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Higher eukaryotes, including mammals and plants, express a family of VDAC proteins each encoded by a distinct gene. Two human genes encoding VDAC isoforms (HVDAC1 and HVDAC2) have been characterized in greatest detail. These genes generate three proteins that differ primarily by the addition of distinct N terminal extensions in HVDAC2 and HVDAC2, a splice variant of HVDAC2, relative to HVDAC1. Since N terminal sequences have been demonstrated to target many proteins to appropriate subcellular compartments, this observation raises the possibility that the N terminal differences found in HVDAC isoforms may lead to targeting of each protein to different cellular locations. Consistent with this hypothesis, a large number of reports have provided evidence consistent with the notion that HVDAC1 and its homolog in related mammalian species may specifically be present in the plasma membrane or other nonmitochondrial cellular compartments. Here, we review this information and conclude that if VDAC molecules are present at nonmitochondrial locations in mammalian cells, these are unlikely to be the known products of the HVDAC1 or HVDAC2 genes.  相似文献   

Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is a naturally occurring polyanion made of ten to several hundred orthophosphates (Pi) linked together by phosphoanhydride bonds. PolyP is ubiquitously present in all organisms from bacteria to humans. Specific physiological roles of polyP vary dramatically depending on its size, concentration, tissue and subcellular localization. Recently we reported that mitochondria of ventricular myocytes contain significant amounts (280 ± 60 pmol/mg of protein) of polyP with an average length of 25 orthophosphates, and that polyP is involved in Ca2+-dependent activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). Here we extend our study to demonstrate the involvement of mitochondrial polyP in cardiac cell death. Furthermore, we show that polyP levels depend on the activity of the respiratory chain and are lower in myocytes from failing hearts. We conclude that polyP is a dynamically regulated macromolecule that plays an important role in mPTP-dependent cell death pathway.  相似文献   

The genome of Legionella pneumophila reveals the presence of a large number of genes coding for eukaryotic-like proteins. By using database searches and homology investigations, we identified three proteins in L. pneumophila whose sequences share similarities with that of eukaryotic polypeptides (lpg0211, lpg1974 and lpg1982). In eukaryotes, the corresponding proteins (PBR, peripheral benzodiazepine receptor; VDAC, voltage-dependant anion channel; and CypD, cyclophilin D) participate in the formation of the mammalian mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), a complex involved in cell apoptosis. Intriguingly, the presence of these proteins has never been reported in the same bacterium and constitutes, up to now, a unique feature of L. pneumophila. In Legionella, we hypothesize that these proteins are recruited in a multiprotein complex close to the MPTP that may regulate intracellular survival and/or proliferation.  相似文献   

The article examines the molecular mechanism of the Ca2+-dependent cyclosporin A (CsA)-insensitive permeability transition in rat liver mitochondria induced by α,ω-dioic acids. The addition of α,ω-hexadecanedioic acid (HDA) to Ca2+-loaded liver mitochondria was shown to induce a high-amplitude swelling of the organelles, a drop of membrane potential and the release of Ca2+ from the matrix, the effects being insensitive to CsA. The experiments with liposomes loaded with sulforhodamine B (SRB) revealed that, like palmitic acid (PA), HDA was able to cause permeabilization of liposomal membranes. However, the kinetics of HDA- and PA-induced release of SRB from liposomes was different, and HDA was less effective than PA in the induction of SRB release. Using the method of ultrasound interferometry, we also showed that the addition of Ca2+ to HDA-containing liposomes did not change the phase state of liposomal membranes—in contrast to what was observed when Ca2+ was added to PA-containing vesicles. It was suggested that HDA/Ca2+- and PA/Ca2+-induced permeability transition occurs by different mechanisms. Using the method of dynamic light scattering, we further revealed that the addition of Ca2+ to HDA-containing liposomes induced their aggregation/fusion. Apparently, these processes result in a partial release of SRB due to the formation of fusion pores. The possibility that this mechanism underlies the HDA/Ca2+-induced permeability transition of the mitochondrial membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid) from human blood serum was isolated in pure form and then reconstituted into large multilamellar liposomes, consisting of a binary mixture of hen-egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. These liposomes were found to be osmotically sensitive. The osmotic water permeability of proteoliposomes was determined by light-scattering measurements of the osmotic volume changes after mixing with hyperosmotic solutions of potassium salts and aminoglycoside antibiotics. The initial rate of water outflow was measured as a function of glycoprotein concentration in the mixture for the preparation of proteoliposomes. This can serve as an indication for membrane permeability to the solutes used in these experiments. It was shown that aminoglycoside antibiotics passed much faster across the membrane than potassium salts, in the presence of glycoprotein in the liposomes. A recognition pattern in the osmotic behavior of these proteoliposomes was assumed.  相似文献   

The tectorial membrane (TM) is an extracellular matrix that is directly coupled with the mechanoelectrical receptors responsible for sensory transduction and amplification. As such, the TM is often hypothesized to play a key role in the remarkable sensory abilities of the mammalian cochlea. Genetic studies targeting TM proteins have shown that changes in TM structure dramatically affect cochlear function in mice. Precise information about the mechanical properties of the TMs of wild-type and mutant mice at audio frequencies is required to elucidate the role of the TM and to understand how these genetic mutations affect cochlear mechanics. In this study, images of isolated TM segments are used to determine both the radial and longitudinal motions of the TM in response to a harmonic radial excitation. The resulting longitudinally propagating radial displacement and highly spatially dependent longitudinal displacement are modeled using finite-element models that take into account the anisotropy and finite dimensions of TMs. An automated, least-square fitting algorithm is used to find the anisotropic material properties of wild-type and Tectb?/? mice at audio frequencies. Within the auditory frequency range, it is found that the TM is a highly viscoelastic and anisotropic structure with significantly higher stiffness in the direction of the collagen fibers. Although no decrease in the stiffness in the fiber direction is observed, the stiffness of the TM in shear and in the transverse direction is found to be significantly reduced in Tectb?/? mice. As a result, TMs of the mutant mice tend to be significantly more anisotropic within the frequency range examined in this study. The effects of the Tectb?/? mutation on the TM’s anisotropic material properties may be responsible for the changes in cochlear tuning and sensitivity that have been previously reported for these mice.  相似文献   

C. Masterson  C. Wood  D. R. Thomas 《Planta》1990,182(1):129-135
-Oxidation enzymes were detected both in the mitochondria and microbodies of Arum maculatum L. spadices and Brassica napus L. seeds. It is apparent that the mitochondrial membrane barrier, which remains intact after sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation, prevents rapid access of acyl-GoA substrates to matrix oxidation tes. Thus intact mitochondria showed little -oxidation enzyme activity. Rupturing of the mitochondrial membrane allowed rapid access of acyl CoAs to matrix sites. Consequently, in ruptured mitochondria, high -oxidation enzyme activities were measured.C. Masterson thanks the Science and Engineering Research Council for the award of a postgraduate student maintenance grant. D.R. Thomas and C. Wood thank their relatives for continuing financial support. The authors also thank West Cumberland Farmers Ltd., Hexham, UK for their gift of oilseed rape seeds.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and aging: a role for the permeability transition?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
When mitochondria are subjected to oxidative stress and relatively high [Ca2+], they undergo a "permeability transition" in which the inner membrane becomes freely permeable to low-molecular-weight solutes. This phenomenon reflects reversible deformation of the adenine nucleotide translocase, the loss of its native gating properties and the stabilization of the deformed state by cyclophilin-D. The permeability transition may be a factor in cell dysfunction associated with aging. This can manifest in a number of ways ranging, in the most severe, from impaired energy transduction and compromised viability to more subtle influences on the propagation of Ca2+ signals. This article critically examines data relevant to this issue.  相似文献   

The transition from ovarian granulosa to lutein cell during the estrus cycle of 60 pregnant and non-pregnant beagle bitches was analyzed by light and electron microscopy (both 100 and 1000 KV). Early proestrus was characterized by a gradual rise in serum estrogen levels, hyperplasia of the granulosa cells, the accumulation of follicular fluid, and the development of tortuous intercellular channels. During the second half of proestrus, serum estrogen levels continued to rise, but growth, division, and differentiation of the granulosa cells was minimal. Estrus was marked by the first acceptance of the male and a well-defined LH peak In the subsequent 24 hour period, the granulosa-lutein cells hypertrophy rapidly and develop a large Golgi apparatus, small profiles of granular endoplasmic reticulum, numerous microfilaments, and large gap junctions between the cells. Mitochondria also proliferate, enlarge, and elongate, but retain lamelliform cristae. Luteinization of the cells and progesterone secretion begin just after ovulation which in turn occurs about 24 hours after the LH peak. On the third and fourth day of estrus, numerous small vesicles of agranular endoplasmic reticulum fill the extoplasm and the mitochondria swell up and round off. The vesicles rapidly fuse into whorled and flattened cisternae or anastomosing tubules of agranular endoplasmic reticulum, while the mitochondria develop tubulovesicular cristae. These structures gradually become organized with respect to the basal lamina. The Golgi apparatus is centered over the pole of the nucleus that faces the pericapillary space. Stacked and whorled cisternae of agranular ER develop in the lateral margins and avascular end of the cell while mitochondria and tubular elements of agranular ER predominate in the central medial and most basal portions of the cytoplasm. Microfilaments are ubiquitous and appear to be instrumental in this orientation process. The cell surface develops three distinct regional specializations that coincide with the underlying cellular compartments: interconnecting pleomorphic folds fill the pericapillary space; long tenous microvilli project from the lateral cell surface and form tortuous intercellular channels and canaliculi; and large gap junctions form along the margins of the cell furthest removed from the basal lamina. By the sixth day of estrus, the granulosa-luteal cell transition is nearly complete and serum progesterone levels are on the rise.  相似文献   

Spinach chloroplast thylakoids treated in the light with bifunctional maleimides were previously shown to be uncoupled. The increase in proton permeability by these reagents is caused by the cross-linking of an accessible group on the subunit of coupling factor 1 (CF1) to a group that becomes exposed to reaction with maleimides only when the thylakoids are energized. In this study, several bifunctional maleimides, includingo-,m-, andp-phenylenebismaleimides, 2,3- and 1,5-naphthalenebismaleimides, and azophenylbismaleimide, were tested for their ability to form cross-links and to uncouple photophosphorylation. These reagents form cross-links from about 6 to 19 Å. Each reagent was found to form cross-links in the light and to inhibit photophosphorylation. However, the effectiveness of these compounds as uncouplers decreased as the distance between the cross-linked groups increased, indicating that the distance between two groups on the subunit of CF1 can regulate proton flux through the membrane. Monofunctional maleimides cause a light-dependent energy transfer type of inhibition of photophosphorylation. Although this inhibition was correlated to the reaction of the maleimide with a group on the subunit that is exposed only in energized thylakoids, the accessible group on this subunit was also modified by the reagent. However, we show here that the accessible group plays no role in the inhibition of photophosphorylation. This group may be blocked by incubating thylakoids in the dark with methyl methanethiolsulfonate. The light-dependent inhibition of photophosphorylation byN-ethylmaleimide was unaffected by this treatment or by the subsequent removal of the methanethiol moiety from the accessible group.  相似文献   

1. Toads dehydrated to 80% of their standard weight (% SW) were rehydrated during 3 hr in distilled water.2. Water permeability of the skin was positively correlated with the degree of dehydration in the range 80–100% SW.3. Systemic administration of the β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (5 mg/kg) 90 min after rehydration started (animals fully hydrated) increased skin permeability to the values observed in 80% SW dehydrated animals.4. The administration of the β-adrenergic blocker propranolol (5 mg/kg) 15 min before rehydration started produced a long-lasting decrease in water permeability during the 3 hr of rehydration.5. The results are consistent with the hypothesis of a β-adrenergic control of the water permeability of the skin during rehydration.  相似文献   

Brain accumulation of the amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and oxidative stress underlie neuronal dysfunction and memory loss in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hexokinase (HK), a key glycolytic enzyme, plays important pro-survival roles, reducing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and preventing apoptosis in neurons and other cell types. Brain isozyme HKI is mainly associated with mitochondria and HK release from mitochondria causes a significant decrease in enzyme activity and triggers oxidative damage. We here investigated the relationship between Aβ-induced oxidative stress and HK activity. We found that Aβ triggered HKI detachment from mitochondria decreasing HKI activity in cortical neurons. Aβ oligomers further impair energy metabolism by decreasing neuronal ATP levels. Aβ-induced HKI cellular redistribution was accompanied by excessive ROS generation and neuronal death. 2-deoxyglucose blocked Aβ-induced oxidative stress and neuronal death. Results suggest that Aβ-induced cellular redistribution and inactivation of neuronal HKI play important roles in oxidative stress and neurodegeneration in AD.  相似文献   

Infanticide by primate males was considered rare if groups contain more than one adult male because, owing to lower paternity certainty, a male should be less likely to benefit from infanticide. Guided by recent evidence for strong variation of infanticide in primate multi-male groups, we modelled the conditions for when infanticide should occur for a group with a resident and an immigrant male. Setting the parameters (e.g. infant mortality, reduction of interbirth interval, life-time reproductive success, genetic representation) to fit the conditions most commonly found in nature, we develop a game-theoretic model to explore the influence of age and dominance on the occurrence of infanticide and infant defence. Male age strongly impacts the likelihood of an attack which is modified by the father's defence. If the new male is dominant he is likely to attack under most circumstances whereas a subordinate male will only attack if the father does not defend. These model scenarios fit the conditions under which infanticide is known to occur in primate multi-male groups and offer an explanation why infanticide is common in some multi-male groups and rare in others. Overall, the benefits for infanticidal males are strongly governed by a reduced interbirth interval while advantages via improved genetic representation in the gene pool contribute but a minor fraction.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopic images were obtained from the immunohistochemical sections of jejeunum to determine the localization/colocalization between caveolin-1, caveolin-2 and caveolin-3 in intestinal smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) of Cav1+/+ and Cav1−/− mouse. Intestinal regions were segmented [inner circular muscle (icm), outer circular muscle (ocm), myenteric plexus region (mp), and longitudinal muscle (lm)] by LSM 5 and analyzed by ImageJ to show Pearson’s correlation (r p) and overlap coefficient (r) of colocalization. In the intestine of Cav1+/+, caveolin-1 (cav1) was colocalized with caveolin-2 (cav2) and caveolin-3 (cav3). Cav2 also was well colocalized with cav3. In the intestine of Cav1−/−, cav1 and cav2 were absent in all images, but reduced cav3 was expressed in ocm. Caveolae were present in cell types with cav1 in Cav1+/+, and present with cav3 in ocm of Cav1−/−. C-kit occurred in deep muscular plexus (ICC-DMP) and myenteric plexus (ICC-MP), in both Cav1+/+ and Cav1−/−, and colocalized with cav1 and cav2 in the intestine of Cav1+/+. Cav3 was absent/present at low immunoreactivity in ICC-DMP and ICC-MP of the intestines of Cav1+/+ and Cav1−/−. To conclude, cav1 is necessary for the expression of cav2 in SMC and ICC of intestine and facilitates, but is not necessary for the expression of cav3.  相似文献   

An enzymatic reaction within a mesh-like structure constructed using hyaluronan was investigated in order to understand the influence of specific reaction environments in a living body on the reaction. This mesh-like structure, which mimicked extracellular matrix conditions, was found to accelerate glycohydrolysis by Jack bean α-mannosidase.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1 deficient (Pgc-1β−/−) murine hearts model the increased, age-dependent, ventricular arrhythmic risks attributed to clinical conditions associated with mitochondrial energetic dysfunction. These were accompanied by compromised action potential (AP) upstroke rates and impaired conduction velocities potentially producing arrhythmic substrate. We tested a hypothesis implicating compromised Na+ current in these electrophysiological phenotypes by applying loose patch-clamp techniques in intact young and aged, wild-type (WT) and Pgc-1β−/−, ventricular cardiomyocyte preparations for the first time. This allowed conservation of their in vivo extracellular and intracellular conditions. Depolarising steps elicited typical voltage-dependent activating and inactivating inward Na+ currents with peak amplitudes increasing or decreasing with their respective activating or preceding inactivating voltage steps. Two-way analysis of variance associated Pgc-1β−/− genotype with independent reductions in maximum peak ventricular Na+ currents from −36.63 ± 2.14 (n = 20) and −35.43 ± 1.96 (n = 18; young and aged WT, respectively), to −29.06 ± 1.65 (n = 23) and −27.93 ± 1.63 (n = 20; young and aged Pgc-1β−/−, respectively) pA/μm2 (p < 0.0001), without independent effects of, or interactions with age. Voltages at half-maximal current V*, and steepness factors k in plots of voltage dependences of both Na+ current activation and inactivation, and time constants for its postrepolarisation recovery from inactivation, remained indistinguishable through all experimental groups. So were the activation and rectification properties of delayed outward (K+) currents, demonstrated from tail currents reflecting current recoveries from respective varying or constant voltage steps. These current–voltage properties directly implicate decreases specifically in maximum available Na+ current with unchanged voltage dependences and unaltered K+ current properties, in proarrhythmic reductions in AP conduction velocity in Pgc-1β−/− ventricles.  相似文献   

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