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R M Santos  E Rojas 《FEBS letters》1989,249(2):411-417
Acetylcholine (1-10 microM) depolarized the membrane and stimulated glucose-induced bursts of electrical activity in mouse pancreatic B-cells. The acetylcholine effects were mimicked by muscarine while nicotine had no effect on membrane potential. Pirenzepine, an antagonist of the classical M1-type muscarinic receptors, but not gallamine (1-100 microM), an antagonist of the classical M2-type receptors, antagonized the acetylcholine action on glucose-induced electrical activity (IC50 = 0.25 microM). Bethanechol, an agonist of the classical M2-type muscarinic receptors, was approximately 100 times less effective than acetylcholine in stimulating the electrical activity. In addition, acetylcholine (1 microM) induced a marked increase (25%) in input resistance to the B-cell membrane. The results indicate that acetylcholine exerted its effects on the B-cell membrane by inhibiting K+ conductance via activation of a muscarinic receptor subtype distinct from the classical M2-type receptor.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the dihydropyridine derivative BAY K 8644 on the membrane potential of B-cells in mouse pancreatic islets. BAY K 8644, in a dose-dependent manner, decreased the spike frequency but increased the duration of the spikes elicited by glucose with or without quinine or tetraethylammonium (TEA). These effects were antagonized by cobalt and nifedipine but not by tetrodotoxin. The interval between spikes was proportionate to the duration of the spikes and the ratio of the interval to the spike duration was constant at all concentrations of BAY K 8644 tested. Peak inward current, estimated from the derivative of the action potential recorded in the presence of TEA, was increased by BAY K 8644 and decreased by nifedipine. BAY K 8644 elicited spike activity when the membrane was moderately depolarized by either 5.6 mM glucose or 15 mM K+, but did not change the membrane potential of the resting hyperpolarized B-cell. These results suggest that BAY K 8644 acts on the open Ca2+-channels. The threshold occurs at a membrane potential of -50 mV. Also, the modifications of the shape of the spikes appear to reflect specific changes in Ca2+ entry. We propose the existence of a Ca2+-induced Ca2+-channel inactivation process in the pancreatic B-cell.  相似文献   

Insulin secretion in normal B-cells is pulsatile, a consequence of oscillations in the cell membrane potential (MP) and cytosolic calcium activity ([Ca(2+)](c)). We simultaneously monitored glucose-induced changes in [Ca(2+)](c) and in the mitochondrial membrane potential DeltaPsi, as a measure for ATP generation. Increasing the glucose concentration from 0.5 to 15 mM led to the well-known hyperpolarization of DeltaPsi and ATP-dependent lowering of [Ca(2+)](c). However, as soon as [Ca(2+)](c) rose due to the opening of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, DeltaPsi depolarized and thereafter oscillations in [Ca(2+)](c) were parallel to oscillations in DeltaPsi. A depolarization or oscillations of DeltaPsi cannot be evoked by a substimulatory glucose concentration, but Ca(2+) influx provoked by 30 mM KCl was followed by a depolarization of DeltaPsi. The following feedback loop is suggested: Glucose metabolism via mitochondrial ATP production and closure of K(+)(ATP) channels induces an increase in [Ca(2+)](c). The rise in [Ca(2+)](c) in turn decreases ATP synthesis by depolarizing DeltaPsi, thus transiently terminating Ca(2+) influx.  相似文献   

Isolated mouse islets were used to identify the muscarinic receptor subtype present in pancreatic B-cells. We thus compared the inhibitory potencies of atropine (non-specific), of pirenzepine (specific for M1 receptors) and of compound AF-DX 116 (specific for cardiac M2 receptors) on acetylcholine-induced insulin release, 86Rb+ efflux and 45Ca2+ efflux. The three antagonists inhibited all effects of acetylcholine, but EC50 values were markedly different: atropine = 1.5-5 nM, pirenzepine = 0.6-1.7 microM and AF-DX 116 = 1.7-11 microM. The results did not suggest that the various effects of ACh could result from the activation of different subtypes of receptors. It is concluded that muscarinic receptors of pancreatic B-cells belong to an M2 subtype distinct from the cardiac M2 receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Voltage-dependent calcium currents were studied in cultured adult mouse pancreatic B-cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. When calcium currents were elicited with 10-sec depolarizing command pulses, the time course of inactivation was well fit by the sum of two exponentials. The more rapidlyinactivating component had a time constant of 75±5 msec at 0 mV and displayed both calcium influx- and voltage-dependent inactivation, while the more slowly-inanctivating component had a time constant of 2750±280 msec at 0 mV and inactivated primarily via voltage. The fast component was subject to greater steady-state inactivation at holding potentials between –100 and –40 mV and activated at a lower voltage threshold. This component was also significantly reduced by nimodipine (0.5 m) when a holding potential of –100 mV was used, whereas the slow component was unaffected. In contrast, the slow component was greatly increased by replacing external calcium with barium, while the fast component was unchanged. Cadmium (1–10 m) displayed a voltage-dependent block of calcium currents consistent with a greater effect on the high-threshold, more-slowly inactivating component. Taken together, the data suggest that cultured mouse B-cells, as with other insulin-secreting cells we have studied, possess at least two distinct calcium currents. The physiological significance of two calcium currents having distinct kinetic and steady-state inactivation characteristics for B-cell burst firing and insulin secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of membrane capacitance were applied to dissect the cellular mechanisms underlying PKA-dependent and -independent stimulation of insulin secretion by cyclic AMP. Whereas the PKA-independent (Rp-cAMPS-insensitive) component correlated with a rapid increase in membrane capacitance of approximately 80 fF that plateaued within approximately 200 ms, the PKA-dependent component became prominent during depolarizations >450 ms. The PKA-dependent and -independent components of cAMP-stimulated exocytosis differed with regard to cAMP concentration dependence; the K(d) values were 6 and 29 micro M for the PKA-dependent and -independent mechanisms, respectively. The ability of cAMP to elicit exocytosis independently of PKA activation was mimicked by the selective cAMP-GEFII agonist 8CPT-2Me-cAMP. Moreover, treatment of B-cells with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides against cAMP-GEFII resulted in partial (50%) suppression of PKA-independent exocytosis. Surprisingly, B-cells in islets isolated from SUR1-deficient mice (SUR1(-/-) mice) lacked the PKA-independent component of exocytosis. Measurements of insulin release in response to GLP-1 stimulation in isolated islets from SUR1(-/-) mice confirmed the complete loss of the PKA-independent component. This was not attributable to a reduced capacity of GLP-1 to elevate intracellular cAMP but instead associated with the inability of cAMP to stimulate influx of Cl(-) into the granules, a step important for granule priming. We conclude that the role of SUR1 in the B cell extends beyond being a subunit of the plasma membrane K(ATP)-channel and that it also plays an unexpected but important role in the cAMP-dependent regulation of Ca(2+)-induced exocytosis.  相似文献   

Changes in the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in pancreatic B-cells play an important role in the regulation of insulin secretion. We have recorded [Ca2+]i transients evoked by single action potentials and voltage-clamp Ca2+ currents in isolated B-cells by the combination of dual wavelength emission spectrofluorimetry and the patch-clamp technique. A 500-1000 ms depolarization of the B-cell from -70 to -10 mV evoked a transient rise in [Ca2+]i from a resting value of approximately 100 nM to a peak concentration of 550 nM. Similar [Ca2+]i changes were associated with individual action potentials. The depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i transients were abolished by application of nifedipine, a blocker of L-type Ca2+ channels, indicating their dependence on influx of extracellular Ca2+. Following the voltage-clamp step, [Ca2+]i decayed with a time constant of approximately 2.5 s and summation of [Ca2+]i occurred whenever depolarizations were applied with an interval of less than 2 s. The importance of the Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange for B-cell [Ca2+]i maintenance was evidenced by the demonstration that basal [Ca2+]i rose to 200 nM and the magnitude of the depolarization-evoked [Ca2+]i transients was markedly increased after omission of extracellular Na+. However, the rate by which [Ca2+]i returned to basal was not affected, suggesting the existence of additional [Ca2+]i buffering processes.  相似文献   

The effects of a wide range of noradrenalin (NA) concentrations (10(-11)-10(-4) M) on the membrane potential and on the glucose-induced electrical activity were investigated with microelectrodes in microdissected mouse islets. In the presence of 11.1 mM glucose, the beta cells exhibited a repetitive activity. NA at more than 10(-7) M induced a rapid hyperpolarization followed by a silent depolarization, then by the appearance of a slowed pace of repetitive activity (dose-dependent effects). NA at less than 10(-7) M did not markedly affect the electrical activity; it only induced a dose-dependent increase in the degree of activity with no change of the potential levels. The glucose-dependence of these effects were then investigated. In the absence of glucose, 10(-8) and 10(-6) M NA did not affect the resting membrane potential. Non-stimulatory glucose concentrations (2.8-7.3 mM) progressively decreased the membrane potential. 10(-8) M NA did not affect it, while 10(-6) M NA induced a dose-dependent and long-lasting hyperpolarization. In the presence of stimulatory glucose concentrations (7.3-30 mM) the degree of activity increased, 10(-8) M NA induced a slight leftward shift and 10(-6) M NA a slight rightward shift of the dose-response curve.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ levels were monitored in single, acutely isolated mouse islets of Langerhans by dual emission Indo-1 fluorometry. High-frequency (3.1 min-1) [Ca2+]i oscillations with a brief rising time (1-2 s) and 10 s half-width ('fast' oscillations) were detected in 11 mM glucose. Raising the glucose concentration to 16.7 mM increased the duration of these oscillations, which were otherwise absent in 5.5 mM glucose. [Ca2+]i waves of lower frequency (0.5 min-1) and longer rising time ('slow' oscillations) were also recorded. The data indicate that "fast" oscillations are directly related to beta-cell bursting electrical activity, and suggest the existence of extensive networks of electrically coupled cells in the islet.  相似文献   

The effects of 9-aminoacridine and tetraethylammonium on insulin release and rubidium efflux from perifused rat islets were investigated and correlated with their effects on the electrical properties of mouse B cells studied with microelectrode techniques. 9-Aminoacridine (0.05--1 mmol/l) and tetraethylammonium (2--40 mmol/l) produced a dose-dependent, reversible potentiation of glucose-stimulated insulin release. This effect was rapid, affected both phases of secretion and was maximum in the presence of 6 mmol/l glucose, but no longer significant at 20 mmol/l glucose. It was unaltered by atropine or propanolol, and abolished by mannoheptulose or omission of extracellular calcium. 9-Aminoacridine, but not tetraethylammonium, also induced insulin release in the absence of glucose stimulation. Neither drug modified glucose metabolism in islet cells and only 9-aminoacridine increased 45Ca2+ uptake. In the presence of 0, 3 or 6 mmol/l glucose, but no longer at 20 mmol/l glucose, 9-aminoacridine and tetraethylammonium reduced the rate of 86Rb+ efflux from the islets. Both drugs also slightly reduced 86Rb+ uptake by islet cells. In the presence of 11 mmol/l glucose, 9-aminoacridine reduced the amplitude and the duration of the polarization phases between the bursts of electrical activity; concomitantly these periods of spike activity were markedly prolonged. At lower glucose concentrations (3 or 7 mmol/l), 9-aminoacridine progressively depolarized B cells and induced electrical activity in otherwise silent cells. Tetraethylammonium also suppressed the repolarization phases between the bursts of spikes in the presence of a stimulating concentration of glucose. At low glucose, tetraethylammonium produced only a limited and not maintained depolarization. These results show that a reduction of the potassium permeability in pancreatic B cells potentiates the insulin-releasing effect of glucose and may even stimulate secretion. They also suggest that the initial depolarizing effect of glucose is due to a reduction of the potassium permeability, whereas the repolarization at the end of each burst of electrical activity is mediated, at least in part, by an increase in the potassium permeability of B cells.  相似文献   

To facilitate detailed studies of the B-cytotoxic action of alloxan we developed a model using isolated pancreatic islets of normal mice. An essential feature of this model is the low temperature employed during exposure to alloxan, which minimizes the degradation of the drug. The islets were incubated with alloxan for 30min at 4 degrees C and subsequently various aspects of their metabolism were studied. The O(2) consumption was measured by the Cartesian-diver technique. Islets exposed to 2mm-alloxan and control islets had the same endogenous respiration, whereas the O(2) uptake of the alloxan-treated islets was inhibited and that of the control islets stimulated when they were incubated with 28mm-glucose as an exogenous substrate. The islet glucose oxidation was estimated by measurement of the formation of (14)CO(2) from [U-(14)C]glucose at 37 degrees C. Compared with the controls, alloxan-treated islets showed a decrease in the glucose-oxidation rate in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment of the islets with 28mm-glucose for 30min at 37 degrees C completely protected against this effect, whereas preincubations at glucose concentrations below 16.7mm failed to exert any protective effect. The glucose utilization was estimated as the formation of (3)H(2)O from [5-(3)H]glucose. Alloxan (2mm) failed to affect islet glucoseutilization rate in the presence of either 2.8 or 28mm-glucose. In contrast, islets exposed to 5 or 10mm-alloxan exhibited lowered glucose utilization. It is concluded that in vitro alloxan has an acute inhibitory effect on the islet glucose metabolism, and that this action can be prevented by previous exposure to a high glucose concentration. The results are consistent with the idea that the B-cytotoxicity of alloxan reflects an interaction with intracellular sites involved in the oxidative metabolism of the B-cell.  相似文献   

T R Chay 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(3):1673-1688
The extracellular calcium concentration has interesting effects on bursting of pancreatic beta-cells. The mechanism underlying the extracellular Ca2+ effect is not well understood. By incorporating a low-threshold transient inward current to the store-operated bursting model of Chay, this paper elucidates the role of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration in influencing electrical activity, intracellular Ca2+ concentration, and the luminal Ca2+ concentration in the intracellular Ca2+ store. The possibility that this inward current is a carbachol-sensitive and TTX-insensitive Na+ current discovered by others is discussed. In addition, this paper explains how these three variables respond when various pharmacological agents are applied to the store-operated model.  相似文献   

Membrane potential and membrane currents were recorded from single mouse pancreatic beta-cells using the perforated patch whole-cell recording technique at 30 degrees C. Single beta-cells maintained in primary tissue culture exhibited glucose-dependent electrical activity similar to that reported for freshly isolated intact islets. The resting input conductance (5.1 +/- 0.9 nS) was determined by ATP-regulated K+ (KATP) channels as it was blocked by 1 mM tolbutamide. 8 mM glucose decreased the input conductance by 80%. The input conductance at -70 mV was of a similar value during the plateau phase and during the silent phase of electrical activity in 8 mM glucose. This suggests that oscillations of KATP channel activity do not underlie the slow waves.  相似文献   

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