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Tie2 is an endothelium-specific receptor tyrosine kinase known to play an important role in tumor angiogenesis. We sought to identify a small peptide ligand against Tie2 for developing a delivery targeting agent. We used hydrophobic analysis and comparative sequence/structure analysis to select a minimal peptide based on angiopoietin-2 amino acid sequence. The resulting peptide named GA3(WTIIQRREDGSVDFQRTWKEYK) was synthesized and labeled with iodine-125 at the C-terminal tyrosine residue to characterize its binding capability. In in vitro binding assays, GA3 can not only specifically bind to SMMC7721-Tie2 but also compete with angiopoietin-2 in binding. Via mouse tail vein injection, 125I-labeled GA3 was found to favorably accumulate in SPC-A1 xenograft tumor tissues which positively express Tie2. These results demonstrated that GA3 may be useful as a drug or gene delivery ligand for targeted chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and gene therapy.  相似文献   

Angiopoietins 1 and 2, ligands for the receptor kinase Tie-2, have been proposed to play critical but opposing roles in vascular development. Since signaling by Tie-2 is likely affected by other endothelial cell receptors such as Flk-1, the receptor for VEGF, and cell–cell adhesion receptors PECAM1 and VE-cad, we explored their interactions in a 3D model of vasculogenesis. When murine embryoid bodies (EBs) were treated with VEGF in Matrigel in the presence or absence of Ang-1 or Ang-2 for eight days, Ang-1 abrogated vascular sprouting for treatments started at days 0 or 3. In contrast, Ang-2 greatly accelerated vascular sprouting compared to untreated EBs. These results were confirmed in a second model system where VEGF treated HUVECs were grown in Matrigel in the presence or absence of Ang-1 or Ang-2. Since vascular sprouting must be precisely controlled in the developing embryo, it is likely that cell–cell adhesion molecules play a role in sensing the density of vascular sprouts. In this respect, we have shown that PECAM1 and CEACAM1 play essential roles in vascular sprouting. We now show that PECAM1 is associated with Tie-2, becomes phosphorylated on its ITIMs, and recruits the inhibitory phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2. In addition, PECAM1 is associated with VE-cad and may similarly regulate its signaling via recruitment of SHP-1/2.  相似文献   

Modulation of Tie2 receptor activity by angiopoietin ligands is crucial for angiogenesis, blood vessel maturation, and vascular endothelium integrity. The role of the angiopoietin (Ang) and Tie system in myocardial infarction is not well understood. To investigate the participation of the Ang/Tie in myocardial infarction, adult Sprague-Dawley rats with ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery to induce myocardial infarction were studied. Ang1, Ang2, Tie1, and Tie2 were measured immediately after ligation of the coronary artery, and at 6 h, 1 and 3 days, and 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after ligation by Northern blotting, Western blotting, and immunohistochemical staining. Ang2 mRNA significantly increased from 2 weeks (2.1-fold) to 4 weeks (2.9-fold) after the infarction in the left ventricular free wall. Tie2 mRNA increased significantly from 1 week (2.1-fold) to 4 weeks (3.8-fold) after the infarction. Ang2 protein also significantly increased from 3 days (1.9-fold) to 4 weeks (3-fold) after the infarction in the left ventricular free wall. Tie2 protein increased 2.4-fold at 3 weeks and 2.8-fold at 4 weeks after the infarction. Neither Ang1 nor Tie1 mRNA or protein showed any significant change at any time point after the infarction. The ratio of Ang2/Ang1 mRNA and protein in the study group was higher than that in the control group. Ang2 and Tie2 expression in nonischemic myocardium showed no significant change. Immunohistochemical study also showed increased immunoreactivity of Ang2 and Tie2 at the infarct border. In conclusion, Ang2 and Tie2 expressions significantly increased both spatial and temporal patterns after myocardial infarction in the rat ventricular myocardium, while Ang1 and Tie1 receptor expression did not.  相似文献   

The synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Tie-2 kinase inhibitors are presented. Based on the pyrrolopyrimidine chemotype, several new series are described, including the benzimidazole series by linking a benzimidazole to the C5-position of the 4-amino-pyrrolopyrimidine core and the ketophenyl series synthesized by incorporating a ketophenyl group to the C5-position. Medicinal chemistry efforts led to potent Tie-2 inhibitors. Compound 15, a ketophenyl pyrrolopyrimidine urea analog with improved physicochemical properties, demonstrated favorable in vitro attributes as well as dose responsive and robust oral tumor growth inhibition in animal models.  相似文献   

The oxidized form of vitamin C (dehydroascorbic acid, DHA) completely and irreversibly inactivates recombinant human hexokinase type I, in a pseudo-first order fashion. The inactivation reaction occurs without saturation, indicating that DHA does not form a reversible complex with hexokinase. Further characterization of this response revealed that the inactivation does not require oxygen and that dithiothreitol, while able to prevent the DHA-mediated loss of enzyme activity, failed to restore the activity of the DHA-inhibited enzyme. Inactivation was not associated with cleavage of the peptide chain or cross-linking. The decay in enzymatic activity was however both dependent on deprotonation of a residue with an alkaline pKa and associated with covalent binding of DHA to the protein. In addition, inactivation of hexokinase decreased or increased, respectively, in the presence of the substrates glucose or MgATP. Finally, amino acid analysis of the DHA-modified hexokinase revealed a decrease of cysteine residues.Taken together, the above results are consistent with the possibility that covalent binding of the reagent with a thiol group of cysteine is a critical event for the DHA-mediated loss of hexokinase activity.  相似文献   

The Tie2 receptor tyrosine kinase plays a pivotal role in vascular and hematopoietic development. The major intracellular signaling systems activated by Tie2 in response to Angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) include the Akt and Erk1/2 pathways. Here, we investigated the role of cholesterol-rich plasma membrane microdomains (lipid rafts) in Tie2 regulation. Tie2 could not be detected in the lipid raft fraction of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) unless they were first stimulated with Ang1. After stimulation, a minor fraction of Tie2 associated tightly with the lipid rafts. Treatment of HUVECs with the lipid raft disrupting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin selectively inhibited Ang1-induced Akt phosphorylation, but not Erk1/2 phosphorylation. It has been reported that inhibition of FoxO activity is an important mechanism for Ang1-stimulated Tie2-mediated endothelial function. Consistent with this, we found that phosphorylation of FoxO mediated by Tie2 activation was attenuated by lipid raft disruption. Therefore, we propose that lipid rafts serve as signaling platforms for Tie2 receptor tyrosine kinase in vascular endothelial cells, especially for the Akt pathway.  相似文献   

Blood vessel homeostasis and endothelial cell survival depend on proper signalling through angiopoietin receptors such as the receptor tyrosine kinases Tie-1 and Tie-2. We have studied the presence and subcellular localization of these receptors in murine female reproductive organs using confocal microscopy analysis of antibody stained tissue sections of ovary and oviduct. We show that Tie-2 principally localizes to primary cilia of the surface epithelium of the ovary, bursa and extra-ovarian rete ducts as well as to plasma membranes of ovarian theca and endothelial cells. Primary cilia of follicular granulosa cells were negative. Further, Tie-1 and Tie-2 localized to motile cilia of the oviduct. Western blotting detection and immunolocalization of anti-Tie-2 in ovary and oviduct were abolished by administration of an anti-Tie-2 blocking peptide, confirming antibody specificity. In a series of immunohistochemical analysis on human ovarian tissues we also observed a unique localization of Tie-2 to the primary cilia of ovarian surface epithelium. These observations are the first to show ciliary localization of angiopoietin receptors. Our results support the hypothesis that cilia of the female reproductive organs play a novel and important sensory role in relaying physiochemical changes from the extracellular environment to epithelial cells of the oviduct, the ovary and extra-ovarian tissues.  相似文献   

Members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family play important roles in various developmental processes in vertebrates. Since two genes closely related to the vertebrate FGF receptor (FGFR) genes DFR1 and DFR2/breathless have already been reported in Drosophila , the existence of a Drosophila FGF has been predicted. In the present study, we examined whether DFR1 is functionally interchangeable with a vertebrate FGFR in the Xenopus system. First, we found that the expression of DFR1 promoted Ca2+ efflux in response to human basic (b)FGF in Xenopus oocytes, whereas the coexpression of a dominant negative form of DFR1 (ΔDFR1) with a chick FGFR1/cek1 inhibited promotion of Ca2+ efflux induced by the expression of cek1 in the oocyte. Second, the expression of ΔDFR1 was observed to induce a defect in the posterior structure of the Xenopus embryo at stage 30, as observed with a dominant negative form of cek1 (Δcek1). Third, we found that the expression of ΔDFR1 inhibited the expression of FGF-regulated genes such as Xbra, Xnot , and Xshh in Xenopus embryos at stage 11, while the coexpression of DFR1 with ΔDFR1 could rescue the inhibited expression of FGF-regulated genes. These results indicate that DFR1 acts as an FGFR in Xenopus embryos and that an FGF is likely to exist in Drosophila .  相似文献   

We have reported that nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) inhibits the tyrosine kinase activities of the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and the HER2 receptor in breast cancer cells. Herein, we studied the effects of NDGA on the growth of estrogen receptor (ER) positive MCF-7 cells engineered to overexpress HER2 (MCF-7/HER2-18). These cells are an in vitro model of HER2-driven, ER positive, tamoxifen resistant breast cancer. NDGA was equally effective at inhibiting the growth of both parental MCF-7 and MCF-7/HER2-18 cells. Half maximal effects for both cell lines were in the 10-15 microM range. The growth inhibitory effects of NDGA were associated with an S phase arrest in the cell cycle and the induction of apoptosis. NDGA inhibited both IGF-1R and HER2 kinase activities in these breast cancer cells. In contrast, Gefitinib, an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor but not an IGF-1R inhibitor, was more effective in MCF-7/HER2-18 cells than in the parental MCF-7 cells and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) was more effective against MCF-7 cells compared to MCF-7/HER2-18. MCF-7/HER2-18 cells are known to be resistant to the effects of the estrogen receptor inhibitor, tamoxifen. Interestingly, NDGA not only inhibited the growth of MCF-7/HER2-18 on its own, but it also demonstrated additive growth inhibitory effects when combined with tamoxifen. These studies suggest that NDGA may have therapeutic benefits in HER2-positive, tamoxifen resistant, breast cancers in humans.  相似文献   

T helper type 1 cell (Th1)/Th2 imbalance has been observed in a variety of pathological conditions, including malignant diseases. We evaluated the Th1/Th2 in peripheral blood Th cells by means of intracytoplasmic cytokine analysis in 11 dogs with advanced malignant tumor; four of them showed metastatic tumor. The percentage of Th1 was significantly lower and the percentage of Th2 was significantly higher in diseased dogs compared to healthy dogs. The percentage of Th1 in three patients with metastatic tumor was significantly lower than that in the patients with non-metastatic tumor. We conclude that the Th1/Th2 balance was polarized to Th2 in dogs with cancer.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨与分析不同剂量乌司他丁联合微量推注泵美罗培南对重症肺炎患者的疗效及血管生成素-2的影响。方法:2019年1月到2022年2月选择在本院诊治的重症肺炎患者78例作为研究对象,将其分为研究组与对照组各39例,两组都给予美罗培南微量推注治疗,研究组与对照组分别给予高剂量与低剂量的乌司他丁治疗,连续应用7 d,观察患者的疗效及血清血管生成素2表达变化情况。结果:研究组的ICU住院时间、退热时间、炎症吸收时间与痰液颜色改变时间较对照组少(P<0.05)。研究组的治疗总有效率较对照组高(P<0.05)。两组治疗后的血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-17(IL-17)含量明显低于治疗前(P<0.05),研究组治疗后的血清IL-6、IL-17含量也明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。两组治疗后的血清血管生成素-2含量低于治疗前,治疗后研究组血清血管生成素-2含量低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:高剂量乌司他丁联合微量推注泵美罗培南在重症肺炎患者的应用能抑制血清血管生成素-2的表达,也可抑制血清IL-6、IL-17的表达,从而能提高治疗效果,促进改善患者的临床症状,有利于患者康复。  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes for isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) have been recently identified in glioblastoma. In the present study, we investigated IDH1 and IDH2 mutations in follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) and anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC), with the latter, like glioblastoma, having a rapidly aggressive and lethal clinical course. By direct genomic DNA sequencing, we analyzed exon 4 of the IDH1 and IDH2 genes that harbored the mutation hot spots codon 132 and 172 of the two genes in glioblastoma, respectively, in 12 thyroid cancer cell lines, 20 FTC, and 18 ATC tumor samples. A novel homozygous G367A IDH1 mutation, resulting in a G123R amino acid change in codon 123, was identified in a case of ATC. A previously described IDH1 V71I mutation was found in a case of FTC and a case of ATC and no mutations were found in the cell lines. The overall prevalence of mutations was thus 1/20 (5%) in FTC and 2/18 (11%) in ATC. We did not find mutation in the IDH2 gene in these thyroid cancer cell lines and tumor samples. Sequence alignment analysis of 16 species revealed that the novel IDH1 G123R mutation was located in a highly conserved region, raising the possibility of a serious functional consequence as could also be predicted by the occurrence of a positively charged amino acid from this mutation. To test this, we created a G123R mutant by site-directed mutagenesis and demonstrated a decreased enzymatic activity of IDH1, similar to the expected reduction in the enzymatic activity of the previously described R132H IDH1 mutant measured as a control. Thus, functionally relevant IDH1 mutations can also occur in thyroid cancer, particularly ATC, suggesting a potential tumorigenic role of the IDH1 system that could represent a new therapeutic target for thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) has become a well-established target for the treatment of HER2-positive lung cancer. However, a frequently observed in-frame mutation that inserts amino acid quadruplex Tyr776-Val777-Met778-Ala779 at G776 (G776YVMA) in HER2 kinase domain can cause drug resistance and sensitivity, largely limiting the application of reversible tyrosine kinase inhibitors in lung cancer therapy. A systematic investigation of the intermolecular interactions between the HER2YVMA mutant and clinical small-molecule inhibitors would help to establish a complete picture of drug response to HER2 G776YVMA insertion in lung cancer, and to design new tyrosine kinase inhibitors with high potency and selectivity to target the lung cancer-related HER2YVMA mutant. Here, we combined homology modeling, ligand grafting, structure minimization, molecular simulation and binding affinity analysis to profile a number of tyrosine kinase inhibitors against the G776YVMA insertion in HER2. It is found that the insertion is far away from HER2 active pocket and thus cannot contact inhibitor ligand directly. However, the insertion is expected to induce marked allosteric effect on some regions around the pocket, including A-loop and hinges connecting between the N- and C-lobes of HER2 kinase domain, which may exert indirect influence to inhibitor binding. Most investigated inhibitors exhibit weak binding strength to both wild-type and mutant HER2, which can be attributed to steric hindrance that impairs ligand compatibility with HER2 active pocket. However, the cognate inhibitor lapatinib and the non-cognate inhibitor bosutinib were predicted to have low affinity for wild-type HER2 but high affinity for HER2YVMA mutant, which was confirmed by subsequent kinase assay experiments; the inhibitory potencies of bosutinib against wild-type and mutant HER2 were determined to be IC50?>?1000 and =27?nM, respectively, suggesting that the bosutinib might be exploited as a selective inhibitor for mutant over wild-type HER2. Structural examination revealed that formation of additional non-bonded interactions such as hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts with HER2 A-loop region due to G776YVMA insertion is the primary factor to improve bosutinib affinity upon the mutation.  相似文献   

We reported earlier on the oncogenic properties of Grm1 by demonstrating that stable Grm1-mouse-melanocytic clones proliferate in the absence of growth supplement and anchorage in vitro. In addition, these clones also exhibit aggressive tumorigenic phenotypes in vivo with short latency in tumor formation in both immunodeficient and syngeneic mice. We also detected strong activation of AKT in allograft tumors specifically AKT2 as the predominant isoform involved. In parallel, we assessed several human melanoma biopsy samples and found again that AKT2 was the predominantly activated AKT in these human melanoma biopsies. In cultured stable Grm1-mouse-melanocytic clones, as well as an metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (Grm1) expressing human melanoma cell line, C8161, stimulation of Grm1 by its agonist led to the activation of AKT, while preincubation with Grm1-antagonist abolished Grm1-agonist-induced AKT activation. In addition, a reduction in tumor volume of Grm1-mouse-melanocytic-allografts was detected in the presence of small interfering AKT2 RNA (siAKT2). Taken together, these results showed that, in addition to the MAPK pathway previously reported being a downstream target of stimulated Grm1, AKT2 is another downstream target in Grm1 mediated melanocyte transformation.  相似文献   

Axl receptor tyrosine kinase is implicated in several malignancies and is the receptor for the vitamin K-dependent growth factor Gas6. From a yeast two-hybrid screen of protein-protein interactions with the Axl cytoplasmic domain, we detected a previously uncharacterised SH2 domain-containing protein. We cloned two novel splice variants of this protein that give rise to 1409- and 1419-amino acid proteins, differing only in their N-terminal residues and yielding a 150-kDa protein product by in vitro translation. The Axl-interacting C-terminus contains a tandem SH2 and PTB domain combination homologous to the focal adhesion protein tensin. We detected interaction of Axl with both domains in mammalian cells by co-immunoprecipitation and two-hybrid analyses. In addition, the protein possesses an N-terminal putative phorbol ester-binding C1 domain as well as a central tyrosine phosphatase motif. Thus, we have named the protein C1 domain-containing phosphatase and TENsin homologue (C1-TEN). Northern blot analysis of C1-TEN in human tissues revealed highest expression in heart, kidney, and liver. In summary, we have identified a novel multi-domain intracellular protein that interacts with Axl and which may furthermore be involved in other signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

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