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Cyclospora cayetanensis is the causative agent of cyclosporiasis, an emerging infectious disease. We present a new method for the purification of C. cayetanensis oocysts from feces using a modified detachment solution and Renocal-sucrose gradient sedimentation. This method yields oocysts free from adherent fecal debris and amenable to processing using flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Multiple outbreaks of food-borne gastroenteritis caused by the coccidian parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis have been reported annually in North America since 1995. Detection of C. cayetanensis contamination typically relies on laborious and subjective microscopic examination of produce washes. Molecular detection methods based on nested PCR, restriction fragment length polymorphism, or multiplex PCR have been developed for C. cayetanensis; however, they have not been adequately validated for use on food products. Further challenges include reliably extracting DNA from coccidian oocysts since their tough outer wall is resistant to lysis and overcoming PCR inhibitors in sample matrices. We describe preliminary validation of a reliable DNA extraction method for C. cayetanensis oocysts and a sensitive and specific novel PCR assay. The sensitivity and repeatability of the developed methods were evaluated by multiple DNA extractions and PCR amplifications using 1,000-, 100-, 10-, or 1-ooycst aliquots of C. cayetanensis oocysts in water or basil wash sediment. Successful PCR amplification was achieved on 15 and 5 replicates extracted from aliquots containing 1,000 oocysts in water and basil wash, respectively. All 45 replicates of the 100-oocyst aliquots in water and 5 in basil wash were amplified successfully, as were 43/45 and 41/45 of the 10- and 1-oocyst aliquots in water and 9/15 and 2/15 in basil wash, respectively. The developed primers showed no cross-reactivity when tested against bacteria, nematodes, and protozoans, including Eimeria, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium. Our results indicate that these methods are specific, can reliably detect a single oocyst, and overcome many of the limitations of microscopic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Electrorotation is a noninvasive technique that is capable of detecting changes in the morphology and physicochemical properties of microorganisms. Electrorotation studies are reported for two intestinal parasites, Giardia intestinalis and Cyclospora cayetanensis. It is concluded that viable and nonviable G. intestinalis cysts can be differentiated by this technique, and support for this conclusion was obtained using a fluorogenic vital dye assay and morphological indicators. The viability of C. cayetanensis oocysts (for which no vital dye assay is currently available) can also be determined by electrorotation, as can their sporulation state. Modeling of the electrorotational response of these organisms was used to determine their dielectric properties and to gain an insight into the changes occurring within them. Electrorotation offers a new, simple, and rapid method for determining the viability of parasites in potable water and food products and as such has important healthcare implications.  相似文献   

Cyclospora cayetanensis, a coccidian parasite, with a fecal-oral life cycle, has become recognized worldwide as an emerging human pathogen. Clinical manifestations include prolonged gastroenteritis. While most cases of infection with C. cayetanensis in the United States have been associated with foodborne transmission, waterborne transmission has also been implicated. We report on the development and application of a real-time, quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of C. cayetanensis oocysts, which is the first reported use of this technique for this organism. Both a species-specific primer set and dual fluorescent-labeled C. cayetanensis hybridization probe were designed using the inherent genetic uniqueness of the 18S ribosomal gene sequence of C. cayetanensis. The real-time polymerase chain reaction assay has been optimized to specifically detect the DNA from as few as 1 oocyst of C. cayetanensis per 5 microl reaction volume.  相似文献   

Cyclospora cayetanensis: a review of an emerging parasitic coccidian   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cyclospora cayetanensis is a sporulating parasitic protozoan that infects the upper small intestinal tract. It has been identified as both a food and waterborne pathogen endemic in many developing countries. It is an important agent of Traveller's Diarrohea in developed countries and was responsible for numerous foodborne outbreaks in the United States and Canada in the late 1990s. Like Cryptosporidium, infection has been associated with a variety of sequelae such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, reactive arthritis syndrome (formally Reiter syndrome) and acalculous cholecystitis.There has been much debate as to where to place C. cayetanensis taxonomically due to its homology with Eimeria species. To date, the only genomic DNA sequences available are the ribosomal DNA of C. cayetanensis and three other species; within these a high degree of homology has been observed. This homology and the lack of sequence data from other Cyclospora species have hindered identification methods.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora are obligate, intracellular, coccidian protozoan parasites that infest the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals causing severe diarrhea illness. In this paper, we present an overview of the conventional and more novel techniques that are currently available to detect Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora in water. Conventional techniques and new immunological and genetic/molecular methods make it possible to assess the occurrence, prevalence, virulence (to a lesser extent), viability, levels, and sources of waterborne protozoa. Concentration, purification, and detection are the three key steps in all methods that have been approved for routine monitoring of waterborne oocysts. These steps have been optimized to such an extent that low levels of naturally occurring Cryptosporidium oocysts can be efficiently recovered from water. The filtration systems developed in the US and Europe trap oocysts more effectively and are part of the standard methodologies for environmental monitoring of Cryptosporidium oocysts in source and treated water. Purification techniques such as immunomagnetic separation and flow cytometry with fluorescent activated cell sorting impart high capture efficiency and selective separation of oocysts from sample debris. Monoclonal antibodies with higher avidity and specificity to oocysts in water concentrates have significantly improved the detection and enumeration steps.To date, PCR-based detection methods allow us to differentiate the human pathogenic Cryptosporidium parasites from those that do not infect humans, and to track the source of oocyst contamination in the environment. Cell culture techniques are now used to examine oocyst viability. While fewer studies have focused on Cyclospora cayetanensis, the parasite has been successfully detected in drinking water and wastewater using current methods to recover Cryptosporidium oocysts. More research is needed for monitoring of Cyclospora in the environment. Meanwhile, molecular methods (e.g. molecular markers such as intervening transcribed spacer regions), which can identify different genotypes of C. cayetanensis, show good promise for detection of this emerging coccidian parasite in water.  相似文献   

K D Makova  M Ramsay  T Jenkins  W H Li 《Genetics》2001,158(3):1253-1268
An approximately 6.6-kb region located upstream from the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene and containing its promoter was sequenced in 54 humans (18 Africans, 18 Asians, and 18 Europeans) and in one chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. Seventy-six polymorphic sites were found among the human sequences and the average nucleotide diversity (pi) was 0.141%, one of the highest among all studies of nuclear sequence variation in humans. Opposite to the pattern observed in the MC1R coding region, in the present region pi is highest in Africans (0.136%) compared to Asians (0.116%) and Europeans (0.122%). The distributions of pi, theta, and Fu and Li's F-statistic are nonuniform along the sequence and among continents. The pattern of genetic variation is consistent with a population expansion in Africans. We also suggest a possible phase of population size reduction in non-Africans and purifying selection acting in the middle subregion and parts of the 5' subregion in Africans. We hypothesize diversifying selection acting on some sites in the 5' and 3' subregions or in the MC1R coding region in Asians and Europeans, though we cannot reject the possibility of relaxation of functional constraints in the MC1R gene in Asians and Europeans. The mutation rate in the sequenced region is 1.65 x 10(-9) per site per year. The age of the most recent common ancestor for this region is similar to that for the other long noncoding regions studied to date, providing evidence for ancient gene genealogies. Our population screening and phylogenetic footprinting suggest potentially important sites for the MC1R promoter function.  相似文献   

Human DNA variation is currently a subject of intense research because of its importance for studying human origins, evolution, and demographic history and for association studies of complex diseases. A approximately 10-kb region on chromosome 1, which contains only four small exons (each <155 bp), was sequenced for 61 humans (20 Africans, 20 Asians, and 21 Europeans) and for 1 chimpanzee, 1 gorilla, and 1 orangutan. We found 52 polymorphic sites among the 122 human sequences and 382 variant sites among the human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan sequences. For the introns sequenced (8,991 bp), the nucleotide diversity (pi) was 0.058% among all sequences, 0.076% among the African sequences, 0.047% among the Asian sequences, and 0.045% among the European sequences. A compilation of data revealed that autosomal regions have, on average, the highest pi value (0.091%), X-linked regions have a somewhat lower pi value (0.079%), and Y-linked regions have a very low pi value (0.008%). The lower polymorphism in the present region may be due to a lower mutation rate and/or selection in the gene containing these introns or in genes linked to this region. The present region and two other 10-kb noncoding regions all show a strong excess of low-frequency variants, indicating a relatively recent population expansion. This region has a low mutation rate, which was estimated to be 0.74 x 10 per nucleotide per year. An average estimate of approximately 12,600 for the long-term effective population size was obtained using various methods; the estimate was not far from the commonly used value of 10,000. Fu and Li's tests rejected the assumption of an equilibrium neutral Wright-Fisher population, largely owing to the high proportion of low-frequency variants. The age of the most recent common ancestor of the sequences in our sample was estimated to be more than 1 Myr. Allowing for some unrealistic assumptions in the model, this estimate would still suggest an age of more than 500,000 years, providing further evidence for a genetic history of humans much more ancient than the emergence of modern humans. The fact that many unique variants exist in Europe and Asia also suggests a fairly long genetic history outside of Africa and argues against a complete replacement of all indigenous populations in Europe and Asia by a small Africa stock. Moreover, the ancient genetic history of humans indicates no severe bottleneck during the evolution of humans in the last half million years; otherwise, much of the ancient genetic history would have been lost during a severe bottleneck. We suggest that both the "Out of Africa" and the multiregional models are too simple to explain the evolution of modern humans.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest the involvement of water in the epidemiology of Cyclospora cayetanensis and some microsporidia. A total of 223 samples from four drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs), seven wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), and six locations of influence (LI) on four river basins from Madrid, Spain, were analyzed from spring 2008 to winter 2009. Microsporidia were detected in 49% of samples (109/223), Cyclospora spp. were detected in 9% (20/223), and both parasites were found in 5.4% (12/223) of samples. Human-pathogenic microsporidia were detected, including Enterocytozoon bieneusi (C, D, and D-like genotypes), Encephalitozoon intestinalis, Encephalitozoon cuniculi (genotypes I and III), and Anncaliia algerae. C. cayetanensis was identified in 17 of 20 samples. To our knowledge, this is the first study that shows a year-long longitudinal study of C. cayetanensis in drinking water treatment plants. Additionally, data about the presence and molecular characterization of the human-pathogenic microsporidia in drinking water, wastewater, and locations of influence during 1 year in Spain are shown. It is noteworthy that although the DWTPs and WWTPs studied meet European and national regulations on water sanitary quality, both parasites were found in water samples from these plants, supporting the idea that new and appropriate controls and regulations for drinking water, wastewater, and recreational waters should be proposed to avoid health risks from these pathogens.  相似文献   

Nine sets of nested PCR primers from a 2.6-kb region of the hepatitis G virus (HGV) genome at nucleotide positions 5829 to 8421 were designed and used to analyze serum specimens obtained from patients with community-acquired non-A, non-B hepatitis who were HGV RNA positive. One set of primers was found to be most efficient in detecting HGV and was subsequently used to test 162 HCV-positive and 11 HCV-negative plasma units obtained from individual paid donors. HGV RNA was detected in 30 (17.3%) plasma units, 2 of which were found among the 11 HCV-negative specimens. A complete set of nine PCR fragments was obtained from two patients with community-acquired acute non-A, non-B hepatitis and from four paid donors. All PCR fragments were sequenced and were shown to have a nucleotide similarity of 85.9 to 92.3% and a derived amino acid similarity of 96.0 to 99.0%. The majority of nucleotide changes occurred in the third position of codons. The HGV nucleotide and protein sequences obtained in this study were compared with HCV sequences. Based on this analysis the 2.6-kb fragment was predicted to encode the C-terminal part of the putative NS4b, the entire NS5a, and almost the complete NS5b proteins. Putative protease cleavage sites separating these proteins were also predicted. In serial specimens obtained from the two HGV-infected patients, no significant variations were found in the HGV nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences over time. The HGV sequences obtained from one patient showed no changes over 6 months, whereas more than 99.0% homology was observed for sequences from the second patient over 2.5 years. Heterogeneity analysis performed on 10 sequences obtained in this study and corresponding regions from 6 known full-size sequences of the HGV genomes demonstrated notable discrete heterogeneity consistent with the existence of HGV genetic groups or types.  相似文献   

Intragenomic variation in ITS1 and ITS2 is known to exit but is widely ignored in phylogenetic studies using these gene regions. The amount of variation in seven crayfish species, including three populations of Orconectes luteus and two of Procambarus clarkii, was assessed by sequencing 3, 5, or 10 clones from the same individuals, for a total of 77 sequences. The ITS1 and ITS2 sequences reported here are some of the longest known, with aligned lengths of 760 and 1,300 bp, respectively. They contain multiple microsatellite insertions, all of which show considerable intragenomic variation in the number of repeat elements. This variation is enough to obscure phylogenetic relationships at the population level, although relationships between species can be estimated. Given the hybridization techniques used to locate microsatellites, multiple-copy regions like ITS1 and ITS2 will be preferentially found if they contain microsatellites, and in these cases the microsatellites will not behave as typical Mendelian markers and could give spurious results.  相似文献   

Trichostrongylus eggs observed in cellophane-thick smears are difficult, in practice, to distinguish from hookworm eggs. In order to overcome these limitations, a molecular approach was conducted. A Trichostrongylus colubriformis adult worm was obtained from a human in Laos, which was identified morphologically. ITS-1 sequence of this worm was determined, and found to be most similar with that of T. colubriformis among the Trichostrongylus spp. reported so far. Then, this sequence was compared with those of human hookworm species, Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, and species-specific oligonucleotide primers were designed. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using these primers evidenced specifically amplified PCR products of Trichostrongylus sp., A. duodenale and N. americanus from the eggs of each (520 bp, 690 bp, and 870 bp, respectively). A species-specific PCR technique can be developed in order to study the epidemiology of Trichostrongylus spp. and hookworms in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Lindner DL  Banik MT 《Mycologia》2011,103(4):731-740
Regions of rDNA are commonly used to infer phylogenetic relationships among fungal species and as DNA barcodes for identification. These regions occur in large tandem arrays, and concerted evolution is believed to reduce intragenomic variation among copies within these arrays, although some variation still might exist. Phylogenetic studies typically use consensus sequencing, which effectively conceals most intragenomic variation, but cloned sequences containing intragenomic variation are becoming prevalent in DNA databases. To understand effects of using cloned rDNA sequences in phylogenetic analyses we amplified and cloned the ITS region from pure cultures of six Laetiporus species and one Wolfiporia species (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). An average of 66 clones were selected randomly and sequenced from 21 cultures, producing a total of 1399 interpretable sequences. Significant variation (≥ 5% variation in sequence similarity) was observed among ITS copies within six cultures from three species clades (L. cincinnatus, L. sp. clade J, and Wolfiporia dilatohypha) and phylogenetic analyses with the cloned sequences produced different trees relative to analyses with consensus sequences. Cloned sequences from L. cincinnatus fell into more than one species clade and numerous cloned L. cincinnatus sequences fell into entirely new clades, which if analyzed on their own most likely would be recognized as "undescribed" or "novel" taxa. The use of a 95% cut off for defining operational taxonomic units (OTUs) produced seven Laetiporus OTUs with consensus ITS sequences and 20 OTUs with cloned ITS sequences. The use of cloned rDNA sequences might be problematic in fungal phylogenetic analyses, as well as in fungal bar-coding initiatives and efforts to detect fungal pathogens in environmental samples.  相似文献   

To determine how black‐tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus respond to phytochemical cues while browsing in heterogeneous phytochemical environments, we offered captive and free‐range deer cloned rooted cuttings and seedlings of western redcedar Thuja plicata selected for varying monoterpene content. Black‐tailed deer were thus allowed to browse among a controlled array of phytochemical cues in a series of experiments designed to evaluate foraging behavior at fine (within plot) and coarse (plot selection) scales. Within‐plot diet selection experiments demonstrated that browse preference for individual western redcedar plants was a function of foliar monoterpene concentration. Individual plant palatability combined with momentary maximization foraging strategy promoted survival of heavily defended plants. Among‐plot foraging experiments demonstrated that coarse‐scale foraging preferences were strongly influenced by distributions of high monoterpene‐containing western redcedar in available plots. Olfaction may play a significant role in both fine and coarse‐scale browse behaviors of deer as they employ a risk‐averse foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin binding proteins A and B (LbpA and LbpB) compose the lactoferrin receptor of the obligate human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis . This receptor is thought to be important for colonization and initiation of invasive disease because of its role in acquiring host iron and providing protection from the cationic peptide, lactoferricin. By virtue of its function, the receptor is accessible to the host immune system and displays substantial sequence variation. In this study, we analyzed a broad collection of LbpAs (62) and LbpBs (101) to determine the distribution of sequence variation within each protein and to search for patterns between sequence similarity and strain typing. The sequence variation in LbpA was predominantly observed in 3 surface loops and, surprisingly, in the N-terminal region immediately upstream of the predicted TonB box. The analysis of LbpB revealed that the variability was distributed throughout the protein, particularly in the highly variable negatively charged regions in the C-lobe, but otherwise was greater in the N-lobe than the C-lobe. There was no readily identifiable correlation between the sequence variation within LbpA, LbpB, multi-locus sequence type, or serogroup.  相似文献   

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a coccidian parasite which causes severe gastroenteritis in humans. Molecular information on this newly emerging pathogen is scarce. Our objectives were to assess genetic variation within and between human-associated C. cayetanensis and baboon-associated Cyclospora papionis by examining the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal RNA operon, and to develop an efficient polymerase chain reaction- (PCR)-based method to distinguish C. cayetanensis from other closely related organisms. For these purposes, we studied C. cayetanensis ITS-1 nucleotide variability in 24 human faecal samples from five geographic locations and C. papionis ITS-1 variability in four baboon faecal samples from Tanzania. In addition, a continuous sequence encompassing ITS-1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS-2 was determined from two C. cayetanensis samples. The results indicate that C. cayetanensis and C. papionis have distinct ITS-1 sequences, but identical 5.8S rDNA sequences. ITS-1 is highly variable within and between samples, but variability does not correlate with geographic origin of the samples. Despite this variability, conserved species-specific ITS-1 sequences were identified and a single-round, C. cayetanensis-specific PCR-based assay with a sensitivity of one to ten oocysts was developed. This consistent and remarkable diversity among Cyclospora spp. ITS-1 sequences argues for polyparasitism and simultaneous transmission of multiple strains.  相似文献   

Patterns of sequence variation in the mitochondrial D-loop region of shrews   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Direct sequencing of the mitochondrial displacement loop (D-loop) of shrews (genus Sorex) for the region between the tRNA(Pro) and the conserved sequence block-F revealed variable numbers of 79-bp tandem repeats. These repeats were found in all 19 individuals sequenced, representing three subspecies and one closely related species of the masked shrew group (Sorex cinereus cinereus, S. c. miscix, S. c. acadicus, and S. haydeni) and an outgroup, the pygmy shrew (S. hoyi). Each specimen also possessed an adjacent 76-bp imperfect copy of the tandem repeats. One individual was heteroplasmic for length variants consisting of five and seven copies of the 79-bp tandem repeat. The sequence of the repeats is conducive to the formation of secondary structure. A termination-associated sequence is present in each of the repeats and in a unique sequence region 5' to the tandem array as well. Mean genetic distance between the masked shrew taxa and the pygmy shrew was calculated separately for the unique sequence region, one of the tandem repeats, the imperfect repeat, and these three regions combined. The unique sequence region evolved more rapidly than the tandem repeats or the imperfect repeat. The small genetic distance between pairs of tandem repeats within an individual is consistent with a model of concerted evolution. Repeats are apparently duplicated and lost at a high rate, which tends to homogenize the tandem array. The rate of D- loop sequence divergence between the masked and pygmy shrews is estimated to be 15%-20%/Myr, the highest rate observed in D-loops of mammals. Rapid sequence evolution in shrews may be due either to their high metabolic rate and short generation time or to the presence of variable numbers of tandem repeats.   相似文献   

Mello A  Napoli C  Murat C  Morin E  Marceddu G  Bonfante P 《Mycologia》2011,103(6):1184-1193
In a recent study pyrosequencing of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) has validated the effectiveness of such technology in the survey of soil fungal diversity. Here we compare the two ITS regions, ITS-1 and ITS-2, of the fungal populations occurring in Tuber melanosporum/Quercus pubescens truffle grounds and sampled in two areas, one devoid of vegetation ("burned", brulé in French) where T. melanosporum fruiting bodies are usually collected, and outside the brulé. TS1F/ITS2 and ITS3/ITS4 were used respectively for the amplification of the ITS-1 and ITS-2 regions. Two amplicon libraries were built, one for inside and the other for outside. A set of 15.788 reads was obtained. After the removal of low quality sequences, 3568 and 3156 sequences were obtained from inside the brulé with the ITS-1 and ITS-2 primers respectively. The sequences obtained from outside the brulé were 4490 with the ITS-1 primers and 2432 with the ITS-2 primers. Most of the sequences obtained for both ITS fragments could be attributed to fungal organisms. The pair of primers, ITS1-F/ITS2, was more selective, producing fewer non-fungal sequences (1% inside, 3% outside), in addition to a higher number of sequences, than the pair ITS3/ITS4 (6% inside, 11% outside). Although differences are present in the taxa percentages between ITS-1 and ITS-2, both reveal that Ascomycota were the dominant fungal phylum and that their number decreased moving from inside the brulé to outside, while the number of Basidiomycota increased. Taken together, both the short ITS-1 and ITS-2 reads obtained by the high throughput 454 sequencing provide adequate information for taxon assignment and are suitable to correlate the dynamics of the fungal populations to specific environments.  相似文献   

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