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Current phylogenics of mosasauroid reptiles are reviewed and a new phylogeny examining aigialosaur interrelationships presented. Patterns of mesopodial ossification and overall limb morphology are described for adult mosasauroids. Ossification sequences are mapped onto a phylogeny in order to assess the distribution of ontogenetic characters. Consistent and ordered distributions are found. Based on the phylogenetic distribution of ossification patterns, an overall mesopodial ossification sequence for mosasaurs is proposed. Carpal sequence: ulnare—distal carpal four (dc4)—intermedium—dc3—radiale or dc2—de1 or pisiform and dc5. Tarsal sequence: astragalus—distal tarsal four or calcaneum. Skeletal paedomorphosis is recognized as a dominant pattern in the evolution of mosasauroid limbs. Apomorphic characters of skeletal paedomorphosis, apparent in most taxa, reach extremes in tylosaurs. Arguments for the presence of a single proximal cartilage in the tarsus of mosasaurs are made. This cartilage is presumed to include ossification centres from which both the astragalus and calcaneum will ossify.  相似文献   

The morphology of the erythrosuchid ankle joint is reassessed. Two specimens, recently thought to have been incorrectly referred to Erythrosuchus africanus , are shown without doubt to belong to this taxon. Furthermore, the morphology is essentially similar to that of other early archosaurs. The tarsus of Erythrosuchus is poorly ossified and consists of a calcaneum, astragalus, and two distal tarsals. The calcanea of Erythrosuchus, Vjushkovia triplicostata , and Shansisuchus shansisuchus are all similar in being dorsoventrally compressed, possessing a lateral tuber, and lacking a perforating foramen. The astragalus of V. triplicostata is currently unknown. The astragalus of Shansisuchus is apparently unique in form. The erythrosuchid pes is therefore more derived than has been recently proposed. The tarsal morphology of several other archosauromorph taxa is reviewed and many details are found to be at variance with the literature. The plesiomorphic condition for the Archosauromorpha consists of four distal tarsals and a proximal row of three elements; two of which articulate with the tibia. These proximal elements are interpreted as the astragalus, calcaneum, and a centrale, and the same pattern is retained in the earliest archosaurs. This reassessed tarsal morphology has implications for the homology of the centrale and reconstruction of early diapsid phylogeny.  相似文献   

Theropod dinosaurs and birds share a specialized ankle joint in which the proximal tarsal series. the astragalus and calcaneum is braced against the tibia by an ascending process. This feature has been used since T. H. Huxley's time (1870) to support the proposal that birds evolved from dinosaurs. However, according to Martin, Stewart & Whetstone (1980), the avian tarsus is not homologous with that of theropods. They argue that while the ascending process in theropods is continuous with the astragalus in Archaeopteryx and all later birds, it is an independent ossification associated primarily with the calcaneum. A preliminary study of tarsal ontogeny in birds (McGowan, 1984), undertaken to resolve this problem, revealed two developmental pathways, one exemplified in ratites and the other in carinates. The ratite condition corresponded to that of theropods, the bony ascending process being part of the astragalus, while in carinates the corresponding process was part of the calcaneum. The present study, based on more extensive material, reveals that, although the carinate process becomes associated with the calcaneum during later development, there is evidence that it originates as a cartilaginous process from the astragalus and is therefore homologous with the ratite condition. As the avian tarsus is homologous with that of theropods, and of Archaeopteryx , it may be used to support a close phylogenetic relationship among them.  相似文献   

The oldest talpid, Eotalpa, was previously known only from isolated cheek teeth from the European late Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene. Screenwashing of Late Eocene sediments of the Hampshire Basin, UK, has yielded cranial and postcranial elements: maxilla, dentary, ulna, metacarpals, distal tibia, astragalus, calcaneum, metatarsals and phalanges. In addition to M1–2 myotodonty, typical talpid features are as follows: ulna with long medially curved olecranon and deep abductor fossa and astragalar body with lateral process. However, Eotalpa retains certain soricid‐like primitive states (M1 preparacrista, P4 with prominent mesiolingual protocone lobe, strongly angled astragalar neck and calcaneum with no space for a cuboid medial process) not found in modern talpids. Eotalpa is more derived than the most primitive living talpid Uropsilus in having lost the M1–2 talon shelf, developed a convex radial facet on the ulna, an incipient proximal olecranon crest, relatively shorter metapodials and depressed manual unguals. Its astragalus with medial trochlear ridge taller than the lateral one and massive medial plantar process is typical of the Lipotyphla. Eotalpa lacks synostosis of tibia and fibula, found in other Talpidae, Soricidae and Erinaceidae, suggesting that synostosis in these groups has been independently acquired. Cladistic analysis places Eotalpa as stem member of the Talpidae and shows that much homoplasy arose during the early evolution of the family. Ground dwelling in Eotalpa is indicated by the following: astragalus with a medially dipping head, curved in a single plane; calcaneum with distal peroneal process and strongly overlapping ectal and sustentacular facets; and matching sized ectal and sustentacular facets on calcaneum and astragalus. These features would have restricted ankle mobility. Ungual and metatarsal shape and ulnar structure suggest a primitive stage in fossorial evolution and argue against a semiaquatic precursor stage in talpid fossoriality. Shrew‐moles may represent a reversal to surface foraging rather than an intermediate stage in fossoriality.  相似文献   

The reorganization of the ankle in basal amniotes has long been considered a key innovation allowing the evolution of more terrestrial and cursorial behavior. Understanding how this key innovation arose is a complex problem that largely concerns the homologizing of the amniote astragalus with the various ossifications in the anamniote tarsus. Over the last century, several hypotheses have been advanced homologizing the amniote astragalus with the many ossifications in the ankle of amphibian-grade tetrapods. There is an emerging consensus that the amniote astragalus is a complex structure emerging via the co-ossification of several originally separate elements, but the identities of these elements remain unclear. Here we present new fossil evidence bearing on this contentious question. A poorly ossified, juvenile astragalus of the large captorhinid Moradisaurus grandis shows clear evidence of four ossification centers, rather than of three centers or one center as posited in previous models of astragalus homology. Comparative material of the captorhinid Captorhinikos chozaensis is also interpretable as demonstrating four ossification centers. A new, four-center model for the homology of the amniote astragalus is advanced, and is discussed in the context of the phylogeny of the Captorhinidae in an attempt to identify the developmental transitions responsible for the observed pattern of ossification within this clade. Lastly, the broader implications for amniote phylogeny are discussed, concluding that the neomorphic pattern of astragalus ossification seen in all extant reptiles (including turtles) arose within the clade Diapsida.  相似文献   

On the basis of studies on serial sections of larval Ranodon sibiricus limbs and published data, the hypothesis of the origin of tetrapod limbs from the biserial archipterygium is proposed. The mesomeres of the central axis of the biserial fin correspond (in proximodistal direction) to the humerus, ulna, ulnare, all carpalia distalia, metacarpale 1, and phalanges of the first digit in the forelimb of caudate amphibians and to the femur, fibula, fibulare, tarsalia distalia, metatarsale 1, and phalanges of the first digit in the hind limb. The preaxial elements of the zygopodium and autopodium, which are positioned proximal to the digital arch, correspond to the preaxial rays of the biserial fin, and digits 2–5 correspond to its postaxial rays. As the fin transformed into the limb, the central axis curved preaxially, forming the digital arch and resulting in partial reduction and fusion of preaxial rays.  相似文献   

The study of ossification during postembryonic development of the lizard Cyrtodactylus pubisulcus reveals consistent patterns in the skeleton of the body axis and of the limbs. The vertebral column shows a distinct antero-posterior gradient in ossification; the serial homology of sacral ribs and caudal transverse processes with dorsal ribs requires further scrutiny. The sequence of ossification of carpal and tarsal elements is constant, yet different from the pattern of chondrification as described in the literature. The homology of a separate 'intermedium' in the ossified lizard carpus requires further discussion. The development of the lizard astragalus is discussed in detail, as is the ossification of epiphyses in the limbs.  相似文献   

The pectoral fin girdle was the first element of the fins to develop in Sparus aurata. By 3·1mm L N (notochord length) the cleithrum was ossified and the cartilaginous caracoid-scapula was present. The fin was fully developed at 11·6 mm L S (standard length) and by 16·0 mm L S most elements of the fin were ossified. The pelvic fins were the last pair to develop and rudiments of these were first detected at 7·9 mm L S. The pelvic fin and girdle were completely formed and ossified at 16·0 mm L S. The development of dorsal and anal fins began at c. 6·5–7·0 mm L S with the formation of 10 cartilaginous dorsal proximal radials and eight cartilaginous ventral proximal radials. The three cartilaginous predorsals (supraneurals) appeared at 7·7 mm L S and the ossification of dorsal and anal proximal and distal radials began, respectively, at 10·5 mm L S and 11·3 mm L S. Ossified structures in the fins were also classified according to their origin, as being either dermal or endochondral. Finally the chronology of appearance of fin structures in S. aurata was compared with that reported for other Sparidae, Engraulidae and Haemulidae.  相似文献   

The digit tips of children and rodents are known to regenerate following amputation. The skeletal structure that regenerates is the distal region of the terminal phalangeal bone that is associated with the nail organ. The terminal phalanx forms late in gestation by endochondral ossification and continues to elongate until sexual maturity (8 weeks of age). Postnatal elongation at its distal end occurs by appositional ossification, i.e. direct ossification on the surface of the terminal phalanx, whereas proximal elongation results from an endochondral growth plate. Amputation through the middle of the terminal phalanx regenerates whereas regenerative failure is observed following amputation to remove the distal 2/3 of the bone. Regeneration is characterized by the formation of a blastema of proliferating cells that appear undifferentiated and express Bmp4. Using chondrogenic and osteogenic markers we show that redifferentiation does not occur by endochondral ossification but by the direct ossification of blastema cells that form the rudiment of the digit tip. Once formed the rudiment elongates by appositional ossification in parallel with unamputated control digits. Regenerated digits are consistently shorter than unamputated control digits. Finally, we present a case study of a child who suffered an amputation injury at a proximal level of the terminal phalanx, but failed to regenerate despite conservative treatment and the presence of the nail organ. These clinical and experimental findings expand on previously published observations and initiate a molecular assessment of a mammalian regeneration model.  相似文献   

We address the chondrogenic formation of the limbs and the mesopodial ossification pattern of the Pleurodira Podocnemis expansa, to resolve the homology of these elements as well as the pattern of connection of the autopodial elements and the origin of the digital arch. Embryos and juveniles of P. expansa were cleared and stained for cartilage and bone. The fore‐ and hind‐limbs were also studied histologically. We describe the development of the stylopodium and zeugopodium originating from a Y‐shaped cartilaginous condensation, and the differentiation of the primary axis and the digital arch in the initial stages of limb development. The most pronounced changes were observed in the chondrogenic pattern and ossification of the mesopodium, although development of the digits is similar and we found no ontogenetic reduction such as that described for other Testudines. In this study, as in previous research involving several groups of reptilian sauropsids, we found an inconsistent pattern between the chondrogenic formation and mesopodial ossification of the limbs, indicating that these developmental events are dissociated. In summary, the chondrogenic and ossification sequences of these elements do not follow the same pattern. In addition, the differences found between P. expansa and other species to which it was compared clearly indicate that these events follow more than one pattern in Testudines. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The first skeletal condensation appears deep at the base of the limb bud near the somites, when the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is maximally developed. Thereafter the skeletal elements generally appear in a proximodistal sequence but most of the mesopodial cartilages appear well after the metapodial ones and one of them, tarsalia-1, even after the phalangeal ones. The skeletal elements that fuse or “disappear” during the development are the cartilaginous condensation of fibulare, and the precartilaginous condensation of the distal centrale in the tarsus, and possibly the mesenchymatous condensation of the intermedium in the carpus. The calcification of all the long cartilages is perichondral and osseous while that of all the mesopodial and other cartilages, like epiphyses and sesamoids, is endochondral and nonosseous except the partly osseous astragalus and fibulare. The limbs of the mature adult have many sesamoids and metaplastic calcifications. The AER starts regressing after the appearance of the first skeletal condensation but is retained on the digital tips, though in a moderately regressed condition, almost till the time of the appearance of all the phalangeal condensations. These studies on the mesopodium differ with most studies on reptilian and avian mesopodia in favoring the view that very few skeletal condensations fuse or disappear during the development. They thus raise important issues concerning the ontogeny and phylogeny of the pentadactyl limb. While the AER has a substantial role in the limb morphogenesis, it most probably is not responsible for the information to mesoderm regarding the number, size, shape and relative position of the skeletal elements in the limb.  相似文献   

The osteology of the appendicular skeleton and its postnatal development are described in Bachia bicolor, a serpentiform lizard with reduced limbs. The pectoral girdle is well developed and the forelimb consists of a humerus, ulna, radius, five carpal elements (ulnare, radiale, distal carpals 4–3, centrale), four metacarpals (II, III, IV, V) and phalanges (phalangeal formula X‐2‐2‐2‐2). In the hindlimb, the femur is small and slender, and articulates distally with a series of ossified amorphous and extremely reduced elements that correspond to a fibula, tibia and proximal and distal tarsals 4 and 3. The pelvic girdle consists of ischium, pubis and ilium, but its two halves are widely separated; the ilium is the least reduced element. We describe the ossification and development during postnatal skeletal ontogeny, especially of epiphyseal secondary centres, ossifications of carpal elements, apophyseal ossifications and sesamoids. Compared to other squamates, B. bicolor shows an overall reduction in limb size, an absence of skeletal elements, a fusion of carpal elements, an early differentiation of apophyseal centres, and a low number of sesamoids and apophyseal centres. These observations suggest that the reductions are produced by heterochronic changes during postnatal development and probably during embryonic development; therefore the appendicular skeleton exhibits a pattern of paedomorphic features.  相似文献   

This study describes, quantifies, and compares the growth and development of the volant forelimb morphology of Myotis lucifugus with that of the terrestrial forelimb morphology of Rattus norvegicus. In M. lucifugus there is 1) accelerated growth in forearm length after parturition, 2) cessation in growth of the midshaft diameter of the ulna just after the onset of osteogenesis, 3) proximal fusion of the radius and ulna, which results in the radius occupying 97% of the articular surface of the elbow joint in adults, 4) fusion between the cartilaginous distal epiphyses of the radius and ulna which results in formation of a radioulnar bridge that becomes fully ossified in adults, and 5) incomplete ossification of the ulna with a section of the diaphysis becoming ligamentous. None of these events occurs during development in R.norvegicus.  相似文献   

Two different patterns of the condensation and chondrification of the limbs of tetrapods are known from extensive studies on their early skeletal development. These are on the one hand postaxial dominance in the sequential formation of skeletal elements in amniotes and anurans, and on the other, preaxial dominance in urodeles. The present study investigates the relative sequence of ossification in the fore‐ and hindlimbs of selected tetrapod taxa based on a literature survey in comparison to the patterns of early skeletal development, i.e. mesenchymal condensation and chondrification, representing essential steps in the late stages of tetrapod limb development. This reveals the degree of conservation and divergence of the ossification sequence from early morphogenetic events in the tetrapod limb skeleton. A step‐by‐step recapitulation of condensation and chondrification during the ossification of limbs can clearly be refuted. However, some of the deeper aspects of early skeletal patterning in the limbs, i.e. the general direction of development and sequence of digit formation are conserved, particularly in anamniotes. Amniotes show a weaker coupling of the ossification sequence in the limb skeleton with earlier condensation and chondrification events. The stronger correlation between the sequence of condensation/chondrification and ossification in the limbs of anamniotes may represent a plesiomorphic trait of tetrapods. The pattern of limb ossification across tetrapods also shows that some trends in the sequence of ossification of their limb skeleton are shared by major clades possibly representing phylogenetic signals. This review furthermore concerns the ossification sequence of the limbs of the Palaeozoic temnospondyl amphibian Apateon sp. For the first time this is described in detail and its patterns are compared with those observed in extant taxa. Apateon sp. shares preaxial dominance in limb development with extant salamanders and the specific order of ossification events in the fore‐ and hindlimb of this fossil dissorophoid is almost identical to that of some modern urodeles.  相似文献   

Carpal and tarsal anatomy was documented based on the observation of dry skeletons of adult specimens representing 25 species in 15 genera and on data taken from the literature. In addition, histological sections and cleared and double‐stained autopodia of recently hatched and juvenile specimens representing seven chelid and pelomedusoid species were studied. There is much more morphological diversity in the manus than in the pes. Variation in autopodial skeletons includes: the astragalus and calcaneum are either separated or fused; fusion of distal carpals 3–4−5 or just 4–5; number of centralia in the carpus; and presence/absence of a pisiform and of an accessory radial element. The widespread and probably basal phalangeal formula for Pleurodira is Deviations are Pelomedusa subrufa, exhibiting a reduction to, Pelusios spp. with one phalanx less in digit I and for one species in digit V as well, and Acanthochelys pallidipectoris with an additional phalanx in the fourth finger. Six discrete characters itemizing some of the morphological variation observed were plotted on a composite pleurodire phylogeny, revealing not only homoplastic patterns but also the utility of some characters in supporting the monophyly of several clades. The pisiform is the last carpal element to ossify in Chelus fimbriatus. We hypothesize that the so‐called fifth hooked metatarsal represents the fusion of distal tarsal 5 with metatarsal V. The accessory radial element that was occasionally present in the turtles examined may represent an atavism of the otherwise lost radiale of turtles.  相似文献   

Direct‐developing amphibians form limbs during early embryonic stages, as opposed to the later, often postembryonic limb formation of metamorphosing species. Limb patterning is dramatically altered in direct‐developing frogs, but little attention has been given to direct‐developing salamanders. We use expression patterns of two genes, sox9 and col2a1, to assess skeletal patterning during embryonic limb development in the direct‐developing salamander Plethodon cinereus. Limb patterning in P. cinereus partially resembles that described in other urodele species, with early formation of digit II and a generally anterior‐to‐posterior formation of preaxial digits. Unlike other salamanders described to date, differentiation of preaxial zeugopodial cartilages (radius/tibia) is not accelerated in relation to the postaxial cartilages, and there is no early differentiation of autopodial elements in relation to more proximal cartilages. Instead, digit II forms in continuity with the ulnar/fibular arch. This amniote‐like connectivity to the first digit that forms may be a consequence of the embryonic formation of limbs in this direct‐developing species. Additionally, and contrary to recent models of amphibian digit identity, there is no evidence of vestigial digits. This is the first account of gene expression in a plethodontid salamander and only the second published account of embryonic limb patterning in a direct‐developing salamander species.  相似文献   

I Naruse  Y Kameyama 《Teratology》1986,34(3):283-289
Male mice heterozygous for the dominant polydactyly gene Pdn (Polydactyly Nagoya) were crossed with normal or heterozygous females of the same strain. Pregnant females were treated with 5 mg/kg of cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) on day 12 of gestation. The offspring were removed on day 18 of gestation and examined for external malformations, and the fore- and hindlimbs were examined by means of bone- and cartilage-stained cleared specimens. In +/+ x Pdn/+ matings, Pdn/+ fetuses, bearing preaxial polydactyly of the distal phalangeal type in the hindlimb and deformity of the 1st digit in the forelimb, were obtained in about 50% of the nontreated group. In treated fetuses, however, the incidence of polydactyly and deformity of the 1st digit decreased to 1.4 and 10.1%, respectively. Nontreated Pdn/Pdn fetuses exhibited preaxial polydactyly of the duplicated or triplicated metacarpal/metatarsal type both in the fore- and hindlimbs. In the treated Pdn/Pdn fetuses, the number of preaxial extra digits decreased in both limbs. Some hindlimbs of the treated Pdn/Pdn fetuses exhibited five metatarsals, normally. In the vitally stained specimens at 6 and 24 hours after injection of Ara-C, preaxial marginal necrotic zones (fMI) were observed in almost all of the treated embryos from +/+ x Pdn/+ matings. However, approximately half of the embryos did not exhibit fMI in the nontreated control group at the same stage. Those embryos deficient in fMI were regarded as Pdn/+. These findings indicated that a subteratogenic dose of Ara-C prevented the genetic expression of polydactyly in almost all Pdn/+ and some cases of Pdn/Pdn mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The early larval development of the temnospondyl Sclerocephalus sp. is analyzed, based on 38 specimens from the Lower Rotliegend (Permo-Carboniferous boundary) of the Saar-Nahe Basin (south-west Germany). The study focuses on the smallest larval specimens, which exemplify changes in both proportions and ossification patterns. In comparison with dissorophoid larvae, the skull ossifies more fully and at a much faster rate; the smallest specimens already have completely formed circumorbital bones that are sutured throughout. Sculpturing undergoes two marked changes, first from uniformly pitted to pits of variable size and regional differentiation, and finally to the origin of ridges. The palate of small larvae differs from that of larger specimens in patterns of dentition, having more teeth including a denticle field on the cultriform process. The mandible of small larvae is described for the first time, being narrower than in adults and having three dentigerous coronoid elements. The smallest specimens have poorly ossified neural arches, lack vertebral centra, and have faintly ossified humeri, femora, and very poorly developed distal elements. The posterior ribs, metapodia, and phalanges appeared after the dermal elements of the pectoral girdle, whereas the scapulocoracoid and ischium are absent throughout the larval period. Early growth and differentiation of the limbs and the ilium illustrates the developmental patterning of the appendages, which proceeded from proximal to distal. Dermal squamation is uniform in small stages, consisting of round or oval osteoderms with pronounced growth rings; in large larvae, they start to differentiate in certain body regions.  相似文献   

The morphological differences between the limb bones of two Adapis species from two localities in Southern France are analyzed for their functional significance. The study focuses on the distal humerus, proximal femur, astragalus and calcaneum. The Escamps species Adapis aff. betillei shows more extreme flexion at the elbow, lateral mobility at the hip, and more rotation at the calcaneocuboid joint than in the other species. The species from Rosières 2 A. cf. parisiensis shows increased emphasis on parasagittal movements, restrictions of lateral mobility in the hindlimb, enhanced capacity for rapid flexion and powerful extension of the thigh, and powerful rapid foot extension. The Rosières species probably engaged in more frequent branch walking and running, and the Escamps species probably included more climbing in its locomotor repertoire. In the general Adapis genus morphology, the large tuber calcanei, short astragalus, and the presence of a calcaneal "pressure facet" are similarities shared with living cercopithecids. Along with other characters, these suggest that horizontal running was possibly an important means of locomotion in the Adapis and adapine morphotypes, and may even indicate a degree of terrestraility. Contrary to the most common view, the euprimate morphotype was probably not a specialized leaper.  相似文献   

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