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Encoding features of spatiotemporally varying stimuli is quite important for understanding the neural mechanisms of various sensory coding. Temporal coding can encode features of time-varying stimulus, and population coding with temporal coding is adequate for encoding spatiotemporal correlation of stimulus features into spatiotemporal activity of neurons. However, little is known about how spatiotemporal features of stimulus are encoded by spatiotemporal property of neural activity. To address this issue, we propose here a population coding with burst spikes, called here spatiotemporal burst (STB) coding. In STB coding, the temporal variation of stimuli is encoded by the precise onset timing of burst spike, and the spatiotemporal correlation of stimuli is emphasized by one specific aspect of burst firing, or spike packet followed by silent interval. To show concretely the role of STB coding, we study the electrosensory system of a weakly electric fish. Weakly electric fish must perceive the information about an object nearby by analyzing spatiotemporal modulations of electric field around it. On the basis of well-characterized circuitry, we constructed a neural network model of the electrosensory system. Here we show that STB coding encodes well the information of object distance and size by extracting the spatiotemporal correlation of the distorted electric field. The burst activity of electrosensory neurons is also affected by feedback signals through synaptic plasticity. We show that the control of burst activity caused by the synaptic plasticity leads to extracting the stimulus features depending on the stimulus context. Our results suggest that sensory systems use burst spikes as a unit of sensory coding in order to extract spatiotemporal features of stimuli from spatially distributed stimuli.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons encode natural stimuli by changes in firing rate or by generating specific firing patterns, such as bursts. Many neural computations rely on the fact that neurons can be tuned to specific stimulus frequencies. It is thus important to understand the mechanisms underlying frequency tuning. In the electrosensory system of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, the primary processing of behaviourally relevant sensory signals occurs in pyramidal neurons of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These cells encode low frequency prey stimuli with bursts of spikes and high frequency communication signals with single spikes. We describe here how bursting in pyramidal neurons can be regulated by intrinsic conductances in a cell subtype specific fashion across the sensory maps found within the ELL, thereby regulating their frequency tuning. Further, the neuromodulatory regulation of such conductances within individual cells and the consequences to frequency tuning are highlighted. Such alterations in the tuning of the pyramidal neurons may allow weakly electric fish to preferentially select for certain stimuli under various behaviourally relevant circumstances.  相似文献   

Nervous systems extract and process information from the environment to alter animal behavior and physiology. Despite progress in understanding how different stimuli are represented by changes in neuronal activity, less is known about how they affect broader neural network properties. We developed a framework for using graph-theoretic features of neural network activity to predict ecologically relevant stimulus properties, in particular stimulus identity. We used the transparent nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, with its small nervous system to define neural network features associated with various chemosensory stimuli. We first immobilized animals using a microfluidic device and exposed their noses to chemical stimuli while monitoring changes in neural activity of more than 50 neurons in the head region. We found that graph-theoretic features, which capture patterns of interactions between neurons, are modulated by stimulus identity. Further, we show that a simple machine learning classifier trained using graph-theoretic features alone, or in combination with neural activity features, can accurately predict salt stimulus. Moreover, by focusing on putative causal interactions between neurons, the graph-theoretic features were almost twice as predictive as the neural activity features. These results reveal that stimulus identity modulates the broad, network-level organization of the nervous system, and that graph theory can be used to characterize these changes.  相似文献   

It is well known that some neurons tend to fire packets of action potentials followed by periods of quiescence (bursts) while others within the same stage of sensory processing fire in a tonic manner. However, the respective computational advantages of bursting and tonic neurons for encoding time varying signals largely remain a mystery. Weakly electric fish use cutaneous electroreceptors to convey information about sensory stimuli and it has been shown that some electroreceptors exhibit bursting dynamics while others do not. In this study, we compare the neural coding capabilities of tonically firing and bursting electroreceptor model neurons using information theoretic measures. We find that both bursting and tonically firing model neurons efficiently transmit information about the stimulus. However, the decoding mechanisms that must be used for each differ greatly: a non-linear decoder would be required to extract all the available information transmitted by the bursting model neuron whereas a linear one might suffice for the tonically firing model neuron. Further investigations using stimulus reconstruction techniques reveal that, unlike the tonically firing model neuron, the bursting model neuron does not encode the detailed time course of the stimulus. A novel measure of feature detection reveals that the bursting neuron signals certain stimulus features. Finally, we show that feature extraction and stimulus estimation are mutually exclusive computations occurring in bursting and tonically firing model neurons, respectively. Our results therefore suggest that stimulus estimation and feature extraction might be parallel computations in certain sensory systems rather than being sequential as has been previously proposed.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms of neuronal information processing have been shaped during evolution by a continual interplay between organisms and their sensory surroundings. Thus, when asking for the functional significance of such mechanisms, the natural conditions under which they operate must be considered. This has been done successfully in several studies that employ sensory stimulation under in vivo conditions. These studies address the question of how physiological mechanisms within neurons are properly adjusted to the characteristics of natural stimuli and to the demands imposed on the system being studied. Results from diverse animal models show how neurons exploit natural stimulus statistics efficiently by utilizing specific filtering capacities. Mechanisms that allow neurons to adapt to the currently relevant range from an often immense stimulus spectrum are outlined, and examples are provided that suggest that information transfer between neurons is shaped by the system-specific computational tasks in the behavioral context.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms of neuronal information processing have been shaped during evolution by a continual interplay between organisms and their sensory surroundings. Thus, when asking for the functional significance of such mechanisms, the natural conditions under which they operate must be considered. This has been done successfully in several studies that employ sensory stimulation under in vivo conditions. These studies address the question of how physiological mechanisms within neurons are properly adjusted to the characteristics of natural stimuli and to the demands imposed on the system being studied. Results from diverse animal models show how neurons exploit natural stimulus statistics efficiently by utilizing specific filtering capacities. Mechanisms that allow neurons to adapt to the currently relevant range from an often immense stimulus spectrum are outlined, and examples are provided that suggest that information transfer between neurons is shaped by the system-specific computational tasks in the behavioral context.  相似文献   

Pain, due to mechanical stimuli, is a normal, indeed healthy, response of animals to potential or actual damage to tissues. Mammals in general, and humans in particular, have evolved a highly sophisticated system of pain perception, which is characterized in humans by complementary but distinct neural processing of the intensity and location of a noxious stimulus, and a motivational/emotional or affective response to the stimulus. The peripheral and central neurons that comprise this system, which has been called the 'neuromatrix', dynamically (temporally) respond and adapt to noxious biomechanical stimuli. However, phenotypic variability of the neuromatrix can be large, which can result in a host of musculoskeletal conditions that are characterized by altered pain perception, which can and often does alter the course of the condition. This neural plasticity has been well recognized in the central nervous system, but it has only more recently become known that peripheral nociceptors also adapt to their altered extracellular matrix environment. This work reviews the biomechanics of pain focusing on the relevant stimulus that initiates responses by nociceptors to the cognitive perception of pain.  相似文献   

Sensory information about the outside world is encoded by neurons in sequences of discrete, identical pulses termed action potentials or spikes. There is persistent controversy about the extent to which the precise timing of these spikes is relevant to the function of the brain. We revisit this issue, using the motion-sensitive neurons of the fly visual system as a test case. Our experimental methods allow us to deliver more nearly natural visual stimuli, comparable to those which flies encounter in free, acrobatic flight. New mathematical methods allow us to draw more reliable conclusions about the information content of neural responses even when the set of possible responses is very large. We find that significant amounts of visual information are represented by details of the spike train at millisecond and sub-millisecond precision, even though the sensory input has a correlation time of ~55 ms; different patterns of spike timing represent distinct motion trajectories, and the absolute timing of spikes points to particular features of these trajectories with high precision. Finally, the efficiency of our entropy estimator makes it possible to uncover features of neural coding relevant for natural visual stimuli: first, the system's information transmission rate varies with natural fluctuations in light intensity, resulting from varying cloud cover, such that marginal increases in information rate thus occur even when the individual photoreceptors are counting on the order of one million photons per second. Secondly, we see that the system exploits the relatively slow dynamics of the stimulus to remove coding redundancy and so generate a more efficient neural code.  相似文献   

The cercal sensory system of the cricket is being examined using anatomical, physiological, and computer simulation techniques in order to better understand the assembly of sensory systems. This particular sensory system is of interest because it functions like numerically more complex vertebrate sensory systems but offers, to the neuroscientist, the technical advantages of a small number of large identified neurons. Two aspects of sensory processing are being examined in this system; the spatial aspects of a stimulus that tell an animal where a target is in its environment, and the qualities of a stimulus that help the animal to identify the stimulus. The spatial aspects of a stimulus are analyzed by a topographic mapping of the animal's sensory environment. The feature extraction machinery for other aspects of the stimulus lacks any obvious anatomical order and is embedded within the topographic map. We are attempting to tease apart the genetic and the epigenetic components of the assembly process for this sensory system. Here we review our progress with emphasis on the epigenetic aspects of its assembly. We describe previously published work on plasticity as well as new experiments focussed on the role of neuronal activity in the assembly of this neural circuit. Finally, we briefly describe simulation experiments that are helping us understand the role of various forms of synaptic plasticity in the determination of receptive fields.  相似文献   

Stimulus selectivity of sensory systems is often characterized by analyzing response-conditioned stimulus ensembles. However, in many cases these response-triggered stimulus sets have structure that is more complex than assumed. If not taken into account, when present it will bias the estimates of many simple statistics, and distort the estimated stimulus selectivity of a neural sensory system. We present an approach that mitigates these problems by modeling some of the response-conditioned stimulus structure as being generated by a set of transformations acting on a simple stimulus distribution. This approach corrects the estimates of key statistics and counters biases introduced by the transformations. In cases involving temporal spike jitter or spatial jitter of images, the main observed effects of transformations are blurring of the conditional mean and introduction of artefacts in the spectral decomposition of the conditional covariance matrix. We illustrate this approach by analyzing and correcting a set of model stimuli perturbed by temporal and spatial jitter. We apply the approach to neurophysiological data from the cricket cercal sensory system to correct the effects of temporal jitter. Action Editor: Matthew Wiener  相似文献   

Neurons communicate primarily with spikes, but most theories of neural computation are based on firing rates. Yet, many experimental observations suggest that the temporal coordination of spikes plays a role in sensory processing. Among potential spike-based codes, synchrony appears as a good candidate because neural firing and plasticity are sensitive to fine input correlations. However, it is unclear what role synchrony may play in neural computation, and what functional advantage it may provide. With a theoretical approach, I show that the computational interest of neural synchrony appears when neurons have heterogeneous properties. In this context, the relationship between stimuli and neural synchrony is captured by the concept of synchrony receptive field, the set of stimuli which induce synchronous responses in a group of neurons. In a heterogeneous neural population, it appears that synchrony patterns represent structure or sensory invariants in stimuli, which can then be detected by postsynaptic neurons. The required neural circuitry can spontaneously emerge with spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Using examples in different sensory modalities, I show that this allows simple neural circuits to extract relevant information from realistic sensory stimuli, for example to identify a fluctuating odor in the presence of distractors. This theory of synchrony-based computation shows that relative spike timing may indeed have computational relevance, and suggests new types of neural network models for sensory processing with appealing computational properties.  相似文献   

To what extent are sensory responses in the brain compatible with first-order principles? The efficient coding hypothesis projects that neurons use as few spikes as possible to faithfully represent natural stimuli. However, many sparsely firing neurons in higher brain areas seem to violate this hypothesis in that they respond more to familiar stimuli than to nonfamiliar stimuli. We reconcile this discrepancy by showing that efficient sensory responses give rise to stimulus selectivity that depends on the stimulus-independent firing threshold and the balance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs. We construct a cost function that enforces minimal firing rates in model neurons by linearly punishing suprathreshold synaptic currents. By contrast, subthreshold currents are punished quadratically, which allows us to optimally reconstruct sensory inputs from elicited responses. We train synaptic currents on many renditions of a particular bird''s own song (BOS) and few renditions of conspecific birds'' songs (CONs). During training, model neurons develop a response selectivity with complex dependence on the firing threshold. At low thresholds, they fire densely and prefer CON and the reverse BOS (REV) over BOS. However, at high thresholds or when hyperpolarized, they fire sparsely and prefer BOS over REV and over CON. Based on this selectivity reversal, our model suggests that preference for a highly familiar stimulus corresponds to a high-threshold or strong-inhibition regime of an efficient coding strategy. Our findings apply to songbird mirror neurons, and in general, they suggest that the brain may be endowed with simple mechanisms to rapidly change selectivity of neural responses to focus sensory processing on either familiar or nonfamiliar stimuli. In summary, we find support for the efficient coding hypothesis and provide new insights into the interplay between the sparsity and selectivity of neural responses.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses to a sensory stimulus are often guided by associative memories. These associations remain intact even when other factors determine behavior. The substrates of associative memory should therefore be identifiable by neuronal responses that are independent of behavioral choices. We tested this hypothesis using a paired-associates task in which monkeys learned arbitrary associations between pairs of visual stimuli. We examined the activity of neurons in inferior temporal cortex as the animals prepared to choose a remembered stimulus from a visual display. The activity of some neurons (22%) depended on the monkey's behavioral choice; but for a novel class of neurons (54%), activity reflected the stimulus that the monkey was instructed to choose, regardless of the behavioral response. These neurons appear to represent memorized stimulus associations that are stable across variations in behavioral performance. In addition, many neurons (74%) were modulated by the spatial arrangement of the stimuli in the display.  相似文献   

The attentional modulation of sensory information processing in the visual system is the result of top-down influences, which can cause a multiplicative modulation of the firing rate of sensory neurons in extrastriate visual cortex, an effect reminiscent of the bottom-up effect of changes in stimulus contrast. This similarity could simply reflect the multiplicity of both effects. But, here we show that in direction-selective neurons in monkey visual cortical area MT, stimulus and attentional effects share a nonlinearity. These neurons show higher response gain for both contrast and attentional changes for intermediate contrast stimuli and smaller gain for low- and high-contrast stimuli. This finding suggests a close relationship between the neural encoding of stimulus contrast and the modulating effect of the behavioral relevance of stimuli.  相似文献   

We present an application of the information distortion approach to neural coding. The approach allows the discovery of neural symbols and the corresponding stimulus space of a neuron or neural ensemble simultaneously and quantitatively, making few assumptions about the nature of either code or relevant features. The neural codebook is derived by quantizing sensory stimuli and neural responses into small reproduction sets, and optimizing the quantization to minimize the information distortion function. The application of this approach to the analysis of coding in sensory interneurons involved a further restriction of the space of allowed quantizers to a smaller family of parametric distributions. We show that, for some cells in this system, a significant amount of information is encoded in patterns of spikes that would not be discovered through analyses based on linear stimulus-response measures.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that the neural code representing the world changes at each stage of a sensory pathway, the transformations that mediate these changes are not well understood. Here we show that self-motion (i.e. vestibular) sensory information encoded by VIIIth nerve afferents is integrated nonlinearly by post-synaptic central vestibular neurons. This response nonlinearity was characterized by a strong (~50%) attenuation in neuronal sensitivity to low frequency stimuli when presented concurrently with high frequency stimuli. Using computational methods, we further demonstrate that a static boosting nonlinearity in the input-output relationship of central vestibular neurons accounts for this unexpected result. Specifically, when low and high frequency stimuli are presented concurrently, this boosting nonlinearity causes an intensity-dependent bias in the output firing rate, thereby attenuating neuronal sensitivities. We suggest that nonlinear integration of afferent input extends the coding range of central vestibular neurons and enables them to better extract the high frequency features of self-motion when embedded with low frequency motion during natural movements. These findings challenge the traditional notion that the vestibular system uses a linear rate code to transmit information and have important consequences for understanding how the representation of sensory information changes across sensory pathways.  相似文献   

The neural encoding of sensory stimuli is usually investigated for spike responses, although many neurons are known to convey information by graded membrane potential changes. We compare by model simulations how well different dynamical stimuli can be discriminated on the basis of spiking or graded responses. Although a continuously varying membrane potential contains more information than binary spike trains, we find situations where different stimuli can be better discriminated on the basis of spike responses than on the basis of graded responses. Spikes can be superior to graded membrane potential fluctuations if spikes sharpen the temporal structure of neuronal responses by amplifying fast transients of the membrane potential. Such fast membrane potential changes can be induced deterministically by the stimulus or can be due to membrane potential noise that is influenced in its statistical properties by the stimulus. The graded response mode is superior for discrimination between stimuli on a fine time scale.  相似文献   

Mormyrid fish use active electrolocation to detect and analyze objects. The electrosensory lateral line lobe in the brain receives input from electroreceptors and an efference copy of the command to discharge the electric organ. In curarized fish, we recorded extracellularly from neurons of the electrosensory lateral line lobe while stimulating in the periphery with either a local point stimulus or with a more natural whole-body stimulus. Two classes of neurons were found: (1) three types of E-cells, which were excited by a point stimulus; and (2) two types of I-cells, which were inhibited by point stimulus and responded with excitation to the electric organ corollary discharge. While all neurons responded to a point stimulus, only one out of two types of I-units and two of the three types of E-units changed their firing behavior to a whole-body stimulus or when an object was present. In most units, the responses to whole-body stimuli and to point stimuli differed substantially. Many electrosensory lateral line lobe units showed neural plasticity after prolonged sensory stimulation. However, plastic effects during whole body stimulation were often unlike those occurring during point stimuli, suggesting that under natural conditions electrosensory lateral line lobe network effects play an important role in shaping neural plasticity.  相似文献   

Reduction of information redundancy in the ascending auditory pathway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information processing by a sensory system is reflected in the changes in stimulus representation along its successive processing stages. We measured information content and stimulus-induced redundancy in the neural responses to a set of natural sounds in three successive stations of the auditory pathway-inferior colliculus (IC), auditory thalamus (MGB), and primary auditory cortex (A1). Information about stimulus identity was somewhat reduced in single A1 and MGB neurons relative to single IC neurons, when information is measured using spike counts, latency, or temporal spiking patterns. However, most of this difference was due to differences in firing rates. On the other hand, IC neurons were substantially more redundant than A1 and MGB neurons. IC redundancy was largely related to frequency selectivity. Redundancy reduction may be a generic organization principle of neural systems, allowing for easier readout of the identity of complex stimuli in A1 relative to IC.  相似文献   

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