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Paul E. Bourdeau  Frank Johansson 《Oikos》2012,121(8):1175-1190
Predator‐induced morphological defences (PIMDs) are ubiquitous. Many PIMDs may be mediated by prey behaviour rather than directly cued by predators. A survey of 92 studies indicated 40 that quantified prey behaviour, all of which document positive associations between defence production and activity reduction. Thus, PIMDs are associated with changes in prey activity, which could have caused the morphological change. We propose two possible mechanisms: 1) decreased activity reduces feeding rate, resulting in lower growth and morphological change; and 2) activity reduction conserves energy, which is reallocated for growth, subsequently changing morphology. Resource availability also causes similar morphological change to predator presence, suggesting confounding effects of resources and predators with current methodology. Future studies should estimate food ingestion, assimilation efficiency, and growth rate in the presence and absence of predators, crossing predator presence with resource levels. Not all PIMDs will be behaviourally‐mediated, but consideration of causal linkages between prey behaviour and PIMDs is warranted.  相似文献   

Inducible defences are widely used for studying phenotypic plasticity, yet frequently we know little about the cues that induce these defences. For aquatic prey, defences are induced by chemical cues from predators (kairomones) and injured prey (alarm cues). Rarely has anyone determined the separate and combined effects of these cues, particularly across phylogenetically diverse prey types. We examined how tadpoles (Hyla versicolor) altered their defences when 10 different prey were either crushed by hand or consumed by predators. Across all prey types, crushing induced only a subset of the defences induced by consumption. Consuming vs. crushing produced additive responses for behaviour but synergistic responses for morphology and growth. Moreover, we discovered the first extensive evidence that prey responses to different alarm cues depends on prey phylogeny. These results suggest that the amount of information available to the prey affects both the quantitative and qualitative nature of the defended phenotype.  相似文献   

Using silhouette video photography we have made the first quantitativeobservations of foraging behavior in Leptodora kindti, a predaceouscladoceran (Haplopoda). Leptodora swims with a mean velocityof 13.4?4.0 mm s–1 and initiates an attack only upon directcontact with potential prey. The attack sequence is as follows:Leptodora swims randomly through the water column with all fivepairs of thorac appendages spread to form a ‘feeding basket’and, seemingly by chance, encounters prey. Shortly after preymake contact with any part of Leptodora's body (usually ventral),the abdomen is rapidly pulled forward, clamping itself underthe feeding basket so that the telson closes it at the posteriorend. The duration of this movement is always the same and weconclude that it is an indiscriminate reflex. If the prey isencountered anywhere but a short distance directly in frontand slightly below the Leptodora, it is not captured. The speedof copepod escape responses effectively allows them to avoidcontact with the predator. Daphnia's escape response, particularlythat of juveniles, is slower and leaves them far more susceptibleto Leptodora predation.  相似文献   

Mouthpart morphology and feeding behaviour of Jasus verreauxi phyllosomas (instars 1-13) were examined using scanning electron microscopy and video analysis, respectively, to better understand ingestion and processing mechanisms and to identify developmental changes in feeding biology. The density, robustness and complexity of mouthpart setation increased with development, oral field increased and there were a greater number of spinose projections on maxillae 1 in mid and late instar phyllosomas. The second and third maxillipeds were able to sweep a larger area due to their increased length, which effectively increased the size of the oral field. Changes in feeding behaviour were consistent with these morphological differences between instars. In late instars, the shredding and tearing efficiency of maxillae 1 increased, larger pieces of prey were pushed between the mandibles, and the mandibles were able to effectively grind food due to a slight rotation away from the transverse plane. Both morphological and behavioural observations suggests that the absolute size range of prey increases with phyllosoma body size and the prey processing (i.e. ability to capture, manipulate and grind prey) becomes more efficient with development. We suggest early instar phyllosoma are most suited to a diet comprising softer prey items, whereas later-instar phyllosoma are better equipped to deal with larger, fleshier prey.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior is known to be modulated as prey properties change. During prey capture, external prey properties, including size and mobility, are likely some of the most important components in predator–prey interactions. Whereas prey size has been demonstrated to elicit modulation of jaw movements during capture, how prey speed affects the approach and capture of prey remains unknown. We quantified the kinematics associated with movements of both the feeding and locomotor systems during prey capture in a lizard, Gerrhosaurus major, while facing prey differing in size and mobility (newborn mice, grasshoppers, and mealworms). Our data show that the feeding and locomotor systems were recruited differently in response to changes in the size or speed of the prey. The timing of jaw movements and of the positioning of the head are affected by changes in prey size—and speed, to a lesser extent. Changes in prey speed resulted in concomitant changes in the speed of strike and an early and greater elevation of the neck. External prey properties, and prey mobility in particular, are relevant in predator–prey interactions and elicit specific responses in different functional systems.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective force acting on both morphology and behaviour of prey animals. While morphological defences (e.g. crypsis, presence of armours or spines or specific body morphologies) and antipredator behaviours (e.g. change in foraging or reproductive effort, or hiding and fleeing behaviours) have been widely studied separately, few studies have considered the interplay between the two. The question raised in our study is whether antipredator behaviours of a prey fish to predator odours could be influenced by the morphology of prey conspecifics in the diet of the predator. We used goldfish (Carassius auratus) as our test species; goldfish exposed to predation risk significantly increase their body depth to length ratio, which gives them a survival advantage against gape‐limited predators. We exposed shallow‐bodied and deep‐bodied goldfish to the odour of pike (Esox lucius) fed either form of goldfish. Deep‐bodied goldfish displayed lower intensity antipredator responses than shallow‐bodied ones, consistent with the hypothesis that individuals with morphological defences should exhibit less behavioural modification than those lacking such defences. Moreover, both shallow‐ and deep‐bodied goldfish displayed their strongest antipredator responses when exposed to the odour of pike fed conspecifics of their own morphology, indicating that goldfish are able to differentiate the morphology of conspecifics through predator diet cues. For a given individual, predator threat increases as the prey become more like the individual eaten, revealing a surprising level of sophistication of chemosensory assessment by prey fish.  相似文献   

1. A key aspect of the ecology and evolution of adaptive prey responses to predator risk is the timing by which the former develop a defensive trait in response to inducing signals released by the latter. This property, called reactivity, has been shown to affect population stability and persistence. 2. Theoretically, the minimal predator density required by prey to exhibit induced defences is expected to increase with the effectiveness of the defence and decrease with its cost. Likewise, the time required for the prey population to exhibit an induced defence is expected to increase together with cost. 3. The freshwater rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus and B. havanaensis and their predator Asplanchna brightwelli were used to test the hypothesis that prey species exhibiting defences that offer a larger fitness benefit and lower fitness cost are more reactive to predator signals, in terms of requiring shorter exposure time and lower signal concentration to trigger a morphological defence reaction. 4. Our results showed that both prey species exhibited costly and effective defences after induction by predator infochemicals. Faster reactions were observed at higher levels of predator cues. Nevertheless, the observed relationship between reactivity and benefit/cost of defences did not agree with our expectations. 5. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the timing of induction of morphological defences is experimentally assessed over a gradient of risk signals. We propose new research directions to disentangle the mechanisms and project the consequences of prey decisions at the morphological level.  相似文献   

1. Inducible defences are advantageous because they protect the prey while limiting associated fitness costs. The presence of these costs is an essential component of this conditional strategy, since their absence would favour constitutive (fixed) defences. In some cases, however, these costs have been difficult to measure because of complex interactions between the defences themselves, resultant life history changes and the organism’s environment. 2. The pond‐dwelling water flea, Daphnia pulex, forms defensive neck spines in response to kairomones released by predatory larvae of the phantom midge, Chaoborus. This predator–prey interaction and the formation of these inducible defences have been well studied, but costs associated with the development of neck spines remain unclear. In this study, I address this problem by analysing the effect of Chaoborus kairomones on the life history responses (and fitness costs associated with these responses) of two clones of D. pulex that are from the same pond population, but differ greatly in their degree of neck spine development. 3. Both D. pulex clones exhibited the same predator‐induced shifts in life history: larger size at birth, reduced juvenile growth rate (producing a smaller size at maturity), delayed reproduction and a reduction in the number of neonates produced after the first clutch. Relative fitness decreased significantly and to the same degree (c. 10% reduction in r) in each clone. This observed fitness cost was not directly related to the neck spines per se since the cost was the same in both clones, despite their considerable differences in neck spine development. Rather, it appears to be indirectly related to this antipredator morphology via a combination of delayed reproduction and a set of life history trade‐offs (decreased growth rate, decreased reproduction after the first clutch) for increased neonate body size, which is necessary for neck spines to be effective defences. This suite of induced responses is probably a result of local adaptation of these two D. pulex clones to their common pond environment. 4. Costs of inducible defences do not always entail direct allocation costs associated with forming and maintaining a defence, but may also involve indirect life history responses that are specific to particular environmental situations. This local adaptation would explain the highly variable life history responses observed among D. pulex clones from different pond environments.  相似文献   

Animals often alter their behaviour, morphology and physiology in the presence of predators. These induced defences can be fine‐tuned by a variety of environmental factors such as predator species, acute predation risk or food availability. It has, however, remained unclear what cues influence the extent and quality of induced defences and how the information content of these cues interact to determine the development of antipredator defences. We performed an experiment to study the significance of direct chemical cues, originating from the predators themselves, and indirect cues, released by attacked or consumed prey, for phenotypic responses in Rana dalmatina tadpoles. We reared tadpoles in the presence of caged predators (Triturus vulgaris, Aeshna cyanea) fed either one or three tadpoles every other day outside the tadpole‐rearing tanks. Fifteen hours after food provisioning, predators were put back into the tanks containing focal tadpoles either after washing (direct + digestion‐released cues) or with the water containing remnants of the prey (direct + all types of indirect cues). Our results suggest that direct cues together with digestion‐released cues can be sufficient to induce strong antipredator responses. Induced defences depended on both direct cues, affecting predator‐specific responses, and the quantity of indirect cues, resulting in graded responses to differences in predation threat. Moreover, direct and indirect cues interacted in behaviour, resulting in predator‐specific graded responses. We also observed a decrease in the extent of predator‐induced responses in large tadpoles as compared to small ones. Our results, thus, suggest that prey integrate multiple cues about predators to optimize induced defences and that this process changes during ontogeny.  相似文献   

A wide range of taxa respond to perceived predation risk (PPR) through inducible defenses, and many prey are capable of responding both behaviorally and morphologically to the same risk event. In cases where multiple defenses confer protection by independent means (i.e. they are mechanistically independent) responses will either be co‐expressed, or the expression of one defense will limit the capacity (or need) to respond along another axis. Our ability to generate a broad understanding of these patters has been limited, in part, by difficulties in comparing results across studies that employ distinct experimental protocols. Using the extensive literature on tadpole responses to PPR, we conducted a meta‐analysis to identify the ecological and experimental determinants of inducible defence expression. We then assessed whether the magnitude of response to PPR along behavioural versus morphological response axes was positively, or negatively, correlated. The most commonly quantified responses to perceived risk in tadpoles included reductions in movement and swimming behaviour, and altered tail morphology. Our analyses reveal that tadpole behavioural responses are strongly influenced by prey family, predator taxon, evolutionary history with the predator (native versus non‐native), amount of prey consumed by the predator, and how perceived risk was manipulated (e.g. presence versus absence of alarm cues). Tail morphology was similarly influenced by these factors, but also whether the target prey was palatable to predators. Thus, our results identify ecological and experimental features that critically influence the observed effect size in tadpole responses to PPR. A positive correlation between behavioural and morphological responses in studies where both were measured indicates that trait co‐specialization is the predominant pattern of defense deployment in larval amphibians. This positive relationship suggests that survival tends to be maximized in tadpoles through equivalent co‐activation of multiple independent axes of protection, opposed to maximal expression along any single axis. Synthesis Our understanding of plastic responses to perceived predation risk (PPR) has benefited substantially from the vast amount of experimental work examining inducible defences in anuran tadpoles. Indeed this research has illustrated the wide variety of ways that prey animals can respond to the same risk event. We conducted a metaanalysis to identify the key ecological and experimental determinants of inducible defence expression. We then show that, in most cases, behavioural and morphological responses to PPR tend to be co‐expressed suggesting that responding along one axis (moving behaviour) does not limit their ability to respond along another distinct axis (tail morphology).  相似文献   

A vast body of literature exists documenting the morphological, behavioural and life history changes that predators induce in prey. However, little attention has been paid to how these induced changes feed back and affect the predators’ life history and morphology. Larvae of the phantom midge Chaoborus flavicans are intermediate predators in a food web with Daphnia pulex as the basal resource and planktivorous fish as the top predator. C. flavicans prey on D. pulex and are themselves prey for fish; as D. pulex induce morphological defences in the presence of C. flavicans this is an ideal system in which to evaluate the effects of defended prey and top predators on an intermediate consumer. We assessed the impact on C. flavicans life history and morphology of foraging on defended prey while also being exposed to the non-lethal presence of a top fish predator. We tested the basic hypothesis that the effects of defended prey will depend on the presence or absence of top predator predation risk. Feeding rate was significantly reduced and time to pupation was significantly increased by defended morph prey. Gut size, development time, fecundity, egg size and reproductive effort respond to fish chemical cues directly or significantly alter the relationship between a trait and body size. We found no significant interactions between prey morph and the non-lethal presence of a top predator, suggesting that the effects of these two biological factors were additive or singularly independent. Overall it appears that C. flavicans is able to substantially modify several aspects of its biology, and while some changes appear mere consequences of resource limitation others appear facultative in nature.  相似文献   

Rapid morphological changes in response to fluctuating natural environments are a common phenomenon in species that undergo adaptive radiation. The dramatic ecological changes in Lake Victoria provide a unique opportunity to study environmental effects on cichlid morphology. This study shows how four haplochromine cichlids adapted their premaxilla to a changed diet over the past 30 years. Directly after the diet change toward larger and faster prey in the late 1980s, the premaxilla (upper jaw) changed in a way that is in agreement with a more food manipulating feeding style. During the 2000s, two zooplanktivorous species showed a reversal of morphological changes after returning to their original diet, whereas two other species showed no reversal of diet and morphology. These rapid changes indicate a potential for extremely fast adaptive responses to environmental fluctuations, which are likely inflicted by competition release and increase, and might have a bearing on the ability of haplochromines to cope with environmental changes. These responses could be due to rapid genetic change or phenotypic plasticity, for which there is ample evidence in cichlid fish structures associated with food capture and processing. These versatile adaptive responses are likely to have contributed to the fast adaptive radiation of haplochromines.  相似文献   

Synopsis Studies of feeding in bony fishes have almost universally demonstrated the ability of individuals to modulate their method of capture in response to differing stimuli. Preliminary evidence indicates that morphologically specialized inertial suction feeding sharks are the most likely fishes to lack inherent modulatory ability. We examined the ability of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, to modulate its feeding behavior based on different food types and sizes. G. cirratum is an inertial suction feeding fish that is apparently stereotyped in its food capture behavior. Electromyography showed no statistical difference between feeding motor patterns based on food type (squid or fish) or size (gape width or twice gape width), although there were slight inter-individual differences in the onset of muscle firing for some muscles. Kinematic analysis showed a statistical difference in variables associated with durations for different food types, with the durations for all variables being faster for squid bites than fish bites, but no difference based on the size of the food item. This apparent lack of modulation may be associated with specialization of the morphology and behavior of G. cirratum for obligate suction prey capture. This functional specialization constrains the method in which G. cirratum captures prey but does not appear to result in dietary specialization. An unusual post capture spit-suck manipulation allows this shark to handle and ingest large prey.  相似文献   

In natural systems, organisms are frequently exposed to spatial and temporal variation in predation risk. Prey organisms are known to develop a wide array of plastic defences to avoid being eaten. If inducible plastic defences are costly, prey living under fluctuating predation risk should be strongly selected to develop reversible plastic traits and adjust their defences to the current predation risk. Here, we studied the induction and reversibility of antipredator defences in common frog Rana temporaria tadpoles when confronted with a temporal switch in predation risk by dragonfly larvae. We examined the behaviour and morphology of tadpoles in experimental treatments where predators were added or withdrawn at mid larval development, and compared these to treatments with constant absence or presence of predators. As previous studies have overlooked the effects that developing reversible anti‐predator responses could have later in life (e.g. at life history switch points), we also estimated the impact that changes in antipredator responses had on the timing of and size at metamorphosis. In the presence of predators, tadpoles reduced their activity and developed wider bodies, and shorter and wider tails. When predators were removed tadpoles switched their behaviour within one hour to match that found in the constant environments. The morphology matched that in the constant environments in one week after treatment reversal. All these responses were highly symmetrical. Short time lags and symmetrical responses for the induction/reversal of defences suggest that a strategy with fast switches between phenotypes could be favoured in order to maximise growth opportunities even at the potential cost of phenotypic mismatches. We found no costs of developing reversible responses to predators in terms of life‐history traits, but a general cost of the induction of the defences for all the individuals experiencing predation risk during some part of the larval development (delayed metamorphosis). More studies examining the reversibility of plastic defences, including other type of costs (e.g. physiological), are needed to better understand the adaptive value of these flexible strategies.  相似文献   

Many organisms have evolved inducible defences in response to spatial and temporal variability in predation risk. These defences are assumed to incur large costs to prey; however, few studies have investigated the mechanisms and costs underlying these adaptive responses. I examined the proximate cause of predator-induced shell thickening in a marine snail (Nucella lamellosa) and tested whether induced thickening leads to an increase in structural strength. Results indicate that although predators (crabs) induce thicker shells, the response is a passive by-product of reduced feeding and somatic growth rather than an active physiological response to predation risk. Physical tests indicate that although the shells of predator-induced snails are significantly stronger, the increase in performance is no different than that of snails with limited access to food. Increased shell strength is attributable to an increase in the energetically inexpensive microstructural layer rather than to material property changes in the shell. This mechanism suggests that predator-induced shell defences may be neither energetically nor developmentally costly. Positive correlations between antipredator behaviour and morphological defences may explain commonly observed associations between growth reduction and defence production in other systems and could have implications for the evolutionary potential of these plastic traits.  相似文献   

Juvenile Platax orbicularis switches foraging tactics from diurnal herbivory to nocturnal zooplanktivory within a day. To examine how juvenile fish actively feed on zooplankton prey during nighttime, a field-recorded video analysis was conducted in the reefs off Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Juveniles consistently showed fast and sudden attacks that were accurately directed at individual zooplankton prey, and changed feeding frequencies with different prey densities. A negative relationship was observed between feeding frequency and prey density, with higher feeding frequencies occurring at lower prey concentrations, implying a disturbance effect of clouded zooplankton prey on the juvenile fish. A clear transition from a ram-based to a suction-based feeding mode was observed with fish size, suggesting that changes in the feeding behaviors occur even in juveniles fishes, without drastic morphological changes.  相似文献   

While theoretical studies predict that inducible defences should be fine-tuned according to the qualities of the predator, very few studies have investigated how dangerousness of predators, i.e. the rate at which predators kill prey individuals, affects the strength of phenotypic responses and resulting benefits and costs of induced defences. We performed a comprehensive study on fitness consequences of predator-induced responses by involving four predators (leech, water scorpion, dragonfly larva and newt), evaluating costs and benefits of responses, testing differences in dangerousness between predators and measuring responses in several life history traits of prey. We raised Rana dalmatina tadpoles in the presence of free-ranging predators, in the presence of caged predators, and exposed naive and experienced tadpoles to free-ranging predators. Tadpoles adjusted the intensities of their behavioural and morphological defences to predator dangerousness. Survival was lower in the nonlethal presence of the most dangerous predator, while we could not detect costs of induced defences at or after metamorphosis. When exposed to free-ranging predators, small, but not large, tadpoles benefited from exhibiting an induced phenotype in terms of elevated survival when compared to naive tadpoles, but we did not observe higher survival either in tadpoles exhibiting more extreme phenotypes or in tadpoles exposed to the type of predator they were raised with. These results indicate that while predator-induced defences can mirror dangerousness of predators, costs and benefits do not necessarily scale to the magnitude of plastic responses.  相似文献   

Experiments indicated that the initial detection of euphausiid prey by Arripis trutta is visual with the cues being shape and/or movement. Immediately before capture of prey in midwater, swimming speed of the fish increased from 15 to 33 cm s−1. The sequence of morphological events during capture is similar to that described for suction feeding in other teleosts such as Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . Occasionally prey would be ejected from the mouth after capture by means of a reversal of the mechanism used in suction feeding.  相似文献   

Chemical defences against predation often involve responses to specific predation events where the prey expels fluids, such as haemolymph or gut contents, which are aversive to the predator. The common link is that each predation attempt that is averted results in an energetic cost and a reduction in the chemical defences of the prey, which might leave the prey vulnerable if the next predation attempt occurs soon afterwards. Since prey appear to be able to control the magnitude of their responses, we should expect them to trade-off the need to repel the current threat against the need to preserve defences against future threats and conserve energy for other essential activities. Here we use dynamic state-dependent models to predict optimal strategies of defence deployment in the juvenile stage of an animal that has to survive to maturation. We explore the importance of resource level, predator density, and the costs of making defences on the magnitude of the responses and optimal age and size at maturation. We predict the patterns of investment and the magnitude of the deployment of defences to potentially multiple attacks over the juvenile period, and show that responses should be smaller when the costs of defences and/or predation risk are higher. The model enables us to predict that animals in which defences benefit the adult stage will employ different strategies than those that do not use the same defences as adults, and thereby experience a smaller reduction in body size as a result of repeated attacks. We also explore the effect of the importance of adult size, and find that the sex and mating system of the prey should also affect defensive strategies. Our work provides the first predictive theory of the adaptive use of responsive defences across taxa.  相似文献   

For most vertebrates, locomotion is a fundamental componentof prey capture. Despite this ubiquitous link, few studies havequantified the integration of these complex systems. Severalvariables related to locomotor performance, including maximumspeed, acceleration, deceleration, maneuverability, accuracy,and approach stability, likely influence feeding performancein vertebrates. The relative importance of these measures ofperformance, however, depends on the ecology of the predator.While factors such as morphology and physiology likely definethe limits of these variables, other factors such as motivationof the predator, prey type, and habitat structure can also influenceperformance. Understanding how these variables relate to feedingunder a given suite of ecological conditions is central to understandingpredator–prey interactions, and ultimately how locomotionand feeding have co-evolved. The goals of this article are todiscuss several variables of locomotor performance related toprey capture, present new data on the relationship between locomotorand feeding morphology in fishes, discuss the evolution of preycapture in cichlid fishes, and outline some future directionsfor research. While suction feeding is a primary mechanism ofprey capture in fishes, swimming is vital for accurately positioningthe mouth relative to the prey item. Many fishes decelerateduring prey capture using their body and fins, but the pectoralfins have a dominant role in maintaining approach stability.This suggests that fishes employing high-performance suctionfeeding (relatively small mouth) will have larger pectoral finsto facilitate accurate and stable feeding. I provide new dataon the relationship between pectoral fin morphology and maximumgape in centrarchid fishes. For seven species, pectoral finarea was significantly, and negatively, correlated with maximumgape. This example illustrates that the demands from one complexsystem (feeding) can influence another complex system (locomotion).Future studies that examine the morphological, physiological,and functional evolution of locomotion involved in prey captureby aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates will provide insightinto the origin and consequences of diversity.  相似文献   

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