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Quercus acutissima is one of the most widespread temperate deciduous tree species in China. To study its phylogeographical pattern and demographic history, three chloroplast DNA fragments (atpB-rbcL, psbA-trnH and trnS-trnG) from 401 individuals representing 30 populations were sequenced. A total of 19 haplotypes were identified, and these showed a weak phylogeographical structure (NST = 0.689 > GST = 0.630, P > 0.05) at the species level. The Q. acutissima population harboured a high level of genetic diversity (HT = 0.791), and the genetic variation mainly resided among populations (59.54%). The unimodal mismatch distribution and significantly negative Fu's FS value indicate that the Q. acutissima population experienced rapid range expansion, which probably occurred between 0.37 and 0.12 Ma. Molecular phylogeography and ecological niche modelling (ENM) data suggest the existence of multiple localized glacial refugia in central China (e.g., the Qinling, Dabashan and Dabieshan mountain ranges) and southwestern China (Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and its adjacent regions) during the Quaternary glaciations. Our study showed that geographical heterogeneity and climate changes may have shaped the genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of this tree species in China.  相似文献   

土生空团菌Cenococcum geophilum是生态系统中广泛分布的外生菌根真菌,具有丰富的遗传多样性和重要的生态功能.为揭示土生空团菌的种群遗传多样性和结构,本研究对采集自中国10个森林地点的桦木科Betulaceae、壳斗科Fagaceae和松科Pinaceae植物根系219份样品高通量测序的土生空团菌ITS2...  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor was constructed from 45 sib-homokaryotic haploid mycelial lines derived from the parental S238N strain progeny. For map construction, 294 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were employed to identify and assay loci that segregated in backcross configuration. Using SNP, RAPD and SSR sequences, the L. bicolor whole-genome sequence (WGS) assemblies were aligned onto the linkage groups. A total of 37.36 Mbp of the assembled sequences was aligned to 13 linkage groups. Most mapped genetic markers used in alignment were colinear with the sequence assemblies, indicating that both the genetic map and sequence assemblies achieved high fidelity. The resulting matrix of recombination rates between all pairs of loci was used to construct an integrated linkage map using JoinMap. The final map consisted of 13 linkage groups spanning 812 centiMorgans (cM) at an average distance of 2.76 cM between markers (range 1.9-17 cM). The WGS and the present linkage map represent an initial step towards the identification and cloning of quantitative trait loci associated with development and functioning of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis.  相似文献   

Phylogeography, born to bridge population genetics and phylogenetics in an explicit geographic context, has provided a successful platform for unveiling species evolutionary histories. The Mediterranean Basin, one of the earth's 25 biodiversity hotspots, is known for its complex geological and palaeoclimatic history. Aiming to throw light on the causes and circumstances that underlie such a rich biota, a review of the phylogeographic literature on plant lineages from the Mediterranean Basin is presented focusing on two levels. First, phylogeographic patterns are examined, arranged by potential driving forces such as longitude, latitude – and its interaction with altitude –, straits or glacial refugia. Spatial coincidences in phylogeographic splits are found but, in comparison to other regions such as the Alps or North America, no largely common phylogeographic patterns across species are found in this region. Factors contributing to phylogeographic complexity and scarcity of common patterns include less drastic effects of Pleistocene glaciations than other temperate regions, environmental heterogeneity, the blurring of genetic footprints via admixing over time and, for older lineages, possibly a greater stochasticity due to the accumulation of responses to palaeoclimatic changes. At a second level, processes inferred in phylogeographically framed studies that are potential drivers of evolution are examined. These include gradual range expansion, vicariance, long-distance dispersal, radiations, hybridization and introgression, changes in reproductive system, and determinants of successful colonization. Future phylogeographic studies have a great potential to help explaining biodiversity patterns of plant groups and understanding why the Basin has come to be one of the biodiversity hotspots on earth. This potential is based on the crucial questions that can be addressed when geographic gaps are adequately filled (mainly northern Africa and the eastern part of the region), on the important contribution of younger lineages – for which phylogeographic approaches are most useful – to the whole diversity of the Basin, and on the integration of new methods, particularly those that allow refining the search for spatio-temporal concordance across genealogies.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Guo LD  Ma KP 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(2):137-142
The population genetic structure of the late-stage fungus Amanita manginiana in a natural forest in Dujiangyan, southwest China was examined over two years using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Seven ISSR primers were used and 170 bands were obtained in this population: 134/160 and 135/153 bands were polymorphic for sporocarps of 2001 and 2002, respectively. Each sporocarp represented a single genet in 2001 and 2002, and no identical genets were found between the two years. The results of genetic similarity comparison, using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means, and analysis of molecular variance, indicated that although genetic variances were mainly within individuals of the same year the genetic variance between years was statistically significant (P<0.001). Relationships between genetic similarity and spatial distance of pairwise sporocarps were also found to be different in the two years. The differences in genetic structure and genetic similarity between individuals of the two years implied that the sporocarps were not likely to be derived from continuous generations, i.e., the sporocarps collected in 2002 were not developed from sexual spores dispersed by sporocarps of 2001. We suggest that the life-cycle traits of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi should be considered in genetic studies on ECM fungal populations.  相似文献   

Mating type allele distribution and phenotypic variability were investigated in field populations of Laccaria bicolor. Sporophores associated with Norway spruce (Picea abies), colonized by natural sources of inoculum and growing in a seed orchard, were sampled to obtain dikaryotic strains and assay their phenotypic variability for traits important to the symbiosis. Basid-iospores were also collected for mating type analysis of different mycelia. Four sporophore mating types were identified containing seven A and five B factors. Out-breeding efficiency was estimated at 73.8% and the population was slightly inbred. Crosses with previously characterized L. bicolor strains from two nearby populations identified in total six sporophore mating types and ten A and nine B factors, for an estimated outbreeding efficiency (85.7%) similar to previous studies of more spatially disparate Laccaria spp. populations. Dikaryotic strains were tested for mycelial growth rate, as a measure of their competitive ability, on agar media containing a soluble (NaH2PO4), or an insoluble (CaHPO4) phosphate source. Their ability to solubilize the latter was also tested to assess their relative capacity to access insoluble, inorganic phosphate. In most cases, significant variation was detected among strains from the same site for all variables. On three sites (VC4, VC5 and VC7), each determined previously to possess a uniform mycelial genotype, phenotypic variability was likely due to epigenetic variation among different strains of the same genotype. Possible evidence for dikaryon-monokaryon crosses was observed in vivo on one sample site (VC2) where adjacent mycelia shared two mating factors. The phenotypic variability of different mycelial genotypes reflected their genetic variability observed as mating type allele diversity and underlined the importance of basidiospore dispersal in introducing new genotypes into the population. The reproductive strategies of L. bicolor are discussed and compared to those of other basidiomycete species.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterize and compare the genetic structure of aboveground and belowground populations of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria amethystina in an unmanaged mixed beech forest. Fruiting bodies and mycorrhizas of L. amethystina were mapped and collected in four plots in the ?wi?tokrzyskie Mountains (Poland). A total of 563 fruiting bodies and 394 mycorrhizas were successfully genotyped using the rDNA IGS1 (intergenic spacer) and seven simple sequence repeat markers. We identified two different genetic clusters of L. amethystina in all of the plots, suggesting that a process of sympatric isolation may be occurring at a local scale. The proportion of individuals belonging to each cluster was similar among plots aboveground while it significantly differed belowground. Predominance of a given cluster could be explained by distinct host preferences or by priority effects and competition among genets. Both aboveground and belowground populations consisted of many intermingling small genets. Consequently, host trees were simultaneously colonized by many L. amethystina genets that may show different ecophysiological abilities. Our data showed that several genets may last for at least 1 year belowground and sustain into the next season. Ectomycorrhizal species reproducing by means of spores can form highly diverse and persistent belowground genets that may provide the host tree with higher resilience in a changing environment and enhance ecosystem performance.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene climatic oscillations promoted the diversification in avian species during the last glacial period. The red‐legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Family Phasianidae) has a large natural distribution extending from the Mediterranean to humid temperate zones. However, the genetic structure for this species is unknown. The present study investigates the phylogeography, genetic structure and demographic history of Arufa across its distribution, employing both mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and nuclear microsatellite loci. Our results propose that this species was greatly affected by Pleistocene glaciations. The mismatch analyses suggest that the current populations resulted from post‐glacial expansion and subsequent differentiation resulting in five diagnosable genetic clusters: Southwestern, Central‐eastern, Northwestern, Balearic and French and Italian. Further, we found evidence of three glacial refugia within the currently recognized Iberian glacial refugium. The intraspecific structure revealed by both maternal and biparental phylogeographic analyses was not resolved in the phylogenetic analyses. Based on all considerations, we recommended that five management units be recognized.  相似文献   

It is now well established that Southern European peninsulas have been major glacial refugia for temperate species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. However, substantial environmental changes occurred also within these peninsulas throughout the Pleistocene, raising questions about the role and interplay of various microevolutionary processes in shaping patterns of intraspecific diversity within these areas. Here, we investigate the patterns of genetic variation in the bank vole Myodes glareolus within the Italian peninsula. By using a panel of 13 microsatellite loci, we found more intraspecific variation than expected based on previous assessments. Indeed, both Bayesian and ordination‐based clustering analyses of variation recovered five main geographic/genetic clusters along the peninsula, with three clusters geographically restricted to the southern portion of the peninsula. This clustering is supported by previous evidences of some morphological distinctiveness among these populations. This pattern can be explained by a refugia‐within‐refugia scenario, with the occurrence of multiple sub‐refugia for the bank vole within the Italian peninsula, likely promoted by the major palaeo‐environmental changes which affected forested habitats within this area during the Pleistocene. Moreover, our results support a scenario whereby the high levels of intraspecific diversity observed within major Pleistocene refugia are better explained by dynamic microevolutionary processes occurred within these areas, rather than by long‐term demographic stability of refugial population. Finally, the narrow and isolated distribution of some of the identified lineages suggests the need for future assessments of their conservation and taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Whether or not species participating in specialized and obligate interactions display similar and simultaneous demographic variations at the intraspecific level remains an open question in phylogeography. In the present study, we used the mutualistic nursery pollination occurring between the European globeflower Trollius europaeus and its specialized pollinators in the genus Chiastocheta as a case study. Explicitly, we investigated if the phylogeographies of the pollinating flies are significantly different from the expectation under a scenario of plant–insect congruence. Based on a large‐scale sampling, we first used mitochondrial data to infer the phylogeographical histories of each fly species. Then, we defined phylogeographical scenarios of congruence with the plant history, and used maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to test for plant–insect phylogeographical congruence for the three Chiastocheta species. We show that the phylogeographical histories of the three fly species differ. Only Chiastocheta lophota and Chiastocheta dentifera display strong spatial genetic structures, which do not appear to be statistically different from those expected under scenarios of phylogeographical congruence with the plant. The results of the present study indicate that the fly species responded in independent and different ways to shared evolutionary forces, displaying varying levels of congruence with the plant genetic structure. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 1021–1035.  相似文献   

Wild and cultivated plants represent very different habitats for pathogens, especially when cultivated plants bear qualitative resistance genes. Here, we investigated to what extent the population genetic structure of a plant pathogenic fungus collected on its wild host can be impacted by the deployment of resistant cultivars. We studied one of the main poplar diseases, poplar rust, caused by the fungus Melampsora larici‐populina. A thousand and fifty individuals sampled from several locations in France were phenotyped for their virulence profile (ability to infect or not the most deployed resistant cultivar ‘Beaupré’), and a subset of these was genotyped using 25 microsatellite markers. Bayesian assignment tests on genetic data clustered the 476 genotyped individuals into three genetic groups. Group 1 gathered most virulent individuals and displayed evidence for selection and drastic demographic changes resulting from breakdown of the poplar cultivar ‘Beaupré’. Group 2 comprised individuals corresponding to ancestral populations of M. larici‐populina naturally occurring in the native range. Group 3 displayed the hallmarks of strict asexual reproduction, which has never previously been demonstrated in this species. We discuss how poplar cultivation has influenced the spatial and genetic structure of this plant pathogenic fungus, and has led to the spread of virulence alleles (gene swamping) in M. larici‐populina populations evolving on the wild host.  相似文献   

The nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) occurs in a large part of the south-eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed for a total of 59 specimens using sequences from three mitochondrial regions (16S and cytochrome b genes, and control region, totalling 2308 bp). A considerable number of clades were observed within this species, showing a large genetic diversity within the Balkan peninsula. Splitting of the basal clades was evaluated to about 4 million years ago. Genetic results are in contradiction with presently accepted taxonomy based on morphological characters: V. a. gregorwallneri and V. a. ruffoi do not display any genetic difference compared with the nominotypic subspecies (V. a. ammodytes), involving that these subspecies can be regarded as synonyms. High genetic divergence in the central part of the Balkan peninsula is not concordant with low morphological differentiation. Finally, the extensive genetic diversity within the Balkan peninsula and the colonisation routes are discussed.  相似文献   

Worldwide, conservation personnel must balance the needs of endangered species and humans. Studies that provide information of a species’ genetic structure can identify conservation units and help prioritize populations. We used a region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene to examine the population genetics of the U.S. federally listed Illinois cave amphipod, Gammarus acherondytes. Eleven unique haplotypes were identified from nine populations in two hydrologically separate subregions, each of which contained genetically distinct populations. This conclusion is based on (i) subregions form clades in the interspecific phylogeographic analyses; (ii) the between-subregions component in the Analysis of Molecular Variance accounted for a significant fraction (81.45%) of the genetic variation; and (iii) no haplotypes were shared between subregions. These results coincide with the known distribution of G. acherondytes and regional hydrology. We recommend future recovery efforts avoid mixing individuals between subregions to prevent the breakdown of local adaptive gene complexes.  相似文献   

The contribution of the extramatrical mycelium to N and P nutrition of mycorrhizal Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was investigated. Seedlings either inoculated with Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. or non-mycorrhizal were grown in a two compartment sand culture system where hyphae were separated from roots by a 45 μm nylon net. Nutrient solution of the hyphal compartment contained either 1.8 m m NH4+ and 0.18 m m H2PO4 or no N and P. Aluminium added to the hyphal compartment as a tracer of mass flow was not detected in the plant compartment, indicating that measurements of N and P transfer by the mycelium were not biased by solute movement across the nylon net.
The addition of N and P to the hyphal compartment markedly increased dry weight, N and P concentration and N and P content of mycorrhizal plants. Calculating uptake from the difference in input and output of nutrient in solution confirmed a hyphal contribution of 73% and 76% to total N and P uptake, respectively. Hyphal growth was increased at the site of nutrient solution input.  相似文献   

Different regional patterns of glaciation are expected to have brought about a differential effect on the present genetic structure of natural tree populations in the temperate regions. The aim of the present study is to test this hypothesis in Nothofagus antarctica, a key tree species of the temperate forests of southern South America. An almost continuous ice layer characterized the region of the Andes south of 41°S, while towards northern latitudes the pattern was more fragmented. Therefore, a higher chance for the location of larger or more numerous glacial refuges in the north of the Argentinean range, leads us to predict a higher genetic diversity in this region. Twelve natural populations of N. antarctica were sampled along the northern half of its Argentinean range, including six above 41°S and six below that latitude. Sampled populations were genetically characterized through cpDNA and isozyme gene markers. Both groups of populations were compared by means of several diversity and differentiation parameters. A genetic structure analysis was conducted with isozyme data through clustering and Bayesian approaches. Based on three polymorphic chloroplast regions, only two haplotypes were distinguished, one corresponding to the nine northernmost sampled populations and the other to the two southernmost ones. Only the population located between those two groups resulted polymorphic. AMOVA analyses also revealed a latitudinal genetic structure for the populations surveyed, and higher levels of genetic variation were recognized in the northern populations.  相似文献   

Different interactions between soil fungi competing in the rhizosphere with each other are necessary to understand their influence on plant growth and health. The interactions between the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Laccaria laccata and soil saprotrophic fungi (T. harzianum, T. virens) were studied by transmission electron microscopy, and by gold cytochemistry to assess the potential role of cell wall lytic enzymes in mycoparasitism. Anti-β-1,3-glucan antibody, WGA/ovomucoid-gold complex and PATAg test were used to localize β-1,3-glucan, chitin and polysaccharides. Cytoplasm disorganisation of the saprotrophic fungi occurred concurrently with dissolution of β-1,3-glucan in walls of hyphae and conidia of the saprotrophic fungi. Then digestion of polysaccharides and chitin of colonised fungal structures occurred. The studies suggest sequential contribution of cell wall lytic enzymes and importance of disturbing the host's cell integrity during mycoparasitism. We conclude that the ECM fungus can parasitise on the saprotrophic fungi not only in dual culture on artificial medium but also in the rhizosphere of Scots pine.  相似文献   

Homocaryotic mycelia obtained from spores of Laccaria bicolor S238 have been compared in vitro for their efficiency in solubilizing poorly soluble phosphates. This could lead to genetic selection according to such criteria. However, there is very little room for improvement as the wild strain was shown to be one of the most efficient solubilizers among the strains tested. Twenty dicaryotic strains obtained by crossing the compatible homocaryons have also been compared and no clear heritability of this character has been found. The four phosphate salts used are most probably solubilized by the same mechanism which is polygenetically controlled  相似文献   

Here, palaeobotanical and genetic data for common beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Europe are used to evaluate the genetic consequences of long-term survival in refuge areas and postglacial spread. Four large datasets are presented, including over 400 fossil-pollen sites, 80 plant-macrofossil sites, and 450 and 600 modern beech populations for chloroplast and nuclear markers, respectively. The largely complementary palaeobotanical and genetic data indicate that: (i) beech survived the last glacial period in multiple refuge areas; (ii) the central European refugia were separated from the Mediterranean refugia; (iii) the Mediterranean refuges did not contribute to the colonization of central and northern Europe; (iv) some populations expanded considerably during the postglacial period, while others experienced only a limited expansion; (v) the mountain chains were not geographical barriers for beech but rather facilitated its diffusion; and (vi) the modern genetic diversity was shaped over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. This scenario differs from many recent treatments of tree phylogeography in Europe that largely focus on the last ice age and the postglacial period to interpret genetic structure and argue that the southern peninsulas (Iberian, Italian and Balkan) were the main source areas for trees in central and northern Europe.  相似文献   

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