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A procedure developed orginally for selective extraction of viral (extrachromosomal) DNA from virus-infected mammalian cells was applied to cell nuclei isolated from uninfected wheat embryos. The resulting nuclear extrachromosomal DNA (exDNA) was enriched for telomere-type sequences by isopycnic centrifugation and inserted into the Sma I site of pUC119. A cloned DNA fragment (241 bp) was found to consist primarily of tandemly repeated heptamere units of the same sequence (5-CCCTAAA-3) that is known to predominate in telomeric DNA of Arabidopsis thaliana. Hybridization experiments indicate that extrachromosomal telomeric repeats are abundant in resting embryos and disappear rapidly during germination.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) zygotic embryos were successfully cryopreserved, without the addition of exogenous cryoprotectants, using only an abscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment. Optimum survival was obtained when embryos were cultured in vitro for 10 days on semisolid Murashige and Skoog (MS) nutrient medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L (±) ABA prior to cryopreservation. The embryos resumed growth within three days when returned to MS medium devoid of ABA but containing 2mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The embryogenic calli produced from these embryos exhibited normal plant regeneration on auxin-free media. Changes in dw/fw ratio, as well as the esterified fatty acid and sucrose concentrations correlated positively with the development of tolerance to cryopreservation.NRCC Publication No. 33519  相似文献   

Using the PDS-1000/He Biolistic® Particle Delivery System, the microprojectile travel distance, rupture disk pressure and DNA/gold particle concentrations were assessed in order to optimise short and longer-term β-glucuronidase reporter gene expression in microspore-derived embryos of wheat. The effects were also evaluated of using sterile filter paper to support explants and treatment with a high osmoticum medium (0.2 M mannitol/0.2 M sorbitol or 0.4 M maltose). In the optimised procedure, wheat microspore-derived embryos (MDEs), were placed on filter paper and incubated on medium containing 0.4 M maltose, for 4 h pre- and 45 h post-bombardment. Five μl pAHC25 (0.75 mg ml-1 in TE buffer) was precipitated onto 25 μl gold particles (60 mg ml-1 in sterile water), using 20 μl spermidine (0.1 M) and 50 μl CaCl2 (2.5 M). The particles were centrifuged and resuspended in 75 μl absolute ethanol prior to the preparation of 6 macrocarriers. A microprojectile travel distance of 70 mm, a rupture pressure of 1300 p.s.i., and a vacuum of 29′′ Hg were employed. Maltose at 0.4 M in the support medium was the most important factor influencing GUS activity in bombarded tissues. GUS activity, 1 day post-bombardment, reached 52 ± 17 GUS-positive foci/MDE (mean ± s.e.m, n=3), with 17 ± 4 foci/MDE at 15 days, giving a 3.0-fold increase (p<0.05) compared to expression in MDEs bombarded on medium without a high osmoticum treatment.  相似文献   

A 371 base pair segment (bordered by Hind III and Eco RI cutting sites) of wheat embryo nuclear DNA has been cloned and sequenced. It is AT-rich (68%), shares some sequence features with autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements, and occurs in approximately 7600 copies per haploid genome. When used as probe for blot hybridization to Hind III-digested wheat DNA, it gives an irregular series of hybridization bands. Essentially the same hybridization pattern was observed for rye DNA. It is concluded that this segment is distributed irregularly but, apparently, according to the same rule in both wheat and rye genomes.  相似文献   

The accumulation of amyloplast DNA during endosperm development was studied in two cultivars of spring wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Chinese Spring (CS) and Spica, small and relatively larger-grained cultivars, respectively. Endosperms were isolated between 9 and 45 days post anthesis (dpa) and the amyloplast DNA content of endosperm nucleic-acid extracts was measured by quantitative hybridisation with a homologous chloroplast-DNA probe. The endosperm cells of CS and Spica accumulated amyloplast DNA during development in a similar way. In both cultivars there was a large increase in the amount of plastid DNA (ptDNA) per endosperm between 9 and about 15 dpa, after which there was no further increase. Because nuclear DNA continued to accumulate until 24 dpa, the percentage contribution of amyloplast DNA to total DNA fluctuated in both cultivars during development, reaching maxima at 12 dpa of about 1.00% and 0.85%, and dropping to apparently constant levels of 0.60% and 0.52% in CS and Spica, respectively, by 24 dpa. In both cultivars, the average number of ptDNA copies per amyloplast was calculated to increase from about 10 copies at 9 dpa to about 50 copies in the mature amyloplasts at 31 dpa. However, the heavier endosperms of Spica contain more cells than those of CS and the varieties therefore differed in the amount of ptDNA that accumulated per endosperm: Spica endosperms accumulated 110 ng of ptDNA by 15 dpa, compared with only 85 ng in CS. The apparent accumulation of ptDNA copies in wheat amyloplasts during endosperm development contrasts with the decline in chloroplast-DNA copies in wheat chloroplasts during leaf development.Abbreviations CS Chinese Spring - ctDNA chloroplast DNA - dpa days post anthesis - kbp 103 base pairs - nDNA nuclear DNA - ptDNA plastid DNA - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome arrangements of twenty-eight cultivars of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L., from or introduced into Spain are compared with that of Chinese Spring taken as a pattern. All the cultivars analyzed differ from Chinese Spring by one or two reciprocal translocations. When 12 out of 28 cultivars were compared it was concluded that a minimum number of thirteen interchanges are present, involving at least ten different chromosomes of the complement. The interest of a reappraisal of the rôle of interchanges in the evolution of Gramineae is pointed out.  相似文献   

Whether the two tetraploid wheat species, the well known Triticum turgidum L. (macaroni wheat, AABB genomes) and the obscure T. timopheevii Zhuk. (AtAtGG), have monophyletic or diphyletic origin from the same or different diploid species presents an interesting evolutionary problem. Moreover, T. timopheevii and its wild form T. araraticum are an important genetic resource for macaroni and bread-wheat improvement. To study these objectives, the substitution and genetic compensation abilities of individual T. timopheevii chromosomes for missing chromosomes of T. aestivum Chinese Spring (AABBDD) were analyzed. Chinese Spring aneuploids (nullisomic-tetrasomics) were crossed with a T. timopheevii x Aegilops tauschii amphiploid to isolate T. timopheevii chromosomes in a monosomic condition. The F1 hybrids were backcrossed one to four times to Chinese Spring aneuploids without selection for the T. timopheevii chromosome of interest. While spontaneous substitutions involving all At- and G-genome chromosomes were identified, the targeted T. timopheevii chromosome was not always recovered. Lines with spontaneous substitutions from T. timopheevii were chosen for further backcrossing. Six T. timopheevii chromosome substitutions were isolated: 6At (6A), 2G (2B), 3G (3B), 4G (4B), 5G (5B) and 6G (6B). The substitution lines had normal morphology and fertility. The 6At of T. timopheevii was involved in a translocation with chromosome 1G, resulting in the transfer of the group-1 gliadin locus to 6At. Chromosome 2G substituted for 2B at a frequency higher than expected and may carry putative homoeoalleles of gametocidal genes present on group-2 chromosomes of several alien species. Our data indicate a common origin for tetraploid wheat species, but from separate hybridization events because of the presence of a different spectrum of intergenomic translocations.  相似文献   

Wheat spikelets detached from the spike at anthesis were cultured on solidified media and successfully produced mature grains. These grains resembled normal grains and contained well-developed, embryos. Lower concentrations of glutamine favored dry weight increase in developing grains. Such grains were indistinguishable from grains from greenhouse-grown plants in germination on moist blotting sheets. The technique of individual spikelet culture can be used to study physiology and development of wheat grains and kernels and to study host-pathogen interactions in wheat floret diseases such as Karnal bunt.  相似文献   

Summary Using thin-layer chromatography and nulli-tetrasomic and ditellosomic series of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chinese Spring, it has been possible to relate the phenolic compounds found in adult plant leaves and 12 day-old seedling leaves with the chromosomes or chromosome arms 1 B, 2 BL, 3 BL, 5 A, 6 AL, 7 B and 7 DS.  相似文献   

Isolated wheat microspore culture   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The use of doubled haploid plants in a wheat breeding program requires an efficient haploid production system. While the techniques for producing doubled haploids from anther culture are well established, those for isolated microspores are complicated and inefficient. Four methods of isolating microspores from anthers (blending, stirring, macerating, and floating) were compared. Isolated microspores were washed and cultured in liquid medium. The effects of pre-isolation mannitol conditioning, cell density, culture dilution, and sucrose centrifugation on microspore viability were evaluated. Isolation by blending gave the highest initial microspore viability (75%). Mannitol conditioning and purification by sucrose centrifugation had a detrimental effect on initial viability. An initial microspore density of 2 × 105 microspores per ml was necessary for continued microspore viability. One hundred and nine haploid or spontancously doubled haploid plants were regenerated from microspores isolated without mannitol conditioning using the blending method. Based on this research, blender isolation with an initial density of 2 × 105 microspores per ml is recommended for isolated microspore culture.Abbreviations LSmean least square mean - MES 2-N-morpholinoethane sulfonic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA -naphtaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

An optimized procedure for transformation of wheat with the use of a Biolistic Particle Delivery System PDS 1000/He to deliver foreign DNA is described in detail. The bacterial uidA and bar genes (both driven by plant promoters) were utilized as the reporter and selectable marker genes, respectively. Moderately high gas pressure appeared to be most important to achieve the highest level of transient GUS expression in target tissues. There was, however, no apparent correlation between transient and stable GUS expression. The presence of telomeric DNA sequences in an uidA gene-containing vector did not influence transient GUS expression but, apparently, prevented its stable expression. Mechanical lesions caused by the bombardment (tungsten particles) seemed to be less severe when embryo- derived calli, instead of freshly excised immature embryos, were used as the target tissue. The limited ability of callus cells for regeneration, together with a restricted number of cells that receive the foreign DNA by particle bombardment, result in a low efficiency of wheat stable transformation.  相似文献   

Summary In wheat, plants may be regenerated from microspores via direct embryogenesis or organogenesis or embryogenesis from callus. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to carefully study morphogenesis of microspore-derived plants from anther culture on modified 85D12 starch medium and to determine whether the plants were formed via organogenesis or embryogenesis. Our results indicate that plants are formed via embryogenesis from microspores. Evidence for embryogenesis included the formation of the epidermis and a suspensorlike structure (21 days after culture), followed by initiation of an apical meristem, differentiation of the scutellum, and embryo elongation. At 28 days in culture, the embryo possessed a well-developed scutellum and axis with suspensor. Embryogenesis was further confirmed by coleoptile and radicle elongation during germination when the embryos were cultured on medium supplemented with kinetin with or without coconut water. In this system, an average 67 microspores per responsive anther began cell division but only 3.69 embryos were formed per responsive anther after 6 wk. Adventitious embryos could be induced if the embryos, once formed, remained on initiation medium for 10 wk instead of being transferred to regeneration medium. Developmental stages which may be amenable to changes that could enhance plant production were identified. The potential to use this information to enhance plant production is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in wheat transformation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Since the first report of wheat transformation in the early 1990s, genetic engineering of wheat has evolved rapidly. Several laboratories worldwide have reported the production of fertile transgenic wheat plants using a variety of methods. While there are several innovative and promising approaches for wheat transformation using different explants as targets for transformation, different methods of transformation, and different selection schemes, the most common approach to wheat transformation is the bombardment of tissue derived from immature embryos followed by selection based on resistance to the bar gene. Even with all these successful reports, hurdles still exist for this recalcitrant crop. Of these hurdles, low transformation rates, tools for transgene expression, and transgene silencing in subsequent generations are probably the most critical. This review will provide an overview of wheat transformation in the past decade, addressing both positive and negative factors that effect transformation while highlighting the successes of the past and prospects for the future.  相似文献   

Summary The analysis of the individual parts of the Triticum aestivum L. kernel yields a total of 11 peroxidase isozymes: m, n, a, c, d1, d, d2, e, f, g and h (in order from faster to slower migration). Isozymes a, c and d are found in the endosperm (Ed) and seed coats (C), while m, n, d1, d2, e, f, g and h are peculiar to the embryo and scutellum (E + S). The use of the nullitetrasomic and ditellosomic series of Chinese Spring wheat allows peroxidase isozymes to be associated with specific chromosome arms. Isozymes a, c and d (Ed) are associated with chromosome arms 7DS, 4BL and 7AS; whereas isozymes m, d2, e and f are associated with chromosome arms 3DS, 3BL, 3DL and 3DL, respecitvely. Thus, the E + S isozymes are associated with homoeology group 3 and the Ed isozymes with homoeology groups 7 (a and d isozymes) or 4 (c isozymes).  相似文献   

Fertile, green plants were regenerated from immature inflorescence explants from each of four Canadian wheat cultivars. The cultivars were representative of four classes of Canadian wheat. Explants from immature inflorescences of three size ranges were cultured on two types of media: MSI/MSR, which contains 1650 mg l-1 NH4NO3and sucrose as a carbon source, and BII/BIR, which contains 250 mg l-1 NH4NO3and maltose as a carbon source. Regeneration from all cultivars was significantly better on BII/BIR media than on MSI/MSR media. On BII/BIR media, `AC Karma', `Plenty', and `Fielder' gave the highest number of shoots per 10 explants, where the explants were derived from immature inflorescences 5.1 to 10.0 mm in length. 'Columbus' did not regenerate on MSI/MSR medium, and regenerated poorly on BII/BIR medium. Differences were found between cultivars with regard to the number of regenerant plants produced with the best treatments: `Plenty' produced 16.1 shoots per 10 explants, `AC Karma' 12.4, `Fielder' 6.4, and `Columbus' 2.2.  相似文献   

Expression of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) gene inthe developing embryos of wheat (Triticumaestivum L. cv. C-306) was studied in relation toabscisic acid (ABA) accumulation under water stressconditions. Imposition of water stress resulted inelevated ABA levels in the embryos at threedevelopmental stages (18, 24 and 30 DPA). On thecontrary, the effect of drought stress on WGAaccumulation was stage dependent with significantincrease in WGA content being observed at only 24 DPA. Our results suggest that apart from ABA, otherfactors which are temporally expressed, are alsoinvolved in regulation of WGA gene expression.  相似文献   

The recent techniques of genetic immunization, in which DNA constructs are introduced directly into mammalian tissuesin vivo, were used to produce antisera against thioredoxinh, a protein of wheat. Two rabbits and two mice were inoculated intramuscularly with a vector containing the cDNA encoding the protein of interest under control of a cytomegalovirus promoter. No immune response was observed in rabbits, even when a fourfold quantity of DNA and a different inoculation site were used. By contrast, an inoculated mouse was found to produce antisera against the wheat thioredoxinh as analyzed by western blotting. This technique appears useful, therefore, to obtain polyclonal antibodies against plant proteins that are difficult to purify, if the corresponding cDNAs are available.  相似文献   

Summary Heat-shock protein (HSP) gene expression in two wheat lines cv Mustang (heat-tolerant) and cv Sturdy (heat-susceptible) were analyzed to determine if wheat genotypes differing in heat tolerance also differ in in-vitro HSP synthesis (translatable HSP mRNAs) and steady-state levels of HSP mRNA. Several sets of mRNA were isolated from seedling leaf tissues which had been heat-stressed at 37 °C for various time intervals. These mRNAs were hybridized with HSP cDNA or genomic DNA probes (HSP17, 26, 70, 98, and ubiquitin). Protein profiles were compared using in-vitro translation and 2-D gels. The Northern slot-blot data from the heat-stress treatment provide evidence that the heat-tolerant cv Mustang synthesized low molecular weight (LMW) HSP mRNA earlier during exposure to heat shock and at a higher level than did the heat-susceptible cv Sturdy. This was especially true for the chloroplast-localized HSP. The protein profiles shown by 2-D gel analysis revealed that there were not only quantitative differences of individual HSPs between the two wheat lines, but also some unique HSPs which were only found in the Mustang HSP profiles. The high level of RFLP between the two wheat lines was revealed by Southern blot hybridization utilizing a HSP17 probe. These data provide a molecular basis for further genetic analysis of the role of HSP genes in thermal tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci for aluminum resistance in wheat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for wheat resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity were analyzed using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in a population of 192 F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between an Al-resistant cultivar, Atlas 66 and an Al-sensitive cultivar, Chisholm. Wheat reaction to Al was measured by relative root growth and root response to hematoxylin stain in nutrient-solution culture. After screening 1,028 SSR markers for polymorphisms between the parents and bulks, we identified two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66. One major QTL was mapped on chromosome 4D that co-segregated with the Al-activated malate transporter gene (ALMT1). Another minor QTL was located on chromosome 3BL. Together, these two QTLs accounted for about 57% of the phenotypic variation in hematoxylin staining score and 50% of the variation in net root growth (NRG). Expression of the minor QTL on 3BL was suppressed by the major QTL on 4DL. The two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66 were also verified in an additional RIL population derived from Atlas 66/Century. Several SSR markers closely linked to the QTLs were identified and have potential to be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) to improve Al-resistance of wheat cultivars in breeding programs.  相似文献   

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