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Abstract. Latitudinal clines provide natural systems that may allow the effect of natural selection on the genetic variance to be determined. Ten clinal populations of Drosophila serrata collected from the eastern coast of Australia were used to examine clinal patterns in the trait mean and genetic variance of the life-history trait egg-to-adult development time. Development time significantly lengthened from tropical areas to temperate areas. The additive genetic variance for development time in each population was not associated with latitude but was associated with the population mean development time. Additive genetic variance tended to be larger in populations with more extreme development times and appeared to be consistent with allele frequency change. In contrast, the nonadditive genetic variance was not associated with the population mean but was associated with latitude. Levels of nonadditive genetic variance were greatest in the region of the cline where the gradient in the change in mean was greatest, consistent with Barton's (1999) conjecture that the generation of linkage disequilibrium may become an important component of the genetic variance in systems with a spatially varying optimum.  相似文献   

The effect of population bottlenecks on the components of the genetic variance generated by two neutral independent epistatic loci has been studied theoretically (VA, additive; VD, dominant; VAA, additive x additive; VAD, additive x dominant; VDD; dominant x dominant components of variance). Nonoverdominance and overdominance models were considered, covering all possible types of marginal gene action at the single locus level. The variance components in an infinitely large panmictic population (ancestral components) were compared with their expected values at equilibrium, after t consecutive bottlenecks of equal size N (derived components). Formulae were obtained in terms of allele frequencies and effects at each locus and the corresponding epistatic value. An excess of VA after bottlenecks can be assigned to two sources: (1) the spatiotemporal changes in the marginal average effects of gene substitution alpha(i), which are equal to zero only for additive gene action within and between loci; and (2) the covariance between alpha2(i) and the heterozygosity at the loci involved, which is generated by dominance, with or without epistasis. Numerical examples were analyzed, indicating that an increase in VA after bottlenecks will only occur if its ancestral value is minimal or very small. For the nonoverdominance model with weak reinforcing epistasis, that increase has been detected only for extreme frequencies of the negative allele at one or both loci. With strong epistasis, however, this result can be extended to a broad range of intermediate frequencies. With no epistasis, the same qualitative results were found, indicating that dominance can be considered as the primary cause of an increase in VA following bottlenecks. In parallel, the derived total nonadditive variance exceeded its ancestral value (V(NA) = V(D) + V(AA) + V(AD) + V(DD)) for a range of combinations of allele frequencies covering those for an excess of VA and for very large frequencies of the negative allele at both loci. For the overdominance model, an increase in V(A) and V(NA) was respectively observed for equilibrium (intermediate) frequencies at one or both loci or for extreme frequencies at both loci. For all models, the magnitude of the change of V(A) and V(NA) was inversely related to N and t. At low levels of inbreeding, the between-line variance was not affected by the type of gene action. For the models considered, the results indicate that it is unlikely that the rate of evolution may be accelerated after population bottlenecks, in spite of occasional increments of the derived V(A) over its ancestral value.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the endocrine pancreas of the teleost sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) was examined from hatching to 61 days, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique for light microscopy. Mammalian and bonito insulin (mI and bI)-, salmo somatostatin-25 (SST-25)-, somatostatin-14 (SST-14a and b)-, glucagon-, bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY)- and salmo neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated. Four ontogenetic stages were established according to the organization and immunostaining of the endocrine cells. One cell strand or primordial cord showing mI/bI- and SST-25/SST-14a-like immunoreactivity was first found at hatching in the dorsal epithelium of the anterior zone of the midgut (stage 1). One primitive islet, comprising outer SST-25/SST-14a- and inner mI/bI- and SST-14a/ SST-14b-immunoreactive cells, was found in 2- to 5-day-old larvae (stage 2). One single islet, in which glucagon-immunoreactive cells appear in the periphery, was found in larvae from 9 to 20 days after hatching (stage 3). One big islet containing, in addition, PP-immunoreactive cells in the outer region and slender cell processes which showed PYY-like immunoreactivity, was found from 25 to 61 days after hatching. During this period, primordial islets, composed of SST-25- and bI-immunoreactive cells, and clustered or isolated pancreatic endocrine cells, close to the pancreatic duct, as well as small and intermediate islets (secondary islets), in which glucagon, PP, PYY and NPY seem to be co-localized, were progressively found (stage 4). The origin of the endocrine pancreas of sea bass, and the ontogenetic and phylogenetic significance, are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of population bottlenecks on the components of the genetic variance/covariance generated by n neutral independent additive x additive loci has been studied theoretically. In its simplest version, this situation can be modelled by specifying the allele frequencies and homozygous effects at each locus, and an additional factor measuring the strength of the n-th order epistatic interaction. The variance/covariance components in an infinitely large panmictic population (ancestral components) were compared with their expected values at equilibrium over replicates randomly derived from the base population, after t bottlenecks of size N (derived components). Formulae were obtained giving the derived components (and the between-line variance) as functions of the ancestral ones (alternatively, in terms of allele frequencies and effects) and the corresponding inbreeding coefficient F(t). The n-th order derived component of the genetic variance/covariance is continuously eroded by inbreeding, but the remaining components may increase initially until a critical F(t) value is attained, which is inversely related to the order of the pertinent component, and subsequently decline to zero. These changes can be assigned to the between-line variances/covariances of gene substitution and epistatic effects induced by drift. Numerical examples indicate that: (1) the derived additive variance/covariance component will generally exceed its ancestral value unless epistasis is weak; (2) the derived epistatic variance/covariance components will generally exceed their ancestral values unless allele frequencies are extreme; (3) for systems showing equal ancestral additive and total non-additive variance/covariance components, those including a smaller number of epistatic loci may generate a larger excess in additive variance/covariance after bottlenecks than others involving a larger number of loci, provided that F(t) is low. Our results indicate that it is unlikely that the rate of evolution may be significantly accelerated after population bottlenecks, in spite of occasional increments of the derived additive variance over its ancestral value.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation was studied at the histological level using a mixture of 30 families of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax . Most of the fish (93%) differentiated into males as usually observed in farmed populations. All testes were differentiated when the males reached 12 cm and no more undifferentiated fish were found from 419 days post-fertilization (p.f.). In 28% of the males, among the biggest, sexual differentiation had already begun at 168 days p.f. (8.3–9.5 cm) and these fish started spermatogenesis in their first year of life. The other males differentiated later and remained immature at the end of their first year of life. Ovaries could be identified at the histological level from the age of 168 days p.f. (7.9–9.0 cm) and the females became significantly longer than the males from the age of 191 days p.f., i.e. during the process of ovarian differentiation. In the studied group, 62% of the males developed intratesticular oocytes. Such intersexuality had no consequence on growth rate. Intratesticular oocytes were also recorded in testes of wild males originating from Atlantic (Britain and Gulf of Gascogne) and West Mediterranean showing that juvenile intersexuality is not restricted to farmed populations but is a widespread phenomenon in sea bass.  相似文献   

Characteristics, day-night changes, guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPgammaS) modulation, and localization of melatonin binding sites in the brain of a marine teleost, European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, were studied by radioreceptor assay using 2-[(125)I]iodomelatonin as a radioligand. The specific binding to the sea bass brain membranes was rapid, stable, saturable and reversible. The radioligand binds to a single class of receptor site with the affinity (Kd) of 9.3 +/-0.6 pM and total binding capacity (Bmax) of 39.08 +/-0.86 fmol/mg protein (mean+/-SEM, n=4) at mid-light under light-dark (LD) cycles of 12:12. Day-night changes were observed neither in the Kd nor in the Bmax under LD 12:12. Treatment with GTPgammaS significantly increased the Kd and decreased the Bmax both at mid-light and mid-dark. The binding sites were highly specific for 2-phenylmelatonin, 2-iodomelatonin, melatonin, and 6-chloromelatonin. Distribution of melatonin binding sites in the sea bass brain was uneven: The Bmax was determined to be highest in mesencephalic optic tectum-tegmentum and hypothalamus, intermediate in telencephalon, cerebellum-vestibulolateral lobe and medulla oblongata-spinal cord, and lowest in olfactory bulbs with the Kd in the low picomolar range. These results indicate that melatonin released from the pineal organ and/or retina plays neuromodulatory roles in the sea bass brain via G protein-coupled melatonin receptors.  相似文献   

This study reports titration of vitamin E levels in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) using high-pressure liquid chromatography. The first part of the work is devoted to vitamin E detection in: (1) plasma of maturing females and males characterized by different body sizes; (2) seminal fluid and eggs; and (3) developing embryos of sea bass fed with vitamin E. In the second part of the study, variations of vitamin E levels during larval development are analyzed. The results show a direct correlation between plasma vitamin E content and body size for both adult male and female sea bass. High vitamin E levels were found in seminal fluid, in eggs before and after fertilization, and in embryos during development and at hatching, whereas vitamin E level was low in dead embryos and in embryos with limited survival. During larval development, the vitamin E content decreased slowly but steadily during the first four days of larval growth; subsequently, it progressively increased from day 9 to day 40. In teratogenic larvae, vitamin E content was significantly higher than in normal larvae. This study provides evidence on how vitamin E exerts an antioxidant defense in sea bass reproduction.  相似文献   

The complementary DNA encoding WAP65 protein was cloned from the liver of two fish species sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus aurata). Full-length cDNA sequences were obtained from reverse transcribed total RNA, followed by 5′ and 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE) experiments. The full-length cDNA sequence of D. labrax is 1709 bp and the coding sequence is flanked by a 67 bp 5′-UTR and a 358 bp 3′-UTR. The full-length cDNA sequence of S. aurata is 1599 bp, and the coding sequence is flanked by a 48 bp 5′-UTR and a 273 bp 3′-UTR. The deduced amino acid putative primary sequences are composed of 427 and 425 amino acid residues for D. labrax and S. aurata, respectively. They display high homologies with previously described fish WAP65 and other hemopexin-like proteins from rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Expression of Wap65 has proved to be a natural physiological adaptive answer of teleost fish to warm temperature acclimation. In all fish species studied to date, Wap65 was found expressed mainly by the liver, although other tissues seem able to express Wap65 in response to a warm temperature acclimation, in a specie specific manner. Here, we investigate the tissue specific expression of Wap65 in D. labrax and S. aurata in response to a warm temperature acclimation, by RT-PCR analysis.  相似文献   

Early ionocytes have been studied in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) embryos. Structural and functional aspects were analyzed and compared with those observed in the same conditions (38 ppt) in post hatching stages. Immunolocalization of Na+/K+‐ATPase (NKA) in embryos revealed the presence of ionocytes on the yolk sac membrane from a stage 12 pair of somites (S), and an original cluster around the first gill slits from stage 14S. Histological investigations suggested that from these cells, close to the future gill chambers, originate the ionocytes observed on gill arches and gill filaments after hatching. Triple immunocytochemical staining, including NKA, various Na+/K+/2Cl? cotransporters (NKCCs) and the chloride channel “cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator” (CFTR), point to the occurrence of immature and mature ionocytes in early and late embryonic stages at different sites. These observations were completed with transmission electronic microscopy. The degree of functionality of ionocytes is discussed according to these results. Yolk sac membrane ionocytes and enteric ionocytes seem to have an early role in embryonic osmoregulation, whereas gill slits tegumentary ionocytes are presumed to be fully efficient after hatching.  相似文献   

Insulin (B)-, somatostatin 25 (SST-25) (D1)-, somatostatin 14 (SST-14) (D2)-, glucagon (A)-, and glucagon PP/PYY/NPY (PP-like)-immunoreactive cells in islets of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were characterized according to their ultrastructure and immunogold labeling. Cells labeled with antisera to bonito and salmon insulin had numerous secretory granules with a small halo and round core, and a few with wide halo and round or crystalloid core. Gold particles were found throughout the granule in tissue labeled with the former but only in the core in tissue labeled with the latter. D1 cells had large granules with a medium electron-dense content and some with a darker core. D2 had smaller medium or high electron-dense secretory granules than D1 cells, located mainly in cell periphery. Glucagon-immunoreactive cells contained some granules with a polygonal core that was heavily labeled and other granules with a round core with no or hardly any labeling. Glucagon and PP-like immunoreactivity were co-localized in secretory granules, in which the gold particles showed no different distribution with the various antisera used. PYY-immunoreactive granules were also found in nerve endings. All the pancreatic endocrine cell types showing involutive characteristics are found.  相似文献   

Two forms of glutathione transferase were purified from liver cytosol of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by GSH-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by chromatofocusing. The major enzyme (DL-GST-6.7; 75% of total activity bound to the column) has a pI value of 6.7 and is composed of two subunits of apparent molecular mass 26.5 kDa. The minor enzyme (DL-GST-8.2; 25% of total activity bound to the column) has a pI value of 8.2 and is composed of two subunits of molecular mass 23.5 kDa. Both isoenzymes appear to have blocked N-terminal. The purified proteins were characterized with respect to substrate specificity, CD spectra, TNS binding properties (with 2-toluidinylnaphthalene 6-sulfonate), and immunological reactivity. Partial internal amino acid sequence was also determined for each isoenzyme. The results obtained suggest that DL-GST-6.7 and DL-GST8.2 are novel GSTs belonging, respectively, to theta and alpha classes.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the contribution of both genetic and environmental effects on cultured European sea bass shape. We used the progeny of five populations of sea bass, in a partly diallel design, to investigate the genetics of shape (estimated with geometric morphometrics) in European sea bass. This was done using a common garden experiment with microsatellite markers assignment to parents and populations to avoid confusion between genetic and environmental effects. Additionally, one of the populations was studied over four different aquaculture facilities to investigate the effects of environment on shape. For the first time in this species, shape‐related traits were linked with genetic variation. The first relative warp analysis axis clearly differentiated rearing sites, demonstrating that the main shape/weight effects are related to culturing conditions, thereby accounting for ecomorphologically related differences. The second axis strongly differentiated groups by parental origins; there was a good correlation between shape differences and geographic distances between broodstock sampling locations. High heritabilities of axes scores (0.40–0.55) showed high genetic variation for shape within populations. This study shows that variation in shape has a high genetic component in sea bass, both at the population level and within populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 427–436.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of salmon gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) was studied in the brain and pituitary of two-year-old immature sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by means of an enzymoimmunoassay (EIA) for sGnRH and immunocytochemistry. The EIA for sGnRH is a competitive assay using a tracer made of sGnRH coupled to acetylcholinesterase from an electric eel. The separation of free and bound tracer is achieved by coating the plates with mouse anti-rabbit IgG monoclonal antibodies. Displacement curves generated by sGnRH and extracts from pituitary and different brain regions showed a good parallelism allowing the assay to be used for sGnRH measurements in this species. Although all parts of the brain contained measurable levels of sGnRH, the highest concentrations were found in the pituitary, the olfactory bulbs and the telencephalon. These data were confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Cell bodies were found in the olfactory bulbs, ventral telencephalon, preoptic region and mediobasal hypothalamus. Immunoreactive fibers could be observed in all parts of the brain including the optic tectum, the cerebellum (corpus and valvula), the vagal lobe, the medulla oblongata and the rostral spinal cord. In most cases, these fibers do not form well defined bundles; however, there was clearly a continuum of immunoreactive fibers, extending from the olfactory bulbs to the pituitary, and along which all the cell bodies described above were located. In the ventral telencephalon and the preoptic region, clear pictures of varicose positive fibers contacting immunoreactive perikarya could be observed. These data indicate that sGnRH is most likely an endogenous peptide in the brain of the sea bass, although the presence of other forms of GnRH cannot be excluded at this point. This study also demonstrates that the general organization of the GnRH systems in the sea bass is highly similar to what has been described in most freshwater teleost species, and provides basis for further studies on the neuroendocrine control of gonadotrophin release in this commercially important species.  相似文献   

Naïve sea bass juveniles (38.4 ± 4.5 g) were intramuscularly infected with a sublethal dose of betanodavirus isolate 378/I03, followed after 43 days by a similar boosting. This infection resulted in an overall mortality of 7.6%. At various intervals, sampling of fish tissues was performed to investigate: i) B and T lymphocyte content in organs and tissues; ii), proliferation of leucocytes re-stimulated in vitro with inactivated virus; iii) presence of serum antibody specific for betanodavirus; iv) expression of genes coding for the following immunoregulatory molecules involved in innate and acquired responses: type I IFN, Mx, IL-1, Cox-2; IL-10, TGF-β, TCRβ, CD4, CD8α, IgM, by using a quantitative PCR array system developed for sea bass.The obtained results showed a detectable increase of T cells and B cells in PBL during betanodavirus infection. Furthermore, leucocytes obtained from blood, head kidney, and gills showed a detectable “in vitro” increase in viability upon addition of inactivated viral particles, as determined by measuring intracellular ATP concentration. ELISA analysis of sera showed that exposure to nodavirus induced a low, but specific antibody titer measured 43 days after infection, despite the presence of measurable levels of natural antibody. Finally, a strong upregulation of genes coding for type I IFN, Mx, and IgM was identified after both infection and boosting. Interestingly, an upregulation of Cox-2 until boosting, and of TGF-β and IL-10 after boosting was also observed, while the other tested genes did not show any significant variations with respect to mock-treated fish. Overall, our work represents a first comprehensive analysis of cellular and molecular immune parameters in a fish species exposed to a pathogenic virus.  相似文献   

Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae were weaned on day 25 with a basal compound diet as microparticles, enriched with a mixture of amino acid (SLAA) or protein (SLP). The control group was fed live prey (LP). Larval growth was significantly lower in the weaned groups. Trypsin activity was enhanced by the amino acid mixture. Pepsin was detected from day 24. Pepsin specific activity was significantly higher in the weaned groups, suggesting that the presence of pepsin is not such a determinant factor in the digestive process of sea bass larvae, since a poor growth was observed in these groups.  相似文献   

Assimilation levels of the antibacterials trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax ) fry tissue administered orally were investigated. A 1:5 TMP and SMX combination incorporated in an oil emulsion (Selco) at 20 % and 40 % concentrations (w/w) were bioencapsulated in Artemia (Instar II) nauplii. Chemotherapeutics-loaded ('medicated') nauplii were fed to the sea bass fry and drug concentrations in the tissue were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatrography (HPLC). Fish fed 40 %'medicated' Artemia assimilated significantly higher levels of chemotherapeutics compared with those fed 20 %'medicated' Artemia. Chemotherapeutics given at 40 % reached peak levels (19.3 μg TMP/g DW and 23.31 μg SMX/g DW) within 2 h while those at 20 % peaked (8.74 μg TMP/g DW and 6.73 fig SMX/g DW) after 5 h. TMP persisted in the tissues longer (up to 72 h) than SMX (12–16 h), suggesting a more efficient uptake and retention of the former and/or faster metabolism and elimination of the latter.  相似文献   

Interdigitating cells in the thymus of the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, occur principally in the internal zone and in the border with the external zone. Ultrastructurally, the most characteristic cytological features of these cells are their low electron density, complicated labyrinthine membrane-membrane contacts, scantiness of cytoplasmic organelles, presence of Birbeck-like granules, juxtanuclear tubulo-vesicular complex, and phagocytic capacity. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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