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Summary The use of an Ussing chamber with well-defined mixing characteristics coupled to a mass spectrometer permits the concurrent evaluation of transepithelial current and oxidative metabolism with improved temporal resolution. The time-course of the amiloride-sensitive currentI a and the rate of suprabasal CO2 productionJ CO2 sb were observed in 10 toad urinary bladders at short-circuit and after clamping at 100 mV, serosa positive. Following perturbation of (0100mV),I a declined sharply within 1/2 min, remained near constant 15 min, and then increased slightly.J CO2 sb declined more gradually, remained near constant at 4–7 min, and then declined further. Detailed analysis revealed an early quasi-steady state with near constancy ofJ CO2 sb starting at 2.9±1.1 (sd) min and lasting 4.7 ±1.8 (sd) min, followed by relaxation to a later steady state at about 15 min. During the early quasi-steady state,I a was also nearly constant. Considering that in steady statesI a/FJ Na a , the rate of transepithelial active Na transport, during the early quasi-steady state mean values ±se ofJ Na a ,J CO2 sb and (J Na a /J CO2 sb ) were, respectively, 29.9±1.7%, 59.4 ±3.2%, and 56.4±5.7% of values at short-circuit. Corresponding values during the late steady state were 41.4±6.0%, 38.2±6.1%, and 111.3±8.6%. Thus the flow ratioJ Na a /J CO2 sb was depressed significantly during the early quasi-steady state, but returned later to the original value. The results of measurements ofI a andJ CO2 sb in three hemibladders were qualitatively similar. In terms of a phenomenological black-box treatment the findings are consistent with earlier studies indicating incomplete coupling between transport and metabolism. Further studies will be required to clarify the molecular basis for these observations.  相似文献   

Summary The present study investigated whether the hydrophobic properties (wettability) of the luminal surface of the toad urinary bladder might play a role in modulating water transport across this epithelium. In the absence of vasopressin (ADH), water transport across the tissue was low, while luminal surface hydrophobicity (water contact angle) was relatively high. Following stimulation by ADH, water transport increased and surface hydrophobicity decreased. The addition of indomethacin to inhibit ADH-induced prostaglandin synthesis did not reduce these actions of ADH. In an attempt to alter water transport in this tissue, a liposomal suspension of surface-active phospholipids was administered to the luminal surface. This addition had no detectable influence on the low basal rates of water transport, but blocked the ADH-induced stimulation of water transport. We suggest that surface-active phospholipids on the toad bladder luminal membrane may contribute to the hydrophobic characteristics of this tissue. ADH may act to decrease surface hydrophobicity, facilitating the movement of water molecules across an otherwise impermeable epithelium. This surface alteration may be associated with the appearance of water channels in the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of complete substitution of gluconate for mucosal and/or serosal medium Cl on transepithelial Na+ transport have been studied using toad urinary bladder. With mucosal gluconate, transepithelial potential difference (V T) decreased rapidly, transepithelial resistance (R T) increased, and calculated short-circuit current (I sc) decreased. CalculatedE Na was unaffected, indicating that the inhibition of Na+ transport was a consequence of a decreased apical membrane Na+ conductance. This conclusion was supported by the finding that a higher amiloride concentration was required to inhibit the residual transport. With serosal gluconateV T decreased,R T increased andI sc fell to a new steady-state value following an initial and variable transient increase in transport. Epithelial cells were shrunken markedly as judged histologically. CalculatedE Na fell substantially (from 130 to 68 mV on average). Ba2+ (3mm) reduced calculatedE Na in Cl Ringer's but not in gluconate Ringer's. With replacement of serosal Cl by acetate, transepithelial transport was stimulated, the decrease in cellular volume was prevented andE Na did not fall. Replacement of serosal isosmotic Cl medium by a hypo-osmotic gluconate medium (one-half normal) also prevented cell shrinkage and did not result in inhibition of Na+ transport. Thus the inhibition of Na+ transport can be correlated with changes in cell volume rather than with the change in Cl per se. Nystatin virtually abolished the resistance of the apical plasma membrane as judged by measurement of tissue capacitance. With K+ gluconate mucosa, Na+ gluconate serosa, calculated basolateral membrane resistance was much greater, estimated basolateral emf was much lower, and the Na+/K+ basolateral permeability ratio was much higher than with acetate media. It is concluded the decrease in cellular volume associated with substitution of serosal gluconate for Cl results in a loss of highly specific Ba2+-sensitive K+ conductance channels from the basolateral plasma membrane. It is possible that the number of Na+ pump sites in this membrane is also decreased.  相似文献   

Summary The ion selectivity of the apical membrane Na channel in the toad urinary bladder was investigated. The electrical potential difference and resistance across the basal-lateral membrane were reduced using high concentrations of KCl in the serosal bathing medium, and gradients for various ions were imposed across the apical membrane by altering the composition of the mucosal bathing medium. Ion fluxes through the channel were measured as the transepithelial current inhibited by amiloride, a specific blocker of the channel's Na conductance. The selectivity sequence for alkali metal cations was H>Li>NaK. K, permeability was barely detectable; the selectivity for Na over K was about 1000:1. Ammonium, hydroxyl ammonium and hydrazinium ions were, like K, virtually impermeant. The results suggest that the size of the unhydrated ion is an important factor in determining permeability in this channel.  相似文献   

Relationships between short-circuit current (I sc), cell Cl and the mechanism(s) of Cl accumulation in toad bladder epithelial cells were investigated. In serosal Cl-free gluconate Ringer, 80% of the cell Cl (measured by x-ray microanalysis) was lost over 30–60 min with an associated decrease in cell water content. Concomitantly, I sc fell to 20% of its initial value within 10 min but then recovered to 45% of its initial value despite continued Cl loss. With the reintroduction of Cl, cell Cl and I sc both recovered within 10 min. Serosal SITS (4 acetamido-4-isothiocyano-stilbene-2,2-disulfonate; 0.5 mm) plus bumetanide (0.1 mm), did not prevent the fall in I sc or the loss of cell Cl in gluconate medium, although they did inhibit subsequent recovery of I sc in this medium. They also prevented the recovery of I sc in Cl medium but not the reaccumulation of Cl by the cells. Although SITS and bumetanide did not prevent the loss or recovery of Cl, they modified the pattern of the ion changes. In their absence, changes in cellular Cl were twice that of the changes in measured cellular cations implicating basolateral Cl/HCO3 exchange in Cl movement. With SITS plus bumetanide present, changes of similar magnitude in Cl were associated with equivalent changes in cation, consistent with the inhibition of Cl/ HCO3 exchange.This work was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand. Purchase of equipment was made possible through grants from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand, the Medical Distribution Committee of the Lottery Board, the University Grants Committee, the Telford Trust, the New Zealand Neurological Foundation and the National Heart Foundation. The expert technical assistance of S. Zellhuber-McMillan is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The patch-clamp technique for the recording of single-channel currents was used to investigate the activity of ion channels in the intact epithelium of the toad urinary bladder. High resistance seals were obtained from the apical membrane of tightly stretched tissue. Single-channel recordings revealed the activity of a variety of ion channels that could be classified in 4 groups according to their mean ion conductances, ranging from 5 to 59 pS. In particular, we observed highly selective, amiloridesensitive Na channels with a mean conductance of 4.8 pS, channels with a similar conductance that were not Na-selective and channels with mean conductance values of 17–58 pS that were mostly seen after stimulation of the tissue with vasopressin or cAMP. When inside-out patches from the apical membrane were exposed to 110mm fluoride, large conductances (86–490 pS) appeared.  相似文献   

Summary Exposing the apical membrane of toad urinary bladder to the ionophore nystatin lowers its resistance to less than 100 cm2. The basolateral membrane can then be studied by means of transepithelial measurements. If the mucosal solution contains more than 5mm Na+, and serosal Na+ is substituted by K+, Cs+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine, the basolateral membrane expresses what appears to be a large Na+ conductance, passing strong currents out of the cell. This pathway is insensitive to ouabain or vanadate and does not require serosal or mucosal Ca2+. In Cl-free SO 4 2– Ringer's solution it is the major conductive pathway in the basolateral membrane even though the serosal side has 60mm K+. This pathway can be blocked by serosal amiloride (K i=13.1 m) or serosal Na+ ions (K i 10 to 20mm). It also conducts Li+ and shows a voltage-dependent relaxation with characteristic rates of 10 to 20 rad sec–1 at 0 mV.  相似文献   

Summary Recently we reported a simple manual assay for the measurements of isotope fluxes through channels in heterogenous vesicle populations (Garty et al.,J. Biol. Chem. 258:13094–13099 (1983)). The present paper describes the application of this method to the assessment of amiloride blockable fluxes in toad bladder microsomes. When22Na+ uptake was monitored in the presence of an opposing Na+ gradient, a relatively large and transient amiloride-sensitive flux was observed. Such an amiloride-blockable flux could also be induced by a KCl+valinomycin diffusion potential. The effects of the intra- and extravesicular ionic composition on the rate of22Na+ uptake were examined. It was shown that the amiloride-blockable fluxes occur in particles permeable to Na+ and Li+ but relatively impermeable to K+, Tris+ and Cl. Analysis of the amiloride dose-response relations revealed a complex non Michaelis-Menten behavior. The data could be accounted for by assuming either a strong negative cooperativity in the amiloride-membrane interaction, or two amiloride-sensitive Na+ conducting pathways withK i values of 0.06 and 6.4 m. Both pathways appear to be electrogenic and therefore the possibility of an electroneutral amiloride-blockable Na/H exchange was excluded. Calcium ions could block the amiloride-sensitive flux from the inner but not from the outer phase of the membrane. It is suggested that although a substantial part of the22Na+ flux is inhibited only by a relatively high concentration of amiloride, this uptake represents transport through the apical Na-specific channels. The data also define the optimal experimental conditions for the study of amiloride-sensitive fluxes in toad bladder microsomes.  相似文献   

Summary Urea and other small amides cross the toad urinary bladder by a vasopressinsensitive pathway which is independent of somotic water flow. Amide transport has characteristics of facilitated transport: saturation, mutual inhibition between amides, and selective depression by agents such as phloretin. The present studies were designed to distinguish among several types of transport including (1) movement thought a fixed selective membrane channel and (2) movement via a mobile carrier. The former wold be characterized by co-transport (acceleration of labele amide flow in the direction of net flow in the opposite direction). Mucosal to serosal (MS) and serosal to mucosal (SM) permeabilities of labeled amides were determined in paired bladers. Unlabeled methylurea, a particularly potent inhibitor of amide movement, was added to either the M or S bath, while osmotic water flow was eliminated by addition of ethylene glycol to the opposite bat. Co-transport of labeled methylurea and, to a lesser degree, acetamide and urea with unlabeled methylurea was observed. Co-transport of the nonamides ethylene glycol and ethanol could not be demonstrated. Methylurea did not alter water permeability or transmembrane electrical resistance. The demonstration of co-transport is consistent with the presence of ADH-sensitive amide-selective channcels rather than a mobile carrier.  相似文献   

Summary The conductance of the apical membrane of the toad urinary bladder was studied under voltage-clamp conditions at hyperpolarizing potentials (mucosa negative to serosa). The serosal medium contained high KCl concentrations to reduce the voltage and electrical resistance across the basal-lateral membrane, and the mucosal solution was Na free, or contained amiloride, to eliminate the conductance of the apical Na channels. As the mucosal potential (V m) was made more negative the slope conductance of the epithelium increased, reaching a maximum at conductance of the epithelium increased, reaching a maximum atV m=–100 mV. This rectifying conductance activated with a time constant of 2 msec whenV m was changed abruptly from 0 to –100 mV, and remained elevated for at least 10 min, although some decrease of current was observed. ReturningV m to+100 mV deactivated the conductance within 1 msec. Ion substitution experiments showed that the rectified current was carried mostly by cations moving from cell to mucosa. Measurement of K flux showed that the current could be accounted for by net movement of K across the apical membrane, implying a voltage-dependent conductance to K (G K). Mucosal addition of the K channel blockers TEA and Cs had no effect onG K, while 29mm Ba diminished it slightly. Mucosal Mg (29mm) also reducedG K, while Ca (29mm) stimulated it.G K was blocked by lowering the mucosal pH with an apparent pK1 of 4.5. Quinidine (0.5mm in the serosal bath) reducedG K by 80%.G K was stimulated by ADH (20 mU/ml), 8-Br-cAMP (1mm), carbachol (100 m), aldosterone (5×10–7 m for 18 hr), intracellular Li and extracellular CO2.  相似文献   

Summary Coincident with an increase in the water permeability of toad urinary bladder induced by serosal hypertonicity, a transformation of the ridge-like surface structures of the granular cells into individual microvillous structures occurs. This study was initiated to establish whether the transformation is mediated by the cytoskeletal network and, thus, can be prevented by disruption of microtubulemicrofilament function with colchicine or cytochalasin B (CB). Scanning electron microscopy revealed the characteristic branching ridges on granular cells of control bladder incubated with colchicine or CB. In contrast, transformation of ridges to discrete microvilli was observed in experimental bladders exposed to serosal hypertonicity alone or in combination with either colchicine or CB. These results suggest that the mechanism underlying hypertonicity-induced surface changes which are associated with increased water permeability does not involve either microtubules or microfilaments.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative electron microprobe analysis was employed to compare the effects of aldosterone and ADH on the intracellular electrolyte concentrations in the toad urinary bladder epithelium. The measurements were performed on thin freeze-dried cryosections utilizing energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis. After aldosterone, a statistically significant increase in the intracellular Na concentration was detectable in 8 out of 9 experiments. The mean Na concentration of granular cells increased from 8.9±1.3 to 13.2±2.2 mmol/kg wet wt. A significantly larger Na increase was observed after an equivalent stimulation of transepithelial Na transport by ADH. On average, the Na concentration in granular cells increased from 12.0±2.3 to 31.4±9.3 mmol/kg wet wt (5 experiments). We conclude from these results that aldosterone, in addition to its stimulatory effect on the apical Na influx, also exerts a stimulatory effect on the Na pump. Based on a significant reduction in the Cl concentration of granular cells, we discuss the possibility that the stimulation of the pump is mediated by an aldosterone-induced alkalinization.Similar though less pronounced concentration changes were observed in basal cells, suggesting that this cell type also participates in transepithelial Na transport. Measurements in mitochondria-rich cells provided no consistent results.  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine administration increases renal excretion of water and Na. It remains uncertain whether these effects of dopamine are the result of a hemodynamic effect or the consequence of a direct cellular action. We investigated the effect of dopamine on water transport by the isolated toad bladderin vitro. Dopamine failed to alter baseline water flow but caused a significant inhibition of arginine vasopressin (AVP) or cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) stimulated water flow. The effect of dopamine on stimulated water flow was not due to activation of adrenergic, adrenergic, or cholinergic receptors. The selective antagonists of dopamine, metoclopramide and apomorphine, prevented the effect of dopamine on AVP-stimulated water flow. These observations suggest the existence of a dopaminergic receptor in the toad bladder.l-Dopa also inhibited AVP-stimulated water flow. The effect ofl-Dopa could be prevented by metoclopramide, thus suggesting thatl-Dopa is converted to dopamine by an aromatic amino acid decarboxylase present in the toad bladder. To investigate this possibility we measured the effect of the decarboxylase inhibitor, carbidopa, on the14CO2 production generated by decarboxylation of14Cl-Dopa in isolated toad bladder epithelial cells. Isolated toad bladder epithelial cells generated significant amounts of14CO2 from14Cl-Dopa. This effect could be blocked by carbidopa, thus suggesting the existence of an aromatic amino acid decarboxylase system in the toad bladder. Carbidopa also prevented the inhibitory effect ofl-Dopa on AVP-stimulated water flow, suggesting thatl-Dopa needs to be converted to dopamine to inhibit water flow. These data suggest the existence of a dopaminergic receptor in the toad bladder. These data also suggest that dopamine can be formed locally in the toad bladder and can thus serve as a local modulator of water transport.  相似文献   

Summary Aldosterone increases transepithelial Na+ transport in the urinary bladder ofBufo marinus. The response is characterized by 3 distinct phases: 1) a lag period of about 60 min, ii) an initial phase (early response) of about 2 hr during which Na+ transport increases rapidly and transepithelial electrical resistance falls, and iii) a late phase (late response) of about 4 to 6 hr during which Na+ transport still increases significantly but with very little change in resistance. Triiodothyronine (T3, 6nm) added either 2 or 18 hr before aldosterone selectively antagonizes the late response. T3 per se (up to 6nm) has no effect on base-line Na+ transport. The antagonist activity of T3 is only apparent after a latent period of about 6 to 8 hr. It is not rapidly reversible after a 4-hr washout of the hormone. The effects appear to be selective for thyromimetic drugs since reverse T3 (rT3) is inactive and isopropyldiiodothyronine (isoT2) is more active than T3. The relative activity of these analogs corresponds to their relative affinity for T3 nuclear binding sites which we have previously described. Our data suggest that T3 might control the expression of aldosterone by regulating gene expression, e.g. by the induction of specific proteins, which in turn will inhibit the late mineralocorticoid response, without interaction with the early response.  相似文献   

Summary Several new amiloride analogues and two reported photoaffinity analogues were tested for irreversible inhibition of short-circuit current,I sc, in toad bladder. Bromoamiloride, a photoaffinity analogue, induced 40% irreversible inhibition at 500 m after irradiation with ultraviolet light 320 nm. Iodoamiloride caused no irreversible inhibition. Of the new analogues tested, only 3,5-diamino-6-chloro-N-[(phenylamino) aminomethylene] pyrazinecarboxamide,phenamil, irreversibly inhibitedI sc at concentrations of 0.05 to 5 m when added to the mucosal solution. Irreversible inhibition ofI sc by phenamil may be attributed to specific blockage of the mucosal sodium channels, which depended on: 1) time of exposure; 2) mucosal pH: 3) mucosal sodium concentration. For example, 5 m phenamil irreversibly inhibitedI sc by 38% in 103mm Na at pH 8.6 and nearly 75% in 30mm Na at pH 6.4 after a 40-min exposure. Irreversible inhibition occurred in two phases with time constants of 10 min and approximately 140 min. Due to its irreversible nature, phenamil may be used to measure channel density.  相似文献   

Summary The extracellular Ca2+ requirement for antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulation of water permeability in the toad urinary bladder has been critically examined. The polarity of the tissue was maintained with 1mm Ca2+ in the mucosal bathing medium and a serosal bath nominally free of Ca2+. Under these condition, ADH-induced osmotic water flow was inhibited by more than 60% while enhancement of the diffusional permeability to water was unaffected. Structural studies revealed that low serosal Ca2+ led to parallel alterations in epithelial architecture that amounted to a significant distorition of the osmotic water pathway. Prevention of these alterations, or restoration of normal cell-cell contact showed that the reduction of serosal Ca2+ did not restrict hormonal action,per se, but that it resulted in a weakening of cell-cell junctions such that intercellular space distension during water flow occurred to a point where the geometric conditions for maintenance of osmotic flow were compromised. We conclude that extracellular Ca2+ is not a requirement for the molecular aspects of ADH action but that, in its absence, a direct measurement of ADH-induced osmotic flow proves to be an inaccurate index of the hormone-generated changes in epithelial transport characteristics. Under certain conditions the ADH-effect on the tissue's hydraulic permeability is probably best assessed by measurement of the diffusional permability to water; although accuracy in this determination is difficult, it is not as strongly dependent on tissue geometry.  相似文献   

Summary We recently described a method by which the resistance to water flow of the luminal membrane of ADH-stimulated toad bladder can be quantitatively distinguished from that of barriers lying in series with it. This method requires estimates of both total bladder water permeability (assessed by transbladder osmotic water flow at constant gradient) and luminal membrane water permeability (assessed by quantitation of the frequency of ADH-induced luminal membrane particle aggregates). In the present study we examined the effect of bladder distension on transepithelial osmotic water flow before and during maximal ADH stimulation. Base-line water flow was unaffected by bladder distension, but hormonally stimulated flow increased systematically as bladders became more distended. Distension had no effect on the frequency of ADH-induced intramembranous particle aggregates. By comparing the relationships between aggregate frequency and hormonally induced water permeability in distended and undistended bladders, we found that distension appeared to enhance ADH-stimulated water flow by decreasing the resistance of the series permeability barrier while the apparent water permeability associated with each single luminal membrane aggregate was unaffected. In that bladder distension causes tissue thinning, the series resistance limiting ADH-stimulated water flow appears to be accounted for by deformable barriers within the bladder tissue itself, probably unstirred layers of water.  相似文献   

Summary Osmotic water permeability of the apical membrane of toad urinary epithelium is increased greatly by vasopressin (VP) and is associated with exocytic addition of granules and aggrephores at the apical surface. To determine the physiological role of granule exocytosis, we measured the osmotic water permeability and membrane fluidity of isolated granules, surface membranes and microsomes prepared from toad bladder in the presence and absence of VP.P f was measured by stopped-flow light scattering and membrane fluidity was examined by diphenylhexatriene (DPH) fluorescence anisotropy. In response to a 75mm inward sucrose gradient, granule size decreased with a single exponential time constant of 2.3±0.1 sec (sem, seven preparations, 23°C), corresponding to aP f of 5×10–4 cm/sec; the activation energy (E a ) forP f was 17.6±0.8 kcal/mole. Under the same conditions, the volume of surface membrane vesicles decreased biexponentially with time constants of 0.13 and 1.9 sec; the fast component comprised 70% of the signal. Granule, surface membrane and microsome time constants were unaffected by VP. However, in surface membranes, there was a small decrease (6±2%) in the fraction of surface membranes with fast time constant. DPH anisotropies were 0.253 (granules), 0.224 (surface membrane fluidity is remarkably lower than that of surface and microsomal membranes, and (4) rapid water transport occurs in surface membrane vesicles. The unique physical properties of the granule suggests that apical exocytic addition of granule membrane may be responsible for the low water permeability of the unstimulated apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The technique of X-ray microanalysis was used to study the composition of toad urinary bladder epithelial cells incubated in Na Ringer's and K-free medium, with and without ouabain. Following incubation under short-circuit conditions, portions of tissue were coated with an external albumin standard and plunge-frozen. Cryosections were freeze-dried and analyzed. In Na Ringer's, granular and basal cells, and also the basal portion of the goblet cells, had similar water and ion compositions. In contrast, mitochondria-rich cells contained less Cl and Na. On average, the granular cells and a subpopulation of the basal cells lost K and gained Na after ouabain and in K-free medium alone. However, there was considerable variation from cell to cell in the responses, indicating differences between cells in the availabilities of ion pathways, either as a consequence of differences in the numbers of such pathways or in their control. In contrast, the compositions of both the low Cl, mitochondria-rich cells and a sub-population of the basal cells were little affected by the different incubation conditions. This is consistent with a comparatively low Na permeability of these cells. The results also indicate that (i) much, if not all, of the K in the dominant cell type, the granular cells, is potentially exchangeable with serosal medium Na, and (ii) Na is accumulated from the serosal medium under K-free conditions. They also provide information about the role of the (Na–K)-ATPase in the maintenance of cellular K in K-free medium, being consistent with other evidence that removal of serosal medium K inhibits transepithelial Na transport by decreasing Na entry to the cells from the mucosal medium, rather than solely by inhibiting the basolateral membrane (Na–K)-ATPase.  相似文献   

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