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谷氨酸单钠对大鼠胃窦部生长抑素mRNA表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨谷氨酸单钠(MSG)对大鼠胃窦部生长抑素mRNA表达的影响。方法:采用原位杂交技术检测胃窦部生长抑素mRNA的表达并用计算机图象分析系统进行定量分析。结果:谷氨酸单钠可使胃窦部生长抑素mRNA表达增强。以52天(青春期)最为明显,120天(成年期)次之,11天(新生期)最弱,经统计,差异具有显性(P<0.01)。结论:谷氨酸单钠可使胃窦部D细胞生长抑素mRNA表达增强,这就能是MSG导致神经内分泌紊乱的机制之一。  相似文献   

3-Glu示踪实验表明,谷氨酸可以透过胎盘屏障进入胎鼠体内,较均一地分布于中枢神经系统及内脏各器官。给母鼠隔日注射高、低剂量的谷氨酸单钠(MSG,2.5ms/g,1.0mg/g)至分娩,对成年后的仔鼠进行检测发现,高剂量组仔鼠记忆能力及Y-迷宫空间分辨学习能力均严重受损,下丘脑弓状核及腹内侧核神经元被明显破坏,出现胞质肿胀、核固缩、神经元数目减少。孕期MSG处理还可以使仔鼠下丘脑和海马3H-Glu受体-配体结合量显著变化。采用AR-CM-MIC阳离子检测系统观察单个神经元内游离Ca2+浓度([Ca2+]i)的变化时还发现,MSG可以通过诱发胞外Ca2+内流及胞内钙库释放Ca2+来增高[Ca2+]i。以上结果提示:MSG对仔鼠的剂量依赖性神经毒性作用可能与其过度激活膜谷氨酸受体,引起细胞内Ca2+超载,最终导致特定脑区的神经元发生溃变甚至死亡有关,而这些变化可能正是仔鼠成年后学习记忆受损的原因。  相似文献   

张难  印其章 《生理学报》1988,40(6):529-538
本实验以电刺激鼠尾-嘶叫法和甲醛爪内注射-行为法两种测痛方法观察到:(1)大鼠下丘脑弓状核区微量注射神经元胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸单钠(MSG)300μg/1μl 可引起明显镇痛效应。(2)双侧蓝斑内微量注射 β-内啡肽抗血清各0.1μl 可明显对抗 MSG 兴奋弓状核区神经元的镇痛效应。(3)直接在双侧蓝斑内微量注射 β-内啡肽各1ug/0.25μl 也可产生明显的镇痛效应。上述结果表明:下丘脑弓状核区注射 MSG 兴奋其中的 β-内啡肽能神经元群,可能通过下行纤维末梢释放 β-内啡肽,影响蓝斑神经元的活动,从而产生镇痛效应。  相似文献   

陈起亮  李金华 《生理学报》1994,46(2):193-197
在大鼠新生期注射谷氨酸单钠,观察动物成年后应激时的镇痛效应和血浆皮质酮反应,以新生期注射10%NaCl作为等渗对照。MSG组大鼠下丘脑弓状核的β-内啡肽免疫反应细胞减少60.7%,痛阈和血浆质酮的基础值未受影响,在不可射避的持续电刺激四肢脚底30min后,MSG组动物应激镇痛效应明显降低,但应激仍可使血浆皮质酮水平明显升高。实验结果提示,ARC的β-END能神经元参与激镇痛,而对垂体-肾上腺皮质系  相似文献   

目的:探讨学习训练对谷氨酸神经毒性的保护作用。方法:在SD大鼠生后第3~9d腹腔注射谷氨酸单钠复制谷氨酸毒性模型,在1月龄和2月龄时训练大鼠学会以明暗辨别来获得食物,3月龄时取脑,在光镜下计数海马内存活神经元数,电镜下观察海马CA1区的超微结构,并计数突触数,测量突触活性带长度。结果:学习训练组海马CA3区和CA4区内的存活神经元数、海马CA1区内的突触数和突触活性带长度均大于非学习组,结论:结果提示学习训练可在一定程度上减轻MSG对海马的损伤。  相似文献   

高静  张维宁 《生理学报》1994,46(1):44-51
^3H-Glu示踪实验表明,谷氨酸可以透过胎屏障进入胎鼠体内,较均一地分布于中枢神经系统及内脏各器官。经母鼠隔日注射高,低剂量的谷氨酸单钠(MSG,2.5mg/g,1.0mg/g)至分娩,对成年后的仔鼠进行检测发现,高剂量组仔鼠记忆能力及Y-迷宫空间分辨学习能力均严重受损,下丘脑弓状核及腹内侧核神经元被明显破坏,出现胞质肿胀、核固缩、神经元数目减少。孕期MSG处理还可以使仔鼠正丘脑和海马^3H-G  相似文献   

本工作分别采用新生期大鼠注射谷氨酸-钠(MSG)损毁弓状核区及电刺激弓状核(ARC)区的方法,观察对脑和脊髓内亮-脑啡肽(LEK)、多巴胺(DA)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)含量的影响。MSG 大鼠脑和脊髓内 LEK、NE 含量较对照组无明显变化,但端脑内 DA 含量显著升高。刺激 ARC 区后脊髓内 NE 含量明显上升。上述结果提示:弓状核区对端脑 DA 能系统可能具有某种紧张性抑制作用,而刺激弓状核产生的镇痛效应可能和下行 NE 能系统有一定关系。  相似文献   

目的:探讨下丘脑室旁核(PVN)内谷氨酸参与压力感受性反射中枢调节的神经化学机制。方法:在清醒大鼠,用脑部微量透析法和高效液相色谱法观察静脉注射苯肾上腺素诱发压力感受性反射对PVN区谷氨酸含量的影响;NMDA受体阻断剂MK-801或非NMDA受体阻断剂CNQX直接灌流PVN区并诱发压力感受性反射,进一步探讨PVN区谷氨酸对压力感受性反射的作用。结果:①静脉注射苯肾上腺素诱发压力感受性反射时,PVN内的谷氨酸含量迅速升高到注射前的384.82%±91.77%(P<0.01)。②PVN区灌流谷氨酸受体阻断剂MK-801或CNQX,同时诱发压力感受性反射,其血压升值明显减少,心率降值明显增加(P<0.01),压力感受性反射的敏感性(△HR/△MAP)明显增加(P<0.01)。结论:PVN内的谷氨酸可能通过离子型谷氨酸受体参与压力感受性反射的中枢调节,而且此调节作用可能是抑制性的。  相似文献   

采用大鼠下丘脑弓状核区微量注射 β 内啡肽和分光光度法测定血浆唾液酸水平 ,探讨弓状核区注射β 内啡肽对唾液酸的影响及其机制。结果表明 :( 1 )弓状核区注射 β 内啡肽后 ,血浆唾液酸水平较注射前明显降低 (P <0 0 5) ,与对照组相比 ,亦有显著差异(P <0 0 5) ;( 2 )静脉注射胆碱能M型受体阻断剂阿托品后 ,弓状核区再注射 β 内啡肽 ,血浆唾液酸水平无明显变化 (P >0 0 5) ;( 3)切断双侧颈迷走神经后 ,弓状核区再注射 β 内啡肽 ,血浆唾液酸水平无明显变化 (P >0 0 5)。这提示弓状核可能是 β 内啡肽引起血浆唾液酸水平下降的主要中枢作用部位 ,其机制与M型胆碱能受体密切相关 ,并可能通过副交感神经实现此效应。  相似文献   

陶萍  梅俊 《生理学报》1996,48(2):157-164

Despite resistance exercises being associated with health outcomes, numerous issues are still unresolved and further research is required before the exercise can faithfully be prescribed as medicine. The goal of this study was to investigate whether there are sex differences in resistance training effects on metabolic alterations induced by monosodium glutamate (MSG), a model of obesity, in male and female rats. Male and female Wistar rats received MSG (4 g/kg body weight/day, s.c.) from postnatal day 1 to 10. After 10 days from MSG administration, the rats were separated into two groups: MSG-sedentary and MSG-exercised. At postnatal day 60, the animals started a resistance training protocol in an 80 degrees inclined vertical ladder apparatus and performed it for 7 weeks. Control rats received saline solution and were divided in saline-sedentary and saline-exercised. Resistance training restored all plasma biochemical parameters (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase) increased in male and female rats treated with MSG. The MSG administration induced hyperglycemia associated with a decrease in the skeletal muscle glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) levels and accompanied by deregulation in proteins, G-6Pase, and tyrosine aminotransferase, involved in hepatic glucose metabolism of male and female rats. MSG induced dyslipidemia and lipotoxicity in the liver and skeletal muscle of male rats. Regarding female rats, lipotoxicity was found only in the skeletal muscle. The resistance training had beneficial effects against metabolic alterations induced by MSG in male and female rats, through regulation of proteins (GLUT2, protein kinase B, and GLUT4) involved in glucose and lipid pathways in the liver and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of reserpine on neuropeptide Y immunoreactive (NPY-IR) neurons in the rat hypothalamic arcuate nucleus was examined by immunocytochemical techniques. Although only NPY-IR fibers and terminals were distributed in this nucleus in untreated and saline treated rats, single treatment of reserpine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) visualized abundant NPY-IR neuronal cell bodies: the increase began at 12 h of postinjection, reached its maximal level at 48 h, and returned to its normal level at 96 h. Pretreatment of nialamide, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, prevented these acute reserpine-induced changes, suggesting reserpine acts on NPY neurons through monoaminergic mechanism. Chronic treatment of haloperidol (5 mg/kg, once daily for 5 days) a dopamine receptor antagonist, could induce the similar increase of NPY immunoreactivity. However, interruption of adrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmissions by chronic treatment of propranorol and methysergide, or chemical lesions of ascending noradrenergic and serotononergic pathways by 6-hydroxydopamine and 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine, could not induce any immunoreactive increase of NPY in arcuate neurons. These findings strongly suggest that reserpine-induced NPY increase occurs through dopaminergic afferents in hypothalamic arcuate neurons. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Kinya Kuriyama.  相似文献   


Neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate (MSG) results in a substantial degeneration of the inner layer of the retina and a decreased diameter of the optic nerves. Nevertheless, MSG‐treated animals entrain and re‐entrain to a light dark cycle. The question arises whether MSG selectively destroys the optic pathways which are involved in vision but not the retinohypothalamic trart that mediates entrainment. In these experiments not only entrainment and re‐entrainment of the circadian food intake rhythm of MSG‐treated rats was investigated but also the freerunning period under continuous bright and dim light It appears that MSG‐treated rats have shorter freerunning periods under continuous illumination than controls. Therefore, these results suggest that also those pathways involved in entrainment of the circadian food intake rhythm are affected by neonatal treatment with MSG.  相似文献   

In nucleus tractus solitarii-dorsal vagal nucleus slices prepared from young adult rats (180-260 g) 10(-3) M L-glutamate and 10(-5) M baclofen caused a 2-3-fold increase of field stimulation-induced [3H]-norepinephrine release without affecting the resting release. In slices prepared from rats treated neonatally with monosodium glutamate neither L-glutamate nor baclofen had any effect on stimulation-induced norepinephrine release, tested between postnatal days 74-99 (350-530 g). In untreated littermates used in the same period (460-580 g) L-glutamate was fully effective whereas baclofen was ineffective. The tritium content in tissue extracts did not differ significantly in the three experimental groups. It is concluded that i) the loss of GABA(B) receptor-mediated disinhibitory stimulation of norepinephrine release is an age-related phenomenon and ii) neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment causes a damage in the local neural circuitry characterized by the loss of glutamate receptor-mediated mechanism that stimulates the release of norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Yu CX  Wu GC  Xu SF  Chen CH 《生理学报》2000,52(3):263-266
为探讨褪黑素(MEL)镇痛作用的机制,本文采用免疫组化方法结合计算机图像处理技术,观察了注射MEL对大鼠下丘脑弓状核内神经细胞的β-内啡肽免疫反应的影响。实验大鼠分约药组及对照组,分别腹腔注射MEL110mg/kg或配药液,1h后灌注取脑、冰冻切片,进行免疫组化染色,计算机图像处理技术测定染色脑片积分光密度(IOD)和平均光密度(OD)。结果显示,给药组大鼠弓状核内β-内啡肽免疫反应明显减弱,IO  相似文献   

The study has been carried out to verify the authors’ hypothesis that degeneration of dopaminergic (DA-ergic) neurons of the hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular system and concomitant development of hyperprolactinemia are accompanied by involvement of compensatory synthesis of dopamine (DA) by non-dopaminergic neurons expressing single complementary enzymes of synthesis of this neurotransmitter. Degeneration of DA-ergic neurons was produced by a stereotaxic injection into the brain lateral ventricles of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-HDA)—a specific neurotoxin of DA-ergic neurons. 14 and 45 days after the toxin administration there were determined concentration of prolactine in peripheral blood by methods of immunoenzyme and radioimmunological analyses as well as the DA amount in the arcuate nucleus by the method of highly efficient liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. In a part of the animals, sections were prepared from the mediobasal hypothalamus (arcuate nucleus and medial eminence) and perfused with Krebs—Ringer medium; then the DA concentration was determined in the sections and in the incubation medium. 14 days after the neurotoxin administration there were revealed an increase of blood prolactine concentration and a decrease of DA concentration in the arcuate nucleus in vivo as well a decrease of the total DA amount in the sections and incubation medium in experiments in vitro. 45 days after the neurotoxin administration, all the above parameters returned to the normal level. Thus, the obtained data indicate that the hyperlactinemia and DA deficit appearing during degeneration of the arcuate nucleus DA-ergic neurons seem to be compensated due to an enhancement of DA synthesis by non-dopaminergic monoenzyme neurons of arcuate nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary 1. In the rat hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, estradiol induces coordinated changes in the number of axosomatic synapses, the amount of glial ensheathing, and the ultrastructure of the membrane of neuronal somas. In the present study we used conventional electron microscopy and freeze-fracture to examine cellular mechanisms responsible for the estradiol-induced chages at the membrane level.2. In freeze-fracture replicas taken 10–60 min and 24 hr after injection of 17-estradiol to adult ovariectomized females, it was found that there was a rapid increase in the number of exoendocytotic images that reached a plateau by 30 min.3. In thin sections from animals injected 24 hr earlier we demonstrated a significant increase in coated vesicles in the periphery of the neurons and coated pits in the perikaryal membranes and decreased axosomatic synapses.4. We conclude that these morphological alterations are signaling estrogen-induced transport and/or turnover of perikaryal membrane constituents and extracellular components which may affect interneuronal and neuroglial interactions.  相似文献   

Summary In order to examine the effect of estrogen on the synaptic structures in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARCN), semi-quantitative studies were performed by counting synapses in an 18,000 m2 area in the middle part of the ARCN in each brain. In ovariectomized female rats injected with 2 g of estradiol benzoate (EB) for three weeks, the mean numbers of axodendritic and axosomatic synapses were not significantly different from those in the intact and ovariectomized controls. When the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) including the ARCN was isolated by use of a Halász knife (MBH island), the mean number of axodendritic synapses was decreased to about half of the controls. However, EB treatment for three weeks from the day of surgery effectively restored the axodendritic synaptic population of the deafferented ARCN. This may suggest that estrogen has a facilitatory effect on axodendritic synapse formation in the deafferented ARCN, presumably by stimulating axonal sprouting and synaptic regeneration of intact axons in the MBH island.Supported by grants from the Ministry of Education of Japan  相似文献   

Wang R  Xiao L  Ma HJ  Zhang LH  He RR  Wu YM 《生理学报》2008,60(2):279-283
本文旨在研究白藜芦醇(resveratrol)对下丘脑脑片室旁核神经元放电的影响.应用玻璃微电极细胞外记录单位放电技术,在下丘脑脑片上观察白藜芦醇对静息状态下室旁核神经元放电的影响.结果如下:(1)在29张下丘脑脑片室旁核神经元放电单位给予白藜芦醇(O.05,0.5,5.0 μmol/L)2 min,有28张脑片(96.6%)放电频率显著降低,且呈剂量依赖性;(2)预先用0.2mmol/L的L.glutamate灌流8张下丘脑脑片,8张脑片(100%)放电频率显著增加,表现为癫痫样放电,该放电可被白藜芦醇(5.0 μmol/L)灌流2 min抑制:(3)预先用L型钙通道开放剂Bay K8644(0.1μmol/L)灌流8张下丘脑脑片,8张脑片(100%)放电频率显著增加,该放电可被白藜芦醇(5.0 μmol/L)灌流2 min抑制;(4)用一氧化氮合酶抑制剂Nω-nitro.L-arginine methyl ester(L-NAME)50μmol/L灌流8张下丘脑脑片,7张脑片(87.5%)放电频率显著增加,该放电可被白藜芦醇(5.0 μmol/L)灌流2 min抑制.以上结果提示,白藜芦醇抑制下丘脑室旁核神经元自发放电,可能通过降低心血管中枢的活动性而产生中枢保护作用.这种抑制作用可能与白藜芦醇抑制L型钙通道、减少钙内流有关,与NO释放无关.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) is known to have profound effects on tumor incidence. A typical consequence of CR is hunger, and we hypothesized that the neuroendocrine response to CR might in part mediate CR's antitumor effects. We tested CR under appetite suppression using two models: neuropeptide Y (NPY) knockout mice and monosodium glutamate-injected mice. While CR was protective in control mice challenged with a two-stage skin carcinogenesis model, papilloma development was neither delayed nor reduced by CR in the monosodium glutamate-treated and NPY knockout mice. Adiponectin levels were also not increased by CR in the appetite-suppressed mice. We propose that some of CR's beneficial effects cannot be separated from those imposed on appetite, and that NPY neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus are involved in the translation of reduced intake to downstream physiological and functional benefits.  相似文献   

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