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Upwelling ecosystems exhibit strong spatio-temporal variations of environmental conditions that drive the dynamics of marine diversity and ressources. Yet little is known in these ecosystems concerning the diversity of groundfishes. We studied the effects of environment (sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a concentration and bathymetric strata) and fishing pressure on this variability in the Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (MEEZ), based on abundance data collected from 2158 hauls from scientific surveys performed on the continental shelf (15–200 m) between 1997 and 2010. First, for each haul (i.e. alpha-diversity), Species richness S and Berger Parker dominance Dbp were used as proxies of two complementary groups of nine indices, belonging to three main components of diversity (species number, evenness and taxonomic diversity), identified by a principal component analysis based on Spearman correlation coefficient. Thus the set of diversity indices used in this work suggests that a single component of diversity cannot represent the biodiversity of MEEZ groundfish. Second, generalized linear models (GLM) highlighted the stability of both indices for environmental variables, fishing effort and time, while, as shown by a previous study in the MEEZ, these variables influence species composition (i.e. beta-diversity). A longitudinal gradient of S and Dbp was highlighted, with coastal strata being richer in species and abundances more evenly distributed among species than offshore strata. Overall, this study provides a baseline of groundfish diversity in the MEEZ, that is also useful for comparison to other upwelling ecosystems, and essential for monitoring its potential shifts faced to climate change.


Nine sites were sampled 19 times over 2 years in an irrigation system in Morocco in order to study species abundance in a snail community in relation to environmental parameters (including human activities) and migration (geographic distance) among sites. Each site was made of a sink and the first meters of the downstream canal. The snail community included four species (Bulinus truncatus, Lymnaea truncatula, Mercuria similis and Physa acuta). Strong spatial variation in species occurrence and abundance was detected which might be partly due to variation in water availability. However abundance in sinks and canals in which water availability differs were correlated. There was, as predicted, limited evidence in favor of isolation by distance which might be due to fast water current. Dispersal might therefore be an important factor structuring this community. On the other hand, the temporal variation was much more limited. This is consistent with the analysis of individual size distributions in B. truncatus, since no clear-cut cohorts were detected. The environmental parameters recorded (e.g. temperature, occurrence of macrophytes or cleaning of sinks) were extremely variable in time and space, except temperature. Analyzing their association with species through multidimensional methods indicated that P. acuta is ubiquitous and B. truncatus positively associated with macrophytes. These two species were associated in sinks. Less clear trends were detected for the two other species. Annual cleaning of sinks affected all species, but population recovery was fast in B. truncatus and P. acuta.  相似文献   

Understanding how communities respond to natural disturbances is fundamental to assess the mechanisms of ecosystem resistance and resilience. However, ecosystem responses to natural disturbances are rarely monitored both through space and time, while the factors promoting ecosystem stability act at various temporal and spatial scales. Hence, assessing both the spatial and temporal variations in species composition is important to comprehensively explore the effects of natural disturbances. Here, we suggest a framework to better scrutinize the mechanisms underlying community responses to disturbances through both time and space. Our analytical approach is based on beta diversity decomposition into two components, replacement and biomass difference. We illustrate this approach using a 9-year monitoring of coral reef fish communities off Moorea Island (French Polynesia), which encompassed two severe natural disturbances: a crown-of-thorns starfish outbreak and a hurricane. These disturbances triggered a fast logistic decline in coral cover, which suffered a 90% decrease on all reefs. However, we found that the coral reef fish composition remained largely stable through time and space whereas compensatory changes in biomass among species were responsible for most of the temporal fluctuations, as outlined by the overall high contribution of the replacement component to total beta diversity. This suggests that, despite the severity of the two disturbances, fish communities exhibited high resistance and the ability to reorganize their compositions to maintain the same level of total community biomass as before the disturbances. We further investigated the spatial congruence of this pattern and showed that temporal dynamics involved different species across sites; yet, herbivores controlling the proliferation of algae that compete with coral communities were consistently favored. These results suggest that compensatory changes in biomass among species and spatial heterogeneity in species responses can provide further insurance against natural disturbances in coral reef ecosystems by promoting high levels of key species (herbivores). They can also allow the ecosystem to recover more quickly.  相似文献   

Exotic plants pose a threat to restoration success in post‐agricultural bottomlands, but little information exists on their dynamics during succession of actively restored sites. We hypothesized that exotic assemblages would establish during succession and that their compositional trends during succession time would mirror those published for native species in other systems, with an early peak in herbaceous richness followed by a decline as woody species establish. In the summer of 2008, we sampled 16 sites across an 18‐year chronosequence of restored forests, with an additional four mature forest stands for comparison, within the Cypress Creek NWR, Illinois, U.S.A. We identified all vascular plant species and quantified canopy openness at three canopy strata, and soil texture and chemistry. Trends in exotic assemblages were significantly correlated with canopy openness at all strata. Richness of exotic and native herbaceous species was related to stand age and consistent with a Weibull regression model. Native and exotic herbaceous cover followed an exponential decay model. Woody native richness over time conformed to a logistic model; woody exotics exhibited no relationship with stand age and were present in sites of all ages. Our results indicate that although their rates of decline differ, herbaceous exotics and natives exhibit similar successional dynamics; therefore, herbaceous exotics may not pose a lasting threat to restoration success in reforested floodplains. Woody exotics can establish across a range of successional stages and persist under closed canopy conditions. Bottomland restorations are vulnerable to the invasion and expansion of exotic plant species even after canopy closure.  相似文献   

We compiled data from different monitoring surveys to analyse and compare community and diversity patterns of fish, epi- and infauna in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea in order to identify benthic habitats common to all faunal components. We found congruent community patterns of fish, epi- and infauna for the coastal waters, the Oysterground and the area called “Duck’s Bill”, which coincided with specific abiotic characteristics of these regions. The three regions were defined as special habitats for fish, epi- and infauna species in the German EEZ. The differences in the seasonal variability of abiotic factors seem to be the most important discriminating abiotic characteristic for the three habitats. The spatial distribution of fish, epifauna and infauna communities remained stable over time although habitat characteristics such as sea surface temperature increased due to climate change. However, it is expected that the coastal habitat will be more sensitive to future climate change effects in contrast to the Oysterground and Duck’s Bill habitat.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta virus ribozyme is a small, self-cleaving RNA with a compact tertiary structure and buried active site that is important in the life cycle of the virus. The ribozyme's function in nature is to cleave an internal phosphodiester bond and linearize concatemers during rolling circle replication. Crystal structures of the ribozyme have been solved in both pre-cleaved and post-cleaved (product) forms and reveal an intricate network of interactions that conspire to catalyze bond cleavage. In addition, extensive biochemical studies have been performed to work out a mechanism for bond cleavage in which C75 and a magnesium ion catalyze the reaction by general acid-base chemistry. One issue that has remained unclear in this ribozyme and in other ribozymes is the nature of long-distance communication between peripheral regions of the RNA and the buried active site. We performed molecular dynamics simulations on the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme in the product form and assessed communication between a distal structural portion of the ribozyme—the protonated C41 base triple—and the active site containing the critical C75. We varied the ionization state of C41 in both the wild type and a C41 double mutant variant and determined the impact on the active site. In all four cases, effects at the active site observed in the simulations agree with experimental studies on ribozyme activity. Overall, these studies indicate that small functional RNAs have the potential to communicate interactions over long distances and that wild-type RNAs may have evolved ways to prevent such interactions from interfering with catalysis.  相似文献   

The microbial assemblages of Lake Cisó and Lake Vilar (Banyoles, northeast Spain) were analyzed in space and time by microscopy and by performing PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequence analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Samples obtained from different water depths and at two different times of the year (in the winter during holomixis and in the early spring during a phytoplankton bloom) were analyzed. Although the lakes have the same climatic conditions and the same water source, the limnological parameters were different, as were most of the morphologically distinguishable photosynthetic bacteria enumerated by microscopy. The phylogenetic affiliations of the predominant DGGE bands were inferred by performing a comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Sequences obtained from Lake Cisó samples were related to gram-positive bacteria and to members of the division Proteobacteria. Sequences obtained from Lake Vilar samples were related to members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum and to cyanobacteria. Thus, we found that like the previously reported differences between morphologically distinct inhabitants of the two lakes, there were also differences among the community members whose morphologies did not differ conspicuously. The changes in the species composition from winter to spring were also marked. The two lakes both contained sequences belonging to phototrophic green sulfur bacteria, which is consistent with microscopic observations, but these sequences were different from the sequences of cultured strains previously isolated from the lakes. Euryarchaeal sequences (i.e., methanogen- and thermoplasma-related sequences) also were present in both lakes. These euryarchaeal group sequences dominated the archaeal sequences in Lake Cisó but not in Lake Vilar. In Lake Vilar, a new planktonic population related to the crenarchaeota produced the dominant archaeal band. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that new bacterial and archaeal lineages were present and that the microbial diversity of these assemblages was greater than previously known. We evaluated the correspondence between the abundances of several morphotypes and DGGE bands by comparing microscopy and sequencing results. Our data provide evidence that the sequences obtained from the DGGE fingerprints correspond to the microorganisms that are actually present at higher concentrations in the natural system.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The present study reports the first record of the rearfin flying fish, Cypselurus opisthopus (Bleeker, 1865), in the south-eastern Arabian Sea based on a single specimen...  相似文献   

Characterizing the force of infection (FOI) is an essential part of planning cost effective control strategies for zoonotic diseases. Echinococcus multilocularis is the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis in humans, a serious disease with a high fatality rate and an increasing global spread. Red foxes are high prevalence hosts of E. multilocularis. Through a mathematical modelling approach, using field data collected from in and around the city of Zurich, Switzerland, we find compelling evidence that the FOI is periodic with highly variable amplitude, and, while this amplitude is similar across habitat types, the mean FOI differs markedly between urban and periurban habitats suggesting a considerable risk differential. The FOI, during an annual cycle, ranges from (0.1,0.8) insults (95% CI) in urban habitat in the summer to (9.4, 9.7) (95% CI) in periurban (rural) habitat in winter. Such large temporal and spatial variations in FOI suggest that control strategies are optimal when tailored to local FOI dynamics.  相似文献   

Biogeographical history and current ecological interactions have usually been addressed separately to explain the spatial distribution of patterns of biodiversity. In this study, we evaluated the integrated effects of biogeographical and environmental factors in structuring the diurnal amphibian anuran assemblages of the upper Madeira River, southwestern Amazonia. We used a sampling design involving 98 standardized units, distributed across seven locations covering both banks of the river's course in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. We conducted searches for frogs in three campaigns between February 2010 and February 2011, aiming to: (1) evaluate the effect of the Madeira River as a biogeographic barrier at the species‐assemblage level, and (2) test the influence of seven environmental variables (vegetation structure, vegetation cover, soil nutrients, soil structure, slope, elevation, and distance from the river bank) on the spatial structure of the frog assemblages, separately on each riverbank. Thirteen species of diurnal frogs were recorded, six of which were restricted to one of the river margins. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated a significant effect of the river as a barrier. Multiple regression analyses suggested that the environmental variables structuring frog assemblages differ on either side of the river. We found that both historical elements (on a regional scale) and environmental factors (at a local scale) shaped the occurrence and distribution of frog species in the study area.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the scale of dispersal and the mechanisms governing gene flow in marine environments remains fragmentary despite being essential for understanding evolution of marine biota and to design management plans. We use the limpets Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella rustica as models for identifying factors affecting gene flow in marine organisms across the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. A set of allozyme loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome C oxidase subunit I were screened for genetic variation through starch gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing, respectively. An approach combining clustering algorithms with clinal analyses was used to test for the existence of barriers to gene flow and estimate their geographic location and abruptness. Sharp breaks in the genetic composition of individuals were observed in the transitions between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and across southern Italian shores. An additional break within the Atlantic cluster separates samples from the Alboran Sea and Atlantic African shores from those of the Iberian Atlantic shores. The geographic congruence of the genetic breaks detected in these two limpet species strongly supports the existence of transpecific barriers to gene flow in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeastern Atlantic. This leads to testable hypotheses regarding factors restricting gene flow across the study area.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The sustainable use of wild species by local peopleis emerging as an important conservation strategy. The premiseis the economic value of species will justify their own preservationas well as the habitats they occupy. However, the lack of naturalhistory and demographic information for the majority of speciesbeing exploited or with potential uses presents challengingproblems for implementing sustainable use programs. Each yearin Argentina and Paraguay, an average of 1.9 million tegu lizardsof the genus Tupinambis are exploited for their skins. In spiteof the importance of tegus as a resource, their biology is poorlyknown and their populations have never been managed. The lifehistory of Tupinambis, like that of other exploited lizards,is characterized by a relatively long life span, a large clutchsize, several years of growth before reproduction, and highmortality of hatchlings. Importantly, the mortality of young-of-the-yearand the proportion of females reproducing each year are bothprobably strongly influenced by interannual environmental variation.Whenthese parameters were randomized in life table projections tosimulate the effects of environmental stochasticity, the populationgrowth rate was highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations.Monte Carlo simulations of different harvest strategies showedthat estimates of population growth rates were overwhelminglyinfluenced by environmental variation and the number of yearsincluded in the growth rate estimate, even in the face of seeminglylarge changes in adult mortality that would result from populationmanagement. These results are both encouraging and cautionaryfor Tupinambis conservation. On the one hand these patternscan help explain how Tupinambis populations may have persistedin spite of high and variable harvest levels during many years,but conversely, stochastic effects make it difficult to evaluatethe effects of conservation measures. Size and sex can be determinedfrom harvested skins, and pilot studies suggest that analysesof the annual harvest can provide valuable information for evaluatinglong-term population trends.  相似文献   

Arctic oases are regions of atypical warmth and relatively high biological production and diversity. They are small in area (<5 km2) and uncommon in occurrence, yet they are relatively well studied due to the abundance of plant and animal life contained within them. A notable exception is the lack of research on freshwater ecosystems within polar oases. Here, we aim to increase our understanding of freshwater diatom ecology in polar oases. Diatoms were identified and enumerated from modern sediments collected in 23 lakes and ponds contained within the Lake Hazen oasis on Ellesmere Island, and compared with diatom assemblages from 29 sites located outside of the oasis across the northern portion of the island. There were significant differences in water chemistry variables between oasis and northern sites, with oasis sites having higher conductivity and greater concentrations of nutrients and related variables such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Taxa across all sites were typical of those recorded in Arctic freshwaters, with species from the genera Achnanthes sensu lato, Fragilaria sensu lato, and Nitzschia dominating the assemblages. A correspondence analysis (CA) ordination showed that oasis sites generally plotted separately from the northern sites, although the sites also appear to plot separately based on whether they were lakes or ponds. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) identified specific conductivity, DOC, and SiO2 as explaining significant (< 0.05) and additional amounts of variation in the diatom data set. The most robust diatom‐based inference model was generated for DOC, which will provide useful reconstructions on long‐term changes in paleo‐optics of high Arctic lakes.  相似文献   

Over-exploitation of wildlife is a significant threat to global biodiversity, but addressing the sustainability of harvests can be difficult when trade is conducted illegally. The wildlife trade is driven chiefly by consumer demand, largely in developed nations (but increasingly in Asia), and more species are traded to meet international demand for pets than for any other purpose. We surveyed traders of amphibians and reptiles in the Indonesian provinces of Maluku, West Papua and Papua between September 2010 and April 2011. We recorded 5,370 individuals representing 52 species collected solely for the pet trade. At least 44?% were either fully protected or had not been allocated a harvest quota, making their harvest and trade illegal. Approximately half were listed within the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Trade operates via a complex chain, with hunters receiving little income compared to middlemen and exporters. Examination of Indonesian harvest quotas for amphibians and reptiles suggests limited knowledge of species distributions, with quotas often set for species in provinces where they do not occur. Illegal trade is due, partly, to an inadequate understanding of the species being traded and is facilitated by poor monitoring and enforcement at key trade hubs. As a first step to combatting illegal trade, and to better understand the effects of harvest on wild populations, we recommend the need for increased monitoring and enforcement, improving the knowledge base of species traded and educating consumers about the effects their demand for pets has on these species.  相似文献   

Scorpion systematics and taxonomy have recently shown a need for revision, partially due to insights from molecular techniques. Scorpion taxonomy has been difficult with morphological characters as disagreement exists among researchers with character choice for adequate species delimitation in taxonomic studies. Within the family Buthidae, species identification and delimitation is particularly difficult due to the morphological similarity among species and extensive intraspecific morphological diversity. The genus Centruroides in the western hemisphere is a prime example of the difficulty in untangling the taxonomic complexity within buthid scorpions. In this paper, we present phylogeographic, Ecological Niche Modeling, and morphometric analyses to further understand how population diversification may have produced morphological diversity in Centruroides vittatus (Say, 1821). We show that C. vittatus populations in the Big Bend and Trans-Pecos region of Texas, USA are phylogeographically distinct and may predate the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In addition, we suggest the extended isolation of Big Bend region populations may have created the C. vittatus variant once known as C. pantheriensis.  相似文献   

We measured beta diversity, or turnover in species composition, of ant assemblages inhabiting patches of forest and savanna (cerrado) near Alter do Chão, in the Brazilian Amazon. In addition, we assessed vertical partitioning of these assemblages by comparing the ground and lower vegetation strata within each habitat. Ants attracted to sardine baits were collected along transects in 39 savanna and 34 forest sites scattered over a 16 km × 16 km landscape. There were about twice as many species in the forest as in the savanna, and within both habitats, we collected more species on the ground than in the vegetation. Similar results were obtained when analyzing data at the level of individual transects, indicating that ant species richness is affected by both habitat and strata. About two‐thirds of the species recorded in the savanna were also found in the forest. Within both habitats, a large proportion of the species found in the least species‐rich stratum (vegetation) were also found in the richer one (ground). However, ordination analysis, using data from individual transects, revealed that different habitats and strata can be clearly discriminated from each other in terms of their ant species composition. Each habitat and stratum had a number of characteristic (indicator) species which, although generally not exclusive to that particular habitat and stratum, predominated there. Our findings indicate that habitat and strata specialization is an important factor governing the organization of ant communities in Amazonia.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone and its interactions with coarse surface sediments is increasingly reported by aquatic ecologists because the water exchanges between surface and subsurface are important factors for the understanding of the ecosystem functioning. However, the hyproheic oligochaete assemblages have received less attention than other assemblages such as crustaceans. In addition, studies investigating the incidence of pollution in watercourses have mostly focused on the benthic zone and have neglected the hyporheic zone. Some examples are given from an unpolluted glacial river (Roseg), polluted plains rivers (Moselle, Rhône) and a protected wetland in an urbanized environment. The hyporheic zone kept the memory of past and present incidences of pollution, in particular when downwellings of polluted surface waters to the hyporheic zone predominated. The Active hydrologic Exchange Describers between surface and subsurface (AED oligochaete species) were the same in the glacial river Roseg, the rivers Rhône and Moselle and the urbanized wetland. The predominance of pollution-tolerant species like Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was observed in polluted groundwater as well as in polluted surface coarse sediments. Moreover, the urbanized wetland exhibited a high species richness, suggesting that the hyporheic zone is a reservoir of species. The oligochaete communities enable biologists to simultaneously assess the pollution incidence, the permeability of coarse habitats, the water exchanges between surface and subsurface, and give an approximate measure of the metabolic activities in the sediments. Consequently, the simultaneous study of surface and hyporheic oligochaete assemblages is of great interest when considering the ecological functioning of watercourses and the incidence of pollution inputs.  相似文献   

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