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Cortical negative DC potential shifts were studied on two experimental models: focal cortical ischemia provoked by a photothrombotic occlusion of the distal part of the middle cerebral artery (dMCA) and a combination of systemic hypoxia induced by bilateral ligation of the common carotid arteries (temporary ligation of the left artery and permanent ligation of the right one) with breathing with 0.5% carbon monoxide (CO). The perifocal ischemic depolarization (ID) after the dMCA thrombosis was found to reach 28-33 mV and then gradually decline during 80 min to a certain residual level about 5 mV. Spontaneous depolarization didn't occur during hypoxia but it was easily provoked in one or both hemispheres by the waves of the cortical spreading depression (SD). The amplitude of hypoxic depolarization (HD) didn't exceed 20 mV, was remarkably stable during hypoxic condition (more than 60 min) and returned to the baseline level within 20-30 min after the cessation of CO breathing and releasing of the left carotid artery. Despite the similar durations of the ID and HD, their functional consequences differed greatly. The ID led to a damage of the nervous tissue as evidenced by a reduction of the SD amplitude (to 20-25%) and biphasic change in persistent negative potential (PNP) evoked by the SD wave alone. The 1.5-2-fold increase in the PNP amplitude in the perifocal region was the most prominent outcome of the ID. In contrast to the ID, the SD and PNP characteristics were unchanged after the HD. Such a discrepancy between the ID and HD can be related with their different origin. The results suggest that the HD is produced by blood-brain barrier processes associated with the intensive vasospasm and vasogenic edema. Besides these phenomena, the other well-known factors such as a disturbance of permeability of neuronal membranes, glutamatemediated exitotoxicity, and tissue destruction determine the ID noxious influences.  相似文献   

Memory traces for words are frequently conceptualized neurobiologically as networks of neurons interconnected via reciprocal links developed through associative learning in the process of language acquisition. Neurophysiological reflection of activation of such memory traces has been reported using the mismatch negativity brain potential (MMN), which demonstrates an enhanced response to meaningful words over meaningless items. This enhancement is believed to be generated by the activation of strongly intraconnected long-term memory circuits for words that can be automatically triggered by spoken linguistic input and that are absent for unfamiliar phonological stimuli. This conceptual framework critically predicts different amounts of activation depending on the strength of the word's lexical representation in the brain. The frequent use of words should lead to more strongly connected representations, whereas less frequent items would be associated with more weakly linked circuits. A word with higher frequency of occurrence in the subject's language should therefore lead to a more pronounced lexical MMN response than its low-frequency counterpart. We tested this prediction by comparing the event-related potentials elicited by low- and high-frequency words in a passive oddball paradigm; physical stimulus contrasts were kept identical. We found that, consistent with our prediction, presenting the high-frequency stimulus led to a significantly more pronounced MMN response relative to the low-frequency one, a finding that is highly similar to previously reported MMN enhancement to words over meaningless pseudowords. Furthermore, activation elicited by the higher-frequency word peaked earlier relative to low-frequency one, suggesting more rapid access to frequently used lexical entries. These results lend further support to the above view on word memory traces as strongly connected assemblies of neurons. The speed and magnitude of their activation appears to be linked to the strength of internal connections in a memory circuit, which is in turn determined by the everyday use of language elements.  相似文献   

Recognition and spatial memory are typically associated with the perirhinal cortex and hippocampal formation, respectively. Solely focusing on these structures for these specific mnemonic functions may, however, be limiting progress in the field. The distinction between these subdivisions of memory is becoming less defined as, for example, hippocampal cells traditionally considered to encode locations also encode place-object associations. There is increasing evidence for the involvement of overlapping networks of brain structures for aspects of both spatial and recognition memory. Future models of spatial and recognition memory will have to extend beyond the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex to incorporate a wider network of cortical and subcortical structures.  相似文献   

Properties of tetrapeptide epitalon (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly) constructed on the basis of pineal peptide extract, have been studied. The intranasal infusions: a noninvasive way to deliver this peptide to CNS hypassing the blood-brain barrier, was used. The aim of the study is to estimate epitalon action on rat motor cortex spontaneous activity. Wistar male rats were anesthetized with urethane (1 g/kg). Extracellular unit recording was made using glass microelectrodes (1-2 MOhm). After recording of spontaneous activity (10-15 min), epitalon intranasal infusion (2 ng) was followed by 30-minute recording. Within a few minutes after the infusion, significant activation of neural activity was observed (2-2.5-fold higher frequency of neuronal spikes). Complex response consisting of several phases was identified in some recordings. The spikes frequency growth during 5 to 7 min (first phase) after the infusion was followed by the second (11-12 min) and the third (17-18 min) phases. An increase of neuronal spontaneous activity was conditioned by the higher frequency of already active units and by the involvement of previously silent cells. At least the first phase of epitalon action can be explained by direct action of the peptide on the cells of the motor cortex.  相似文献   

Summary The numerical density and frequency of perforated synapses in the molecular layer of rat parietal cortex have been determined using 4 procedures in an attempt to overcome problems associated with the size and complex three-dimensional shape of perforated synapses. The following procedures were compared: A, single-section analysis; B, adjacent-section analysis; C, semi-serial-section analysis; and D, complete serial-section analysis. All procedures made use of an unbiased counting rule.Estimates of the numerical density of perforated synapses ranged from 0.06 to 0.27×109 mm-3, and that of all synapses (non-perforated and perforated) from 1.88 to 2.50×109 mm-3. The frequency of perforated synapses varied from 4.5 to 18.0%. Procedures B (adjacent-section analysis) and D (complete serial-section analysis), neither of which utilize assumptions regarding the shape of synapses, produced comparable results (numerical density of perforated synapses 0.19–0.27×109 mm-3, and of all synapses 2.24–2.45×109 mm-3; frequency of perforated synapses 8.6–10.9%). The frequency of perforated synapses appeared to be underestimated by procedure A (single section analysis; 4.5%) and overestimated by C (semi-serial section analysis; 18%).It is concluded that adjacent-section analysis is the most efficient and effective procedure for determining the numerical density and frequency of complex particles, such as perforated synapses. There is, however, no significant difference in the performance of this procedure compared with that of single-section analysis, for determining the numerical density of synapses in general. Nevertheless, inherent problems of bias within the single-section procedure make the adjacent section method the procedure of choice.  相似文献   

Renin-like immunoreactive material was examined in maternal and fetal brain. A continuous layer of renin was localized in neocortex which begins in the fetal brain during gestation and continues throughout the animal's normal life.  相似文献   

Frost W 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(16):R640-R641
A new study of memory traces in an invertebrate challenges convention in two ways: first, by demonstrating a persistent change in synaptic strength that is maintained remotely, via the passive spread of somatic depolarization; and second, by localizing a critical memory trace to neurons located outside the behavioral circuit affected by learning.  相似文献   

Zhu J  Jiang M  Yang M  Hou H  Shu Y 《PLoS biology》2011,9(3):e1001032
Dynamic balance of excitation and inhibition is crucial for network stability and cortical processing, but it is unclear how this balance is achieved at different membrane potentials (V(m)) of cortical neurons, as found during persistent activity or slow V(m) oscillation. Here we report that a V(m)-dependent modulation of recurrent inhibition between pyramidal cells (PCs) contributes to the excitation-inhibition balance. Whole-cell recording from paired layer-5 PCs in rat somatosensory cortical slices revealed that both the slow and the fast disynaptic IPSPs, presumably mediated by low-threshold spiking and fast spiking interneurons, respectively, were modulated by changes in presynaptic V(m). Somatic depolarization (>5 mV) of the presynaptic PC substantially increased the amplitude and shortened the onset latency of the slow disynaptic IPSPs in neighboring PCs, leading to a narrowed time window for EPSP integration. A similar increase in the amplitude of the fast disynaptic IPSPs in response to presynaptic depolarization was also observed. Further paired recording from PCs and interneurons revealed that PC depolarization increases EPSP amplitude and thus elevates interneuronal firing and inhibition of neighboring PCs, a reflection of the analog mode of excitatory synaptic transmission between PCs and interneurons. Together, these results revealed an immediate V(m)-dependent modulation of cortical inhibition, a key strategy through which the cortex dynamically maintains the balance of excitation and inhibition at different states of cortical activity.  相似文献   

V A Ivanov 《Radiobiologiia》1987,27(5):586-590
Nuclear DNA synthesis in neocortex neurons of neonatal 14- and 60-day rats after in vitro irradiation of isolated sections was estimated by the incorporation of a labeled precursor into DNA. gamma- and UV-radiation increased the rate of DNA synthesis in the cells of animals of all studied age groups. However, the level of the UV-induced synthesis sharply dropped during the postnatal ontogenesis while gamma-radiation-induced synthesis decreased slightly. The peculiarities revealed in the repair DNA synthesis seem to be influenced by the process of postnatal differentiation of a neuron accompanied by the nucleosome length shortening and the decrease in the DNA-polymerase alpha content.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in comparative cognition is whether animals remember unique, personal past experiences. It has long been argued that memories for specific events (referred to as episodic memory) are unique to humans. Recently, considerable evidence has accumulated to show that food-storing birds possess critical behavioral elements of episodic memory, referred to as episodic-like memory in acknowledgment of the fact that behavioral criteria do not assess subjective experiences. Here we show that rats have a detailed representation of remembered events and meet behavioral criteria for episodic-like memory. We provided rats with access to locations baited with distinctive (e.g., grape and raspberry) or nondistinctive (regular chow) flavors. Locations with a distinctive flavor replenished after a long but not a short delay, and locations with the nondistinctive flavor never replenished. One distinctive flavor was devalued after encoding its location by prefeeding that flavor (satiation) or by pairing it with lithium chloride (acquired taste aversion), while the other distinctive flavor was not devalued. The rats selectively decreased revisits to the devalued distinctive flavor but not to the nondevalued distinctive flavor. The present studies demonstrate that rats selectively encode the content of episodic-like memories.  相似文献   

A series of studies on Hermissenda classical conditioning has lead to a discovery that the biophysical events (accumulation of Ca2+ and depolarization in B cell) found during memory acquisition are clearly distinct from those (suppression of K-currents, IA and ICa2+K+) detected in the retention phase of memory. Biochemical analysis of eyes isolated shortly after (a few hours) training revealed increased phosphorylation of a 20,000 M.W. protein which is very likely one of the substrates for both Ca/CaM-dependent protein kinase and C-kinase and possibly a locus of convergence for conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus pathways. Furthermore, conditioning-specific changes in the two K+ currents have been reproduced by simultaneous activation of the CaM-kinase pathway (via iontophoretic injection of CaM-kinase II plus Ca2+-load or IP3 injection) and the C-kinase pathway (via bath application of phorbol-ester or diacylglycerol analog plus Ca2+-load). Therefore, synergistic interaction between the two Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation systems in the identified B cell is considered to be critically important for acquisition of associative memory. Evidence also has been obtained for similar biophysical changes and molecular mechanisms during retention of classical conditioning in the mammalian brain. Further work will be needed to uncover the biochemical mechanism(s) responsible for transforming short-term into long-lasting memory.  相似文献   

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