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Renal tubular transport of p-aminohippurate (PAH) is immature at birth. Repeated saturation of transport sites by treatment with various organic anions is without any influence on the postnatal development of kidney transport capacity. Hormonal regulation of postnatal maturation of PAH transport must therefore be taken into consideration. It was tried to stimulate immature PAH transport by treating rats of different ages with thyroid hormones, corticosteroids or testosterone, respectively. In rats with immature kidney function, renal PAH excretion can be stimulated by daily treatment with thyroid hormones. Experiments on renal cortical slices have shown that PAH excretion is preferentially stimulated by an increase of transport capacity. Whereas thyroid hormones stimulate the renal excretion of PAH both in young and in adult rats, dexamethasone treatment is more effective in rats with immature kidney function. Dexamethasone treatment is without any influence on PAH accumulation in renal cortical slices. Kidney weight and the protein content of kidney tissue was increased after dexamethasone treatment. Repeated testosterone administration did not stimulate the PAH transport in rats of different ages. The data have demonstrated the influence of thyroid hormones or of dexamethasone on renal tubular transport processes in rats with immature kidney function. Treatment with such hormones could be useful in the management of renal insufficiency in full-term and pre-term neonates with immature kidney function.  相似文献   

A range of P2 receptor subtypes has been identified along the renal tubule, in both apical and basolateral membranes. Furthermore, it has been shown that nucleotides are released from renal tubular cells, and that ectonucleotidases are present in several nephron segments. These findings suggest an autocrine/paracrine role for nucleotides in regulating tubular function. The present review catalogues the known actions of extracellular nucleotides on tubular solute transport. In the proximal tubule, there is firm evidence that stimulation of apical P2Y1 receptors inhibits bicarbonate reabsorption, whilst basolaterally applied ATP has the opposite effect. Clearance studies suggest that systemic diadenosine polyphosphates profoundly reduce proximal tubular fluid transport, through as yet unidentified P2 receptors. To date, only circumstantial evidence is available for an action of nucleotides on transport in the loop of Henle; and no studies have been made on native distal tubules, though observations in cell lines suggest an inhibitory effect on sodium, calcium and magnesium transport. The nephron segment most studied is the collecting duct. Apically applied nucleotides inhibit the activity of small-conductance K+ channels in mouse collecting duct, apparently through stimulation of P2Y2 receptors. There is also evidence, from cell lines and native tissue, that apically (and in some cases basolaterally) applied nucleotides inhibit sodium reabsorption. In mice pharmacological profiling implicates P2Y2 receptors; but in rats, the receptor subtype(s) responsible is/are unclear. Recent patch-clamp studies in rat collecting ducts implicate apical P2Y and P2X subtypes, with evidence for both inhibitory and stimulatory effects. Despite considerable progress, clarification of the physiological role of the tubular P2 receptor system remains some way off.  相似文献   

Active sodium transport across epithelial membranes has been analyzed by means of linear nonequilibirium thermodynamics. In this formulation the rates of active sodium transport JNa and the associated metabolic reaction Jr are postulated to be linear functions of both the electrochemical potential difference of sodium--XNa and the affinity A (negative free energy) of the metabolic reaction of driving transport. Experimental studies in various epithelia demonstrate that both JNa and Jr (oxygen consumption) are indeed linear functions of XNa. Theoretical considerations and experimental studies in other systems suggest that likelihood of linearity in A as well. If so, A may be evaluated. Several observations indicate that the quantity A evaluated from the thermodynamic formalism does in fact reflect the substrate-product ratio of the metabolic reaction which supports transport. This is in contrast to measurements of mean cellular concentrations, which may not reflect conditions at the site of transport. Associated studies of isotope kinetics permit the distinction between effects on the permeability of the active and passive transport pathways. With these combined approaches, it may prove possible to characterize both the energetic and permeability factors which regulate transport. The formulation has been applied to an analysis of the mechanism of action of the hormone aldosterone.  相似文献   

The effect of lidocaine was examined in membrane vesicles from rabbit renal brush borders. Changes in the ionic permeability and the kinetics of Na+-dependent metabolite transport were observed at different concentrations of anesthetic. Lidocaine was found to alter the membrane permeability of all inorganic cations examined (Li+, Rb+, K+, and Na+). At low lidocaine concentrations, there was a saturable decrease in permeability, whereas at higher concentrations (greater than 0.2 mM) there was a non-saturable general increase in cation permeability. Lidocaine (1.0 mM) inhibited Na+-coupled transport of all ten substrates examined (sugars, amino acids and Krebs cycle intermediates). The affinity for the substrate decreased in the presence of the anesthetic.  相似文献   

1. 1. Anesthetic alcohols (pentanol, hexanol and heptanol) were found to increase the fluidity of red cell membrane lipids as monitored by the fluorescence depolarization of diphenylhexatriene. The relative potency of the alcohols was found to be parallel to their relative membrane/water partition coefficients.
2. 2. Hexanol had biphasic effect on erythritol uptake by simple diffusion by red cells. At concentrations less than 9 mM, hexanol had no significant effect. At concentrations greater than 9 mM, there was an approximately linear increase in erythritol permeability with increasing alcohol concentration.
3. 3. The facilitated transport of uridine was markedly inhibited by hexanol. Hexanol at 6 mM produced a 65% inhibition of uridine (4 mM) uptake. Hexanol decreased both the apparent Km and V values for the equilibrium exchange of uridine.
4. 4. The facilitated transport of galactose was only slightly inhibited by hexanol.
5. 5. Hexanol was without effect on the passive and active fluxes of Na+ and K+ in red cells with altered cation contents. Cells that were slightly depleted of K+ and cells that were highly K+-depleted were both insensitive to hexanol.
Keywords: Anesthetic alcohol; Transport; (Human erythrocyte membrane)  相似文献   

The effect of pretreatment with penicillin on para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport by the kidney of the immature rat was evaluated in vivo. After 3 days of penicillin administration, renal clearances of inulin (CIN), PAH (CPAH), and the renal tubular transport maximum (Tm) for PAH were measured in rats as young as 17 days of age. The CPAH in 19- to 21-day-old rats pretreated with procaine penicillin was 54% greater than that of their littermate controls. Similarly, CPAH of rats that received sodium penicillin was 31% greater than control. CIN was not increased after penicillin pretreatment. Pretreatment of rats older than 24 days did not change CIN or CPAH. The Tm for PAH of 17-day-old rats pretreated with sodium penicillin was 51% greater than that of control rats. It was concluded that pretreatment with penicillin enhances the renal secretion of organic anions by the immature rat.  相似文献   

The chemotactic efficiency of macrophages isolated from the kidney of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus , and hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus. was determined in fish captured from the York River and the heavily polluted Elizabeth River (Virginia). Chemotactic activity was quantified in Boyden chambers using Escherichia coli as the chemotactic stimulus. Macrophage chemc-taxis was found to be markedly reduced in the Elizabeth River fish as compared to York River controls. Chemotactic migrations of macrophages at 90 min were 55% and 33% for control and experimental spot, respectively. Values for control and experimental hogchoker were 85% and 56%, respectively. The macrophage chemotactic activity of Elizabeth River fish returned to normal (spot, 56%; hogchoker, 80%) after the fish were held in clean water for 3 weeks. This indicates that the decreased chemotactic activity was related to exposure to Elizabeth River pollutants but may be reversible.  相似文献   

SIP (sterilization-in-place) of equipment using saturated steam is limited by transport processes that restrict the distribution of sterilizing steam. The following are two crucial operations: the removal of air prior to sterilization, and the removal of condensate during the sterilization. Using simple model systems of pipes and tanks, characteristic operating parameters were examined and steady-state models were analyzed. The results were used to evaluate design aspects of SIP, including heat insulation, spacing of steam traps, sloping of lines, steam velocities and consumption, placement of temperature sensors, and scale factors in piping. A more reliable SIP design is achievable by insulating equipment, spacing steam traps to limit condensate buildup, providing an effective air removal operation, and providing reliable, high-quality steam.  相似文献   

The classification of potentially toxic chemicals including environmental pollutants was made with respect to state 3 and state 4 respiration of mitochondria. The concentration of certain metals for 50% inhibition of respiratory control index (RCI; state 3/state 4) was lower than that of organic compounds tested. Various chemicals including environmental pollutants were classified into four groups by combination of effects on state 3 and state 4 respiration.  相似文献   

Dialysates of rat uremic serum were incubated with Pronase, Carboxypeptidase A, Leucine Aminopeptidase, or Trypsin to investigate whether these enzymes might destroy the inhibitory effects of the dialysates on the uptake of paraaminohippurate by rat renal cortical slices or the uptake of purines by rat liver slices. Of these enzymes, Pronase produced the greatest destruction (63.2 +/- 4.5%) of the inhibitory action on renal transport, with a much smaller destruction (17.8 +/- 2.1%) of the inhibitory effect on hepatic transport.  相似文献   

The water permeability of human red blood cells has been monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) following exposure to inhibitors of various transport processes across their membranes. No significant inhibition of water diffusion could be detected after the treatment of red blood cells with the anion exchange transport inhibitor dihydro-4,4'-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (H2DIDS) or the glucose transport inhibitors diallyl-diethyl-stilbestrol (DADES), cytochalasin B, or 30 mM iodoacetamide. It is for the first time that the effects of glucose transport inhibitors has been studied in detail by the NMR approach. A special case proved to be phloretin, an inhibitor of anion, nonelectrolyte and glucose permeability. A small but statistically significant inhibition of water permeability (around 12% at 20 degrees C) was induced by exposure to 2 mM phloretin (for 60 min at 37 degrees C); after a pretreatment of cells with 12 mM N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), for 60 min at 37 degrees C, the degree of inhibition induced by phloretin increased (becoming 17% at 20 degrees C). None of the inhibitors prevented or potentiated the strong inhibitory effect on water diffusion of a mercurial, p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS). No increase in the activation energy of water diffusion occurred by treatment with the reagents used (exception the effect of PCMBS). The present results clarify some conflicting reports concerning the effects on water permeability of inhibitors of various transport processes in red blood cells and indicate that in addition to the drastic inhibition induced by mercurials other reagents may also have inhibitory effects.  相似文献   

Three mechanisms have been proposed for exposure of the conceptus to chemicals in semen: access of chemicals to the maternal circulation after absorption from the vagina, direct chemical exposure of the conceptus following transport from the vagina to the uterine cavity, and delivery to the egg and subsequent conceptus of chemical bound to the sperm cell. We review published data for each of these three mechanisms. Human seminal fluid chemical concentrations are typically similar to or lower than blood concentrations, although some antimicrobial agents achieve higher concentrations in semen than in blood. Vaginal absorption of medications has been shown to occur, although the vehicles in which these medications are delivered to the vagina may maintain contact with the vaginal epithelium to a greater extent than does semen. Assuming total absorption of a seminal dose of a chemical with a high semen:blood concentration ratio, distribution within the recipient woman would result in a blood concentration at least three orders of magnitude lower than that in the man. Direct delivery of seminal chemicals into the uterine cavity of humans has not been shown to occur, although it may occur in species such as the rat in which seminal fluid has access to the uterine cavity. Chemicals in or on human sperm cells have been demonstrated with respect to tetracycline and cocaine in vitro and aluminum, lead, and cadmium in vivo. The in vitro cocaine study offers sufficiently quantitative data with which to predict that oocyte concentrations would be five orders of magnitude lower than blood concentrations associated with cocaine abuse, assuming a maximally cocaine-bound sperm were capable of fertilizing. Thus, even using liberal assumptions about transmission of chemicals in semen or sperm, predicted exposure levels of a pregnant woman or of the conceptus are three or more orders of magnitude lower than blood concentrations in the man whose semen is the putative vehicle for chemical transport.  相似文献   

The mar regulon: multiple resistance to antibiotics and other toxic chemicals.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The chromosomal multiple antibiotic resistance (mar) locus of Escherichia coli and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae controls resistance to multiple, structurally unrelated compounds including antibiotics, household disinfectants, organic solvents and other toxic chemicals. The Mar phenotype is induced following exposure to a variety of chemicals with aromatic rings.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract. As part of an overall ‘biodiversity crisis’, many amphibian populations are in decline throughout the world. Numerous factors have contributed to these declines, including habitat destruction, pathogens, increasing ultraviolet (UV) radiation, introduced non‐native species and contaminants. In this paper we review the contribution of increasing UV radiation and environmental contamination to the global decline of amphibian populations. Both UV radiation and environmental contaminants can affect amphibians at all life stages. Exposure to UV radiation and to certain contaminants can kill amphibians and induce sublethal affects in embryos, larvae and adults. Moreover, UV radiation and contaminants may interact with one another synergistically. Synergistic interactions of UV radiation with contaminants can enhance the detrimental effects of the contaminant and UV radiation.  相似文献   

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