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Mechanosensitive hair cells in the statocysts of cephalopods underlie a sophisticated detection system for linear and angular accelerations. To investigate the operation of this system, secondary sensory hair cells were dissociated from the sensory epithelia of these statocysts and their voltage sensitive ionic conductances identified and characterized under whole cell voltage clamp.All secondary hair cells showed two outward potassium conductances; first, a current similar to the previously described delayed rectifier, IK and second, a current similar to the molluscan A current, IA. A small number of hair cells (15%) also showed an inward sodium current; the presence of this current was correlated with the presence of small membrane extensions at the base of the cell. The sodium current could be blocked by TTX and was abolished by substituting choline for sodium in the external medium. An inward L-type, calcium current was also identified. This current showed rapid activation, with little inactivation, could be carried by barium ions, and was blocked by Nifedipine in the external solution.These data provide the first information on the ionic conductances in the basolateral membranes of invertebrate secondary sensory hair cells and form a basis for comparison with analogous vertebrate hair cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the electrophysiological effect and antiarrhythmic potential of cinnamophilin (Cinn), a thromboxane A2 antagonist isolated fromCinnamomum philippinense, on rat cardiac tissues. Action potential and ionic currents in single rat ventricular cells were examined by current clamp or voltage clamp in a whole-cell configuration. In 9 episodes of ischemia-reperfusion arrhythmia, 10 µM Cinn converted 6 of them to normal sinus rhythm. Cinn suppressed the maximal rate of rise of the action potential upstroke (Vmax) and prolonged the action potential duration at 50% repolarization (APD50). Voltage clamp study showed that the suppression of Vmax by Cinn was associated with an inhibition of sodium inward current (INa, IC50=10.0 ± 0.4 µM). At 30 µM, V1/2 for the steady-state inactivation curve of INa was shifted from –84.1 ± 0.2 to –93.0 ± 0.5 mV. Cinn also reduced calcium inward current (ICa) dose-dependently with an IC50 value of 9.5 ± 0.3 µM. Cinn (10 µM) reduced the ICa with a negative shift of V1/2 for the steady-state inactivation curve of ICa from –32.2 ± 0.3 to –50.7 ± 0.4 mV. The prolongation of APD50 was associated with an inhibition of the integral of potassium outward current with IC50 values between 4.8 and 7.1 µM. At 10 µM, Cinn reduced INa without a negative shift of its voltage-dependent steady-state inactivation curves. The inhibition of transient outward current (Ito) by Cinn (3–30 µM) was associated with an acceleration of its time constant of inactivation and negative shift of its potential-dependent steady-state inactivation curves. The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of Cinn to inhibit open state Ito channels, as calculated from the time constant of developing block, was 18.3 µM. The time constant of recovery of Ito from inactivation state was unaffected by Cinn. The rate constant for the relief from the depolarization-dependent block of Ito was calculated to be 23.9 ms. As compared with its effect on Ito, Cinn exerted about half the potency to block INa and ICa. These results indicate that the inhibition of INa, ICa and Ito may contribute to the antiarrhythmic activity of Cinn against ischemia-reperfusion arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Heart rate is an essential determinant of cardiac performance. In rat ventricular myocytes, a sudden increase in rate yields to a prolongation of the action potential duration (APD). The mechanism underlying this prolongation is controversial: it has been proposed that the longer APD is due to either: (1) a decrease in K+ currents only or (2) an increase in Ca2+ current only. The aim of this study was to quantitatively investigate the contribution of Ca2+ and K+ currents in the adaptation of APD to pacing rate. Simulation using a mathematical model of ventricular rat cardiac cell model [Pandit, S.V., Clark, R.B., Giles, W.R., Demir, S.S., 2001. A mathematical model of action potential heterogeneity in adult rat left ventricular myocytes. Biophys. J. 81, 3029–3051] predicted a role in the prolongation of APD for K+ currents only. In patch clamp experiments, increasing the pacing rate leads to a significant increase in APD in both control and detubulated myocytes, although it was more marked in control than detubulated myocytes. Supporting the model prediction, we observed that increasing stimulation frequency leads to a decrease in K+ currents in voltage clamped rat ventricular myocytes (square and action potential waveforms), and to a similar extent in both cell types. We have also observed that frequency-dependent facilitation of Ca2+ current occurred in control cells but not in detubulated cells (square and action potential waveforms). From these experiments, we calculated that the relative contribution of Ca2+ and K+ currents to the longer APD following an increase in pacing rate is 65% and 35%, respectively. Therefore, in contrast to the model prediction, Ca2+ current has a significant role in the adaptation of APD to pacing rate. Finally, we have introduced a simplistic modification to the Pandit's model to account for the frequency-dependent facilitation of Ca2+ current.  相似文献   

Asymmetric displacement currents, Ig, were measured in squid axons at different hydrostatic pressures, P, up to 60 MPa. Potassium and sodium currents were abolished by intracellular Cs+ and TEA+, by extracellular Tetrodotoxin (TTX), and by Na+ substitution with Tris+. The time course of Ig became progressively slower with increasing pressure, and the amplitude decreased. With appropriate scaling in time and amplitude, Ig records at any given P could be made to superimpose very well with those obtained at atmospheric pressure. The same scaling factors yielded a good superposition of all records obtained for voltage steps to membrane potentials in the range-30 to +42 mV. The ratio between the amplitude and time factors was larger than unity and increased with P, indicating a progressive decrease (up to 35% at 60 MPa) of the total charge displaced, Q, with no significant change in its voltage dependence. The time-scaling factor increased exponentially with P, as expected if all the steps involved in the opening of a sodium channel, and producing a major charge redistribution, have the same activation volume, V g 17 cm3/mol. This value is roughly one-half of that characterizing the pressure dependence of sodium current activation, suggesting that some late, rate-limiting step in the opening of sodium channels has a large activation volume without being accompanied by an easily detected charge movement.Part of the decrease of Q with pressure could be attributed to an increase in sodium inactivation. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that there is a reversible reduction in the number of fast activating sodium channels, similar to the phenomenon that has been reported to occur at low temperatures (Matteson and Armstrong 1982).  相似文献   

The adrenergic modulation of inwardly rectifying and depolarization-activated outward potassium currents was studied in single cardiac myocytes obtained from the human atrium. Membrane currents were recorded in enzymatically dissociated cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. It was observed that, in the presence or absence of atenolol (or 1 µM propranolol), 30 µM phenylephrine attenuated inwardly rectifying and depolarization-activated outward potassium currents including both transient and late-activated current. This suppressant effect of phenylephrine could be prevented by pretreatment with an -adrenoceptor antagonist. Isoproterenol (30 µM) increased the late outward potassium current and net transient outward current. It is concluded that, in human atrial myocytes, -adrenergic activation reduces depolarization-activated transient and late outward potassium current and inwardly rectifying background potassium current. -Adrenergic activation resulted in an increase in the depolarization-activated transient and late outward potassium current.  相似文献   

Myocardial sodium-pump activity was examined from ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake using myocytes isolated from guinea-pig heart. Either sodium loading or the sodium ionophore, monensin, increased 86Rb+ uptake by over 400%, indicating that the amount of Na+ available to the pump is the primary determinant of its activity, and that the sodium pump has a substantial reserve capacity in quiescent myocytes. Moreover, the degree of the above stimulation is markedly higher than corresponding values reported with multicellular preparations, suggesting that diffusion barriers make it impossible to observe the capacity of the sodium pump in the latter preparations. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ increased ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake, probably by enhancing turnover of the sodium pump rather than increasing availability of Na+ to the pump.  相似文献   

心肌细胞的兴奋 收缩偶联 (ECC)本质上是胞膜上的电压门控L 型钙通道 (LCCs)和胞内ryanodine受体 (RyRs)之间通过钙诱导钙释放 (CICR)机制进行沟通进而引发肌细胞收缩的过程。最近的研究进一步揭示了微观水平上LCCs和RyRs之间的信息联系。在钙偶联位点 (couplons)上 ,LCCs因膜去极化而随机开放 ,在局部产生高强度的钙脉冲 (即钙小星 ,Ca2 sparklet) ,作用于邻近肌质网终末池上的RyRs。钙偶联位点通过由钙小星随机激活的RyRs(即钙释放通道 )以钙火花 (Ca2 spark)的形式释放钙。这些钙在全细胞水平上总和即形成钙瞬变 (Ca2 transient)。因此 ,钙小星触发钙火花就构成了ECC中的基本事件。本文重点阐述LCCs和RyRs分子间的信号转导机制 ,也即从微观水平上探讨CICR及ECC的形成机制。  相似文献   

Effects of changing cytosolic free Mg(2+) concentration on L-type Ca(2+) (I(Ca)) and Ba(2+) currents (I(Ba)) were investigated in rat ventricular myocytes voltage-clamped with pipettes containing 0.2 or 1.8mM [Mg(2+)] ([Mg(2+)](p)) buffered with 30mM citrate and 10mM ATP. Increasing [Mg(2+)](p) from 0.2 to 1.8mM reduced current amplitude and accelerated its decay under a variety of experimental conditions. To investigate the mechanism for these effects, steady-state and instantaneous current-voltage relationships were studied with two-pulse and tail current (I(T)) protocols, respectively. Increasing [Mg(2+)](p) shifted the V(M) for half inactivation by -20mV but dramatically decreased I(Ca) amplitude at all potentials tested, consistent with a change in gating kinetics that decreases channel availability. This conclusion was supported by analysis of I(T) amplitude, but these latter experiments also suggested that, in the millimolar concentration range, [Mg(2+)](p) might also inhibit permeation through open Ca(2+) channels at positive V(M).  相似文献   

Activation kinetics of the sodium and potassium conductances were re-examined in fresh axons of Loligo forbesi exhibiting very little if any potassium accumulation and a very small leak conductance, special attention being paid to the initial lag phase which precedes the turning-on of the conductances. The axons were kept intact and voltage-clamped at 2–3°C.In all cases, the rising phase of the currents could be fitted with very good accuracy using the Hodgkin-Huxley (1952) equations although, in most cases, the turning-on of the conductance did not coincide with the beginning of the depolarizing test pulse. The delay which separates the change in potential and the turning-on of current (the activation delay) was analyzed quantitatively for different prepulse and pulse potentials. The measured activation delay differed significantly from the delay predicted by the original HH equations. This difference (the non-HH delay) varied with prepulse and pulse potentials. For the potassium current, the relationship between the non-HH delay and pulse potential for a constant prepulse was bell shaped, the maximum value (0.7 ms for a prepulse to –80 mV) being reached for about 0 mV For this same current, the relationship between the non-HH delay and the prepulse potential for a constant pulse potential was sigmoidal, starting from a minimum value of around 0.5 ms at –100 mV and rising to 5 ms at –15 mV Essentially similar results were obtained for the sodium current although the non-HH delay was three to five times smaller and the dependency upon prepulse potential not significant. These results are in agreement with previous observations on squid axons and frog nodes of Ranvier and suggest that the opening of an ionic channel is preceded by a short but essential voltage-dependent conformational change of the channel protein. Offprint requests to: Y. Pichon  相似文献   

In the present study, rats were treated with sodium selenite (5 micromol/kg body weight/day, ip) for 4 weeks and the parameters of contractile activity, action potential, L-type Ca2+-current (ICaL), as well as transient outward (Ito), inward rectifier (IK1), and steady state (Iss) K+-currents were investigated. Sodium selenite treatment increased rat blood glucose level and lowered plasma insulin level, significantly. This treatment also caused slightly prolongation in action potential with no significant effects on spontaneous contraction parameters and intracellular Ca2+ transients of the heart preparations. These effects were associated with marked alterations in the kinetics of both ICaL and Ito including a significant slowing in both inactivation time constants of ICaL and a significant shift to negative potential at half-inactivation of these channels without any change in the current density. Also, there was a significantly faster inactivation of Ito and no shift in half-inactivation of this channel without any change in its current density. Consequently, there was a approximately 50% increase in total charges carried by Ca2+ current and approximately 50% decrease in total charges carried by K+ currents of the treated rat cardiomyocytes. Additionally we observed a significant inhibition in IK1 density in treated rat cardiomyocytes. Oxidized glutathione level was significantly increased (70%) while the observed decrease in reduced glutathione was much less. Since a shift in redox state of regulatory proteins is related with cell dysfunction, selenium-induced increase in blood glucose and decrease in plasma insulin may correlate these alterations. These alterations, in the kinetics of the channels and in IK1 density, might lead to proarrhythmic effect of chronic selenium supplementation.  相似文献   

Helminth infections are of significant concern in veterinary and human medicine. The drugs available for chemotherapy are limited in number and the extensive use of these drugs has led to the development of resistance in parasites of animals and humans ( [Geerts and Gryseels, 2000], [Kaplan, 2004] and [Osei-Atweneboana et al., 2007]). The cyclooctadepsipeptide, emodepside, belongs to a new class of anthelmintic that has been released for animal use in recent years. Emodepside has been proposed to mimic the effects of the neuropeptide PF1 on membrane hyperpolarization and membrane conductance (Willson et al., 2003). We investigated the effects of PF1 on voltage-activated currents in Ascaris suum muscle cells. The whole cell voltage-clamp technique was employed to study these currents. Here we report two types of voltage-activated inward calcium currents: transient peak (Ipeak) and a steady-state (Iss). We found that 1 μM PF1 inhibited the two calcium currents. The Ipeak decreased from −146 nA to −99 nA (P = 0.0007) and the Iss decreased from −45 nA to −12 nA (P = 0.002). We also found that PF1 in the presence of calcium increased the voltage-activated outward potassium current (from 521 nA to 628 nA (P = 0.004)). The effect on the potassium current was abolished when calcium was removed and replaced with cobalt; it was also reduced at a higher concentration of PF1 (10 μM). These studies demonstrate a mechanism by which PF1 decreases the excitability of the neuromuscular system by modulating calcium currents in nematodes. PF1 inhibits voltage-activated calcium currents and potentiates the voltage-activated calcium-dependent potassium current. The effect on a calcium-activated-potassium channel appears to be common to both PF1 and emodepside (Guest et al., 2007). It will be of interest to investigate the actions of emodepside on calcium currents to further elucidate the mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Cells in the pacemaker region of toad (Bufo marinus) sinus venosus had spontaneous rhythmic action potentials. The rate of firing of action potentials, the rate of diastolic depolarization and the maximum rate of rise of action potentials were reduced by TTX (10 nm to 1 m). Currents were recorded with the whole cell, tight seal technique from cells enzymatically dissociated from this region. Cells studied were identified as pacemaker cells by their characteristic morphology, spontaneous rhythmic action potential activity that could be blocked by cobalt but not by TTX and lack of inward rectification. When calcium, potassium and nonselective cation currents (If) activated by hyperpolarization were blocked, depolarization was seen to generate transient and persistent inward currents. Both were sodium currents: they were abolished by tetrodotoxin (10 to 100 nm), their reversal potential was close to the sodium equilibrium potential and their amplitude and reversal potential were influenced as expected for sodium currents when extracellular sodium ions were replaced with choline ions. The transient sodium current was activated at potentials more positive than –40 mV while the persistent sodium current was obvious at more negative potentials. It was concluded that, in toad pacemaker cells, TTX-sensitive sodium currents contributing both to the upstroke of action potentials and to diastolic depolarization may play an important role in setting heart rate.We thank the Australian National Heart Foundation for their support. D.A.S. is an NHMRC Senior Research Officer.  相似文献   

In cardiac ventricular myocytes, Na current is generated mainly by the cardiac NaV1.5 isoform, but the presence of "neuronal" Na channel isoforms in the heart has been demonstrated recently. In this study, we quantified the density and sub-cellular distribution of cardiac and neuronal channel isoforms in rat ventricular myocytes. INa was recorded using the patch clamp technique in control and detubulated myocytes. Detubulation reduced cell capacitance (by approximately 29%) but maximum conductance was not altered (1.94+/-0.15, 14 control vs 1.98+/-0.19 nS/pF, 17 detubulated myocytes). The kinetic properties of INa were similar in both cell types suggesting good voltage control of surface and t-tubule membranes. We calculated Na channel densities assuming the sub-cellular current localization we recently provided (neuronal isoform: approximately 11% of total sarcolemmal current, approximately 3% of cell surface, and approximately 31% of t-tubule current). Single channel conductances were assumed to be 2.2 and 2.5 pS for the cardiac and neuronal isoforms, respectively, after accounting for the use of low Na concentration. We calculated that the density of the cardiac Na channel isoform is relatively constant (in channels/microm2: approximately 11 in total sarcolemma, approximately 13 at the cell surface, approximately 10 at the t-tubules). In contrast, neuronal Na channel isoforms are concentrated at the t-tubules (in channels/microm2: approximately 1 in total sarcolemma, approximately 0.3 at the cell surface, approximately 2.5 at the t-tubules). We conclude that, in contrast to skeletal muscle in which Na channel density is higher at the cell surface than the t-tubules, in ventricular cardiac myocytes the sub-cellular distribution of Na channel density is relatively homogeneous (approximately 13 channels/microm2).  相似文献   

In this review article we give an overview of current knowledge with respect to redox-sensitive alterations in Na+ and Ca2+ handling in the heart. In particular, we focus on redox-activated protein kinases including cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), and Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), as well as on redox-regulated downstream targets such as Na+ and Ca2+ transporters and channels. We highlight the pathological and physiological relevance of reactive oxygen species and some of its sources (such as NADPH oxidases, NOXes) for excitation—contraction coupling (ECC). A short outlook with respect to the clinical relevance of redox-dependent Na+ and Ca2+ imbalance will be given.  相似文献   

Mathematical and computational modeling of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling has produced considerable insights into how the heart muscle contracts. With the increase in biophysical and physiological data available, the modeling has become more sophisticated with investigations spanning in scale from molecular components to whole cells. These modeling efforts have provided insight into cardiac excitation-contraction coupling that advanced and complemented experimental studies. One goal is to extend these detailed cellular models to model the whole heart. While this has been done with mechanical and electophysiological models, the complexity and fast time course of calcium dynamics have made inclusion of detailed calcium dynamics in whole heart models impractical. Novel methods such as the probability density approach and moment closure technique which increase computational efficiency might make this tractable.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of pressure upon the delayed, K, voltage-clamp currents of giant axons from the squidLoligo vulgaris was studied in axons treated with 300nm TTX to block the early, Na, currents. The effect of TTX remained unaltered by pressure. The major change produced by pressures up to 62 MPa is a slowing down of the rising phase of the K currents by a time scaling factor which depends on pressure according to an apparent activation volume, V, of 31 cm3/mole at 15°C; V increased to about 42 cm3/mole at 5°C.Pressure slightly increased the magnitude, but did not produce any obvious major change in the voltage dependence, of the steady-state K conductance estimated from the current jump at the end of step depolarizations of small amplitude (to membrane potentials,E, 20 mV) and relatively short duration. At higher depolarizations, pressure produced a more substantial increase of the late membrane conductance, associated with an apparent enhancement of a slow component of the K conductance which could not be described within the framework of the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH)n 4 kinetic scheme.The apparent V values that characterize the pressure dependence of the early component of the K conductance are very close to those that describe the effect of pressure on Na activation kinetics, and it is conceivable that they are related to activation volumes involved in the isomerization of the normal K channels. The enhancement of the slow component of membrane conductance by pressure implies either a large increase in the conductance of the ionic channels that are responsible for it or a strong relative hastening of their turn-on kinetics.  相似文献   

The role of endogenous beta subunits of the L-type Ca channel in native cardiac ventricular myocytes is unclear. We have therefore investigated the effect of inhibiting beta subunit expression in rat myocytes, by culturing isolated myocytes for 24 h with either antisense oligonucleotide against the beta subunit or with scrambled oligonucleotide (control). Alpha1 subunit expression and distribution were then determined by immunolabeling, and L-type Ca current measured using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. Cells treated with antisense showed increased perinuclear staining for alpha1, decreased Ca current amplitude and a small rightward shift of the activation curve and the I-V relation, with no significant effect on inactivation. These data suggest that endogenous beta subunits in native cardiac myocytes help to traffic the alpha1 subunit to the cell membrane and thus play a major role in determining Ca current amplitude.  相似文献   

Ionic and gating currents from voltage-gated sodium channels were recorded in mouse neuroblastoma cells using the path-clamp technique. Displacement currents were measured from whole-cell recordings. The gating charge displaced during step depolarizations increased with the applied membrane potential and reached saturating levels above 20 mV Prolonged large depolarizations produced partial immobilization of the gating charge, and only about one third of the displaced charge was quickly reversed upon return to negative holding potentials. The activation and inactivation properties of macroscopic sodium currents were characterized by voltage-clamp analysis of large outside-out patches and the single-channel conductance was estimated from nonstationary noise analysis. The general properties of the sodium channels in mouse neuroblastoma cells are very similar to those previously reported for various preparations of invertebrate and vertebrate nerve cells. Offprint requests to: O. Moran  相似文献   

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