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Sec1/munc18-like proteins (SM proteins) and SNARE complexes are probably universally required for membrane fusion. However, the molecular mechanism by which they interact has only been defined for synaptic vesicle fusion where munc18 binds to syntaxin in a closed conformation that is incompatible with SNARE complex assembly. We now show that Sly1, an SM protein involved in Golgi and ER fusion, binds to a short, evolutionarily conserved N-terminal peptide of Sed5p and Ufe1p in yeast and of syntaxins 5 and 18 in vertebrates. In these syntaxins, the Sly1 binding peptide is upstream of a separate, autonomously folded N-terminal domain. These data suggest a potentially general mechanism by which SM proteins could interact with peptides in target proteins independent of core complex assembly and suggest that munc18 binding to syntaxin is an exception.  相似文献   

A variety of lipid-binding proteins contain a recently described motif, designated FFAT (two phenylalanines in an acidic tract), which binds to vesicle-associated-membrane protein-associated protein (VAP). VAP is a conserved integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that contains at its amino terminus a domain related to the major sperm protein of nematode worms. Here we have studied the FFAT-VAP interaction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where the VAP homologue Scs2 regulates phospholipid metabolism via an interaction with the FFAT motif of Opi1. By introducing mutations at random into Scs2, we found that mutations that abrogated binding to FFAT were clustered in the most highly conserved region. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we identified several critical residues, including two lysines widely separated in the primary sequence. By examining all other conserved basic residues, we identified a third residue that was moderately important for binding FFAT. Modeling VAP on the known structure of major sperm protein showed that the critical residues form a patch on a positively charged face of the protein. In vivo functional studies of SCS22, a second SCS2-like gene in S. cerevisiae, showed that SCS2 was the dominant gene in the regulation of Opi1, with a minor contribution from SCS22. We then established that reduction in the affinity of Scs2 mutants for FFAT correlated well with loss of function, indicating the importance of these residues for binding FFAT motifs. Finally, we found that human VAP-A could substitute for Scs2 but that it functioned poorly, suggesting that other factors modulate the binding of Scs2 to proteins with FFAT motifs.  相似文献   

There is experimental evidence to suggest that the 100-kDa S-layer protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 binds to the peptidoglycan cell wall. This property could be related to the presence of a region (SLH) of homology with other S-layer proteins and extracellular enzymes (A. Lupas, H. Engelhardt, J. Peters, U. Santarius, S. Volker, and W. Baumeister, J. Bacteriol. 176:1224-1233, 1994). By using specific monoclonal antibodies, we show that similar regions are present in different members of the Deinococcus-Thermus phylogenetic group. To analyze the role that the SLH domain plays in vivo and in vitro in T. thermophilus, we have obtained a mutant form (slpA.X) of the S-layer gene (slpA) in which the SLH domain was deleted. The slpA.X gene was inserted into the chromosome of the thermophile by gene replacement, resulting in a mutant which expressed a major membrane protein with the size expected from the construction (90 kDa). This protein was identified as the product of slpA.X by its differential reaction with monoclonal antibodies. Mutants expressing the SlpA.X protein grow as groups of cells, surrounded by a common external envelope of trigonal symmetry that contains the SlpA.X protein as a main component, thus showing the inability of the SLH-defective protein to attach to the underlying material in vivo. In addition, averaged images of SlpA.X-rich fractions showed a regular arrangement, identical to that built up by the wild-type (SlpA) protein in the absence of peptidoglycan. Finally, we demonstrate by Western blotting (immunoblotting) the direct role of the SLH domain in the binding of the S-layer of T. thermophilus HB8 to the peptidoglycan layer.  相似文献   

Zetina CR 《Proteins》2001,44(4):479-483
Among the naturally unfolded proteins there are many polypeptides that retain an extended conformation in the absence of any apparent signal. Using sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction tools, a conserved (LS/SL)(D/E)(D/E)(D/E)X(E/D) motif is uncovered in the vicinity of the N-terminus of their unfolded helices. A comparison of these data with published observations allows one to propose that the (LS/SL)(D/E)(D/E)(D/E)X(E/D) motif is a helix-unfolding signal. Furthermore, the strong similarity between this motif and the STXXDE casein kinase II phosphorylation site suggests a regulatory mechanism for the naturally unfolded proteins within the cell.  相似文献   

A conserved domain in arthropod cuticular proteins binds chitin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many insect cuticular proteins include a 35-36 amino acid motif known as the R&R consensus. The extensive conservation of this region led to the suggestion that it functions to bind chitin. Provocatively, it has no sequence similarity to the well-known cysteine-containing chitin-binding domain found in chitinases and some peritrophic membrane proteins. Using fusion proteins expressed in E. coli, we show that an extended form of the R&R consensus from proteins of hard cuticles is necessary and sufficient for chitin binding. Recombinant AGCP2b, a putative cuticular protein from the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, was expressed in E. coli and the purified protein shown to bind to chitin beads. A stretch of 65 amino acids from AGCP2b, including the R&R consensus, conferred chitin binding to glutathione-S-transferase (GST). Directed mutagenesis of some conserved amino acids within this extended R&R consensus from hard cuticle eliminated chitin binding. Thus arthropods have two distinct classes of chitin binding proteins, those with the chitin-binding domain found in lectins, chitinases and peritrophic membranes (cysCBD) and those with the cuticular protein chitin-binding domain (non-cysCBD).  相似文献   

AKAP450 (also known as AKAP350, CG-NAP or Hyperion) and pericentrin are large coiled-coil proteins found in mammalian centrosomes that serve to recruit structural and regulatory components including dynein and protein kinase A. We find that these proteins share a well conserved 90 amino acid domain near their C-termini that is also found in coiled-coil proteins of unknown function from Drosophila and fission yeast. Fusion of the C-terminal region from either protein to a reporter protein confers a centrosomal localization, and overexpression of the domain from AKAP450 displaces endogenous pericentrin, suggesting recruitment to a shared site. When isolated from transfected cells the C-terminal domain of AKAP450 was associated with calmodulin, suggesting that this protein could contribute to centrosome assembly.  相似文献   

Serine/threonine protein kinases of the Ste20p/PAK family are highly conserved from yeast to man. These protein kinases have been implicated in the signaling from heterotrimeric G proteins to mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades and to cytoskeletal components such as myosin-I. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ste20p is involved in transmitting the mating-pheromone signal from the betagamma-subunits of a heterotrimeric G protein to a downstream MAP kinase cascade. We have previously shown that binding of the G-protein beta-subunit (Gbeta) to a short binding site in the non-catalytic carboxy-terminal region of Ste20p is essential fortransmitting the pheromone signal. In this study, we searched protein sequence databases for sequences that are similar to the Gbeta binding site in Ste20p. We identified a sequence motif with the consensus sequence S S L phi P L I/V x phi phi beta (x: any residue; phi: A, I, L, S, or T; beta: basic residues) that is solely present in members of Ste20p/PAK family protein kinases. We propose that this sequence motif, which we have designated GBB (Gbeta binding) motif, is specifically responsible for binding of Gbeta to Ste20p/PAK protein kinases in response to activation of heterotrimeric G protein coupled receptors. Thus, the GBB motif is a novel type of signaling domain that serves to link protein kinases of the Ste20p/PAK family to G protein coupled receptors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a lipoglycan from the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, is an immunomodulatory molecule that stimulates the innate immune response. High levels of LPS cause excessive release of inflammatory mediators and are responsible for the septic shock syndrome. The interaction of LPS with its cognate binding proteins has not, as yet, been structurally elucidated. RESULTS: The X-ray crystallographic structure of LPS in complex with the integral outer membrane protein FhuA from Escherichia coli K-12 is reported. It is in accord with data obtained using mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. Most of the important hydrogen-bonding or electrostatic interactions with LPS are provided by eight positively charged residues of FhuA. Residues in a similar three-dimensional arrangement were searched for in all structurally known proteins using a fast template-matching algorithm, and a subset of four residues was identified that is common to known LPS-binding proteins. CONCLUSIONS: These four residues, three of which form specific interactions with lipid A, appear to provide the structural basis of pattern recognition in the innate immune response. Their arrangement can serve to identify LPS-binding sites on proteins known to interact with LPS, and could serve as a template for molecular modeling of a LPS scavenger designed to reduce the septic shock syndrome.  相似文献   

The chloride intracellular channel protein 1 (CLIC1) is unique among eukaryotic ion channels in that it can exist as either a soluble monomer or an integral membrane channel. CLIC1 contains no known membrane-targeting signal sequences and the environmental factors which promote membrane binding of the transmembrane domain (TMD) are poorly understood. Here we report a positively charged motif at the C-terminus of the TMD and show that it enhances membrane partitioning and insertion. A 30-mer TMD peptide was synthesized in which the positively charged motif was replaced by three glutamate residues. The peptide was examined in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes using size-exclusion chromatography, far-UV CD, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The motif appears to enhance membrane interaction via electrostatic contacts and functions as an electrostatic plug to anchor the TMD in membranes. In addition, the motif is also involved in orientating the TMD with respect to the cis and trans faces of the membrane. These findings shed light on the intrinsic and environmental factors that promote the spontaneous conversion of CLIC1 from a water-soluble to a membrane-bound protein.  相似文献   

The ATP binding cassette, class A (ABCA) proteins are homologous polytopic transmembrane transporters that function as lipid pumps at distinct subcellular sites in a variety of cells. Located within the N terminus of these transporters, there exists a highly conserved xLxxKN motif of unknown function. To define its role, human ABCA3 was employed as a primary model representing ABCA transporters, while mouse ABCA1 was utilized to support major findings. Transfection studies showed colocalization of both transporters with surfactant protein C (SP-C), a marker peptide for successful protein targeting to lysosomal-like organelles. In contrast, alanine mutation of xLxxKN resulted in endoplasmic reticulum retention. As proof of principle, swapping xLxxKN for the known lysosomal targeting motif of SP-C resulted in post-Golgi targeting of the SP-C chimera. However, these products failed to reach their terminal processing compartments, suggesting that the xLxxKN motif only serves as a Golgi exit signal. We propose a model whereby an N-terminal signal sequence, xLxxKN, directs ABCA transporters to a post-Golgi vesicular sorting station where additional signals may be required for selective delivery of individual transporters to final subcellular destinations.  相似文献   

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