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Burn injury disrupts the mechanical and biological barrier that the skin presents against infection by symbionts like the Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-negative bacteria. A combination of local factors, antimicrobial peptides, and resident effector cells form the initial response to mechanical injury of the skin. This activity is followed by an inflammatory response that includes influx of phagocytes and serum factors, such as complement and mannose-binding lectin (MBL), which is a broad-spectrum pattern recognition molecule that plays a key role in innate immunity. A growing consensus from studies in humans and mice suggests that lack of MBL together with other comorbid factors predisposes the host to infection. In this study we examined whether MBL deficiency increases the risk of P. aeruginosa infection in a burned host. We found that both wild-type and MBL null mice were resistant to a 5% total body surface area burn alone or s.c. infection with P. aeruginosa alone. However, when mice were burned then inoculated s.c. with P. aeruginosa at the burn site, all MBL null mice died by 42 h from septicemia, whereas only one-third of wild-type mice succumbed (p = 0.0005). This result indicates that MBL plays a key role in containing and preventing a systemic spread of P. aeruginosa infection following burn injury and suggests that MBL deficiency in humans maybe a premorbid variable in the predisposition to infection in burn victims.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and productivity. Due to soil fixation, however, phosphorus availability in soil is rarely sufficient to sustain high crop yields. The overuse of fertilizers to circumvent the limited bioavailability of phosphate (Pi) has led to a scenario of excessive soil P in agricultural soils. Whereas adaptive responses to Pi deficiency have been deeply studied, less is known about how plants adapt to Pi excess and how Pi excess might affect disease resistance. We show that high Pi fertilization, and subsequent Pi accumulation, enhances susceptibility to infection by the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae in rice. This fungus is the causal agent of the blast disease, one of the most damaging diseases of cultivated rice worldwide. Equally, MIR399f overexpression causes an increase in Pi content in rice leaves, which results in enhanced susceptibility to M. oryzae. During pathogen infection, a weaker activation of defence-related genes occurs in rice plants over-accumulating Pi in leaves, which is in agreement with the phenotype of blast susceptibility observed in these plants. These data support that Pi, when in excess, compromises defence mechanisms in rice while demonstrating that miR399 functions as a negative regulator of rice immunity. The two signalling pathways, Pi signalling and defence signalling, must operate in a coordinated manner in controlling disease resistance. This information provides a basis to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in immunity in rice plants under high Pi fertilization, an aspect that should be considered in management of the rice blast disease.  相似文献   

Bacterial lung infections lead to greater than 4 million deaths per year with antibiotic treatments driving an increase in antibiotic resistance and a need to establish new therapeutic approaches. Recently, we have generated mouse and rat stem cell‐derived alveolar‐like macrophages (ALMs), which like primary alveolar macrophages (1''AMs), phagocytose bacteria and promote airway repair. Our aim was to further characterize ALMs and determine their bactericidal capabilities. The characterization of ALMs showed that they share known 1''AM cell surface markers, but unlike 1''AMs are highly proliferative in vitro. ALMs effectively phagocytose and kill laboratory strains of P. aeruginosa (P.A.), E. coli (E.C.) and S. aureus, and clinical strains of P.A. In vivo, ALMs remain viable, adapt additional features of native 1''AMs, but proliferation is reduced. Mouse ALMs phagocytose P.A. and E.C. and rat ALMs phagocytose and kill P.A. within the lung 24 h post‐instillation. In a pre‐clinical model of P.A.‐induced lung injury, rat ALM administration mitigated weight loss and resolved lung injury observed seven days post‐instillation. Collectively, ALMs attenuate pulmonary bacterial infections and promote airway repair. ALMs could be utilized as an alternative or adjuvant therapy where current treatments are ineffective against antibiotic‐resistant bacteria or to enhance routine antibiotic delivery.  相似文献   

Current views about the impact of Wolbachia on Plasmodium infections are almost entirely based on data regarding artificially transfected mosquitoes. This work has shown that Wolbachia reduces the intensity of Plasmodium infections in mosquitoes, raising the exciting possibility of using Wolbachia to control or limit the spread of malaria. Whether natural Wolbachia infections have the same parasite-inhibiting properties is not yet clear. Wolbachia–mosquito combinations with a long evolutionary history are, however, key for understanding what may happen with Wolbachia-transfected mosquitoes after several generations of coevolution. We investigate this issue using an entirely natural mosquito–Wolbachia–Plasmodium combination. In contrast to most previous studies, which have been centred on the quantification of the midgut stages of Plasmodium, we obtain a measurement of parasitaemia that relates directly to transmission by following infections to the salivary gland stages. We show that Wolbachia increases the susceptibility of Culex pipiens mosquitoes to Plasmodium relictum, significantly increasing the prevalence of salivary gland stage infections. This effect is independent of the density of Wolbachia in the mosquito. These results suggest that naturally Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes may, in fact, be better vectors of malaria than Wolbachia-free ones.  相似文献   

It has been reported that spaceflight conditions alter the immune system and resistance to infection [Belay T, Aviles H, Vance M, Fountain K, and Sonnenfeld G. J Allergy Clin Immunol 170: 262-268, 2002; Hankins WR and Ziegelschmid JF. In: Biomedical Results of Apollo. Washington, DC: NASA, 1975, p. 43-81. (NASA Spec. Rep. SP-368)]. Ground-based models, including the hindlimb-unloading model, have become important tools for increasing understanding of how spaceflight conditions can influence physiology. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of hindlimb unloading on the susceptibility of mice to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Hindlimb-unloaded and control mice were subcutaneously infected with 1 LD50 of P. aeruginosa. Survival, bacterial organ load, and antibody and corticosterone levels were compared among the groups. Hindlimb unloading had detrimental effects for infected mice. Animals in the hindlimb-unloaded group, compared with controls, 1). showed significantly increased mortality and reduced time to death, 2). had increased levels of corticosterone, and 3). were much less able to clear bacteria from the organs. These results suggest that hindlimb unloading may induce the production of corticosterone, which may play a critical role in the modulation of the immune system leading to increased susceptibility to P. aeruginosa infection.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of cystic fibrosis patients to bacterial pathogens is associated with deficient airway antimicrobial peptide activity, and airway-surface-liquid dehydration with decreased transport velocity and hypersecretion of mucus. Susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection has been linked to the role of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein as a receptor for P. aeruginosa. Binding of P. aeruginosa coordinates lung clearance as part of innate immunity. The function of CFTR in innate immunity to P. aeruginosa infection is multifactorial, with one key component being a specific ligand-receptor interaction between the protein and the microbe.  相似文献   

Melanin, a black-brown pigment found throughout all kingdoms of life, has diverse biological functions including UV protection, thermoregulation, oxidant scavenging, arthropod immunity, and microbial virulence. Given melanin’s broad roles in the biosphere, particularly in insect immune defenses, it is important to understand how exposure to ubiquitous environmental contaminants affects melanization. Glyphosate—the most widely used herbicide globally—inhibits melanin production, which could have wide-ranging implications in the health of many organisms, including insects. Here, we demonstrate that glyphosate has deleterious effects on insect health in 2 evolutionary distant species, Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae), suggesting a broad effect in insects. Glyphosate reduced survival of G. mellonella caterpillars following infection with the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans and decreased the size of melanized nodules formed in hemolymph, which normally help eliminate infection. Glyphosate also increased the burden of the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium falciparum in A. gambiae mosquitoes, altered uninfected mosquito survival, and perturbed the microbial composition of adult mosquito midguts. Our results show that glyphosate’s mechanism of melanin inhibition involves antioxidant synergy and disruption of the reaction oxidation–reduction balance. Overall, these findings suggest that glyphosate’s environmental accumulation could render insects more susceptible to microbial pathogens due to melanin inhibition, immune impairment, and perturbations in microbiota composition, potentially contributing to declines in insect populations.

Glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide in the world, inhibits the production of melanin. Melanin is an important pigment and a key component of the insect immune system; this study shows that glyphosate weakens insects’ melanin-based immune system and makes them more vulnerable to infections, including with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.  相似文献   

The RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1 is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) binding protein that modifies cellular and viral RNA sequences by adenosine deamination. ADAR1 has been demonstrated to play important roles in embryonic erythropoiesis, viral response, and RNA interference. In human hepatitis virus infection, ADAR1 has been shown to target viral RNA and to suppress viral replication through dsRNA editing. It is not clear whether this antiviral effect of ADAR1 is a common mechanism in response to viral infection. Here, we report a proviral effect of ADAR1 that enhances replication of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) through a mechanism independent of dsRNA editing. We demonstrate that ADAR1 interacts with dsRNA-activated protein kinase PKR, inhibits its kinase activity, and suppresses the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2alpha) phosphorylation. Consistent with the inhibitory effect on PKR activation, ADAR1 increases VSV infection in PKR+/+ mouse embryonic fibroblasts; however, no significant effect was found in PKR-/- cells. This proviral effect of ADAR1 requires the N-terminal domains but does not require the deaminase domain. These findings reveal a novel mechanism of ADAR1 that increases host susceptibility to viral infection by inhibiting PKR activation.  相似文献   

Depo-provera, a long-acting progestational formulation, is widely used to facilitate infection of sexually transmitted diseases in animal models. We have previously reported that hormone treatments change susceptibility and immune responses to genital tract infections. In this study we compared the changes in susceptibility of mice to genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) after Depo-provera or a saline suspension of progesterone (P-sal). We found that following Depo-provera-treatment, mice had prolonged diestrus that lasted more than 4 weeks. This coincided with a 100-fold increase in susceptibility to genital HSV-2 compared to that of untreated mice. Mice given P-sal were in diestrous stage for 4 to 6 days before returning to irregular reproductive cycles. When these mice were infected at diestrus they showed a 10-fold increase in susceptibility compared to that of normal, untreated mice. P-sal-treated mice infected at estrus were susceptible to HSV-2, depending on the infectious dose. Normal, untreated mice in estrus were not susceptible to HSV-2, even at a high infectious dose of 10(7) PFU. In addition to alterations in susceptibility, Depo-provera treatment had inhibitory effects on immune responses to HSV-2. Mice immunized with HSV-2 protein (gB) and treated with Depo-provera showed significant lowering of local HSV-2-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA in their vaginal washes. Mice immunized with an attenuated strain of HSV-2 2 weeks after Depo-provera treatment failed to develop protection when challenged intravaginally with wild-type HSV-2. In contrast, mice given progesterone and immunized at diestrus or estrus were completely protected from intravaginal challenge. These studies show that Depo-provera treatment changes susceptibility and local immune responses to genital HSV-2 infection. Animal models and vaccine strategies for sexually transmitted diseases need to consider the effect of hormone treatments on susceptibility and immune responses.  相似文献   

We evaluated the role of IL-1 during Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia by intravenously injecting P. aeruginosa strain D4 into IL-1-deficient and WT mice. The two strains showed equivalent mortality rates. However, when the mice were pretreated with cyclophosphamide, bacteremia-induced mortality was significantly greater in the IL-1-deficient mice than in the WT mice ( P < 0.01). We then investigated the role of neutrophils and macrophages in protecting IL-1-deficient mice from bacteremia by administering anti-Gr-1 antibody or liposomes containing dichloromethylene diphosphonate, respectively. After P. aeruginosa inoculation survival was significantly lower in the macrophage-depleted IL-1-deficient mice than in the WT mice. In contrast, neutrophil depletion did not have this effect. Compared to the macrophage-depleted WT mice, the macrophage-depleted IL-1-deficient bacteremic mice had higher bacterial counts in various organs 48 and 72 hr post-infection. They also had lower TNF-α, IL-6, and INF-γ concentrations in their livers during the early phase of sepsis. Thus, IL-1 deficiency becomes disadvantageous during P. aeruginosa bacteremia when it is accompanied by immunosuppression, particularly when macrophage functions are seriously impaired.  相似文献   

A wide variety of in vitro models have been used for studying rabies infection, however, currently, no central nervous system (CNS) adult neuron cultures are available. The current study determined the susceptibility to rabies infection in an adult CNS neuron cell line (CAD-R1). Cultures of CAD-R1 cells were held for 5 days in medium containing serum (undifferentiated CAD-R1 cells) or in serum-free medium (differentiated CAD-R1 cells). They were then infected with highly neurotropic rabies virus (RV) strain (CVS), obtained from fibroblastic cells (CVS-BHK) or from adult mouse brain (CVS-MB). Undifferentiated and differentiated cells were infected with the two RV strains, but the percentage of infected cells in differentiated cultures was significantly greater (83% and 79%, respectively) than in undifferentiated cells (51% and 60%) (Student's t test<0.05). Susceptibility to infection apparently depended on cellular differentiation state, possibly due to acquisition of additional morphological and biochemical characteristics during the differentiation process that made them more susceptible to RV infection. Therefore, CAD R1 cells may represent a good model for RV infection, making them a useful tool for studying RV neurotropism, infection pathogeny, isolation of street virus or producing safer and most potent vaccines.  相似文献   

Purinergic receptors are expressed throughout the respiratory system in diverse cell types. The efficiency of mucus clearance in the airways, the cascade leading to tissue injury, and inflammation are modulated by autocrine/paracrine release of nucleotides and signaling by purinergic receptors. We assessed the role of purinergic receptors in innate host defense of the lung in vivo by infecting mice deficient in P2Y1, P2Y2, or both receptors with intratracheal instillation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After P. aeruginosa challenge, all double knockout (P2Y1/P2Y2-/-) mice succumbed within 30 h of challenge, whereas 85% of the wild-type mice survived. Thirty-three percent of wild-type mice survived beyond 96 h. Single knockout mice, P2Y1-/-, or P2Y2-/-, exhibited intermediate survivals. Twenty-four hours following intratracheal instillation of a sublethal dose of P. aeruginosa, the level of total protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was 1.8-fold higher in double knockout than in wild-type mice (P < 0.04). Total cell count in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids at 4 h and levels of IL-6 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in lung homogenates at 24 h postchallenge were significantly reduced in P2Y1/P2Y2-/- mice relative to wild-type mice. These findings suggest that purinergic receptors exert a protective role against infection of the lungs by P. aeruginosa by decreasing protein leak and enhancing proinflammatory cytokine response.  相似文献   

Recentclinical observations of a high incidence of preexisting respiratoryinfections in pediatric cases of high-altitude pulmonary edema promptedus to ask whether such infections would increase the susceptibility tohypoxia-induced pulmonary edema in young rats. We infected weanlingrats with Sendai virus, thus causing a mild respiratory infection.Within 7 days of infection, Sendai virus was essentially undetectableby using viral culture and immunohistochemical techniques. Animals atday 7 of Sendai virus infection werethen exposed to normobaric hypoxia (fraction of inspiredO2 = 0.1) for 24 h and examinedfor increases in gravimetric lung water and in vascular permeability,as well as for histological evidence of increased lung water.Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed on a separate series of animals.Compared with control groups, infected hypoxic animals showedsignificant increases in perivascular cuffing, gravimetric lung water,and lung protein leak. In addition, infected hypoxic animals hadincreases in lavage fluid cell counts and protein content compared withcontrols. We conclude that young rats, exposed to moderate hypoxiawhile recovering from a mild viral respiratory infection, maydemonstrate evidence of early pulmonary edema formation, a finding ofpotential relevance to human high-altitude pulmonary edema.


By 2100, greenhouse gases are predicted to reduce ozone and cloud cover over the tropics causing increased exposure of organisms to harmful ultraviolet-B radiation (UVBR). UVBR damages DNA and is an important modulator of immune function and disease susceptibility in humans and other vertebrates. The effect of UVBR on invertebrate immune function is largely unknown, but UVBR together with ultraviolet-A radiation impairs an insect immune response that utilizes melanin, a pigment that also protects against UVBR-induced DNA damage. If UVBR weakens insect immunity, then it may make insect disease vectors more susceptible to infection with pathogens of socioeconomic and public health importance. In the tropics, where UVBR is predicted to increase, the mosquito-borne dengue virus (DENV), is prevalent and a growing threat to humans. We therefore examined the effect of UVBR on the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the primary vector for DENV, to better understand the potential implications of increased tropical UVBR for mosquito-borne disease risk. We found that exposure to a UVBR dose that caused significant larval mortality approximately doubled the probability that surviving females would become infected with DENV, despite this UVBR dose having no effect on the expression of an effector gene involved in antiviral immunity. We also found that females exposed to a lower UVBR dose were more likely to have low fecundity even though this UVBR dose had no effect on larval size or activity, pupal cuticular melanin content, or adult mass, metabolic rate, or flight capacity. We conclude that future increases in tropical UVBR associated with anthropogenic global change may have the benefit of reducing mosquito-borne disease risk for humans by reducing mosquito fitness, but this benefit may be eroded if it also makes mosquitoes more likely to be infected with deadly pathogens.  相似文献   

Inbreeding, which increases homozygosity throughout the genome by increasing the proportion of alleles that are identical by descent, is expected to compromise resistance against parasitism. Here, we demonstrate that host inbreeding increases susceptibility to ectoparasitism in a natural fruit fly (Drosophila nigrospiracula) - mite (Macrocheles subbadius) association, and that this effect depends on host genetic background. Moreover, flies generated from reciprocal crosses between susceptible inbred lines exhibited elevated levels of resistance similar to that in the mass-bred base population, confirming in reverse direction the causative link between expected heterozygosity and resistance. We also show that inbreeding reduces the host's ability to sustain energetically expensive behaviours, and that host exhaustion dramatically increases susceptibility. These findings suggest that inbreeding depression for resistance results from an inability to sustain defensive behaviours because of compromised physiological competence.  相似文献   

To determine the role of surfactant protein C (SP-C) in host defense, SP-C-deficient (Sftpc-/-) mice were infected with the pulmonary pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa by intratracheal injection. Survival of young, postnatal day 14 Sftpc-/- mice was decreased in comparison to Sftpc+/+ mice. The sensitivity to Pseudomonas bacteria was specific to the 129S6 strain of Sftpc-/- mice, a strain that spontaneously develops interstitial lung disease-like lung pathology with age. Pulmonary bacterial load and leukocyte infiltration were increased in the lungs of Sftpc-/- mice 24 h after infection. Early influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the lungs of uninfected newborn Sftpc-/- mice relative to Sftpc+/+ mice indicate that the lack of SP-C promotes proinflammatory responses in the lung. Mucin expression, as indicated by Alcian blue staining, was increased in the airways of Sftpc-/- mice following infection. Phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophages from Sftpc-/- mice was reduced. The uptake of fluorescent beads in vitro and the number of bacteria phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages in vivo was decreased in the Sftpc-/- mice. Alveolar macrophages from Sftpc-/- mice expressed markers of alternative activation that are associated with diminished pathogen response and advancing pulmonary fibrosis. These findings implicate SP-C as a modifier of alveolar homeostasis. SP-C plays an important role in innate host defense of the lung, enhancing macrophage-mediated Pseudomonas phagocytosis, clearance and limiting pulmonary inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

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