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农杆菌对大麦种子萌发及幼苗生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大麦品种(系)为主区('云引大麦Ⅰ'、'云引大麦Ⅱ'和'U008'),农杆菌浸种时间为副区(0.5、1.5和2.5 h),农杆菌菌液浓度为副副区(0.5、1.5和2.5 OD),采用再裂区试验研究了农杆菌浸种处理对大麦种子萌发和幼苗生长发育的影响.结果表明:品种、农杆菌菌液浓度、浸种时间对大麦的种子发芽率、幼苗高度、幼苗鲜重、叶绿素含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量影响无显著的互作效应,而对幼苗POD活性的影响存在显著互作效应;随着浸种时间的延长和菌液浓度的增加,各大麦品种(系)的种子发芽率、幼苗高度、幼苗鲜重、叶绿素含量均呈逐渐降低趋势,幼苗MDA含量则逐渐增加,并以'U008'变化幅度最大;在菌液浓度为0~1.5 OD、浸种时间为0~1.5 h范围内,幼苗POD活性随着菌液浓度的增加和浸种时间的延长而增强,超过该范围则均呈下降趋势,并以'U008'下降最为明显.可见,农杆菌处理对大麦种子萌发和幼苗生长发育有抑制作用,并在菌液浓度超过1.5 OD、浸种时间大于1.5 h时达极显著水平,且大麦品种间存在一定差异.  相似文献   

Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation on Germination and Early Seedling Growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) from filtered and unfiltered FS-40 fluorescent sunlamps on germination and early seedling growth was examined for a range of vegetables (tomato, radish, cucumber, lettuce, and bean) and field crops (wheat, cotton, soybean, and millet). Continuous exposure of seeds for 3 days to 26.9 × 10−2 W × m−2 UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) at 25°C, had a slight effect on fresh weight of seedlings but no appreciable influence on germination percentage, or dry weight of seedlings. Extending the time of exposure to 6 days, however, resulted in abnormal seedling growth in all species but wheat. Typical responses were short, stubby roots, bronzing of the cotyledons, increased pigmentation, and abnormal curvature of the shoots.  相似文献   

Embryos detached from germinating barley seeds were immersedin tritiated water or solutions containing 14C-labelled compounds.Amino acids rapidly became radioactive and later acids of theKrebs cycle. Labelled alanine did not give rise to radioactivesucrose.  相似文献   

Respiration rates of Zea mays L. seedling tissues grown at 30 and 14°C were measured at 25°C at different stages of seedling growth. Accumulation of heat units was used to define the developmental stages to compare respiration between the two temperatures. At both temperatures, respiration rates of most tissues were highest at the youngest stages, then declined with age. Respiration rates of mesocotyl tissue were the most responsive to temperature, being nearly twofold higher when grown at 14 compared to 30°C. Alternative pathway respiration increased concomitantly with respiration and was higher in mesocotyls grown in the cold. When seedlings were started at 30 then transferred to 14°C, the increase in alternative pathway respiration due to cold was not observed unless the seedlings were transferred before 2 days of growth. Seedlings transferred to 14°C after growth at 30°C for 2 days had the same alternative oxidase capacity as seedlings grown at 30°C. Seedlings grown at 14°C for 10 to 12 days, then transferred to 30°C, lost alternative pathway respiratory capacity over a period of 2 to 3 days. Western blots of mitochondrial proteins indicated that this loss of capacity was due to a loss of the alternative oxidase protein. Some in vitro characteristics of mitochondria were determined. The temperature optimum for measurement of alternative oxidase capacity was 15 to 20°C. At 41°C, very little alternative oxidase was measured, i.e., the mitochondrial oxygen uptake was almost completely sensitive to cyanide. This inactivation at 41°C was reversible. After incubation at 41°C, the alternative oxidase capacity measured at 25°C was the similar to when it was measured at that temperature directly. Isolated mitochondria lost alternative oxidase capacity at the same rate when incubated at 41°C as they did when incubated at 25°C. Increasing the supply of electrons to isolated mitochondria increased the degree of engagement of the alternative pathway, whereas lower temperature decreased the degree of engagement. Lower temperatures did not increase the degree of engagement of the pathway in intact tissues. We interpret these observations to indicate that the greater capacity of alternative oxidase in cold-grown seedlings is a consequence of development at these low temperatures which results in elevated respiration rates. Low temperature itself does not cause greater capacity or engagement of the alternative oxidase in mitochondria that have developed under warm temperatures. Our hypothesis would be that the low growth temperatures require the seedlings to have a higher respiration rate for some reason, e.g., to prevent the accumulation of a toxic metabolite, and that the alternative pathway functions in that respiration.  相似文献   

Changes in Lipoxygenase Components of Rice Seedlings during Germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were followed duringthe germination of rice seeds. The enzyme activity of 3-day-oldseedlings was 20 times higher than that of ungerminated seeds.Sixty per cent of the increased activity was found in shoots.The increase in LOX activity was mainly due to an increase inlipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2), a minor component in ungerminated seeds;this increase was inhibited by cycloheximide. LOX-2 was isolatedfrom the 3-day-old seedlings and compared for its enzymologicalproperties with rice lipoxygenase-3 (LOX-3), a major componentin ungerminated seeds. Both LOX-2 and LOX-3 were stable at pH5 to 8, but LOX-2 was more heatstable than LOX-3. Apparent Kmvalues of LOX-2 and LOX-3 for linoleic acid were 170 and 59µM, and those for linolenic acid were 5,300 and 88 µM,respectively. Both LOXs were inhibited by some metal ions andantioxidants. (Received February 5, 1986; Accepted May 9, 1986)  相似文献   

The changes occurring in the axis of the developing seedlingof Theobroma cacao L. were observed over a 96-h period. It wasfound that during the first 24-h period, greatest change hadoccurred in the hypocotyl; the epicotyl and the root meristemhad apparently remained dormant. In the hypocotyl, vascularizationwhich had begun in the mature embryo continued: starch grainshad disappeared from the cells of the cortex and pith, the latterof which were seen to be binucleate. During the second 24-hperiod, greatest change was seen to have taken place in theroot meristem, resulting in the production of a root which consistedof a central pith, a poly-arch stele, and cortical tissue. Betweenthe root and the hypocotyl an apparently undifferentiated regionwas observed. This region was seen to have differentiated duringthe third 24-h period, leading to the production of a completering of xylem, external to which were groups of phloem, theformer being separated from the latter by parenchymatous tissue.This region is interpreted as being transitional between rootand shoot. During the fourth 24-h period, the adventitious andlateral root primordia initiated earlier, were seen to havedifferentiated to the extent that the disposition of their tissueswas evident.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the time to germination and earlyseedling growth of the tomato Lycopersicon esculentum var. Potentateand Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium var. Red Currant, as wellas on derivative generations from their hybridization. Althoughtime to germination showed a genetic component, the relationshipsbetween different genotypes was much influenced by environmentalfactors. A marked maternal effect on time to germination dueto the varying seed sizes was noted while variation betweendifferent genotypes of similar seeds size was ascribed to anendospermic effect. The F1 hybrid embryo with L. Pimpinellifoliumas maternal parent contained more cells than that of the parentbut the hybrid cmbryo with L. esculentum as maternal parentcontained a similar number of cells to that of the parent itself.It is suggested that the results for embryo size both supportAshby‘s assertion that embryo size may be important indetermining heterosis, and also Hatcher’s findings in1940, that heterosis for hypocotyl extension is found in hybridsfrom parcnts of different sized seeds provided the small seededvariety is the maternal parent.  相似文献   

在木豆种子萌发和幼苗生长过程中,芹菜素与木犀草素含量呈波动型上升,各个器官中的木犀草素含量均高于芹菜素。种子萌发过程中,芹菜素与木犀草素最高含量分别是其在干种子的3.04和4.47倍。幼苗生长过程中,根中芹菜素和木犀草素含量高于茎和叶,芹菜素最高含量是茎和叶的1.5和1.6倍,木犀草素最高含量是茎和叶的4.4和4.2倍。二者在茎和叶中的含量及其变化趋势都基本上相似,平缓上升。  相似文献   

对锥连栎(Quercus franchetii Skan)在4种施水量下的种子萌发、幼苗早期生长形态及生物量分配的响应特征进行了研究。结果表明,施水量对锥连栎的种子萌发过程具有显著影响。随着施水量增加,其种子萌发率、萌发指数以及萌发时间和萌发持续时间均呈明显的上升趋势,而萌发时滞和萌发速率系数呈下降趋势。锥连栎幼苗早期生长对施水量的适应幅度较大,每次施水4~12 mm时,幼苗均能存活,但生长状况存在明显差异,随着施水量的减少,幼苗生长和生物量的积累速度均出现显著减缓。同时,施水量对锥连栎幼苗生物量分配具有显著影响,随着施水量增加,幼苗根冠比呈显著下降趋势,表明在生物量分配上锥连栎幼苗具有极大的可塑性,施水量减少时,光合产物将向地下部分迁移,增加根冠比。  相似文献   

The endopeptidases (EPs) in wheat endosperm during seed germination and subsequent seedling growth were characterized by gradient-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with gelatin copolymerized into the gel. Four cysteine EPs (EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4) were detected in wheat endosperm during the 7 d growth after seed imbibition. The results also showed that the activities of all of these EPs increased continuously, and EP2 first appeared and had the highest proteolytic activity among the four EPs in this experimental process. The optimum pH and temperature of all four EPs were 4.0 and 40.0 ~C. All EPs were completely inhibited by 25 μmol/L E-64 and had no good thermal stabilities, especially EP1. In addition, these EPs had different substrate specificities to albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutenins; the main storage proteins of mature wheat endosperm. Among them, EP2 had the highest proteolytic activities on globulins, gliadins and glutenins, and might be the most important and specific EP with potential to be tightly correlated with seedling development.  相似文献   

The degradation of the major seed storage globulins of the soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) was examined during the first 12 days of germination and seedling growth. The appearance of glycinin and β-conglycinin degradation products was detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cotyledon extracts followed by electroblotting to nitrocellulose and immunostaining using glycinin and β-conglycinin specific antibodies. The three subunits of β-conglycinin were preferentially metabolized. Of the three subunits of β-conglycinin, the larger α and α′ subunits are rapidly degraded, generating new β-conglycinin cross-reactive polypeptides of 51,200 molecular weight soon after imbibition of the seed. After 6 days of growth the β-subunit is also hydrolyzed. At least six polypeptides, ranging from 33,100 to 24,000 molecular weight, appear as apparent degradation products of β-conglycinin. The metabolism of the glycinin acidic chains begins early in growth. The glycinin acidic chains present at day 3 have already been altered from the native form in the ungerminated seed, as evidenced by their higher mobility in an alkaline-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. However, no change in the molecular weight of these chains is detectable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyarylamide gel electrophoresis. Examination of the glycinin polypeptide amino-termini by dansylation suggests that this initial modification of the acidic chains involves limited proteolysis at the carboxyl-termini, deamidation, or both. After 3 days of growth the acidic chains are rapidly hydrolyzed to a smaller (21,900 molecular weight) form. The basic polypeptides of glycinin appear to be unaltered during the first 8 days of growth, but are rapidly degraded thereafter to unidentified products. All of the original glycinin basic chains have been destroyed by day 10 of growth.  相似文献   

The endopeptidaees (Eps) In wheat endosperm during seed germination and subsequent seedling growth were character-Izad by gradiant-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with gelatin copolymerized into the gel. Four cysteine Eps (EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4) ware detected in wheat endosperm during the 7 d growth after seed imbibition. The results also showed that the activities of all of these Eps increased continuously, and EP2 first appeared and had the highest proteolytic activity among the four Eps in this experimental process. The optimum pH and temperature of all four Eps were 4.0 and 40.0℃. All Eps were completely inhibited by 25 μmol/L E-64 and had no good thermal stabilities, especially EP1. In addition, these Eps had different substrate apecificities to albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutanins; the main storage proteins of mature wheat endosperm. Among them, EP2 had the highest proteolytic activities on globulins, gliadins and glutenins, and might be the most important and specific EP with potential to be tightly correlated with seedling devalopment.  相似文献   

Seeds and seedlings of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) were treated separately with NaCl, KCl, Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solutions of 5 and 10 S/cm conducitivity. The activity of RNase, DNase and protease were estimated in cotyledons, embryo axis, leaves, and roots. Salinity caused inhibition of RNase activity in the cotyledons and roots, but increase in embryo axis and leaves. Activity of DNase was also increased; sodium salt was more effective than potassium irrespective of associated anion. Salinity in general either reduced or had no effect on protease activity in all organs, with the exception of NaCl which doubled it in leaves.  相似文献   

King JE  Gifford DJ 《Plant physiology》1997,113(4):1125-1135
The mobilization and utilization of the major storage proteins in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seeds following imbibition were investigated. Most of the seed protein reserves were contained within the megagametophyte. Breakdown of these proteins occurred primarily following radicle emergence and correlated with a substantial increase in the free amino acid pool in the seedling; the majority of this increase appeared to be the result of export from the megagametophyte. The megagametophyte was able to break down storage proteins and export free amino acids in the absence of the seedling. Arginine (Arg) was the most abundant amino acid among the principal storage proteins of the megagametophyte and was a major component of the free amino acid pools in both the seedling and the megagametophyte. The increase in free Arg coincided with a marked increase in arginase activity, mainly localized within the cotyledons and epicotyl of the seedling. Arginase activity was negligible in isolated seedlings. Experiments with phenylphosphorodiamidate, a urease inhibitor, supported the hypothesis that arginase participates in Arg metabolism in the seedling. The results of this study indicate that Arg could play an important role in the nutrition of loblolly pine during early seedling growth.  相似文献   

Developmental patterns of α-amylase in Vigna radiata cotyledons during and following germination were quite different depending on the differences in the treatments of cotyledons during the imbibitional stage. When axis-detached cotyledons were imbibed in water with seed-coats attached, α-amylase activity did not increase and remained low. On the other hand, when the cotyledons were imbibed in water after seed-coat removal, the enzyme activity increased markedly. If the axis was attached to the cotyledons, α-amylase showed a marked development even under the former imbibition conditions. These changes in the enzyme activity were in parallel with those in the enzyme content, and the content, in turn, was dependent upon the availability of mRNA for α-amylase. We propose that the regulation of the development of α-amylase in cotyledons may involve some factor(s) inhibitory to accumulation of α-amylase mRNA, which is present in dry cotyledons and can be removed from cotyledons by leakage or by the presence of the axis.  相似文献   

Changes in Chloroplast DNA Levels during Growth of Spinach Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In young spinach leaves, 1–4 mm long, 7–10% of thetotal DNA of the leaf was chloroplast (pt) DNA. Growth in theseleaves was mainly by cell division with plastid division keepingpace with cell division and maintaining about 10 plastids percell. About 1% of the leaf cells were formed in 4.0 mm leaves.Both cell division and cell expansion contribute to the nextstage of leaf growth, which was quantitatively the major periodof new cell formation, nuclear DNA synthesis and ptDNA synthesis.Relative to the nuclear DNA level ptDNA levels rose to 21% ofthe total DNA and chloroplast.plastome copy numbers from 1500to 5000 per cell while chloroplast numbers rose from 10 to 30per cell. In the final period of leaf growth, cell expansionwas the main determinant of growth and chloroplast number percell rose to 180. In contrast to young leaves, newly emergedcotyledons contained 20% of their DNA as ptDNA and, during cellexpansion, cell number per cotyledon doubled. On average, thecells became octoploid, and chloroplast numbers and plastomecopy numbers rose to 500 and 22 000 per cell respectively. Similarlevels of nuclear ploidy, chloroplast number and plastome copynumber were induced in the first leaf pair of spinach followingdecapitation. When senescence was induced in mature leaves byshading, no loss of nuclear or ptDNA occurred. Following theonset of leaf yellowing and a form of senescence induced bynitrogen deficiency in leaves which had not fully expanded,there was preferential loss of ptDNA which fell from 8200 to3700 plastome copies per cell over an 11 d period. Key words: Spinach, Chloroplast, DNA, Ploidy  相似文献   

在3种处理条件下对猴面包树Adansonia digitata种子进行播种育苗,观察记录种子萌发特性、苗高和地径,以及连续观察两年物候。结果表明:(1)70 ℃热水浸种发芽率和发芽势最高,分别为18.72%、6.20%。(2)苗高和地径增长呈“S”型,苗木生长分为缓慢期、速生期和停滞期;苗高和地径的速生期起点均为7月上旬,一直持续至9月上旬,在8月中旬出现苗高和地径速生点。1年生猴面包树苗高和地径可达81.9 cm和12.6 mm,苗木整齐度较好,苗木质量较高,苗木移栽成活率高达90%以上。(3)在云南元阳县干热河谷地区,2年内猴面包树苗期的物候无显著差异,生长发育正常,证明该地区是猴面包树理想的引种栽培区域之一。  相似文献   

Drought is considered one of the leading abiotic constraints to agricultural crop production globally. Present study was conducted to assess the effects of different drought treatments (viz. Control, 10% PEG, and 20% PEG) on seed germination, germination indices, seedling traits, and drought tolerance indices of sesame. Our results showed that maximum reduction in the studied parameters was observed at higher PEG concentration (i.e., 20% PEG). As compared to control, the drought treatments viz. 10% and 20% PEG decreased the values for germination indices, such as germination percentage, coefficient of variation of germination time, germination index, and seedling vigor index. Similarly, for seedling traits, the values were decreased for root length, shoot length, root shoot ratio, root fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, root dry weight and shoot dry weight under 10% and 20% PEG treatments significantly in comparison with control. Furthermore, relative to control, the values for drought tolerance indices, such as germination drought tolerance index, root length drought tolerance index, shoot length drought tolerance index, total seedling length drought tolerance index, root fresh weight drought tolerance index, shoot fresh weight drought tolerance index, total fresh weight drought tolerance index, root dry weight drought tolerance index, shoot dry weight drought tolerance index and total dry weight drought tolerance index were also reduced under 10% and 20% PEG treatments, respectively. Our results confirms that drought impact on seed germination and seedling traits could be quantified by using different indices which can further help to design drought adaptation and mitigation strategies. Based on these results it can be concluded that germination indices, seedling traits, and drought tolerance indices have great potential to simulate drought stress impacts on different crop traits thus they should be used in all kinds of stress related studies.  相似文献   

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