各处理下, 叶干物质含量与比叶面积为负相关关系。在准噶尔荒漠草地, 钠猪毛菜植物功能性状在不同处理下的不同表现是适应环境变化的结果。  相似文献   

张丽苗  谭雪  董智  郑杰  袁中勋  李昌晓 《生态学报》2023,43(5):1892-1901
基于功能性状视角开展植物群落与环境关系的研究有助于揭示植物的适应策略。然而,目前关于城市河岸带植物群落功能性状的研究较少。为此选取10项植物功能性状指标和14项土壤理化性质指标,探究重庆主城3种生境类型河岸带(自然型河岸带(NRZ)、农耕主导型河岸带(FRZ)和开发建设主导型河岸带(BRZ))植物群落功能性状与土壤因子特征及互作机制。结果表明:(1)与NRZ生境相比,FRZ生境中的土壤速效磷、速效钾和氧化还原电位和BRZ生境中的土壤含水量显著偏高(P<0.05);FRZ和BRZ生境中的土壤pH值和全磷含量显著偏高,而土壤有机质、全钾和全氮含量显著偏低(P<0.05)。(2)与NRZ生境相比,FRZ生境中的比根长和比根表面积显著较高,茎干物质含量和叶干物质含量显著较低;BRZ生境中仅茎干物质含量显著较低(P<0.05)。(3)冗余分析结果表明,影响各生境类型河岸带植物群落功能性状的土壤因子不同,NRZ生境为土壤容重、含水量和硝态氮,FRZ生境为土壤铵态氮、全磷和有机质,BRZ生境则是土壤含水量、温度和速效磷。研究发现与自然状态相比,农业和建筑类型的人为干扰导致重庆主城河...  相似文献   

Semi‐natural mountain grasslands are increasingly exposed to environmental stress under climate change. However, which are the environmental factors that limit plants in these grasslands? Also, is the present management effective against these changes? Fitness‐related functional traits may offer a way to detect changes in performance and provide new insights into their vulnerability to climate change. We investigated changes in performance and variability of functional traits of the mountain grassland target species Arnica montana along a climate gradient in Central German low mountain ranges. This gradient represents at its lower end climate conditions that are expected at its upper end under future climate change. We measured vegetative, generative, and physiological traits to account for multiple ways of plant responses to the environment. Using mixed effects and multivariate models, we evaluated changes in trait values among individuals as well as the variability of their populations in order to assess performance under changing summer aridity and different management regimes. Fitness‐related performance of most traits showed strongly positive associations with reduced summer aridity at higher elevations, while only specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content showed no association. This suggests a higher performance level at less arid montane sites and that the physiological traits are less sensitive to this climate change factor. The coefficient of variation of almost all traits declined steadily with decreasing site aridity. We suggest that this reduced variability indicates a lower environmental stress level for A. montana toward its environmental optimum at montane elevations, especially because the trait performance increased simultaneously. Surprisingly, management factors and habitat characteristics had only low influence on both trait performance and variability. In summary, summer aridity had a stronger effect to shape the trait performance and variability of A. montana under increased environmental stress than management and other habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

为了比较不同植物功能型在沙地生境下光合作用和水分利用效率的差异,测定了浑善达克沙地3种功能型的代表种的气体交换特征来比较它们的光合碳固定能力和水分利用状况。3个代表种的气体交换日变化结果表明乔木的光合速率和水分利用效率比草本和灌木的低,而蒸腾速率和气孔导度较高,经过中午的光合午休后,乔木的光合速率在下午没有恢复,而草本和灌木都有不同程度的恢复。在所测定的所有代表物种中,研究地全部的乔木(3种)和灌木(6种)以及典型的草本(2 5种) ,气孔导度与光合速率和蒸腾速率都成显著的正相关关系;另外,在同样的叶片水势情况下,乔木植物的气孔导度最低,在同样的蒸腾速率情况下,乔木植物的光合速率最低。这些结果表明乔木在CO2 同化和H2 O蒸腾平衡上具有低的水分利用效率。从这个角度考虑,我们认为在对沙地进行恢复时,一些草本和灌木种比乔木更合适  相似文献   

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