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We recently demonstrated the circadian clock modulated water dynamics in the roots of a small model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) microimaging technique. Our developed technique was able to visualize the water distribution that depended on differences in the 1H signal among region in the shoot, such as the shoot apex, the hypocotyl and the root shoot junction. Water content in the shoot increased during periods of light in comparison with dark periods, and continued through the early stage of seedling growth until the dark period. When the water content changed, elongation and/or movement occurred in the hypocotyl, and these events were synchronized. The water dynamics of the shoot also displayed an opposite phase with the root water dynamics.  相似文献   

Elongation of hypocotyl cells has been studied as a model for elucidating the contribution of cellular expansion to plant organ growth. ZEITLUPE (ZTL) or LOV KELCH PROTEIN1 (LKP1) is a positive regulator of warmth-induced hypocotyl elongation under white light in Arabidopsis, although the molecular mechanisms by which it promotes hypocotyl cell elongation remain unknown. Microarray analysis showed that 134 genes were upregulated and 204 genes including 15 auxin-inducible genes were downregulated in the seedlings of 2 ztl T-DNA insertion mutants grown under warm conditions with continuous white light. Application of a polar auxin transport inhibitor, an auxin antagonist or an auxin biosynthesis inhibitor inhibited hypocotyl elongation of control seedlings to the level observed with the ztl mutant. Our data suggest the involvement of auxin and auxin-inducible genes in ZTL-mediated hypocotyl elongation.  相似文献   

Different subtypes of Influenza A virus are associated with species specific, zoonotic or pandemic Influenza. The cause of its severity underlies in complicated evolution of its segmented RNA genome. Although genetic shift and genetic drift are well known in the evolution of this virus, we reported the significant role of unique RNA palindromes in its evolution. Our computational approach identified the existence of unique palindromes in each subtype of Influenza A virus with its absence in Influenza B relating the fact of virulence and vigorous genetic hitchhiking in Influenza A. The current study focused on the re-assortment event responsible for the emergence of pandemic-2009 H1N1 virus, which is associated with outgrow of new palindrome and in turn, changing its RNA structure. We hypothesize that the change in RNA structure due to the presence of palindrome facilitates the event of re-assortment in Influenza A. Thus the evolutionary process of Influenza A is much more complicated as previously known, and that has been demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

Recombination during meiosis shapes the complement of alleles segregating in the progeny of hybrids, and has important consequences for phenotypic variation. We examined allele frequencies, as well as crossover (XO) locations and frequencies in over 7000 plants from 17 F(2) populations derived from crosses between 18 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We observed segregation distortion between parental alleles in over half of our populations. The potential causes of distortion include variation in seed dormancy and lethal epistatic interactions. Such a high occurrence of distortion was only detected here because of the large sample size of each population and the number of populations characterized. Most plants carry only one or two XOs per chromosome pair, and therefore inherit very large, non-recombined genomic fragments from each parent. Recombination frequencies vary between populations but consistently increase adjacent to the centromeres. Importantly, recombination rates do not correlate with whole-genome sequence differences between parental accessions, suggesting that sequence diversity within A. thaliana does not normally reach levels that are high enough to exert a major influence on the formation of XOs. A global knowledge of the patterns of recombination in F(2) populations is crucial to better understand the segregation of phenotypic traits in hybrids, in the laboratory or in the wild.  相似文献   

Auxin regulates plant growth and development in part by activating gene expression. Arabidopsis thaliana SMALL AUXIN UP RNAs (SAURs) are a family of early auxin-responsive genes with unknown functionality. Here, we show that transgenic plant lines expressing artificial microRNA constructs (aMIR-SAUR-A or -B) that target a SAUR subfamily (SAUR61-SAUR68 and SAUR75) had slightly reduced hypocotyl and stamen filament elongation. In contrast, transgenic plants expressing SAUR63:GFP or SAUR63:GUS fusions had long hypocotyls, petals and stamen filaments, suggesting that these protein fusions caused a gain of function. SAUR63:GFP and SAUR63:GUS seedlings also accumulated a higher level of basipetally transported auxin in the hypocotyl than did wild-type seedlings, and had wavy hypocotyls and twisted inflorescence stems. Mutations in auxin efflux carriers could partially suppress some SAUR63:GUS phenotypes. In contrast, SAUR63:HA plants had wild-type elongation and auxin transport. SAUR63:GFP protein had a longer half-life than SAUR63:HA. Fluorescence imaging and microsomal fractionation studies revealed that SAUR63:GFP was localized mainly in the plasma membrane, whereas SAUR63:HA was present in both soluble and membrane fractions. Low light conditions increased SAUR63:HA protein turnover rate. These results indicate that membrane-associated Arabidopsis SAUR63 promotes auxin-stimulated organ elongation.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Plant stature and shape are largely determined by cell elongation, a process that is strongly controlled at the level of the cell wall. This is associated with the presence of many cell wall proteins implicated in the elongation process. Several proteins and enzyme families have been suggested to be involved in the controlled weakening of the cell wall, and these include xyloglucan endotransglucosylases/hydrolases (XTHs), yieldins, lipid transfer proteins and expansins. Although expansins have been the subject of much research, the role and involvement of expansin-like genes/proteins remain mostly unclear. This study investigates the expression and function of AtEXLA2 (At4g38400), a member of the expansin-like A (EXLA) family in arabidposis, and considers its possible role in cell wall metabolism and growth.Methods Transgenic plants of Arabidopsis thaliana were grown, and lines over-expressing AtEXLA2 were identified. Plants were grown in the dark, on media containing growth hormones or precursors, or were gravistimulated. Hypocotyls were studied using transmission electron microscopy and extensiometry. Histochemical GUS (β-glucuronidase) stainings were performed.Key Results AtEXLA2 is one of the three EXLA members in arabidopsis. The protein lacks the typical domain responsible for expansin activity, but contains a presumed cellulose-interacting domain. Using promoter::GUS lines, the expression of AtEXLA2 was seen in germinating seedlings, hypocotyls, lateral root cap cells, columella cells and the central cylinder basally to the elongation zone of the root, and during different stages of lateral root development. Furthermore, promoter activity was detected in petioles, veins of leaves and filaments, and also in the peduncle of the flowers and in a zone just beneath the papillae. Over-expression of AtEXLA2 resulted in an increase of >10 % in the length of dark-grown hypocotyls and in slightly thicker walls in non-rapidly elongating etiolated hypocotyl cells. Biomechanical analysis by creep tests showed that AtEXLA2 over-expression may decrease the wall strength in arabidopsis hypocotyls.Conclusions It is concluded that AtEXLA2 may function as a positive regulator of cell elongation in the dark-grown hypocotyl of arabidopsis by possible interference with cellulose metabolism, deposition or its organization.  相似文献   

High-salinity, drought, and low temperature are three common environmental stress factors that seriously influence plant growth and development worldwide. Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as a class of gene expression regulators that have also been linked to stress responses. However, the relationship between miRNA expression and stress responses is just beginning to be explored. Here, we identified 14 stress-inducible miRNAs using microarray data in which the effects of three abiotic stresses were surveyed in Arabidopsis thaliana. Among them, 10 high-salinity-, four drought-, and 10 cold-regulated miRNAs were detected, respectively. miR168, miR171, and miR396 responded to all of the stresses. Expression profiling by RT-PCR analysis showed great cross-talk among the high-salinity, drought, and cold stress signaling pathways. The existence of stress-related elements in miRNA promoter regions provided further evidence supporting our results. These findings extend the current view about miRNA as ubiquitous regulators under stress conditions.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of circadian clock function in Arabidopsis rely on the complex relationships among core clock components. The current model of the Arabidopsis oscillator comprises a myriad of repressors but the mechanisms responsible for activation remain largely unknown. In our recent studies, we have demonstrated that the rhythms in H3 acetylation (H3ac) and H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) are a key mechanism at the positive arm of the oscillator. H3K4me3 rhythmic accumulation is delayed compared to that of H3ac, which opens the possibility for separate roles for each mark. Indeed, the use of inhibitors that block H3K4me3 accumulation was concomitant with increased clock repressor binding, suggesting that H3K4me3 might control the timing from activation to repression. Plants mis-expressing the histone methyltransferase SET DOMAIN GROUP 2 (SDG2/ATXR3) displayed altered H3K4me3 accumulation, oscillator gene expression and clock repressor binding, suggesting that SDG2/ATXR3 is a key component contributing to proper circadian expression.  相似文献   

Klasen JR  Piepho HP  Stich B 《Heredity》2012,108(6):626-632
A major goal of today's biology is to understand the genetic basis of quantitative traits. This can be achieved by statistical methods that evaluate the association between molecular marker variation and phenotypic variation in different types of mapping populations. The objective of this work was to evaluate the statistical power of quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection of various multi-parental mating designs, as well as to assess the reasons for the observed differences. Our study was based on an empirical data of 20 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, which have been selected to capture the maximum genetic diversity. The examined mating designs differed strongly with respect to the statistical power to detect QTL. We observed the highest power to detect QTL for the diallel cross with random mating design. The results of our study suggested that performing sibling mating within subpopulations of joint-linkage mapping populations has the potential to considerably increase the power for QTL detection. Our results, however, revealed that using designs in which more than two parental alleles segregate in each subpopulation increases the power even more.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons (RTEs) are a principal component of most eukaryotic genomes, representing 50%-80% of some grass genomes. RTE sequences have been shown to be preferentially present in disease resistance gene clusters in plants. Arabidopsis thaliana has over 1,600 annotated RTE sequences and 56 of these appear to be expressed because of the exact expressed sequence tag (EST) matches and the presence of intact open reading frames. Of the 22 represented in the Affymetrix ATH1 array, AtCOPIA4 was found to be expressed at a higher level than all other RTEs across different developmental stages. Since AtCOPIA4 is located in the RPP5 gene cluster and is adjacent to RPP4 which confers resistance to the downy mildew oomycete Hyaloperonospora parasitica isolate EMWA1, we evaluated AtCOPIA4 mutants for resistance to this pathogen. T-DNA insertional and antisense knockout of AtCOPIA4 was found to reduce the resistance of wild type plants by 2-4 folds. Our results suggest that retrotransposon can be exapted to participate in plant defense response.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) are the main forms of nitrogen available in the soil for plants. Excessive NH4+ accumulation in tissues is toxic for plants and exclusive NH4+-based nutrition enhances this effect. Ammonium toxicity syndrome commonly includes growth impairment, ion imbalance and chlorosis among others. In this work, we observed high intraspecific variability in chlorophyll content in 47 Arabidopsis thaliana natural accessions grown under 1 mM NH4+ or 1 mM NO3 as N-source. Interestingly, chlorophyll content increased in every accession upon ammonium nutrition. Moreover, this increase was independent of ammonium tolerance capacity. Thus, chlorosis seems to be an exclusive effect of severe ammonium toxicity while mild ammonium stress induces chlorophyll accumulation.  相似文献   

Four Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes were grown at 14 degrees C and 22 degrees C under two light conditions (300 microE m-2 s-1 or 150 microE m-2 s-1) and the effect of temperature on their growth and flowering time was studied. Flowering occurred within 31 days (experimental period) at 22 degrees C, whereas a decrease in growth temperature resulted in a delay in flowering (63 days) under both light conditions. At 14 degrees C, membrane-bound APX (tAPX) activity decreased and total chlorophyll (Chl) content increased with growth under both light conditions. However, at 22 degrees C, the tAPX activity increased and total Chl content decreased with growth under both light conditions. These results suggest that at 22 degrees C oxidative stress was high under both light conditions and consequently Chl content decreased under stressful conditions or vice versa for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Under both the temperature and light conditions, soluble APX activity showed an irregular pattern of growth. The increase in tAPX activity, with growth only at 22 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C, suggests increased H2O2 formation in flowering plants at 22 degrees C for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Before flowering, the tAPX activity showed a significantly negative correlation with flowering time. Higher oxidative stress in the lower-latitude ecotypes might induce earlier flowering than the higher-latitude ecotypes. From these results, we propose a hypothesis that H2O2 is one of the possible factors in flower induction.  相似文献   

Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants constitutively expressing Agrobacterium tumefaciens tryptophan monooxygenase (iaaM) were obtained and characterized. Arabidopsis plants expressing iaaM have up to 4-fold higher levels of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and display increased hypocotyl elongation in the light. This result clearly demonstrates that excess endogenous auxin can promote cell elongation in a whole plant. Interactions of the auxin-overproducing transgenic plants with the phytochrome-deficient hy6-1 and auxin-resistant axrl-3 mutations were also studied. The effects of auxin overproduction on hypocotyl elongation were not additive to the effects of phytochrome deficiency in the hy6-1 mutant, indicating that excess auxin does not counteract factors that limit hypocotyl elongation in hy6-1 seedlings. Auxin-overproducing seedlings are also qualitatively indistinguishable from wild-type controls in their response to red, far-red, and blue light treatments, demonstrating that the effect of excess auxin on hypocotyl elongation is independent of red and blue light-mediated effects. All phenotypic effects of iaaM-mediated auxin overproduction (i.e. increased hypocotyl elongation in the light, severe rosette leaf epinasty, and increased apical dominance) are suppressed by the auxin-resistant axr1-3 mutation. The axr1-3 mutation apparently blocks auxin signal transduction since it does not reduce auxin levels when combined with the auxin-overproducing transgene.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Root hydrotropism is a response to water-potential gradients that makes roots bend towards areas of higher water potential. The gene MIZU-KUSSEI1 (MIZ1) that is essential for hydrotropism in Arabidopsis roots has previously been identified. However, the role of root hydrotropism in plant growth and survival under natural conditions has not yet been proven. This study assessed how hydrotropic response contributes to drought avoidance in nature.


An experimental system was established for the study of Arabidopsis hydrotropism in soil. Characteristics of hydrotropism were analysed by comparing the responses of the miz1 mutant, transgenic plants overexpressing MIZ1 (MIZ1OE) and wild-type plants.

Key Results

Wild-type plants developed root systems in regions with higher water potential, whereas the roots of miz1 mutant plants did not show a similar response. This pattern of root distribution induced by hydrotropism was more pronounced in MIZ1OE plants than in wild-type plants. In addition, shoot biomass and the number of plants that survived under drought conditions were much greater in MIZ1OE plants.


These results show that hydrotropism plays an important role in root system development in soil and contributes to drought avoidance, which results in a greater yield and plant survival under water-limited conditions. The results also show that MIZ1 overexpression can be used for improving plant productivity in arid areas.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

How plant cell-cycle genes interface with development is unclear. Preliminary evidence from our laboratory suggested that over-expression of the cell cycle checkpoint gene, WEE1, repressed growth and development. Here the hypothesis is tested that the level of WEE1 has a dosage effect on growth and development in Arabidospis thaliana. To do this, a comparison was made of the development of gain- and loss-of-function WEE1 arabidopsis lines both in vivo and in vitro.


Hypocotyl explants from an over-expressing Arath;WEE1 line (WEE1oe), two T-DNA insertion lines (wee1-1 and wee1-4) and wild type (WT) were cultured on two-way combinations of kinetin and naphthyl acetic acid. Root growth and meristematic cell size were also examined.

Key Results

Quantitative data indicated a repressive effect in WEE1oe and a significant increase in morphogenetic capacity in the two T-DNA insertion lines compared with WT. Compared with WT, WEE1oe seedlings exhibited a slower cell-doubling time in the root apical meristem and a shortened primary root, with fewer laterals, whereas there were no consistent differences in the insertion lines compared with WT. However, significantly fewer adventitious roots were recorded for WEE1oe and significantly more for the insertion mutant wee1-1. Compared with WT there was a significant increase in meristem cell size in WEE1oe for all three ground tissues but for wee1-1 only cortical cell size was reduced.


There is a gene dosage effect of WEE1 on morphogenesis from hypocotyls both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

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