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While intra‐population variability in resource use is ubiquitous, little is known of how this measure of niche diversity varies in space and its role in population dynamics. Here we examined how heterogeneous breeding environments can structure intra‐population niche variation in both resource use and reproductive output. We investigated intra‐population niche variation in the Arctic tundra ecosystem, studying peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius, White) breeding within a terrestrial‐marine gradient near Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada. Using stable isotope analysis, we found that intra‐population niches varied at the individual level; we examined within‐nest and among‐nest variation, though only the latter varied along the terrestrial‐marine gradient (i.e., increased among‐nest variability among birds nesting within the marine environment, indicating higher degree of specialization). Terrestrial prey species (small herbivores and insectivores) were consumed by virtually all falcons. Falcons nesting within the marine environment made use of marine prey (sea birds), but depended heavily on terrestrial prey (up to 90% of the diet). Using 28‐years of peregrine falcon nesting data, we found a positive relationship between the proportion of terrestrial habitat surrounding nest sites and annual nestling production, but no relationship with the likelihood of successfully rearing at least one nestling reaching 25 days old. Annually, successful inland breeders raised 0.47 more young on average compared to offshore breeders, which yields potential fitness consequences for this long‐living species. The analyses of niche and reproductive success suggest a potential breeding cost for accessing distant terrestrial prey, perhaps due to additional traveling costs, for those individuals with marine nest site locations. Our study indicates how landscape heterogeneity can generate proximate (niche variation) and ultimate (reproduction) consequences on a population of generalist predator. We also show that within‐individual and among‐individual variation are not mutually exclusive, but can simultaneously arise and structure intra‐population niche variation.  相似文献   

The stable isotope ratio and seasonal changes in diet of Alluaud's haplo Astatoreochromis alluaudi, a cichlid fish with massive pharyngeal jaws well known for its ability to process hard‐bodied prey, are described. The diet of A. alluaudi was quantified in Lake Saka, Uganda, over a period of 30 months. Variation in physico‐chemical variables (mean monthly rainfall, water temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen), as well as potential competitor density and food abundance, was measured throughout the second half of the study (14 months). Stomach contents and isotope analysis revealed a diet comprised mainly of fishes and insects, with a low contribution of molluscs (0–33%) in any given month. No correlation was detected between diet and either macroinvertebrate abundance or competitor abundance. The running average rainfall was positively related to the percentage of fish consumed per month. Although A. alluaudi exhibits an apparent molluscivorous trophic morphology in Lake Saka, molluscs did not appear to compose a major portion of its diet. Gradients of rainfall seemed to be the most important environmental predictor of diet choice in Lake Saka. These results are discussed with reference to Liem's Paradox that apparently morphologically specialized fishes often function as generalist feeders in the wild.  相似文献   

Telomere length is associated with cellular senescence, lifestyle and ageing. Short telomeres indicate poor health in humans and reduced life expectancy in several bird species, but little is known about telomeres in relation to phenotypic quality in wild animals. We investigated telomere lengths in erythrocytes of known-age common terns (Sterna hirundo), a migratory seabird, in relation to arrival date and reproductive performance. Cross-sectional data revealed that, independent of age, individuals with short telomeres performed better: they arrived and reproduced earlier in the season and had more chicks in the nest. The latter effect was stronger the older the brood and stronger in males, which do most of the chick provisioning. Longitudinal data confirmed this pattern: compared with birds that lost their brood, birds that raised chicks beyond the 10th nestling day experienced higher telomere attrition from one year to the next. However, more detailed analysis revealed that the least and most successful individuals lost the fewest base pairs compared with birds with intermediate success. Our results suggest that reproductive success is achieved at the expense of telomeres, but that individual heterogeneity in susceptibility to such detrimental effects is important, as indicated by low telomere loss in the most successful birds.  相似文献   

During reproduction, seabirds need to balance the demands of self- and offspring-provisioning within the constraints imposed by central place foraging. To assess behavioral adjustments and tolerances to these constraints, we studied the feeding tactics and reproductive success of common murres (also known as common guillemots) Uria aalge , at their largest and most offshore colony (Funk Island) where parents travel long distances to deliver a single capelin Mallotus villosus to their chicks. We assessed changes in the distance murres traveled from the colony, their proximate foraging locations and prey size choice during two successive years in which capelin exhibited an order of magnitude decrease in density and a shift from aggregated (2004) to dispersed (2005) distributions. When capelin availability was low (2005), parental murres increased their maximum foraging distances by 35% (60 to 81 km) and delivered significantly larger capelin to chicks, as predicted by central place foraging theory. Murres preferred large (>140 mm) relative to small capelin (100–140 mm) in both years, but unexpectedly this preference increased as the relative density of large capelin decreased. We conclude that single prey-loading murres target larger capelin during long foraging trips as parents are 'forced' to select the best prey for their offspring. Low fledgling masses suggest also that increased foraging time when capelin is scarce may come at a cost to the chicks (i.e. fewer meals per day). Murres at this colony may be functioning near physiological limits above which further or sustained adjustments in foraging effort could compromise the life-time reproductive success of this long-lived seabird.  相似文献   

For marine top predators like seabirds, the oceans represent a multitude of habitats regarding oceanographic conditions and food availability. Worldwide, these marine habitats are being altered by changes in climate and increased anthropogenic impact. This is causing a growing concern on how seabird populations might adapt to these changes. Understanding how seabird populations respond to fluctuating environmental conditions and to what extent behavioral flexibility can buffer variations in food availability can help predict how seabirds may cope with changes in the marine environment. Such knowledge is important to implement proper long‐term conservation measures intended to protect marine predators. We explored behavioral flexibility in choice of foraging habitat of chick‐rearing black‐legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla during multiple years. By comparing foraging behavior of individuals from two colonies with large differences in oceanographic conditions and distances to predictable feeding areas at the Norwegian shelf break, we investigated how foraging decisions are related to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We found that proximity to the shelf break determined which factors drove the decision to forage there. At the colony near the shelf break, time of departure from the colony and wind speed were most important in driving the choice of habitat. At the colony farther from the shelf break, the decision to forage there was driven by adult body condition. Birds furthermore adjusted foraging behavior metrics according to time of the day, weather conditions, body condition, and the age of the chicks. The study shows that kittiwakes have high degree of flexibility in their behavioral response to a variable marine environment, which might help them buffer changes in prey distribution around the colonies. The flexibility is, however, dependent on the availability of foraging habitats near the colony.  相似文献   

Generalist seabirds forage on a variety of prey items providing the opportunity to monitor diverse aquatic fauna simultaneously. For example, the coupling of prey consumption rates and movement patterns of generalist seabirds might be used to create three‐dimensional prey distribution maps (‘preyscapes’) for multiple prey species in the same region. However, the complex interaction between generalist seabird foraging behaviour and the various prey types clouds the interpretation of such preyscapes, and the mechanisms underlying prey selection need to be understood before such an application can be realized. Central place foraging theory provides a theoretical model for understanding such selectivity by predicting that larger prey items should be 1) selected farther from the colony and 2) for chick‐feeding compared with self‐feeding, but these predictions remain untested on most seabird species. Furthermore, rarely do we know how foraging features such as handling time, capture methods or choice of foraging location varies among prey types. We used three types of animal‐borne biologgers (camera loggers, GPS and depth‐loggers) to examine how a generalist Arctic seabird, the thick‐billed murre Uria lomvia, selects and captures their prey throughout the breeding season. Murres captured small prey at all phases of a dive, including while descending and ascending, but captured large fish mostly while ascending, with considerably longer handling times. Birds captured larger prey and dove deeper during chick‐rearing. As central place foraging theory predicted, birds travelling further also brought bigger prey items for their chick. The location of a dive (distance from colony and distance to shore) best explained which prey type was the most likely to get caught in a dive, and we created a preyscape surrounding our study colony. We discuss how these findings might aid the use of generalist seabirds as bioindicators.  相似文献   

The Southern Ocean represents a continuous stretch of circumpolar marine habitat, but the potential physical and ecological drivers of evolutionary genetic differentiation across this vast ecosystem remain unclear. We tested for genetic structure across the full circumpolar range of the white‐chinned petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis) to unravel the potential drivers of population differentiation and test alternative population differentiation hypotheses. Following range‐wide comprehensive sampling, we applied genomic (genotyping‐by‐sequencing or GBS; 60,709 loci) and standard mitochondrial‐marker approaches (cytochrome b and first domain of control region) to quantify genetic diversity within and among island populations, test for isolation by distance, and quantify the number of genetic clusters using neutral and outlier (non‐neutral) loci. Our results supported the multi‐region hypothesis, with a range of analyses showing clear three‐region genetic population structure, split by ocean basin, within two evolutionary units. The most significant differentiation between these regions confirmed previous work distinguishing New Zealand and nominate subspecies. Although there was little evidence of structure within the island groups of the Indian or Atlantic oceans, a small set of highly‐discriminatory outlier loci could assign petrels to ocean basin and potentially to island group, though the latter needs further verification. Genomic data hold the key to revealing substantial regional genetic structure within wide‐ranging circumpolar species previously assumed to be panmictic.  相似文献   

While sex allocation has been investigated productively at both population and family levels, as yet no general theory has been developed that is capable of linking processes at these two ecological scales, and very few empirical studies have examined cross‐scale patterns. In Finnish northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), nestling sex ratio of local subpopulations is related to the spatial and temporal variation in the abundance of their principal avian prey, woodland grouse. Using data from an urban breeding population in Hamburg, Germany, I investigated: (1) whether brood sex ratio of goshawks varies with diet composition at the family level; (2) whether such variation could reflect adaptive adjustment; and (3) how family‐level allocation can drive population‐level patterns, such as those observed in Finland. Feral pigeons (Columba livia) were the most important prey species, with a pooled contribution to total diet of 36%. Brood sex ratio varied significantly with the proportion of pigeons in the breeding‐season diet of pairs (increasing male bias). However, there was no evidence for sex‐differential effects of diet composition, so it remains unclear whether the observed sex‐ratio variation was an adaptive response. As all study pairs inhabited an (urban) environment where pigeons were unusually abundant, family‐level sex‐ratio adjustment caused a marked male bias in offspring sex ratio at the population level (male‐biased nestling sex ratio in four of five years; pooled data: 60% males). This suggests that the large‐scale variation observed in Finnish goshawk populations mirrors sex‐ratio adjustment shown by individual families in response to small‐scale environmental conditions. Apart from linking patterns empirically across ecological scales, this study is, to my knowledge, the first to demonstrate that family‐level brood sex ratio varies with realized resource use (diet composition) in a raptor species. Previous studies either failed to find significant associations or, more commonly, violated theoretical assumptions by measuring environmental prey abundance (often integrated over large areas) rather than realized prey use of individual breeding pairs. I conducted a meta‐analysis of offspring sex‐ratio data from 17 goshawk populations across Europe to put my results into perspective. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 937–951.  相似文献   

Wild bees are declining in intensively farmed regions worldwide, threatening pollination services to flowering crops and wild plants. To halt bee declines, it is essential that conservation actions are based on a mechanistic understanding of how bee species utilize landscapes. We aimed at teasing apart how foraging resources in the landscape through the nesting season affected nesting and reproduction of a solitary bee in a farmland region. We investigated how availability of floral resources and potentially resource‐rich habitats surrounding nests affected nest provisioning and reproduction in the solitary polylectic bee Osmia bicornis. The study was performed in 18 landscape sectors dominated by agriculture, but varying in agricultural intensity in terms of proportion of organic crop fields and seminatural permanent pastures. Pasture‐rich sectors contained more oak (Quercus robur), which pollen analysis showed to be favored forage in early season. More oaks ≤100 m from nests led to higher proportions of oak pollen in nest provisions and increased speed of nest construction in early season, but this effect tapered off as flowering decreased. Late‐season pollen foraging was dominated by buttercup (Ranunculus spp.), common in various noncrop habitats. Foraging trips were longer with more oaks and increased further through the season. The opposite was found for buttercup. Oak and buttercup interacted to explain the number of offspring; buttercup had a positive effect only when the number of oaks was above the mean for the studied sectors. The results show that quality of complex and pasture‐rich landscapes for O. bicornis depends on preserving existing and generating new oak trees. Lignose plants are key early‐season forage resources in agricultural landscapes. Increasing habitat heterogeneity with trees and shrubs and promoting suitable late‐flowering forbs can benefit O. bicornis and other wild bees active in spring and early summer, something which existing agri‐environment schemes seldom target.  相似文献   

Establishing the diets of marine generalist consumers is difficult, with most studies limited to the use of morphological methods for prey identification. Such analyses rely on the preservation of diagnostic hard parts, which can limit taxonomic resolution and introduce biases. DNA-based analyses provide a method to assess the diets of marine species, potentially overcoming many of the limitations introduced by other techniques. This study compared the effectiveness of morphological and DNA-based analysis for determining the diet of a free-ranging generalist predator, the arrow squid (Nototodarus gouldi). A combined approach was more effective than using either of the methods in isolation. Nineteen unique prey taxa were identified, of which six were found by both methods, 10 were only detected using DNA and three were only identified using morphological methods. Morphological techniques only found 50% of the total number of identifiable prey taxa, whereas DNA-based techniques found 84%. This study highlights the benefits of using a combination of techniques to detect and identify prey of generalist marine consumers.  相似文献   

The measurement of oocyte sizes is the best method for examining reproductive cycles in the animals on which we have worked (mainly echinoderms and molluscs). The examination of standardised residuals in an R × C contingency table permits the detailed study of the growth of oocytes, and of differences in developmental stage both within and between samples. A nested design analysis of variance permits the quantification of the degree of seasonality in a species, and makes interspecific comparisons in the amount of inter- and intra-individual synchrony possible.

Comparisons between different types of data and methods of studying interpopulation differences in reproductive pattern are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The interactive effects of macronutrient balance [protein (P) : carbohydrate (C) ratio] and dietary dilution by cellulose on nutritional regulation and performance were investigated in the generalist caterpillar Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval). Caterpillars were reared through the final stadium on one of 20 foods varying factorially in macronutrient content (P + C%: 42, 33.6. 25.2 or 16.8%) and P : C ratio (5 : 1, 2 : 1, 1 : 1, 1 : 2 or 1 : 5). The animals compensate by eating more of diluted foods, but suffer reduced nutrient intake in proportion to the degree of dilution. Increase in food intake with dilution is greater on balanced than imbalanced foods and this is reflected in greater reduction of dry pupal mass with dilution in the latter. Whereas dilution results in a reduction in the amount of whichever macronutrient is in excess in the food, by contrast, the ability to compensate for the deficient macronutrient in the food is unaffected by nutrient imbalance. Excess protein intake due to nutritional imbalance (diets with high P : C ratios) results in a regulatory decrease in the efficiency of retention of ingested nitrogen relative to restricted protein intake on oppositely imbalanced foods (low P : C ratios). By contrast, decreased protein intake due to dietary dilution is associated with a non‐regulatory reduction in the efficiency of retention, irrespective of P : C ratio. Dilution is similarly associated with reduced utilization efficiency of ingested carbohydrate. The ecological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Specialist individuals within animal populations have shown to be more efficient foragers and/or to have higher reproductive success than generalist individuals, but interspecific reproductive consequences of the degree of diet specialisation in vertebrate predators have remained unstudied. Eurasian pygmy owls (hereafter POs) have less vole-specialised diets than Tengmalm's owls (TOs), both of which mainly subsist on temporally fluctuating food resources (voles). To test whether the specialist TO is more limited by the main prey abundance than the generalist PO, we studied breeding densities and reproductive traits of co-existing POs and TOs in central-western Finland during 2002–2019. Breeding densities of POs increased with augmenting densities of voles in the previous autumn, whereas breeding densities of TOs increased with higher vole densities in both the previous autumn and the current spring. In years of vole scarcity, PO females started egg-laying earlier than TOs, whereas in years of vole abundance TO females laid eggs substantially earlier than PO females. The yearly mean clutch size and number of fledglings produced of both POs and TOs increased with abundance of voles in the current spring. POs laid large clutches and produced large broods in years of both high and low vole abundance, whereas TOs were able to do so only in years of high vole abundance. POs were able to raise on average 73% of the eggs to fledglings whereas TOs only 44%. The generalist foraging strategy of POs including flexible switching from main prey to alternative prey (small birds) appeared to be more productive than the strictly vole-specialized foraging strategy of TOs. In contrast to earlier studies at the individual-level, specialist predators at the species level (in this case TOs) appear to be less effective than generalists (POs), but diet specialisation was particularly costly under conditions when scarcity of main foods limited offspring production.  相似文献   

Trans‐generational immune priming is the transmission of enhanced immunity to offspring following a parental immune challenge. Although within‐generation increased investment into immunity demonstrates clear costs on reproductive investment in a number of taxa, the potential for immune priming to impact on offspring reproductive investment has not been thoroughly investigated. We explored the reproductive costs of immune priming in a field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. To assess the relative importance of maternal and paternal immune status, mothers and fathers were immune‐challenged with live bacteria or a control solution and assigned to one of four treatments in which one parent, neither or both parents were immune‐challenged. Families of offspring were reared to adulthood under a food‐restricted diet, and approximately 10 offspring in each family were assayed for two measures of immunocompetence. We additionally quantified offspring reproductive investment using sperm viability for males and ovary mass for females. We demonstrate that parental immune challenge has significant consequences for the immunocompetence and, in turn, reproductive investment of their male offspring. A complex interaction between maternal and paternal immune status increased the antibacterial immune response of male offspring. This increased immune response was associated with a reduction in son's sperm viability, implicating a trans‐generational resource trade‐off between investment into immunocompetence and reproduction. Our data also show that these costs are sexually dimorphic, as daughters did not demonstrate a similar increase in immunity, despite showing a reduction in ovary mass.  相似文献   

As studies of invertebrate reproduction are expensive in time and money, there is a need to make the maximum use of the resultant data. It is also important to ensure that the conclusions of a study can be legitimately drawn from the data. Both of these factors necessitate the development of appropriate statistical methodology in reproductive biology.

The structure of data in reproductive biology is detailed, and methods of analysing gonad indices and maturity indices are reviewed. Although gonad indices have been widely used, they are only really satisfactory in species with strong seasonality of reproduction. There is, however, considerable scope for extracting more information from gonad indices than is usually obtained. The value of periodic regression as a tool to aid the understanding of reproductive cycles deserves further investigation.

If microscopic preparations of the gonads are being produced to estimate maturity indices, it is definitely worthwhile measuring oocyte sizes in the females, as the amount of information gained is considerable.  相似文献   

Superfetation is understood as another conception during an already ongoing pregnancy. This implies the existence of young of different developmental stages within the female reproductive tract during certain periods of pregnancy. Nevertheless, a clear definition of the term as well as distinct criteria to identify the occurrence of superfetation in a species is missing. The variable anatomy of mammalian reproductive tracts seems to make the occurrence of superfetation more or less likely but impedes the simple evaluation of whether it is present or not. Additionally, adequate determination methods are missing or are difficult to apply at the right time. Superfetation or rather superfetation‐like pregnancies are reported for numerous species including humans, livestock and rodents. The usual criteria to assume a case of superfetation include the finding of discordantly developed young within the uterus during post mortem or parturition of young after a birth interval shorter than the assumed pregnancy length. Often the occurrence of superfetation is concluded because other explanations of reproductive artifacts are missing. Even severe reproductive pathologies are often confused with superfetation. True superfetation or superfetation as a reproductive strategy may exist in some mammals. In the American mink (Neovison (Mustela) vison) and the European badger (Meles meles) superfetation occurs in combination with embryonic diapause. In the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus), superfetation has long been assumed to exist but evidence is still controversial. Superfetation definitely occurs in certain species of poeciliid and zenarchopterid fish, some of which also exhibit viviparity and maternal care. In mammals, the evolution of such a reproductive mechanism poses many interesting evolutionary, endocrine, microbial and immunological questions that require further investigation. Here we review the scant and at times ancient literature on this poorly understood topic. The different manifestations of superfetation are defined and reliable criteria to detect superfetation are outlined. Also, the differentiation of superfetation into a reproductive strategy or as a disrupted, abnormal reproductive function is discussed. Due to the different discussed functional aspects of superfetation, it is appropriate to establish a more detailed scheme to classify the true natural superfetation cases into superfertilization, superconception and superfetation proper. To date, there is no mammal species known for which superfetation proper in terms of finding discordantly developed fetuses has been conclusively demonstrated to be not only a rare occurence but an evolved reproductive strategy.  相似文献   


Euphausiids moult and grow throughout their life, which implies sharing of resources between growth and reproduction for adult krill. In the Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars), female krill produce eggs cyclically. Spawning moult cycles alternate with vitellogenic moult cycles for lipid yolk accumulation. Histology shows that lipids are associated with the R cells of the digestive gland in both sexes, with the yolk platelets of mature oocytes and with the fat body cell membranes and blood lacunae in reproducing females. Mature female krill can have a total lipid content twice as high as males, mostly due to accumulation in the ovary, the fat body and the haemolymph. In contrast, in males, as well as in non-reproducing females, the highest percentage of lipids is found in the digestive gland and the haemolymph. In Meganyctiphanes norvegica, the most abundant lipid fractions are polar lipids and triglycerides, the latter being relatively low in reproducing female gonad and fat body. Triglycerides are believed to be a pure energy source and polar lipids are essential for membrane development in embryos. The fatty acid content and composition of the triglyceride and polar lipid fractions in females are different from males, related to both reproductive and dietary processes. Higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the polar lipid fraction were found in reproductive females. During the non-reproductive season, the converse was found, indicating the specific role PUFA and other fatty acids play in growth and egg production. Adaptive processes linked to reproduction were studied comparatively in three populations of the Northern krill—Clyde Sea (W, Scotland), Kattegat (E, Denmark), Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean)—all differing considerably in climatic and trophic conditions. Such adjustments in lipid synthesis and storage are viewed as reproductive strategies developed by the Northern krill in response to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The sterols of prepupal honey bees, Apis mellifera L., from brood reared by workers fed chemically-defined synthetic diets containing cholesterol, campesterol, sitosterol, stigmasterol, 24-methylenecholesterol, or no sterol over a 12-week period were isolated, identified, and quantified. The major sterol present in each prepupal sample was 24-methylenecholesterol, but significant levels of sitosterol and isofucosterol were also present in every case, as was a very small percentage of desmosterol (usually < 1%). This is the first report of isofucosterol being identified in the sterols of the honey bee. A considerably larger percentage of each dietary sterol was found in prepupae reared by workers fed that particular sterol in the diet. This was most dramatic in the case of the cholesterol diet in which case cholesterol content increased to as much as 17.2% of the prepupal sterols, whereas cholesterol had not exceeded 2.2% in samples from other diet regimens. However, stigmasterol comprised no more than 6.3% of the total sterols in any sample from prepupae fed the stigmasterol diet. The preponderance of 24-methylenecholesterol in all prepupae, regardless of the dietary sterol provided to the workers, as well as the lesser quantities of sitosterol and isofucosterol present in all samples, suggest a unique system of utilization and metabolism of these dietary sterols by the worker bees. Apparently they make available to the brood varying amounts of unchanged dietary sterol plus considerable and fairly constant portions of 24-methylenecholesterol, sitosterol, and isofucosterol drawn from their own sterol pools.  相似文献   

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