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The effects of several antibacterial or antifungal antibiotics on the growth of 3-day-old Hymenolepis diminuta cultivated in vitro were investigated. Worms were recovered from the rat and cultured in roller tubes for 4 days without a medium change. The medium contained horse serum, yeast extract, and liver extract; the gas phase was 5% CO2 in N2. It was found that penicillin and streptomycin did not inhibit the growth of worms at concentrations lower than 5000 units and μg/ml of medium, respectively. Cycloheximide was toxic to H. diminuta, retarding or inhibiting growth at levels higher than 1.5 μg/ml. The antifungal antibiotics nystatin and amphotericin B did not affect worm growth at concentrations lower than 1000 units and 123 μ/ml of medium, respectively.The use of penicillin and streptomycin, and nystatin or amphotericin B can be recommended for the control of bacterial and fungal contaminants in the cultivation of H. diminuta removed from the rat.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies, including stereological analyses of micrographs, have been made of five-worm primary infections of Hymenolepis diminuta from C57 mice to determine whether the immune destrobilation/rejection process was accompanied by significant changes in the fine structure of the scolex tegument. Destrobilation/rejection of worms occurred from Days 9-12 after infection. For the first 5 days after infection, the scolex tegument showed no detectable differences in ultrastructure compared with that of "control" worms from either Wistar rats or immunosuppressed C57 mice. By Day 6, large lipid deposits were observed in the tegument and associated musculature of worms from untreated C57 mice. Further, worms recovered from Days 6-8 after infection also showed increased activity of the Golgi apparatus, GER, and mitochondria of the tegument, resulting in increased numbers of discoidal secretory bodies. Concomitant with destrobilation/rejection from Day 9 was a drop in the number of secretory bodies, an increase in autophagic activity throughout the tegument, and a blistering of the tegument surface plasma membrane. The possible functional significance of the results is discussed in relation to host immunity.  相似文献   

Changes in the ultrastructure of the tegument and subtegumental cells of 4-day-old Hymenolepis diminuta were studied in vitro in 50% fresh normal rat serum over a 5-h period and compared with heat-inactivated serum and saline controls. First, membrane-bound vesicles accumulate above the microthrix-border. After 30–40 min large vacuoles, which may contain membranous elements, appear in the tegument at a time when the surface of the young strobila is virtually denuded of the microthrix-border. With prolonged incubations there are subtegumental secretory inclusions with dark, enveloping cytoplasm in the tegument and finally the apical plasma membrane, together with the majority of the matrix, is lost. The disrupted portion of the worm is abruptly demarcated from the comparatively intact scolex/anterior neck region by a constriction. Even after 5 h incubation there is no evidence of loss of tegumental matrix components from regions anterior to the constriction but the neck region shows a significant denudation of the microthrix layer and the tegument contains numerous inclusions. The scolex tegument only showed little evidence of loss of membrane from the surface. Possible mechanisms for the avoidance of complement-mediated lysis in the anterior region are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the phenothiazine trifluoperazine (Stellazine) on the rat tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta was examined. The parasite was incubated in glucose-containing Krebs-Ringer media (pH 7.4) at 37 degrees C which included Ca2+ or EGTA and a range of trifluoperazine concentrations (0-2 mM). Release of soluble protein and lactate dehydrogenase activity were taken as measures of release of cytosolic components. The release of lactate dehydrogenase depended on drug concentration, maximum levels occurring at 2 mM trifluoperazine, this corresponded to 2% of the total lactate dehydrogenase present in the cestode. The effect of phenothiazines of differing lipophilicity were compared, and for trifluoperazine sulfoxide only minimal amounts of lactate dehydrogenase activity and protein were released. These values were similar to those obtained when H. diminuta was incubated in drug-free media. Our findings suggest that the integrity of the parasite is related to its calmodulin content. The potential cestocidal properties of trifluoperazine are considered.  相似文献   

Bøgh H., Christensen J.P.B. and Andreassen J. 1986. Complement-mediated lysis in vitro of newly excysted tapeworms: Hymenolepis diminuta, Hymenolepis microstoma, Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis citelii. International Journal for Parasitology16: 157–161. Newly excysted worms of Hymenolepis diminuta were lysed in 50% normal serum from all 13 animal species tested, including man. Since H. diminuta was neither lysed in complement inactivated serum—by heat or adding EDTA, LPS or CVF—nor in C5-deficient mouse serum, it is concluded that the lysis was associated with the complement cascade. It is shown that H. diminuta can activate the complement system via both the classical and alternative pathway. Furthermore, it is indicated that the lysis is independent of serum antibodies. Hymenolepis nana and H. citelli were also lysed in all normal sera tested, eight and six respectively, while newly excysted worms of H. microstoma were lysed in normal sera from 10 mammals and birds, but not in sera from its hosts, the mouse, rat and golden hamster. This indicates that the complement system of these three species differs from that of the other species tested in such a way that H. microstoma is able to avoid lysis in these sera.  相似文献   

Hymenolepis diminuta grown in mice maintained at 5 degrees C were significantly larger and markedly more developed than those grown simultaneously in control mice maintained at 21 degrees C. In mice maintained at 5 degrees C, the incidence of infection and the number of worms recovered per host were higher than in the mice kept at 21 degrees C. Regardless of the temperature of the hosts' external environment, primary infections were always expelled before Day 13 postinfection and secondary (challenge) infections were invariably lost before Day 7.  相似文献   

The oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) of the small intestine of uninfected and parasitized (ten 16-day-old Hymenolepis diminuta) rats has been determined under three different types of experimental conditions. On an ad lib. feeding regime at 10.00 hr there were highly significant (P < 0.001) differences between the intestinal Eh of uninfected and parasitized rats in every region of the small intestine. While the entire uninfected gut displayed relatively strong reducing tendencies (?28 to ?195 mV), in the parasitized gut the Eh was predominantly positive (+75 to ?76 mV) and reflected worm biomass distribution. Changes in intestinal Eh were also measured over a period of 6 hr after the feeding of a 1-g glucose meal. The Eh in uninfected animals increased from ?232 to +118 mV; in parasitized animals from ?31 to +189 mV. While the changes were greater in the former group, those of the latter reflected the changing worm biomass distribution. The most positive regional Eh value was always associated with the maximum % worm biomass distribution. Third, using surgical intestinal-loop preparations there were significantly (P < 0.05) higher positive Eh values in parasitized (+185 mV) than in uninfected (+128 mV) rats; in both animal groups the Eh of the duodenal-jejunal loops were more positive than that of the ileal loops (P < 0.05).The results are discussed in terms of the close inter-relationship between intestinal pH, Eh, the microflora and luminal pO2 tensions.  相似文献   

Newly in vitro excysted tapeworms of Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea), 1- to 3-day-old worms and destrobilated worms from rat intestines were investigated by means of light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the scolex of 1- and 2-day-old worms had shallow suckers with smooth brims, while 3-day-old and older worms, including destrobilated worms, had deep suckers with puckered brims. The posterior end of 1- and 2-day-old worms had a central cone-shaped structure not present in 3-day-old and older, or destrobilated worms. The repairing of the posterior end and the protonephridial system after excystation or destrobilation was much the same. Tissue remnants moved into the centre of the posterior end, resulting in an indentation with a pore to the exterior. The indentation and its pore became connected to the emptying canals of the protonephridial system, i.e. they developed into the excretory bladder and pore respectively.  相似文献   

Mice were immunized against challenge with Hymenolepis diminuta by feeding cysticercoids or by surgically implanting into the duodenum strobilate worms of different ages. Young worms stimulate stronger immunity than older ones, although the latter presents the host with a greater amount of strobilar tissue per unit time. An increase in the number of immunizing worms is associated with an increase in the level of protection. It is concluded that the development of functional immunity against H. diminuta in mice has both quantitative and qualitative antigenic requirements; it is influenced by worm age and is independent of worm mass.  相似文献   

The effect of oxyclozanide on Hymenolepis microstoma and H. diminuta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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