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When an object is presented visually and moves or flickers, the perception of its duration tends to be overestimated. Such an overestimation is called time dilation. Perceived time can also be distorted when a stimulus is presented aurally as an auditory flutter, but the mechanisms and their relationship to visual processing remains unclear. In the present study, we measured interval timing perception while modulating the temporal characteristics of visual and auditory stimuli, and investigated whether the interval times of visually and aurally presented objects shared a common mechanism. In these experiments, participants compared the durations of flickering or fluttering stimuli to standard stimuli, which were presented continuously. Perceived durations for auditory flutters were underestimated, while perceived durations of visual flickers were overestimated. When auditory flutters and visual flickers were presented simultaneously, these distortion effects were cancelled out. When auditory flutters were presented with a constantly presented visual stimulus, the interval timing perception of the visual stimulus was affected by the auditory flutters. These results indicate that interval timing perception is governed by independent mechanisms for visual and auditory processing, and that there are some interactions between the two processing systems.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the perception of presentation durations of pictures of different body postures was distorted as function of the embodied movement that originally produced these postures. Participants were presented with two pictures, one with a low-arousal body posture judged to require no movement and the other with a high-arousal body posture judged to require considerable movement. In a temporal bisection task with two ranges of standard durations (0.4/1.6 s and 2/8 s), the participants had to judge whether the presentation duration of each of the pictures was more similar to the short or to the long standard duration. The results showed that the duration was judged longer for the posture requiring more movement than for the posture requiring less movement. However the magnitude of this overestimation was relatively greater for the range of short durations than for that of longer durations. Further analyses suggest that this lengthening effect was mediated by an arousal effect of limited duration on the speed of the internal clock system.  相似文献   

Temporal summation was estimated by measuring the detection thresholds for pulses with durations of 1–50 ms in the presence of noise maskers. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of the spectral profiles and intensities of noise maskers on temporal summation, to investigate the appearance of signs of peripheral processing of pulses with various frequency-time structures in auditory responses, and to test the opportunity to use temporal summation for speech recognition. The central frequencies of pulses and maskers were similar. The maskers had ripple structures of the amplitude spectra of two types. In some maskers, the central frequencies coincided with the spectrum humps, whereas in other maskers, they coincided with spectrum dip (so-called on- and off-maskers). When the auditory system differentiated the masker humps, then the difference between the thresholds of recognition of the stimuli presented together with each of two types of maskers was not equal to zero. The assessment of temporal summation and the difference of the thresholds of pulse recognition under conditions of the presentation of the on- and off-maskers allowed us to make a conclusion on auditory sensitivity and the resolution of the spectral structure of maskers or frequency selectivity during presentation of pulses of various durations in local frequency areas. In order to estimate the effect of the dynamic properties of hearing on sensitivity and frequency selectivity, we changed the intensity of maskers. We measured temporal summation under the conditions of the presentation of on- and off-maskers of various intensities in two frequency ranges (2 and 4 kHz) in four subjects with normal hearing and one person with age-related hearing impairments who complained of a decrease in speech recognition under noise conditions. Pulses shorter than 10 ms were considered as simple models of consonant sounds, whereas tone pulses longer than 10 ms were considered as simple models of vowel sounds. In subjects with normal hearing in the range of moderate masker intensities, we observed an enhancement of temporal summation when the short pulses or consonant sounds were presented and an improvement of the resolution of the broken structure of masker spectra when the short and tone pulses, i.e., consonant and vowel sounds, were presented. We supposed that the enhancement of the summation was related to the refractoriness of the fibers of the auditory nerve. In the range of 4 kHz, the subject with age-related hearing impairments did not recognize the ripple structure of the maskers in the presence of the short pulses or consonant sounds. We supposed that these impairments were caused by abnormal synchronization of the responses of the auditory nerve fibers induced by the pulses, and this resulted in a decrease in speech recognition.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to match 2- and 10-s durations of houselight to red and green comparisons. Following acquisition with a 0-s baseline delay, they were tested with delays of 0, 10 and 20 s. There was a strong tendency to choose the short-associated comparison stimulus at both the 10- and 20-s delays (i.e., a choose-short effect) and no bias at the 0-s delay. This test was repeated after baseline training with a constant 10-s delay. As in the first delay test, a choose-short effect was obtained at the 20-s delay. In contrast to the first test, no bias was obtained at the 10-s delay and a strong tendency to choose the long-associated comparison (i.e., a choose-long effect) was obtained at the 0-s delay. Importantly, the choose-long effect was obtained under conditions which insured that the temporal spacing between a 0-s delay trial and the preceding trial was equal to that in training. These results are inconsistent with the temporal summation account of the choose-long effect and are most readily interpreted within a perspective emphasizing the subjective shortening of temporal memories over time.  相似文献   

It was examined whether stimulus modality (auditory vs. visual) affects the retrieval of subjective duration from memory. In two experiments the temporal generalization paradigm was used. Participants had to decide whether the previously learned standard duration (400 ms) occurred in the context of comparison stimuli. Two major results were found. (1) Discrimination was more accurate if the training and testing stimuli were of the same modality than if they were of opposite modalities. (2) If both modality of learning and modality of testing were different, subjects systematically underestimated the test durations, i.e. temporal generalization gradients (the proportion of identifications of a stimulus as the standard, plotted against stimulus duration) shifted to the right. The observed shift is interpreted as a result of a delayed timing process.  相似文献   

We examined if the representation of time intervals in a temporal discrimination task is based not only on their absolute but also on their relative durations. Six pigeons learned two temporal discriminations. In the first, red and green choices were correct following 2-s and 8-s samples, respectively. In the second, vertical and horizontal bar choices were correct following 4-s and 16-s samples, respectively. In a previous study [Zentall, T.R., Weaver, J.E., Clement, T.S., 2004. Pigeons group time intervals according to their relative duration. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 11, 113-117.], tests with 4-s samples and red/green comparisons revealed a bias for red, whereas tests with 8-s samples with vertical/horizontal comparisons revealed a bias for horizontal. These results were interpreted in terms of relative encoding of sample durations. We attempted to replicate this finding but instead of testing with only 4-s or 8-s samples, we tested with several other sample durations to obtain a psychometric function. Results were inconsistent with the relative encoding hypothesis.  相似文献   

The line transect method is one of the main methods used to estimate primate densities. Several protocols have been proposed to analyze the data recorded under this method but none of them have been widely accepted since there is a considerable controversy about their respective accuracy. In this study, densities of the black colobus monkeyColobus satanas calculated using eight different protocols were compared with the actual density given by the home range method. Rates of polyspecific associations were also compared. The two most accurate estimates of group density (under- or overestimation <10%) were yielded by the protocol that used the maximum transect-to-animal distance and by that of using a fixed distance of 100 m. These protocols, however, underestimated individual density because counts performed from transects underestimated by 23% the average group size. The six other protocols overestimated group density by 20–195%. Factors that could explain these overestimation were discussed. Because histogram of sighting frequency showed several classes of distances with no records and because groups have been detected as far as 160 m, we suggested that the uneven topography of the study site increased the variability of the sighting distances. Combined with a relatively low number of sightings (n=23), this did not allow to identify a sharp detection distance. Rates of polyspecific association found with the two methods were similar. We recommend to investigate the influence of the topography for bias in density estimates when using the line transect method.  相似文献   

Research conducted by Rumbaugh, Savage-Rumbaugh, and Hegel (1987) demonstrated that chimpanzees, presented with two pairs of quantities of chocolate chips, were capable of combining noncontiguous areas in order to choose the pair that contained the greater quantity. Further research (Rumbaugh, Savage-Rumbaugh, and Pate, 1988) showed that this ability is not based on the avoidance of the pair containing the smallest single amount or selection of the pair containing the largest single amount. In the experiments in the present sutdy, the influence of wells containing zero or one chocolate on summation and the consequences of eliminating the requirement to sum noncontiguous areas by interpersing trials in which only two (rather than four) food wells were investigated. It was found that summation of quantities occurred regardless whether food wells containing zero or one were present. Also, the chimpanzees performed significantly better on two-well trials than on four-well trials, thereby suggesting that they were not simply discounting the space between the wells on four-well trials but, instead, were employing a combinatorial process which we call summation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of an auditory tone on the localization of visual objects in the stream/bounce display (SBD). In this display, two identical visual objects move toward each other, overlap, and then return to their original positions. These objects can be perceived as either streaming through or bouncing off each other. In this study, the closest distance between object centers on opposing trajectories and tone presentation timing (none, 0 ms, ± 90 ms, and ± 390 ms relative to the instant for the closest distance) were manipulated. Observers were asked to judge whether the two objects overlapped with each other and whether the objects appeared to stream through, bounce off each other, or reverse their direction of motion. A tone presented at or around the instant of the objects’ closest distance biased judgments toward “non-overlapping,” and observers overestimated the physical distance between objects. A similar bias toward direction change judgments (bounce and reverse, not stream judgments) was also observed, which was always stronger than the non-overlapping bias. Thus, these two types of judgments were not always identical. Moreover, another experiment showed that it was unlikely that this observed mislocalization could be explained by other previously known mislocalization phenomena (i.e., representational momentum, the Fröhlich effect, and a turn-point shift). These findings indicate a new example of crossmodal mislocalization, which can be obtained without temporal offsets between audiovisual stimuli. The mislocalization effect is also specific to a more complex stimulus configuration of objects on opposing trajectories, with a tone that is presented simultaneously. The present study promotes an understanding of relatively complex audiovisual interactions beyond simple one-to-one audiovisual stimuli used in previous studies.  相似文献   

A disturbance in the evaluation of personal body mass and shape is a key feature of both anorexia and bulimia nervosa. However, it is uncertain whether overestimation is a causal factor in the development of these eating disorders or is merely a secondary effect of having a low body mass. Moreover, does this overestimation extend to the perception of other people''s bodies? Since body mass is an important factor in the perception of physical attractiveness, we wanted to determine whether this putative overestimation of self body mass extended to include the perceived attractiveness of others. We asked 204 female observers (31 anorexic, 30 bulimic and 143 control) to estimate the body mass and rate the attractiveness of a set of 25 photographic images showing people of varying body mass index (BMI). BMI is a measure of weight scaled for height (kg m(- 2)). The observers also estimated their own BMI. Anorexic and bulimic observers systematically overestimated the body mass of both their own and other people''s bodies, relative to controls, and they rated a significantly lower body mass to be optimally attractive. When the degree of overestimation is plotted against the BMI of the observer there is a strong correlation. Taken across all our observers, as the BMI of the observer declines, the overestimation of body mass increases. One possible explanation for this result is that the overestimation is a secondary effect caused by weight loss. Moreover, if the degree of body mass overestimation is taken into account, then there are no significant differences in the perceptions of attractiveness between anorexic and bulimic observers and control observers. Our results suggest a significant perceptual overestimation of BMI that is based on the observer''s own BMI and not correlated with cognitive factors, and suggests that this overestimation in eating-disordered patients must be addressed directly in treatment regimes.  相似文献   

Length of baseline training influences how methamphetamine disrupts temporal performance under a peak interval schedule. Acute methamphetamine produces overestimation of time following relatively brief training, but following extended training, methamphetamine produces more general loss of stimulus control. The current study extends the study of training length on the effects of methamphetamine to an interval-bisection procedure. Six pigeons responded under a psychophysical choice procedure in which responses to one key color were correct after presentation of four shorter sample durations and responses to another key color were correct after presentation of four longer sample durations. One group of three pigeons received briefer baseline training (45 sessions), while another group received more extended training (223 sessions) prior to methamphetamine administration. There was no evidence of overestimation of time or generalized loss of stimulus control in either group. Sensitivity (precision of timing) was higher in the group with more extensive training and was disrupted by methamphetamine.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether age-related changes in the speed of information processing are the best predictors of the increase in sensitivity to time throughout childhood. Children aged 5 and 8 years old, as well adults, were given two temporal bisection tasks, one with short (0.5/1-s) and the other with longer (4/8-s) anchor durations. In addition, the participants'' scores on different neuropsychological tests assessing both information processing speed and other dimensions of cognitive control (short-term memory, working memory, selective attention) were calculated. The results showed that the best predictor of individual variances in sensitivity to time was information processing speed, although working memory also accounted for some of the individual differences in time sensitivity, albeit to a lesser extent. In sum, the faster the information processing speed of the participants, the higher their sensitivity to time was. These results are discussed in the light of the idea that the development of temporal capacities has its roots in the maturation of the dynamic functioning of the brain.  相似文献   

The relationship between induction of central sensitization and facilitation of temporal summation to repetitive stimulation is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal summation before and after the induction of secondary hyperalgesia by two different experimental methods: capsaicin injection and controlled heat injury. The effect of each injury model was assessed on a separate day with an interval of at least 5 days. Twelve healthy volunteers participated. Each experiment was performed using electrical, radiant heat, mechanical impact, and punctuate stimuli consecutively. The pain threshold (PT) to a single stimulus and the summation threshold to five repetitive stimuli for electrical (2?Hz) and radiant heat (0.83?Hz) were assessed within the secondary hyperalgesic area. The degree of temporal summation for stimulus intensities of 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 times the baseline pain thresholds were evaluated by the increase in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores from the first to the fifth stimulus of the train. Further, the degrees of temporal summation were assessed for mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli within the primary and secondary hyperalgesic areas. The contra-lateral forearm served as control (no injury). The pain threshold and the summation threshold to electrical and heat stimuli decreased significantly within the secondary hyperalgesic area after the injury induced by both heat injury or capsaicin injection. However, there was no temporal summation for heat and electrical stimuli in either model. In contrast, for the mechanical impact and punctuate mechanical stimuli the degree of temporal summation was significantly facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic areas compared with the baseline and the control arm in both models. In the primary hyperalgesic area, the degree of temporal summation was facilitated to mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli but only following the capsaicin injection. In conclusion, the temporal summation mechanism for mechanical stimuli was facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic area.  相似文献   

The relationship between induction of central sensitization and facilitation of temporal summation to repetitive stimulation is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal summation before and after the induction of secondary hyperalgesia by two different experimental methods: capsaicin injection and controlled heat injury. The effect of each injury model was assessed on a separate day with an interval of at least 5 days. Twelve healthy volunteers participated. Each experiment was performed using electrical, radiant heat, mechanical impact, and punctuate stimuli consecutively. The pain threshold (PT) to a single stimulus and the summation threshold to five repetitive stimuli for electrical (2 Hz) and radiant heat (0.83 Hz) were assessed within the secondary hyperalgesic area. The degree of temporal summation for stimulus intensities of 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 times the baseline pain thresholds were evaluated by the increase in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores from the first to the fifth stimulus of the train. Further, the degrees of temporal summation were assessed for mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli within the primary and secondary hyperalgesic areas. The contra-lateral forearm served as control (no injury). The pain threshold and the summation threshold to electrical and heat stimuli decreased significantly within the secondary hyperalgesic area after the injury induced by both heat injury or capsaicin injection. However, there was no temporal summation for heat and electrical stimuli in either model. In contrast, for the mechanical impact and punctuate mechanical stimuli the degree of temporal summation was significantly facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic areas compared with the baseline and the control arm in both models. In the primary hyperalgesic area, the degree of temporal summation was facilitated to mechanical impact and punctuate stimuli but only following the capsaicin injection. In conclusion, the temporal summation mechanism for mechanical stimuli was facilitated in the secondary hyperalgesic area.  相似文献   

Fifteen subjects who lived singly in an isolation unit without temporal cues were asked to note every day after awakening how many hours they thought they had slept, and in the evening before retiring how many hours they had been awake. These estimates of the duration of sleep and wakefulness were compared with the intervals between two signals given by the subjects by pressing a button at the time of waking up and when turning off their bedside reading lamp. The results can be summarized as follows: (a) the daily estimated durations of sleep and wakefulness were positively correlated with the actual durations in all but one subject; (b) sleep and wake times were better estimated in the presence of a light-dark cycle even if the subjects were not entrained by the zeitgeber; (c) for both episodes, there was a consistent trend from an overestimation of relatively short to an underestimation of long durations; (d) with equal durations in the two episodes, sleep was estimated to be shorter than wake time; (e) the most accurate estimates centered around 10.5 h of sleep and 13.5 h of wake time; (f) the sleep and wake times added up to 24 h in subjects who did not deliberately “compensate” for relatively long sleep estimates with a short wake estimate, with the full cycle being adjusted to 24 h.  相似文献   

Two distinct conceptualisations of processing mechanisms have been proposed in the research on the perception of temporal order, one that assumes a central-timing mechanism that is involved in the detection of temporal order independent of modality and stimulus type, another one assuming feature-specific mechanisms that are dependent on stimulus properties. In the present study, four different temporal-order judgement tasks were compared to test these two conceptualisations, that is, to determine whether common processes underlie temporal-order thresholds over different modalities and stimulus types or whether distinct processes are related to each task. Measurements varied regarding modality (visual and auditory) and stimulus properties (auditory modality: clicks and tones; visual modality: colour and position). Results indicate that the click and the tone paradigm, as well as the colour and position paradigm, correlate with each other. Besides these intra-modal relationships, cross-modal correlations show dependencies between the click, the colour and the position tasks. Both processing mechanisms seem to influence the detection of temporal order. While two different tones are integrated and processed by a more independent, possibly feature-specific mechanism, a more central, modality-independent timing mechanism contributes to the click, colour and position condition.  相似文献   

Paternity protection and the acquisition of multiple mates select for different traits. The consensus from theoretical work is that mate‐guarding intensifies with an increasing male bias in the adult sex ratio (ASR). A male bias can thus lead to male monogamy if guarding takes up the entire male time budget. Given that either female‐ or male‐biased ASRs are possible, why is promiscuity clearly much more common than male monogamy? We address this question with two models, differing in whether males can assess temporal cues of female fertility. Our results confirm the importance of the ASR: guarding durations increase with decreasing female availability and increasing number of male competitors. However, several factors prevent the mating system from switching to male monogamy as soon as the ASR becomes male biased. Inefficient guarding, incomplete last male sperm precedence, any mechanism that allows sperm to fertilize eggs after the male's departure, and (in some cases) the unfeasibility of precopulatory guarding all help explain cases where promiscuity exists on its own or alongside temporally limited mate‐guarding. Shortening the window of fertilization shifts guarding time budgets from the postcopulatory to the precopulatory stage.  相似文献   

Invertebrate lineages tend to originate and become extinct at a higher rate in onshore than in offshore habitats over long temporal durations (more than 10 Myr), but it remains unclear whether this pattern scales down to durations of stages (less than 5 Myr) or even sequences (less than 0.5 Myr). We assess whether onshore–offshore gradients in long-term turnover between the tropical Eocene and the warm-temperate Plio-Pleistocene can be extrapolated from gradients in short-term turnover, using abundances of molluscan species from bulk samples in the northeast Atlantic Province. We find that temporal turnover of metacommunities does not significantly decline with depth over short durations (less than 5 Myr), but significantly declines with depth between the Eocene and Plio-Pleistocene (approx. 50 Myr). This decline is determined by a higher onshore extinction of Eocene genera and families, by a higher onshore variability in abundances of genera and families, and by an onshore expansion of genera and families that were frequent offshore in the Eocene. Onshore–offshore decline in turnover thus emerges only over long temporal durations. We suggest that this emergence is triggered by abrupt and spatially extensive climatic or oceanographic perturbations that occurred between the Eocene and Plio-Pleistocene. Plio-Pleistocene metacommunities show a high proportion of bathymetric generalists, in contrast to Eocene metacommunities. Accordingly, the net cooling and weaker thermal gradients may have allowed offshore specialists to expand into onshore habitats and maintain their presence in offshore habitats.  相似文献   

Biases are commonly seen in numerical cognition. The operational momentum (OM) effect shows that responses to addition and subtraction problems are biased in the whole-number direction of the operation. It is not known if this bias exists for other arithmetic operations. To determine whether OM exists in scalar operations, we measured response bias in adults performing symbolic (Arabic digits) and non-symbolic (dots) multiplication and division problems. After seeing two operands, with either a multiplication (×) or division (÷) sign, participants chose among five response choices. Both non-random performance profiles and the significant contribution of both operands in a multiple regression analysis predicting the chosen values, suggest that adults were able to use numerical information to approximate the outcomes in both notations, though they were more accurate on symbolic problems. Performance on non-symbolic problems was influenced by the size of the correct choice relative to alternatives. Reminiscent of the bias in addition and subtraction, we found a significant response bias for non-symbolic problems. Non-symbolic multiplication problems were overestimated and division problems were underestimated. These results indicate that operational momentum is present in non-symbolic multiplication and division. Given the influence of the size of the correct choice relative to alternatives, an interaction between heuristic bias and approximate calculation is possible.  相似文献   

Effects of the summation of forces generated by functionally isolated slow-twitch motor units (MU) of the rat soleus muscle were examined in this study. Initially, the twitch, fused tetanic and unfused tetanic contractions evoked by trains of stimuli at variable interpulse intervals were recorded for each MU. Then, two, three or four MUs were co-activated, and the recorded forces were compared to the algebraic sum of the forces of individual MUs. The mean cumulative force of twitches and the mean cumulative force of fused tetani were not statistically different from the respective algebraic sums of forces, which revealed a high degree of linearity in the summation. However, relaxation of the recorded tetanic contractions (either fused or unfused) was faster than that predicted by the linear summation of individual contractions. Moreover, for twitch and tetanic contractions, a tendency to shorten relaxation with an increasing number of co-active MUs was noted. The results indicate that forces of rat soleus slow MUs sum up more linearly than in the respective cat muscle as well as more linearly than for fast MUs in the medial gastrocnemius muscle.  相似文献   

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