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Jun-ichi TAKAHASHI Shin'ichi AKIMOTO Jun NAKAMURA Eisuke HASEGAWA 《Entomological Science》2003,6(3):119-123
Mating frequency of Vespa analis queens and the genetic relatedness of their workers was analyzed by DNA microsatellite genotyping. Of 20 colonies studied, 18 had a queen inseminated by a single male and two had queens each inseminated by two males. The estimated effective number of matings was 1.05 ± 0.037 (mean ± SE), with 75–85% of the offspring of the two multiply mated queens sired by a single male. The pedigree relatedness between nestmate workers averaged over the 20 colonies was estimated to be 0.74 ± 0.008, almost identical to the predicted value of 0.75 for colonies headed by a singly mated queen. Multiple matrilines; that is, the presence of workers not related to the current queens, were detected in six colonies, suggesting that queen replacement occurred via usurpation of the founding queens in these six colonies. These results demonstrate that the kin structure of V. analis is similar to that reported in other vespid species. 相似文献
N. N. Brodeur M. V. Noël O. Venter L. Bernatchez S. Dayanandan J. W. A. Grant 《Journal of fish biology》2008,73(10):2361-2370
Ninety‐one young‐of‐the‐year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were captured using a non‐invasive snorkelling technique in a 38 m section of Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada, to test whether related fish settle closer to one another than unrelated fish. A maximum likelihood estimate of parentage relationships assessed by genotyping eight microsatellite loci revealed five half‐sibling families in the sample of fish. Related juvenile S. salar were not found closer to one another than unrelated fish in three analyses at two spatial scales: a comparison of the relatedness of focal fish to their nearest neighbour and to their four nearest neighbours, and a correlation of the pair‐wise relatedness and distance matrices for all fish in the sample. The lack of a kin‐biased dispersion pattern may be related to the lower density of fish or the scarcity of full‐siblings at the study site compared to laboratory conditions. 相似文献
OLIVIER J. HARDY MORGAN PEARCY SERGE ARON 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2008,93(3):465-473
In a population of the monogynous, polyandrous ant Cataglyphis cursor , we analysed the spatial genetic structure of queens, colony fathers and workers at a microgeographical scale to infer the extent of sex-biased dispersal and to assess the impact of limited dispersal on the patterns of relatedness within the colony. To this end, four microsatellite markers were scored for the queen and an average of 26 workers from each of 35 mapped colonies. We used pair-wise kinship coefficients between all pairs of genotypes, including the reconstructed colony father genotypes (1) to test and quantify isolation by distance patterns within each sex or caste through the analysis of kinship–distance curves, and (2) to compute the average relatedness between categories of colony members. The kinship–distance curve was much steeper for colony queens than colony fathers, indicating male-biased dispersal. However, colony fathers also displayed a non-random spatial genetic structure, so that even males show some dispersal limitation at the scale of the population, which extends over less than 250 m. The degree of relatedness between the different sexes and castes of colonies was well predicted from the number of mates per queen and the inbreeding of queens, and the impact of limited dispersal was very weak at this scale of observation. We discuss the interest of kinship–distance curves to assess sex-biased dispersal on a local scale and we compare our results with large-scale analyses of genetic structure in Cataglyphis cursor and other monogynous ant species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 465–473. 相似文献
Although largely solitary, humpback whales exhibit a number of behaviours where individuals co-operate with one another, for example during bubble net feeding. Such cases could be due to reciprocal altruism brought on by exceptional circumstances, for example the presence of abundant shoaling fish. An alternative explanation is that these behaviours have evolved through kin selection. With little restriction to either communication or movement, diffuse groups of relatives could maintain some form of social organization without the need to travel in tight-nit units. To try to distinguish between these hypotheses, we took advantage of the fact that migrating humpback whales often swim together in small groups. If kin selection is important in humpback whale biology, these groups should be enriched for relatives. Consequently, we analysed biopsy samples from 57 groups of humpback whales migrating off Eastern Australia in 1992. A total of 142 whales were screened for eight microsatellite markers. Mitochondrial DNA sequences (371 bp) were also used to verify and assist kinship identification. Our data add support to the notion that mothers travel with their offspring for the first year of the calf's life. However, beyond the presence of mother-calf/yearling pairs, no obvious relatedness pattern was found among whales sampled either in the same pod or on the same day. Levels of relatedness did not vary between migratory phases (towards or away from the breeding ground), nor between the two sexes considered either overall or in the north or south migrations separately. These findings suggest that, if any social organization does exist, it is formed transiently when needed rather than being a constant feature of the population, and hence is more likely based on reciprocal altruism than kin selection. 相似文献
J. Porta J.Maria Porta P. Cañavate † G. Martínez-Rodríguez ‡ M. Carmen Alvarez § 《Journal of fish biology》2007,71(SB):223-234
The flatfish Solea senegalensis represents an important resource in modern mariculture and is largely raised in South Spain and Portugal. Substantial progress has been achieved in its domestication, though suitable reproduction and zootechnical conditions still remain unknown. Difficulties to obtain breeders from wild lead many companies to set up broodstocks with first generation (G1) progeny without genetic guidelines. To study the genetic processes underlying the early stage of domestication of this species, the genetic structure of four representative broodstocks from Southern Spain has been assessed by means of eight microsatellite loci . Data revealed a substantial reduction in levels of genetic variability on just one generation in stocks totally or partially composed of G1 individuals when compared with those solely integrated by individuals from wild. The genetic relatedness within the four stocks has been established, having detected close relationships between individuals from cultured origin, thus suggesting that the loss of variability is apparently due to setting up broodstocks by blind selecting of family related G1 individuals. The high proportion of siblings in these stocks can have negative consequences in future generations due to inbreeding effects. The relationships between the four broodstocks were traced, having found a common origin between two of them, which come from the same donor hatchery, thus enhancing the homogenization of the existent resources for S. senegalensis among the various stocks. This finding alerts about the risks in exchanging fish between hatcheries without knowing their genetic origin. From this study, the use of microsatellites is strongly recommended to control the genetic composition of S. senegalensis broodstocks, aimed to maintain standards of genetic health and improve their reproduction capacity, which is a key issue in the domestication process. 相似文献
Group formation in humpback whales has been described in relation to different components of the migratory cycle, yet it is debated whether such groups represent real social bonding or ephemeral aggregations. Cooperative behaviours are exhibited during feeding activities, and it has been suggested that males may cooperate during competition for mates. Since most cooperative behaviours are expected to originate among kin, genetic relatedness represents a critical variable in the understanding of any social phenomenon, especially when cooperation cannot be confirmed unequivocally. Using an approach combining multi-locus microsatellite genotyping and several genetic relatedness estimators, we analyzed whale associations for two different wintering grounds in the Southern Hemisphere. The analyses included 648 whales sampled from 292 groups off the coast of Gabon and Northeast Madagascar, and screened for eleven microsatellite loci. Through simulations, we assessed the performance of three pairwise relatedness estimators. The individuals were molecularly sexed and their associations were investigated in the context of sex and group type. No significant association among relatives was found with the exception of mother-offspring pairs, supporting previous indications of extended maternal care. The analysis from the Gabon population also suggests that related males may avoid each other during competitive activities. Our results demonstrate that if cooperative behaviours occur on wintering grounds they are not favoured by kin selection. 相似文献
The cooperatively breeding bell miner, Manorina melanophrys, differs from most other cooperative breeding species in the complexity of its social system, where discrete social organization occurs on at least three levels. Microsatellite markers were used to investigate the degree of genetic structure underlying the social organization of M. melanophrys by comparing colonies, coteries and nest contingents. The genetic data confirmed behavioural observations of M. melanophrys living in male kin-based groups between which females disperse short distances to breed. Estimates of FST revealed restricted gene flow between eight colonies located within 30 km that was significantly associated with geographical distance when the two most distant colonies were included. Within a high density colony significant differences were found between coteries; analysis of the degree of relatedness between coterie members showed that this is due to related individuals associating preferentially with each other. Similarly, the contingent of individuals attending a nest were generally close relatives of the young they were aiding, supporting models invoking kin selection as the selective agency mediating helping. 相似文献
Summary. We used microsatellite markers to analyze the hierarchical genetic structure of the North American mound building ant, Formica podzolica. About one-third of all colonies were headed by a single queen (monogynous) whose effective mating frequency was close to one (nestmate worker relatedness r = 0.70), while the remaining colonies were polygynous, with low average nestmate relatedness (r = 0.16). The low worker relatedness found in most polygynous colonies furthermore suggested that the numbers of queens in polygynous colonies of this ant are usually high. Contrary to what has been described from other ants with a queen number dichotomy, we did not find an effect of social form variation on the partitioning of genetic variation above the level of the colony. We found no significant differentiation between the sympatric social forms of F. podzolica, nor did differentiation among populations appear to be affected by colony social organization. These unexpected patterns of genetic structure may have resulted from differences either in the spatial distribution of the social forms or in their social flexibility.Received 12 January 2004; revised 23 February 2004; accepted 10 March 2004. 相似文献
Demontis D Larsen PF Baekgaard H Sønderup M Hansen BK Nielsen VH Loeschcke V Zalewski A Zalewska H Pertoldi C 《Animal genetics》2011,42(4):437-439
Inbreeding is an increasing problem in farmed mink, because of limited exchange of individuals between farms. In this study, genetic relatedness within seven American mink (Neovison vison) colour strains originating from 13 different mink farms in Denmark was analysed using 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We detected large differences in the level of relatedness (range 0.017-0.520) within colour strains. Moreover, a very strong and highly significant negative correlation between the level of relatedness and fecundity was observed (r = 0.536, P < 0.001) [Correction added after online publication on 9 March 2011: r(2) has been changed to r]. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such a correlation has been demonstrated for commercially farmed mink. 相似文献
The genetic structure of a population provides critical insights into patterns of kinship and dispersal. Although genetic evidence of kin structure has been obtained for multiple species of social vertebrates, this aspect of population biology has received considerably less attention among solitary taxa in which spatial and social relationships are unlikely to be influenced by kin selection. Nevertheless, significant kin structure may occur in solitary species, particularly if ecological or life history traits limit individual vagility. To explore relationships between genetic structure, kinship, and dispersal in a solitary vertebrate, we compared patterns of genetic variation in two demographically distinct populations of the talar tuco-tuco (Ctenomys talarum), a solitary species of subterranean rodent from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Based on previous field studies of C. talarum at Mar de Cobo (MC) and Necochea (NC), we predicted that natal dispersal in these populations is male biased, with dispersal distances for males and females being greater at NC. Analyses of 12 microsatellite loci revealed that in both populations, kin structure was more apparent among females than among males. Between populations, kinship and genetic substructure were more pronounced at MC. Thus, our findings were consistent with predicted patterns of dispersal for these animals. Collectively, these results indicate that populations of this solitary species are characterized by significant kin structure, suggesting that, even in the absence of sociality and kin selection, the spatial distributions and movements of individuals may significantly impact patterns of genetic diversity among conspecifics. 相似文献
Qian ZQ Schlüns H Schlick-Steiner BC Steiner FM Robson SK Schlüns EA Crozier RH 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(17):3681-3691
The number of queens per colony and the number of matings per queen are the most important determinants of the genetic structure of ant colonies, and understanding their interrelationship is essential to the study of social evolution. The polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis argues that polygyny and polyandry should be negatively associated because both can result in increased intracolonial genetic variability and have costs. However, evidence for this long-debated hypothesis has been lacking at the intraspecific level. Here, we investigated the colony genetic structure in the Australian bulldog ant Myrmecia brevinoda. The numbers of queens per colony varied from 1 to 6. Nestmate queens within polygynous colonies were on average related (r(qq) = 0.171 ± 0.019), but the overall relatedness between queens and their mates was indistinguishable from zero (r(qm) = 0.037 ± 0.030). Queens were inferred to mate with 1-10 males. A lack of genetic isolation by distance among nests indicated the prevalence of independent colony foundation. In accordance with the polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis, the number of queens per colony was significantly negatively associated with the estimated number of matings (Spearman rank correlation R = -0.490, P = 0.028). This study thus provides the rare intraspecific evidence for the polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis. We suggest that the high costs of multiple matings and the strong effect of multiple mating on intracolonial genetic diversity may be essential to the negative association between polygyny and polyandry and that any attempt to empirically test this hypothesis should place emphasis upon these two key underlying aspects. 相似文献
Genetic similarity, extrapair paternity, and offspring quality in Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Freeman-Gallant Corey R.; Wheelwright Nathaniel T.; Meiklejohn Katherine E.; Sollecito Suzanne V. 《Behavioral ecology》2006,17(6):952-958
The occurrence of extrapair paternity (EPP) in birds is oftenattributed to the action of good-genes sexual selection wherebyfemales trade up on male genetic quality by allocating fertilizationsto males with better genes than those possessed by their socialmate. To date, most studies of EPP in birds focus on absolutemeasures of male quality as a criterion for female choice, althoughmultiple mating by females in other taxa is more commonly ascribedto benefits associated with the individual optimization of offspringgenotypes. Here, we examine whether the genetic similarity ofsocial mates predicts female mating patterns in a populationof Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) where as manyas 70% of adults produce extrapair young (EPY). We considerthe influence of genetic similarity across all stages of a female'sdecision-making process, from pair formation through the decisionto produce EPY, to the allocation of fertilizations to specificextrapair sires. In a 4-year study of 175 males, 206 females,and 506 offspring, females were more likely to produce EPY whenpaired to genetically similar males, but they did not appearto be influenced by the size, age, mass, individual heterozygosity,and genetic diversity of their social mates. In paired comparisons,females were almost twice as likely to decrease their geneticsimilarity to males when producing EPY as they were to increaseit. Nonetheless, females did not select especially dissimilarmales when mating outside the pair-bond nor did they pair disassortativelywith respect to genetic similarity. Relative measures of malequality may influence mating patterns in birds, but only atsome points in a female's decision-making process. 相似文献
Summary Direct observations have suggested that the closely related wood ants Formica polyctena and F. rufa represent different social organizations, with high queen number in F. polyctena and a high frequency of monogynous nests in F. rufa. We examined social organization and genetic population structure in a setup where populations of the two species are sympatric and gene flow between the species is possible. Our aim was to compare social organization in the species, and study evolutionary relationships between them. The observed relatedness among colony workers suggested that the difference in the level of polygyny is quantitative rather than qualitative, with a higher queen number in F. polyctena. The observed difference in polygyny was not accompanied by a difference in spatial genetic differentiation which was weak in both species. The genetic distance between the species is consistent with limited interspecific gene flow. Identification of a few possible F. rufa migrants in F. polyctena populations suggests potential interspecific gene flow. Thus, reproductive isolation of the species may not be complete when they are sympatric.Received 14 March 2003; revised 10 October 2003; accepted 20 October 2003. 相似文献
Birgitt Schnfisch Jürgen Tomiuk Lutz Bachmann Carsten M. Pusch 《Molecular ecology resources》2001,1(3):213-214
Biologists are frequently facing the problem of dealing with data sets with a small amount of data and a high proportion of missing information. We were particularly interested in analysing fragmentary data sets generated by the application of molecular methods in palaeoanthropology in order to determine whether individuals are genetically related. In this note, we announce the release of the software burial (version 1.0) to test the null hypothesis that the observed grouping of individuals at a particular burial site reflects random placement of genotypes. The proposed test, however, can also be applied to data sets whose objects can be grouped according to nongenetic criteria such as the style of clothing, the kind of burial gifts or cultural artefacts. The C + + source code and binary executables for Windows and Linux are available for download at: http://www.uni‐tuebingen.de/uni/bcm/BURIAL/index.html . 相似文献
Dispersal is a life-history trait that plays a fundamental role in population dynamics, influencing evolution, species distribution, and the genetics and structure of populations. In spite of the fact that dispersal has been hypothesized to be an efficient behavioural mechanism to avoid inbreeding, the expected relationship between dispersal and mate relatedness still remains controversial. Here, we examine the genetic consequences of natal dispersal, namely the higher chance of obtaining genetically less similar mates as a result of moving from natal to breeding sites, in a lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) population. Relatedness between individuals tended to decrease with distance between their breeding colonies, indicating that the study population follows an 'isolation-by-distance' pattern of spatial genetic structure. Such a fine-scale genetic structure generates a scenario in which individuals can potentially increase the chance of obtaining genetically less similar mates by dispersing over larger distances from their natal colony. Using dispersal information and genotypic data, we showed that mate relatedness decreased with natal dispersal distance, an effect that remained significant both while including and excluding philopatric individuals from the data set. These results, together with the well known detrimental consequences of reduced genetic diversity in the study population, suggest that dispersal may have evolved, at least in part, to avoid the negative fitness consequences of mating with genetically similar individuals. 相似文献
João D. Santos Christoph F. J. Meyer Carlos Ibáñez Ana G. Popa‐Lisseanu Javier Juste 《Ecology and evolution》2016,6(22):8193-8204
For elusive mammals like bats, colonization of new areas and colony formation are poorly understood, as is their relationship with the genetic structure of populations. Understanding dispersal and group formation behaviors is critical not only for a better comprehension of mammalian social dynamics, but also for guiding conservation efforts of rare and endangered species. Using nuclear and mitochondrial markers, we studied patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among and within breeding colonies of giant noctule bats (Nyctalus lasiopterus), their relation to a new colony still in formation, and the impact of this ongoing process on the regionwide genetic makeup. Nuclear differentiation among colonies was relatively low and mostly nonsignificant. Mitochondrial variation followed this pattern, contrasting with findings for other temperate bat species. Our results suggest that this may indicate a recent population expansion. On average, female giant noctules were not more closely related to other colony members than to foreign individuals. This was also true for members of the newly forming colony and those of another, older group sampled shortly after its formation, suggesting that contrary to findings for other temperate bats, giant noctule colonies are not founded by relatives. However, mother–daughter pairs were found in the same populations more often than expected under random dispersal. Given this indication of philopatry, the lack of mitochondrial differentiation among most colonies in the region is probably due to the combination of a recent population expansion and group formation events. 相似文献
We analysed variation at 14 nuclear microsatellite loci to assess the genetic structure, relatedness, and paternity of polygynous Jamaican fruit-eating bats. A total of 84 adults captured in two caves exhibited little genetic differentiation between caves (FST = 0.008). Average relatedness among adult females in 10 harem groups was very low (R = 0.014 +/- 0.011), providing no evidence of harem structure. Dominant and subordinate males shared paternity in large groups, while dominant and satellite males shared paternity in smaller groups. However, our results suggest that male rank influences paternity. Dominant males fathered 69% of 40 offspring, followed by satellite (22%) and subordinate males (9%). Overall adult male bats are not closely related, however, in large harem groups we found that subordinate and dominant males exhibited relatedness values consistent with a father-offspring relationship. Because dominant and subordinate males also sired all the pups in large groups, we propose that their association provides inclusive fitness to them. 相似文献
Are indirect genetic benefits associated with polyandry? Testing predictions in a natural population of lemon sharks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Multiple mating has clear fitness benefits for males, but uncertain benefits and costs for females. We tested for indirect genetic benefits of polyandry in a natural population, by using data from a long-term genetic and demographic study of lemon sharks ( Negaprion brevirostris ) at Bimini, Bahamas. To do so, we followed the fates of individuals from six cohorts (450 age-0 and 254 age-1 fish) in relation to their individual level of genetic variation, and whether they were from polyandrous or monoandrous litters. We find that offspring from polyandrous litters did not have a greater genetic diversity or greater survival than did the offspring of monoandrous litters. We also find no evidence of positive associations between individual offspring genetic diversity metrics and our surrogate measure of fitness (i.e. survival). In fact, age-1 individuals with fewer heterozygous microsatellite loci and more genetically similar parents were more likely to survive to age-2. Thus, polyandry in female lemon sharks does not appear to be adaptive from the perspective of indirect genetic benefits to offspring. It may instead be the result of convenience polyandry, whereby females mate multiply to avoid harassment by males. Our inability to find indirect genetic benefits of polyandry despite detailed pedigree and survival information suggests the need for similar assessments in other natural populations. 相似文献